CSE Prelims 2025
CSE Prelims 2025
CSE Prelims 2025
Prelims UPSC CSE 2025
Monthly Magazine
This high-quality monthly compilation of Current Affairs for Civil Services Exam Prelims
2025 is designed to help Civil Services Exam aspirants by:
1. Saving preparation time: Consolidates key current affairs from multiple sources for
CSE Prelims.
2. Reinforcing static concepts: Links static concepts with current affairs
3. Enhancing revision: Combines important current affairs and static concepts
foreffective revision.
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Table of Contents
1. POLITY (Page 1)
2. ECONOMY (Page 8)
Context: Context:
Recently, the Union Ministry of Home Affairs has directed President Droupadi Murmu has sanctioned the
constitution of the 23rd Law Commission of India,
Union Territories to ensure that ‘zero FIRs’ recorded in
local languages carry a translated copy if forwarded to which will serve from September 1, 2024, to August 31,
states where different languages are used. 2027.
Law Commission of India:
About: • Law Commission of India is a non-statutory
• An FIR that can be registered at any police station
• It is constituted by a notification of the
irrespective of jurisdiction or the area where the
Government of India, Ministry of Law & Justice,
crime was committed, in case of cognisable
Department of Legal Affairs.
• It is constituted with definite terms of reference
• The provision of Zero FIR was established based to carry out research in the field of law.
on the recommendation on the report of the • The Commission makes recommendations to
Justice Verma Committee. the Government in the form of Reports as per its
terms of reference.
• The Justice Verma Committee was formed after
• However, these recommendations are not
the 2012 Nirbhaya gang rape case.
binding on the Government.
• Purpose of Zero FIR: To provide speedy redressal Origin:
to the victim so that timely action can be taken • Pre- independence: The first Law Commission
after the filing of the FIR. was established during colonial rule in India by
the East India Company under the Charter Act
Under the Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS),
of 1833 and was presided over by Lord
which replaced the CrPC, police are now bound to
register a ‘zero FIR’.
• The First Law Commission drafted the Penal
• The term FIR is not defined in the Indian Penal Code in 1837, the Limitation Law in 1842 and the
Code (IPC), Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), Scheme of Pleading and Procedure in 1848.
1973, or in any other law, but in police regulations • After that, three more commissions were
or rules, information recorded under Section 154 established in pre-independent India. (Total 4
of CrPC is known as FIR. before independence)
• Post-independence: The first law commission in
independent India was established in 1955,
with its chairman M.C. Setalvad.
• It was set up in December 1960, with the objective • Besides all the glossaries of CSTT, other
to evolve and define scientific and technical terms institutions or agencies having such dictionaries
in Hindi and all Indian languages. are also able to host their work in digital form on
this platform.
• It was established under clause (4) of Article 344
of the Constitution of India.
• The State governments have been vested with the • Criminal matters: An appeal against the decision
authority of setting up one or more nyayalayas, of the Nyayalaya in a criminal matter can be filed
after proper consultation with the respective High in the Sessions Court of that jurisdiction.
Court, in every Panchayat at the intermediate
• Civil matters: an appeal against any verdict of the
level or group of adjacent Panchayats at the
gram Nyayalaya concerning a civil matter can be
intermediate level of a district.
filed in a District Court of the concerned
• However, the Act does not make setting up of jurisdiction.
Gram Nyayalayas mandatory.
• They are to follow summary procedure in a criminal The states which require the permit are:
trial. • Arunachal Pradesh
• Disputes are to be settled as far as possible by • Mizoram
bringing about conciliation between the parties,
and for this purpose, the Gram Nyayalayas will • Nagaland
make use of the conciliators to be appointed for
• Manipur.
this purpose.
11. Early Elections President Droupadi Murmu will inaugurate the 16th
Assembly of ASOSAI in New Delhi on September 24,
Context: 2024.
• Delhi’s Chief Minister has asked for Assembly
elections to be held in Delhi along with
Maharashtra, where a new House must be
elected before November 26.
• R.C. Reddy
However, the IAS
termStudy Circle
of the 9346882593
Delhi Assembly ends Page | 6
only on February 23, 2025.
About ASOSAI (Asian Organization of Supreme Audit About Doctrine of ‘Constructive Possession’:
• It is a legal doctrine that attributes possession of
• ASOSAI is one of the regional groups of the an item or substance to an individual, even if
International Organization of Supreme Audit they do not have physical control or immediate
Institutions (INTOSAI). possession of it.
• It focuses on fostering cooperation and improving • In criminal law, constructive possession arises
public audit standards in Asia.
when a person has the intention and ability to
• Founded: Established in 1979, with 11-member exercise control over the item or substance, either
SAIs; membership has since grown to 48 SAIs. individually or jointly with others.
• Proposal: First proposed by Mr. Tantuico, Chairman • Unlike actual possession, which involves physical
of the SAI of the Philippines, during the 9th custody or control, constructive possession is
INTOSAI Congress (October 1977, Lima, Peru). based on the concept that an individual can still
• Charter Signing: In September 1978, 9 Asian SAIs be held responsible for items they have the power
signed the ASOSAI Charter in Berlin, West to control, even if those items are not physically
Germany. on their person.
• First Assembly: Held in May 1979 in New Delhi, • The key element is the intent and capability to
India, where the rules and regulations were exercise dominion or control over the object or
approved. substance.
Vision of ASOSAI: • Constructive possession allows a person who
• Promote understanding and cooperation among does not actually have personal possession of
member institutions through exchange of ideas something, yet still controls it, to be charged with
and experiences in public audit. a crime for possessing it.
• Provide training and continuing education for • Constructive possession often arises in cases
government auditors to enhance quality and involving illegal drugs, firearms, or stolen
performance. property, where the defendant may not have
direct physical possession but has control or
• Serve as a center of information and as a regional
access to the item.
link with other global audit institutions.
For a successful prosecution of constructive possession,
• Foster closer collaboration and brotherhood
among auditors in member institutions and certain criteria must be met. These include:
regional groups. • Knowledge of the Item’s Presence: The individual
ASOSAI’s mission includes promoting research, education, must be aware that the item exists. Mere
and collaboration, but not providing financial aid to proximity to an item without knowledge does not
members. constitute constructive possession.
(Including GST)
70756 52127
1. Anti-Dumping Duty What is Countervailing duty (CVD)?
Context: • It is a specific form of duty that the government
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry recently imposes to protect domestic producers by
recommended imposing an anti-dumping duty on countering the negative impact of import
aluminium foil imported from China. subsidies.
• This will also bring down the time taken for credit • NABVENTURES a fully owned subsidiary of
appraisal, especially for smaller and rural borrowers NABARD will act as the fund manager.
without any credit history.
• It will not eliminate the need for collateral for Recently, the Ministry of Women and Child
smaller and rural borrowers. Development has received the National Award for e-
Governance 2024 (Gold) for the Poshan Tracker
3. AgriSURE Scheme
• The Poshan Tracker program identifies and
Recently, the union minister for Agriculture and Farmers’ addresses growth issues among children aged
Welfare and Rural Development launched the AgriSURE 0-6 years, utilizing real-time monitoring and
Scheme in New Delhi. WHO growth charts to ensure optimal
nutritional outcomes.
• Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) play a crucial role
• The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
in evaluating children’s health status and
Development (NABARD) has introduced a new agri
implementing timely interventions when
fund named Agri-SURE, targeting Start-Ups and Rural
deviations from expected growth patterns are
• This initiative is designed to bolster innovation and
• The Poshan Tracker employs advanced ICT
technological advancements in the agricultural
tools and Growth Measuring Devices (GMD) at
sector, with an initial corpus of ₹750 crore.
each Anganwadi Centre (AWC) to facilitate
• Agri Fund for Start-ups & Rural Enterprises (AgriSURE) accurate data collection and regular
is an innovative fund which is a pioneering step monitoring.
toward revolutionizing the agricultural landscape in
• The program’s real-time growth monitoring has
significantly improved child health outcomes in
• Focus area: It mainly focuses on technology-driven, India, covering millions of children under
high-risk, high-impact ventures. Mission Poshan 2.0.
