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The last fifty years of child custody law reflect paradigm shifts and pendulum swings in the prevailing scientific and societal views of what is in the "best interests" of a child. In 1958, divorced mothers had sole custody of children in the vast majority of cases. Today, most children maintain contact with both parents according to negotiated parenting plans. When unable to agree on a plan, however, some parents may engage in strategic and harmful behaviors. The legal and mental health professionals working to protect the children in these families face daunting tasks. Both literally and figuratively, the interests of children hang in the balance. Current perspectives on custody disputes exemplify the radical transformations of the American legal, cultural, social, and economic landscape that have inspired volatile debates and resulted in children being caught in the middle. Modem child custody law has its roots in the turbulent 1960s. The advent of birth control pills, civil rights legislation, no-fault divorce, gender equality, and rights for children born out of wedlock competed for
* Richard S. Righter Distinguished Professor of Law and Director of Washburn Law School Children and Family Law Center: Editor of the Family Law Quarrerl~. ** Licensed Psychologist, Private Practice. Topeka, KS; .ID 2009. 1. Barbara Bennett Woodhouse. Child Custody it1 fhe Age of' Children's Riyhrs: The Searc.hfor a Jusf und Workable Stclndard, 33 FAM. L.Q. 815. 816 (1999).
headlines with the Vietnam war abroad and the War on Poverty at home. In the last fifty years, there has been a "plethora of federal legislation, Supreme Court decisions and international treaties . . . [resulting] in a federalization of many areas of family law."2 Beginning in the mid-1960s, United States Supreme Court decisions have affected nearly every area of family law, transforming what many had seen as ordinary family problems into debates over individual right^.^ The United States Congress authoritatively stepped into the traditionally state-controlled area of family law4 to address serious problems that states were either unwilling or unable to res01ve.~ example, to deter forum shopping, Congress enactFor ed the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act of 1980 (PKPA) requiring states to give full faith and credit to custody orders made in accordance with the federal law.6 Family law issues are no longer just local or national. More disputes between parents who live in different countries have resulted in the need for more cooperation in the enforcement of custody orders. Family law has become more global because of United States' participation in international organizations, such as the United Nations and the Hague Conference on Private International Law. The Hague Conference has promulgated eleven conventions that focus on ~ h i l d r e nthe United States ;~ has ratified two-the 1980 Hague Convention on Child Abduction and the 1993 Hague Convention on International A d ~ p t i o n .There have been ~ four World Congresses on children's issues; a fifth will be held in 2009 in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
2. Linda Henry Elrod, Epilogue: Of Families, Federalization, and a Quest for Policy, 39 FAM.L.O. 843. 846 (1999). 3. Id. at 849-5 1', 11.22-37 (citing cases). See David Meyer, Constirrrtionc~lization Family of h w ~ 42 FAM. , L.Q. 529 (2008). 4. Ankenbrandt v. Richards, 504 U.S. 689 (1992)(quoting In re B u m s , 136 U.S. 586,593594 (1890) ". . . [tlhe whole subject of the domestic relations of husband and wife, parent and child, belongs to the laws of the States, and not to the laws of the United States"). 5. See Elrod, Epilogue, supra note 2, at 8 4 6 4 9 , n.8-2 1 (citing federal statutes cover areas of child support; child custody jurisdiction; child welfare, abortion, childbirth and family planning; foster care and adoption; bankruptcy; health insurance after divorce; pensions; recognition of marriages; family violence; tax; family leave policies; and parental rights). See also Anne C. Dailey, Federalism and Families. 143 U. PA. L. REV.1787 (1995); Jill Elain Hasday, Federalism and the Family Reconstructed, 45 UCLA L. Rev. 1297 ( 1 998). 6. 28 U.C.S. 5 1738A. 7. Merle H. Weiner, Codification, Cooperation, and Concern for Clzildren: The L.Q. Internationalization of Farniiy Law in the United States Over the Last Fiji@ Years, 42 FAM. 6 19 (2008) 8. Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, Oct. 25, 1980, 1343 U.N.T.S. 89. It was implemented by the International Child Abduction Remedies Act, 42 U.S.C. Q 11601 et seq. The 1993 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, May 29, 1993, 32 I.L.M. 1134. The United States is likely to ratify the Hague Convention on International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance (2007).
Just as family law has become more federal and international, the laws of the fifty states have become more uniform due to the efforts of the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State law^.^ The increase in the number of divorces with young children, the mobility of the populationlo and the fact that child custody is modifiable throughout the child's minority led to interjurisdictional disputes over child custody. A major effort to encourage interstate cooperation and deter child abduction resulted in the promulgation of the 1968 Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act (UCCJA), which all fifty states enacted." In 1997, the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) replaced the UCCJA. It prioritized the jurisdictional bases for jurisdiction to match the PKPA and added interstate enforcement provisions." It has been adopted in forty-six states. Most recently, the Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act seeks to prevent child abduction by helping lawyers and judges identify potential risk factors and possible remedies.13 Other nationalizing influences have been the establishment of national organizations that bring lawyers and other professionals together to work on family law issues. For example, the Section of Family Law of the American Bar Association began in 1958, and the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts in 1963. Both have been instrumental in encouraging research, standards, and best-practice models for lawyers and mental health professionals. In addition, numerous national organizations developed to meet the expanding needs for professional specialization in family law (e.g., the National Association of Counsel for Children, the National Council of Juvenile and Court Judges).
9. NCCUSL has promulgated the following family law acts, Adoption Act (1969) and 1994; Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act (2000)(2002); Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act (1968); Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (1997); Uniform Parentage Act (1973)(2000)(1002): Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act (1970): Model Juvenile Court Act (1968); Uniform Marital Property Act (1983); Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act (2006); Uniform Premarital Agreement Act (1993); Uniform Transfer to Minors Act (1966); Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (1993)(2001) (2008) (replacing the Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act and Revised Act). See John J. Sampson, Un~form Furnib Lows und Model Acts, 42 FAM.L.Q. 673 (2008). 10. Linda D. Elrod, A Move in the Right Direction .? Best Interests of the Child Emerges as Stundard,for Relocation Ckses, 3 J . CHILD CUSTODY (2006)(noting that an estimated twenty29 five percent of custodial mothers moved within the tirst four years following divorce). 11. UNIF. CHILDCUSTODY JURISDICTION ACT, 9 U.L.A. 261 (1999). See Brigette Jurisdiction und Continuing Jurisdiction Under the Bodenheimer. Interstate C ~ ) . ~ t o dIyt:~ i t i ~ l UCCJA, 14 FAM. L.Q. 203 (1981). 11. UNIF.CHILD CLISTODY JURISDICTION ENFORCEMENT 9 U.L.A. 649 (1999). AND ACT, CUSTODY JURISDICTION 9 U.L.A. 34 (Supp. 2007). See Patricia M. ACT, 13. UNIF.CHILD Hoff, "UU" UCAPA: Understanding und Using UCAPA to Prevent Child Abduction, 41 FAM. L.Q. I (2007): Uniform Child Abd~rctiotl Prevention Act (Statrcmn Text, Comments and Unqflciul At~nototionsby Linda D. Elrrwl, Reporter). 41 FAM. L.Q. 23, 39-44 (2007) (listing risk factors for abduction).
Dynamic changes also occurred in the composition of the American family as the number of divorces grew, unwed fathers won parental rights, and more couples, heterosexual and same sex, chose to live together and have children without getting married. The dissolution of these relationships and the recognition of "parental rights" in persons not related by biology or marriage have resulted in more children being placed in the middle of adult conflicts than at any time in history.I4 When judges have to award "custody" in cases where two fit parents do not agree, the universal standard is "the best interests of the child." Judges must determine if it is in the child's best interests to be in the sole custody of the psychological parent,'5 to have more residential time with the primary caretaker, or to be placed in a shared parenting arrangement. As legislators, judges, and parents have searched for solutions to contentious, and seemingly unresolvable, custody issues, two things have become apparent. First, the expensive, time-consuming adversarial legal process does not work well for parents engaged in hostile custody disputes. Highconflict parents keep their children and themselves in perpetual turmoil, consume an extraordinary amount of court services, and deplete their own personal and financial resources. Secondly, judges find themselves ill prepared to make future predictions about parents and their children. Untrained in the dynamics of interpersonal relationships and the developmental needs of children, judges increasingly looked to mental health professionals and the social sciences for help in determining the child's best interest.I6Social science research over five decades has demonstrated that
14. See United States Census Bureau Statistical Abstract of the United States. Vital Statistics 75 (1999) (divorces increased 65% between 1984 and 1994 with 65% having minor children). See Nat'l Ctr. for Health Statistics, Ctrs. for Disease Control & Prevention, Births, STAT.REP. 20, Marriages. Divorces and Deaths: Provisional Data for 2006. 55 NAT'LVITAL Aug. 8, 2007, at tb1.A (showing rate of divorce at 3.6 per 1000). 15. JOSEPH GOLDSTEIN, ANNA FREUD, ALBERT SOLNIT, & J. BEYOND BESTINTEREST THE OF THE CHILD 37-38. 98 (1973) (psychological parent was the parent "who, on a continuing. dayto-day basis, through interaction, companionship, interplay and mutuality, fulfills the child's psychological needs for a parent, as well as the child's physical needs."). See also JOSEPH & J BEFORE THE BEST ~NTERESTOF THE CHILD GOLDSTEIN, ANNAFREUD, ALBERT . SOLNIT, J. & GOLDSTEIN, THE BEST IN (1979); JOSEPH GOLDSTEIN, ANNA FREUD, ALBERT SOLNIT, SONJA OF (1986). INTEREST THE CHILD 16. Courts have sought help from psychiatrists. social workers, therapists, psychologists, D. CHILD CUSTODY PRACTICE PROCEDURE AND ch. and family law attorneys. See LINDA ELROD, l l on Experts (2004 rev. ed & Supp. 2009). See also Philip M . Stahl, An Hismrical Perspective on Child Custody Evaluation: A 20-Year Personal Perspectiire on Child Custody E~~aluations, 1 0 ) J. CHILD CUSTODY (2004); Janet M. Bowermaster, Legal Presumptions and The Role of 9 Mental Health Professionals in Child C~rsrodyProceedings, 40 Duo. L. REV. 265 (2002); Allison Glade Behjani, Delegation of Judicial Authorin ro Experts: Professional and Constitutionizl Impliratiotls o f Sperial Masters in Child-Custody Proceedings, 2007 UTAHL. REV.823.
children's lives are altered by even the most amicable of divorces1' and that a high level of parental conflict has a destructive impact on children.18 This article explores five decades of child custody law, starting with the changes in families and the problems posed by high-conflict families. Part I1 discusses the legal changes from presumptions to factor-based bestinterests-of-the-child analysis. Part I11 outlines how the court system has tried to adapt to the growing numbers of high-conflict cases. Part IV sets out the increasingly complex role of mental health professionals in custody disputes.
called upon with increasing frequency to assist in the everyday tasks of child rearing . . .l 9
17. See ELIZABETH MARQUARDT, BETWEEN WORLDS: INNER TWO THE LIVES CHILDREN OF OF DIVORCE 21-22, 3&3 1 (2005) (summarizing national survey of 1,500 young adults indicating that childrenof divorce who maintained contact with both parents indicated they grew up in two S. distinct worlds. which created endless and often painful complications); JUDITH WALLERSTEIN ET AL., THEUNEXPECTED LEGACY DIVORCE: 25 YEAR OF A LANDMARK STUDY (2000) (finding that divorce is a cumulative experience for children, and its impact increases over time); JUDITH S. WALLERSTE~N & SANDRA BLAKESLEE. SECOND CHANCES: MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN A DECADE AFTER DIVORCE0 2 4 3 (1989) (demonstrating how divorce "affects their entire grow2 ing up and certainly their attitudes as young adults, toward themselves and toward the adult & JOAN KELLY. B. SURVIVING BREAKUP: CHILDREN THE HOW world."): JUDITH WALLERSTEIN S. AND PARENTS COPEWITH DIVORCE (1980). See also E. MAVIS HETHERINGTON & JOHN KELLY, OR DIVORCE RECONSIDERED (noting that 20% to 25% of chil(2002) FORBETTER FORWORSE: dren of divorce manifest serious social, emotional or psychological problems); Paul R. Amato, The Impact of Family Formation Change on the Cognitive, Social, and Emorional Well-Being OF MARRIAGE D CHILD AN WELLBEING 75, of the Next Generation, in 15 THEFUTURE CHILDREN: 77 (2005) (conducting a meta analysis of 93 studies published in the 1960s. 1970s. and 1980s and confirming that children of divorce score lower than those of married parents on educational more behavioral problems, more symptoms of psychologand psychological measures, exh~bit ical maladjustment, lower academic achievement, more social difficulties, and poorer self concepts, among other things); Michael E. Lamb et al., The Effects of Divorce and Custody Arrangements on Children's Behavior, Developmenr, and Adjustment, 35 FAM.& CONCIL. CTS. REV.393, 395-96 (1997) (finding children experience declines in economic circumstances, fear of abandonment by one or both parents. diminished capacity of parents to attend to child's needs, diminished contact with extended family and friends). OF 18. See Janet R. Johnston, High-Conflict Divorce, in 4(1) THE FUTURE CHILDREN: AND 165 CHILDREN DIVORCE (1994) (inter-parental conflict after divorce and the custodial parent's emotional distress are jointly predictive of an increase in problematic parent-child relationships and adjustment problems for children); Robert E. Emery, Inrerparental Conflicr and BULL.310 (1982); Marsha Kline et al., The rhe Children of Discord and Divorce, 92 PSYCHOL. Long Shadow of Marital Conflict, 53 J. MARRIAGE FAM.297, 305 (1991); WALLE.RSTEIN & & BLAKESLEE, SECOND CHANCES, supra note 17, at 301-02. For a discussion of how to read and understand social science data, see Robert F. Kelly & Sarah H. Ramsey, Assessing Social Science Studies: Eleven Tips for Judges and Lawyers. 40 FAM.L.Q. 367 (2006). 19. Troxel v. Granville. 530 U.S. 57, 63-64 (2000).
