Cp101 - Cathodic Protection
Cp101 - Cathodic Protection
Cp101 - Cathodic Protection
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Introduction to Principles of Cathodic Protection
The first use of cathodic protection was in 1824, when Sir Humphry Davy, attached chunks of iron, below the
water line, to the external hull of a copper clad ship. Iron has a stronger tendency to corrode (rust) than copper
and when connected to the hull, the corrosion rate of the copper was dramatically reduced. This is the concept of
cathodic protection and is the prevention of corrosion by making a metal, which would normally behave like an
anode and corrode, behave like a cathode and be free from corrosive attack.
Metal that has been extracted from its primary ore has a natural tendency to revert back to its natural state when
surrounded, for example, by soil of low resistivity. This action is called corrosion and the most common example
is the rusting of steel.
Understanding the principles of cathodic protection systems is based upon understanding the nature of the
corrosion process. The corrosion of metals is an electrochemical process which results in the deterioration of a
material through reaction with its environment. Chemical reactions occur at the surface of an anodic site and
reduction reactions occurs at the surface of a cathodic site accompanied by the migration (flow) of electrons.
Corrosion control systems which relocate the oxidation reactions, by making the protected structure a cathode in
a larger corrosion cell, is called a "cathodic protection system". The cathodic protection anodes are installed to
become the anode in this larger corrosion cell and provide the location for all oxidation reactions in the cell. The
electrochemical process consists of four distinct parts: anode, cathode, electrolyte, and metallic path. These four
parts constitute what is called the "corrosion cell" and form an electrical circuit. Electrochemical corrision occurs
only when all four parts of the corrosion cell are present. To understand the operation of a cathodic protection
system, it is necessary to understand these four parts of the electrochemical corrosion cell.
1. Anode: This is the location where corrosion occurs. The anode is the point in a corrosion cell where
electricity (electrons) is passed by chemical means from the surface of the metal to the electrolyte. This
chemical reaction is an oxidation reaction, which is characterized by the metal loosing electrons and
combining with another element, usually oxygen. Negatively charged anions are formed and, in the case of
steel, the resulting material is iron oxide (rust).
2. Cathode: The second part of the corrosion cell is the cathode. This is the location where protection occurs.
The cathode is the site in a corrosion cell where electricity is passed by chemical means from the
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electrolyte to the surface of the metal. The chemical reaction at the cathode is a reduction reaction
(electrons are added) and hydrogen gas is given off to the electrolyte, but no metal loss occurs.
3. Electrolyte: The third part of the corrosion cell is the electrolyte. The electrolyte is the location where ions
flow and is any material in contact with both the anode and the cathode that will allow ions to migrate
4. Metallic path: The fourth part of the corrosion cell is the metallic path. The metallic path completes the
circuit and allows the electrons to flow and is any metal that contacts both the anode and the cathode and
allows electrons to flow. This electron flow must be present for the electrochemical corrosion to occur. In
the case of a tank or pipeline, this can be the tank or pipe itself, or any conductor that allows electrons to
flow from the anode to the cathode.
Note: In an electrochemical cell negatively charged ions (anions) flow from anode to cathode, resulting in
material loss, and electrons flow to the cathode via an externally connected metallic wire. An electrode becomes
either an anode or a cathode in an electrochemical cell depending upon its electrical potential compared to the
other electrode. This electrical potential difference is the EMF (electromotive force) of the cell and is the voltage
difference between the anode and the cathode that drives current flow. The electrode which is more electrically
active, or more negative in voltage, undergoes the corrosion, so by definition is the anode. The electrode that is
less negative in potential passes electrons to the electrolyte and by definition is the cathode and does not undergo
corrosion (oxidation reactions). As previously stated there are four distinct parts to the electrochemical corrosion
cell, all four parts must be present for a complete circuit to exist and for corrosion current to flow.
