Volume 3 Issue1 Quiz1

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Pulmonary Radiology Quiz

*Venu K1, Yugaveer K2, Pradeep3, Chaitanya Goud3, Bhanu Teja3, Kiran3, Aditya3
Professor & HOD, 2Assistant Professor, 3Post Graduate, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Kamineni Institute of Medical
Sciences, Narketpally, Nalgonda District, Telangana State, India.

1. What is the description of the above shown Chest X-ray

2. What is the differential diagnosis?

3. What are the investigations required for diagnose?

*Corresponding author :
Dr. Venu K,
Professor and Head,
Please refer page number 40 for the answer
Department of Pulmonary Medicine,
Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally,
Nalgonda District, Telangana State, India -508254
[email protected]

Journal of Basic and Clinical Research 2016; 3(1) : 39-41 39

Venu K et al: Pulmonary Radiology Quiz

Pulmonary Radiology Quiz - Answers • USG chest and abdomen

• CT chest
1. Chest X-ray shows multiple rounded nodular
lesions of variable sizes involving both the • PET scan
lungs, predominantly in mid and lower zones.
Invasive investigations-
Appearance of this X-ray is described as
Cannonball Appearance. Routine blood investigations: CBP, ESR, CRP, RFT,
2. Cannonball appearance is seen in following
conditions They can be classified in to Benign Anti CCP-antibody, R-factor
and Malignant
Benign conditions -
Lung biopsy (open or closed)
• Bacterial infections: Pulmonary tuberculosis,
Staphylococcus pneumonia, Enterobacteria Bio-markers: AFP, Beta HCG
pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Haemophilus influenzae, Pneumonia. Treatment
• Fungal infections: Histoplasmosis, Above shown X-ray is case of secondaries in lung
Coccidiodmycosis, Nocardiosis secondary to colonic carcinoma (stage 4) with poor
• Parasitic infections: Hydatid disease, prognosis.
Palliative chemotherapy is often used to treat
• Connective tissue disorders: Rheumatoid metastatic lung cancer. Other modalities like Radiation
disease, Wegners granulomatosis therapy, Laser therapy may be used. Appropriate
• Autoimmune disorders: Sarcoidosis antibiotic/ antifungal therapy may be given in case
of infectious causes. In patients with Arterio-venous
• Congenital anomalies: Arterio-Venous malformations, sclerosing agents are given.
malformations (Osler Rendu Weber
Syndrome) Discussion
Malignant conditions - Cannonball metastases refer to large, well
circumscribed, round pulmonary metastases that
Lung cancer (50%), Thyroid, Breast cancer , Renal
appear, like cannonballs. The French term "envolée
cell carcinoma, Choriocarcinoma (uterus & testes)
de ballons" which translates to "balloons release" is
or less common primary tumors:
also used to describe this appearance.
• Prostate cancer
Multiple pulmonary nodules seen on plain chest
• Synovial sarcoma
X-ray have a multitude of causes, starting from
• Endometrial carcinoma metastases (cannon ball secondaries), various
• Osteogenic carcinoma infections, immunological diseases to arterio-venous
3) Investigations required-
Pulmonary metastasis is seen in 20-54% of
Non-invasive investigations extrathoracic malignancies. Lungs are the second
• Sputum for malignant cytology most frequent site of metastasis from extrathoracic
malignancies. Development of pulmonary metastasis
• Sputum for AFB, fungal elements, gram stain and
implies disseminated disease with poor prognosis.
culture sensitivity
Breast, colorectal, kidney, head, neck and uterus
• Chest X-ray

40 Journal of Basic and Clinical Research 2016; 3(1) : 39-41

Venu K et al: Pulmonary Radiology Quiz

cancers are the most common primary tumors with References

lung metastasis.
1. Chapman S, Nakielny R. Aids to Radiological differential
diagnosis, 4th ed., New Delhi: Saunders–Elsevier, 2003.
The basic sign of haematogenous pulmonary
metastases is one or more discrete pulmonary 2. Armstrong P. Pulmonary neoplasms. In: Grainger RG,
nodules. Allison D (eds). Diagnostic Radiology: A Textbook
of Medical Imaging, 3rd ed., Hong Kong: Churchill-
Livingstone, 1997; Ch 20.
The nodules are usually spherical and well-defined,
but they may be almost of any shape and can 3. Sutton D. Radiology and Imaging for Medical Students,
occasionally have a very irregular edge, especially in 7th ed., New Delhi: Churchill-Livingstone, 2001

Secondary deposits can also present as miliary

mottling throughout the lung fields or with extensive
perihilar spread (lymphangitis carcinomatosa)

Although metastases are an important and common

cause of multiple pulmonary nodules on plain chest
film, the diagnosis should be made with caution, taking
into consideration all the relevant data available about
the patient and the various differential diagnoses for
multiple pulmonary nodules, mainly the infective

Journal of Basic and Clinical Research 2016; 3(1) : 39-41 41

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