YouTube Clone
YouTube Clone
YouTube Clone
Project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of
Submitted by:
Tusar kamboj
Submitted To :
(2021 – 2025)
I hereby declare that the Project report entitled "YouTube clone" submitted to the
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, SIET Nilokheri in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology (Computer Engineering)
is a record of original work done by me, under the guidance and supervision of Ms. Monika
and it has not formed the basis for the award of any
Degree/Diploma/Associateship/Fellowship or other similar title to any candidate of any
Roll NO.:2021217457
Computer enginnering
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have contributed to the
completion of thisproject and the preparation of this report.
First and foremost, I extend my deepest appreciation to Ms. Monika, whose guidance,
expertise, and unwavering support have been instrumental throughout this endeavor. Their
valuable insights, constructive feedback, and encouragement have enriched my learning
experience and propelled the project forward.
I am also thankful to State Institute of Technology, Nilokheri for providing the necessary
resources and facilities that facilitated the execution of this project. The conducive
environment and access to data were essential in conducting thorough analyses and drawing
meaningful conclusions.
I would like to acknowledge the contributions of all individuals who participated in data
collection, data processing, and discussions related to this project. Their efforts and
collaboration are deeply appreciated.
Lastly, I am grateful to the broader academic and research community for their valuable
insights, publications, and resources that have informed and inspired this project.
Tusar Kamboj
7th semester
Computer Engg.
YouTube is one of the most popular video-sharing platform that allow the users with the
ability to view, search recommended videos, upload, create and manage their own channels
etc. The YouTube platform includes a user-friendly interface, allowing users to easily
upload and view the popular or demanded videos.
This abstract shows the front end of the web application and the API used to build the
dynamic web application. The front end of the application was developed using the
JavaScript language that required React library for developing user interface based
components. React was used as it allows to build the reusable user interface components. To
fetch the details ans the statistics of the video, channel etc. YouTube v3 API was used.
The project also included static data inclusion using the is on file. It required to add the
details of the YouTube video manually. The project focused on front end development using
the reusable user interface components.
The future scope of the project is to add the backend layer so that any changes done on the
video in clone are added and changed on the given video. We have to add security layer to
the project so that no one knows from which server the data is being fetched. This will block
the user from sending multiple requests to the same server thus leading to it’s failure.
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
1. JS - JavaScript
2. CRUD - Create Read Update Delete
3. JWT - JSON Web Token
4. JSON - Java Script Object Notation
5. NPX - Node Package X execute
6. NPM - Node Package Manager
7. API - Application
8. HTML - Hypertext
9. CSS - Cascading Style Sheet
10. GCP - Google
11. DOM - Document Object Model
12. UI - User Interface
Table of Content
The YouTube clone project is a software development project that aims to recreate the
functionality and user experience of YouTube, but with a focus on using different and new
programming languages and frameworks to build the platform.
YouTube is a popular video streaming platform that has revolutionized the way people consume
video content. It allows users to upload, view, and share videos on a wide range of topics,
including music, education, entertainment, and more. With over 2 billion monthly active users
and over a billion hours of video watched daily, YouTube has become one of the most
significant platforms for video content on the internet. The platform has also introduced features
such as live streaming, video recommendations, and a wide range of user-generated content,
making it an essential platform for content creators, businesses, and individuals looking to share
their ideas, knowledge, and creativity with a global audience. YouTube's vast library of video
content and its easy-to-use interface make it a powerful tool for entertainment, education, and
communication, making it an indispensable part of our digital lives.
The project focuses to build a basic YouTube clone in ReactJs. The project used YouTube API
to get the videos. These videos are displayed to the user or developer. It allowed to display all
the details of the videos just as the original YouTube displays. This project allows you to search
any video you want to watch.
To fetch the real time data from google’s YouTube database this project used
google’sYouTubev3 API. The results worked exactly like the real YouTube works. YouTube
API made it easy to show features that were added to the application. The API returns JSON
data as result on receiving the HTTP request from YouTube v3. The YouTube API enables the
developer to manage the videos, upload videos, and many more. The API supports searches for
any video, channel, playlist etc.
The YouTube clone project works as a user interface and displays the data that was
blogs. This application provides the video that matches the searched keyword and also provide
more suggestion or recommendations for similar videos or the searched keyword.
The YouTube clone project is a challenging but exciting endeavor that requires expertise in
various programming languages and frameworks. The project requires developers to have a
good understanding of ReactJS, which is a popular front-end library that allows for the creation
of complex and interactive user interfaces. Additionally, it is essential to have a thorough
understanding of the YouTube API and how it can be leveraged to access the vast amount of
data that is available on YouTube.
One of the most critical aspects of the YouTube clone project is the user interface. The user
interface needs to be intuitive, easy to navigate, and provide an experience that is similar to the
original YouTube platform. The user interface must be designed to allow users to search for
videos, view video details, and watch videos seamlessly. Additionally, the user interface needs
to be optimized for various devices, such as desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
The YouTube clone project can also provide developers with an opportunity to learn about
modern web development concepts, such as serverless computing and cloud services. The
project can be built using serverless architectures, which eliminates the need for traditional
servers and allows for more scalable, cost-effective, and reliable applications. Additionally,
cloud services such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud Platform (GCP) can be
used host the application and provide access to various cloud-based services ,such as machine
learning, analytics, and security.
