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4 novembre



NB: The present part is designed for practice

a. The Letter Writing

1 Introduction
Every educated person should know how to write a clear and readable letter.
Letters are messages, and certain letter-forms have been established by experience and custom as the most
useful forms learned and used by every letter-writer, for neglect of them is a sign of ignorance and
There are several different kinds of letters (such as friendly letters, business letters, etc.) each of which has
its own particular form; but there are certain matters of form that apply to all, and these may be explained

a. Parts
In all kinds of letters there are six points of form to be attended to, namely:

The Heading consisting of (a) the writer‟s address and (b) the date
The courteous Greeting or Salutation
The Communication or Message- the body of the letter
The Subscription, or courteous Leave-taking, or Conclusion
The Signature
The Superscription on the envelope

1. The HEADING: This informs the reader where you wrote the letter, and when. The where (which should
be the writer‟s full postal address) gives the address to which the reader may apply; and the when is for
reference, as it gives him the date on which you wrote.

The position of the heading is the top right-hand corner of the first page- the address above and the date just
below it. The heading and the date may alternatively go on the left.
e.g. Bukavu-DRC
307 av. P. E. Lumumba
10 October, 2012
The date may be written in any of the following ways:
4 June, 2017 4- 6- 2017 To a British person this means the fourth
4th June, 2017 4. 6. 2017 of June; to an American person it means the sixth
June 4, 2017 4/ 6/ 2017 of April (Americans put the month before the day)

2. SALUTATION or Greeting: the form of Greeting will depend upon the relationship in which you stand
to the person to whom you are writing.
- To members of your family for example it will be:

1 Designed by CT BAKE Muhigwa Julien for BAC+1 Economics &Management part 3

[email protected] [email protected]
4 novembre

Dear Father, My dear Mother, Dear Uncle, Dear Antonio, etc.

To friends, it will be:

Dear Henry or Dear Michael, Dear Samuel Bahati, etc.

To business people, it will be:

Dear Sir, Dear Sirs, etc.
Note: the use of the term Dear is purely formal, and is a simple polite expression, not necessary implying any
special affection.
The position of the salutation is at the right-hand of the first page, at a lower level than the Heading.

1. COMMUNICATION or Body of the letter:

This is, of course, the letter itself, and the style in which it will be written will depend upon the kind of letter
you wish to write. The style of a letter to an intimate friend will be very different from that of a purely
business letter or an official communication. But a few hints that apply to all letters are given bellow:

- Divide your letter unless it is very short into paragraphs, to mark changes of subject-matter, etc.
- Use simple and direct language and short sentences. Do not try to be eloquent, and drag in long words, just
because they are long words, be clear about what you want to say and say it as directly as possible.
- Try to be complete. It is a sign of slovenly thinking when you have to add postscripts at the end of a letter.
Think out what you want to say before you begin to write; and put down your points in some logical order.
- Write neatly. Remember that your correspondent has to read what you write, and do not give him
unnecessary trouble with bad penmanship and slovenly writing.
- Mind your punctuation, and put in commas and semicolons and full stops in their proper places. Incorrect
punctuation may alter the whole meaning of a sentence.
4. The SUBSCRIPTION or courteous Leave-taking: A letter must not end abruptly, simply with the
writer‟s name. This would look rude. So certain forms of polite leave-taking are prescribed. Such as:
Yours sincerely, Your sincere friend, Yours faithfully etc.
The subscription or leave-taking phrase must be written below the last words of the letter, and to the right
side of the page. This is the traditional method. Note that today there is a growing tendency to place the
subscription on the left side. Also note that the first word of the subscription must begin with a capital letter.
e. g. Sincerely yours,

5. The SIGNATURE or name of the writer: This must come below the subscription. Thus:
Yours sincerely,
K. R. Nicolas
(Mrs) J.L. Delphine

2 Designed by CT BAKE Muhigwa Julien for BAC+1 Economics &Management part 3

[email protected] [email protected]
4 novembre

The address on the envelope (or postcard): The address on the envelope or postcard should be
written clearly, like this:

Below is an Example of a letter layout and parts Postcard

CELCOS / Bukavu . stamp
2… A v. SAIO

..................... heading

To: .................
..................... inside address






................................ signature (with name and title)

CCT: (Carbon Copy To)

.............................. (persons to whom an identical will be sent)
........................ (anything you wish to attach to the letter)

3 Designed by CT BAKE Muhigwa Julien for BAC+1 Economics &Management part 3

[email protected] [email protected]
4 novembre

Structure of the letter

Paragraph 1: It should state clearly why you are writing and where you saw the job advertised.
1. I would like to apply for the post of ... as advertised in today‟s issue of…
2. With reference to your advertisement in ... on ..., I am writing to apply for the position of………

Paragraph 2: It should give a little information about your qualifications and experience. Make sure the
information you give is relevant to the job that you are applying for.
e.g.1. As you can see from my enclosed CV, I have worked in my present position for five years.

During this time I have gained invaluable experience in…

2. I am currently a student at UEA/Bukavu studying ……… I am due to graduate in..........
Although I have been studying full time, I have had a number of summer jobs which have helped me to gain
experience in……………
3. My experience over the past two years has been at the managerial level, where I have had responsibility
Paragraph 3: It should say why you believe you are suited to the job and what you can offer the company.
Those currently employed can state the reason for wishing to change their present job. However, you should
not sound critical of your present employer.
E.g. 1. I am currently working as a receptionist in ...The reason for my seeking a new position is that I wish
to pursue a secretarial career. Unfortunately, there are no openings for advancement in my present
2. For the last two years I have been working as a receptionist in ...Unfortunately the company is moving its
main offices overseas and I have therefore decided to look for a new position. I believe that the experience I
have gained in ... has given me the qualities you are looking for ...
3. I believe I would be an asset to your company. I will be able to bring with me my experience of ... which I
believe would be useful in this position…
4. I feel that my ability to ... will help/enable me to……
Paragraph 4: It should tell the reader when you are available for an interview and how to contact you.
E.g. 1. I would like to have the opportunity to talk to you further about my application. I am available for
interview at any time and I can be contacted at/on………..
2. I am available for an interview at any time but would appreciate two days notice. I can be contacted
on/at……… I look forward to hearing from/meeting you soon.
3. As requested in the advertisement, I enclose a copy of my resume together with a recent photograph.
I look forward to meeting with you to discuss my application further. I am available ... and can be contacted

4 Designed by CT BAKE Muhigwa Julien for BAC+1 Economics &Management part 3

[email protected] [email protected]
4 novembre

Classification of letters

Letters may be classified according to their different purposes. Thus:

Social Letters, including Friendly Letters and Notes of Invitations.

Business Letters, including Letters of Application, Official, Administrative letters (government officers ) and
Letters to Newspapers. These have different characteristics which must be considered.