• They are an essential component of electronic • It combines AI and EI to generate fashion trend
devices, enabling advances in communications, insights and forecasts.
computing, healthcare, military systems,
transportation, clean energy, and countless other
applications. • India's entry into the forecasting space offers
• Due to their role in the fabrication of electronic multiple advantages: it reduces dependence on
devices, semiconductors are an important part of global forecasting agencies, provides unique
our lives. insights into Indian fashion consumers, integrates
India’s strength in information technology with
• Properties – At zero Kelvin, a semiconductor
textiles, and combines artificial and human
serves as an insulator and it functions as a
conductor as the temperature increases.
About: Context:
• Trade Connect e-Platform is a new digital The Odisha government recently approved a proposal to
initiative aimed at transforming the landscape of transfer 95 percent of the equity shares of Gopalpur Port
international trade for Indian exporters, to Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Limited
especially MSMEs (Medium, Small and Medium (APSEZ).
Ports Located in
• It will connect Indian Exporters, MSMEs and
1. Gopalpur Port Odisha
Entrepreneurs with various stakeholders
including Indian Missions Abroad, Export 2. Jafrabad Port Gujarat
Promotion Councils, and other Partner 3. Kundapur Port Karnataka
Government Agencies. 4. Dighi Port Maharashtra
• MSDC is an apex advisory body for the It is a one of its kind congregations wherein the policy
development of the Maritime sector and aims to making process is driven as part of collaboration between
ensure integrated development of Major and all the key stakeholders of the startup ecosystem.
non-Major Ports. NSAC is playing an important role in identifying areas of
• It was constituted in 1997 to assess in intervention for the expansion of the startup ecosystem
consultation with State Governments, the future and ideating and nurturing national programs under the
development of existing and new Minor Ports by Startup India initiative.
the respective Maritime States either directly or
through captive users and private participation.
• Transition after the age of 18: The minor’s NPS • A cut in interest rate typically incentivises
account will transition to a standard NPS account, economic activity, promotes growth, and
post the submission of required KYC documents. increases job creation by making it cheaper for
people to borrow money.
• Partial withdrawals allowed after 3 years for
education, health, and disability up to 25% of • Conversely, a hike in interest rates or persistently
corpus. high interest rates tend to drag down economic
growth and employment generation.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare has • The sectors that are eligible for PSL include:
released Final Estimates of production of Major Agriculture, Micro, Small, and Medium
Agricultural Crops for the year 2023-24. Enterprises (MSMEs), Export Credit, Education,
Housing, Social Infrastructure, Renewable
These estimates have been primarily prepared on the basis Energy.
of information received from States/ UTs.
• In case, banks fail to meet their PSL targets,
Total Foodgrain production: Increased by 26.11 LMT than they have to deposit the allocated amount to
2022-23 the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund
(RIDF) established with NABARD and to other
Food grain production witnessed record increase: Due to funds as decided by the RBI.
good production of Rice, Wheat and Shree Anna.
• Bajra: Decreased than the previous year. • It operates under the Ministry of Textiles and
plays a crucial role in the development of
• Ragi: Decreased than the previous year India’s silk industry.
Total Production: Rice (1378.25 LT) > Wheat (1132.92) > • The CSB advises the Government of India on all
Maize (376.65) matters concerning sericulture (silk farming) and
the silk industry.
Millets: Bajra (107.16) > Jowar (47.37) > Ragi (16.70)
• Headquarters: Bengaluru, Karnataka.
A study by RBI economists reveals that priority sector • India is the 2nd largest producer of Silk in the
lending (PSL) improves banks’ asset quality. World.
What is Priority sector lending? • India is the only country in the world that
produces all four major varieties of silk –
• Priority Sector Lending (PSL) is a Reserve Bank of
Mulberry, Eri, Tassar, and Muga.
India (RBI) initiative that requires banks to lend a
certain percentage of their funds to sectors that • South India is the leading silk producing area of
may not otherwise receive enough credit. the country and is also known for its famous silk
weaving enclaves like Kancheepuram,
• The goal of PSL is to support the all-round Dharmavaram, Arni, etc.
development of the economy by providing credit to
sectors that are important for development or have
difficulty getting loans
Context: Context:
The International Monetary Fund’s board (IMF) approved The Goods and Services Tax (GST) Council recently set up
a $7 billion Extended Fund Facility (EFF) for Pakistan, a 10-member GoM to decide on the taxation of luxury,
providing a critical boost to the country’s struggling sin, and demerit goods once the compensation cess
economy. ends in March 2026.
About GST Compensation Cess:
• It is levied under Section 8 of The Goods and
• The International Monetary Fund (IMF) provides
Services Tax (Compensation to State) Act, 2017.
financial assistance to countries facing economic
crises, primarily through different lending Why is GST Cess Levied?
• As GST is a consumption-based tax, the state in
• In return, the recipient countries have to which the consumption of goods and supply
implement specific economic reforms. happen would be eligible for the indirect tax
IMF Lending Mechanisms:
• Hence, after GST comes into effect, some states
Stand-By Arrangements (SBA): This is intended to address that are net exporters of goods and/or services
short-term balance of payments problems. are expected to experience a decrease in indirect
tax revenue.
• Typically lasts 12 to 24 months and involves
conditions such as fiscal consolidation, monetary • To compensate the States for the loss in tax
tightening, and structural reforms. revenue, the GST Compensation Cess has been
declared by the Central Government.
Extended Fund Facility (EFF): This is used for countries with
Usage of GST Cess:
prolonged structural imbalances or deeper economic
problems, as in the case of Pakistan. • All the proceeds received from the GST
compensation cess would be credited to a non-
• It typically covers a longer time horizon (up to four lapsable fund known as the GST Compensation
years) and focuses on medium- to long-term Fund.
• The funds would then be used for compensating
• The conditions focus on structural reforms, fiscal tax revenue loss to States on account of GST
policies, and debt sustainability. implementation.
Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI): It is used for urgent • If any funds are unutilized, then at the end of the
balance of payments needs due to economic shocks, transition period, it would be shared in half by
natural disasters, or conflict without the need for a fully- the Central Government and all State
fledged economic program. Governments.
Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT): Concessional • The State government’s share would be
lending aimed at low-income countries to support poverty distributed in the ratio of their total revenues
from the State tax or the Union territory goods
reduction and growth programs.
and services tax, in the last year of the transition
Flexible Credit Line (FCL) and Precautionary Liquidity Line period.
(PLL): These are aimed at countries with relatively strong Applicability:
economic fundamentals but in need of precautionary
funding to guard against external shocks. • GST Cess would be applicable to both the supply
of goods or services that have been notified by
the Central Government.
• As a percentage of the gross domestic product • Two east Asian countries—Thailand and
(GDP), government health expenditure rose Vietnam—are the two main competitors of
marginally from 1.35 per cent in 2017-18 to 1.84 India in the global rice market.
per cent in 2021-22. • In 2023, the combined rice export of these two
countries was almost equal to Indian exports.
• The rise comes in line with the government’s target
of raising health expenditure to 2.5 percent of GDP
by 2025.
(Including GST)
70756 52127
1. Laos
About Laos:
• Climate: It has the typical tropical monsoon(wet- 1. Uri Hydro Electric Power Jhelum
dry) climate of the region. plant
• Vegetation: Laos has tropical rainforests of broad- 2. Nathpa Jhakri Hydroelectric Sutlej
leaved evergreens in the north and monsoon Power plant
forests of mixed evergreens and deciduous trees in
3. Salal Hydro Electric Power Chenab
the south.
• Capital: Vientiane
4. Dehar Hydroelectric Power Beas
Form of Government: plant
• It is a one-party state, and the general secretary • It is an operating hydroelectric power plant
of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party holds located in the Jhelum River of Uri town in the
ultimate power and authority over the state and Baramulla district of Jammu & Kashmir.
government. • It is located very near the Line of Control (LOC),
the de facto border between India and Pakistan.
• It joins the Chenab River near Trimmu, Pakistan. • Therefore, the government plans to cull 723 wild
animals (including elephants, hippos, buffaloes,
Major Tributaries: impalas, blue wildebeests, zebras, and elands) to
provide meat.