NOTE: The flow of electrons is always from anode-to-cathode outside of the corrosion cell, and from cathode-
to-anode inside the cell. Inside a chemical cell, ions migrate (flow) into the electrolyte towards the cathode and
are carrying the electrons but the flow of electrons is still from cathode-to-anode inside the cell
The following is an example of electrochemical action: A small section of pipeline may be anodic because it is in
soil with low resistivity compared to the rest of the line (thus allowing current to flow more easily). Current
would leave the pipeline at the anode site, pass through the soil, and reenter the pipeline at the cathode site.
Current flows because of the potential difference between the anode and cathode. That is, the anode potential is
more negative than the cathode, and this difference is the driving force for the corrosion current. This forms the
basis of an electrochemical cell. If sufficient electrical current is introduced from an outside source to make a
structure (pipeline) all cathodic the electrical potential will be zero and corrosion will be mitigated.
Corrosion Of Pipeline
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1. Galvanic System: A galvanic cathodic protection system makes use of the corrosive potentials for different
metals. Without cathodic protection, one area of the structure (pipeline) exists at a more negative potential
than another, and corrosion results. If, however, a metal which has the potential to be much more negative,
such as magnesium is placed adjacent to the structure, and an insulated wire is installed between the
magnesium and the structure the magnesium will become the anode and the entire structure will become
the cathode. The magnesium anode will corrode sacrificially and thus protect the structure from corroding.
This type of cathodic protection system is called a sacrificial anode cathodic protection system because the
anode corrodes sacrifically to protect the structure. Galvanic anodes are usually made of either magnesium
or zinc because these metals are of higher potential compared to steel and will thus more easily corrode.
Galvanic systems have limited life spans because the sacrificial anode will continue to degrade to the point
where there will be insufficient anodic material left to give sufficient protection.
2. Impressed Current Systems: Impressed current cathodic protection systems use the same elements as the
galvanic protection system. The anode and the structure are connected by an insulated wire, as for the
galvanic system. Current flows from the anode through the electrolyte (soil) onto the structure, just as in
the galvanic system. The main difference between galvanic and impressed current systems is that the
galvanic system relies on the difference in potential between the anode and the structure, whereas the
impressed current systems use an external power source to drive the current. The external power source is
usually a rectifier that converts its input AC (alternating current) power to DC (direct current) power
required for the system. Rectifier output can be adjusted by changing transformer taps to increase or
decrease its output. Impressed current cathodic protection system anodes typically are made from high-
silicon cast iron or graphite and are non-sacrificial or inert and will not pass current unless they are
supplied with an external power source as described. There life span is significantly longer than galvanic
system anodes.
Structures that are commonly protected by cathodic protection are exterior surfaces of:
Fuel distribution systems
Storage tank bases
Potable water distribution systems
Natural gas distribution systems
Compressed air distribution systems
Fire mains
Steel sheet, tubular and foundation pilings
Large diameter pipelines - It is not usually practical, or suitable, for the protection of small-bore pipework
since an internal anode will seldom spread the protection for a distance of more than two to five pipe
Ship's tanks (product and ballast)
Storage tanks (oil and water)
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Water-circulating systems.
Sacrificial anodes
Direct welding to the structure or a conductor connecting the anode to the structure
Secure and minimum resistance connections between conductor and structure, and between conductor and
Inert anodes (clusters of which, connected together often in a backfill, are called the "groundbed").
A DC power source.
Electrically well insulated, minimum resistance and secure conductors between anodes and power source.
Secure and minimum resistance connections between power source and structure.
In both cases, fundamental design decisions must be made to select the type of system and the most suitable type
of anode appropriate to that system. Also required, is the determination of the size and number of the power
sources, or sacrificial anodes, and their distribution on the structure.
Other requirements that must be met to ensure that cathodic protection is applied in the most economic and
reliable manner are:
Electrical continuity. The resistance of the conductor and structure should be such as to minimize the
potential drop of the return protective currents through the structure.
Coatings. The provision of a protective/insulating coating to the structure will greatly reduce the current
demanded for cathodic protection of the metallic surface. The use of a well-applied and suitable coating,
increases the effective spread of cathodic protection current. A combination of applying both a coating and
cathodic protection will normally result in the most practical and economic overall protection system.