The "average" American family no longer exists in its idealized 1950s form. Once defined by marriage or biology, families have changed dramatically due to a steady divorce rate, a growing number of out-ofwedlock births, and the volume of children living with persons outside the traditional nuclear family. As late as 1970,40% of American families met the model of one wage earner, a stay-at-home-wife, and two children$!' today less than one in four families do. Divorces quadrupled between 1960 and 1999, and single-parent families more than tripled between 1970 and 2003. Because over half of divorced persons remarry, children may be exposed to an assortment of stepparents, stepsiblings, live-ins or other persons. One in three children are born to unwed mothers.'' Fit parents have the superior right to the care, custody, and control of their children," but blended, same-sex families and reproductive technologies challenge and expand the definition of "parent." Legislatures and courts protect a growing number of "nontraditional" familie~.~"n 1970, there were less than 475,000 unmarried cohabitants; today nearly six million. Same-sex couples can marry in two states (and five countries), have civil unions in several states, and form domestic partnerships in others. Many of these couples have children who are either the biological or adopted child of only one of the partners. The conception of children by assisted reproductive technologies sometimes raises complex issues of ~arentage.'~ adult who is neither a biological nor adoptive parent of a An
20. See U.S. Bureau of Census, U.S. Dep't of Commerce. Current Population Reports, Family and Living Arrangements: 2003, 2 (2004). 2 1. National Center for Health Statistics. Preliminary Births for 2004. available at http:// www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/pubs/pubd/hestats/prelimbirths04.htm. National Center for STAT.REP. 49, tb1.13 (Dec. 17, 2003) (showing 68.2% Health Statistics, 52 (10) NAT'L VITAL of African-American children were born to unmarried mothers; 28.5% of white children). See Brady E. Hamilton et al., Births: Preliminary D m for 2003. 53 NAT'LVITAL STAT. REP.9 (Ctr. for Disease Control & Prevention 2004). 22. Troxel v. Granville. 530 U.S. 57 (2000) (citing Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 U.S. 390 (1923) and Pierce v. Soc'y of Sisters, 268 U.S. 510 (1925). See generally, ELROD, CHILD CUSTODY PRACTICE, supra note 16, ch. 1 , 7. 23. MARY ANN GLENDON, TRANSFORMATION THE OF FAMILY LAW:STATE, LAWA N D FAMILY IN THE UNITED STATES N D WESTERN A EUROPE (1989) (noting a progressive increase in regula1 tion of the economic and child-related consequences of formal and informal cohabitation). See Moore v. City of East Cleveland, 43 1 U.S. 494 (1977); Braschi v. Stahl Assoc. Co., 543 N.E.2d 49 (N.Y. 1989); Hann v. Housing Authority of Easton, 709 F. Supp. 605 (E.D. Pa. 1989); U.S. Dep't of Agriculture v. Moreno, 413 U.S. 528 (1973). 24. See In re Marriage of Buzzanca, 72 Cal. Rptr. 2d 280 (Ct. App. 1998). See also Lane v. Lane, 912 P.2d 290 (N.C. 1996) (noting that:
Twentieth-century science has complicated the law of paternity. Advances in biology make it possible both to determine and to create biological parents in ways not contemplated a few decades ago. On the one hand, laboratory technicians can now rebut the presumption that the husband of the mother at the time of conception is the biological father. On the other, physicians can now enable infertile couples to have children who do not share both parents' genes. Legislatures have been attempting to design paternity statutes that properly balance the important interests at stake).
child can seek custody or visitation rights as a "de facto" parentz5or a parent by estoppel.26As more individuals are identified as parents and more kin caregivers are providing homes for children,*' courts must "protect children's interests within the context of nontraditional families."28It is up to the policymakers to decide how to protect the interests of children involved in disputes not only between divorcing mothers and fathers but also in a myriad of other family formation^.^^
Divorce causes anxiety and life disruptions for parents and children alike. The majority of separating parents, however, work through their changing emotions and return to some semblance of "normal" within two to three years.31The same is true for children. Tragically, a small, but significant, number of parents engage in a type of guerilla warfare, litigating As repeatedly, clogging courts and harming their ~hildren.'~ a Canadian study noted, some couples ". . . perpetuate their conflict regardless of developments in the lives of their children, their own remarriage and prohibitive legal expense^."^" High-conflict harms children whether it originates with the parents or is fueled by others in the adversarial system.34The level and intensity of parental conflict is now thought to be the most important factor in a child's postdivorce adjustment and is the single best predictor of a poor o u t ~ o m e . 'Highly conflicted custody cases disrupt and distort the devel~ opment of children, placing them at risk for depression and mental disorders, educational failure, alienation from parents, and substance abuse.36
Custody Cases, 28 WM.MITCHELL REV.495 (2001). The Section of Family Law cosponsored L. two earlier interdisciplinary "think tanks" on the topic of "Best Interest of the Child"--one with the Johnson Foundation at Wingspread in 1998 and one with Ripon College in 1990. KESSLER, THEAMERICAN OF DIVORCE: WAY PRESCRIPTION CHANGE FOR 31. See SHEILA (1979) (noting that divorcing persons go through stages of grief similar to death of a loved one, experiencing emotions ranging from hun, anger, grief, self-righteousness, guilt, jealousy. revenge, and vulnerability); Geoffrey Hamilton & Thomas S. Memll, "Why is My Clietlt Nuts?" An Inquiry into fhe Psychodynamics of Divorce. ABA Section of Family Law Annual Compendium C-1 (1993). THE LEGAL 32. MARYANNMASON, THE CUSTODY WARS:WHYCHILDREN LOSING ARE AND WHAT WE CANDO ABOUT (1999). See also ELEANOR MACCOBY ROBERT IT E. & BATTLE H. MNOOKIN, DIVIDING CHILD: THE SOCIAL LEGAL AND DILEMMAS CUSTODY 159 (1992) OF 100. AHRONS, GOOD THE (noting that fewer than 2 5 8 filed conflicting custody requests); CONSTANCE R. & ROSEBY, THE NAME THE CHILD: IN OF A DIVORCE (1994); JANET JOHNSTON VIVIENNE 56 DEVELOPMENTAL APPROACH UNDERSTANDINGHEI-PING TO AND CHILDREN 997). See general4 (1 LEGACY DIVORCE, OF supra note 17. ly UNEXPECTED OF OF CANADA, REPORT CHILD ON CUSTODY 33. SPECIAL JOINT COMMITTEETHE PARLIAMENT AND CHILD ACCESS: THE SAKE CHILDREN (1998). FOR OF 73 34. Wingspread Conference Report, supra note 30 (noting that "High conflict cases can arise when parents, attorneys or mental health professionals become invested in the conflict or when parents are in a dysfunctional relationship, have mental disorders, are engaged in criminal or quasi-criminal conduct, substance abuse or there are allegations of domestic violence, or child abuse or neglect"). 35. See Joan B. Kelly & Roben E. Emery, Children's Adjustmerzt Following Divorce: Risk and Resilience Perspectives, 52(4) FAM.REL. 352 (2003) (finding child's postdivorce wellbeing is inversely related to the level of parental conflict before, during, and after divorce); CARLA GARRITY MITCHELL BARIS, B. & A. CAUGHT THE MIDDLE: IN PROTECTING CHILDREN THE OF HIGH-CONFLICT DIVORCE (1994); Paul R. Amato, Children's Adjustment to Divorce: 19 & 23 Theories, Hypotheses, and Empirical Support, 55 J. MARRIAGEFAM. (1993). 36. Janet Johnston et al., Ongoing Postdivorce Conflict in Families Cotltesting Custody: Effects on Children of Joint Custody and Frequent Access, 59 AM. J. ORTHOPSYCHIATRY 576 (1989); Emery, Interparental Conflict and the Children of Discord and Divorce, supra note 18; see also ELIZABETH ELLIS,DIVORCE M. WARS:INTERVENTIONS FAMILIES CONFLICT. WITH IN
Children exposed to violence and high conflict "bear an acutely heightened risk of repeating the cycle of conflicted and abusive relationships as they grow up and try to form families of their own."" These children often are afraid of intimate relationships and lack the abilities to manage conflict themselves. In many high-conflict families, there may be a multitude of problems. The parties are angry, distrustful, often contemptuous of the other parent. One or both parents may struggle with serious personality characteristics that distort relationships and make them unable to tolerate negative emotions." Such parents typically possess little insight into their own role in the conflict and fail to understand the impact of the conflict on their children. They may perpetrate or make allegations of child abuse or domestic violence, alienate the child from the other parent, or even abduct the child. The dynamics of the conflict will vary; sometimes there may be just one high-conflict ~ a r e n t . ' ~ Sometimes contextual factors drive the conflict. For example, relocation cases are often "no win" high-conflict cases. One parent's right to travel conflicts with the other parent's wish to remain geographically close to the child. The interests of the child may conflict with both.40 Because each case is fact sensitive, and there currently are no uniform standards,"' the potential for conflict is great." Polarized parents, who frequently argue over which legal presumptions and burdens should prevail
ch. 2 (2000) (summarizing research); Catherine C. Ayoub et al., Emotional Distress in Children of High Conflict Divorce: The lrnpact of Marital Conflict and Violence, 38 FAM. CONCIL. & CTS. REV.297 (1999); Kline et al., supra note 18. 37. JOHNSTON ROSEBY, THE NAME THE CHILD. & IN OF supra note 32. at 4.5. 38. JANET JOHNSTON LINDA & E.G. CAMPBELL, IMPASSES DIVORCE: DYNAMICS OF THE AND RESOLUTION FAMILY OF CONFLICT(1988). See a h 0 WILLIAM EDDY,HIGH CONFLICT A. ~ERSONAL~T~ES: UNDERSTANDING RESOLVING AND THEIRCUSTODY DISPUTES (2003); Carl F. Hoppe. Test Characteristics of Custody-Visitation Litigants: A Dam-Based Description of Relationship Disorders, in EMPIRICAL APPROACHES CHILD TO CUSTODY DETERMINATION (Stefan Podrygula ed., 1993). See AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION: DIAGNOSTIC ~ T A T ~ S T ~ C A L AND MANUAL MENTAL OF DISORDERS (DSM-IV) (4th ed 1994). See also Johnston, High Conflic! Divorce, supra note 18, at 169 (two thirds of 160 parents in study had personality disordersparents exhibit either narcissistic, obsessive-compulsive, histrionic, paranoid, psychotic or borderIine personalities): Joan B. KeIly, Parents with Enduring Child Disputes: Multiple Parhways to Enduring Dispures, 9 J. FAM.STUDIES (2003). 37 39. Kelly, Parents wirh Enduring Child Disputes, supra note 38. 40. See Elrod, A Move in the Right Direction?, supra note 10 (discussing the various 1 CHILD CUSTODY approaches states lake to relocation). See also JEFF ATKINSON, MODERN PRACTICE. 7 (2d ed. 2008). ch. 41. The Uniform Law Commission has established a drafting committee for a Uniform Relocation Act. It held its first meeting October 10-1 1, 2008. For current status, see nccusl.org 42. In re Marriage of Burgess, 913 P.2d 473 (Cal. 1996): Tropea v. Tropea, 642 N.Y.S.2d 575 (1996). See also Special Issue on Relocation, 15 J . AMER. ACAD. MATRIMONIAL LAWYERS (1998) for legal and social science perspectives.
to allow or block a move, may lose the focus on their child." Relocation cases leave less room for parents to compromise and force an examination of underlying preferences and values. Some social scientists and lawyers favor maintaining the stability of the relationship with the custodial parent over keeping parents geographically together.44 Others argue that maintaining the relationship with the nonmoving parent should be the decisive factor. Yet others advocate a benefit-risk analysis.45Courts have increasingly used a case-by-case "best interests" analysis.46Absent a predictable standard, the potential for litigation and conflict are increased.
