Tutorial Letter 101/3/2024: Human Settlements Management I

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Tutorial Letter 101/3/2024

Human Settlements Management I


Semesters 1 and 2

Public Administration and Management

Please register on myUnisa, activate your myLife e-mail account and make sure
that you have regular access to the myUnisa module website,

Note: This is a fully online module. It is therefore only available on myUnisa.


1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 3
2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES ........................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Outcomes ....................................................................................................................................... 4
3 CURRICULUM TRANSFORMATION ............................................................................................ 4
4 LECTURER AND CONTACT DETAILS......................................................................................... 4
4.1 Lecturer ........................................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 Department ..................................................................................................................................... 5
4.3 University ........................................................................................................................................ 5
5 RESOURCES ................................................................................................................................. 6
5.1 Prescribed books ............................................................................................................................ 6
5.2 Recommended books ..................................................................................................................... 6
5.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves) ..................................................................................................... 6
5.4 Library services and resources information .................................................................................... 6
6 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES ................................................................................................. 7
6.1 The Unisa First-Year Experience Programme ................................................................................ 7
7 STUDY PLAN ................................................................................................................................. 8
8 PRACTICAL WORK ....................................................................................................................... 9
9 ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................................... 9
9.1 Assessment criteria ........................................................................................................................ 9
9.2 Assessment plan .......................................................................................................................... 10
9.3 Assessment due dates ................................................................................................................. 10
9.4 Submission of assessments ......................................................................................................... 10
9.4.1 Types of assignments and descriptions ........................................................................................ 11
9.5 The assessments .......................................................................................................................... 12
9.6 Other assessment methods .......................................................................................................... 13
9.7 The examination ........................................................................................................................... 13
9.7.1 Invigilation/proctoring .................................................................................................................... 13
10 ACADEMIC DISHONESTY .......................................................................................................... 14
10.1 Plagiarism ..................................................................................................................................... 14
10.2 Cheating ....................................................................................................................................... 14
11 STUDENTS LIVING WITH DISABILITIES ................................................................................... 14
12 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS .......................................................................................... 14
13 SOURCES CONSULTED ............................................................................................................. 15
14 IN CLOSING ................................................................................................................................. 15
15 ADDENDUM ................................................................................................................................. 15


Dear Student

Welcome to PUB1602 (Human Settlements Management I) and the Department of Public
Administration and Management. As your lecturer, I am at your disposal and will gladly assist you
in your studies. Be assured of my enthusiasm and willingness to support you with advice during
your study programme.
This module in human settlements management is intended for middle and senior managers. It
is also intended for students of Public Administration and Management who desire to specialise
in the administration, management and upgrading of human settlements in South Africa. Indeed,
it is intended for students, senior managers and anyone else involved in administering and
formulating policy pertaining to housing in informal settlements, townships, locations, squatter
camps and the like.
The study material has been designed to serve as an introductory text to human settlements
management and can by no means be regarded as exhaustive. Hence, I do not expect you to
master all the ideas here, but I hope you can apply those that are relevant to good effect. Basically,
the module Human Settlements Management I focuses social housing concepts, principles and
processes regarding affordability, community development, sustainability and location.
This tutorial letter contains important information that will assist you in your studies. Please read
it carefully and keep it at hand when working through the study material, preparing the assignment
answers and addressing questions to your lecturers. In addition to this tutorial letter, you will also
receive printed copies of some of the online study material for your module.
Getting started
Unisa is a comprehensive open distance e-learning institution (CODeL) and is moving towards
becoming an online institution. You will therefore see that all your study material, assessments
and engagements with your lecturer and fellow students will take place online. This tutorial letter
is intended to offer you some guidance in this regard.
Module PUB1602 uses continuous assessments. Continuous assessment means that you are
not going to write any examination, but that all the assignments that you complete throughout the
year will contribute towards your final mark. Continuous assessment refers to the ongoing periodic
and systematic assessment and evaluation of students during the process of learning using a
variety of assessment methods throughout the tuition period. Continuous assessment is an
alternative to a single, final summative assessment, as only these cumulative assessments
contribute to the final mark.
In order to be successful in this module you need to work continuously throughout the semester
and resolve to do all the assignments properly. As this is a fully online module, you need to use
myUnisa to do research, to study and to complete the assignments. You must therefore visit the
module site on myUnisa frequently.


The purpose of module PUB1602 and the specific outcomes that we hope you will achieve are
described in this section.

2.1 Purpose
The main purpose of PUB1602 Human Settlements Management I is to enable students to identify
and explain social housing concepts, principles and processes regarding affordability, community
development, sustainability and location. Furthermore, successful students will be able to collect,
analyse and critically evaluate information on funding options for social housing.
2.2 Outcomes
The outcomes for module PUB1602 are as follows:

• Outcome 1: Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the main areas of

human settlements, and analyse and evaluate different housing tenure options and
mechanisms for social housing.
• Outcome 2: Students will be able to interpret and apply legislative frameworks and other
prerequisites related to housing, including the Constitution, housing codes and various
housing policies.
• Outcome 3: Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of principles relating to
approach and product relative to those institutions and organisations involved in upgrading
human settlements and providing social housing.
• Outcome 4: Students will be able to demonstrate an ability to evaluate different sources of
information, select information and apply well-developed processes and procedures relating
to funding options and opportunities for the provision of social housing.

