Q2fy25 Investor Sheet

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1 INR - IFRS Consolidated Profit and Loss

2 INR - IFRS Consolidated Balance Sheet

3 USD - IFRS Consolidated Profit and Loss
4 USD - IFRS Consolidated Balance Sheet
5 INR - IFRS Consolidated Cash flow
6 USD - IFRS Consolidated Cash flow
7 Operating Metrics

*As the quarter and year figures are taken from the source and rounded to the nearest digits, the figures reported for previous quarters
e figures reported for previous quarters might not always add up to the year figures reported in this statement.


Profit & Loss Account (Rs. Crores) FY 21 FY 22 FY 23 FY 24 Q1 25 Q2 25 Q3 25 Q4 25 YTD FY 25

Revenues 100,472 121,641 146,767 153,670 39,315 40,986 80,300

Cost of sales 65,413 81,998 102,353 107,413 27,177 28,474 55,651

Gross Profit 35,059 39,643 44,414 46,257 12,138 12,512 24,649

Selling and marketing expenses 4,627 5,156 6,249 6,973 1,937 1,855 3,792
General and administrative expenses 5,810 6,472 7,260 7,537 1,913 2,008 3,920
Total operating expenses 10,437 11,628 13,509 14,510 3,850 3,863 7,712

Operating profit 24,622 28,015 30,905 31,747 8,288 8,649 16,937

- Margin 24.5% 23.0% 21.1% 20.7% 21.1% 21.1% 21.1%

Operating profit 24,622 28,015 30,905 31,747 8,288 8,649 16,937

Other income, net 2,201 2,295 2,701 4,711 838 712 1,551
Finance cost (195) (200) (284) (470) (105) (108) (214)
Reduction in the value of disposal group held for sale - - - - - - -
Adjustment in respect of excess of carrying amount over recoverable amount on reclassi - - - - - - -
Share in net profit/(loss) of associate, including impairment - - - - - - -

Profit before tax, minority interest and exceptional items 26,628 30,110 33,322 35,988 9,021 9,253 18,274
Provision for taxation 7,205 7,964 9,214 9,740 2,647 2,737 5,384

Profit after tax but before minority interest and exceptional items 19,423 22,146 24,108 26,248 6,374 6,516 12,890
Minority interest 72 36 13 15 6 10 16

Net profit after tax, minority interest and exceptional items 19,351 22,110 24,095 26,233 6,368 6,506 12,874

EPS before exceptional item (^)

Basic 45.61 52.52 57.63 63.39 15.38 15.71 31.09
Fully Diluted 45.52 52.41 57.54 63.29 15.35 15.68 31.02

EPS after exceptional item (^)

Basic 45.61 52.52 57.63 63.39 15.38 15.71 31.09
Fully Diluted 45.52 52.41 57.54 63.29 15.35 15.68 31.02

Shares outstanding (^)

Basic, Millions 4,242.4 4,209.5 4,180.9 4,138.6 4,140.3 4,141.8 4,141.0
Fully Diluted, Millions 4,250.7 4,218.5 4,187.7 4,144.7 4,148.1 4,150.5 4,150.2

Transition to IFRS took place from Q3 FY09 prior to which the financials for Q1 FY09 and Q2 FY09 are reported under Indian GAAP.
(^) EPS before exceptional item and after exceptional item and Shares o/s have been adjusted for 1:1 bonus issue/stock dividend given in Dec-14, June-15 and September-18


Balance Sheet (Rs. Crores) FY 21 FY 22 FY 23 FY 24 Q1 25 Q2 25 Q3 25 Q4 25 YTD FY 25
Cash and Equivalents 24,714 17,472 12,173 14,786 28,057 21,799 21,799
Available-for-sale financial assets/current investments 2,342 6,673 6,909 12,915 8,762 7,432 7,432
Investments in certificate of deposits - - - - - - -
Trade receivables 19,294 22,698 25,424 30,193 30,930 32,013 32,013
Unbilled Revenues 7,527 11,568 15,289 12,768 12,601 13,066 13,066
Loans & Advances - - - - - - -
Derivative financial instruments 188 143 101 84 86 65 65
Income tax assets - 54 6 6,397 3,032 2,418 2,418
Prepayments and other Current assets 6,668 8,577 10,979 12,289 12,587 12,738 12,738
60,733 67,185 70,881 89,432 96,055 89,531 89,531
Assets held for sale - - - - - - -
Total current assets 60,733 67,185 70,881 89,432 96,055 89,531 89,531
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 13,623 13,579 13,793 12,818 12,540 12,456 12,456
Right-of-use assets 4,794 4,823 6,882 6,552 6,512 6,692 6,692
Goodwill 6,079 6,195 7,248 7,303 7,405 10,191 10,191
Intangible assets 2,072 1,707 1,749 1,397 1,391 3,254 3,254
Capital WIP - - - - - - -
Investment in associate - - - - - - -
Available-for-sale financial assets/non-current investments 11,863 13,651 12,569 11,708 11,174 9,962 9,962
Investment in govt bonds - - - - - - -
Unbilled Revenues 594 941 1,449 1,780 1,652 2,135 2,135
Deferred income tax assets 1,098 1,212 1,245 454 469 556 556
Income tax assets 5,811 6,098 6,453 3,045 3,487 3,864 3,864
Other Non Current Assets 1,719 2,494 3,547 3,325 3,334 3,229 3,229
Total non-current assets 47,653 50,700 54,935 48,382 47,964 52,339 52,339
Total Assets 108,386 117,885 125,816 137,814 144,019 141,870 141,870