11. The Law's Search for the Best Interests of the Child
The best interest standard represents a willingness on the part of the court and the law to consider children on a case-by-case basis rather than adjudicating children as a class or a homogeneous grouping with identical needs and situation^.^^
A. From Presumptions to Parenting Plans Because divorce bargaining and negotiations occur "in the shadow of the law,"48presumptions, or the lack of presumptions, play a pivotal role in negotiations. For example, if a presumption favors one parent, the other parent may only pursue litigation if he or she feels there is sufficient evidence to overcome the presumption. For centuries, the patriarchal and
43. Winn v. Winn, 593 N.W.2d 662, 669 (Mich. Ct. App. 2000) (noting that the ideal would be for the child to develop a close relationship with both parents through an equal division of parenting time, but the ideal was difficult to achieve when the parents lived in different communities; reminding trial judge that the paramount consideration in a child custody decision is the child's best interests, not those of his parents). See Janet Leach Richards, Children's Rights v. Parents' Rights: A Proposed Solution to the Custodial Relocation Conundrum, 29 N.M. L. REV.2345 (1999). 44. See Carol S . Bruch &Janet M. Bowermaster, The Relocation of Children and Custodial Parents: Public Policy, Past and Present, 30 FAM.L.Q. 245 (1996); Judith S. Wallerstein & Tony J. Tanke, To Move or Not to Move-Psychological and Legal Considerations in the Relocation of Children Following Divorce, 30 FAM.L.Q. 305 (1996); Carol S. Bruch, Social , Science or Wishful Thinking: Lessons front Relocation l ~ w40 FAM.L.Q. 281 (2006). 45. William G. Austin, A Forensic Psychology Model of Risk Assessment for Child Custody & CTS. REV.192 (2000). Relocation Law, 38 FAM. CONCIL. 46. In re Marriage of Ciesluk, 113 P.3d 135 (Colo. 2005) (noting the court's duty was not to determine which theories are correct but to determine the best interest of a child based on the facts of each individual case); See Elrod, A Move in the Right Direction?, supra note 10 (citing cases). 47. Joan B. Kelly, The Best Inrerests of the Child: A Concept in Search of Meaning, 35 FAM. & CONCIL. CTS.REV.377, 385 (1997) (noting that the lack of scientific knowledge by the decision maker may result in a custody decision based on personal experience and beliefs of the judge). 48. Robert H. Mnookin & Lewis Kornhauser. Bargaining in the Shadow of the Lnw: The Case of Divorce. 88 YALE L.J. 950, 956 (1979).
hierarchal societal structure treated children to a large extent as the property of their father~.~%ivorces were few, but fathers were named the custodians of children. The nineteenth century saw the Industrial Revolution, the movement for women's rights (one position at the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention was that women should have a right to equal custody of their children), and the first references to awarding custody according to the best interests of the chi1d.j' The paternal presumption gave way to a view that placement of the children with their mothers, who were in the home to nurture them, was in their best interests.jl Until the 1960s, unless the mother was "unfit" or at fault in the divorce,j2judges presumed that it was in the best interests of a child "of tender years" to be in her sole custody.j3 Fathers were often awarded "visitation." Without legal rights to their children, unwed fathers seldom sought custody or visitation. The 1970s saw the judicial and legislative removal of the maternal preference. Families became more egalitarian. Mothers entered the workforce in record numbers and started seeking equal rights in the marketplace. Fathers assumed more parental responsibilities and started seeking more equal rights in the care of their children following divorce. The U.S. Supreme Court moved the states towards gender equality using the Fourteenth Amendment54 and recognized due process rights for unwed fathers.55In addition, a growing body of scientific research supported the importance of fathers in the development of their children.j6 Giving unwed fathers independent parental rights combined with changes in the
BLACKSTONE, COMMENTARIES LAWOF ENGLAND (1765). See U / S O ON THE 453 49. W ~ L L I A M MARY ANNMASON, FROM FATHER'S PROPERTY CHILDREN'S TO RIGHTS: HIS.TORY CHILD THE OF CLISTODYTHE UNITED IN STATES (1994). 50. See In re Bort. 25 Kan. 308 (1881) (noting that "in a controversy for the custody of an infant of tender years. the court will consider the best interests of the child, and will make such order for its custody as will be for its welfare, without reference to the wishes of the parties, their parental rights, or their contracts"); See also Chapsky v. Wood, 26 Kan. 650 (1881). 5 1. See Marcia O'Kelly, Blessirlg the Tie that Binds: Preference for the Primary Caretaker L. as Custodiarl, 63 N. DAK. REV.481,487-88 (1987); Henry Foster, Life with Father, 1 1 FAM. L.Q. 327 (1978); MICHAEL GROSSBERG,JUDGMENT SOLOMON A FOR (1997). 52. See Robert J. Bregman, Custodv Awards: Standurds Used When the Mother Hus Been Guilty of Adultery or Alcoholism, 2 FAM.L.Q. 384 (1968). 53. MASON.THE CLISTODY WARS, supra note 32. at 123; HOMERCLARK,DOMESTIC REL.ATIONS17.4(a) (1968); ELROD, 5 CHILD CUSTODY PRACTICE, supra note 16, at 5 1.06 & 5 4:05 (describing the tender years doctrine). 54. See Reed v. Reed, 404 U.S. 71 (1971); Stanton v. Stanton, 421 U.S. 7 (1975). See a l . ~ o Weinberger v. Weinberger, 420 U.S. 636 (1975); Frontier0 v. Richardson, 41 1 U.S. 677 (1973); Schlesinger v. Ballard, 419 U.S. 498 (1975); Craig v. Boren, 429 U.S. 190 (1976); Califano v. Wescott, 443 U.S. 76 (1979); Orr v. Om, 440 U.S. 269 (1979). 55. See Stanley v. Illinois, 405 U.S. 645 (1972); Quilloin v. Walcott. 434 U.S. 246 (1978); Caban v. Mohammed. 441 U.S. 380 (1979); Lehr v. Robertson, 463 U.S. 248 (1983). A 56. Robert F. Cochran, Jr. & Paul C. Bitz, Child Protective Divorce Larr~s: Resporise to the Effects of Parental Separation on Children, 17 FAM. L.Q. 327. 340 (1983).
family, no-fault divorce, and the removal of the maternal preference5' to leave the best-interest standard without an anchor. The impact of child custody law's paradigm shift to the gender-neutral best interests of the child standard in the 1970s almost defies description. Rather than basing custody decisions on gender- or status-based presumptions, judges were suddenly charged with making individualized determinations without presumptions or a clear default position. As Joan Kelly noted:
. . . each recommendation, each decision made, considers the individual child's developmental and psychological needs. Rather than focusing on parental demands, societal stereotypes, cultural tradition, or legal precedent, the best interests standard asks the decision makers to consider what this child needs at this point in time, given this family and its changed structure . . . 58
Having judges exercise the state's parens patriae power was not new; not knowing what the judge would say or what might happen if the parents did not agree was new.59 Parents who made daily decisions about their child during the marriage suddenly faced an unpredictable legal process before a judge. In a highly formal, but often truncated, proceeding, the judge would tell parents with whom the child would live and what decisions each could make. The best-interests-of-the-child process for an individual child is the ultimate exercise in examining the "how" and "why" connections between behaviors, attitudes, and attributes of parents and the psychological and developmental characteristics of their children. Finding the best interests of the child is an attractive public policy and a lofty objective, but it is a difficult operational standard. When compared to the legal presumptions it replaced, the best interests standard has been assailed as indeterminate and ~npredictable.~' Judges, without the requisite training in child development and adequate resources to fully investigate these intensely fact-sensitive
57. See Bazemore v. Davis, 394 A.2d 1377 (D.C. 1978); Johnson v. Johnson, 564 P.2d 71 (Alaska 1977); In re Marriage of Bowen, 219 N.W.2d 683 (Iowa 1974); State ex rel. Watts v. Watts, 350 N.Y.S.2d 385 (1973); Devine v. Devine, 398 So. 2d 686 (Ala. 1981); Pusey v. Pusey, 728 P.2d I 17 (Utah 1986). 58. Kelly, The Best Interests of the Child, supra note 47. 59. See Ford v. Ford, 371 U.S. 187, 193 (1962) (noting that "experience has shown that the question of custody, so vital to a child's happiness and well-being, frequently cannot be left to the discretion of parents. This is particularly true where . . . the estrangement of husband and wife beclouds parental judgment with emotion and prejudice."); Santosky v. Kramer, 455 U.S. 745 (1982) (state has parens patriae interest in preserving and promoting the welfare of children). 60. Most lists of the classic critiques include: Robert H. Mnookin, Child-Custody PROBS. Adjudication: Judicial Functions in the Face of Indeterminacy, 39 LAW & CONTEMP. 226, 269-70 (1975) (offering numerous examples in which judges relied on personal values about race, sexual intimacy, middle-class values and concluding that courts lack capacity to discern a child's best interest); David L. Chambers, Rethinking the Substantive Rules for Custody
cases, tend to rely on their own value^.^' While many judges continued to look at the importance of stability, past caretaking and emotional bonds, others considered a variety of factors, leading some to argue that the neutral best-interest standard hurt mothers.62The last forty years have seen various attempts to reign in judicial discretion with new presumptions, preferences, and lists of factor^.^'
1. ENUMERATED FACTORS UMDA, FRIENDLY FROM PARENTS D AN DOMESTIC VIOLENCE In 1970, the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws adopted a Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act (UMDA) with five gender-neutral factors: (a) the wishes of the child's parents; (b) the desires of the child; (c) the interaction and interrelationship of the child with parents, siblings, and any other person who may significantly affect the child's best interests; (d) the child's adjustment to the child's home, school, and community; and (e) the mental and physical health of all parties. In addition, the UMDA admonished courts to not consider conduct of a parent that did not affect his relationship with the child.@' This provision was to keep judges from awarding custody solely because of the judge's
Disputes in Divorce, 83 MICH.L. REV.477,481-82 (1984) ("legislatures have failed to convey Against a collective social judgment about the right values"); Jon Elster, Solomonic Judgmet~ts: the Best Interest of the Child, 54 U. CHI. L. REV. I (1987); Robert J. Levy, Rights and L.Q. 189, 194 (1993) (noting custody Responsibilities for Extended Family Members?, 27 FAM. litigation has intense emotionalism and the indeterminate qualities of the best interest standard invite judges to make decisions based on whose attributes and values most resemble their own). 61. See Painter v. Bannister, 140 N.W.2d 151 (Iowa 1966) (awarding custody to Iowa grandparents over father who lived a more "Bohemian" lifestyle). 62. See Mary Becker, Maternal Feelings: Myth, Tuboo and Child Custody, 1 S. CAL.REV. STUD.133, 175 (1992) (judges tend to apply the best interest standard in ways L. & WOMEN'S that are systematically biased against mothers who are sexually active, have less money than the father, lesbian, work outside the home, or marry a person of another race); MARTHA ALBERTSON FINEMAN, ILLUSION EQUALITY: RHETORIC REALITY DIVORCE THE OF THE AND OF REFORM 149 (1991) (suggesting that best interest standard undercut mother's ability to retain custody and L. devalued their contributions); Mary Ann Mason, Motherhood v. Equal Treatment, 29 J. FAM. 1.48 (199 1) (noting that gender-neutral laws deny the biological and social reality of the importance of children to women and hold mothers to a competitive male model); Amy D. Ronner, Women Who Dance on the Prqfessional Track: Custody and the Red Shoes, 23 HARV. WOMEN'S L.J. 173 (2000) (noting that mothers who work have encountered some gender stereotyping). But see Stephen J. Bahr et al., Trends in Child Custody Awards: Hrrs the Remo~jal Maternal of Preference Made a Difference? 28 FAM.L.Q. 247 (1994). 63. John J. Sampson, Bringing the Courts to Heel: Substituting Legislative Policy for L.Q. 565 (1999). But see Carl E. Schneider, Discretion, Rules, and Judicial Discretion, 33 FAM. Law: Child Custody and the UMDA's Best Interest Standard, 89 MICH. REV. 2215 (1991) L. (arguing that judicial discretion has some advantages). 64. UNIF.MARRIAGE DIVORCE & ACT 3 402, 9A U.L.A. 288 (1979). The Uniform Law Commission has moved the UMDA to the status of a model act.