Social Letters
1. Friendly Letters:
Letters to relatives or relations and intimate friends should be written in an easy, conversational style. They
are really of the nature of friendly or between friends.
Forms of address: In friendly letters to relatives and intimate friends, the proper form of address is the name
(without title) of the person to whom you are writing, prefixed by such qualifying terms as Dear, My Dear,
Dearest, etc. For example:
Dear Father or Mother, Dear Brother, Dearest Sister, Dear Edward, My dear Abdul, etc.
But if you are writing to an ordinary friend who is much older than you are, or of superior rank, it is
respectful to use a prefix like Mr, Mrs, etc. e.g. Dear Mr Norbert Katintima.
The forms of subscription are varied. The following can be used in letters to relatives and near friends: Yours
affectionately, Your affectionate (or loving) son, or brother or friend, Yours very sincerely (to friends); or
you can use some such form as this:
With love and best wishes‟
From your affectionate friend,
Derogates Olimba
In concluding letters to friends or acquaintances whom you address as Mr or Mrs you should use the word
sincerely or very sincerely, in the subscription; and this may be preceded by With kind (or very kind/kindest)
regards. Thus:
With kind regards,
Yours sincerely‟

5 Designed by CT BAKE Muhigwa Julien for BAC+1 Economics &Management part 3

[email protected] [email protected]
4 novembre

N. B. – Sincerely should not be used in letters beginning with the formal Dear Sir, after which the proper
word of subscription is faithfully or truly. 5 Hippique AV
Bukavu /South- Kivu
EXAMPLE: Senior lecturer at UEA
18 av. P. E. LumumComm.. Ibanda [email protected]
24 Sept. 2001 24th October. 2024
My dear Uncle,

I have just remembered that it is your birthday on Saturday and so I must send you a birthday letter at once. And I begin with old greeting, Many
happy returns of the day! I hope the day itself will be peaceful and happy for you and that you will be spared in happiness and health to us all for
My dear Uncle,
years yet. You have always been a kind and generous uncle to me, and I take this opportunity of thanking you from the bottom of my heart for all
you have done for me. And I know all your nieces and other nephews feel the same.

I was so glad to hear from father that you are still hale and hearty, and can take your four-mile walk every day, and still play a good set of tennis.
I have just remembered that it is your birthday on Saturday and so I must send you a
I am getting on well in my business and hope to enlarge it considerably before the end of the year.

birthday letter at once. And I begin with old greeting, Many happy returns of the
With love and best wishes,

day! I hope the day itself will be peaceful and happy for you and that you will be
Your loving nephew

spared in happiness and health to us all for years yet. You have always been a kind
and generous uncle to me, and I take this opportunity of thanking you from the
bottom of my heart for all you have done for me. And I know all your nieces and
other nephews feel the same.

I was so glad to hear from father that you are still hale and hearty, and can take your
four-mile walk every day.

Business Letters

Business letters should be terse, clear and to the point. Businessmen are busy men,
and have no time to read long, rambling and confused letters.

Business letters are naturally much more formal in style than friendly letters. Certain forms of polite
expression are used, such as:

“I shall be much obliged if you will send me,”

“Please dispatch at your earliest convenience,” etc.

At the same time certain phrases of business “jargon” should be avoided. They are commonly used, but are
not good English; and the meaning can be conveyed as clearly in simple, everyday language. Examples of
such expressions are:

“Yours of even date to hand”

6 Designed by CT BAKE Muhigwa Julien for BAC+1 Economics &Management part 3
[email protected] [email protected]
4 novembre

“Dispatch same at once”

Avoid so far as possible abbreviations and the omission of I or we (“have received” instead of “we have

In business letters ordering goods, care should be taken to give clear and exact descriptions of the articles
wanted. An item used list of the goods wanted should be supplied, with the quality and quantity required.

Directions for forwarding should be given (by rail, post, etc.) and the manner in which payment will be made
indicated (by money order, cheque, or by debiting too the writer‟s account). Everything should be clear and
precise. The form of the business letter as a letter is the same as already described, with one addition: the
address. This address should be written on the first page lower down than the heading and to the left of the

Modes of address

To a trade man:
12 P.E Lumumba

Begin Dear Sir, and conclude Yours, faithfully.

To a firm:
Messrs K.R. Das & Co.
Tea Merchants
12 P.E Lumumba

Begin Dear Sirs, and conclude with Yours faithfully.

To professional men or private gentlemen
Mr. K. Bahskar
Chartered Accountant
12 P.E Lumumba

Begin Dear Sir or My dear Sir, and conclude; Yours faithfully, Yours truly, etc. (not Yours sincerely)
For example:

BAKE Kany Kevin

South- Kivu/Bukavu
21 October , 2024
Dear Sir,
I shall be much delighted if you send me as soon as possible the books which I ordered a week ago.

7 Designed by CT BAKE Muhigwa Julien for BAC+1 Economics &Management part 3

[email protected] [email protected]
4 novembre

Yours faithfully,


a. Application letters
When writing an application letter, remember that you probably have competition. A letter of application
should create enough interest to make the potential employer want to look at your application in greater
detail by reading your CV and hopefully invite you for an interview. Your application letter, however, should
not contain too much detail about your experience and qualifications because that is the job of the CV.

The immediate objective of your application letter and accompanying résumé is to attract this person’s
attention. Your ultimate goal is to obtain an interview.

As you write your application letter, be sure you complete three tasks: catch the reader’s attention
favorably, convince the reader that you are a qualified candidate for the job, and request an interview.

Application letter checklist:

Identify the job by title and let the recipient know how you heard about it.
Summarize your qualifications for the job, specifically your work experience, activities that show
your leadership skills, and your educational background.
Refer the reader to your enclosed résumé.
Ask for an interview, stating where you can be reached and when you will be available. If your
prospective employer is located in another city and you plan to visit the area, mention the dates for
your trip.
If you are applying for a specific job, include any information pertinent to the position that is not included in
your résumé.

To save your reader time and to call attention to your strengths as a candidate, state your objective directly at
the beginning of the letter.)

b. Further Official Letters

There are so many kinds of official letters that can be written because there are lots of different intentions
expressed by the writer going along with the purpose. In the domain of business we distinguish among:
writing a reference, writing a resignation, congratulating, message of sympathy, letter of condolence,
letter of enquiry, letter of order, acknowledgement of receipt, acknowledgement of delivery, letter of
complaint, apology from a supplier, mailing: advertising a new product, follow up letter, market
survey, calling up for a conference, booking a hotel accommodation, invoicing, holiday booking...

Coherence by transitional expressions

8 Designed by CT BAKE Muhigwa Julien for BAC+1 Economics &Management part 3

[email protected] [email protected]
4 novembre

By showing the relationship between thoughts, transitional expressions help the reader to move from detail
to detail and from sentence to sentence, with a sense of direction and continuity. In addition to the repletion
of key words and pronouns, coherence can be achieved by the use of the following transitional expressions:

Addition: in addition, again, moreover, furthermore, finally, lastly, at last, in conclusion, first, second, and...
Contrast: but, however, yet, still, nevertheless, on the other hand, for of that, on the contrary, not
withstanding, although...
Comparison: similarly, likewise, in like manner...
Purpose: to this end, with this object, for this purpose...
Result: accordingly, thus, consequently, hence, therefore, wherefore, because...
Emphasis: in fact, indeed, in any event, certainly, for example, for instance, thus, in this manner...
Summary: in brief, on the whole, in sum, to sum up...
Time: at once, immediately, while, meanwhile, at length, in the meantime, at the same, in the end, in the
interim, when, as, before...
Place: near, beyond, opposite to, adjacent to, at the same place, here, there...