Liabilities and equity

Trade payables 2,645 4,134 3,865 3,956 3,693 3,841 3,841
Lease liabilities 738 872 1,242 1,959 2,187 2,468 2,468
Derivative financial instruments 56 61 78 31 28 163 163
Current income tax liabilities 2,146 2,607 3,384 3,585 4,494 4,391 4,391
Client deposits - - - - - - -
Unearned revenue 4,050 6,324 7,163 7,341 6,956 7,209 7,209
Employee benefit obligations 2,020 2,182 2,399 2,622 2,805 2,872 2,872
Provisions 713 975 1,307 1,796 1,504 1,436 1,436
Other current liabilities 11,497 16,448 19,748 17,504 29,084 18,450 18,450
23,865 33,603 39,186 38,794 50,751 40,830 40,830
Liabilities directly associated with assets held for sale - - - - - - -
Total current liabilities 23,865 33,603 39,186 38,794 50,751 40,830 40,830
Non-current liabilities
Lease liabilities 4,587 4,602 7,057 6,400 6,174 6,336 6,336
Deferred income tax liabilities 875 1,156 1,220 1,794 1,474 1,686 1,686
Other non-current liabilities 2,180 2,696 2,475 2,276 2,109 2,083 2,083
Employee benefit obligations 97 92 83 89 93 105 105
Total liabilities 31,604 42,149 50,021 49,353 60,601 51,040 51,040
Share capital 2,124 2,098 2,069 2,071 2,072 2,072 2,072
Share premium 993 827 1,065 1,550 1,744 1,948 1,948
Retained earnings 65,397 62,423 60,063 69,674 64,814 74,200 74,200
Cash flow hedge reserves 10 2 (5) 6 3 (18) (18)
Other Reserves 6,385 8,339 10,014 12,104 11,753 8,873 8,873
Capital redemption reserve 111 139 169 169 169 169 169
Other components of equity 1,331 1,522 2,032 2,542 2,514 3,219 3,219
Total equity attributable to the equity holders of the company 76,351 75,350 75,407 88,116 83,069 90,463 90,463
Non-controlling interests 431 386 388 345 349 367 367
Total Equity 76,782 75,736 75,795 88,461 83,418 90,830 90,830
Total liabilities and equity 108,386 117,885 125,816 137,814 144,019 141,870 141,870

Transition to IFRS took place from Q3 FY10 prior to which the financials highlighted
are reported under Indian GAAP.


Profit & Loss Account (Million $) FY 21 FY 22 FY 23 FY 24 Q1 25 Q2 25 Q3 25 Q4 25 YTD FY 25

Revenues 13,561 16,311 18,212 18,562 4,714 4,894 9,608

Cost of sales 8,828 10,996 12,709 12,975 3,259 3,400 6,659

Gross Profit 4,733 5,315 5,503 5,587 1,455 1,494 2,949

Selling and marketing expenses 624 692 776 842 232 221 454
Administrative expenses 784 868 902 911 229 240 469
Total operating expenses 1,408 1,560 1,678 1,753 461 461 923

Operating profit 3,325 3,755 3,825 3,834 994 1,033 2,026

- Margin 24.5% 23.0% 21.0% 20.7% 21.1% 21.1% 21.1%

Other income (expenses), net 297 308 335 568 101 85 186
Finance cost (26) (27) (35) (56) (13) (13) (26)
Reduction in the fair value of Disposal Group held for sale - - - - - - -
Adjustment in respect of excess of carrying amount over recoverable amount - - - - - - -
Write down of investment in associate - - - - - - -

Profit before income taxes 3,596 4,036 4,125 4,346 1,082 1,105 2,186
Income tax expense 973 1,068 1,142 1,177 318 327 644

Profit after tax 2,623 2,968 2,983 3,169 764 778 1,542

Minority Interest 10 5 2 2 1 1 2

Net profit after minority interest 2,613 2,963 2,981 3,167 763 777 1,540

Earnings per equity share (^)

Basic ($) $0.62 $0.70 $0.71 $0.77 $0.18 $0.19 $0.37

Diluted ($) $0.61 $0.70 $0.71 $0.76 $0.18 $0.19 $0.37

Weighted average equity shares (^)

Basic 4,242.4 4,209.5 4,180.9 4,138.6 4,140.3 4,141.8 4,141.0

Diluted 4,250.7 4,218.5 4,187.7 4,144.7 4,148.1 4,150.5 4,150.2

(^) Earnings Per Share and weighted average equity shares have been adjusted for 1:1 bonus issue/stock dividend given in Dec-14, June-15 and September-18