view of a parent's fault in the divorce, sexuality,65race, or religion.66 Although the entire UMDA was only adopted in eight states, many state legislators began with the five UMDA factors, then added others to focus the analysis and resolve conflict by adding more predictability. In some jurisdictions the factors were judicially ~ r e a t e d . ~ ' Factors added to address specific concerns have often stimulated vigorous debates when combined with advocacy in the adversarial court system. Advocates quickly learned that factors intended as "shields" can just as easily become "swords." For example, to prevent one parent from interfering with the other's contact with the child, some states added a "friendly parent" factor.68Meant as a tool that judges could use to protect the parenting time of noncustodial parents, predominantly fathers who felt marginalized, these provisions were stretched far beyond this purpose. When broadly construed, friendly parent provisions can profoundly impact cases by becoming the lens through which everything is viewed. In the visitation context, such provisions can function as two-sided shields. On one side they simultaneously protect against unwarranted withholding of parenting time and frivolous allegations of abuse or unfit parenting, while on the other side they may hinder reasonable inquiry into inappropriate or questionable parenting practices if such inquiries are labeled "unfriendly." The two types of problems most directly impacted by the provision--domestic violence and parental alienation-involve difficult-to-prove allegations and counter-allegations. They illustrate how the friendly parent provision is all too often a double-edged sword for parents and children caught in the middle of conflicts. The awareness of the dramatic and long-term detrimental effects of domestic violence on childrenh9led to all states adding the consideration
65. See Fulk v. Fulk. 827 So. 2d 736 (Miss. Ct. App. 2002); Taylor v. Taylor, 110 S.W.3d 731 (Ark. 2003) (refusing to change custody just because mother had a roommate who was a lesbian when there was no evidence of a sexual relationship between them). 66. Palmore v. Sidoti, 466 U.S. 429 (1984). But see Kendall v. Kendall, 687 N.E.2d 1228 (Mass. 1997). cert. denied 524 U.S. 953 (1998) (upholding restriction on fundamentalist Christian father taking child who was Orthodox Jew to his church because he ridiculed child's beliefs). See Kent Greenawalt. Child Custody, Religious Practices, and Conscience, 76 U. COLO. REV.965 (2005). L. 67. Albright v. Albright, 437 So. 2d 1003 (Miss. 1983) (including UMDA factors and adding which parent had the continuity of care prior to separation and which has the best parenting skills and the willingness and capacity to provide primary child care). 68. See Linda D. Elrod & Robert G. Spector, A Review of the Year it1 Family Law: Redejning Families, Reforming Custody Jurisdiction, and RedeJinit~g Support Issues, 34 FAM. L.Q. 607, 654, Chart 2 (2001). 69. See Peter Jaffe, Children of Domestic Violence: Special Challerlges in Custody and Visitatiot~ Disputes, in DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND CHILDREN: RESOLVING CUSTODY AND VISITATION DISPUTES, NATIONAL A JUDICIAL CURRICULUM (Nancy K.D. Lemon, ed. 1995) 19,22 (the majority of abusive husbands grew up in families where they witnessed their fathers abuse
of spousal abuse as a factor in custody determination^.^' Twenty-four have a rebuttable presumption against awarding custody to the abusive parent.71Domestic violence cases are high-conflict cases that pose serious Some studies indicate that safety concerns for both parent and ~ h i l d . ~ ' sixty percent of litigating parents report domestic violence of some kind. Differentiating between valid reports of domestic violence, the type of violence, and strategic allegations is not always easy.73Batterers may contest custody to punish, control, or hurt their female partners and their children.74When mothers raise allegations of domestic violence and child abuse in contested custody cases, there has been a tendency for judges though research indicates (and lawyers) to discount the allegati~ns,~'even .~~ that the majority of accusations are ~ u b s t a n t i a t e dSome domestic violence victims flee the jurisdiction to avoid violence77or protect the child
their mothers): Joy D. Osofsky, The Impact of Violence on Children, in 9(3) THEFUTURE OF CHILDREN: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CHILDREN (1999). AND 33 70. See Hicks v. Hicks, 733 So. 2d 1261 (La. Ct. App. 1999) (reversing joint custody with primary residence to father during school year to sole custody with mother and supervised visitation to father where evidence showed eight incidences of domestic violence); Peter-Riemers v. Riemers, 644 N.W.2d 197 (N.D. 2002). 7 1. Annette M. Gonzalez & Linda Rio Reichmann. Represenling Children in Civil Cuses Involving Domestic Violence, 39 FAM. L.Q. 197, 198 (2005). 72. See Jessica O'Brien & Lavita Nadkami. Domestic Violence Under the Microscope: hnp1ication.sfor Custody cmd Visitution, 23 FAM. ADVOC. (Sum. 2000); Nancy K.D. Lemon. 35 The Legal System's Response to Children Exposed to Domestic Violence, in 9(3) THEFUTURE OF CHILDREN: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CHILDREN (1999). AND 67 73. Peter F. Jaffe. Janet R. Johnston et al., Custody Disputes Invohing Allegations of Dornestic Violence: Toward a D{fferentiuted Approach to Parenting Plans, 46 FAM. CT. REV. 500 (2008); Nancy Ver Steegh, D{fferentiuting Types of Domestic Violence: Impliccltions for Child Cuslody, 65 LA. L. REV. 1379 (2005). 74. See LUNDY BANCROFT JAYG. SILVERMAN, BATTERER PARENT: & THE AS ADDRESSING THE IMPACT DOMESTIC OF VIOLENCE FAMILY ON DYNAMICS (2002); CHIL.DREN EXPOSED TO MARITAL VIOLENCE: THEORY. RESEARCH APPLIED AND ISSUES (George W. Holden et al., eds. 2000); Joan S. Meier, Dornestic Violence, Child Custody, and Child Prorection: Understanding JudicialResistance and Imagining Solutions, I I AM. U. J. GENDER PoL'Y & L. 67 (2003). SOC. 75. See Jane H. Aiken & Jane C. Murphy, Evidence Issues in Domestic Violence Civil Cases, 34 FAM. L.Q. 4 3 , 4 4 4 5 (2000); Martha Albertson Fineman, Domestic Violence, Custody and Visitation, 36 FAM. L.Q. 2 1 1 , 2 17-20 (2002). 76. See ANNM. HARALAMBIE. SEXUAL ABUSE ALLEGATIONS IN CIVIL CASES: GUIDE A TO CUSTODY D TORT AN ACTIONS (I 999) (less than 8% not validated); Kathleen Coulbom Faller, 35 Child Mallreatment and Endungerment in the Context of Divorce, 22 U . ARK.LITTLE ROCK L. Symposium Issue: REV.429, 43&3 1 (2000) (vast majority of allegations validated). See a l s ~ Nelv Perspectives or1 Child Protection, 34 FAM. L.Q. 301-552 (2000). But see Janet R. Johnston et al., Allegations and Suh.stantiatiorl.s @Abuse in Custody-Disputing Families, 43 FAM.CT. REV.283-94 (2005) (showing substantiation in only about one-fourth of cases in the study). 77. Merle H. Weiner, International Child Abduction and the Escape from Dornestic L. Violence, LXIX FORDHAM REV.593 (2000) (finding that a majority of the abductors were women escaping violence). See Glen Skoler, A Psychological Critique of lnternationcll Child L.Q. 557 (1998). Custody and Abduction h w , 32 FAM.
if the court does not believe the claim of abuse.78Advocates for these parents argue that the friendly parent provision unfairly penalizes a victim who is trying to protect herself and the In the 1980s, the gender wars, emerging father's rights, increasing allegations of child abuse at the time of divorce, and postdivorce visitation refusals produced the phenomenon identified as "parental alienation synd r ~ m e . "The original theory depicted a vindictive, hostile parent ~~ systematically programming the child to view the other parent as evil, dangerous, or unnecessary to the child.$' Reaction to the theory and its use in court was immediate and highly polarizing. To some, the controversial psycholegal "diagnosis" embodied an effective, uncompromising counter-allegation to increasingly frequent allegations of physical and sexual abuse of the child. To many, however, the allegations of child abuse needed to be taken more seriously, and parental alienation syndrome reflected "junk science" that needed to be totally excluded from court.82 More contemporary notions of alienation cases suggest a more moderate, less blaming view. The "alienated child" theory notes that the child's rejection of a parent may be the result of multiple causes including possible alienating behavior by the favored or aligned parent, child abuse or domestic violence, or poor parenting and family conflict.83 Within the alienated child model, alignments may reflect the child's affinity or preferences for one parent and estrangements from the other that might be due to poor or less preferred parenting.84
78. See Morgan v. Foretich, 546 A.2d 407 (D.C. 1988) (hiding child in New Zealand with grandparents when judge ordered visitation with father whom mother alleged abused child). 79. Margaret K. Dore, The Friendly Parent Concept: A Flawed Factor for Child Custody, 6 Lou. J. PUB.INT.L. 41 (2004). BANCROFT SILVERMAN, note 74. & supra 80. For cases discussing alienating parents, see, e.g., Schutz v. Schutz, 581 So. 2d 1290 (Fla. 1991); In re Maniage of Cobb, 988 P.2d 272 (Kan. Ct. App. 1999); Foster v. Foster, 788 So. 2d 779 (Miss. Ct. App. 2000); Begins v. Begins, 721 A.2d 469 (Vt. 1998). 8 1. RICHARD GARDNER, PARENTAL A. THE ALIENATION SYNDROME: A GUIDE MENTAL FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS ( 1992). 82. See Carol S. Bruch, Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation: Getting It Wrong in Child Custody Cases, 35 FAM.L.Q. 527 (2001) (discussing problems with the theory); Robert E. Emery, Parental Alienation Syndrome: Proponents Bear the Burden of Proof, 43 FAM. REV.8 (2005) (stating that Gardner makes sweeping and misguided claims about PAS. CT. . . [alnyone who presents PAS as supported by science either misunderstands the rules of science or the nature of scientific evidence."). 83. Joan B. Kelly & Janet R. Johnston, The Alienated Child: A Reformulation of Parental CT. 249, 255-56 (2001) (stating that divorces characterized Alienation S-vndrome,39 FAM. REV. by bitter and protracted legal proceedings, continued verbal andlor physical aggression after separation, unsubstantiated allegations and counter-allegations of child abuse, neglect, or parental lack of interest are . . . more likely to potentiate alienation in the child.). See also ELLIS, DIVORCE WARS,supra note 36, at 205-33 (noting that cases involving alienation evidence a wide range of family dynamics). 84. Leslie M. Drozd & Nancy W. Oleson, Is It Abuse, Alienation, andlor Estrangement? A Decision Tree, l(3) J. CHILD CUSTODY (2004). 65
Regardless of how the dynamics are framed, children in these cases are undeniably caught in the middle of the parental conflict. At stake is the child's independent sense of self in the eyes of one or both parents. Either the programming parent is using the child as a pawn, or the other parent is ignoring the child's self by interpreting the child as the other parent's pawn. For the child, loyalty binds to both parents may actually fuel alignments to one parent as a solution for the anxiety. The stakes for parents in alienation cases are high because sometimes there may be little possibility of salvaging the parent-child relationship." The statutory and judicial lists of "best interests" factors have mushroomed. Some states include eleven or more factor^.'^ Although these factors are intended to focus the judge on specific parenting slulls and behaviors, the diverse nature of unweighted factors still allow for substantial interpretation and discretion. he outcomes of child custody disputes remain difficult to predict and may rely on the judge's "gut" feeling tied to a factor. If parents cannot agree and cannot predict who will "win" a custody fight, they may hire expensive experts and engage in unnecessary litigation and strategic behavior^.^'
Sole custody was the norm until the 1970s. Because mothers received sole custody most of the time, some fathers felt disenfranchised and undervalued. Notions of gender equality eventually affected perceptions of real and model parenting relationships. When parents can cooperate and continue to co-parent, children benefit." Joint legal custody, which allows both parents to retain decision-making authority, solved the "winners and losers" problem for judges.89 Legislators quickly embraced joint
85. Janet R. Johnston, Children of Divorce Who Reject a Parent and Refuse Visitariotr: Recent Research rrnd Social Polic? hnp1ication.s t o r the Alienated Child, 38 FAM.L.Q. 757 (2004). 86. ELROD, CHILD CUSTODY PRACTICE, .wpru note 16, at ch. 4. See COLO. REV.STAT. 14S: 10-124(1.5)(a) (2007) (listing nine best interest factors); COLO.REV.STAT.9 14-10-129(c) (2007) (if relocation of a child is involved. adding eleven additional factors); ME. REV.STAT. 19 6 1653 (listing sixteen factors). 87. Elrod, Reforming the System, supra note 30: Mnookin & Kornhauser, Bargaining in the Shadow of the Law, supra note 48, at 956. CUSTODY WARS. supra note 31,; David J. Miller. Joint Custody. 13 FAM. 88. See MASON, L.Q. 345 (1979). See also ANDREW. SCHEPARD, I CHILDREN, COURTS, N D CUSTODY: A INTERDISCIPLINARY MODELS DIVORCING IN FAMILIES (2004) (noting the push for legislation 46 for joint custody came from fathers' groups). 89. See Dodd v. Dodd, 403 N.Y.S. 2d 401 (Sup. Ct. 1978) (noting "Joint custody is an appealing concept. It permits the court to escape an agonizing choice. to keep from wounding the self-esteem of either parent and to avoid the appearance of discrimination between the sexes."); Taylor v. Taylor. 508 A.2d 964 (Md. 1986) (generally endorsing but outlining benefits and drawbacks to joint custody).
custody.y0Joint custody clarifies that both parents remain parents; neither becomes a "visitor." The child continues to get love, guidance, and support from both parents. When parents choose to cooperatively parent their child, indications are that these children have the best postseparation Joint custody, however, did not prove to be a panacea for children (or their parents). While a judge can order the placement, joint custody actually requires a higher level of cooperation. Courts can only go so far in making parents communicate about their children." Joint legal custody also led to questions of whether fairness and equality demanded shared residency. Although courts have determined that there is no "constitutional right" to equal time,93some states presume that shared parenting is in the child's best interest. Equal contact, however, does not resolve conflict. If the parents are in conflict, children often suffer more in joint cususe of joint custody may "cement tody arrangements.'"nappropriate rather than resolve chronic hostility and condemn the child to living with two tense, angry parents indefinitel~."'~
90. See ELROD, CHILD CUSTODY PRACTICE, supra note 16, at ch. 5; Doris J . Freed & Timothy B. Walker, Family Law it1 the 50 States, 22 FAM.L.Q. 367 (1989) (noting legislative trend toward joint custody); Woodhouse, srcpra note I , at 825 (judges seemed to have grown tired of the fighting in high-conflict cases and saw joint custody as a compromise). 91. Andrew Schepard, Taking Children Seriously: Promoting Cooperative Custody Afler Divorce, 64 TEX.L. REV.687, 7 17 (1985). CHERLIN, DIVIDED FAMILIES: WHAT HAPPENS 92. FRANK FURSTENBURG, & ANDREW F. JR., TO CHILDREN WHEN PARENTS (1991); ISOLINA PART RICCI, MOM'SHOUSE, DAD'S HOUSE ed. (2d 1997). See Barton v. Hirshberg, 767 A.2d 874 (Md. Ct. Spec. App. 2001) (parents need not agree on all aspects of child rearing, but their views must not be so widely divergent or so inflexibly maintained so as to forecast continued disagreement). 93. See Arnold v. Arnold, 679 N.W.2d 296 (Wis. Ct. App. 2004) (finding custody award should be in the child's best interests; father had no constitutional right to 50150 residency split); Griffin v. Griffin, 581 S.E.2d 899, 902 (Va. Ct. App. 2003) (noting the best interests tests "reflects a finely balanced judicial response t o . . . parental deadlock."). 94. In re Marriage of Hansen. 733 N.W.2d 63 (Iowa 2007) (reviewing the social science literature and refusing to award joint custody); Parker v. Parker, 553 So. 2d 309 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1989) (shifting or rotating custody, especially when the parents are not in agreement, is not in a child's best interests). See Woodhouse, sutpru note 1, at 825 (discussing Fisher v. Fisher, 535 A.2d 1163 (Pa. Super. Ct. 1988) (overturning custody award alternating years so child would have to change schools). See also Janet R. Johnston, Children's Adjustment in Sole Custody Compared to Joint Custody Families and Pritzciplesfor Custody Decision Making, 33 & CTS. FAM. CONCIL. REV.415 (1995); Andre P. Derdeyn & Elizabeth Scott, Joint Custody: A Criticul Anuly.ris and Appruisal, 54 AM. J. ORTHOPSYCHIATRY 202 (1984); Gerald W. 199, Hardcastle, Joittt Custody: A Family Court Judge's Perspective, 32 FAM.L.Q. 201 (1998); MACOBY MNOOKIN, & DIVIDING CHILD, THE supra note 32, at 34; Jana B. Singer & William L. Reynolds, A Dissetzt on Joint Custody, 47 MD. L. REV.497, 507 (1988). 95. H. Patrick Stern et al., Battered-Child Syndrome: Is It a Paradigm for a Child of ROCKL. REV.335, 379 (2000). See McCauley v. Embattled Divorce?, 22 U . ARK.LITTLE Schenkel, 977 S.W.2d 45 (Mo. Ct. App. 1998) (private school dropped children because of parents' "constant, ongoing, severe tension and bickering.").