• The largest tributary of the Jhelum is the
Kishenganga (Neelum) River, which joins near Namibia:
Muzaffarabad and enters the Punjab province,
• The Republic of Namibia is situated on the
southwestern coast of Africa and borders Angola
• Kunhar River is the second largest tributary of the and Zambia in the north, the Republic of South
river, which connects Pakistan-occupied Kashmir Africa in the south and Botswana in the east.
(PoK) and Pakistan on the Kohala Bridge of • The Namibian landscape consists generally of
Kanghan valley. five geographical areas, each with characteristic
abiotic conditions and vegetation with some
• Other tributaries include the Sandran River, Bringi
variation within and overlap between them: the
River, Arapath River, Watlara River, Lidder River,
Central Plateau, the Namib Desert, the
and Veshaw River. Escarpment, the Bushveld, and the Kalahari
• The constant inflow of fresh warm water from the • Temperature: The temperature range of 15°-39°C
perennial rivers like Brahmaputra, Ganga makes with optimum of 25°C is considered ideal.
it further impossible to mix with the cooler water
below. • Soil: It requires deep and well drained soils.
Majority of area under Cocoa cultivation is on
• The absence of air movements from north- clay loam and sandy loam soil.
western India towards the Bay in the post-
monsoon phase is also another reason for the • It grows well in the pH range of 6.5 to 7.0.
chances of cyclones in the Bay of Bengal.
Reasons for high cyclonic activity in Arabian Sea in recent Shade requirement: It was evolved as an under-storey
times: crop in the Amazonian forests. Thus, commercial
cultivation of cocoa can be taken up in plantations where
• Surface temperatures in the Arabian Sea have
50 per cent of light is ideally available.
increased rapidly during the past century due to
global warming. Temp. Now is 1.2–1.4 °C higher
than the temperature witnessed four decades ago. Major producing regions in the world: About 70 percent
These warmer temperatures support active of the world’s cocoa beans come from four West African
convection, heavy rainfall, and intense cyclones. countries: Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon.
• The rising temperature is also enabling the Arabian
Sea to supply ample energy for the intensification In India, it is mainly cultivated in Karnataka, Kerala and
of cyclones. Tamil Nadu mainly as intercrop with Arecanut and
About Ukai Dam: The two river valleys and the intervening range from the
natural barrier between northern and peninsular India.
• The Ukai Dam, constructed across the Tapti River,
is the second largest reservoir in Gujarat after the Major Tributaries: The important tributaries of the river
Sardar Sarovar. are Purna River, Girna River, Panzara River, Waghur
River, Bori River, and Aner River.
• It is also known as Vallabh Sagar.
• Ukai dam is an earth-cum-masonry dam, the • ‘Subarnarekha’ means ‘Streak of Gold.’ The river
embankment wall of which is almost 4,927 meters is known as the storehouse of gold.
long. • It flows through the states of Jharkhand, West
Key Facts about Tapti River: Bengal, and Odisha.
• It is one of the major rivers in peninsular India.
• Origin: It rises near Nagri village in the Ranchi
• It is one of the three major rivers (the other two
District of Jharkhand at an elevation of 600 m.
being the Narmada River and Mahi River), which
flows in east-to-west direction. • It flows east through a copper-mining region and
leaves the Chota Nagpur plateau by the
Course: Hundrugbagh waterfall.
• Origin: It rises in the Gawilgarh Hills of the central • Continuing eastward, it flows across West Bengal
Deccan plateau in south-central Madhya Pradesh state.
• It runs through some major industrial towns and
• It flows westward between two spurs of the cities, i.e., Jamshedpur, Chaibasa, Ranchi, and
Satpura Range, across the Jalgaon plateau region in Bhadrak, before joining the Bay of Bengal at
Maharashtra state, and through the plain of Surat Kirtania port in Odisha.
in Gujarat state to the Gulf of Khambhat (an inlet The basin is bounded on the north-west by the
of the Arabian Sea). Chhotnagpur Plateau, in the south-west by the Brahmani
basin, in the south by the Burhabalang basin and in the
Its total catchment area is around 65145 sq. km., out of
south-east by the Bay of Bengal.
which 80% lies in the Maharashtra region.
14. Typhoon Yagi
• Jute production to be 20% lower this year on
floods as per the National Jute Board.
India has launched Operation Sadbhav to provide
• The National Jute Board (NJB) was established humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) to
under the National Jute Board Act, 2008. It Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam.
functions under the Ministry of Textiles.
About Jute sector in India:
• Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam have been hit by
Jute Crop Conditions: severe flooding caused by Typhoon Yagi.
• Temperature: Ideal range between 25-35°C. • Operation Sadbhav is part of India’s broader
effort to contribute to HADR within the ASEAN
• Rainfall: Requires 150-250 cm of rainfall. (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) region,
• Soil Type: Grows well in well-drained alluvial soil. in line with its longstanding ‘Act East Policy’.
Typhoon Yagi has been termed the strongest tropical
Global Production:
cyclone that has hit Asia in 2024.
• India is the largest producer of jute, followed by
• It started as a tropical storm in the western
Bangladesh and China. Philippine Sea and turned into a Category 5
• However, Bangladesh leads in acreage and trade, typhoon and made landfall in China’s Hainan
province with winds of 223 kmph.
contributing to three-fourths of global jute
exports. • It has displaced millions across South East Asia
and caused widespread devastation.
Geographical Concentration:
• Major producing states: West Bengal, Bihar, Antarctic ozone hole formation begins late due to the
weak polar vortex.
Odisha, Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Meghalaya,
Tripura. About Polar Vortex:
• West Bengal alone houses approximately 73% of • The polar vortex is a large area of low pressure
India’s jute industries. and cold air surrounding both of the Earth’s
Production and Employment:
17. Mali
• In 2005, as part of Israel’s unilateral withdrawal • It is about 1300 km South of mainland Spain and
from Gaza, Egypt and Israel signed an agreement 115 km West of the African coast (Morocco).
by which Egypt would secure the border between
• The Canaries comprise the Spanish provinces of
Egypt and Gaza to prevent the smuggling of
Las Palmas and Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
weapons into the Strip.
• These Islands were formed by volcanic eruptions
• Egypt maintains a one-kilometre-wide buffer zone
millions of years ago.
on its side of the border, with plans to expand it.
Climatic condition
24. Jordan
About Jordan:
(Including GST)
70756 52127
1. Poba Reserve Forest • The forest is also a habitat for about 45 species of
birds and reptiles, and the confluence of the Siang
and Lohit rivers supports a diverse range of fish
The Poba Reserve Forest in Assam’s Dhemaji district will species.
soon be notified as a wildlife sanctuary.
• The forest is renowned for its variety of orchids.
Reserve Forest Located in
1. Poba Reserve Forest Assam • It serves as an important migratory route for
various animals, particularly elephants, as it
2. Kondapalli Reserve Forest Andhra Pradesh connects the D' Ering Memorial Wildlife
Sanctuary (Arunachal Pradesh), Kabu Chapri
3. Begur Reserve Forest Kerala
Proposed Reserve Forest, and Dibru-Saikhowa
4. Hanumasagara Reserve Forest Karnataka National Park (Assam).
• The peripheral area of the RF is inhabited by a few • The Indian wolf (Canis lupus pallipes) is a
ethnic groups, such as Mising, Bodo, Sonowal subspecies of grey wolf.
Kachari, and Hajong (Rabha).
• They are also relatively less vocal and have rarely
• It is one of the richest rain forests of North-East been known to howl.
India in terms of the flora and fauna found in it.
• Indian wolves are territorial and hunt during the
• It is home to various arboreal species, including
the slow loris and capped langur. Among the most
common mammal species is the wild boar. • One wolf usually is acting as a decoy while the
other attacks from behind.
• The gestation period usually lasts around 62-75 • The LDF is overseen by a Governing Board that
days. determines how the fund’s resources are
• Indian wolf is protected under Schedule I of the disbursed, with the World Bank serving as the
Wildlife Protection Act of 1972. interim trustee tasked with hosting the fund for
four years.
• It is listed as endangered under the International
Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red • Financial support will be provided in the form of
List. grants, concessional financing that can be utilized
by any eligible country.