Balance Sheet (Million $) FY 21 FY 22 FY 23 FY 24 Q1 25 Q2 25 Q3 25 Q4 25 YTD FY 25

Cash and Equivalents 3,380 2,305 1,481 1,773 3,365 2,601 2,601
Available-for-sale financial assets/ current investments 320 880 841 1,548 1,051 887 887
Investments in certificate of deposits - - - - - - -
Trade receivables 2,639 2,995 3,094 3,620 3,709 3,820 3,820
Unbilled Revenues 1,030 1,526 1,861 1,531 1,511 1,559 1,559
Derivative financial instruments 26 19 12 10 10 8 8
Income tax assets - 7 1 767 363 289 289
Prepayments and other assets 912 1,133 1,336 1,473 1,509 1,520 1,520
8,307 8,865 8,626 10,722 11,518 10,684 10,684
Assets held for sale - - - - - - -
Total current assets 8,307 8,865 8,626 10,722 11,518 10,684 10,684
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 1,863 1,793 1,679 1,537 1,504 1,486 1,486
Right-of-use assets 656 636 837 786 781 798 798
Goodwill 832 817 882 875 888 1,216 1,216
Intangible assets 283 225 213 167 167 388 388
Investment in Associates - - - - - - -
Available-for-sale financial assets/non-current investments 1,623 1,801 1,530 1,404 1,340 1,189 1,189
Unbilled Revenues 81 124 176 213 198 255 255
Investments in govt bonds - - - - - - -
Deferred income tax assets 150 160 152 55 56 66 66
Income tax assets 795 805 785 365 418 461 461
Other Non Current Assets 235 329 432 399 400 385 385
Total non-current assets 6,518 6,690 6,686 5,801 5,752 6,244 6,244
Total Assets 14,825 15,555 15,312 16,523 17,270 16,928 16,928

Liabilities and equity

Trade payables 362 545 470 474 443 458 458
Lease liabilities 101 115 151 235 262 295 295
Derivative financial instruments 8 8 10 4 3 19 19
Current income tax liabilities 294 344 412 430 539 524 524
Client deposits - - - - - - -
Unearned revenue 554 834 872 880 834 860 860
Employee benefit obligations 276 288 292 314 336 343 343
Provisions 97 129 159 215 181 171 171
Other current liabilities 1,572 2,170 2,403 2,099 3,488 2,201 2,201
3,264 4,433 4,769 4,651 6,086 4,871 4,871
Liabilities directly associated with assets held for sale - - - - - - -
Total current liabilities 3,264 4,433 4,769 4,651 6,086 4,871 4,871
Non-current liabilities
Lease liabilities 627 607 859 767 740 756 756
Deferred income tax liabilities 120 153 149 216 177 201 201
Other Non-current liabilities 299 356 301 273 253 249 249
Employee benefit obligations 13 12 10 11 11 13 13
Total liabilities 4,323 5,561 6,088 5,918 7,267 6,090 6,090
Share capital 332 328 325 325 325 325 325
Share premium 359 337 366 425 448 473 473
Retained earnings 12,087 11,672 11,401 12,557 11,975 13,095 13,095
Other components of equity (3,263) (3,588) (4,314) (4,396) (4,398) (4,363) (4,363)
Cash flow hedge reserve 2 1 - 1 1 (2) (2)
Other reserves 908 1,170 1,370 1,623 1,581 1,237 1,237
Capital redemption reserve 17 21 24 24 24 24 24
Total equity attributable to the equity holders of the company 10,442 9,941 9,172 10,559 9,956 10,789 10,789
Non-controlling interests 60 53 52 46 47 49 49
Total Equity 10,502 9,994 9,224 10,605 10,003 10,838 10,838
Total liabilities and equity 14,825 15,555 15,312 16,523 17,270 16,928 16,928

Transition to IFRS took place from Q3 FY09 prior to which the financials highlighted are reported under US GAAP.

FY 20 FY 21 FY 22 FY 23 FY 24 Q1 25 Q2 25 Q3 25 Q4 25 YTD FY 25
Net Profit 16,639 19,423 22,146 24,108 26,248 6,374 6,516 12,890
Adjustments to reconcile net profit to net cash provided by operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization 2,893 3,267 3,476 4,225 4,678 1,149 1,161 2,310
Income tax expense 5,368 7,205 7,964 9,214 9,740 2,647 2,737 5,384
Income on investments (488) (577) (807) (1,118) (1,138) (359) (248) (608)
Finance cost 170 195 200 284 470 106 108 214
Effect of exchange rate changes on assets and liabilities 184 (62) 119 161 76 23 (321) (298)
Deferred consideration pertaining to acquisition - - - - - - - -
Write-down of goodwill/ Impairment loss on assets held for sale - - - - - - - -
Write-down of investment in associate - - - - - - - -
Share in net profit/(loss) of associate, including impairment 161 190 170 283 121 (3) 98 95

