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Online Sport Booking System


Siti Fatimah bt Abd Rahman

A project dissertation submitted to the

Business Information System
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the

Approved by,

(Dr. SuziaH ra^Sulaiman)



January 2008

This is to certify that I am responsible for the work submitted in this project, that the

original work is my own except as specified inthe references and acknowledgements,

and thatthe original work contained herein have not been undertaken or done by

unspecified sources or persons.



This paper reports that the functionality and usability ofthe online system on internet. In
using web technology, it will delivers the promise of access to information from
anywhere in the world. Booking sport facilities is difficult nowadays because people are
quite busy and do not have enough time to go to sport council just for making a
reservation. To overcome this problem, this project will helps their residents to organize
the data and the information into better style and format and also to their customers so
they can make a reservation easily through internet connection because in Perak, the
government has taken a good advantage ofInformation and Communication Technology
(ICT) by built K-Perak. Every council or department also must take this opportunity in
improving and update their e-services regularly because in this new era, people are start
using e-service in order to save their time and money. Ifother country can make used of
this new technology of ICT too, life will become easier and we can save a lot oftime.
Besides that, we also can improve our culture and our generation to a next step which is
more intellectual and independent same as other countries in this world.


In the name ofAllah and the MostGracious andMostMerciful

Completing this report has been an arduous but rewarding project. It would have been
possible without the collaboration and support of a number of people.

Therefore, the first and foremost I would like to thank is Dr. Suziah bt Sulaiman, the
project supervisor who had been guiding me throughout the development of the project.
She has totally give flexibility to me during completing this project and giving very
useful advices and guidance.

Special thanks also to the parents, who have provide a lot of motivation and advises
throughout the completion ofthis project. And also to my friends, who have participated
directly or indirectly in helping me out in every single trouble I faced.

Finally, thanks to external and internal examiners for spending their time in evaluating
this project.





ABSTRACT . . iii






1.1. Background of Study. .1

1.2. Problem statement . .3
1.2.1. Significant of the Project .4
1.3. Objectives and Scope of Study .5
1.3.1. Objectives . ,5
1.3.2. Scope of Study .5
1.3.3. Feasibility of the Project within Scope and Time Frame .6


2.1. Online Booking System .7

2.1.1. Online Booking (AirAsia) .8
2.1.2. Hotel Booking Online System .8
2.2. General Public License (GPL). .9
2.3. Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. .10
2.4. Web Server and Internet Information Services .11
2.5. Adobe Photoshop . . . . .12



3.1. Procedure Identification .13

3.1.1. Definition stage .14
3.1.2. Design stage . .17
3.1.3. Coding stage . .17
3.1.4. Testing stage . .18
3.1.5. Implementation stage .18
3.2. Development tools . .19
3.2.1. Software .19
3.2.2. Hardware .20
3.3. Advantages of Visual C#.Net .20


4.1. Data Gathering and Analysis . 22

4.2. Findings . . . . 23
4.3. Result and discussion. 25
4.3.1. Interview: IPoh Sport Council staff 25
4.3.2. Survey: Ipoh Sport Council staff 26
4.3.3. Survey: UTP's student 26
4.3.4. User-UTP's Student Interfaces. 27
4.3.5. Administrator Interfaces 29


Internet . . . . . . . 32
Book 32




Figure 2.0: System Architecture. .11

Figure 3.0: The Waterfall Model Design. .14

Figure 3.1: User Models for OSBS . .17

Figure 4.0: Result for survey . .27



Table 3.0: Milestone for First Semester of Final Year Project .15

Table 3.1: Milestone for Second Semester of Final Year Project .16

Table 3.3: Software tools .19

Table 3.3: Hardware tools. . . . . . .20

Table 4.1: Functionality and description in OSBS . .23

Table 4.2: Comparisons between .NET, PHP, Java and Cold Fusion MX .24


OSBS Online Sport Booking System

ISC Ipoh Sport Council
bport council
UTP University Technology of Petronas
API Application
A TirJif-atirm Program
Prr\(ri-!am Interface

IIS Internet Information Services



Before starting the development of the project, there are few things that need to be
considered first. This is to ensure that the project is feasible to be continued and also at
the same time to provide a guideline or standard on how shall the project works. For that
purpose, this section will be giving brief explanation aboutthe project, the identification
of problem statement, objectives that need to be achieved and scope of study that need
to be follow.