Overall, the YouTube clone project is an exciting and challenging software development project
that requires a good understanding of ReactJS and the YouTube API. The project can provide
developers with an opportunity to learn about modern web development concepts and create a
high-quality user interface that provides a similar experience to the original YouTube platform.
By leveraging modern technologies such as server less computing and cloud services, the
project can be scalable, cost-effective, and reliable.
To gain experience of new programming language sand technologies.
Explore the challenges and complexities of building a large-scale web application.
By building a video sharing platform with the features and functionality of YouTube,
developers can gain valuable experience in areas such as web development, API, user
interface design, database management, front-end development.
To get introduced frontend and backend for the development of web application.
The project provides an opportunity to learn new skills, explore complex challenges, and
build a real-world application that can be used as a portfolio piece or as a starting point
for future projects.
Problem statement
We need to build a web application that will allow the user to view and search videos from this
YouTube clone similar to original YouTube application. This application should have user
friendly interface that will allow the user to interact with this application easily. Variousfeatures
that should be supported by this application are search bar, video player, comments under the
video, recommended videos, and subscriptions and other features that are supported by the
YouTube application.
This application should allow the user to search the videos according to the keyword entered by
the user and should be able to filter the results by published date, popularity and duration. The
video that is imported from YouTube API should be allowed with several features like play,
pause, full screen, and other more features. The recommended video component should display
the videos according to viewers interest.
Users should be able to like and dislike the videos which should be updated in the backend. The
users should be allowed to comment under the video comment section. The user should also be
allowed to subscribe to the channel and add the subscribed video to the subscription portion in
the sidebar component.
The project should be developed using React, Node.js and the YouTube API. Create the
backend API that will handle authentication, video data and user data. After completing the
frontend and backend the application should be deployed on cloud hosting services.
To design the frontend of the project the technologies used were:
JavaScript is the language that is used for client-side programming in the web development.
This language helps the developer to add dynamic behaviour and interactivity to the web pages
that are to be designed by the user. [1]
JavaScript provides the developers to create interactive websites that can change the web page
content as well as the styles dynamically. The best part about JavaScript is that it provides
frameworks that add more functionality to the web applications. [1]
The frameworks are ReactJS, ReactNative, Node.js etc. JavaScript even provides some
functions so that web applications could interact with users. Some of the functions are alert,
prompt and confirm. When we submit anything on the web then sometimes we get a prompt or
alert from the web application. So, this is possible because of JavaScript functionality. [2]
The arrow functions that will be used in our project are part of javascript. The arrow functions
allow the developer to write the shorter function syntax. These functions are used when
developers want to access property of this, inside the callback. [2]
React is a JavaScript library that helps developer in building user interfaces for mobile
applications as well as for web applications. React creates a reusable user interface which is the
best part about it as developer can use the same component again and again without creating it
again in another component. It helps the developer to build the web applications efficiently. [3]
The developers cannot use react directly. To build a react project developer needs to install
some environments and packages like NodeJS. [3]
As React is flexible, reusable so it is preferred by the developers to build the complex and
interactive applications. [3]
React is not a framework but library of JavaScript. It uses a basic syntax for the development of
webapplicationsthatisJSX.JSXbasicallyallowsthedeveloperto writeHTMLinreact.JSXis the
extension in React that allows the developer to write JavaScript code that looks like code in
HTML. JSX makes it easier for the developers to maintain the complex code and write a
complex code for developing applications like YouTube clone. [3]
React also has the ability to handle and work with state and props. Properties in react are called
as props that are passed from their parent component to another component. The data that is
specific to a component are known as state in react and these can be changed over time. These
features of react help the developer to make create the responsive and interactive web pages or
the user interfaces. The user interface can get updated in real time depending on the user
interactions with data. [4]
Another feature of react is virtual document object model (DOM). This is the representation of
actual document object model. The virtual DOM is lightweight representation of real DOM. It
allows react to update the user interface efficiently. It re-renders that parts of user interface that
were changes and does not re-renders the entire user interface. This feature makes reactdifferent
from other user interface libraries. [4]
Belowimagesshows howvirtualDOM works.
React also supports react router that is used to manage routing. Routing is the method of
navigating between the different components of react or different pages within a web or mobile
application. React Router needs various components so thatit could navigate between the pages
or could manage the routes in react application. Various components that were used in the
YouTube clone project of react router are Link, Route, Switch, BrowserRouter, NavLink,
Redirect. [4]
The top level component of react router is BrowserRouter. BrowserRouter ensures the browser-
based routing. BrowserRouter listens to URL changes which are made by user interactions. On
the basis of current URL, BrowserRouter render the components to the web application. [4]
Route defines the route and when the route is matched that particular component is rendered to
the web application. It accepts strings as well as query as part of URL.