Exercise: Read the following information about recruitment procedures:
The process of finding people for particular jobs is recruitment or (especially in Am. English) hiring.
Someone who has been recruited is a recruit or (in Am. English) a hire. The company employs or hires
them; they join the company. A company may recruit employees directly or use outside recruiters,
recruitment agencies or employment agencies. Outside specialists called head hunters may be called on
to headhunt people for very important jobs, persuading them to leave the organizations they already work
for. This process is called headhunting.

Applying for a job

Fred is a van driver, but he was fed up with long trips. He looked in the situations vacant pages of his local
newspaper, where a local supermarket was advertising for van drivers for a new delivery service. He
applied for the job by completing an application form and sending it in. Harry is a building engineer. He
saw a job in the appointment pages of one of the national papers. He made an application, sending in his
CV(curriculum vitae – the “story” of his working life) and a covering letter explaining why he wanted the
job and why he was the right person for it.
Exercise on letter composition

9 Designed by CT BAKE Muhigwa Julien for BAC+1 Economics &Management part 3

[email protected] [email protected]
4 novembre

6123 Farrington Road

Apt. B11
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
January 11, 2005
Taylor, Inc.
694 Rockstar Lane
Durham, NC 27708

Dear Human Resources Director:

I just read an article in the News and Observer about KANY new computer center just in Goma
I would like to apply for a position as an entry-level programmer at the center.
I understand that KANY produces both in-house and customer documentation. My technical writing skills,
as described in the enclosed resume, are well suited to your company. I am a recent under-graduate in
Communication Technology from KANY/Bukavu. In addition to having taken a broad range of courses, I
served as a computer consultant at the college’s computer center where I helped train users to work with
new systems.
I will be happy to meet with you at your convenience and discuss how my education and experience match
your needs. You can reach me at my home address, at (919) 233-1552, or at [email protected] .

Mufariji Mwema

c. Writing a CV (or résumé)

A well-produced, well-written, appropriate CV (British English) or résumé (American English) is vital for
getting you to the interview stage for a job. Use the examples and advice here to help you.


Adapt your CV/ résumé so that it is appropriate for the job you are applying for
Keep your CV short – no more than 2 pages if possible
Present yourself positively and accurately
Make your CV attractive and easy to read: use capitals, bold type, spacing and underlining
Choose a typeface as Times New Roman, Arial or Verdana. Use at least 10p
British style CV (Curriculum Vitae) or Résumé

Note: Br.E.: CV; Am.E: resume

Br.E.: covering letter; Am.E.: cover letter.

10 Designed by CT BAKE Muhigwa Julien for BAC+1 Economics &Management part 3

[email protected] [email protected]
4 novembre


Name :
Address :
Telephone :
e-mail :


Institution Award Date of completion

Here you might willingly proceed with a chart like this:

Employer Functions Period Description of tasks

Start with the current occupation and go downwards.



Language Spoken Written

VG = very good; G = good; F = fair
(included or attached)

d. Characteristics of A Good Letter Or Composition

A good letter must be clear/clean, concise, complete, coherent, correct to look at (C5)

When writing a business letter, you must avoid ambiguous words, phrases and sentences. You must make
sure your reader can read the phrases and sentences that you write. You should avoid sentences like: John
met Peter on his way to the drugstore. In such a sentence, we don’t know who was on his way whether
Peter or John. As the writer’s message is not clear, the reader must be confused.

11 Designed by CT BAKE Muhigwa Julien for BAC+1 Economics &Management part 3

[email protected] [email protected]
4 novembre

Concise (brevity) or completeness

As business men do not have much time to read log letters, a business letter must be short but complete.
To be concise means to say many things but n a few words. A concise letter is one through which the writer
expresses precisely and shortly all that he has to tell to his reader. So, the writer will avoid useless
repetition of words, ideas, unnecessary sentences and phrases.
In a coherent letter, each sentence is logical linked to the preceding and each paragraph s connected to the
preceding by means of connecting words or transitional words.
A good business letter must be clean and beautiful to look at. It should be mentioned that a business letter
s the sales representative of company from which s sent. No company would like to employ a salesman
who s dirty, no responsible firm would be willing for its letters to go out with so dirtiness. All parts of a
letter should be carefully laid out on a sheet of paper.
Correct to look at beautiful appearance:
Any composition must be written without any mistake. Remember that a composition is not a collection on
sentences, but a correct harmonious succession of ideas without any fault. The fault may be on the form or
the content of the letter.
Important remarks
Personal information: you can omit the labels. There is no need to mention your age, gender, nationality,
race, religion or marital status. Do not send a photo unless you are asked to.

Education: put the most recent first, and prizes and awards. Omit primary school. Try to give British English
equivalents of your qualifications.

Work experience: put this in reverse order starting by the most recent. For experienced candidates it is
good to put this before Education and speak more about your most recent post.

Skills: put here your practical abilities. Include exams passed. Write more here if you are experienced.

Interests: keep this short. Include a sport, a creative and a community activity, if you can. Avoid vague
subjects such as reading or travel.

References: give the names, the titles and addresses when you send your CV, either here or on a separate

Exercise : Insert the following words in the gaps in the text below:

Applicant, application, application form, apply, candidate, curriculum vitae or CV (GB) or resume (US),
employment agencies, interview, job description, job vacancies, references, short-listed

Many people looking for work read the (1)………………… advertised in newspapers by companies and
(2)…………………………. To reply to an advertisement is to (3)…………………………for a job. (You become a
(4)……………………………or an (5)……………………………). You write an (6)…………………………, or fill in the company’s
(7)……………………………, and send it, along with your (8)………………………………and a covering letter. You often
have to give the names of two people who are prepared to write (9)…………………………for you. If your
qualifications and abilities match the (10)………………………………, you might be (11)……………………………, i.e.
selected to attend an (12)……………………………………….

Exercise: While you are listening to the interview on the tape, complete the table below:
12 Designed by CT BAKE Muhigwa Julien for BAC+1 Economics &Management part 3
[email protected] [email protected]
4 novembre

1. Name of applicant.........................................
2. Job applied for ………………………….
6. References (very good/good/fair/bad)
3. Education…………………………
7. Hobbies………………………………...
4. Qualifications…………………………
8. Which Department is the applicant interested in?...........................
5. Work experience (years)…………………
9. Interviewed by:
1. …………………………
2. …………………………

2. Texts reading

Creating an entrepreneurial Mindset: conclusion

But all of us have the chance to be one of those people, to have a stimulating and fulfilling life, to follow
their dreams and to seize opportunities as they arise. Entrepreneurial opportunities are around us all
of the time. The cry should be “why not me?” instead of “why me” we should learn to look around
rather than always straight ahead. We should stop trying to be a second rate version of others and
become a first rate version of ourselves.