1.1 Background of Study

Nowadays, besides concentrating in providing the bestservices to the customers, quite a

numbers of business organizations had move a step ahead by equipping the new
technology in their businesses such as an online sport booking systems. A few of
companies already used an online system in order to give better services to their
customers. However, it is hard to enhance the peoples to learn and used this kind of
technology because it is still new in this country. Besides, many peoples like to use the
old system in doing reservation rather than using this technology because they do not
have enough knowledge. Online booking system provides service where users/peoples
can make an online booking through accessing the network from anywhere and any time
to do it.
Moreover, they can save their time from going to any particular place in order to do a
reservation. By doing an improvement the finished system will allow all sports
members, to book sessions, view their current booked sessions, and cancel them, if
necessary. Sports Centre staffshould be allowed to do all of these operations, on behalf
of any member, as well as additional features such as reviewing the most popular
activities and/or venues, and tracking members who book and do not arrive for their
session. The motivation for this project is partly a personal one. It can be inconvenient
having top physically go to the Sports Centre to book sessions. Having talked to other
sports members, this seems to be a view shared by others. The Sports Centre manager
also believes it would be a useful system, if it were implemented in a way that was as
convenient for the reception staff as the current paper-based system. To overcome the
problem of less knowledgeable users, this system will develop in user-friendly and users
can understand easily how to make an online reservation. By making this system user-
friendly, it can attract many users to use this system regularly.

Besides that, this system can help administrator to keep track the booking records, locate
in the database and can manage the booking also the schedules from redundancy. This
system basically will realize the existing of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) Strategic Blueprint known as K-Perak. By referring to the process
model in process identification, it can be concluded that this study is now coming into
the design stage. Data gathering and result have been done before, through many ways
such as interviewing, surveying and searching about online system in the Internet. After
getting and gathering all sorts of data, it can minimize the problem, which exist before,
and the development in online system or system that is being using now can be
1.2 Problem Statement

Currently, in Malaysia only several company that provide an online booking system in
their businesses. Normally, only companies which offer services will be provide this
system to their customers. They are still anxious to use this kind of technology to
improved their businesses, because they though the system will not given them a good
feedback and profits to their businesses in future.

Now in Perak, government already launched Information and Communication

Technology (ICT) Strategic Blueprint known as K-Perak 2010 in order to born more
intellectual Perak citizens but several of Perak citizens still not aware with government
targeted before coming 2010 and if they are still not distorted, how this state will be a
developed country and will reaches government's target in 2010.

Basically, almost companies still using the traditional method in making a reservation,
for example such as Ipoh Sport Council. Before the user can make a sport reservation,
user need to download the forms from Perak's government website or they have to call
in or and show up personally to book sport facilities at Ipoh Sport Centre. Then, the
users need to fill up the form and pass it to the Officer and waiting for several few days
to get the result. This happened because the Officer will verify the form and also for
check the availability and after that it will be passed to the manager for get approval.
Besides, the Officers also need to keep track all the records by manually in the
reservation books to make sure the schedules will not redundant with others reservation.
When using old system, the tendencies for redundant names to occur are higher as
compared to the new proposed system.
1.2.1 Significant of the Project

Right now, Perak Government already prepared an infrastructure (ICT Readiness) such
as fiber optic backbone, teamwork from Time Engineering and Telecom Berhad,
preparation Last Mile Wireless Broadband until six megabyte by Nasioncom Sdn Bhd
with Telecom Berhad. From this, we can have advantages to use this Online Sport
Booking System anywhere.

• Allow authorize user to access the system:

o The system will only allow the authorized user to access to the system.
All the users can have their own account and the system administrator
and moderators will have an inspection time by time to prevent
unauthorized personnel.
• Easy access to the Internet:
o The system is run in a wide area network (WAN). So that users can easily
access to the system everywhere through internet connection using

• Easily to host and manageable:

o This system is run using a free scripting file and server. So, it can run in
any platform of operating system like Windows, Linux and et cetera
depends on the system administrator.
1.3 Objectives and Scope of Study

1.3.1 Objectives

The development ofthis system is based onthe following objectives:

• To develop and design an online sport booking system that can help users booked
the equipments or facilities where in this system, for example the users can make a
reservation for the courts/fields and also several facilities. The online service allows
users to achieve the same thing at their own time and convenience.
• To enable wide access and provide users with the ability to change the schedules,
cancel the reservation and so on. During time reservation, the users can check the
availability before making a reservation or change the date, venue, day and etc
before submitted the application.
• Low cost high performance solution so this system can decrease the cost of
traditional method during make a reservation.
• To help administrator keep track records from the traditional systems. This system
can help administrator to keep track the booking records, locate in the database and
can manage the booking also the schedules from redundancy.

1.3.2 Scope of Study

Online Sport Booking Systems will be developed under Ipoh Sport Council and UTP's
student as a potential user scope only. It will cover the users which are the Perak citizen
that want to book the sport complex for several events. This system will be designed in
such a way that users can access itonly from their computer with an internet connection.
As this online system will focusing on publics and from other state's citizens, the
interface and the functions will also need to be essential to their environment. It is also a
relevant with the expertise and knowledge of the sport complex. Besides, it also based
on the objective of the research itself.
1.3.3 Feasibility of the Project within Scope and Time Frame

In the project, Work Break Structure (WBS) is developed in providing the basis for
deciding how to do work as well as creating the project schedule. There are several
phases that can be implemented to the Work Break Structure (WBS) process such as
planning, executing, analysis and design, implementation and presentation phases. For
the planning phase, the project activity is to prepare project timeline which is consists of
three parts of planning such as identify tasks, determine the tasks dependencies and
finalize timeline. For analysis and design part, the activities are such as prepare
conceptual data modeling and database design.