• Main threats to Indian wolves include habitat
loss, unregulated hunting, and loss of prey. • The fund encourages voluntary contributions
from developed countries but invites developing
3. Loss and Damage Fund countries to contribute to it too.
A crucial conversation has recently emerged around 4. Water Spinach
whether subnational entities can seek compensation
through the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC)’s Loss and Damage Fund (LDF). According to Taiwan-based research organisation World
About Loss and Damage Fund (LDF): Vegetable Centre, folic acid is only one of the many
• LDF was established at the 2022 UNFCCC nutrients present in the water spinach vegetable.
Conference (COP27) in Egypt. About Water Spinach:
• Purpose: To provide financial support to regions • It is native to tropics and subtropics; this semi-
suffering both economic and non-economic
aquatic perennial plant is believed to have been
losses caused by climate change.
the first domesticated in Southeast Asia.
• Economic loss and damage are negative impacts
that one can assign a monetary value to. These • In Southeast Asian nations like Malaysia, China,
are things such as the costs of rebuilding Hong Kong, Singapore and Indonesia, the plant
infrastructure that has been damaged due to a is mostly grown commercially, while in the
flood, or the loss of revenue from agricultural United States and India, it grows in the wild as
crops that were destroyed due to drought. weed.
• The concept of teal carbon is a recent addition to • Wildlife (Protection) Act of 1972: Schedule IV.
the environmental science pertaining to organic
carbon in inland fresh wetlands. Threat: Hunted for food, local use such as decorative
masks and international wildlife trade.
• It is a colour-based terminology that reflects the
classification of the organic carbon based on its
functions and location rather than its physical 8. Mikania micrantha
• At the global level, the storage of teal carbon
The weed, Mikania micrantha, is spreading quite fast in
across the ecosystems is estimated to be 500.21
the Bhadra Tiger Reserve and threatening its
petagrams of carbon (PgC), which is a unit to
measure carbon. biodiversity.
• It produces thousands of lightweight seeds that are • It will help to address air quality management
wind-dispersed and also has the ability to capacity gaps, notably with curated guidance
reproduce vegetatively through its roots, resulting across key themes, including on how to go about
in rapid and widespread invasion by this weed in air quality monitoring, inventory development,
any disturbed area. and health impact assessments.
Key Facts about Bhadra Tiger Reserve (BTR): • It will allow decision makers to see a more
complete picture of air pollution’s impact and
• It is situated in the midst of the Western Ghats
leading to policies that accurately reflect public
region of Karnataka.
health needs on a global scale.
• The reserve is unique as it is nestled within several
• The platform will expand to allow regional and
hill ranges. The habitat has a good population of
sub-regional communities to exchange
elephants and is also an Elephant Reserve.
knowledge about air quality management best
• It boasts of a substantial tiger population, and as practices.
such, the sanctuary was declared the 25th Project Key facts about Climate and Clean Air Coalition:
Tiger Reserve of India in 1998.
• It was founded in 2012, and convened within the
• Rivers: It is well drained by the river Bhadra and UN Environment Programme (UNEP).
its tributaries.
• It is a voluntary partnership of more than 160
• Vegetation: It has dry deciduous, moist deciduous, governments, intergovernmental organizations,
shola, and semi-evergreen patches. and non-governmental organizations.
• Flora: Teak, Rosewood, Mathi, Honne, Nandi, and • It works to reduce powerful but short-lived
many medicinal plants. climate pollutants (SLCPs) – methane, black
• Fauna: Tiger, Leopard, Leopard cat, Dholes, Indian carbon, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), and
Civet, ungulates like Gaur, Sambar, and Barking tropospheric ozone – that drive both climate
Deer are common. change and air pollution.
Recently, the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) has 10. PM Electric Drive Revolution in Innovative Vehicle
developed and launched an Air Quality Management Enhancement
Exchange Platform (AQMx).
About Air Quality Management Exchange Platform:
The Union Cabinet approved a new scheme called PM
• It is a platform that provides the latest air quality Electric Drive Revolution in Innovative Vehicle
management guidance and tools proposed to Enhancement (PM E-DRIVE) for the promotion of
meet WHO Air Quality Guidelines interim targets. electric vehicles (EV) in India.
• Threats: Habitat destruction and climate change • It also supports the strengthening of existing
posing significant threats. roads and bridges leading to project sites.
Key facts about Nongkhyllem Wildlife Sanctuary: The scheme is set to support hydro power projects with
a cumulative generation capacity of approximately
• Location: The Sanctuary falls in the Eastern
31,350 MW.
Himalayan Global biodiversity hot spot and is
located in the state of Meghalaya. It applies to all hydro projects over 25 MW, including
private sector projects, and Pumped Storage Projects
• The area consists of undulating plains to low hills, (PSPs).
which are part of the Archaean Meghalaya Plateau.
Budgetary support limits have been revised to Rs. 1 crore
• The area has become broken and rugged, especially per MW for projects up to 200 MW, and Rs. 200 crores
towards west and north, because of continuous plus Rs. 0.75 crore per MW for projects above 200 MW,
erosion by the rivers Umtrew, Umran, Umling, with potential increases up to Rs. 1.5 crore per MW in
Umtasor and other smaller streams. exceptional cases.
• The Umtrew is the main river of the area and the The scheme also incorporates a rigorous approval
rest named above are its tributaries. The Umtrew process, where budgetary support will be granted
also marks the western boundary of the Reserve following cost appraisals by the Department of
Forest and the Sanctuary. Investment and Public Asset Management (DIB) and
• Fauna: It is home to Clouded Leopard, majestic Public Investment Board (PIB), and subsequent approval
Elephants, and the powerful Himalayan Black by the Competent Authority.
Bear. The projects whose Letter of Award of the first major
• Flora: Shorea robusta, Tectona grandis, Terminalia package is issued by June 30, 2028, will be eligible under
myriocarpa, Gmelina arborea etc. the scheme.
About Scheme of budgetary support for the cost of About Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB):
Enabling Infrastructure for Hydro Electric Projects (HEP): • It is a statutory body constituted in September,
• This scheme, set to run from FY 2024-25 to FY 1974, under the Water (Prevention and Control
2031-32, aims to enhance infrastructure and of Pollution) Act, 1974.
support the development of hydro power in India. • Further, CPCB was entrusted with the powers
The scheme addresses major challenges such as remote and functions under the Air (Prevention and
locations and inadequate infrastructure by broadening its Control of Pollution) Act, 1981.
scope to cover additional costs.
• to promote cleanliness of streams and wells in CPCB also formulates the Minimal National Standards
different areas of the States by prevention, control, (MINAS) specific for various categories of industries
and abatement of water pollution. with regards to their effluent discharge (water
pollutants), emissions (air pollutants), noise levels, and
• to improve the quality of air and to prevent, solid waste.
control, or abate air pollution in the country
• These standards are required to be adopted by
It advises the Central Government on matters related to State Governments as minimal standards.
control and abatement of air and water pollution.
CPCB develops Standards for: • It has been developed by the Indian Agricultural
Research Institute (IARI).
• National ambient air quality.
• The government has been spraying the bio-
• Water Quality Criteria from different sources. decomposer solution free of cost since 2020 over
farmlands in outer Delhi.
• Standards for Emission or Discharge of
Environmental Pollutants from various Industries • It has been used by the States of Punjab,
(Issued under Environment Protection Rules, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and NCT of Delhi.
19. Emu
• It is a statutory board constituted by the Central
Government under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, Context:
Researchers have uncovered a fascinating mechanism
• It is responsible for guiding the government’s behind the reduction and asymmetry of emu wing bones.
decisions on matters related to wildlife
About Emu:
conservation and issuing approvals for projects in
protected areas (PAs). • It belongs to a group of flightless running birds
known as ratites, the most primitive of the
• The WLPA mandates that without the
modern bird families.
approval/recommendation of the NBWL,
construction of tourist lodges, alteration of the • It is the second-largest living bird in the world
boundaries of PAs, destruction or diversion of (the ostrich is the largest).
wildlife habitat, and de-notification of Tiger
Reserves, cannot be done. Distribution:
• The alliance was conceived as a multi-country, • It can also be produced synthetically via a process
multi-agency coalition of 96 big cat range that captures carbon directly from the air.
countries and others to establish a common
platform for conservation.