Too many people believe that it is difficult to change. Certainly, if you are tied to material possessions
and external status and such other things then it could be hard. But if we value ourselves and we value
having a fulfilling life then it becomes easy.

In my own case the first step on my road to enjoying every minute of my life came with as simple a
thing as a bar of chocolate. I was at primary school and one of the large chocolate manufacturers was
running an essay competition for schools. With chocolate as the prizes for the first six places this was
my sort of competition.

I was known to be one of the better children in the class and so I hoped for one of the prizes although a
girl called Bridie was expected to take first prize as she always came top of the class.

I remember when the results were read out and my disappointment at not getting any of the prizes
from 6th down to second. I really thought that perhaps the quite big box for second would have gone to
me. As I waited for bride’s name to be called I could not believe it when I heard my own name. This
was the moment when I realized that I did not have to settle for second place and that if I wanted
something and I gave it my all then “why not?”

1. According to the writer of this passage, what opportunity do people have to fulfill their life? 3marks
2. Do people have to go to study to Europe in order to obtain entrepreneurial opportunities? If yes,
where exactly can they go to achieve this aim/objective? 3marks
3. What kind of attitudes and actions should they adopt to achieve their objectives? 3marks
4. What attitude can help us to succeed easily in life? 3marks
5 . Explain briefly what you can do to succeed in your everyday work as either as:

a. a business person

13 Designed by CT BAKE Muhigwa Julien for BAC+1 Economics &Management part 3

[email protected] [email protected]
4 novembre

b. an administrator
c. a manager
d. a politician


Advertising has become a very specialized activity in modern times. I n the business word of today, supply
is usually greater than demand. There is a great competition between different manufacturers of the same
kind of product to persuade customers to buy from their own particular choice. They always have to remind
the customer about the name and qualities their product. They do this their advertising. The manufacturer
advertises in the newspapers ant the posters. He sometimes pays for songs about his product in
commercial radio programs. He employs attractive sales-girls to distribute samples of it. He organizes
competitions with prizes for the winners. He often advertises on the screens of local cinemas. The most
important scenario or sequences are put on radio or TV programs for those who will accept them after
common point about money. Manufacturers often spend large sum of money on advertisements. We buy
particular products because we think that is the best. Some people never pause to ask themselves if the
advertisements are telling the truth. Whatever kind of advertisement and however it is, the major objective
is to make products be bought in great quantity on time.

Write an application letter in answer to the following advertisement:


“Well-educated secretary/Lawyer/ Economist/Technician required for the managing director

of Brasimba a local Brewery company. Applicant must be between 20 and 35 years old, with good
mastery of at least two internationally spoken languages, Current student with sufficient experience
in the job. Applications to be addressed to the Human Resources Officer (HR Officer) of the
company.” Files should contain documentary evidences such as CV and degrees”

Attach to this letter your CV which seeks to convince your reader about your real skills and experience to fit
for this position.

14 Designed by CT BAKE Muhigwa Julien for BAC+1 Economics &Management part 3

[email protected] [email protected]
4 novembre


1.453,Nyawera street 2. Mr.Daniel KAWAY

Bukavu, s/kivu, DRC Chief buyer.
19th November,2015
3. yours faithfully

5. I am writing to complaint about the car that I bought from you yesterday. It is troublesome, when I tried to
start it this morning the key wouldn‟t turn in the lock, the battery was flat and two of the plugs needed
changing. I am sure you will send replacements as soon as possible.

4. The Sales Manager 6.Dear Sir:

Nyamusisi business

1. Give the correct order to the numbered components of the above letter: 1) 2, 4,6,5,1,3

2) 1,5,6,4,2,3 3) 5,6,1,4,2,3 4) 6,5,4,2,3,1 5) 1,4,5,6,2,3

2. One of the following parts is not mentioned in the letter: 1. Body of the letter 2. Subject matter

3. Attention line 4. The heading 5. Inside address

3. The beginning of the letter is called: 1.letter head 2. Reference line 3. Inside address

4. Salutation 5. Motivation

4. The consignee‟s address in the above letter is numbered: 1.6 2. 5 3. 3 4. 4 5.1

5. The purpose of letter is numbered as: 1. 6 2. 5 3. 1 4. 4 5. 3

6. The salutation of the letter is written in : 1. American style 2. British style 3, African style
4. Informal style 5.no answer

7.” I am waiting for Joyce‟‟ she told me. She told me that she ………………….for Joyce. 1. would waiting
2. Didn‟t waiting 3. Is waiting 4. waiting 5. Was waiting.


The relationship between a sales person and a customer is important both parties want to feel satisfied with
their deal and neither wants to feel cheated. A friendly, respectful relationship is more effective than an
aggressive competitive one.

A sales person should believe that his product has a certain advantages over the competition. A customer
wants to be sure that is buying a product that is good value and of a high quality. No one in business is going
to spend his company money on something which is worthless. Some sales people prefer a direct approach,

15 Designed by CT BAKE Muhigwa Julien for BAC+1 Economics &Management part 3

[email protected] [email protected]
4 novembre

while others prefer more indirect approach. Whichever approach is used as a good sales person is someone
who knows how to deal with different kinds of people and who can point out how his product will benefit.

8. These ideas are contained in the text except: 1. Customers aren‟t happy when they are disappointed 2.a
good seller relies on his product 3. A sales person doesn‟t need a customer to run business 4.businessmen
don‟t work to lose 5. Sales persons and customers agree on the price

9. These are ones of the qualities required to a good sales person: 1. courteous, boastful, good manager 2.
Nervous, good manager, dishonest 3. Patient, courteous, good manager 4. Rude, good manager, short-
tempered 5. Unkind, boastful, honest.

10. The 2nd paragraph of the text deals with: 1. customs duties‟ activities 2. Businessmen‟s expectations
3.businessmen on good terms

4. Various systems of selling 5. Businessmen in touch.

11. a house worker is : 1. A work in the house 2. A person who works out the house 3. A shop lifter 4.
A house keeper 5. A person who keeps the house clear

12. Dear Ms : in business letters writing is a title used for : 1. a married woman‟s name only 2. An
unmarried woman‟s name 3. Both of them 4. Girls 5. Old women working in the same firm

13. Mrs and gentlemen are used for: 1. married women and boys 2. Unmarried women and young people
3. Both unmarried women and men 4. Both married women and men 5. Unmarried women and married

14. The subject matter is also called: 1. objective, clearness and goal 2. The why, motivation and aim 3.
The ideal, interest and goal 4. Purpose, consign and objective 5. The why, intention and idea.


General Importers
25, Independence street, Bukavu (DRC

2.Yours faithfully.
3.May 4th,2016
Joyce Mtotowetu

4. Your enquiry No 275/2016

6.Dear sirs,
Thank you for your inquiry received this morning.
In reply we have pleasure in quoting you as follows:
 Sandringham cotton sheets, 60*80, $5 per pair. 5
 Sandringham cotton sheets, 60*100, per pair.
We trust that we shall be favoured with your order.