Next, for executing phase part, the projects activities involve are such as information
gathering and facts finding, search for relevant journal and article and search for suitable
tools and development method. Other than that, it also involve about preparation of
preliminary report which is consists of background of study, identify problem,
significant of the project, objective and scope of study, methodology/project work,
conclusion, prepare abstract, finalize preliminary report and submit preliminary report.
Besides the other one is implementation part which is involve about installation of
development tools and develop prototype. Finally, the last phase is presentation phase.
In this phase, the project's activities are such as prepare presentation material, revise and
practice for presentation and submission interim report.


2.1 Online Booking System

Basically, this online Sport Booking System will optimize the potential of the website.
Generally, this system is similarly same as the other online system, such as Online
Booking that Air Asia.com [2] provides for gives bestservices to their customers, which
is already, exist nowadays. In this system will be included are when the users start
surfing the Internet for booking, potential users are looking for sport council which offer
the places such as badminton's court, tennis's court and etc. Users actually can book the
places without waiting for reservation's staff to confirm it by sending an email or
through the calls. This Online Sport Booking System also is a user friendly booking
system, whereby the page of the website is straightforward information and not messy
with other advertisement which is not related to sport council.

Any new system, must be a user friendly, and it is very important in order to make sure
people or user do not get confused on what they want to find in the website. For a less
knowledgeable user, users will think that the system is quite complicated and for sure
they do not want to use this system. Besides that, this system provides a detailed
booking where it will give confirmation result to sport's users and the system also will
notify to sport council. Before this user needs to download the form from formal website
of Perak's Government, http://psuk-msn.perak.gov.my/home.htm first in order to make
reservation, but in this new system, the users also can save theirtime because there is no
special software or downloads are needed for a users in order to make a booking.
Some systems demand that users need to have specialized software installed on their
computer in order to make a booking and besides, many computers do not provide the
software and users are forced to download it. For example, Online Sport Booking
System keeps it fast and simple. Besides that, this system provides an easy to use
administration panel to sport administrators. This criterion is provided by many systems,
including Hotel Booking System. The different here is they provide complicated
administrative panels compared to this new system. With its friendly administrative
panels, Online Sport Booking System keeps the things fast and simple.

2.1.1 Online System (AirAsia)

Compared with Online Booking that Air Asia.com offer to their customers same like
Online Sport Booking System too which are the guests or users must check availability
and book instantly and after that the users only wait for the confirmation from
reservations staff using an email. See Appendix 3.

2.1.2 Hotel Online Booking System

Now in Malaysia have a lots of hotel services growth faster. To increase and attract
customers to come to their hotel and one of the key is provides an online booking
system but only several hotels will precisely implement this system for their businesses.
The rest, this system only just as a style or trend to be looks like as other hotels and of
course this isvery useful because they can't implement this system into their companies.
The system is exactly provided and users/customers can make a reservation through it.
However, when the users want to check in on that booking's date, the hotel's
management has no record for that booking's data. Besides, the system requires a
JavaScript enable browser for using this system. See Appendix 3.
2.2 General Public License (GPL)

Nowadays, MySQL application is available at no cost to academic institutions. Thus

everybody can use MySQL for individual purposes. For General Public License (GPL)
was created to encourage the free use, distribution, and modification of software. The
GPL also ensures that users are free to use MySQL as well as access to the MySQL
source code. Today, General Public License (GPL) for MySQL is been used at a lot of
institution in this world. The MySQL® database has become the world's most popular
open source database because ofits consistent fast performance, high reliability and ease
of use for support this project.

Besides, it is used on every continent by individual Web developers as well as many of

the world's largest and fastest-growing organizations to save time and money powering
their high-volume Web sites, business-critical systems and packaged software including
industry leaders such as Yahoo!, Alcatel-Lucent, Google, Nokia, YouTube, and
Zappos.com. It is also become the database of choice for a new generation of
applications built on the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP / Perl / Python.)
for this project, MySQL will run on Windows using Internet Information Services (IIS).
Besides, MySQL will give the kind of flexibility that puts you in control. MySQL
continues to have a very high adoption rate across several industries and is known for its
reliability, ease of use, and performance. MySQL 5.0 features are likely to boost
MySQL to even higher adoption rates and may open doors for support for more
packaged applications and tools [6].
2.3 Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

Microsoft Visual Studio is the main Integrated Development Environment (IDE) from
Microsoft. It can be used to develop console and GUI applications along with Windows
Forms applications, web sites, web applications, and web services in both native codes
as well as managed code for all platforms supported by Microsoft Windows, Windows
Mobile, .NET Framework, .NET Compact Framework and Microsoft Silverlight.
Visual Studio includes a code editor supporting IntelliSense as well as code refactoring.
The integrated debugger works both as a source-level debugger and a machine-level
debugger. Other built-in tools include a forms designer for building GUI applications,
web designer, class designer, and database schema designer. It allows plug-ins to be
added that enhance the functionality at almost every level including adding support for
source control systems (like Subversion and Visual SourceSafe) to adding new toolsets
like editors and visual designers for domain-specific languages or toolsets for other
aspects ofthe software development lifecycle (like the Team Foundation Server client:
Team Explorer).