22. Commission for Air Quality Management
• Objective: Focus of the Alliance is to conserve
seven big cats of the world which includes Tiger, Context:
Lion, Leopard, Snow Leopard, Puma, Jaguar and
The Supreme Court recently sought a report from the
Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) on
• In India out of the seven big cats only five — tiger, incidents of stubble-burning and action taken against
lion, leopard, snow leopard and cheetah — are these occurrences.
About Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM):
• Funding: The government also approved a one-
• The CAQM is a statutory body established under
time budgetary support of ₹150 crore for a period
the Commission for Air Quality Management in
of five years from 2023-24 to 2027-28.
National Capital Region (NCR) and Adjoining
• Governance: IBCA governance consists of an Areas, Act 2021.
Assembly of Members, Standing Committee and a
• Mandate: Better coordination, research,
Secretariat with its Head Quarter in India.
identification, and resolution of problems
All UN member countries are eligible for becoming a surrounding the air quality index and for matters
member of IBCA. connected therewith or incidental thereto.
• So far 4 countries have become members of IBCA • It undertakes action for the prevention and
including India, Nicaragua, Eswatini and Somalia. control of Air pollution in Delhi-NCR & Adjoining
Areas which impacts the air quality of the
National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi.
• Spread across 125 sq. km, the Peechi-Vazhani The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate
Wildlife Sanctuary was established in 1958. Change (MoEFCC) received only 32 applications to
register exotic species on the Parivesh 2.0 portal.
• It is situated in the catchment area of the Peechi
and Vazhani Dams. About Parivesh:
• It is part of the Palapilli-Nelliampathy forests and • PARIVESH stands for (Pro-Active Responsive
forms the northern boundary of the Chimmini Facilitation by Interactive and Virtuous
Wildlife Sanctuary. Environmental Singlewindow Hub).
• Vegetation: Forest Types include tropical • Parivesh was originally launched in 2018 to
evergreen forests, tropical semievergreen forests, provide a single window for various
moist deciduous forests, etc. environmental, forest, wildlife, and coastal
regulation zone clearances.
• The terrain is undulating, the altitude varies from
100 to 914 m, with the highest peak being • Parivesh 2.0 is an enhanced version designed to
Ponmudi. improve efficiency, transparency, and
accountability in the approval process.
• Flora: There are more than 50 different kinds of
orchids, innumerable rare medicinal plants, and • It provides a single platform for environmental
trees of high commercial value like teak, clearances, forest clearances, wildlife clearances,
rosewood, and so on. and coastal regulation zone clearances.
• Fauna: The wildlife population includes over 25 • Parivesh 2.0 introduces a mobile app that allows
types of mammals, including carnivores like the project proponents to track their clearance
leopard, the tiger, and the fox, and herbivores like applications and compliance submissions.
the elk, deer, barking deer, spotted deer, the gaur,
Significance of Parivesh 2.0:
and the elephant.
• Improves Ease of Doing Business
(Including GST)
70756 52127
1. Copyright Act, 1957 • This is similar to how the Maharashtra
government has made the works of Dr. B.R.
Ambedkar freely available in the public
The Tamil Nadu government has recently decided to domain.
nationalise Karunanidhi’s works under the Copyright Act,
The goal is to make these important literary and
intellectual works freely accessible to the public, rather
About: than restricted by private copyright ownership.
• Under the Copyright Act, 1957, an author has This expands public access and use of these culturally
exclusive rights over their work, including the right to significant works.
reproduce, distribute, perform, and adapt their work.
• The scheme is called the National Programme on • Piezo catalytic chemical reactions -
Advanced Chemistry Cell (ACC) Battery Storage. Piezoelectric field distorts the electronic
properties of the crystal.
Context: Context:
The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology The Union Health Ministry approved the introduction
(MeitY) launched a series of blockchain-based solutions of a new treatment regimen (BPaLM regimen) for
including Vishvasya-Blockchain Technology Stack. multi-drug- resistant tuberculosis in India.
About: About:
Multi-Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) MDR-TB:
• Vishvasya-Blockchain Technology Stack is designed
It occurs when Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the
to offer Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) with a
bacteria that cause TB, become resistant to at least
geographically distributed setup to support a range isoniazid and rifampicin, the two most potent TB drugs.
of permissioned blockchain applications.
Genetic predisposition is a genetic trait that, in
• The stack is hosted across NIC Data Centers in response to environmental factors, may influence the
Bhubaneswar, Pune, and Hyderabad, ensuring potential phenotypic development of an individual
robust and scalable service delivery. organism within a species or community.
• The government also introduced the NBFLite- • Antibiotic resistance is unrelated to the
Lightweight Blockchain Platform and Praamaanik, a genetic tendency of a small minority of
blockchain-enabled solution for verifying the origin of persons in a society.
mobile apps. The rise of bacterial strains that are resistant to
antibiotics could be caused by the improper usage of
• The Government also unveiled a suite of
antibiotic FDCs.
applications of the Vishvasya BaaS.
Use of ineffective formulations of drugs (such as use of
o e-Stamps Solution, Judiciary Application, IPS single drugs, poor quality medicines or bad storage
officers service level training record conditions).
management, Forensic Application
o Praamaanik – verification of mobile app Premature treatment interruption can cause drug
authenticity resistance, which can then be transmitted, especially
in crowded settings such as prisons and hospitals.
o Consent Management Framework,
o IoT Device Security Management, Using the antibiotics in livestock farming increases, the
o Cotton bale identification and tracking, antibiotic multidrug resistance transfers in microbial
o Domicile Certificate Chain and pathogens.
o document Chain (Caste Certificate chain etc)
India successfully test-fired Agni-4, an Intermediate Range • It is an inert gas and does not react with other
Ballistic Missile, from the Integrated Test Range in substances or combust.
Chandipur off the Odisha coast.
• Its atomic number is 2, making it the second
About Agni Missile: lightest element after hydrogen.
• The Agni missiles are a series of medium to • Helium also has a very low boiling point (-
intercontinental-range ballistic missiles developed 268.9° C), allowing it to remain a gas even in
by India under its Integrated Guided Missile super-cold environments.
Development Programme (IGMDP).
• The gas is non-toxic, but cannot be breathed on
• After its success, the Agni missile program was its own, because it displaces the oxygen
separated from the IGMDP upon realising its strategic humans need for respiration.
How is it used in Rockets?
• Cruise missiles are jet-propelled at subsonic speeds
throughout their flights, while ballistic missiles are • Helium is used to pressurize fuel tanks,
rocket-powered only in the initial phase, after which ensuring fuel flows to the rocket’s engines
they follow an arcing trajectory to the target. without interruption; and for cooling systems.
Variants of Agni Missiles: • As fuel and oxidiser are burned in the rocket’s
engines, helium fills the resulting empty space
• Agni I: It is a Medium Range Ballistic Missile with a in the tanks, maintaining the overall pressure
Range of 700-800 km. inside.
• Agni II: It is also a Medium Range Ballistic Missile with • Because it is non-reactive, it can safely mingle
a Range more than 2000 km. with the tanks’ residual contents.
• Agni III: It is also an Inter-Medium Range Ballistic Is it prone to leaks?
Missile with Range of more than 2,500 Km
• Helium’s small atomic size and low molecular
Agni IV: It is also an Inter-Medium Range Ballistic Missile with weight mean its atoms can escape through
Range is more than 3,500 km and can fire from a road mobile small gaps or seals in storage tanks and fuel
launcher. systems.
• It is a two-stage solid propellant missile. • But because there is very little helium in the
Earth’s atmosphere, leaks can be easily
• Agni-V: Currently it is the longest of the Agni series,
detected - making the gas important for
an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) with a
spotting potential faults in a rocket or
range of over 5,000 km.
spacecraft’s fuel systems.
• It was found to push hydrogen ions into space and Potential Applications:
increase the ionosphere's density by 271%, which
• This technique could simplify blood draws,
helps maintain its density at higher altitudes.
improve laser tattoo removal, and aid in early
• The field acts like a conveyor belt which lifts the cancer detection.
atmospheric particles into space.
14. Nebula
13. Yellow Food Dye
NASA recently captivated space enthusiasts with a
Recently, a recent study has demonstrated that tartrazine, breathtaking image of the Red Spider Nebula.
a common food dye, can make the skin of living mice
About Nebula:
temporarily transparent.
• A nebula is a giant cloud of dust and gas in space.