To create the clickable links that will allow the user to navigate to routes of application React
Router provide with Link component as well as with NavLink component. NavLink provides
stylink option or features for the active links. [4]
First route that matches the current URL is rendered using the switch component. Routes with
varying level of specificity are defined with switch component.
When the current URL matches a specific route redirect component redirects the user to a
different URL.
To manage the state, react supports the library redux. Redux is basically state management
library. There are three main parts of redux namely the store, the actions and the reducers.
Store holds the state tree of the application and is considered as single source of truth for the
application state. Store also provide the different methods to update the state tree.
Actions represent the intention to change the state. Actions are the javascript objects. Actions
have some payload data and have property named as type.
Reducers are considered as functions that take the present state and action and return the new
state. Reducers work on the actions that are dispatched to the store and specify the way statetree
transforms on the corresponding action. [4]
Redux manages the application state like current video being played, search results and many
more. Redux is used with react by connecting the components of react to redux store. It is
connected to react using the connect function that is available in the react redux library.
Itprovidescentralized waytomanagethe applicationstateandmaintainit.[4]
Tomakethe user interfaceHTML is used to definethebasicstructureof web pages. It provides the
layout of header, search bar , video player and many more. The tags used in the YouTube clone
project are used to define various parts of the web pages like headings, paragraphs, lists, links
etc. These elements are defined using opening and closing tags. [5]
HTML is the fundamental part of web development that is important for creating the user
interface for the web applications.
The word hypertext in the HTML proposes the link between the web pages and the word
markup language in the HTML proposes the text document that is within the tags.
This is style sheet language that is used to add style and layout to HTML documents. It makes
the web application’s user interface visually pleasing. It adds different colours, fonts, padding,
margins to the web application. [6]
CSS adds these styling properties by different selectors like element selectors, class selectors
and the IDselectors. Thesestyles can be defined in aseparateCSS fileor within theHTML file and
these are known as external and internal styling respectively.[6]
CSS basically simplifies the process of making web pages more presentable to the users. It
provides the powerful control over the presentation of the web pages.
CSS has much more wider array of attributes than that are there in HTML. So, CSS attributes
helps the document to look more presentable in comparison to HTML attributes.
To apply one common property to more than one element it is required to use CSS rather than
HTML.Toapplythepropertieswith HTMLitwilltaketo addthosepropertiesineveryelement again
and again but if these properties areadded with CSSthen we have towrite them once and can use
them again and again. Thus, we can reuse the same sheet again and again.[6]
Material UI
Material UI consists of pre-designed components that follow the design language. The design
language that is followed by Material UI is based on Google’s Material Design language. [7]
MaterialUIhasmany componentssuchasbuttons,icons,cards,dialogs,inputsandmanymore.
Thesecomponentshelptocreatevisuallyappealinguserinterfaceacrosstheoverallapplication. These
components are easy to use and customize. These components can be used using the import
command from their respective libraries. These components can also be customized using react
and various properties and can be made useable for the users.[7]
Material UI provides various set of utilities that customize the styles, manage them and
customize the theme of the web application.
Material UI components are designed in such a way that they work very well on a variety of
screen devices with varying sizes. This helps the user to make mobile application too.
Material UI help to speed up the development and create more visually appealing interface for
the user.
Node.js is cross platform, open source runtime environment. Node.js is server side JavaScript
runtime environment. Node.js is built on the Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. To build scalable
network application Node.js is widely used by the developers. Node.js was released by Ryan
Dahl in the year 2009. For building the real-time, data-intensive and scalable applications,
Node.js has a non-blocking, event-driven input/output model which makes it suitable for
building such type of web applications.[8]
There are many advantages of Node.js but one of its important advantage is that it can handle
very large number of connections that are running concurrently with a small number of threads.
As it was explained in the above paragraph that Node.js is event-driven, non-blocking I/O
that when a request is received the Node.js does not block the thread that is waiting for the
input/output operations to get complete.[8]
Node.js assigns the input/output operation to a separate thread that allow the thread to continue
the processing for other requests. The processing of the request is resumed when the
input/output operation is complete and Node.js triggers the callback function.[8]
Node.js makes the building of scalable network applications very easy as it has many nuit-in
modules that supports the Node.js to do so.The various modules that Node.js has built-in or
supported by it are http, https, fs, path, querystring. To work with many more modules there are
various third party modules that are supported by node.js. These modules that are supported by
Node.js are provided by the node package manager also known as npm. The functionality that
are provided by these modules are web frameworks, authorization and authentication and
database access.[8]
It is very easy to make the data-intensive applications, real-time applications using Node.js. To
build the applications that require real-time data updates use Node.js for their development.