Visual Studio supports languages by means of language services, which allow any
programming language to be supported (to varying degrees) by the code editor and
debugger, provided a language-specific service has been authored. In-built languages
include C/C++ (via Visual C++), VB.NET (via Visual Basic .NET), and C# (via Visual
C#). Support for other languages such as F#, Python, and Ruby among others has been
made available via language services which are to be installed separately. It also
supports XML/XSLT, HTML/XHTML, JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

2.4 Web Server and Internet Information Services (IIS)

Web Server is a computer that delivers (serves up) Web pages. Every Web Server has an
IP address and possibly a domain name. For example, if you enter the URL
http://www.pcwebopedia.com/index.html in your browser, this sends a request to the
server whose domain name is pcwebopedia.com. The server then fetches the page
named index.html and sends it to your browser. Any computer can be turned into a Web
server by installing server software and connecting the machine tothe Internet [7].

Administrators and Web application developers demand a reliable, easily managed, high
performance, and secure Web server. IIS 6.0 and Microsoft Windows Server 2003
introduce many new features for Web application server reliability and availability,
management, scalability, and security. The benefits of deploying IIS 6.0 include less
planned and unplanned system downtime, increased Web site and application
availability, lower system administration costs, server consolidation such as reduced
staffing, hardware, and site management costs, and a significant increase in Web
infrastructure security [7].

Client Business Logic Database

Wety Server

response •rap. -••:;.., response

CliarS viewiw

Sftifctgretf Query

Figure 2.0: System Architecture

2.5 Adobe Photoshop

The interfaces (GUI) for this system will be designed using Adobe Photoshop. This
Photoshop has strong ties with other Adobe software for media editing, animation, and
authoring. Files in Photoshop's native format, .PSD, can be exported to and from Adobe
ImageReady, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Adobe Encore
DVD to make professional standard DVDs and provide non-linear editing and special
effects services, such as backgrounds, textures, and so on, for television, film, and the
Web. For example, Photoshop CS broadly supports making menus and buttons for
DVDs. For .PSD files exported as a menu or button, it only needs to have layers, nested
in layer sets with a cuing format, and Adobe Encore DVD reads them as buttons or
menus [9].

Photoshop can utilize the color models RGB, lab, CMYK, grayscale, binary bitmap, and
duotone. Photoshop has the ability to read and write raster and vector image formats
such as: .EPS, .PNG, .GIF, .JPEG, Fireworks, etc. Italso has several native file formats:

• The .PSD (Photoshop Document) format stores an image with support for most
imaging options available in Photoshop. These include layers with masks, color
spaces, ICC profiles, transparency, text, alpha channels and spot colors, Clipping
paths, and duotone settings. This is in contrast to many other file formats (e.g.
.EPS or .GIF) that restrict content to provide streamlined, predictable
functionality. Photoshop's popularity means that the .PSD format is widely used,
and it is supported to some extent by most competing software.



Methodology is about study of methods that had been used in order to complete task or
project. Thus, in this section, the project methodology will be discussed in two aspect of
methodology, which is the system overview or the flow of the sub tasks and the
development tools that has been used for developing the online sport booking system. In
system overview, it would be more into lifecycle model that had been identified as
appropriate for the project while in development tools section; it will be brief
explanation on what development and DBMS software that will be used throughout the

3.1 Procedure Identification

As for this project, waterfall methodology has been considered to be applied as the
methodology. A waterfall methodology structures a project into distinct phases with
defined deliverables from each phase. The phases are definition, design, coding, testing
and implementation stages. Below is the figure of waterfall model.



Coding stage

Testing ' i_
stage j

Figure 3.0: The Waterfall Model Design

3.1.1 Definition stage

The first phase of this project is to try to capture what the system will do (its
requirements) based on milestones. This is to ensure the system will be on track. Here,
comprehensive research has been done to study the basic concept of the system itself.
During this stage, the problem definition and problem statement ofthe system have been

Detail/Week *8| 10 II 12 U\• 14

Selection of Project Topic

Preliminary Research Work

Submission of Preliminary Report

Seminar 1 (optional)

Project Work

Submission of Progress Report

Seminar 2 (compulsory)

Project work continues

Submission of Interim Report Final


10 Oral Presentation

O* Milestone

Table 3.0: Milestone for First Semester of Final Year Project

h3fctf *- * iDctailteWe'ek r
Project Work Continue

Submission of Progress Report 1

Project Work Continue

Submission of Progress Report 2

Seminar (compulsory)

Project work continue

Poster Exhibition

Submission of Dissertation (soft bound)

Oral Presentation

Submission of Project Dissertation

(Hard Bound)


Table 3.1: Milestone for Second Semester of Final Year Project

3.1.2 Design stage

The second stage determines how it will be designed. Here, some relevant diagrams
such as the use case diagram, flow diagram, Entity Relationship Diagram (See Appendix
6) and so on have been taken into consideration in order to structure the development of
the project.