About Yellow Food Dye:
• Some nebulae (more than one nebula) come
• It is also known as tartrazine and is a synthetic food
from the gas and dust thrown out by the
colorant classified as an azo dye.
explosion of a dying star, such as a supernova.
• It is lemon yellow in colour and water soluble.
• Other nebulae are regions where new stars are
• It is used in many dairy products, beverages, desserts beginning to form. For this reason, some nebulae
and confectioneries etc. are called "star nurseries."
• This dye absorbs blue light strongly, which yields its • Nebulae are made of dust and gases—mostly
characteristic orange-to-red colour when dissolved hydrogen and helium.
in water.
• The dust and gases in a nebula are very spread
• This happens because the blue part of the light is out, but gravity can slowly begin to pull
absorbed, leaving only the orange-to-red part together clumps of dust and gas.
• As these clumps get bigger and bigger, their
• Normally, biological tissues scatter light due to their gravity gets stronger and stronger.
diverse composition of proteins, fats, and liquids.
• Eventually, the clump of dust and gas gets so big
• Researchers found that a concentrated tartrazine that it collapses from its own gravity.
solution can match the refractive indices of these
• The collapse causes the material at the centre
components, reducing light scattering and allowing
of the cloud to heat up-and this hot core is the
light to pass through. This makes the skin appear
beginning of a star.
Nebulae exist in the space between the stars—also
• When applied, tartrazine absorbs certain
known as interstellar space.
wavelengths of light, especially red light, changing
how light interacts with the tissue. The closest known nebula to Earth is called the Helix
Nebula. It is approximately 700 light-years away from
• It provides daily advisories to fisher folk to help them • It refers to the slow, repetitive, and often
easily locate areas of abundant fish in the ocean. spiral movement observed in the growing tips
of plants, such as shoots, tendrils, and roots.
• Short-term (3-7 days) Ocean State Forecasts (waves,
currents, sea surface temperature, etc.) are issued • This movement is caused by differential
daily to fisher folk, the shipping industry, the oil and growth rates in different parts of the plant,
natural gas industry, the Navy, the Coast Guard, etc. particularly in the apical meristem, leading to
a helical or circular motion.
20. Bhartiya Antriksh Station
• Tendrils of climbing plants exhibit
circumnutation to locate and coil around
The union cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri supports.
Narendra Modi has approved the building of the first unit of
• Roots may use circumnutation to navigate
the Bhartiya Antriksh Station by extending the scope of
through soil, finding the best path for growth.
Gaganyaan program.
R.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle • The mission will place a spacecraft
9346882593 Page | 55in orbit
around Jupiter in order to perform a detailed
investigation of Europa.
• The mission will place a spacecraft in orbit Fission is the process of splitting the nuclei of uranium
around Jupiter in order to perform a detailed atoms to release neutrons that in turn split more atoms,
investigation of Europa. releasing more neutrons.
• The first NASA spacecraft dedicated to studying • Fission produces a great deal of energy in the
an ocean world beyond Earth, Europa Clipper form of very high heat and radiation.
aims to find out if the ice-encased moon Europa
could be habitable. • That’s why reactors are housed in structures
sealed under thick metal-reinforced concrete
• Europa shows strong evidence for an ocean of
liquid water beneath its icy crust.
• Power plants harness this energy and heat to
• The spacecraft extends 100 feet (30.5 meters)
from one end to the other and about 58 feet (17.6 produce steam to drive generators that produce
meters) across. electricity.
• It is the largest spacecraft NASA has ever Criticality means that a reactor is controlling a sustained
developed for a planetary mission. fission chain reaction, where each fission event releases
a sufficient number of neutrons to maintain an ongoing
• Europa Clipper will orbit Jupiter and conduct 49 series of reactions.
close flybys of the moon to gather data needed to
determine whether there are places below its • This is the normal state of nuclear power
thick frozen crust that could support life. generation.
• The spacecraft carries nine science instruments • Fuel rods inside a nuclear reactor are producing
and a gravity experiment that uses the and losing a constant number of neutrons, and
telecommunications system. the nuclear energy system is stable.
• In order to obtain the best science during each
• Nuclear power technicians have procedures in
flyby, all the science instruments will operate
place, some of them automated, in case a
simultaneously on every pass. Scientists will then
layer the data together to paint a full picture of situation arises in which more or fewer neutrons
the moon. are produced and lost.
India's third home-built 700 MWe nuclear power reactor • The control rods are made from neutron-
has achieved criticality and is expected to start absorbing elements such as cadmium, boron, or
commercial electricity generation soon. hafnium.
About Criticality in a Nuclear Reactor: • The deeper the rods are lowered into the
reactor core, the more neutrons the rods absorb
• Nuclear reactors use uranium fuel rods—long,
and the less fission occurs.
slender, zirconium metal tubes containing pellets
of fissionable material to create energy through • Technicians pull up or lower down the control
fission. rods into the reactor core depending on whether
more or less fission, neutron production, and
power are desired.
• This condition is called the supercritical state, • It is estimated to be just 33 feet long and is
which allows the neutron population to increase too small to be visible to the naked eye or
and more power to be produced. through typical amateur telescopes.
• When the desired power production is reached, • It is within the brightness range of telescopes
adjustments are made to place the reactor into the used by professional astronomers.
critical state that sustains neutron balance and
power production.
27. Pheromones
About Pheromone:
26. Mini Moons
• Pheromones are chemical substances which
are secreted on the outside by an individual,
According to a new study, the Earth’s gravitational field will and received by another individual of the
temporarily capture a small asteroid named 2024 PT5 same species.
which will behave as a ‘mini moon’.
• These are present in all bodily secretions, and
About: especially in the axillary sweat — can be
detected by the olfactory system.
• Mini-moons are asteroids that fail to escape Earth’s
gravity and end up orbiting the planet for some • Pheromones are ecto-hormones, meaning
time. they are secreted outside the body.
• They are usually very small and hard to detect — Types of Pheromones
only four mini-moons of Earth have ever been
discovered, and none are still orbiting Earth. • Releaser pheromones: They work right away
and elicit a specific response from the other
• These events are relatively frequent, with similar person.
occurrences happening every few decades.
• Signaller pheromones: They give information
How does Earth capture Mini Moons? about the person who releases them. For
example, they help a mother tell her own
• Mini moons are captured from the Near-Earth
baby apart from other babies.
Object (NEO) population, which consists of
asteroids and other celestial bodies that pass close • Modulator pheromones: They affect mood
to Earth. and emotions.
• NASA classifies any space object that comes within • Primer pheromones affect hormones, for
120 million miles (190 million kilometres) of our example during pregnancy or menstrual
planet as a near-Earth object, while objects within cycles.
4.7 million miles (7.5 million kilometres) are
considered potentially hazardous.
Pheromones are also used by some fungi, slime Molds, and • This altitude choice has been influenced by
algae as attractants in reproduction; organisms of various considerations, such as the desire to
complementary reproductive cell types grow or move minimise the impact of atmospheric
toward each other. interference on satellite operations.
• Historical Observation: The first recorded infrasound Prime Minister virtually launched three Param Rudra
observation occurred after the 1883 Krakatoa Super Computing Systems and a High-Performance
volcano eruption, where the waves circled the globe Computing (HPC) system (Named ‘Arka’ and ‘Arunika,)
and caused widespread damage. for weather and climate research.
• Infrasonic waves cause minute changes in • Floating-point operations are a certain kind of
atmospheric pressure, which can be measured by mathematical calculation using real numbers
micro barometers. with fractional parts.
• These waves travel long distances without losing Unit of Computing Speed:
energy, making them useful for detecting distant
• Teraflops → It is a unit of computing speed equal
nuclear explosions.
to 1 trillion (10^12) FLOPS.
Health Concerns: There are concerns about unknown effects
• Petaflops → It is a unit of computing speed equal
of infrasound on human health, though this remains a topic
to 1000 TFLOPS (10^15).
of ongoing debate.
• The bulge in the centre is made up of older, dimmer 37. Thermobaric Weapons
stars and is thought to contain a supermassive
black hole. Context:
• Approximately two-thirds of spiral galaxies also Russia’s use of ODAB-1500 thermobaric weapons in
contain a bar structure through their centre, as does Ukraine has drawn significant attention due to their
the Milky Way. devastating effects.