Node.js allow the technologies of server-sent events to push the data to client in real-time that
provide a seamless and responsive experience to the user.[8]
Node.js is not only available for the server-side runtime environment but it can also be used for
building the command-line tools andother applications like desktop applications. For building
the desktop applications other frameworks like Electron in conjunction with Node.js that allows
thedeveloperstobuildcross-platformapplicationsusingthewebtechnologieslikeHTML,CSS and
So Node.js is a powerful and flexible technology for building real-time, data-intensive and real-
time network applications. Node.js non-blocking, number of built-in modules, real-time and
large number of third-party modules that make Node.js a popular choice of developers for
building the applications from simple applications to real-time complex systems. [8]
Figure1.3: Working ofNode.js
Express.js is built on top of Node.js and provides a layer of abstraction over Node.js’s built-in
http module. It provides a set of middleware functions that can be used to handle various stages
of the request-response cycle, such as logging, parsing request bodies, handling cookies, and
error handling. These middleware functions can be chained together to create powerful and
flexible middleware pipelines. [9]
Oneof the key features of Express.js is its routing capabilities. Express.js provides a simple and
combination of HTTP methods, URL patterns, and middleware functions. This makes it easy to
build RESTful APIs that follow the principles of resource-oriented architecture. [9]
Express.jsishighlyextensible,anditsflexibilityhasledtothedevelopmentofavastecosystem of third-
party middleware and plugins. There are many community-contributed modules
logging middleware. This means that developers can quickly and easily add additional
functionality to their Express.js applications without having to reinvent the wheel. [9]
Overall, Express.js is a powerful and flexible web application framework that simplifies the
process of building web applications, particularly RESTful APIs. Its middleware pipeline,
routing capabilities, and support for views and templates make it a popular choice for building
web applications of all sizes and complexities. Its extensibility and large ecosystem of third-
party middleware and plugins make it easy for developers to add additional functionality totheir
applications. [9]
MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that is designed to store and manage large volumes of
data in a highly scalable and flexible manner. It was first released in 2009 and has quickly
gained popularity due to its ease of use, flexibility, and scalability. [10]
One of the key features of MongoDB is its ability to scale horizontally across multiple nodes.
traffic loads. MongoDB also supports automatic sharding, which means that it can distribute
data across multiple servers without requiring any intervention from the developer. [10]
MongoDB supports a wide range of data types, including strings, numbers, 13ooleans, arrays,
and objects. It also supports a range of advanced data types, such as geospatial data, dates, and
regular expressions. This makes it a powerful tool for handling a wide range of data types and
use cases.
Another key feature of MongoDB is its flexible querying capabilities. MongoDB provides a
powerful query language that allows developers to retrieve data based on a wide range of
criteria, including text search, geospatial queries, and complex aggregation pipelines. This
makes it easy for developers to retrieve the data they need, regardless of how it is structured or
stored. [10]
MongoDB also provides a range of tools for data visualization, management, and
administration. It has aweb-based administration tool called MongoDB Compass, which allows
developers to easily explore and manipulate their data. MongoDB also provides drivers for a
wide range of programming languages, making it easy to integrate MongoDB with existing
applications. [10]
Overall, MongoDB is a powerful and flexible NoSQL database that is designed to handle large
volumesofdatainahighlyscalableandflexiblemanner. Itssupportfordocument-orienteddata
storage, horizontal scaling, and flexible querying make it a popular choice for building modern
web applications and data-intensive applications. [10]
Firebase is a popular mobile and web application development platform that offers a range of
tools and services to help developers build high-quality, scalable applications. It was first
launched in 2011 by Firebase, Inc., and was acquired by Google in 2014.[11]
Firebase provides a wide range of features and services, including cloud-based databases,
authentication and authorization tools, analytics and monitoring tools, cloud
it is designed to be easy to use and integrate with existing applications, making it a popular
choice for developers of all skill levels.[11]
Another key feature of Firebase is its analytics and monitoring tools, which allow developers to
track user engagement and behaviour, monitor application performance, and identify and
troubleshootissues.Firebasealsoprovidescloudmessagingservices,whichallowdevelopersto send
notifications and messages to users across multiple platforms and devices. [11]
Firebase provides hosting and deployment services, which allow developers to quickly and
easily deploy their applications to the cloud. Firebase also integrates with a wide range of other
tools and services, including popular front-end frameworks like React and Angular, as well as
other Google services like Google Cloud Storage and Google Maps. [11]
Overall, Firebase is a powerful and versatile platform that offers a range of tools and services to
help developers build high-quality, scalable applications. Its ease of use, flexibility, and
integration with other tools and services make it a popular choice for developers looking tobuild
modern mobile and web applications. [11]
1. Create: This operation is used to add new data to the database. In the case of a YouTube
clone,users can createnewaccounts,uploadnew videos,andcreatenew commentsorplaylists. When
a user creates a new account, their information (such as username, email, and password) is
added to the database. When a user uploads a new video, the video file is stored on the server
and information about the video (such as title, description, and tags) is added to the database.