Manage and control

online system

Give an approval
jimf nil nktllAinl

Figure 3.1: User Models for OSBS

3.1.3 Coding stage

In the middle of the stage is the actual programming started. Here, the appropriate
software and hardware tools as mentioned below are being applied in order to facilitate
the project development process. For this part, it can be analyzed by looking at the C-
Sharp (C#) language coding.

3.1.4 Testing stage

The fourth phase is the full system testing where the stages of testing like unit testing,
integration testing, system testing and user acceptance testing involved in order to
ensure quality of the system.

3.1.5 Implementation stage

The final phase is focused on implementation tasks such as go-live, training, and
documentation. Here, the documentation is being prepared to conclude on the overall
research and experiment, which is basically to know which method can be applied.

3.2 Development tools

The recommended tools are as mention below:

3.2.1 Software

The software tools that can be used to implement the database security system and web
application are such as below:

Software Minimum Requirement

Operating System Window XP Service Pack 2

Supporting Software Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

Adobe Photoshop
MySQL Administrator
MySQL Query Browser
Internet Explorer 5.5
Internet Information Services (IIS)

Scripting Language C#


Table 3.1: Software tools

3.2.2 Hardware

The hardware used for the development of the system is a personal computer with
MySQL server and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 installed in it as well as the following

Hardware Model Reason of usage

Central Processor Unit (CPU) Intel ® Core™ DUO Compatible and stable
Main Memory 1024 Megabytes(MB) or To supportthe Operating
above System and to improve
server's performance
Hard Disk 80 Gigabytes(GB) or To support the Operating
above System and to improve
server's performance

Table 3.2: Hardware tools

3.3 Advantages of C#.Net

As mention before, this system was built using C-Sharp (c#) language as client side,
Internet Information Services as it Web Server and MySQL as it database. Visual C#
.NET is the comprehensive toolset for creating .NET based Windows and Web
applications, and XML Web services using the component-oriented C# development
language [10]. This language is easy to use and give more benefits to beginner for starts
using this language. Here several benefits that from C# language [10].

• Accelerate development of next-generation, broad-reach applications

Visual C# .NET allows developers to build the next-generation of Windows
applications using XML Web services, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, GDI+, and more.

• Join the .NET revolution

Using Visual C# .NET, developers can take advantage ofthe .NET Framework
class library, providing a rich set ofcollection classes, built-in networking,
multi-threading support, and broad support for XML technologies.

• Promote code reuse and publish and consume components

Quickly design flexible software components usable from any .NET language
and import any .NET or COM component written in any language or tool and
build on years of application development.

• Save time with the ultimate developer cockpit

Visual C# .NET provides developers with the Windows Form Designer, Web
Form Designer, XML designer, IntelliSense, and other features for constructing
compelling .NET solutions.

• Get up to speed quickly using existing C++ and Java experience

Using Visual C# .NET, developers can take advantage ofa robust and modern
language and development environment while using their experience with
object-oriented programming languages such as C++ and Java.

• Feel comfortable in a thriving community of developers

Be confident using a powerful new ECMA standards-based language that
ensures community input and consistent innovation and exchange code and
resources with the rapidly growing community of C# developers.



4.1 Data Gathering and Analysis

For the data gathering and analysis part, an interviews and surveys are conducted with
Department ofLandscape and Recreation, Mr. Zawari about the current system that is
used by them. The purpose ofan interview is to know the procedures and the process for
rents or reserve the Ipoh Sport's equipments and also to know the level ofadministers'
access in order to access for the Online Sport Booking System for Ipoh Sport Council
Website. Other than that, it also involve about administers who can responsible for the
new reservation, who can approved the application, who can edit or update users'
personal data and so on. Feedback from the respondent will help in determine level of
satisfaction for administrators and users regarding the online booking system.

The purpose ofsurveys is to get the information or comments from the publics regarding
the old system for making the sport reservation at Ipoh Sport Council. The target user
group of the analysis is any kind of user level such as public user, Ipoh Sport Council
management, and Ipoh Council's staffs and so on that always rent the sport center.
From the surveys, useful information can usually help to implement the Online Sport
Booking System website become more effective and useful.

4.2 Findings

After performing the interviews and surveys, the developer had indentified main
function that very useful to implement in this system. Below show the main functions
embedded in this system and their description according to different users.