Reduction in the value of disposal group held for sale/ adjustment of carrying value on reclassification
- - - - - - - -
Stock compensation expense 249 333 415 519 652 211 208 420
Interest on income tax refund (1,934) - - -
Other adjustments (131) (91) 76 643 1,546 (53) 955 902
Changes in working capital
Trade receivables and unbilled revenue (3,862) (1,835) (7,937) (7,076) (2,667) (499) (2,236) (2,735)
Prepayments and other assets 505 (669) (1,673) (3,267) (1,252) (167) (40) (207)
Trade payables (373) (245) 1,489 (279) 91 (271) 124 (147)
Client deposits (15) - - - - - -
Unearned revenue/ client deposits 148 1,019 2,229 834 178 (385) 247 (138)
Other liabilities and provisions 1,659 2,363 4,709 3,285 (1,512) (4) 1,220 1,216

Cash generated from operations 23,107 30,516 32,576 31,816 35,297 8,769 10,529 19,298
Income taxes paid (4,550) (6,389) (7,612) (8,794) (9,231) 841 (3,006) (2,165)
Net cash provided by operating activities 18,557 24,127 24,964 23,022 26,066 9,610 7,523 17,133

Expenditure on property, plant and equipment, net of sale proceeds, including changes in retention money and
(3,307) (2,107) (2,161) (2,579) (2,201) (455) (513) (968)
capital creditors
Loans to employees - - - - - - - -
Deposits placed with corporation (108) (207) (906) (996) (847) (335) (244) (579)
Redemption of deposits placed with Corporation 753 762 710 120 237 357
Income on investments including interest and dividend received 375 515 819 970 912 299 243 542
Investment in associate - - - - - - - -
Payment for acquisition of business, net of cash acquired (1,860) (1,221) - (910) - (124) (3,031) (3,155)
Payment for acquisition of intangible assets - - - - - - - -
Payment of contingent consideration pertaining to acquisition of business (6) (158) (53) (60) (101) - - -
Investment in equity and preference securities (41) - - - - - - -
Investment in others (29) (70) (46) (20) (14) (6) (11) (17)
Escrow and other deposits pertaining to Buyback 257 - (420) (483) - - - -
Redemption of escrow and other deposits pertaining to Buyback 420 483 - - - -
Proceeds from equity and preference securities 27 73 - 99 - - - -
Investments in certificates of deposit (1,114) - (4,184) (10,348) (8,509) (1,440) (445) (1,885)
Redemption of certificates of deposit 2,545 1,149 787 10,404 9,205 2,820 1,150 3,970
Investment in quoted debt securities (2,573) (11,517) (5,863) (1,845) (1,526) (1,051) (2) (1,053)
Redemption of quoted debt securities 3,649 3,955 3,678 2,573 1,684 690 540 1,230
Investment in liquid mutual fund units/ fixed maturity planned services (34,839) (35,196) (54,064) (70,631) (66,191) (16,989) (16,528) (33,517)
Redemption of liquid mutual fund units/ fixed maturity planned services 34,685 36,353 53,669 71,851 64,767 15,975 18,037 34,012
Investment in commercial papers - - - (3,003) (10,387) (2,226) (1) (2,227)
Redemption of commercial paper 500 - - 2,298 6,479 7,135 - 7,135
Investment in fixed maturity plan securities - - - - - - - -
Redemption of fixed maturity plan securities - - - - - - - -
Investment in target maturity fund units (400) - - - -
Proceeds from sale of other securities and Other receipts 46 72 76 71 154 1 4 5

Net cash used in investing activities (1,793) (8,359) (7,495) (1,764) (5,865) 4,414 (564) 3,850

Contribution to trust corpus - - - - - -
Payment of lease liability (571) (698) (915) (1,231) (2,024) (576) (614) (1,190)
Proceeds from issuance of common stock on exercise of employee stock options 6 15 21 35 5 3 - 3
Repayment of borrowings taken over from Lodestone - - - - - - - -
Buy Back of equity shares including transaction cost (7,478) - (11,125) (11,499) - - - -
Payment towards buy back of shares pertaining to non-controlling interest of subsidiary - - - - (18) - - -
Payment towards purchase of minority interest (49) (2) - - - - -
Loan repayment of in-tech Holding GmbH (985) (985)
Other receipts 83 236 132 - - - -
Other payments - (126) (479) (736) (118) (147) (265)
Payment of dividends (includes corporate dividend tax) incl. to Minority holders (9,548) (9,137) (12,731) (13,653) (14,731) - (11,594) (11,594)

Net cash used in financing activities (17,591) (9,786) (24,642) (26,695) (17,504) (691) (13,340) (14,031)

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents (92) 83 (69) 138 (84) (62) 123 61
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (827) 5,982 (7,173) (5,437) 2,697 13,333 (6,381) 6,952
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 19,568 18,649 24,714 17,472 12,173 14,786 28,057 14,786
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 18,649 24,714 17,472 12,173 14,786 28,057 21,799 21,799

Supplementary information:
Restricted cash balance 396 504 471 362 348 398 407 407