1. Messrs Hasson& Frere

Cloth Merchants
Kinshasa (DRC)

7.Enclosure: price-list.

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15. Clearness of meaning, conciseness and courtesy in the above letter are numbered:

1.3 2.6 3.1 4.5 5.8

16. When the consignment of the goods ordered is not satisfactory, the consignee marks his
prudence by one of these items: 1. a qualified acceptance 2. a consignment note 3. a
delivery sheet 4.an advice note 5.a bill of exchange.

17. The receiver‟s address is numbered as: 1.3 2.5 3.8 4.7 5.7

18. with a catchy sentence such as “ Something wonderful happens‟‟ , the psychological process
which crosses the customer‟s mind is: 1.the curiosity 2. the memory 3.the attention 4.the
immediate attention 5.the conviction.

19. Legally a common carrier is a person………undertakes to carry goods in return for payment.

1.whose 2.which 3.who 4.whom 5. that

6. The Sales Manager

Kintambo-Kinshasa DRC

4.I am writing to complain about the car that I bought from you yesterday. It is
troublesome, when I tried to start it this morning the key wouldn‟t turn in the lock, the
battery was flat and two of the plugs needed changing. I am confident you will send
replacements as soon as possible.

5.Dear sir, 1. yours faithfully,

2.146,poids Lourds Road,

Limete-Kinshasa DRC
6th May,2016
3.Muchungaji Mwema
Chief Buyer

20.Give the correct order to the numbered parts of the above letter : 1 . 3, 2, 5, 4, 6, 1 2. 2, 5, 4, 6, 1, 3
3. 2, 6, 5, 4, 1,3. 4. 6, 2, 4, 3, 1, 5 5. 2, 6, 3, 4, 5, 1

21.The Receiver‟s address is in reply to this letter numbered : 1.4 2.3 3.1 4.5 5.2

22. One of the following parts is not mentioned in the above letter : 1. Subject line 2. Opening salutation
3.closing salutation 4. Body of the letter 5. Inside address .

23. Choose the wrong sentence: 1) English sounds has eight short vowel sounds 2) English sounds has
Diphthongs and Triphthongs 3) There are twelve pure vowel sounds and 18 consonant sounds 4) There
are 2 semi-vowel sounds and 5 Triphthongs .

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24. A Gerund is : 1) A noun in the form of the Present participle of a verb 2) A noun that ends in “ing”
+ noun 3) A Subject used after a preposition 4) A word that has ing form at the end of a sentence.

25.One of the following sentences is wrong : a) If I were a snake , I would sting my enemies b) she would
have helped him if he had come c) you like your father, do you? d) We used to wear shorts at primary

26. Read carefully these sentences and choose the one which is correct: a) Mr Akilimali has has a large
family b) Joyce is the tall pupil in our class c) Will Sifa coming with you tomorrow? d) Our living room
is more comfortable than sikiru‟s e) I would rather to speak English than French.

27. Don‟t smoke cigarette said the Dr to Kalambay . The correct indirect speech is : a) The Doctor told
Kalambay not to smoke cigarette b) The Doctor wanted Kalambay to not smoke cigarette c) The Doctor
asked Kalambay not to smoke cigarette.

28. if Furaha had a huge salary, she ……………happy

1.could be 2. Was 3. Had been 4.were 5.becomes

29. Business men don‟t rise curious situations,…………..? 1. Do they 2.will they 3.don‟t they
4.didn‟t they 5. doesn‟t it.

30.As Mr. Koko‟s wife insisted to Neema to have an appointment in the afternoon, she talked to………..and
asked to defend…………during the interview” the missing words to complete this sentence are: 1.
Her/herself 2.them/themselves 3.us/ourselves 4.him/himself 5.you/yourself.

31. “If Shukrani had written a letter, Amisi and Riziki ……………all about him” The correct form of the
verb to complete is: 1.would know 2.would have known 3.knew 4.will know
5.won‟t know.

32. One of these features doesn‟t fit the essentials of style:

1.concision 2.clarity 3.courtesy 4 the grammar 5.3c‟s



The relationship between a sales person and a customer is important both parties want to feel satisfied with their deal and neither
wants to feel cheated. A friendly, respectful relationship is more effective than an aggressive competitive one.

A sales person should believe that his product has a certain advantages over the competition. A customer wants to be sure that is
buying a product that is good value and of a high quality. No one in business is going to spend his company money on something
which is worthless. Some sales people prefer a direct approach, while others prefer more indirect approach. Whichever approach is
used as a good sales person is someone who knows how to deal with different kinds of people and who can point out how his product
will benefit.

1. These ideas are contained in the text except: 1. Customers aren‟t happy when they are disappointed 2.a good seller relies on his
product 3. A sales person doesn‟t need a customer to run business 4.businessmen don‟t work to lose 5. Sales persons and customers
agree on the price

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2. These are ones of the qualities required to a good sales person: 1. courteous, boastful, good manager 2. Nervous,
good manager, dishonest 3. Patient, courteous, good manager 4. Rude, good manager, short-tempered 5. Unkind,
boastful, honest.

3. The 2nd paragraph of the text deals with: 1. customs duties‟ activities 2. Businessmen‟s expectations 3.businessmen
on good terms

4. Various systems of selling 5. Businessmen in touch.

4. a house worker is : 1. A work in the house 2. A person who works out the house 3. A shop lifter 4. A house
keeper 5. A person who keeps the house clear

5. Dear Ms : in business letters writing is a title used for : 1. a married woman‟s name only 2. An unmarried
woman‟s name 3. Both of them 4. Girls 5. Old women working in the same firm

6. Mrs and gentlemen are used for: 1. married women and boys 2. Unmarried women and young people 3. Both
unmarried women and men 4. Both married women and men 5. Unmarried women and married men.

6. The subject matter is also called: 1. objective, clearness and goal 2. The why, motivation and aim 3. The ideal,
interest and goal 4. Purpose, consign and objective 5. The why, intention and idea.

7. Choose the wrong sentence: 1) English sounds has eight short vowel sounds 2) English sounds has Diphthongs and
Triphthongs 3) There are twelve pure vowel sounds and 18 consonant sounds 4) There are 2 semi-vowel sounds
and 5 Triphthongs .

8. A Gerund is : 1) A noun in the form of the Present participle of a verb 2) A noun that ends in “ing” + noun 3)
A Subject used after a preposition 4) A word that has ing form at the end of a sentence.

9.One of the following sentences is wrong : a) If I were a snake , I would sting my enemies b) she would have helped
him if he had come c) you like your father, do you? d) We used to wear shorts at primary school.

10. Read carefully these sentences and choose the one which is correct: a) Mr Kasole has has a large family b) Joyce is
the tall pupil in our class c) Will Mukanisa coming with you tomorrow? d) Our living room is more comfortable
than sikiru‟s e) I would rather to speak English than French.

11. Don‟t smoke cigarette said the Dr to Freza. The correct indirect speech is : a) The Doctor told Freza not to smoke
cigarette b) The Doctor wanted Freza to not smoke cigarette c) The Doctor asked Freza not to smoke cigarette.