Function Description User: Student User: Staff

Login Login into OSBS Yes Yes

Home page Main page for students process Yes

and activities

Create an account Student who does not have a Yes

Username and Password

Make a reservation Student can make a reservation Yes Yes

Check sport status Check facilities' status Yes

Admin page Main page for staff manage a Yes


Add new employee Administrator can add new staff Yes


Manage user - Staff check form application Yes

application - post status for each reservation

About Us page Information about Ipoh Sport Yes Yes


Contact Us page Students can give comments Yes Yes

Logout Logout from OSBS Yes Yes

Table 4.1: Functionality and description in OSBS

Features .NET Java Cold Fusion MX PHP

Compiled Code - Increases website Yes - both precompiled and Yes - both Yes - dynamically No - a 3rd party
speed (precompiled is the fastest) dynamically compiled when a precompiled and compiled when a accelerator can be used to
page is requested dynamically page is requested increase performance but
compiled when a it is not installed on most
page is requested shared hosting servers.
Scripted Language - results in poor No No Somewhat Yes - a 3r party
website performance accelerator can be used to
increase performance but
it is not installed on most
shared hosting servers.
Object Oriented —Increases the ability Yes Yes Somewhat No

for code reuse and provides enhanced

features as well as reduced
development time; since code is more
reusable, results in fewer bugs that can
be discovered by any client and fixed
for everyone; encourages developers to
write more maintainable code.
Supported Development Languages — C++, C#, Perl, Python, Visual Java CFML and PHP

easier to find developers Basic.NET, Delphi, COBOL, CFScript

Jscript.NET, Java (J#), Eiffel,
- 25 languages supported
Browser Specific HTML Rendering - Yes No No No

different HTML is automatically sent

to IE than to Netscape, reducing
incompatibility issues
Open Source No Yes Somewhat Yes

Table 4.2: Comparison .Net, PHP, Java and Cold Fusion MX

4.3 Result and Discussion

The project will be done using web site application. First ofall, need to determine who
will use this form and the next determined the main features needed in this system. The
results ofthe system should be able to perform the function and task that being design to
provides information for both parties.

As stated earlier, the purpose ofthis project isto build an Online Sport Booking System
for Ipoh Sport Council to improve their services for public users. From the interviews
and surveys, the results are shown as below:

4.3.1 Interview : Ipoh Sport Council staff

To gain some insight into what the current system is, how it worked, and what would be
required from an online system, a number of meetings with Encik Zawari from
Department of Landscape and Recreation, the person who's responsible for the sport's
booking ofthe Ipoh Sports Centre, were arranged. Much useful information was got in
these meetings.

• Speed.
o The current system isvery slow for the staffs because they application must need
follow the procedure before the booking is done so when we transferred the old
system to online system, the process for confirmation of booking will done
• Database

o They still keep track the data from users manually. It's very difficult if the
current users want to make another sport's booking for the next times so when
they used database system, the data will stored into the system and they will not
lost the users data too.

4.3.2 Survey : Ipoh Sport Council Staff

During the survey, Ipoh Sport Council's staff was giving some comments regarding this
system which are they're disagreed to use this system because the have difficulties to
understands and follow the steps because their notcomputer literature but, in same times
they're also agreed with this system because it can make them easier to manage the
booking and data, time constraints and etc.

4.3.3 Survey: Students

The following requirements were gained from UTP's student as a user and when asked
what they would like to see from an online booking system. The survey was conducted
for 10 students only. SeeAppendix 1 for questionnaire forms.

• Online help system

o To guide users ifthey have problem during used the online system
• Easy to use
o Make the interface more effective and user-friendly with simple buttons and
icons so easier for users to use.

• Booking consecutive/concurrent slots

o This would allow users to easily book concurrent or consecutive sessions of a
particular activity, without having to book all sessions individually.
• Regular sessions
o Allow users to book the same slot every week or every day.

Online Sport Booking System

3 5 +

4 4

Disagree agree

Figure 4.0: Result survey from students

4.3.4 User-UTP's Student Interfaces

In this stage, I already design first draft for an Online Sport Booking System. See
Appendix 4. Login page

At this page, the user or staff/admin are needed to login if they're already have the
account. For the rest, they're must register for the first time with administrator to give
permission for them to login into this online website. Register
Users who already have their account can login by putting their username and password.
For the first time users, who do not have an account, they must register first before using
this system. They must fill their details in the blank box provided. The blank box with
has (*) must be full filled by the users before they can go to admin homepage and start
using this online sport booking system.

27 Homepage for Student

When user can access the login, they will go to this page automatically. This page is
only for the users who want to get information about Ipoh Sport Council. In this page,
they will know any updates about Ipoh Sport Council and what are the incoming events
that will be doing by Ipoh Sport Council. Users also can get the information about the
past events in this page. From this page, user can belinked to book's application and can
give comments directly to Ipoh Sport Council. About Us

This page is telling the information about the Ipoh Sport council management. Besides,
users can view what is the IPC is all about. Users also will know how the process flows
for this booking system in order for them to get clear view on what they must do before
making the reservation. Facilities

Facilities page will show information about the facilities which are provided by the Ipoh
Sport Council itself. Booking
All reservation will do at this page. The user must fill up the booking information and
submit the booking confirmation to admin. They will book the sport center through
online. They do not use the manual step to booking anymore. Here also have a link
whether the users can check the availability for the sport center itself before make a
reservation. They can set time, date, change the time/date/facilities and also tan cancel
the booking. Contact Us

If users have problem in make a reservation or have any problem regarding this system,
they can contact or email to ISP directly.