When a user creates a new comment or playlist, information about the comment or playlist is
added to the database.[12]
2. Read: This operation is used to retrieve data from the database. In the case of a YouTube
clone, users can read information about their own accounts, videos, comments, and playlists, as
well as information about other users’ accounts, videos, comments, and playlists. When a user
wants to view their own account information, the database is queried to retrieve their username,
email, and other details. When a user wants to view a video, the database is queried to retrieve
information about the video, such as the title, description, and tags. When a user wants to view
comments or playlists, the database is queried to retrieve information about those items. [12]
3. Update: This operation is used to modify existing data in the database. In the case of a
YouTubeclone,userscanupdatetheirown accountinformation,modifythedetailsoftheirown videos,
and edit or delete their own comments or playlists. When a user wants to update their account
information, the database is updated with the new information. When a user wants to modify the
details of a video, the database is updated with the new information (such as a new title,
description, or tags). When a user wants to edit or delete a comment or playlist, the database is
updated to reflect those changes. [12]
4. Delete: This operation is used to remove data from the database. In the case of a YouTube
clone,userscandeletetheirownaccounts,videos,comments,andplaylists.Whenauserdeletes their
account, all of their information is removed from the database. When a user deletes a video, the
video file is deleted from the server and all associated information (such as the title, description,
and tags) is removed from the database. When a user deletes a comment or playlist, the
associated information is removed from the database. [12]
Overall, CRUD operations are essential for managing the data on a YouTube clone platform.By
using these operations, users can create, read, update, and delete various types of data,which
allows them to interact with the platform in a meaningful way.
To manage the environment variables in Node.js application dotenv is used which is a package
in node.js package. To store the sensitive information like API keys, database passwords are
stored in dotenv. It disables the developers to not hard code the sensitive information in thecode
but to add credentials as environment variables.
To use dotenv in the project developer need to install it using npm install dotenv command. By
just installing it we cannot use it in the application but we have to configure this also. This will
allow to ise the environment variables to the application.
To use this environment variables in the application we need to use the command process.env
JWT (JSON Web Token) cookie authentication is a way to authenticate users in web
applications using JWTs and cookies. This approach is commonly used in modern web
applications because it offers several advantages over other authentication methods.[13]
Here’showJWT cookieauthenticationworks:
1. Userlogsin:When a userlogsintoyourapplication,theircredentialsareverifiedandaJWT is
generated on the server. This JWT contains information about the user (such as their ID and
roles) and is signed with a secret key that only the server knows. [13]
2. JWT is sent to the client: Once the JWT is generated, it is sent to the client (usually in the
form of aJSON response). The client then stores the JWT in a cookie. [13]
3. JWT is sent with each request: From this point forward, the client sends the JWT with each
subsequent request to the server. This is usually done by including the JWT as an HTTP header
or as part of the request body. [13]
4. Server verifies the JWT: When the server receives a request with a JWT, it verifies the
signature of the JWT using the secret key. If the signature is valid, the server can extract theuser
information from the JWT and use it to authorize the request. [13]
5. Access granted or denied: Based on the user information extracted from the JWT, the server
either grants or denies access to the requested resource. [13]
The use of cookies in this authentication method adds an extra layer of security. By storing the
JWT in a cookie, the client does not have direct access to the JWT itself. This helps to prevent
cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, as the client cannot easily tamper with the contents of the
JWT. [13]
- Scalability: JWTs arestateless, meaning that theserver does not need to storeany session data
for each user. This makes it easier to scale your application horizontally.
- Security: JWTs are signed with a secret key, which makes them very difficult to tamper with
or forge. This helps to prevent unauthorized access to your application.
Overall, JWT cookie authentication is a powerful and secure way to authenticate users in web
applications. It offers many advantages over other authentication methods and is widely used in
modern web development. [13]
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Instead of customisation, we favour configuration. Your business needs and payment standards
are satisfied by our improved, law-based engine without customisation.
A variety of APIs, iFrames and fully customized solutions that give you complete control over
your user experience are used to access our cloud-based platform.
We assist companies in minimising and getting rid of the burden of PCI as a PCI Level I
compliant provider.
Our system is built with maximum security and zero downtime. The transaction's dependability
and security are guaranteed by a multi-layer detection and blocking system, multi-level
authentication, encryption, and token processing.
The CIS, accounting, and ERP systems, which enable smooth payments, reporting, and
reconciliation to important financial systems and operations, are just a few ofthe more than350
major programmes that we cover.
It is completely new construction. We can continuously innovate and remain ahead of the
always changing needs since we only use one code and have no version.
YouTube is the world's largest video-sharing platform with over 1.8 billion monthly active
users, generating millions of views every day. The popularity of YouTube has led to thecreation
of several YouTube clones or video-sharing platforms that aim to replicate its success.
The YouTube Clone Project is a web application that copies or imitates the functionality of the
video-sharing platform, YouTube. The project uses React for the frontend, MongoDB for the
backend database, and Node.js for building the server.
YouTube was started in the year 2005 as a website that was further acquired by google in the
year 2006. This video-sharing platform allows everyone to share and upload videos. It allows
the world to connect with each other despite of the largest distance between them. All the data
that is uploaded on YouTube are hosted on YouTube server.
The objective of YouTube is to connect people of same interest and to share and learn new
things. This platform is an integrated platform that allows the user to share any kind of
information from education to their personal life and so on.
The tagline of this video-sharing platform is Broadcast Yourself. YouTube is a perfect platform
to gather any information related to your concern. The information is exclusively at one place
thus making it easy for the user to check the information without any hustle.