12. if Furaha had a huge salary, she ……………happy

1.could be 2. Was 3. Had been 4.were 5.becomes

13. Business men don‟t rise curious situations,…………..? 1. Do they 2.will they 3.don‟t they
4.didn‟t they 5. doesn‟t it.

14.As Mr. Awazi‟s wife insisted to Kabeyabeya to have an appointment in the afternoon, she talked to………..and
asked to defend…………during the interview” the missing words to complete this sentence are: 1. Her/herself
2.them/themselves 3.us/ourselves 4.him/himself 5.you/yourself.

15. “If Kasamira had written a letter, Ihwe and Divine ……………all about him” The correct form of the verb to
complete is: 1.would know 2.would have known 3.knew 4.will know 5.won‟t know.

16. One of these features doesn‟t fit the essentials of style:

1.concision 2.clarity 3.courtesy 4 the grammar 5.3c‟s

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1.453,Nyawera street 2. Mr.Daniel KAWAY

Bukavu, s/kivu, DRC Chief buyer.
19th November,2015
3.yours faithfully

5. I am writing to complaint about the car that I bought from you yesterday. It is troublesome, when I tried to
start it this morning the key wouldn‟t turn in the lock, the battery was flat and two of the plugs needed
changing. I am sure you will send replacements as soon as possible.

4. The Sales Manager 6.Dear Sir:

Nyamusisi business

17. Give the correct order to the numbered components of the above letter: 1. 2, 4,6,5,1,3 2.

3. 5,6,1,4,2,3 4. 6,5,4,2,3,1 5. 1,4,5,6,2,3

18. One of the following parts is not mentioned in the letter: 1. Body of the letter 2. Subject matter 3.
Attention line

4. The heading 5. Inside address

19.The beginning of the letter is called: 1.letter head 2. Reference line 3. Inside address 4.

5. Motivation

20. The consignee‟s address in the above letter is numbered: 1.6 2. 5 3. 3 4. 4


21. The purpose of letter is numbered as: 1. 6 2. 5 3. 1 4. 4 5. 3

22. The salutation of the letter is written in : 1. American style 2. British style 3, African style
4. Informal style 5.no answer

23.” I am waiting for Joyce‟‟ she told me. She told me that she ………………….for Joyce. 1. would waiting
2. Didn‟t waiting 3. Is waiting 4. waiting 5. Was waiting.

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Exercises 2: General English, Look at these examples.

The correct answers are underlined.

a) In warm climates people like / likes / are liking sitting outside in the sun.
b) If it is very hot, they sit at / in / under the shade.
Now the test will begin. Underline the correct answer. (For each correct answer 1 point)
1) Water is to boil / is boiling / boils at a temperature of 100°C.
2) In some countries there is / is / it is very hot all the time.
3) In cold countries people wear thick clothes for keeping / to keep / for to keep warm.
4) In England people are always talking about a weather / the weather / weather.
5) In some places it rains / there rains / it raining almost every day.
6) In deserts there isn´t the / some / any grass.
7) Places near the Equator have a warm / the warm / warm weather even in the cold season.
8) In England coldest / the coldest / colder time of year is usually from December to February.
9) The most / Most of / Most people don´t know what it´s like in other countries.
10) Very less / little / few people can travel abroad.
11) Mohammed Ali has won / won / is winning his first world title fight in 1960.
12) After he had won / have won / was winning an Olympic gold medal he became a professional boxer.
13) His religious beliefs have made him / made him to / made him change his name when he became
14) If he has / would have / had lost his first fight with Sonny Liston, no one would have been surprised.
15) He has travelled a lot both / and / or as a boxer and as a world-famous personality.
16) He is very well known all in / all over / in all the world.
17) Many people is believing / are believing / believe he was the greatest boxer of all time.
18) To be the best from / in / of the world is not easy.
19) Like any top sportsman Ali had to / must / should train very hard.
20) Even though he has now lost his title, people would / will / did always remember him as a champion.
21) The history of aeroplane / the aeroplane / an aeroplane is
22) quite a / a quite / quite short one. For many centuries men
23) are trying / try / had tried to fly, but with
24) little / few / a little success. In the 19th century a few people
25) succeeded to fly / in flying / into flying in balloons. But it wasn´t until
26) the beginning of this / next / that century that anybody
27) were / is / was able to fly in a machine
28) who / which / what was heavier than air, in other words, in
29) who / which / what we now call a „plane‟. The first people to achieve

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30) „powered flight‟ were the Wright brothers. His / Their / Theirs was the machine which was the
31) forerunner of the Jumbo jets and supersonic airliners that are such / such a / so common
32) sight today. They could / should / couldn´t hardly have imagined that in 1969
33) not much / not many / no much more than half a century later,
34) a man will be / had been / would be landed on the moon.
35) Already a man / man / the man is taking the first steps towards the stars.
36) Although space satellites have existed since / during / for less
37) than forty years, we are now dependent from / of / on them for all
38) kinds of informations / information / an information. Not only
39) are they / they are / there are being used for scientific research in
40) space, but also to see what kind of weather is coming / comes / coming.
41) By 1998 there would / must / will have been satellites in space for forty
42) years and the „space superpowers‟ are planning to have / make / let
43) massive space stations built. When these will be / are / will have been
44) completed it will be the first time when / where / that astronauts will be
45) able to work in space in large numbers. Apart / For / Except all that,
46) in many ways the most remarkable flight of / above / at all was
47) it / that / that one of the flying bicycle, which the world saw on television,
48) flying / to fly / fly across the Channel from England to France, with nothing
49) apart / but / than a man to power it. As the bicycle-flyer said,
50) “It´s the first time I realize / I´ve realized / I am realizing what hard work it is to be a bird!”

subtotal page /30

51) Many teachers say to / say / tell their students should learn a foreign language.
52) Learning a second language is not the same as / like / than learning a first language.
53) It takes long time / long / a long time to learn any language.
54) It is said that Chinese is the world´s harder / hardest / more hard language to master.
55) English is quite difficult because of all the exceptions who / which / what have to be learnt.
56) You can learn the basic structures of a language quite quickly, but only if you are wanting / will to / are
willing to make an effort.
57) A lot of people aren´t used to the study / to study / to studying grammar in their own language.
58) Many adult students wish they would start / would have started / had started their language studies
59) In some countries students have to spend a lot of time working on / by / in their own.
60) There aren´t no / any / some easy ways of learning a foreign language in your own country.