4.3.5 Administrator Interfaces

In the administrator interface, same like User interfaces but have additional features
such as tatus reservation and Schedule page where included all information about user's
reservation and also sport facility's availability. SeeAppendix 4. Login page

Admin must fill in their username andpassword in order to access the website. Homepage
Future and past information about the Ipoh sport council can be updated by admin in this
homepage. The advertisements which are related to Ipoh Sport Council also can be put
here. Besides, administrator has additional function which is for adding ..new staff
information. Status reservation

In this page, admin can view all the reservation forms which are submitted by users.
Details about date, time, and users profile also can be viewed from this page. Besides, in
this page also admin will know whose application will approve or rejected. Schedule page

Admin must alert with the availability for the reservation. Here, admin can update,
cancel, and view the schedule before they can proceed or reject the reservation. Comment page

Get comment/questionnaires from users.



Nowadays many companies in Malaysia have start providing Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) in their company. These technologies provide a new
system in order to get services or products just by online system. In Perak also,
government already launched Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Strategic Blueprint known as K-Perak 2010 in May 2005. To make K-Perak more
reliable, this system or any part of this system can be applied and also being used by
Perak citizens. It will cover the users which are the Perak citizen that want to book the
sport complex for several events. This system will be designed in such a way that users
can access it only from their computer with an internet connection. By providing this
system, it can optimize the potential of K-Perak website by making this website user
friendly booking systems. The methodology that will be used is waterfall model because
the structured design waterfall approach are that it identifies system requirements long
before programming begins and it minimizes changes to the requirements as the project
proceeds. According to System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), each ofthe works can
be separated into four fundamental phases: planning, analysis, design and
implementation. In developing this system, the author need to know what the functions
are is useful to parties, users and management and this system is not built for staff
merely, but also for student to have privileges ofonline sport booking system.

There are several advantages gain from the studies and the research analysis which are
to ensure that the system developed will be sufficient enough and contains necessary
functions. In basic, a study on how to develop this system also is another issue. It does
offer an author on how to play with C-Sharp (C#) and their function itself. Besides that,
it also provides a guide during the technical part work such as integrating Application
Programming Interface (API) with web server and databases. Testing stage is very
important in doing anew system because to figure out the errors that was not noticed by
the developer. For example, after completing the system, it should be tested on the real
network server.

As a conclusion, the reliability, authentication and authorization and security are very
important issues even if this system was fully implemented. The whole purpose ofthis
project is to explicitly show how the World Wide Web (WWW) can be utilized to
improve the work activities today.


It I hoped that this system could be implemented at Ipoh Sport Council. In future
hopefully this system can be implemented via phone and SMS reservation. By having
this system, it can reduce time constraint ofbrowsing on the internet.


6.1 Internet

2. http://booking.airasia.com/skylights/cgi-bin/skylights.cgi
3. http://www.mecommerce.com.my/
4. Open source
5. What is open?
6. What is MySQL?
7. What is Web Browser? Internet Information Services?
8. Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
9. Adobe Photoshop
10. Visual Ctt.Net Standard


6.2 Book

1. Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom, David Tegarden, System Analysis and
Design with UML Version 2.0, 2nd Edition
2. Sommerville, Software Engineering^* edition
3. http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/3-13-2005-67039.asp



Instruction: Please tick in the box.
Arahan: Sila tanda (X) dalam kotakyang disediakan.

Occupation: • Government • Non-government • Private

Pekerjaan: O Kerajaan • Swasta 0 Persendirian
Gender: • Male • Female
Jantina: ^ Lelaki'-' Perempuan
Closed Ended Questions:
Instruction: Please tick in the box.

1. Do you like used manually system for book sport centre?

| | Yes [__) No

2. Do you think this current system is effective and efficient?

| | Yes [_] No

3. Do you agree if there has an Online Sport Booking System?

| | Yes [_jj No

4. Do you wish to have a new technology system for sport booking system?
| | Yes Q No Idea

5. How you want the interfaces inthe system look like?


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OnRss Syatanis isThe prowl-v ofthe A_______J____..M.l^ &» lhB lfflrtl
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Acceptcreditcarda ina secure enviionmsnt anil process.(antactioriB usingyour

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Adobe Photoshop Basics Spoe»r«i LBUS
Cou _ outline PlrolosliOLi Fn?e_T«wrHMa
, Over BOO Photoshop tutorials
t*Giapi*ii:9Suliwuie soiled Oftills and user ratine.
ThisIs the mainpage for the Adobe Photoshop Basics Online
SOU-JIJS-l * CW-Jl* *flB'J H>llil_
tsseirtalE Course, Scrolldown to findan autSne of every lesson and every soh-jimi
page in the course.The lessonsare intendedto be worked through in•__rv.fttoXt.i»e-Si*fi____.
the order presented, and at your own pace. Click the linkbelowto rctit,imamsRoyalty Fra
• ciintifiBiiiriiw signup for emaildelivery so you won't missa lesson. Photos Searcft Cvar tODO.OM
, Avert 1l"Bt Lifting Images
• ^.iflvi'.in.*^ ^
Siotuip.(Hdcss-ons. by..Bi.ii.ail Wh ul's Hoi