YouTube is not only the video-sharing platform for the entertainment but it is also a good
platform to earn money. So, platforms like youtube are a must to be built.
In recent years, there has been an increase in the popularity of web applications that are built
using React, MongoDB, and Node.js. Many developers use these technologies as they offer a
high degree of flexibility and scalability. Many of the studies have been done to check and
evaluatetheperformance andusabilityofwebapplicationsbuiltusingthe web technologies like
react, node.js and mongodb.
One of such study that was conducted by Khosravi and Jamshidi inthe year 2021 evaluated and
checked the performance of a web application that wasbuilt using React, MongoDB, and
Node.js. The study they conductedfound that the application was highly responsive as ithad a
low response time, making it ideal for real-time web applications.
The other study that was conducted by other two peopleby Zhang and Chen in the year 2020
evaluatedandcheckedtheusabilityofwebapplicationsthatwerebuiltusingReact,MongoDB, and
Node.js. Thisstudy that was conducted by them found that the applications were easy to
useandhighly customizable, thatmadedevelopersidealforbuildingcomplexweb applications.
There are several YouTube clones and video-sharing platforms available that offer similar or
unique features. Vimeo offers high-quality videos and a clean user interface, while Dailymotion
offers monetization options through advertising. Twitch focuses on live streaming and
community-based interaction, while Vevo focuses on music videos and related content. TikTok
offers short-form videos and a range of editing tools. These platforms offer different features
and cater to different audiences, and users can choose the one that best fits their needs.
The YouTube Clone Project using React, MongoDB, and Node.js is a powerful and flexibleweb
application that can be easily customized and scaled. These technologies offer several
advantages, including better performance, easier debugging, and faster rendering. Several
studies have shown that web applications built using these technologies are highly responsive,
scalable, and easy to use. Therefore, it is a good choice for building web applications that
require fast data access, scalability, and flexibility.
Figure3.1:System Design
This is the system architecture of the YouTube clone where the frontend of the clone is built
using javascript and react. The server file consists of express js that stores the data of YouTube
videos.TorendertheYouTubevideosdynamicallyweneedtheYouTubeAPIto linkwithreact
application. For this purpose we need to login into google developers console where we have to
enable the YouTube v3 API. It will create project and API key that will be rendered to the web
application. APIgateway will provide the security to the servers. The request will be sent to the
API gateway first and from there to YouTube servers.
1. CreateanewReactprojectusing‘create-react-app’.
3. Design the layout of the YouTube clone. Create a header component, a search bar
component, and a video player component, sidebar component, video info component, sidebar
row component, and recommended component.
4. Create a component for displaying search results. This component should be responsible for
displaying a list of videos based on the user's search query.
5. Implement the search functionality. When the user types a query into the search bar, the
application should query the YouTube API for videos matching the search query.
6. Displaythesearchresultsinthesearchresults component.
7. Implement the video player component. This component should be responsible for playing
the selected video and displaying its title, description, and other relevant information.
8. Addfeatureslikecomments,likes,and subscriptions.
The above system design is possible when Node.js is connected to the frontend of the project as
well as connected to the backend of the project like MongoDB. The backend of the project is
necessary for running the application and for making it dynamic. When the user hits something
on the frontend of the project or we can say the yser interface of the web application than that
updated component should be shown to the user and that is possible only if the project is
connected to backend where all the updation will take place.
Node.js will be save in one of the file of react project in separate folder that will be run on the
separate URL or localhost port. My Node.js server will run on localhost:5000.
As Node.js has real-time architecture and push based, so it helps to update the application data
very well.
To connect Node.js toMongoDB we need to make account in MongoDB first and thengenerate
the username and password so that we can access that database and to allow the other users to
access this database we do not need to enter our pc’s IP address otherwise the user or any other
person will not be able to access the application from any other device.
Figure3.3:MongoDb Connected
The Rest API is created using MongoDB and Node.js All the CRUD operation for every
component are stored in the controllers folder. Any updation regarding the comment done bythe
user, any video that will be liked or disliked by the user, all the information of the users action
will be done using this file.
The routes to different paths are saved in the routes folder that is connected to the controllers
folder. The API is built using the express. The routes folder and controllers folder will be ableto
display all together the changes that will occur in the application.
To use this application user must be authenticated by the application as it is necessary to check
and verify that the identity of the user. We need authentication to prove the facts which are
stated to be true by the user. Authentication needs password and username.
To sign up the user we need this thing to create a new user that will added back in the
MongoDB users schema.
To authenticate the user we need username and password so this will be done using the sign in
Tosend the information to thelocalhost serverwe will require api to do so. Thefilewill besent in
the form of json file.
To fetch the data from Node.js API we need the MongoDB. To use this Node.js API we will
store the URL in the package.json file of the client folder so that there will be no need to call
this URL again and again in the other files.
Figure3.6:Node.js Server
We need to fetch the videos to our front end so that is done using various technologies like
redux functions and the map function that allow the random videos to be rendered to the front
Figure3.7: Tofetch thevideos
Asyoutubecloneprojectisnotonlyaboutcreatingadummyofactualyoutubebutalsoweneed to create
some functionality that is given by the actual youtube also.