FY 20 FY 21 FY 22 FY 23 FY 24 Q1 25 Q2 25 Q3 25 Q4 25 YTD FY 25
Net profit 2,338 2,623 2,968 2,983 3,169 764 778 1,542

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities

Depreciation and amortization 407 441 466 524 565 138 138 276
Share-based compensation - - - - - - - -
Income tax expense 757 973 1,068 1,142 1,177 318 326 644
Income on investments (68) (77) (108) (139) (138) (44) (29) (73)
Finance cost 24 26 27 35 56 13 13 26
Other non cash item - - - - - - - -
Deferred consideration pertaining to acquisition - - - - - - - -
Write-down of goodwill - - - - - - - -
Write-down of investment in associate - - - - - - - -
Impairment loss on financial assets 23 25 23 35 15 - 11 11
Reduction in the value of disposal group held for sale/ adjustment of carrying value
on reclassification - - - - - - - -
Effect of exchange rate changes on assets and liabilities 27 (8) 15 21 11 3 (38) (35)
Stock compensation expense 34 45 56 64 79 25 25 50
Interest on income tax refund (234) - - -
Other adjustments (20) (13) 8 80 185 (8) 116 108
Changes in working capital
Trade accounts receivable/ unbilled revenues (542) (248) (1,064) (875) (322) (60) (267) (327)
Prepayment and other assets 70 (90) (225) (404) (151) (20) (5) (25)
Unbilled revenues - - - - - - -
Trade payables (52) (33) 200 (35) 11 (33) 15 (18)
Client deposits (2) - - - - - -
Unearned revenue/ client deposits 21 138 299 103 21 (46) 30 (16)
Other liabilities and provisions 233 319 632 407 (182) - 146 146

Cash generated from operations 3,250 4,121 4,365 3,941 4,262 1,050 1,259 2,309
Income taxes paid (639) (863) (1,020) (1,088) (1,114) 100 (359) (259)
Net cash provided by operating activities 2,611 3,258 3,345 2,853 3,148 1,150 900 2,050

Payment for acquisition of business, net of cash acquired/ contingent consideration (253) (186) (7) (121) (12) (15) (362) (377)
Investment in associates - - - - - - - -
Investment in equity and preference securities (6) - - - - - - -
Expenditure on property, plant and equipment, net of sale proceeds, including chang (465) (285) (290) (319) (266) (56) (61) (117)
Payment on acquisition of IPR - - - - - - - -
Proceeds on sale of property, plant and equipment - - - - - - - -
Loans to employees - - - - - - - -
Deposits with corporations (15) (28) (121) (123) (102) (40) (29) (69)
Redemption of deposits placed with Corporation 101 94 86 14 29 43
Income on investments 52 70 109 120 110 36 29 65
Investment in govt. bonds - - - - - - - -
Investment in quoted debt securities (363) (1,555) (786) (228) (184) (126) - (126)
Redemption of quoted debt securities 512 534 494 318 203 83 65 148
Investment in fixed maturity plan services - - - - - - - -
Redemption of fixed maturity plan services - - - - - - - -
Proceeds from sale of equity and preference securities 4 10 - 12 - - - -
Investment in liquid mutual fund units and fixed maturity plan securities (4,897) (4,753) (7,240) (8,739) (7,990) (2,036) (1,974) (4,010)
Investment in target maturity fund units - (49) - - - -
Redemption of mutual fund/ current investments 4,873 4,909 7,186 8,890 7,818 1,915 2,154 4,069
Investment in others (4) (9) (6) (2) (2) (1) (1) (2)
Escrow and other deposits pertaining to Buyback 37 - (57) (59) - - - -

Redemption of escrow and other deposits pertaining to Buyback

- - 57 59 - - - -
Investment in certificate of deposits (156) - (560) (1,280) (1,027) (172) (53) (225)
Investment in commercial papers - - - (371) (1,254) (267) 1 (266)
Redemption of commercial papers 72 - - 284 782 856 (2) 854
Redemption of certificate of deposits 360 154 105 1,287 1,111 338 137 475
Proceeds from sale of other securities & Other receipts 7 10 10 9 19 - - -

Net cash used in investing activities (242) (1,129) (1,005) (218) (708) 529 (67) 462


Proceeds on issuance of shares on exercise of employee stock options 1 2 2 4 1 - - -

Repayment of borrowings - - - - - - - -
Payment of lease liabilities (80) (94) (125) (151) (245) (69) (73) (142)

Payment of dividends (includes corporate dividend tax) incl. to Minority holders (1,364) (1,229) (1,714) (1,700) (1,782) - (1,386) (1,386)
Buy back of shares including transaction costs (1,070) - (1,503) (1,398) - - - -
Payment towards buy back of shares pertaining to non-controlling interest of subsid - - - - (2) - - -
Payment towards purchase of minority interest (7) - - - - - -
Loan repayment of in-tech Holding GmbH (118) (118)
Other receipts 11 32 16 - - - -
Other payments (17) (59) (88) (14) (18) (32)
Income tax benefit arising on exercise of share options - - - - - - - -