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61) Some people try to improve their English by hearing / listening / listening to the BBC World Service.
62) Live / Life / Living with a foreign family can be a good way to learn a language.
63) It´s no use to try / trying / in trying to learn a language just by studying a dictionary.
64) Many students would rather not / would rather prefer not / would rather not to take tests.
65) Some people think it´s time we all learn / should learn / learnt a single international language.
66) Charles Walker is a teacher at a school in Norwich. He has joined / joined / joins
67) the staff of the school in 1988 and has been working / worked / works there ever since.
68) Before move / to move / moving to Norwich, he taught in Italy and in Wales, and before that
69) he has been / was / was being a student at Cambridge University.
70) So far he isn´t / wasn´t / hasn´t been in Norwich for as long as he was in Wales,
71) but he likes the city a lot and should / would / could like to stay there for at least
72) another two years, or, how / which / as he puts it, until his two children
73) have / will have / will be grown up a bit. He met his wife, Kate, in 1982
74) while he was to live / was living / had been living abroad for a while, and they got married
75) in 1986. Their two children, Mark and Susan, are / were / have been both born in Norwich.
76) Mark, who / which / he is four, has just started
77) at nursery school, but his / their / her sister
78) shall stay / stays / will be staying at home for another couple of years,
79) because she is nearly two years younger / more young / the younger than him.
80) Charles and Kate are used / use / used to live in the country,
81) but now they have children, they have moved / move / moved into the city.
82) Charles wanted a house next / near / close the school
83) in order / for / to get to work easily. Unfortunately
84) the / a / that one the two of them really wanted was too expensive,
85) so they must / should / had to buy one a bit further away. By the time the children
86) go / will go / wil have gone to secondary school,
87) that / which / what Charles and Kate hope will be in Norwich,
88) the Walkers will have been / have been / will be living there for a least fifteen years.
89) They can´t be sure if they stay / do stay / will stay, but if they
90) don´t / didn´t / won´t, their friends won´t be too surprised.

Look at the following examples of question tags in English.

The correct form of the tag is underlined.
a) He´s getting the 9.15 train, isn´t he / hasn´t he / wasn´t he ?
b) She works in a library, isn´t she / doesn´t she / doesn´t he ?
c) Tom didn´t tell you, hasn´t he / didn´t he / did he ?

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d) Someone´s forgotten to switch off the gas, didn´t one / didn´t they / haven´t they?

Now underline the correct question tags in the following 10 items. (For each correct answer 1 point)

91) John´s coming to see you, hasn´t he / wasn´t he / isn´t he ?

92) It´s been a long time since you´ve seen him, hasn´t it / isn´t it / haven´t you ?
93) He´s due to arrive tomorrow, won´t he / isn´t he / will he ?
94) He won´t be getting in till about 10.30, isn´t he / is he / will he ?
95) You met him while you were on holiday, didn´t you / weren´t you / haven´t you ?
96) I think I´m expected to pick him up, aren´t I / don´t I / are you ?
97) No doubt you´d rather he stayed in England now, didn´t you / wouldn´t you / shouldn´t you ?
98) Nobody else has been told he´s coming, is he / has he / have they ?
99) We´d better not stay up too late tonight, didn´t we / have we / had we ?
100) I suppose it´s time we called it a day, didn´t we / isn´t it / don´t I ?
Grammar Test – solutions:
Make meaningful sentences by matching the following grammar words

1 boils 34 would be 67 has been working

2 it is 35 man 68 moving
3 to keep 36 for 69 was
4 the weather 37 on 70 hasn‟t´ been
5 it rains 38 information 71 would
6 any 39 are they 72 as
7 warm 40 is coming 73 have
8 the coldest 41 will 74 was living
9 Moat 42 have 75 were
10 few 43 are 76 who
11 won 44 that 77 his
12 had won 45 For 78 will be staying
13 made him 46 of 79 younger
14 had 47 that 80 used
15 both 48 flying 81 have moved
16 all over 49 but 82 near
17 believe 50 I´ve realized 83 to
18 in 51 say 84 the
19 had to 52 as 85 had to
20 will 53 a long time 86 go
21 the aero plane 54 hardest 87 which
22 quite a 55 which 88 will have been
23 had tried 56 are willing to 89 will stay
24 little 57 to studying 90 don´t
25 in flying 58 had started 91 isn´t he
26 this 59 on 92 hasn´t it

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27 was 60 any 93 isn´t he

28 which 61 listening to 94 will he
29 what 62 Living 95 didn´t you
30 Theirs 63 trying 96 aren´t I
31 such a 64 would rather not 97 wouldn´t you
32 could 65 learnt 98 have they
33 not much 66 joined 99 had we
100 isn´t it
Exercise 2: Test your knowledge with this quiz.
For reference see Dictionary of Business - 4th edition (A&C Black Publishers Ltd, 978-0-713-
1. What is a JPEG and what would you use it for?
2. In computer terms, what is the difference between a file and a folder?
3. What is the difference between freeware and shareware?
4. You suspect that spyware is being used on your computer each time you use the Internet.
What does this do?
5. What is the difference between the Internet, an intranet and an extranet?
6. A customer using your website to buy something has just checked her shopping basket and is
now proceeding to checkout. What is she about to do?
7. What is a click-wrap agreement? Is it:
(a) a contract presented entirely over the Internet
(b) an agreement between two or more companies to share a single website
(c) an agreement between two or more companies to pass customer information to each other
(d) a contract that is sent over the Internet and then returned in the normal post
(e) an agreement by a company not to send unsolicited advertising to customers.
8. What do the letters ISP stand for?
9. What do we call information that a website leaves in your computer so that the website
recognizes you when you visit it again? Is it:
(a) a biscuit (b) a cookie (c) a cracker (d) a scone (e) a crumpet
10. The company you work for sells its products on the Internet, and also in its own shops around
the country. What is the name we give to this kind of operation? Is it:
(a) a mouse and house business (b) a tap and trot business (c) a clicks and mortar business
(d) a hit and run business (e) a surf and turf business
11. Many company websites have a section or page labelled FAQ. What do these letters stand for?
12. An on-line shop has a small padlock symbol (�) displayed at the bottom of the computer
screen. What does this mean?:

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(a) The website or webpage has a secure server.

(b) The website will not allow the user to proceed any further.
(c) The Internet connection has been broken.
(d) There is, or may be, a virus on the site.
(e) The user needs to enter a password to continue.
13. Your company does a lot of B2B advertising on the Internet. What does this mean?
14. You send an email, and then almost immediately receive a message saying that the
person you are trying to contact is on holiday. What do we call this sort of message?
15. UCE is the official term for:
(a) an on-line shop that only sells on the Internet (b) spam (c) a username or password
(d) a dotcom enterprise (e) a domain name
16. What is broadband? Is this the same as an ISDN line?
17. You are uploading information on your computer. Are you:
(a) transferring information from the Internet or another application to your computer?
(b) transferring information from your computer to a website?
18. Some websites (especially those belonging to on-line banks) ask their customers for
a PIN before they can enter the site. What do these letters stand for?
19. In an IT context, what are banners, buttons and pop-ups?
20. You discover that there is an anti-site on the Internet dedicated to your company.
Would you be happy about this?
22. In an IT context, what does a firewall do?
21. What does a computer hacker do?
23. Your company has just been Amazoned. What has happened to it?
24. Someone tells you that your company has a sticky site. What do they mean?
(a) Your company website is very slow.
(b) The information on your company website is out of date.
(c) Your company website is very boring.
(d) Your company website is very difficult to use.
(e) Your company website is very interesting.
26. A customer says you have a cobweb site that looks like an angry fruit salad.
How would you feel about this?
25. Someone accuses your company of phishing. What do they think you have done?