Attempting to promote parental cooperation in every case may not be in the child's best interests. When joint custody is imposed over the objection of the par tie^,'^ the rate of relitigation is roughly the same as when a Many believe that neither joint legal nor joint parent has sole c ~ s t o d y . ~ ' physical custody should be imposed in cases of high conflicty8or in cases involving domestic violence.yyJudges must determine whether imposing joint custody over the objections of one of the parents will improve or hurt the relationships between the parents and the children. Shared residency awards that have the effect of reducing child support can create financial burdens for the child and the residential parent. Securing shared residential custody sometimes has become an effective strategy for those who wish to avoid or decrease their child support payments. Reductions in support, however, do not correspond to an offsetting decrease in the primary custodian's expenses."' These problems are exacerbated when one parent does not pay his or her child support obligation or a portion of the child's expenses."' Constructing an objective, mathe96. christy M. Buchanan & Parissa L. Jahromi, A P.sychologica1 Perspective on Shared FOREST REV. L. 419 (2008) (presumption for joint custody not Custody Arrangments, 43 WAKE appropriate for high conflict). 97. Beverly W. Ferreiro, Presutnption of Joint Custody: A Family Policy Dilemma, 39 FAM. REI.. 420, 422 (1990). See ulso Margaret F. Brinig, Does Purentul Autonotny Require Equal Clistody at Divorce:), 65 LA. L. REV. 1345. 1358 (2005) (showing that when fathers' groups were successful in obtaining legislature changes, there were more postdivorce motions as well as more unfounded claims of abuse). See Hoover (Letourneau) v. Hoover, 764 A.2d 1192 (Vt. 2000); Tarry v. Mason, 710 N.E.2d 215 (Ind. Ct. App. 1999) (mother's relocation); Tibor v. Tibor, 598 N.W.2d 480 (N.D. 1999) (court permission required for relocation where parents share equal time). 98. Hildy Mauzerall et al.. Protecting the Children of High Conflict Divorce: An Analysis of Idaho BenchIBar Comtnittee Report to Protect Children of High Conflict Divorce's Report to the Idaho Slipreme Court, 33 IDAHO REV.291. 317 (1991) (stating that "Joint legal cusL. MERCER MARSHA & tody is not appropriate where there is ongoing high conflict . . ."); DIANE KLINE PRUETT, YOUR DIVORCE ADVISOR (2001) ("high contact with both parents coupled 203 with high conflict is not in children's best interests. There is no ambiguity about this."). See also Johnston, High-Conflict Divorce, supru note 18, at 176 ("an association between joint custodylfrequent access and poorer child adjustment appears to be confined to divorces that are termed 'high-conflict."'). BANCROFT JAYSILVERMAN. note 74 at 243-68; Naomi R. Cahn, Civil & supra 99. LUNDY Images of Battered Wornen: The Impact of Domestic Violence on Child Custody Decisiorzs, 44 L. VAND. REV. 1041 (1991) (batterers should not receive joint or sole custody of children): Mildred Pagelow, Ejjlecrs of Dotnestic Violence on Children and Their Consequences for Cltstody und Visitation Agreetnents, 7 MEDIATION (1990); B. Rabin, Violence Against Q. L. Mothers Equals Violence Against Children: Understanding the Connections. 58 ALBANY REV.1109, 1 1 13 (1995). 100. Karen Czapanskiy, Child Support, Visitation. Shared Cusrociy in CHILDSUPPORT GUIDELINES: NEXT THE GENERATION(Margaret Canlpbell Haynes ed., 1994). 43 & DIVIDING CHILD, THE suprcr note 32 (noting joint legal 101. See M ~ c c o e v MNOOKIN, custody often merely re-labels sole custody; joint physical custody often results in lower child support payments without a greater assumption of care by the paying parent). Jo Michelle Beld
matical formula that provides for children and the infinite variations of parental responsibilities found in parenting plans has proven to be difficult.'02 A West Virginia judge proposed that custody determinations would be more predictable if there were a presumption or preference for the "primary caretaker, the person who performs the largest parenting role."lO" Critics argue that the primary caretaker preference favors mothers and that divorce results in a reconsideration of parenting roles.lo4Even without a preference or presumption, courts continue to value stability and continuity of care and often award primary custody to the parent who has provided the most consistent parenting."' The American Law Institute's Principles of the Law of Family Dissolurion embraced the primary caretaker concept, recommending what has come to be called the approximation rule. The ALI proposes that parenting plans
. . . allocate custodial responsibility so that the proportion of custodial time the child spends with each parent approximates the proportion of time each parent spent performing caretaking functions for the child prior to the parents' separation or, if the parents never lived together, before the filing of the action . . .Io6
As a proposed paradigm shift, proponents allege that the past caretaking standard focuses the court on historical facts and concrete acts of caretaking, tasks courts can handle more easily than predictions of future conduct. It does not require experts nor evaluations of complex emotional relationships. Because of greater determinancy, the approximation rule appears to offer a relatively easy to administer, more predictable process.lo7
& Len Biernat, Federal Intent for State Child Support Guidelines: Income Shares. Cost Shares, L.Q. 165 (2003). and the Realities of Shared Parenting, 37 FAM. 102. See Linda Henry Elrod, The Federalization of Child Support Guidelines," 6 J. AM. ACAD. MATRIM. 103 (1990). LAURA MORGAN, LAW. W. CHILD SUPPORT GUIDELINES3 (1996 ch. & Supp. 2008). 103. Garska v. McCoy, 278 S.E.2d 357 3 6 2 4 3 (W. Va. 198 I). See Kjelland v. Kjelland, 609 N.W.2d 100 (N.D. 2000) (primary caretaking is a factor in determining best interests of the child). See O'Kelly, Blessing the Tie That Binds, supra note 51. 104. Schneider, Discretion, Rule and Law. supra note 63, at 2283-87 (criticizing primary f caretaker rule). See also Gary Crippen, Stumbling Bevond Best Interests o the Child: Reexamining Child Custody Standard-Setting in the Wake of Minnesota's Four Year Experiment with the Primary Caretaker Preference, 75 MINN. REV. L. 427 (1990). 105. Burchard v. Garay, 724 P.2d 486 (Cal. 1986) (C.J. Bird, concurring) (noting that, "stability, continuity and a loving relationship are the most important criteria for determining the best interests of the child."). 106. ALI PRINC~PLES note 26, at Q: 2.08, 5 2.10. supra 107. See Katharine T. Bartlett, Preference. Presumption, Predisposition, and Common Sense: From Traditional Custody Doctrines to the American Law Institute's Family Dissolution
The approximation rule could benefit children by reducing conflict.lo8 While proponents acknowledge that quantity of caretalung may not be a valid proxy for quality of parent-child attachment in all cases, they prefer this concept to the more subjective best-interests standard with its reliance on professional e v a l ~ a t o r s . ~ ~ Others view the approximation rule as a pendulum swing back to the maternal preference of an earlier time and see application of the rule as unlikely to reduce conflict.Il0 Opponents argue that the Principles themselves list numerous factors1" as well as high-conflict circumstance^'^' that can create exceptions. If high-conflict dynamics trump application of the rule, one has to question how the rule will reduce conflict. And finally, the idea that a clear-cut default rule will reduce the incidence of trials may not be a valid assumption. A primary caretaker preference in Minnesota produced a "frenzy of litigation."ll"ikewise, Oregon's experience with a default joint-custody presumption increased the number of abuse actions and postdivorce custody motion^."^ The current debate about the approximation rule illustrates how the adversarial system and gender dynamics permeate attempts at reform.
4. AGREEMENTS TO PARENTING PLANS Through parenting plans, time schedules, and routines are negotiated and decided for children and their parents. Some states presume the parents' agreement, once approved by a judge, reflects the best interests of the child because the parents are in the best position to know their child's
Project, 36 FAM. L.Q. l I, 24-25 (2002); Henna Hill Kay, No-Fault Divorce and Child Custo&: Chilling Out the Gender Wars, 36 FAM.L.Q. 27.47 (2002). 108. Robert E. Emery, Randy K. Otto, & William T. O'Donohue, A Critical Assessn~entof Child Custody Evuluations: Limited Science and a Flawed Systenl, 6(1) PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE THE PUBLIC IN INTEREST (2005). 1 109. Barbara A. Atwood, Comment on Warshak: The Approximation Rule as a Work in DEV.PERSPECTIVES (2007). See also Mary E. O'Connell, When Noble 126 Progress, l(2) CHILD DEV.PERSPECTIVES 129 Aspirations Fail: Why We Need the Approximation Rule, l(2) CHILD (2007). 110. Richard A. Warshak, The Approximation Rule, Child Development Research, and Children's Best Interests After Divorce, l(2) CHILD DEV.PERSPECTIVES (2007). I 19 11 1. Among the listed factors are accommodating a child's firm and reasonable preferences, protecting the child's welfare where there is a "gross disparity" in the quality of emotional attachment between each parent and child and demonstrated ability to meet child's needs; accommodating prior agreements; avoiding substantial harm to the child. ALI PRINCIPLES. supra note 26, at 9 208(l)(a)-(h). 112. Id. at 121 (noting that the rule is limited in cases involving child abuse and domestic violence, substane abuse, and persistent interference with a parent's access to the child). 1 13. Gary L. Crippen & Sheila M. Stuhlman, Minnesota's Alternatives to Primap Caretaker Placements: Too Much of a Good Thing? 28 WM. MITCHELL REV.677 (2001). L. 114. Douglas W. Allen & Margaret F. Brinig. Bargaining in the Shadow of Joint Parenting (University of Iowa Legal Studies Research Paper No. 05-25), available at http://www.ssm. com/abstract=820104.
needs, wants, and schedule^."^ In the last ten years, parents have generally been encouraged to file a joint parenting plan. Some jurisdictions require parents to submit an individual parenting plan before going to court.l16 Most parenting plans are informal, understood, postdivorce agreements between parents working flexibly with each other. Some have to be more formal, detailed, written documents for parents whose conflicts and lack of agreement persist.''' Parenting plans typically address: legal and physical custody; holiday and vacation access; parent-to-parent communication and information exchange; healthcare and school decisions; provisions for cooperation and collaboration; and, mechanisms for review and revision.'I8 Conflicts and disagreements about parenting plans sometimes reflect gendered debates. For example, familiar arguments about the merits of sole versus joint custody permeate disputes about overnight parenting time. More than half of the children who experience divorce are age six or younger, and 75% of those children are younger than age three.llg When negotiating overnight issues, battles often erupt over the relative importance of attachments to primary caregiversI2O versus the benefits of multiple attachments to multiple caregivers,12' as well as the merits of
115. See ARIZ.REV.STAT.ANN.9 25-408 (agreement of parties, which includes provisions for relocation presumed to be in child's best interests): KAN.STAT.ANN. 60-1610(a) (agreement of the parents is presumed to be in the child's best interests); Vollet v. Vollet, 202 S.W.3d 72 (Mo. Ct. App. 2006) (overturning decision to not approve parents' agreement to include a noncohabitation/overnight restriction without determining if restriction was in the best interest of the children). See also Eickbush v. Eickbush, 171 P.3d 509 (Wyo. 2007) (noting that even when the parents agree on custody, however, judges have an obligation to review the agreement to ensure the child's welfare is advanced). 116. See OR.REV.STAT. 107.102 (1) (In any proceeding to establish or modify a judgment 5 providing for parenting time with a child * * * there shall be developed and filed with the court a parenting plan to be included in the judgment.). See, e.g., Arizona Supreme Court, Model Parenting Time Plans for ParentIChild Access available at: http:Nwww.supreme.state.az.usldr/
117. Joan B. Kelly & Michael E. Lamb, Using Child Development Research to Make CTS. REV. Appropriate Custody and Access Decisions for Young Children, 38 FAM.& CONCIL. 297 (2001); Risa J. Garon et al., Frotn Infants to Adolescents: A Developmental Approach to Parenting Plans, 38 FAM.& CONCIL. CTS.REV.168 (2000); Robert Tompkins. Parenting Plans: CTS. REV.286 (1995). A Concept Whose Titne Has Cotne, 33 FAM.& CONCIL. 118. See Michael E. Lamb, Placing Children's lnteresr First: Developmentally Appropriate Parenting Plans, 10 VA. J. SOC.POL'Y& L. 98, 109-13 (2002): SCHEPARD, supra note 88, at 4. AND ADJUSTMENT (1988). 119. ROBERT EMERY, E. MARRIAGE, DIVORCE, CHILDREN'S 120. Judith Solomon & Zeynap Biringen, Another Ltmk at the Developmet~ralResearch: Commentary on Kelly and Lamb's "Using Child De~zelopment Research to Make Appropriate Custody and Access Decisions for Young Children," 39 FAM.CT. REV.355 (2001); Zeynep Biringen et a]., Commentary on Warshak's "Blanket Resrrictions: Overnight Contact Between Parents and Young Children," 40 FAM.CT. REV.204 (2002). 121. Kelly & Lamb, Using Child Development Research, supra note 1 17; Richard A. Warshak, Blanket Restrictions: Overnight Contact Between Parents and Yoling Children, 38 CTS.REV.422 (2000). FAM.& CONCIL.
vesting caretaking experiences and responsibilities in a single parent versus sharing these obligations between parents. Regarding the persistent debate about overnights, one researcher has commented:
Argument surfaces a s parents try to develop parenting plans after separation, confronting the question of when young children should begin overnights with the second parent, how many they should do, and o n what schedule. This issue . . . resurfaces time and again in the courts like an ulcer under stress."'