For this purpose we are adding the functionality of liking the video and disliking the video by
the user.
For creating this functionality we will require again Redux that will have state and action
property. This functionality will store the current state of the video and will update the data as
soon as user hit some action the application. This is how the redux helps the developer to make
the real life project work with ease.
The other functionality added to this youtube clone project is to allow the user to subscribe the
channel. Again to do this redux action and state will help the developer to achieve this goal.
Initially it will store the current state of the video and as soon as the user will hit the action on
the front end the state of the video will be changes that is the channel will get subscribed the
user. This will change the number of subscribers of that channel in the backend that is in the
MongoDB subscribers schema. This is how the Node.js and MongoDB are working
Figure3.11:Subscriptionof Channel
The other main functionality that is added in this project is of allowing the user to upload the
videoon to his channel. This component is easy to add using theweb technologies but when the
user will upload the video that video will be stored in the firebase.
The main window that consists of parent component i.e. App.js has other sub components that
are also called as the child component of the App.js The parent component consists of the
header component , sidebar component , video player component, search page component and
recommended videos component.
The Header component consists of various icons that will be further connected to perform their
activities like notification icons will pop up the notification of notified channel. The menu icon
will be responsive for the sidebar components. The YouTube icon refreshes the page to home
page. The search bar searches the videos corresponding to the keyword entered by the
developer. The search button hits the YouTube API and shows up the result of popular videos.
The SideBar component consists of all the lists related to activities of user. The subscribed
channels will be shown, history will show the videos that will be played by the user and further
all the functions will be made active as soon as the buttons are hit up.
The videos will be displayed from the recommended videos component and other video
information will be displayed from the sub components of the recommended component. The
video card component helps to display the further information.
TheSearchPage component
This component consists of the header component, sidebar component, and the search page
component. Whatever keyword is entered by the developer the channel related to it and the top
other component where the developer can watch the video and the related information is
displayed. The filter icon will be made working after adding some functionality to it.
Figure3.19:SearchPage Component
This component consists of header component the watch screen component and SideBarRow
component. The header component works the same way as it was working in the previous
components. The watchscreen part shows the video that developer has clicked and the related
information of the video. The SideBarRow component shows the recommended videos so that
user can see the related videos without much hustle.
In this component the details of video that person wants to see will be shown like thedescription
of video, the channel name which uploaded the video, number of views on thevideo, the
published date of video, the number of likes on the video were displayed.
Figure3.20:WatchScreen Component
Nodejsand nodepackagemanager(npm):
To execute the javascript code from outside a browser Node js provides the runtime
environment. This is used for server side programming. For building input/ output intensive
web application Node.js is used. Node .js is asynchronous and event driven. Node.js is
asynchronous means that it is non-blocking that is server of Node.js never waits for API to
returnthedata.Node.jsoutputsthedataintheformofchunksandavoidsthebufferingofdata. Node.js
uses event looping and singe threaded model.
Thefullformofnpmisnodepackagemanager.NPMistheworld’slargestsoftwarelibrary.It is
package manager for javascript.
The full form of npx is node package eXecute. If any package is not installed in the npm library
then npx allows the developers to execute that javascript package.
npx is a command-line tool that was introduced in version 5.2 of the Node.js package manager,
registrywithouthavingto installthemgloballyortotheirproject.[16]
The primary use case for npx is to run a command-line interface (CLI) tool that is available as
an npm package, without the need to first install it globally or locally in your project. This
makes it particularly useful for trying out new packages, testing out a package before adding it
to your project dependencies, or using a package that you only need once. [16]
npx works by temporarily installing the requested package and then executing it. Once the
command has completed, the package is uninstalled automatically. This means that you can use
any package available on the npm registry without having to worry about polluting your global
or project environment.
Another use case for npx is to run a different version of a package than the one that is installed
in your project. By specifying the package version or location, you can execute a different
version of the package without having to install it separately. [16]
npxalsoprovidesarangeofoptionsthatallowyoutocustomizeitsbehavior,suchasspecifying the
package version or location, passing command-line arguments, and choosing how to handle
global packages. This level of customization makes npx a powerful tool that can be used in a
wide range of development environments. [16]
In addition to executing packages, npx also provides a number of other useful features. For
example, you can use it to execute scripts that are included in packages, or to create and run
shell scripts on the fly. You can even use it to execute commands from a GitHub repository or
from a file URL, making it easy to test and use packages that are not available on the npm
registry. [16]
Overall, npx is a powerful and flexible tool that provides a convenient way to execute packages
from the npm registry without having to install them globally or locally in your project. It is a
valuable tool for developers who want to try out new packages or test out different versions of
existing packages, and its range of options and features make it a powerful addition to any
Node.js development workflow. [16]
This command helps to build the react applications and installs all the basic packages at one go.
The developer need not to install the packages one by one. It save the developers time to setup
and configure. To use this command the developer needs to install the node and npm. It createsa
file named package.json that writes all the dependencies and libraries that were installed inthat
To fetch the data from the YouTube API we need to enable the API and with that create a new
Todotheabovetaskoneneedsagoogleidthatwillbeloggedontothegoogledevelopers console.