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27. Your company website has a lot of spider food. From a business point of view, why might this
be an advantage to you?
28. Are you buzzword compliant?

Jobs and positions

Exercise 1: Look at the list of different jobs in the box, and match each one with the person who is
speaking in 1 – 15.
For reference see Dictionary of Business - 4th edition (A&C Black Publishers Ltd, 978-0-713-
Assistant Manager Chairman Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Company Director Company Secretary Girl Friday Human Resources (HR)
Manager Managing Director (MD) Non-executive Director
Personal Assistant (PA) Production Manager Receptionist Secretary
Technical Support Consultant Trainer

1. Hello. Welcome to Wy-T Computers. Have you got an appointment? Good. Take a seat and I'll
call up to her office. Would you like a coffee while you wait?
2. Good morning. My name is Angela Ranscombe, and I am responsible for my company's
productive use of its work force
4. Hi. My name's Sue Smith. I do a lot of small jobs in and around the office. If you want some
filing done, some mail posted, or if you just want a cup of tea, I'm the one to ask!
3. Hello. I'm Hilary Hannah. I type letters, file documents, arrange meetings and so on, for the
various people in my office.
5. Hello. My name's Adam Dent. I help customers who are having problems with our products.
I spend most of my day on the phone.
6. I'm Anne Langsdale, and I've been appointed by the shareholders to help run the company.
7. Hello there. Don Brown. Nice to meet you. I make sure that the company is being run efficiently
and effectively.
8. My name's Liz Hamley, and I suppose I'm the big cheese around here. Basically I'm the most
important director in charge of the company.
9. I'm Judy Briers. I work directly for Liz Hamley, and for her alone. I perform various secretarial
and administrative duties for her.

27 Designed by CT BAKE Muhigwa Julien for BAC+1 Economics &Management part 3

[email protected] [email protected]
4 novembre

10. I'm Laurence Wood ham. I'm a senior employee here, with director status and administrative
and legal authority. This is a legal requirement for all limited companies in the UK.
11. Good morning. I'm Peter Feltham, and I preside over the company's board meetings.
13. Hi there. My name's Mark Searle, and I supervise the production process.
14. And I'm Bob Wheatley. I help Mark Searle.
12. And I'm Helen Brown. I attend board meetings, but only to listen and give advice. I cannot
usually make decisions on behalf of the company.
15. My name's Ryan Briggs. I'm responsible for developing our employees' potential through
courses and other staff development programmes.

On the next three pages you will see extracts from 11 different types of letter. Look at each extract
carefully, then match it with one of the letter types from the list in the box below.
Underline the key words or phrases which helped you to decide. Each type of letter can be matched
with 5 extracts, and the sentences for each letter are in the same order as they would appear in real
letters. There are 5 extracts that do not match any of the letter types.

(A) Letter of introduction / application (B) Letter of apology (C) Invitation to interview
(D) Letter of reference (E) Letter of rejection (F) Letter of appointment
(G) Written warning (H) Letter of dismissal (I) Letter of resignation
(J) Acknowledgement of resignation (K) Letter of complaint

1. Following the disciplinary interview which you attended on 12 June, I am writing to confirm the
decision taken that you will be given a written reprimand under our Disciplinary Procedure.
2. Following your interview and our conversation yesterday, this letter is to confirm your post as
Production Manager commencing 2 October.
3. Thank you for your application for the post of Production Manager at Graffix plc.
4. On 7 May, following persistent neglect of duties on your part, you were given a written warning
in accordance with the Company's Disciplinary Procedure.
5. Thank you for your letter of 2 October detailing your recent unpleasant incident in our Whitney
6. I would like to apply for the post of Customer Relations Manager advertised in yesterday's
7. I have known Jan Kelly since she started working with the company in 1999.
8. This will be placed in your personal record file, but will be disregarded for disciplinary purposes
after a period of six months, provided your conduct reaches a satisfactory level.

28 Designed by CT BAKE Muhigwa Julien for BAC+1 Economics &Management part 3

[email protected] [email protected]
4 novembre

9. This letter and the attached terms and conditions form the basis of your contract of employment.
10. As I told you yesterday, I have decided to hand in my notice, and this letter is to inform you of
my decision to leave the company.
11. Thank you for your letter of 19 October telling us of your intention to leave the company.
12. In a letter of 18 June, you were advised that unless your conduct improved, you would be
dismissed from your post.
13. Thank you for attending our interview sessions last week.
14. We are naturally most sorry that you should be leaving us, but I understand your reasons for
doing so.
15. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the delay in your delivery of some products we
ordered last month.
16. She came to work for this company as a Trainee in the production department, and rapidly
moved up the scale to become Deputy Production Manager three years ago.
17. We would like you to come for a preliminary interview with our Production Director, James
18. As you can see from the attached printout of the order form, we placed this order via your
website 2 weeks ago, on 13 January.
19. We notice from our records that Invoice SB/1097 has not been paid, and we would be grateful if
you could settle it within 7 days.
20. I would like to reserve a single room (preferably on an upper floor) from 23 – 31 May inclusive.
21. We have spoken to the member of staff in question, and he has assured us that he was acting in
accordance with company policy.
22. I am currently working as a customer care assistant for Pants2U, one of the country's biggest
Internet suppliers of men's clothing, where I deal primarily with on-line customer queries.
23. I am delighted that you will be coming to work for us.
24. The notice period indicated in my contract of employment is six weeks, but you agreed during
our conversation that in my case this could be reduced to four.
25. The nature of the unsatisfactory conduct was your continual lateness, persistent absenteeism,
and neglect of duties on the shop floor.
26. We expect to see an improvement in your punctuality and attendance, and a more professional
approach to your work by 30 June.
27. At the disciplinary hearing held on 16 October, it was decided that your performance was still
unsatisfactory, and you had shown no inclination to improve.
29 Designed by CT BAKE Muhigwa Julien for BAC+1 Economics &Management part 3
[email protected] [email protected]
4 novembre

28. Your terms and conditions clearly state that orders are processed, packed and sent on the same
day, but so far we have received nothing.
29. I am sure you will find a very pleasant working environment here, and we look forward to
welcoming you as a member of our team on 2 October.
30. The company you are joining has an excellent reputation, and I am sure you will be as happy
there as you have been with us.
31. We would be grateful if you could send us a copy of your current catalogue and price list.
32. As I explained to you, I have been very happy working here, and shall be leaving with many
33. Unfortunately, on this occasion, I regret to tell you that your application has been unsuccessful.
34. These will be held at our Ban bury office on 29 and 30 August, and should last about 30
35. However, we take customer complaints very seriously, and I can assure you that we will look
into this matter further.
36. I have however been offered a post at a substantially higher salary with another company.
37. She is a very able manager, and is particularly keen on keeping up to date with new technology.
38. You are clearly very well-motivated and have some excellent ideas, but the panel felt that
overall you lacked sufficient experience.



30 Designed by CT BAKE Muhigwa Julien for BAC+1 Economics &Management part 3

[email protected] [email protected]

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