Internationally, children's rights are recognized. Adopted by 192 countries, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (cRC)''~ provides a comprehensive framework for recognizing and protecting children's rights.Iz5 Several European initiatives have explicitly recognized rights for children.lZ6 The quest for rights for children in the United States, The Constitution is which has not adopted the CRC, has not been easy.lZ7
122. Marsha Kline Pruett, Guest Editorial Notes. Applications of Attachment T h e o p and Child De~selopmentResearch to Young Children's Overnights irl Separated and Divorced AN CHILDREN: ESSAYS FROM THE FAMILY COURT REVIEW 5 Families, in OVERNIGHTSD YOUNG (2005). 123. Woodhouse, supra note 1, at 8 15. 124. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, 28 I.L.M. 1448 (Nov. 20, 1989). Office of the United Nations High Comm'r for Human Rights, 11 Convention on the Rights of the ChiId (Nov. 20, 1989). available at http://www.ohchr.org/english/countries/ratification11 I .htm. 125. See Howard A. Davidson. Children's Rights and American LAW: A Response to What's INT'LL. REV.69, 70-72 (2006). See also Barbara Wrong with Children's Rights. 20 EMORY Bennett Woodhouse, Talking ubout Children's Rights in Judicial Custody and Visitation Decision-Making 36 FAM.L.Q. 105, 108 (2002)(calling the CRC the most important children's rights document in history). It has also been called "a Bill of Rights for all the world's children." Alastair Nicholson. The United Natiorls Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Need for Its Incorporatiorl into rr Bill ($Rights, 44 FAM.CT. REV.5 (2006) (noting importance of document granting rights). 126. See Andrew Moylan. Children's Purticipatiorr in Proceedir~gs-The View From THE 171, Europe. in HEARING CHILDREN 183 (Lord Justice Thorpe & Justine Cadbury eds., 2004) (citing in addition to the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child. The European Convention on the Exercise of ChiIdren's Rights 1996; The Charter of Fundamental Rights in the European Union: European Convention on Contact Concerning Children 2003). for It's 127. See Linda D. Elrod, Client-Directed Cour~sel Childrer~: the Right Thing to Do, 27 PACE REV.869 (2007) (asserting reasons for slow awareness of rights for children are ( I ) L. the lack of express grant of positive rights for children in the Constitution; (2) the failure of the United States to ratify the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child; (3) difficulties in defining what is included within the term "rights;" (4) the perceived incapacity of some children to exercise their rights; and (5) the fear that children's rights will come at the expense of parental rights).
silent on rights for children or their families, and the United States Supreme Court has been reluctant to enumerate substantive rights for children. In addition, those seeking rights for children have not always agreed on the type or extent of rights children should have.I2'
One of the most important rights for a child in the middle of a custody dispute is the right to be heard.'29 Even though the child is not considered a "party" to the custody action,'30 the child's future care and welfare will be impacted forever. Although most statutory lists of "best interest" factors include the child's preference, judges vary as to whether and how they will hear the child's preference and the weight the preference will receive.13' Research indicates that children want to be heard on matters
128. See Michael S. Wald, Children's Rights: A Frarnework for Analysis, 12 U.C. DAVIS L. REV.255 (1979) (noting children's rights include social, protective, adult, and family); JOSEPH RIGHTS MOVEMENT: HISTORY ADVOCACY PROTECTION A OF AND M. HAWES, THECHILDREN'S ARCHARD. CHILDREN'S RIGHTS (1991) (noting rights in the welfare and education areas); DAVID AND CHILDHOOD 55-56 (2d ed. 2004) (noting children have liberty and welfare rights); Barbara OF AND 377, 388-96 Bennett Woodhouse, Childrens' Rights in HANDBOOK Y O ~ T H JUSTICE (White ed., 2001)(arguing children should have basic human rights principles of equality, individual dignity, privacy, protection and empowerment); Barbara Bennett Woodhouse. Talking about Children's Rights, supra note 125; Katherine Hunt Federle, Children, Curfews, and the U. Constitution, 73 WASH. L.Q. 1315, 1344-58 (1995) (arguing that children should have same basic substantive rights as adults); Annette R. Appell, Children's Voice and Justice: Lawyerirlg for Children in the Twenty-First Century, 6 NEV.L. J. 692, 695-710 (2006) (categorizing three approaches to justice and rights for children: procedural-securing legal rights; legalanlarging positive rights and liberties; and social-modifying social structures that oppress certain groups); Martha Minow, Rights for the Next Generation: A Feminist Approach to Children's L.J. 1, 16 (1986) (noting that protecting individual autonomy is Rights, 9 HARV.WOMEN'S different from protecting human relationships). COIGNEY, CHILDREN PEOPLE ARE TOO:HOWWE FAIL OURCHILDREN D AN 129. See VIRGINIA How WE CANLOVETHEM197 (1975) (indicating that the right to be heard and to have some say in what happens to a person seems to be among the most fundamental of rights); Katherine Hunt Federle, Children's Rights and the Need for Protection, 34 FAM.L.Q. 421, 438 (2000) (noting that "the value of rights for children lies in their potential to remedy powerlessness."). See also Henry H. Foster, Jr., & Doris Jonas Freed, A Bill of Rights for Children, 6 FAM.L.Q. 343, 347 (1972) (including the right to be "heard and listened to."). But see MARTIN GUGGENHEIM, WHAT'SWRONG WITHCHILDREN'S RIGHTS12 (2005) (stating that Foster and Freed confused "rights" with things that are good for children and unenforceable). 130. In re Marriage of Osborn, 135 P.3d 199 (Kan. Ct. App. 2006). See also Kingsley v. Kingsley, 623 So. 2d 780 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1993)(finding that minor lacked capacity to bring termination-of-parental-rights petition). 13 1. Barbara A. Atwood, The Child's Voice in Custody Litigation: An Empirical Survey and L. Suggestionsfor Reform, 45 ARTZ. REV.629, 634-35 (2003) (indicating that 80% of judges considered the preferences of teenagers to be important; 40% gave weight to I 1 to 13 year olds, but 33% gave no significance to preferences of children under age ten). See also ANNM. HARALAMBIE, CHILD'SATTORNEY: GUIDE REPRESENTING THE A TO CHILDREN CUSTODY, IN ADOP~ION PROTECTION AND CASES (ABA 1993); ELROD, CHILD CUSTODY PRACTICE, supra note 16, at ch.12.
affecting them and that they understand the difference between providing input and making decision^.'^^ The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child calls for the child's voice to be heard on all matters affecting their custody. 13' Over the last forty years, advocates have called for ohildren to have attorneys to give them a voice.'" Many believe that a child who has the capacity to direct legal representation should be able to do so. While the Supreme Court has ruled that a child has a due process right to counsel in a juvenile case when their liberty is at stake,'" it has not addressed the due process rights of a child to have independent advocacy in chronically conflicted custody cases. When and how to give children a voice has generated substantial controversy and resulted in numerous sets of standards and principles. I" Most recently, the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws found itself in the middle of the debate over counsel for children as child advocates attacked the concept of the "best interests" attorney.'" While some still see the need for a lawyer to advocate for the
132. See Joan B. Kelly, Listening to Children's Vieu,s in Disputed Custody and Access Cases, AFCC Compendium 179 (2008); George H. Russ, Through the Eyes of a Child: "Gregory K": A Child's Right to Be Heard, 27 FAM.L.Q. 365 (1993); Mark Hengahan, What Does a Child's Right to Be Heard in Legal Proceedings Really Mean?-ABA Custody L.Q. 117 (2008). See also Patrick Parkinson, Judy Standards Do Not Go Far Enough, 42 FAM. Cashmore, & Judi Single, Adolescent's Views on the Fairness of Parenting and Financial CT. Arrangements After Separation, 43 FAM. REV.429 (2005)(reporting half of the young people indicated they had no say at all and the danger of predicating custody arrangements on what is perceived to be fair to parents rather than fair to children). 133. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, supra note 124, art. 12. 134. See Monroe lnker & Charlotte Perretta, A Child's Right to Counsel in Custody Cases, 5 FAM. L.Q. 108 (1971); Sarah H. Ramsey, Representation of the Child in Protection Proceedings: The Determination of Decision-Making Capaci!y, 17 FAM. L.Q. 287 (1983): Martin Guggenheim, The Right to Be Represented But Not Heard: Reflections on Legal Representation of Children, 59 N.Y. U. L. REV.76.96 (1984); Linda D. Elrod, Counselfor the Child in Custody Disputes-The Time Is Now, 26 FAM.L.Q. 53 (1992); Shannan L. Wilber, Independent Counselfor Children, 27 FAM. L.Q. 349 (1993): Howard A. Davidson, The Child's Right to Be Heard or Represented in Judicial Proceedings. 18 PEPP.L. REV.255 (1991). 135. In re Gault, 387 U.S. 1 (1967). See also Kenny A. ex rel. Winn v. Perdue, 356 F. Supp. 2d 1353 (N.D. Ga. 2005) (finding the child has a right to counsel in child-in-need-of-care proceedings). 136. See American Bar Association. Proposed Standards of Practice for Lawyers Who Represent Children in Abuse and Neglect Cases, 29 FAM.L.Q. 375 (1995); American Bar Association, Standards of Practice for Lawyers Representing Children in Custodv Cases. 37 FAM.L.Q. 129 (2003); American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, Standards for Attorneys and Guardians Ad Litem in Custody or Visitation Proceedings, 13 J . AM. ACAD. MATRIM. LAW. 1 (1995); National Association of Counsel for Children, Arnerici~nBar Association Standards of Practice for Lan~yersWho Represent Children in Abuse and Neglect Cases (NACC Revised Version) (2001 ); ALI PRINCIPLES, note 26, at jj 2.13. supra 137. Uniform Representation of Children in Abuse, Neglect and Custody Proceedings Act,
child's best interests, regardless of the child's wishes,"* the trend is for a lawyer to provide traditional client-based representation that empowers a child as a "rights holder" whose wishes are presented and considered by the court. 39
A. Role of Courts: From Fault Finder to Settlement Facilitator As the characteristics of American families change and we know more about the needs of children, the judicial role in child custody disputes is evolving from an adversarial, adjudicative model to a more rehabilitative, service-oriented model.14' The court's role has evolved from a strictly comparative task of identifying the better parent to facilitating and, when necessary, enforcing parenting plans. Widespread dissatisfaction with the adversarial model for custody disputes has grown over the years.'42 Particularly for these families, the use of lawyers, judges, mental health professionals, and court service workers often makes parents believe that professionals are increasingly in charge of what was once the family's private life.'j3
42 FAM.L.Q. 1 (2008). See Barbara Ann Atwood, The Uniform Representation of Children in Abuse, Neglect and Custody Proceedings Act: Bridging the Divide Behveen Pragmatism and Idealism, 42 FAM.L.Q. 63 (2008). The URCANCPA was withdrawn in summer 2008. 138. Compare Auclair v. Auclair, 730 A.2d 1260 (Md. Ct. Spec. App. 1999) (guardian ad litem is agent or arm of court) with Roski v. Roski, 730 So. 2d 413 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1999). See Richard Ducote, Guardians Ad Litem in Private Custody Litigation: The Case for Abolition, 32 Lou. J. Pus. INT.L. 106 (2002). 139. EIrod, Client-Directed Counsel for Children, supra note 127. Annette AppeI, Simon Says Take Three Steps Backward: The Nalional Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws Recommendation on Child Representation, 6 NEV.L. REV.1365 (2006); Katherine Hunt Federle, Righting Wrongs, supra note 137 (arguing that a child has a right to client-directed lawyer). See Gonzalez & Reichmann, Representing Children in Civil Cases, supra note 71, at 219 (listing custody statutes). 140. Robert F. Drinan, Reflections on Contemporay Dilemmas in American Family krw. 2 FAM.L.Q. 63,71 (1968). 14 1. See also Janet R. Johnston, Building Multidisciplinav Professional Partnerships with the Court on Behalf of High Conflict Divorcing Families and Their Children, Who Needs What ROCK REV.453 (2000); SCHEPARD, L. supra note 88. Kind ojHelp? 22 U. ARK.LITTLE 142. Wingspread Conference Report, supra note 30, at 503; Janet Weinstein, And Never the Twain Shall Meet: The Best Interests of the Children and the Adl*ersarySystem, 52 U. MIAMI L. REV.79, 133 (1997). See also SURVIVING BREAKUP, THE supra note 17, at 30; OREGON TASK ON LAW: FINAL REPORT (1999) (stating that the "divorce process in Oregon, as 2 FORCE FAMILY elsewhere, was broken and needed fixing . . . the sheer volume of cases was causing the family court system to collapse."). 143. Marsha Kline Pruett & Tamara D. Jackson, The Lawyer's Role During the Divorce
Highly conflicted families have caused dramatic increases in the '~ domestic d ~ c k e t .The recognition that some cases are going to require more time than others has led some courts to adopt principles of case management that classify custody disputes as low, medium, and high conflict.l4%ifferent tracks can be created for cases depending on the level of complexity, the need for discovery, the need for services, the need for protection, and other factors. When the court can identify a high-conflict case early enough,'46 the case can be placed within an appropriate "track" and directed to services that improve outcomes for children.I4' To encourage parties to make their own agreements and to make the process less formal and less expensive, courts have added alternative dispute resolution techniques, provided court sponsored educational programs, and expanded concepts of case management.