Net cash used in financing activities (2,513) (1,317) (3,325) (3,288) (2,116) (83) (1,595) (1,678)

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents (220) 103 (90) (171) (32) (4) (2) (6)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (144) 812 (985) (653) 324 1,596 (762) 834
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 2,829 2,465 3,380 2,305 1,481 1,773 3,365 1,773
Opening balance of cash and equivalents arising on consolidation on controlled
trusts - - - - - - - -
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 2,465 3,380 2,305 1,481 1,773 3,365 2,601 2,601

Supplementary information:
Restricted cash balance 52 69 62 44 42 48 49 49
Operating Metrics


FY 20 FY 21 FY 22 FY 23 FY 24 Q1 25 Q2 25 Q3 25 Q4 25 YTD FY 25
1 Employee Metrics
Employees, period end
Total Employees (Consolidated) 242,371 259,619 314,015 343,234 317,240 315,332 317,788 317,788
S/W professionals 228,449 245,037 297,859 324,816 299,814 298,123 300,774 300,774
Sales & Support 13,922 14,582 16,156 18,418 17,426 17,209 17,014 17,014
Women employees (%) 37.8% 38.6% 39.6% 39.4% 39.3% 39.2% 39.0% 39.0%

Voluntary Attrition % (LTM - IT Services) 17.4% 10.9% 27.7% 20.9% 12.6% 12.7% 12.9% 12.9%

2 Effort (IT Services and Consulting)

Onsite-Offshore Effort Split
Onsite 28.1% 25.8% 23.8% 24.4% 24.5% 23.9% 24.1% 24.0%
Offshore 71.9% 74.2% 76.2% 75.6% 75.5% 76.1% 75.9% 76.0%

3 Utilization measures
IT Services and Consulting
Including trainees 80.3% 80.8% 82.4% 77.1% 80.7% 83.9% 84.3% 84.1%
Excluding trainees 84.0% 84.7% 88.3% 82.5% 82.2% 85.3% 85.9% 85.6%

4 Revenue segmentation
a Revenues by client geography
North America 61.5% 61.3% 61.7% 61.8% 60.1% 58.9% 57.4% 58.1%
Europe 24.1% 24.2% 24.8% 25.7% 27.6% 28.4% 29.8% 29.1%
India 2.6% 2.9% 2.9% 2.6% 2.5% 3.1% 3.1% 3.1%
ROW 11.8% 11.6% 10.6% 9.9% 9.8% 9.6% 9.7% 9.7%
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

b Revenues by Business segments

Financial Services 31.5% 32.4% 32.0% 29.8% 27.4% 27.5% 27.2% 27.4%
Retail 15.5% 14.7% 14.6% 14.5% 14.7% 13.8% 13.3% 13.5%
Communication 13.2% 12.6% 12.5% 12.3% 11.7% 12.1% 11.9% 12.0%
Energy, Utilities, Resources and Servcies 12.9% 12.5% 11.9% 12.6% 13.0% 13.3% 13.5% 13.4%
Manufacturing 10.1% 9.4% 10.9% 12.9% 14.5% 14.7% 15.7% 15.2%
Hi Tech 7.7% 8.5% 8.3% 8.1% 8.1% 8.0% 8.0% 8.0%
Life Sciences 6.4% 6.8% 7.0% 6.9% 7.5% 7.3% 7.3% 7.3%
Others 2.7% 3.1% 2.8% 2.9% 3.1% 3.3% 3.1% 3.2%
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

5 Client metrics
a Top 5 client contribution to revenues 11.6% 11.0% 11.4% 12.7% 13.3% 13.5% 13.7% 13.6%
Top 10 client contribution to revenues 19.2% 18.1% 19.3% 20.2% 20.0% 20.9% 20.9% 20.8%
Top 25 client contribution to revenues 34.4% 33.9% 35.1% 35.4% 33.9% 34.9% 34.7% 34.7%
Number of active clients 1,411 1,626 1,741 1,872 1,882 1,867 1,870 1,870
New clients added in the period 376 475 451 458 385 87 86 173

b Revenue buckets
Million $ clients 718 779 853 922 959 987 985 985
10 Million $ clients 234 252 275 298 315 309 307 307
50 Million $ clients 61 59 64 75 83 84 86 86
100 Million $ clients 28 32 38 40 40 40 41 41

6 Average rate of USD

AUD 0.68 0.72 0.74 0.68 0.66 0.66 0.67 0.67
EURO 1.11 1.17 1.16 1.04 1.08 1.07 1.10 1.09
GBP 1.27 1.31 1.36 1.20 1.26 1.26 1.31 1.29

7 Avg USD-INR rate 71.01 74.16 74.52 80.52 82.78 83.40 83.75 83.58
Period end USD-INR rate 75.67 73.11 75.79 82.17 83.41 83.39 83.80 83.80