Ideal coatings are those that have a high electrical resistance, are continuous and will adhere strongly to
the surface to be protected. Other desirable coating characteristics include; stability in the environment,
abrasion resistance, and compatibility with the alkaline environment created or enhanced by cathodic
Structure isolation. It is often desirable to limit the spread (current drain) of cathodic protection. For
pipelines and tanks, this may be achieved by the insertion of monolithic electrical isolation joints in the
structure. Insulating flange kits are sometimes used and will require regular maintenance.
Test facilities. It is important to consider the location of test facilities, test stations, corrosion monitoring
coupons, permanent half cells (reference electrodes), and the manner that data can be routinely collected
or viewed.
Power requirements
In practice, the structure-to-electrolyte potentials are measured using a standard half-cell (reference electrode).
For example, a common protection criterion (voltage required) used for steel in soil of nearly neutral pH is a
negative value of -850 mV. The potential (voltage driving the current) required on a cathodically protected
structure will be dependent on the anodic and cathodic reactions, structural geometry, and internal electrical
resistance. However, the provision of a protective coating will have by far the greatest effect on the potential for
a given applied current. The potentials will generally be most negative at a point nearest to the anode or
groundbed and, for pipelines, will attenuate (lessen) towards the natural corrosion potential as the distance from
the anode or groundbed increases. An example of potential attenuation is that, in the case of a power-impressed
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system, a single cathodic-protection installation may supply cathodic protection to as much as 150 km of
extremely well coated pipeline, whereas for similar sizes of bare (uncoated) pipelines it may be necessary to
have installations at only 2 km intervals.
At the design stage of a cathodic-protection scheme, a decision must be made as to whether the scheme will be a
galvanic or impressed-current system. In specific circumstances, the use of both types of systems may be
appropriate, but care is required to avoid interaction between them. Galvanic systems have the advantage of
simple to install
independent of a source of external electric power
suitable for localized protection
less liable to cause interaction on neighboring structures.
However, the current output available from the practical size and weight of galvanic anodes is relatively small
and depends principally on the electrical resistivity of the electrolyte.
Generally, however, care must be taken in the design to minimize interaction on other structures and, if no AC
supply is available, an alternative power source (solar, diesel, etc.) is required. Impressed current systems require
regular maintenance and monitoring. Generally, galvanic systems have found favor for small wellcoated, low
current demand, structures or for localized protection. Impressed current schemes are utilized for large complex
structures, which may be of bare metal or poorly coated.
Safety Considerations
There are certain limitations to the use of cathodic protection. Excessive negative potentials can cause
accelerated corrosion of lead and aluminum structures because of the alkaline environments created at the
cathode because of the hydrogen gas released. These alkaline conditions may also be detrimental to certain
coating systems, and may cause loss of adhesion of the coating. Hydrogen evolution at the cathode surface
may, on high-strength steels, result in hydrogen embrittlement of the steel, with subsequent loss of
strength. On some high strength steels, this may lead to catastrophic failures. It may also cause
disbondment of coatings; the coating would then act as an insulating shield to the cathodic-protection
Stray current is simply electrical current travelling in places that it is not intended to be. Some of the most
common sources of stray currents emanate from cathodic protection systems. Stray current is especially
problematic because the presence of an electric current is unexpected and easily overlooked. Two common
sources of stray current activity are especially common to sites where chemicals are stored and
transported. Where chemicals are stored in metal tanks (especially underground) or where they are
transported through pipelines, cathodic protection systems are often encountered. Where cathodic
protection systems are in place, the location of the power source, underground cables and other
components of the cathodic protection system, prior to the onset of work activities or excavation in the
area, must be known. It is especially important to note that turning off the power to an impressed current
cathodic proetection system will not eliminate the potential for ignition. In the impressed current systems
the currents will persist for some time following deenergization of the system due to the polarization
effects on the buried metal structures and piping. For example, when working on a natural gas pipeline,
where a flange is to be taken apart both sides of the flange need to be bonded by a cable so that electrical
continuity can be maintained. This will prevent a condition where a spark could jump across the gap
between the separated flanges and ignite any gas present.
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Last modified: Monday, 13 July 2009, 10:37 AM