• The disk of stars orbiting the bulge separates into What Are Thermobaric Weapons?
arms that circle the galaxy. • Thermobaric weapons, also known as
• These spiral arms contain a wealth of gas and dust “vacuum bombs” or “enhanced blast
and younger stars that shine brightly before their weapons,” rely on the atmosphere’s oxygen to
quick demise. fuel their explosive power.
The majority of spiral galaxies rotate in the sense that the • Unlike conventional explosives that contain
arms trail the direction of the spin. both fuel and oxidizer, thermobaric bombs
release a fuel cloud, which, when ignited,
The visible portion of spiral galaxies contains only a small causes a high-temperature explosion.
fraction of the total mass of the galaxy, and that spiral
galaxies are surrounded by an extensive halo consisting • This explosion generates a blast wave of
mostly of dark matter. immense pressure, followed by a rapid
vacuum effect as the oxygen in the vicinity is
Spiral galaxies are thought to evolve into elliptical galaxies consumed.
as the spirals get older.
• In 2001, the United States deployed these
weapons to target al-Qaeda forces hiding in the
caves of the Tora Bora mountains.
(Including GST)
70756 52127
1. Colombo Security Conclave 2. Munich Agreement
Context: Context:
Member states of the Colombo Security Conclave (CSC) On September 1st, 1939 German troops marched into
recently signed the Charter and the MoU for the Poland, triggering the beginning of World War II, that
establishment of the CSC Secretariat in Colombo. exposed to the world the folly of the Munich
Agreement that was signed less than a year previously.
About Colombo Security Conclave (CSC):
Regions Located in
• It is a regional security grouping comprising India,
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, and Mauritius. 1. Sudentenland Czech Republic
• The CSC, initially known as the Trilateral for Maritime About the Munich Agreement
Security Cooperation, evolved out of trilateral • On September 29-30, 1938, in Munich, an
meetings between National Security Advisors (NSAs) agreement was reached—one that would have
and Deputy NSAs from India, Maldives, and Sri Lanka, far-reaching consequences for Europe and the
starting in 2011. world.
• It came to a standstill after 2014 due to rising • It emerged against the backdrop of rising
tensions between India and the Maldives. tensions in Europe.
• Since its revival and re-branding as the CSC in 2020, • Adolf Hitler, the leader of Nazi Germany, had set
Mauritius and more recently, Bangladesh were his sights on the Sudetenland—a region in
added as members of the grouping. Czechoslovakia with a significant German-
• Current members of CSC include India, Bangladesh, speaking population.
Maldives, Mauritius, and Sri Lanka, while the • The Sudeten Germans, who found themselves
Seychelles is an observer nation. part of Czechoslovakia after the collapse of the
• CSC brings together NSAs and Deputy NSAs of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at the end of World
member countries. War I, yearned to be part of a ‘Greater
Cooperation under the conclave focuses on five pillars:
• The Munich Agreement allowed for the German
• maritime safety and security annexation of the Sudetenland, where over
• countering terrorism and radicalisation three million ethnic Germans lived.
• combating trafficking and transnational organised
• cyber-security and protection of critical
• humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.
Context: Context:
Turkey has formally applied to join BRICS. The Quad summit in Wilmington also serves as a
prelude to the inaugural Summit of the Future, which
aims to reshape global governance by addressing
BRICS: The BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) leaders first critical issues such as sustainable development,
met in St. Petersburg, Russia, in July 2006 during the G8 international peace and security, technological
Outreach Summit. innovation, and the welfare of future generations.
• The group was formalized as BRIC during the 1st BRIC About:
Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in September 2006, held
• The United Nations Summit of the Future,
alongside the UN General Assembly in New York City.
scheduled for 2024, aims to address pressing
• The inaugural BRIC summit was held in global challenges and reshape international
Yekaterinburg, Russia, on June 16, 2009. governance frameworks to better meet future
Reason for Turkey’s Joining: Frustrated by its stalled
European Union (EU) accession process, Turkey sees BRICS as • Central to the Summit is the development of
an opportunity to form stronger ties with emerging global the Pact for the Future, a new global
powers like Russia, China, and India. This could help Turkey framework designed to foster sustainable
reduce its dependency on Western alliances and diversify its development, address climate change, and
international partnerships. enhance global cooperation.
• By joining the group, Turkey hopes to access new • The 'New Global Deal' under discussion at the
markets, boost trade relations, and attract Summit of the Future seeks to Address
investments from BRICS members, which could help inequalities and overhaul global governance.
strengthen its economy.
• Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is
Expansion to BRICS: The group was renamed BRICS after closely aligned with the goals of the United
South Africa joined as a full member in September 2010. Nations Summit of the Future.
• Each year the Members of UNGA elects five non- • United States of America, Australia, Canada,
permanent members for a two-year term at the Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, India,
UNSC, with five replaced each year. Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Norway,
Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the
• To be approved, a candidate must receive at least European Union (represented by the
two-thirds of all votes cast for that seat, which can European Commission).
result in deadlock if there are two roughly evenly
matched candidates.
(Including GST)
70756 52127
1. Thanjavur Veena 2. The Great Stupa of Sanchi
Context: Context:
Thanjavur Veena is the first musical instrument in the Recently, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar
country to get the Geographical Indication (GI) tag. stopped by the replica of the East Gate of Sanchi’s
Great Stupa standing in front of Humboldt Forum
About Thanjavur Veena:
Museum in Berlin.
• The Thanjavur veena is an Indian instrument and
About The Great Stupa of Sanchi:
has an interesting construction.
Historical Importance:
• They are of two types viz. the "Ekantha Veena" and
"Sada Veena'. • The Great Stupa of Sanchi is one of the oldest
stone monuments in India.
• Ekantha Veena" is carved from a single block of
wood, while Sada Veena,' has joints and is carved in • It was built by Emperor Ashoka in the 3rd
three sections namely resonator, neck and head. century BCE.
• The veena has 24 fixed frets (Mettu), so that all ragas • It contains sacred relics of the Buddha and is
can be played. part of a group of Buddhist temples and
• It is made of fresh bark from a Jack Fruit Tree. The
tree bark is forced to undergo several rounds of The Sanchi complex was “discovered” by British
testing before being finalized for usage. officer Henry Taylor in 1818.
• The work involves making the resonator (kudam), Alexander Cunningham, who later founded the ASI,
the neck (dandi) and a tuning box — the three led the first formal survey and excavations at Sanchi in
integral parts of a veena. 1851.
• It takes up to 15-20 days to get the finished product. The site was restored to its present condition by ASI
The wood gets cut, intricately carved, shaped, and director-general John Marshall in the 1910s with
assembled. funding from the Sultan Jahan Begum of Bhopal.
• There are four types of veena. While Rudra veena 3. Sri Vijaya Puram
and Vichitra veena are popular in Hindustani
classical music, Saraswati veena and Chitra veena
are used in Carnatic classical music. The Indian government has decided to rename Port
Blair in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands as Sri
Thanjavur is the only place where Saraswati veena is made.
Vijaya Puram to remove colonial imprints and
Saraswathi, the goddess of learning and arts, is portrayed
honour the islands’ role in India’s freedom struggle.
with a veena.
Chola Expeditions: The Cholas were one of the longest ruling 4. Oeko-Tex Certification
Tamil dynasties of southern India.
• They reigned approximately from the 9th to the 13th
century. The North Eastern Handicrafts and Handlooms
Development Corporation (NEHHDC) has recently
• A prominent king of the dynasty, Rajendra Chola, received the Oeko-Tex Certification for its Eri Silk.
maintained the Nicobar Islands as a naval base to
launch attacks on the Srivijaya kingdom based on
the Sumatra islands of present-day Indonesia. • The Oeko-Tex certification is a rigorous
standard that ensures textiles are tested for
• This naval expedition was a unique event in Indian
history and its legacy of peaceful relations with harmful substances and produced in
environment friendly conditions.
Southeast Asia.
• In 1014 AD and 1042 AD, the southern islands of this • Oeko-Tex Certification is provided by the
archipelago were used as a strategic naval base by OEKO-TEX organisation.
the Chola Dynasty • OEKO-TEX consists of independent textile and
Importance: The islands, once a Chola naval base and the leather testing institutes located in Europe and
site of key events like the first Tiranga unfurling by Netaji Japan.