. . . someone needs to get in the middle in order to get children out of the middle. 14'
As the volume of disputes over custody arose, reformers questioned the adversary system as the appropriate forum and searched for ways to resolve disputes more quickly, less expensively, and with more involvement of the parties.'49Mediation embraces the philosophy that parents, not the state, should determine the best interests of their child and that self-created plans were more likely to be followed. Studies of the results verify the effectiveness of mediation in reducing burdens on the courts and improving parents' relationships with children. Mediation, whether evaluative or facilitative, can help parties learn to communicate and be more childProcess: Perceptions of Parents, Their Young Children and Their Attorneys, 33 FAM. L.Q. 283, 284 (1999) (finding 50% to 70% of parents characterized the legal system as "impersonal, intimidating and intrusive"). A supru note 88. at 38 (citing data from 144. SCHEPARD, CHILDREN, COURTS,N D CUSTODY. Florida, New York, and Oregon). 145. Id. at 1 13-24. 146. Wingspread Conference Report, supra note 30, at 597. 147. Id. (although DCM has been used in criminal and other civil cases, it is only in the last couple of years that some have suggested using the same concepts for high-conflict custody cases). 148. Robert E. Emery, David Sbarra, & Tara Glover, Divorce Mediation: Research and Rejections, 43 FAM.CT. REV.22, 25 (2005). supra note 88, at 50 (discussing the 1976 Pound Conference on the Causes 149. SCHEPARD, of Popular Dissatisfaction with the Administration of Justice at which Professor Frank Sander discussed "Varieties of Dispute Resolution."). Most courts have rejected binding arbitration for custody. See Fawzy v. Fawzy, 948 A.2d 709 (N.J. Super Ct. App. Div. 2008); Harvey v. Harvey, 680 N.W.2d 835 (Mich. 2004).
focused. 150 Mediation started as a voluntary option for parents. While the core of mediation is the parties' willingness to mediate, mediation quickly became court-mandated in nearly one-fourth of the states as a way to try to reduce the court's load.15' Although some were skeptical, research indicates that when parents mediate parenting plans or custody disputes, they reach settlement 50% to 85% of the time whether mediation is voluntary or court mandated.I5' Court-mandated mediation, however, may be inappropriate, and even dangerous, in high-conflict cases where the imbalance of power is too great,153 where one of the parties is incapacitated or a victim of domestic vi01ence.I~~ where alienation is an issue.155 or
Parent education programs teach parents about the risks and harms to children that are associated with divorce and conflict. These programs first appeared in the late 1970s to acquaint parents with the normal stages of divorce (like grief and anger) and to educate them about how using the child as a go-between places the child at risk. These programs now exist in almost every state.156A few states have made whether a party has satisfactorily completed a parent education course a factor the court can consider in awarding parenting time.157 Courts have upheld requirements
150. Jennifer E. McIntosh et al., Child-Focused and Child-Inclusive Divorce Mediation: Comparative Outcomes from a Prospective Study of Postseparation Adjustment, 46 FAM.CT. REV. 105 (2008). See also Emery, Sbarra & Grover, supra note 148, at 3 G 3 2 (showing just six hours of mediation resulted in better parent-child relationships twelve years after divorce). MENKEL-MEADOW AL., DISPUTE ET RESOLUTION: BEYOND THE 151. Id. at 58, CARRIE ADVERSARIAL MODEL (2005). 152. Joan B. Kelly, Trends in Interventions for Separated Parents and Children, in Spring CLE Conference Compendium Materials 53 (May 1, 2008); Robert Emery et al., Divorce Mediation, supra note 148. 153. See Penelope Eileen Bryan, Killing Us Sofily: Divorce Mediation and the Politics of Power, 40 BUFF.L. REV.441 (1992); Penelope Eileen Bryan, Reclaiming Professionalism: The Lawyer's Role in Divorce Mediation, 28 FAM.L.Q. 177 (1994); Linda K. Girdner, Mediation Q. Triage: Screening for Domestic Violence in Domestic Mediation, 7(4) MEDIATION (1990). 154. See Nancy Thoennes et a]., Mediation and Domestic Violence: Current Policies and Practices, 33 FAM.& CONCIL. CTS. REV.6 (1995); Nancy K.D. Lemon, The Legal System's Response, supra note 72, at 74 (mediation totally inappropriate for domestic violence cases). See Model Standards of Practice for Family and Divorce Mediation Standard X (some cases may not be suitable for mediation because of domestic violence). 155. See J.M. Bone & M.R. Walsh, Parental Alienation Syndrome: How to Detect It and What to Do About It, 73(3) FLA.B. J. 44 (1999) (suggesting mediator may not recognize the deceptive and manipulative tactics and undercurrents that occur with one parent's interference with the child's relationship with the other party). 156. See Susan L. Pollet & Melissa Lombreglia, A Nationwide Survey of Mandatory Parent Education, 46 FAM.CT. REV.375 (2008); Jessica Pearson, Court Services: Meeting the Needs of Twenty-First Century Families, 33 FAM.L.Q. 617 (1999). 157. CONN. GEN.STAT.5 46b-56(c)(l6) (2007).
that parents attend these educational programs.'58 Court experiences with education programs have been positive, although effectiveness varies according to the degree of conflict, the timing of attendance, and the content and teaching ~ t r a t e g i e s . 'Programs ~~ designed for the general divorcing population provide general information on the psychological process of divorce, the needs of children during and after divorce, and cooperative parenting. These general parent education programs, however, neither improve poor parental relationships nor substantially affect relitigation patterns. The last ten years has seen the advent of more specialized programs aimed at the parents involved in the most highly conflicted cases.16' Some believe these specialized programs may be the best hope for reducing conflict and teaching parents how to communicate. High-conflict cases often require day-to-day monitoring of the parents' activities by a neutral third-party called a parent coordinator, special master, arbitrator, or case manager.16' When parents have failed to cooperate by either filing repeated motions or engaging in destructive behaviors, the court may appoint one of these third-party neutrals, most commonly called a parent coordinator. The parent coordinator is trained to protect
158. See Dutkiewicz v. Dutkiewicz, 957 A.2d 821 (Conn. 2008) (educating parents who are in the court system is not an exercise of care, custody, or control of their child so does not infringe on parental rights); Nelson v. Nelson, 954 P.2d 1219 (Okla. 1998)(statute and administrative order requiring divorcing parents of minor children to attend classes to help children cope with divorce did not violate equal protection; state has strong interests in setting terms and procedures of marriage and divorce and protecting minor children, classes were educational and specifically related to children of divorcing parents and classification reasonably related to state's interests). 159. Karen R. Blaisure & Marjorie J. Geasler, Results of a Survey of Court-Connecred Parent Education Programs in U.S. Counties, 34 FAM.& CONCIL. CTS. REV.23 (1996); Jack Arbuthnot et a]., Patterns of Relitigation Following Divorce Education. 35 FAM.& CONCIL. CTS. REV. 269 (1997) (parents had significantly lower rates of relitigation two years after supra note 88, at 68-78 (indicating that court-sponsored parent divorce). See also SCHEPARD, education begins when the parents enter the courthouse to file for divorce or custody). 160. See Nancy Thoennes & Jessica Pearson, Parent Education in the Domestic Relations Courr: A Mulrisite Assessment, 37 FAM.& CONCIL. CTS. REV.195 (1999); Kevin Kramer et al., Effects of Skill-Bused vs. 1nf)rmation Based Di~sorce Education Programs on Dotnestic Violence and Parental Cotnmunication, 36 FAM. CONCIL. REV.5 (1998). See also SUSAN & CTS. BLYTH BOYAN ANNMAR[E & TERMINI, COOPERATIVE PARENTING DIVORCE: AND SHIELDING FROM CONFLICT: PARENT A GUIDE EFFECTIVE TO CO-PARENTING (1999). YOUR CHILD L. 161. See Hugh McIsaac, Programs for High-Conflict Families, 35 W~LLIAMETTEREV. 567, 569 (1999) (indicating that parent coordinators are useful where ( I ) one or both parents have severe personality disorders and are chronically litigating; (2) in families with great difficulty coordinating childrearing decisions; (3) potentially abusive situations; and (4) when there is intermittent mental illness of a parent). See tzlso Christine A. Coates et al., Special Issue, Parenting Coordincztion for High-Conflict Families, 42 FAM. CT. REV.246 (2004).
children and to manage recurring disputes, and to assist the parties in creating and complying with judicial orders and parenting plans.16' Parent coordinators may appropriately handle minor decisions, but the judicial delegation of authority to a third-party neutral remains controversial. In most jurisdictions, the neutral cannot make binding decisions unless the attorneys file a detailed stipulation with the court or the court approves the decision after a judicial review.163
In 1993, an American Bar Association report on children at risk stated: "We need to reorganize the way courts work with families and children so that judges and court personnel can give each child's case the attention it Among the recommendations were that jurisdiction over demands . . all matters involving families and children should be consolidated into one court system of the highest court of general jurisdiction with the onejudge, one-family ~ 0 n c e p t . The unified family court is not a new conl~~ cept. The 1960 White House Conference on Children and Youth proposed a court with jurisdiction over all matters involving husbands and wives, I~~ and parents and ~ h i 1 d r e n . The idea is to have one specially trained judge address the legal issues challenging each family. By focusing on the family more holistically, court processes and social service resources can be coordinated and tailored to the individual family's legal, personal, emotional, and social needs. While statewide progress on unified family courts has been extremely slow, today there is a unified family court in at least some judicial districts in most states.16'
41 1
crpplication of knowledge to promote positi~~e interpersonal relationshipsin cr sense to prevent or at least to dampen social conjlict . . . . The law crccomplishes this function by sharpening conjlict, so as to ensure that issues in dispute are carefully posed and that they are resolved fairly in accordance with societal values.
Although legal and mental health professionals recognized the need for '~ collaboration to help children and families as early as the 1 9 6 0 ~ ,the ~ demands of custody determinations caught both unprepared. Little empirical research data existed to guide decision making. Interdisciplinary collaboration has at times been difficult as both courts and mental health professionals wrestled with whether to sharpen distinctions between parents in order to identify a primary parent or to try to prevent the conflict to allow for shared parenting.
B. ET EVALUATIONS THECOURTS: HANDBOK FOR A 168. GARY MELTON AL., PSYC'HOLOGICAL MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS LAWYERS (2d ed. 1997). AND 10 on 169. Jay Katz, Famiy Law and Psychoanalysis-Some Obsen~arions Inrerdisciplinaty Collaboration. 1 FAM. L.Q. 6 9 , 7 6 7 7 (1967). & supra note 15. 170. GOLDSTEIN. FREUD SOLNIT, 171. WALLERSTEIN & KELLY, wpra note 17.
4 12
reflects the influence of mental health professionals in custody disputes because we now know the "outcome" of divorce. About one fourth to one third of divorcing couples report high degrees of hostility and discord over the daily care of their children many years after separation and well beyond the expected time for them to settle their difference^.'^^ The children in these families are most at risk. The paradigm shift in the standard and the evolving paradigm shift and pendulum swings in the courts have stressed families and children, placing demands on mental health professionals to keep pace.
B. Advances in Competence, Professional Standards, and Ethical Principles Early child custody evaluators worked in professional isolation,'73conducted custody evaluations that differed little from traditional clinical evaluation^,'^^ and often struggled because of the legal system's poorly defined rules and expectations of mental health p r o f e s s i ~ n a l s . ' ~ ~ Evaluators often joined the adversarial system by becoming a "hired gun" whose testimony had to be balanced or neutralized by another hired gun in a "battle of the experts."'76 In court, many lawyers feared judges were simply delegating broad discretion and decision making to the child custody e v a 1 ~ a t o r s . l ~ ~ The question of how to define and regulate appropriate practice assumed an increasing importance in the 1980s and resulted in several efforts to standardize child-custody-evaluation practice in the 1990s. National professional organizations developed aspirational guidelines, standards of
172. See JOHNSTON ROSEBY, & supra note 32. See also MACCOBY MNOOKIN, & supra note 32. 173. W.G. Keilin & Larry J. Bloom, Child Custody Evaluation Practices: A Survey of Experiences Professionals, 17 PROF.PSYCHOL.: AND PRAC. RES. 338 (1986). 174. PHILIP STAHL. M. CONDUCTING CHILD CUSTODY EVALUATIONS: COMPREHENSIVE A ( GUIDE1994). & A. THE OF 175. JONATHAN COULD DAVID MARTINDALE, ART AND SCIENCE CHILD W. CUSTODY EVALUATIONS 4 (2007). 176. MARGARET HAGAN, A. WHORES THE COURT: OF THEFRAUD PSYCHIATRIC OF TESTIMONY AND THE RAPE AMERICAN OF JUSTICE (1997). Blit see ALLEN BARSKY E. &JONATHAN COULD, W. C L ~ N ~ C I IN N S A COURT: GUIDE SUBPOENAS. A TO D~POSITIONS, TESTIFYING, EVERYTHING AND ELSE You NEEDTO KNOW149 (2002) (noting that "Hired Gun" experts retained by one party are likely to be given little weight by contemporary judges because ethical codes, professional practice guidelines, and published texts clearly state it is unethical to offer an opinion about custody or visitation access without having evaluated the entire family system). 177. Bowermaster, Legal Presumptions, supra note 16. See In re Maniage of DeRoque, 88 Cal. Rptr. 2d 618 (Ct. App. 1999) (noting the "essence of intelligent judging" is evidenced by the trial court's application of common sense in response to custody problems and not merely rubber stamping an expert's recommendations).