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Adobe Photoshop Basics Outline *J*eeft<>*«>»i>i>—* • _a^r___.IBS.._ll.!lB
I . UnnmMB.il!iHITFlMlli
The lessons have Been written for 13ff„1iy ^ ^
Photoshop versions 5.0, 5.5, 6.0 inckiding . nt,d tim rwn
. H tail.Dog 0_
_ Ptm'oGI..[I TV4 educational and academically-priced
. when information in a lesson does _4_nKbveCXn»*wa< ,
• Abukir Pnulo.rii1 not apply to all of these versions, notes w_, ih* lui * iifH'i1 ir«nhhE
and/or separate pages willbe provided for gnftmn tamm n mi you. 1Welch VMoiK
each versionwhereapplicable. Users ot gay1™ '•_L™_"*i:.i'
Topics Photoshop 7 and 9 (cs) can follow the n>r*photo-bapdiiauui
navigation labeled for version 6, although •phLtM^imu. l>t*i
new features in these versions will not be • EfcsEtihs____flali
covered. Users of Photoshop 7 andBmay "Sit"1* tH'iclault
encounter minor differences in the locations—-; —
ccihh'ivj rjwa„iv of somecommands, Butmost of these are i-M.#e*»"«(™»Ai™i
noted in the discussion forum threads that • BHJULM_____Eie



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personaMd (PK)
io_ passport
book sport sport
Lnam _
m_rlt_l__tatu. fee_day_™»_kd_v
qij_ntitu_foi_b ok
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cilyTomn -K d.tO*„end -**~Ti i ma ny la oilitlei
oa7fBook sport centra ti rno_t»„sta rt P.A_systefn
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borf<Sport_id pingpon^H. caiieri
gender CPK)
spori_id (FK) spoftjd CPK)
ctimp__addies_ personaMd (FK)


Entity Relationship Diagramfor Online Sport Booking System

Use case Diagramfor OSBS




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Welcome, ShiFattmahAbd Rahman

Student: Home page


Name Siti Fatiniah Abd Rahman
IC No / Passport 840915-05-5348
Address V4-G3-3,Univer_i_TeknologiPet_onas
31750 Bandar Seri Isfcandar.Perak
Tel [Home]
Tel [Mobile] 0122130734

Date Start Date End

104/12/08 104/12/08 Date

Time Start : 19J)0AM Time End : 111.00 AM

Type of facility : Hockey

Booking page


Welcome Mohamad Adzran Hamidun

Staff: Home page


Mar April 2008 ____:

Tue Wed Thu Sat

Sun Hon

1 it

•^ .*t

s > ;_ >. .•*<•

a i_ __; J\ J__ J?

H ' _
__. _ _
,'i" . .i. *•

• •

_y -

i >

Date Name Status
04/12/03 Sit! Fatimah Abd Rahman Pending E_Jj_
Staff: Schedule page

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Majlis Sukan Negeri" Perak ditubuhkan pada 1 November 1989 di bawah Akta Majlis Sukan Negar,
Malaysia 1971, Perintah Majlis SukanNegara Malaysia P'mdaan Jadua! Kedua) 1988 Akta 29. MajlL
Sukan Negeri Perak adalah dfi bawah pengawasan Timbalan Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Pera
(Pentadbirari)yang beribu pejabat diPejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Perak.

Pejabat Majlis Sukan Negeri Perakyang pertama telah bertempat di Pejabat SetiausahaKerajaar
Negeri Perak. Pengarah Majlis Sukan Negeri perak yang pertama ialah Encik Maharyuddin Sii
Arshad yang mula bertugas pada l November 1969 hingga 30 April 1993. Tempat betiai
kemudiannya digantikan oleh Encik Mazelan Bin Ahmad Baharin yang mula bertugas pada 1 Jul;
1993 dan berakhir pada 31 Disember 1996. Tempat beliau digantikan pulaoleh Encik Abdul Puha
Bin MatNayan yang mula bertugaspada l Januari 1997hingga 31 Oktober 2005.
Sebelum pejabat di Bangunan Perak Daru! Ridzuan digunakan, Majlis Sukan Negeri Perak tela!
beroperasi di suatu blok rumah kedar yang disewakan beralamat di No 4, Medan Istana S, Jalai
Panglima Bukit Gantang Wahab, Bandar Ipoh Raya, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Tanggal 1 Disember 2006
kerusi Pengarah Majlis Sukan Negeri Perak tetah disandang oleh Haji Meor Ismail bin Meor Akim
Benkutan dan perubahan kuasa pentadbiran tertmggi Majlis Sukan Negeri Perak, pejabat Ma]li
Sukan Negeri telah berpindah ke Wisma Majlis Sukan Negeri Perak, Kompleks Sukan MSI sehingg;

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We welcome your feedback on Ipoh Sport Council. We will try to respond to all inquiries within two business days. To send
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