Subhash Chandra Bose and the imprisonment of freedom • The institutes work together to develop test
fighters in the cellular jail, are now seen as crucial for India’s methods and define limit values that form the
strategic and developmental goals. basis of OEKO-TEX standards.
Eri silk – Is one of the most durable and strong fibres. It is Irula houses are built together in small settlements or
cooling in the summer and warming in the winter. villages called mottas. The mottas are usually situated
on the edges of steep hills and are surrounded by a few
• Eri Silk, celebrated as the world’s only vegan silk,
dry fields, gardens, and forests or plantations.
distinguishes itself through an ethical production
process where the silk moth is allowed to naturally Traditionally, they have been skilled hunters, gatherers,
emerge from its cocoon, leaving the silk intact. and honey collectors, relying on the forest for their
sustenance and livelihood.
• This compassionate method sets Eri Silk apart from
other from other silks, aligning with growing global They are specialists in traditional herbal medicine and
demands for sustainable and eco-friendly textiles. healing practices.
• It is mostly found in tribal areas of Assam. Irulas' knowledge of snakes and snake venom is
legendary. Their expertise is often sought after in snake
rescue and rehabilitation projects.
5. Irula Tribe The Irula Snake Catchers' Industrial Cooperative
Context: Society is a major producer of anti-snake venom (ASV)
in the country. It supplies almost 80 percent of the
The Irula Snake Catchers' Industrial Cooperative Society, a venom that goes into making anti-venom in India.
cooperative society of Irula tribals located on Chennai's
outskirts, is facing an uncertain future. They use traditional knowledge and skills to catch
snakes, extract venom, and release the snakes back
Tribe Associated State into the wild without harming them.
1. Sahariya Tribe Madhya Pradesh
2. Konyak Tribe Nagaland
3. Saora Tribe Odisha 6. Adi Shankara
4. Irula Tribe Tamil Nadu
About Irula Tribe: • Recently, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister
Shivraj Singh Chauhan unveiled the 108-foot-
• Irulas are one of India’s oldest indigenous tall ‘Statue of Oneness’ of Adi
communities. Shankaracharya at Omkareshwar, Madhya
• They are a particularly vulnerable tribal group
(PVTG). • Adi Shankara, who is believed to have lived
between 788 and 820 A.D. was born in
• They live primarily in the northern districts of
Kerela’s Kaladi, situated on the bank of the
Tamil Nadu, as well as in parts of Kerala and
Periyar River.
R.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle • He studied under his guru Govinda
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Bhagavatpada and soon became a proponent
of Advaita Vedanta, challenging prevailing
philosophical traditions – including Buddhism
• He studied under his guru Govinda Bhagavatpada
and soon became a proponent of Advaita Vedanta,
challenging prevailing philosophical traditions –
including Buddhism and Jainism.
7. Koodiyattom
About Koodiyattom:
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70756 52127
1. Exercise Varuna Key facts about P-8I aircraft:
Context: • P-8I is a long-range, multi-mission maritime
patrol aircraft being manufactured by Boeing
Recently, a P8I aircraft of the Indian Navy has reached
for the Indian Navy.
France to participate in ‘Exercise Varuna’ with the French
Navy. • It replaced the aging fleet of the Indian Navy’s
Tupolev Tu-142 aircraft.
Exercise Associated Type of
Country Exercise
3. Cope India US Air Recently, the Odisha Chief Minister graced the
ground-breaking ceremony of India's first silicon
4. Eastern Bridge Oman Air
carbide manufacturing facility to be set up in Odisha
at an investment of Rs 620 crore.
About Exercise Varuna: About Silicon Carbide:
• It is the bilateral Naval Exercise between India and • It was discovered by the American inventor
France. Edward G. Acheson in 1891.
• This bilateral exercise between the two navies was • Its chemical formula is SiC and it is the most
initiated in 1993. widely used non-oxide ceramic.
• It was named ‘VARUNA’ in 2001 and has become a Properties
hallmark of India France strategic bilateral
relationship. • It is an exceedingly hard, synthetically
produced crystalline compound of silicon and
• The 2024 edition of Indo-French bilateral naval carbon.
‘Exercise Varuna’ scheduled in the Mediterranean
Sea. • In addition to hardness, silicon carbide crystals
have fracture characteristics that make them
• It includes advanced tactical exercises underscoring extremely useful in grinding wheels and in
the deepening synergy and interoperability abrasive paper and cloth products.
between the two navies.
• It has high thermal conductivity and high-
• The Indian Navy's P-8I aircraft, renowned for its temperature strength, low thermal
maritime surveillance and anti-submarine warfare expansion, and resistance to chemical
capabilities, will play a pivotal role in these exercises reaction which makes it valuable in the
and it joins the INS Tabar. manufacture of high-temperature bricks and
• The P-8I’s participation in Exercise Varuna reflects other refractories.
the growing sophistication and complexity of the • It is also classed as a semiconductor, having an
joint operations between the Indian and French electrical conductivity between that of metals
navies. and insulating materials.
• The Indian Army contingent comprising 60 personnel • The Principal Scientific Advisor as Member
is being represented by a Battalion of the Secretary, and
Mechanised Infantry Regiment.
• Secretaries to the Departments of Science and
• Aim of the Joint Exercise is to enhance joint military Technology, Biotechnology, and Scientific and
capability of both sides to undertake counter Industrial Research.
terrorism operations under Chapter VII of the United
Nations Charter. The exercise will focus on operations
in the Desert environment.
Context: Context:
Engineers’ Day is observed on September 15 each year to India has bagged its first ever gold medal in both the
celebrate the birth anniversary of Mokshagundam men’s and the women’s team categories at the 45th
Visvesvaraya. Chess Olympiad in Budapest.
• He was a renowned Indian engineer, statesman, and • It is the world’s most prestigious team event
scholar. He played a pivotal role in modernizing for chess and India has been participating in
India’s infrastructure and is considered one of the the biennial event since 1956 and has played in
nation’s foremost engineers. every Olympiad since 1980.
• He developed a flood protection system for • Now with this win, India also became the third
Hyderabad and designed automatic water country to win gold in both men’s and women’s
floodgates at the Khadakwasla reservoir near Pune. categories in the same edition of Chess
Olympiad after Soviet Union and China.
• Established Bangalore Agricultural University,
University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, etc. Origin of Chess:
• He served as the Diwan (Prime Minister) of the • The history of chess in India can be traced back
princely state of Mysore from 1912 to 1918. to 1600 years ago during the Gupta dynasty.
• He was conferred ‘Knight Commander of the Order • It was called ‘chaturanga’ in earlier times.
of the Indian Empire’ by the British in 1915 and
• Chess, via India, reached many countries of the
conferred the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian
world and became very popular.
award, in 1955.
• Today, chess is being used in schools as an
education tool for children.
6. Global Cybersecurity Index
8. Global Innovation Index
India has marked a significant milestone in its cybersecurity
efforts by achieving top Tier i.e. Tier 1 status in the Global Context:
Cybersecurity Index (GCI) 2024.
India has moved up to 39th place among 133 global
About Global Cybersecurity Index: economies in the Global Innovation Index (GII) 2024.
• It is a trusted reference that measures the About Global Innovation Index:
commitment of countries to cybersecurity at a
global level. • It is published by the World Intellectual
Property Organization.
• It is to raise awareness of the importance and
different dimensions of the issue. • It is a reliable tool for governments across the
world to assess the innovation-led social and
• Each country’s level of development or engagement economic changes in their respective countries
is assessed along five pillars namely, Legal Measures,
Technical Measures, Organizational Measures, Key Highlights of the Global Innovation Index 2024:
Capacity Development, and Cooperation – and then • India has been ranked first among 10 economies
aggregated into an overall score. in Central and Southern Asia, further
• It is published by the International emphasizing its regional dominance in
Telecommunication Union (ITU). innovation.
• India has achieved the 7th rank globally in intangible • It is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Housing
asset intensity, which measures the strength of non- and Urban Affairs and the Ministry of Social
physical assets like patents and trademarks, essential Justice & Empowerment.
for driving innovation.
• Headquarter: Geneva.
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