8 Currency-wise revenues

USD 67.5% 66.5% 66.8% 67.5% 66.2% 64.6% 63.6% 64.1%

GBP 4.9% 4.6% 4.5% 4.4% 4.1% 3.7% 3.7% 3.7%
Euro 12.4% 13.4% 13.5% 13.5% 14.8% 16.0% 17.6% 16.8%
AUD 6.8% 6.9% 6.2% 5.6% 5.0% 5.0% 4.9% 4.9%

9 DSO (days) 69 71 67 62 71 72 73 73

10 Constant currency growth (YoY %) 9.8% 5.0% 19.7% 15.4% 1.4% 2.5% 3.3% 2.9%
a By geography
North America 10.2% 5.8% 21.0% 12.4% -1.1% -1.2% -2.7% -1.9%
Europe 11.8% 2.8% 22.0% 26.3% 6.3% 9.1% 15.5% 12.3%
India 15.0% 21.2% 23.4% 5.5% -0.2% 19.9% 16.0% 17.9%
ROW 3.7% 1.8% 7.4% 11.2% 3.9% 2.3% 3.8% 3.1%

b By business segment
Financial Services 8.2% 8.2% 17.8% 7.3% -6.5% 0.3% 2.3% 1.3%
Retail 3.6% -0.2% 18.3% 15.2% 2.2% -3.0% -9.6% -6.4%
Communication 16.1% -0.7% 18.0% 14.7% -3.5% 5.4% 7.0% 6.2%
Energy, Utilities, Resources and Servcies 12.9% 1.4% 14.4% 22.8% 3.6% 6.3% 10.9% 8.6%
Manufacturing 12.2% -2.1% 40.4% 38.8% 13.4% 6.0% 12.3% 9.2%
Hi Tech 11.4% 17.6% 17.2% 8.8% 1.9% 2.1% 6.0% 4.0%
Life Sciences 11.0% 11.2% 23.3% 11.3% 9.7% 2.9% -3.5% -0.5%
Others 7.6% 18.8% 10.6% 21.1% 13.3% 4.5% -1.2% 1.6%

11 Large deal TCV ($ mn) 9,021 14,129 9,504 9,811 17,664 4,085 2,430 6,515

12 Return on Equity (ROE %) 27.4% 29.1% 31.2% 32.1% 33.6% 31.5% 31.5%

13 Consolidated cash and investments ($ mn) 3,605 5,288 4,937 3,807 4,676 4,311 4,626 4,626

14 Free cash flow to net profit % 113.3% 102.9% 85.0% 91.0% 143.2% 107.8% 125.3%

For details on balances with individual Banks/FIs, pls refer to notes to accounts in IFRS financial statements at www.infosys.com
Disaggregate revenue information- FY 23 (Dollars in millions)

Energy , Utilities,
Particulars Financial Services Retail Communication resources and Manufacturing Hi Tech Life Sciences Others Total

Revenues by Geography
North America 3,488 1,825 1,354 1,234 938 1,378 910 135 11,262
Europe 915 663 477 868 1,348 34 320 45 4,670
India 237 9 20 26 11 52 3 120 478
Rest of the world 794 135 395 172 60 8 18 220 1,802
Total 5,434 2,632 2,246 2,300 2,357 1,472 1,251 520 18,212
64.2% 69.3% 60.3% 53.7% 39.8% 93.6% 72.7% 26.0% 61.8%
Revenue by offerings
Digital 2,980 1,733 1,485 1,442 1,685 945 793 255 11,318
Core 2,454 899 761 858 672 527 458 265 6,894
Total 5,434 2,632 2,246 2,300 2,357 1,472 1,251 520 18,212

Disaggregate revenue information- Q4 23 (Dollars in millions)

Energy , Utilities,
Particulars Financial Services Retail Communication resources and Manufacturing Hi Tech Life Sciences Others Total

Revenues by Geography
North America 845 462 314 323 230 342 229 33 2,778
Europe 225 179 123 216 368 8 91 17 1,227
India 60 2 5 6 3 11 1 32 120
Rest of the world 186 31 95 42 16 2 5 52 429
Total 1,316 674 537 587 617 363 326 134 4,554

Revenue by offerings
Digital 713 457 346 376 435 247 218 72 2,864
Core 603 217 191 211 182 116 108 62 1,690
Total 1,316 674 537 587 617 363 326 134 4,554

Disaggregate revenue information- Q3 23 (Dollars in millions)

Energy , Utilities,
Particulars Financial Services Retail Communication resources and Manufacturing Hi Tech Life Sciences Others Total

Revenues by Geography
North America 878 467 351 330 236 352 240 35 2,889
Europe 229 163 119 224 363 8 83 13 1,202
India 55 3 5 8 3 14 1 24 113
Rest of the world 204 34 98 41 17 2 4 55 455
Total 1,366 667 573 603 619 376 328 127 4,659

Revenue by offerings
Digital 757 440 383 383 458 241 204 64 2,930
Core 609 227 190 220 161 135 124 63 1,729
Total 1,366 667 573 603 619 376 328 127 4,659

Disaggregate revenue information- Q2 23 (Dollars in millions)

Energy , Utilities,
Particulars Financial Services Retail Communication resources and Manufacturing Hi Tech Life Sciences Others Total