Thencreate anew projectandgiveit anew name.
Thenclickonthecredentialswheretheyoutubeapikeyisprovidedfortheparticularproject. The
required API key is pasted onto the project.
Torun theproject:
To start the react application uses the command npm start. This command automatically opens
the browser and whenever any changes are made in App.js the changes are reflected in the
application without reloading the page. The project runs in the localhost:3000.
When the changes are detected in the directory it helps the node.js applications to restart
automatically. To use nodemon one needs to install nodemon first and then use it to open the
backend file. Thewrapping of application is done by nodemon that helps to pass arguments that
were passed normally to the application. To run the backend file write the command as
nodemon filename.js.
Nodemonisapopularutilityforautomatingthedevelopmentworkflow of Node.jsapplications.
detected, making the development process more efficient and streamlined.[17]
NodemonisparticularlyusefulfordeveloperswhoworkonlargeandcomplexNode.jsprojects, where
making frequent changes to the code is a common occurrence. Instead of manually
the need for repetitive tasks. This results in increased productivity and faster development
One of the key features of Nodemon is its ability to monitor multiple files simultaneously. This
means that when any file in the project is modified, Nodemon automatically restarts the
application. It can also watch for changes in specific files or directories, allowing developers to
focus on the parts of the application that they are currently working on. [17]
Nodemon is highly configurable, with a range of options that can be set to tailor its behavior to
the specific needs of a project. For example, developers can set the delay time between restarts,
specify the files and directories to monitor, and choose the events that trigger a restart. This
level of customization ensures that Nodemon can be used in a wide range of development
environments, from small personal projects to large enterprise applications. [17]
Another benefit of Nodemon is its ease of use. It can be installed globally via NPM, and
developers can quickly get started by running a simple command in the terminal. Once started,
requiring any additional input from the developer. [17]
Nodemon also includes a range of additional features that make it a powerful tool for Node.js
development. For example, it can log changes to the console, display errors and warnings, and
even run custom scripts before or after a restart. These features help to improve the overall
development experience and make it easier for developers to identify and fix issues in their
In summary, Nodemon is a valuable utility for any developer working with Node.js. Its abilityto
automate the development workflow, monitor multiple files simultaneously, and provide a
range of configuration options make it an essential tool for streamlining the development
process and improving productivity. Whether working on a small personal project or a large
enterprise application, Nodemon is a powerful tool that can help developers to work more
efficiently and effectively. [17]
Developing this project was a challenging task for me as this was the first time I built a web
application that were fetched from YouTube API data. I utilized all the new concepts in it that
were tough and challenging. The main point was to introduce me to backend, frontend and
connecting the both together to make an application working. It helped me to understand how
node js layer provides security to the backend data as the calls are first made to node js and
further the calls are transferred to the YouTube API that renders the video on the react
In conclusion, the YouTube Clone Project using React, MongoDB and Node.js is a modern and
powerful web application that mimics the features of the popular video sharing platform
Using React for the user interface, MongoDB for the backend database, and Node.js to buildthe
server, the project offers a flexible, scalable and efficient solution for building web
applications.React provides a declarative approach to creating user interfaces, making it easy to
create interactive and reusable components. MongoDB is a NoSQL document-oriented database
that is highly scalable and flexible, enabling fast data access and retrieval.
Overall, the YouTube Clone Project using React, MongoDB and Node.js is a promising
solution for building modern web applications that require fast access to data, scalability and
flexibility. Thanks to its efficient and flexible architecture, the project can be easily adapted to
the needs of different companies and industries, making it an excellent choice for web
development projects.
Future Scope
With React, MongoDB and Node.js, the YouTube clone project has a lot of potential for further
development and improvement. Here are some possible future scope areas:
1. Mobile development:With the increasing use of mobile devices, developing a mobile appfor
a YouTube clone project can increase its user base and engagement. React Native can be usedto
develop a mobile application for both Android and iOS platforms.
2. Advanced Search function: Additional search functions can be added to the YouTube clone
project to improve the user experience. Machine learning algorithms can be used to recommend
personalized content to users based on their search history and viewing habits.
3. User Generated Content: User generated content is a great way to increase user engagement
and improve the overall user experience. The YouTube clone project can be improved by
allowing users to upload their own videos and share them with the community.
4. Video Editing: Providing users with video editing tools can improve the quality of videos
uploaded to the platform. Features such as cropping, adding subtitles and using filters can be
added to the platform to improve the overall user experience.
6. SocialMediaIntegration:SocialmediaintegrationcanincreasethereachofaYouTubeclone project
by allowing users to share content on popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter
and Instagram.
7. Accessibility: Making the YouTube clone project accessible to users with disabilities can
improve the user experience for a wider audience. Adding features such as subtitles and audio
descriptions can improve the usability of the platform.
experience can be improved and the platform can be made available to a wider audience. These
improvements can increase user engagement, revenue and make the platform more valuable to