practice, and ethical principles.178Comprehensive child-custody-evaluation texts providing outlines of procedures and data collection appeared.179 Major advances in the field have been the result. Contemporary child-custody evaluators now perform a highly specialized forensic psychological task that demands a working knowledge of current assessment and postdivorce outcome literatures across a broad array of topics.lROWithin what has been described as the "forensic model," evaluators emphasize the development of specific psycholegal questions for evaluation, reliable evaluation methodologies rather than clinical judgment, and collecting data across multiple data sources to confirm or disprove specific hypothetical answers to the psycholegal questions.Is1 Increasing levels of sophistication and specialization have emerged. Specialized protocols and models have also been developed for complex evaluations that include allegations of child sexual abuse,lX2 parental alienation or alienated children,ls3domestic violence,184 reloand cation.18' Proponents of the forensic model claim their approach represents a paradigm shift in child custody evaluation^.'^^
178. Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Model Stundurd.~ Prczctice for Child of Custody Evaluution.s, 45 FAM. CT. REV. 270 (2007, replacing 1994 version); American Psychological Association, Ethicul Principles of Psychologisrs and Code of Conduct, 57 AM. PSYCHOL. 1597 (2002. replacing 1992 version); American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Practice Parameters for Child Custody Evaluation (1997); American Psychological Association, Guidelines for Child Custody Evuluatiotls in Divorce Proceedings, 47 AM. PSYCHOL. (1994). 677 179. JONATHAN GOULD,CONDUCTING W. SCIENTIFICALLY CRAFTED H I L DCUSTODY C & L. THE BASIS EVALUATIONS ed.. 2007); ROBERT GALATZER-LEVY KRAUSS, SCIENTIFIC 9 (2d M. OF CHILD CUSTODY EVALUATIONS (1999); MARC ACKERMAN, J. CLINICIAN'S GUIDE CHILD TO ( 1995): STAHL. CONDLICTING CUSTODY CHILD EVALUATIONS, note supru CUSTODY EVALUATIONS ET SWORD: PRACTICAL A GUIDE CONDUCTING IN 171: BENlAMlN M. SCHUTZ AL.. S V L ~ M O N ' S ( 1989). CHILD CUSTODY EVALUATIONS 180. GOULD. CONDUCTING SCIENTIFIC EVALUATIONS. note 179. (1p-u 18 1 . Id. See also GOULD MART & INDALE, supra note 175. A. & E. ~ VE W CHILDREN: A 182. See DEBRA POOLE MICHAEL LAMB, N V E S T ~ G A T ~ ~ N T E R V ~ EOFS GUIDETO HELPING PROFESSIONALS (1998); See ulso KATHRYN KUEHNLE, ASSESSING OF SEXOAL ABUSE (1996). ALLEGATIONSCHILD 183. See Drozd & Oleson, I s It Abuse?, supra note 84; Elizabeth Ellis. A Stepwise Apprc~c~ch to Evaluating Children for Parental Alienation Syndrorne, 1 J . CHILD COSTODY (2004). 55 First: A Modelfir Under.sluntlin,?Donlestic Violence 184. See Leslie M. Drozd et aI., S ~ f e t y CUSTODY (2004); William G. Austin. 75 in Child Custody and AcccJssDisputes, l(2) J . CHILD A.c.ces.\itlg Credibilih in Allegation of Marital Violence in the High-Conflicr Child Cusrody Ctrse. 38 FAM. CONCIL. REV.462 (2000). & CTS. 185. See William G. Austin & Jonathan W. Gould, Exploring Three function.^ in Child Clrstot!\. Evcrluc~tiotlfor the Relocation Case: Prediction, Investigrrtion, and Making Recornrncr~durions i r LI Long-Dist~lnce Parenting Plan, 3 J . CHILD f CUSTODY (2006); 63 Wil liam G. Austin, A Forensic Psychology Model o f Risk Asse.\.sment ,for Child Custody Reloctzrion Lan',38 FAM. CONCIL. & CTS.REV. 192 (2000). & supra 186. GOULD MARTINDALE, note 175.
4 14
C. Using Experts to Understand and Reduce Conflict Courts have also used custody evaluators and other mental health professionals to prevent and reduce conflict. The outcome of divorce, particularly high-conflict divorce, has very much to do with how the stormy waters of divorce are navigated, and what kind of help or hindrance these vulnerable persons get from others during the proces~.'~' The cases that attorneys fail to negotiate, that mediators fail to settle, and that counselors and therapists have failed to help are referred by courts to progressively more intrusive and coercive treatment interventions. Complex treatment orders are often necessary for high-conflict families.lss These interventions wed mental health and psycholegal interventions-court-ordered therapeutic processes, custody evaluations, ongoing parent counseling, arbitration. parent coordination, special masters, and various kinds of supervised access and visitation plans-to the social control mechanisms of the court.189 Courts may ask evaluators to make recommendations about specific types of interventions, protocols for selecting professionals with the skills and training to match the needs of the case, and processes for collaboration and coordination of efforts.lgO Evaluators also often provide recommendations on strategic or tactical approaches for various individuals or groupings of the parties, anticipate dynamics and resistances to intervention or behavior change, and outline possible consequences or sanctions for inappropriate behavior, including noncompliance with court orders.I9'
41 5
the best-interests-of-the-child standard is not a psychological construct, so specific recommendations on the child's best interests by the psychological expert may inappropriately blur the boundary between the evaluator and the judge.193Many have also argued that specific recommendations about custody and parenting plans are inappropriate because they are predictions that are beyond the scientific expertise of the e ~ a 1 u a t o r s . l ~ ~ For the most part, the ultimate issue rhetoric ignores reality. One recent study showed that an overwhelming majority of judges (84%) and attorneys (86%) believe that child custody evaluators should directly address the ultimate issues in custody disputes with specific recommendations.'9' Another study by the same research team showed that evaluators offer specific recommendations in almost every case (94%).19' Child custody evaluation reports can often have dramatic effects both on litigation and on the particular form a child's life will take after a judicial decision.19' Specific recommendations appear to be what judges and attorneys want and what evaluators provide.
E. Using Legal and Scientijic Principles to Evaluate Child Custody Evaluations-Frye and Daubert Lawyers have become increasingly adept at evaluating the reports and testimony of child custody evaluators using a combination of legal rules, scientific principles, and professional standards. Lawyers may choose to examine or cross-examine on one or more of four elements of expert witness testimony."' These four elements include determining whether the evaluator qualifies as an expert witness, determining whether the expert's methods follow applicable professional standards, evaluating the empirical and logical connections between the expert's methods and con193. See Timothy M. Tippins & Jeffrey P. Wittman, Empirical and Ethical Problems nYth Custody Recommendations: A Call f i r Clirlic,al Humiliy and Judicial Vigilance, 43 FAM.CT. REV.193 (2005). 194. Id. at 203 (noting also the paucity of research demonstrating that mental health professionals can predict children's adjustment postdivorce, profound relevance and reliability problems with child-custody-evaluator methodologies (e.g., psychological tests, unreliable observational coding systems, etc.). and what many claim are the erroneous inferences made by evaluators). See also William O'Donohue & A.R. Bradley. Cot~ceptual& Empirical 1s.sue.s in Child PSYCHOL.: & PRAC. 10 (1999) (calling for a moratorium SCI. 3 Custody Evaluations. 6 CLINICAL on child custody evaluations for a lack of empirical methods, the inappropriate use of psychological tests, the improper interpretation and use of data. and the lack of usefulness to the court). 195. See James N. Bow & Francella A. Quinnell. Critique of Child Custodv Evaluations by the Legal Pr($ession, 42 FAM.CT. REV. 1 15 (2004). of 196. See James N. Bow & Francella A. Quinnell, A Criticul R e ~ l i e ~ . Child C ~ s r o d ~ E~~crlucition Reports, 40 FAM.CT. REV. 164 (2001 ). 197. See Tippins & Wittman. Empirical and Ethiccll Problems, supra note 193, at 193. 198. JOHNA. ZERVOPOULOS, CONFRONTING MENTAL HEALTH EVIDENCE: P R A ~ T I CG U I D E A AL TO RELIABILITY EXPERTS FAMILY AND IN LAW(2008).
and the expert's opinion.'99 The work product of child custody evaluators must meet the requirements of expert witness testimony. Most state courts now look to two seminal opinions of the United States Supreme Court in federal cases to gauge the evidentiary reliability and admissibility of expert witness testimony: the rye'" test and the Daubert2'' criteria. Both Frye and Daubert recognize the importance of separating an assessment of the expert's qualifications from an assessment of the relevance and reliability of the expert's methods and procedures,202yet the two cases propose different approaches to addressing the reliability of expert testimony.203 Frye assesses the general acceptance of the expert's assertion among the relevant scientific community, while Daubert provides criteria for judges to use to directly evaluate the scientific basis of the expert's methodology and opinions.204 The Frye standard relies on the scientific community as the arbiters of acceptable child-custody-evaluation practice. Early child custody evaluators operated under the Frye test, and many jurisdictions still do. While some criticized early mental health professionals who portrayed themselves even today clinas uniquely qualified for the custody determination task,205 ical evaluators view their role as that of "helping" judges.206These evaluators note that judges, while well trained in the law, often feel poorly trained in understanding the dynamics of family relationships and other complex behavioral and psychiatric issues that some parents pre~ent.~" In contrast, forensic model evaluators embrace Daubert and its redefined standards for the admission of scientific testimony. Daubert emphasizes that scientific knowledge must be derived from the scientific method, thereby reaffirming that professional credentials by themselves are not enough to guarantee that opinions will be sufficiently helpful to
199. Id. 200. Frye v. United States, 293 F. 1013 (D.C. Cir. 1923). 201. Daubert v. Merrill Dow Pharmaceuticals, 509 U.S. 579 (1993). 202. Daniel W. Shuman, The Role of Mental Health Experts in Custody Decisiotls: Science. Ps~c~hological Tests, and Clinical Judgment, 36 FAM. L.Q. 135 (2002). supra 203. ZERVOPOULOS, note 198. 104. Id. 205. Shuman, The Role of Mental Health Experrs. supra note 202. 206. Philip M. Stahl, The Bene5r.y and Risks of Child Custody Evaluarors Making Recotntnendarions ro rhe Courts: A Response ro Tippins and Wirrman, 43 FAM. CT. REV.260 (2005); See also Jonathan W . Could & Philip M. Stahl. The Arr and Science of Child Cusrody Evaluariot~s: Integrating Clinical and Merlral Herilrl~ Moclels, 38 FAM. CONCIL. REV. & CTS. 392 (2000). 207. Id.
4 17
warrant their admission into evidence.208The forensic model views the report and testimony of mental health experts as scientific work products that can be critiqued through the Daubert lens for admissibility of scientific evidence.'09 Daubert also made trial judges responsible for ensuring that an expert's testimony is relevant to the present legal issue and that the testimony is based upon reliable and valid methods, procedures, and in~truments.''~ While judges overwhelmingly support the "gatekeeping" role Daubert defines, research has shown that judges may be limited as gatekeepers because of their lack of scientific training.'" For example, one study shows that less than five percent of judges demonstrated a clear understanding of two of the Daubert criteria: falsifiability and error rate."' Despite the emphasis on Daubert in recent writing about child custody evaluations (particularly within the forensic model), child custody cases have been largely unaffected by changes in the legal rules addressing threshold scrutiny of expert Indeed, the extent of Daubert's reach into court depends not just upon the evaluators but upon the lawyers as well. Neither Frye nor Daubert requires trial judges to raise questions of admissibility of expert testimony on their own motion. Lawyers, many of whom are uncertain how to apply Frye and Daubert principles, must identify and object to such i ~ s u e s . ' 'Many argue that if society and courts ~ wish to use mental health evaluators as experts and to make child custody cases into truly interdisciplinary endeavors, then law and science should demand rigorous scrutiny so that courts are informed consumers of expert evidence.'15 "The stakes [the best interests of children and the families in which they live] are too important to fail to speak openly about the transformation of the role of experts in custody litigati~n.""~
208. Jane Goodman-Delahunty, Forensic Psychological Expertise in the Wake of Dauberr, 21 LAW HUM. & BEHAV. 121, 127 (1997). SCIENT~FICALLY ED EVALUATIONS, note 176; GOULD MARCRAFI' supra & 209. See GOULD, TINDALE, note 175. supnz 210. Goodman-Delahunty, supra note 208, at 127 (noting that rather than formulate a definitive checklist of factors to assess reliability, the Court offered four guidelines: ( I ) Is the theory or hypothesis falsifiable or testable? (2) Have the findings been subjected to peer review and publication? (3) Is there a known or potential error rate associated with applications of a theory? (4) Is the technique or methodology in issue generally accepted? 21 1. Sophia 1. Gatokowski el al., Asking the Gatekeeper: A Nutionnl Survey of Judges on & BEHAV. (2001). 433 Judging Expert Evidence in u Post-Duuhrrt World, 25 LAW. HUM. 212. Id. 213. Id.; See also Shuman (2002), supra note 202, at 135-36. (noting that any expected increase in reported decisions addressing the admissibility of expert testimony in child custody cases has not occurred). slrpra 214. ZERVOPOULOS. note 198, at 4. 21 5. See Shuman, supra note 202, at 162 216. Id.
Child custody cases are difficult. The law has changed with the sometimes conflicting perceptions of the needs of families and children involved in conflict. The trend has been away from broad judicial discretion to a more rules-based approach. For each change that has inspired hope for better, easier, or more efficient ways of resolving painful family conflicts and dilemmas, however, there have been frustrations and uneven results. Not every change has been progress. No philosophy or process fits every child or every family. Just as forming the perfect child custody law has proven elusive, designing the perfect study about how to best raise and protect children when parents disagree has also been unsuccessful. Yet the stakes are too high to stop trying. The future will challenge us to reform family law to minimize divisive custody battles and to develop the legal systems that help children and their families through divorce and separation. This does not necessarily mean scrapping the child-centered best interest approach.219 does mean It that there must be a concerted effort among multiple professionals to keep developing models to help families. In sum, whatever paradigm shift occurs, whatever direction the pendulum swings, and whatever the prevailing scientific and societal views of children and families that we choose to embrace, if it does not reduce conflict, it will not be in the best interests of children.
217. Karis v. Karis, 544 A.2d 1328, 1332 (1988). AND 9 2 18. LAWRENCE FRIEDMAN, MENNINGER: FAMILY THE CLINIC1 ( 1990) (noting that THE Karl Menninger who started the children's mental hospital attributed the phrase to Dr. Elmer Southard). 2 19. See Woodhouse, Child Custody in the Age of Children's Rights, supra note 1.