Revenues by Geography
North America 885 451 352 303 250 345 225 36 2,847
Europe 233 158 118 210 317 9 75 7 1,127
India 64 2 5 7 2 14 1 38 133
Rest of the world 208 36 86 41 14 2 5 56 448
Total 1,390 647 561 561 583 370 306 137 4,555
Revenue by offerings
Digital 768 424 369 346 417 232 193 68 2,817
Core 622 223 192 215 166 138 113 69 1,738
Total 1,390 647 561 561 583 370 306 137 4,555

Disaggregate revenue information- Q1 23 (Dollars in millions)

Energy , Utilities,
Particulars Financial Services Retail Communication resources and Manufacturing Hi Tech Life Sciences Others Total

Revenues by Geography
North America 880 444 338 278 223 339 215 30 2,747
Europe 228 164 116 218 300 9 71 8 1,114
India 58 2 6 5 2 13 1 27 114
Rest of the world 196 35 116 48 12 2 4 56 469
Total 1,362 645 576 549 537 363 291 121 4,444

Revenue by offerings
Digital 742 413 388 337 375 226 178 51 2,710
Core 620 232 188 212 162 137 113 70 1,734
Total 1,362 645 576 549 537 363 291 121 4,444

Disaggregate revenue information- FY 22 (Dollars in millions)

Energy , Utilities,
Particulars Financial Services Retail Communication resources and Manufacturing Hi Tech Life Sciences Others Total

Revenues by Geography
North America 3,274 1,608 1,136 996 845 1,253 828 126 10,066
Europe 905 639 483 773 884 30 295 30 4,039
India 259 12 42 21 9 55 4 78 480
Rest of the world 780 120 374 152 49 8 15 228 1,726
Total 5,218 2,379 2,035 1,942 1,787 1,346 1,142 462 16,311
62.7% 67.6% 55.8% 51.3% 47.3% 93.1% 72.5% 27.3% 61.7%
Revenue by offerings
Digital 2,735 1,456 1,247 1,128 1,103 780 660 194 9,303
Core 2,483 923 788 814 684 566 482 268 7,008
Total 5,218 2,379 2,035 1,942 1,787 1,346 1,142 462 16,311

Disaggregate revenue information- Q4 22 (Dollars in millions)

Energy , Utilities,
Particulars Financial Services Retail Communication resources and Manufacturing Hi Tech Life Sciences Others Total

Revenues by Geography
North America 853 415 317 259 219 326 209 32 2,630
Europe 225 164 124 207 271 8 70 8 1,077
India 76 2 7 7 2 15 1 28 138
Rest of the world 185 32 100 41 13 2 4 58 435
Total 1,339 613 548 514 505 351 284 126 4,280

Revenue by offerings
Digital 707 388 361 307 332 210 168 59 2,532
Core 632 225 187 207 173 141 116 67 1,748
Total 1,339 613 548 514 505 351 284 126 4,280

Disaggregate revenue information- Q3 22 (Dollars in millions)

Energy , Utilities,
Particulars Financial Services Retail Communication resources and Manufacturing Hi Tech Life Sciences Others Total

Revenues by Geography
North America 841 418 307 260 220 319 230 32 2,627
Europe 230 163 130 197 239 7 84 8 1,058
India 66 3 6 5 2 14 1 30 127
Rest of the world 200 31 88 37 18 2 3 59 438
Total 1,337 615 531 499 479 342 318 129 4,250

Revenue by offerings
Digital 702 386 325 295 325 201 194 59 2,487
Core 635 229 206 204 154 141 124 70 1,763
Total 1,337 615 531 499 479 342 318 129 4,250

Disaggregate revenue information- Q2 22 (Dollars in millions)

Energy , Utilities,
Particulars Financial Services Retail Communication resources and Manufacturing Hi Tech Life Sciences Others Total

Revenues by Geography
North America 802 397 271 244 212 316 203 31 2,476
Europe 227 155 117 188 213 7 75 7 989
India 63 3 14 5 3 14 1 1 104
Rest of the world 200 30 93 36 7 2 5 56 429
Total 1,292 585 495 473 435 339 284 95 3,998

Revenue by offerings
Digital 673 357 300 274 250 196 161 32 2,243
Core 619 228 195 199 185 143 123 63 1,755
Total 1,292 585 495 473 435 339 284 95 3,998

Disaggregate revenue information- Q1 22 (Dollars in millions)

Energy , Utilities,
Particulars Financial Services Retail Communication resources and Manufacturing Hi Tech Life Sciences Others Total

Revenues by Geography*
North America 777 378 241 234 195 292 185 31 2,333
Europe 223 156 112 181 160 7 66 8 913
India 55 4 15 4 2 12 1 18 111
Rest of the world 195 28 94 38 9 2 4 55 425
Total 1,250 566 462 457 366 313 256 112 3,782

Revenue by offerings
Digital 653 324 262 252 195 173 137 44 2,040
Core 597 242 200 205 171 140 119 68 1,742
Total 1,250 566 462 457 366 313 256 112 3,782

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