Unisa has implemented a transformation charter based on five pillars and eight dimensions. In
response to this charter, we have placed curriculum transformation high on the teaching and
learning agenda. Curriculum transformation includes the following pillars: student-centred
scholarship, the pedagogical renewal of teaching and assessment practices, the scholarship of
teaching and learning, and the infusion of African epistemologies and philosophies. These pillars
and their principles are integrated at both programme and module levels following a phased-in
approach. You will notice a marked change in the teaching and learning strategy implemented by
Unisa, together with how the content is conceptualised in your modules. We encourage you to
embrace these changes during your studies at Unisa in a responsive way within the framework
of transformation.


All queries that are not of a purely administrative nature but are about the content of this module
should be directed to your lecturer.
4.1 Lecturer
If you need any guidance, please do not hesitate to contact your lecturer. The contact details of
the lecturer for this module are included in the following table:



Dr PS Raseala [email protected] Tel: +27 12 429 6996

4.2 Department
You can contact the Department of Public Administration and Management as follows:


Ms TT Motsepe [email protected] Tel: +27 12 429 6468

Ms M Nemukondeni [email protected] Tel: +27 12 433 4817

The departmental mailbox is [email protected].

4.3 University


• If you send an e-mail directly to a Unisa e-mail address, insert your student number in the
subject line to ensure the correct routing to an advisor for processing.
• Please check the list carefully and send an enquiry to one e-mail address only. This will
ensure that there is no confusion about who must respond, thereby preventing unnecessary
delays in the response or the e-mail portrayed as spam.

Contact addresses of the various administrative departments appear on the Unisa website at

5.1 Prescribed books
There are no prescribed books for PUB1602; only a study guide is used.

5.2 Recommended books

There are no recommended books for PUB1602.

5.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves)

There are no e-reserves for this module.
5.4 Library services and resources information
The Unisa Library offers a range of information services and resources:

• For brief information, go to https://www.unisa.ac.za/library/libatglance.

• For more detailed library information, go to
• For research support and services (e.g. the services offered by personal librarians and the
request a literature search service offered by the information search librarians), go to
• For library training for undergraduate students, go to

The Library has created numerous library guides, which are available at
Recommended guides:

• Request and find library material/download recommended material:

• Postgraduate information services: http://libguides.unisa.ac.za/request/postgrad
• Finding and using library resources and tools: http://libguides.unisa.ac.za/Research_skills
• Frequently asked questions about the library: http://libguides.unisa.ac.za/ask
• Services to students living with disabilities: http://libguides.unisa.ac.za/disability
• A–Z of library databases: https://libguides.unisa.ac.za/az.php

Important contact information:

• Ask a librarian: https://libguides.unisa.ac.za/ask

• Technical problems encountered in accessing library online services: [email protected]
• General library-related queries: [email protected]


• Queries related to library fines and payments: [email protected]

• Social media channels: Facebook: UnisaLibrary and Twitter: @UnisaLibrary


The Study @ Unisa brochure is available on myUnisa at www.unisa.ac.za/brochures/studies.
This brochure contains important information and guidelines on successful studies through Unisa.
If you need assistance with the myModules system, you are welcome to use the following contact

• Toll-free landline: 0800 00 1870 (Select option 07 for myModules.)

• E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

Visit https://dtls-qa.unisa.ac.za/course/view.php?id=32130 to access and view short videos on

topics such as how to view your calendar, how to access module content, how to view
announcements for modules, how to submit assessment and how to participate in forum activities.

Registered Unisa students get a free myLife e-mail account. Important information, notices and
updates are sent exclusively to this account. Please note that it can take up to 24 hours for
your account to be activated after you have claimed it. Please do this immediately after
registering at Unisa, by following this link: [email protected]

Your myLife account is the only e-mail account recognised by Unisa for official correspondence
with the University, and will remain the official primary e-mail address on record at Unisa. You
remain responsible for the management of this e-mail account.

6.1 The Unisa First-Year Experience Programme

Many students find the transition from school education to tertiary education stressful. This is also
true in the case of students enrolling at Unisa for the first time. Unisa is a dedicated open distance
and e-learning institution, and it is very different from face-to-face/contact institutions. It is a mega
university, and all our programmes are offered through either blended learning or fully online
learning. It is for this reason that we thought it necessary to offer first-time students
additional/extended support to help them seamlessly navigate the Unisa teaching and learning
journey with little difficulty and few barriers. We therefore offer a specialised student support
programme to students enrolling at Unisa for the first time – this is Unisa’s First-Year Experience
(FYE) Programme, designed to provide you with prompt and helpful information about the
services that the institution offers and how you can access information. The following FYE
services are currently offered:

FYE website E-mail support

www.unisa.ac.za/FYE [email protected]

myUnisa; Study
Referrals to Skills; Academic &
orientation Digital Literacies;
other support
services, e.g. etc.
reading & writing

To ensure that you receive all the important academic and support information from the SRU,
please check your myLife inbox regularly.

You need roughly between four and eight hours of study time per week for each module.
The table that follows can be used as a guideline on how to plan your study for PUB1602. Please
note that all your study material is electronically available on myUnisa.


Receive study material.

Read Tutorial Letter 101.
Start reading through the study material and Lessons online.
Lesson 1: Introduction to public housing in South Africa
Lesson 2: Legislation and policy framework
Lesson 3: Role-players and stakeholders
Lesson 4: Funding options for public housing
Continue reading through your study guide in preparation for the


Not applicable.

9.1 Assessment criteria
The assessment criteria are described in this section.

Assessment criteria for Learning Outcome 1

• Exhibit an ability to identify and explain social housing concepts, principles and processes,
with the emphasis on the social purpose of providing housing – for example, supply and
demand, affordability, community development, sustainability and location.
• Demonstrate and communicate complex information on the implementation of housing
• Explain the main areas of social housing and human settlement upgrading, including how to
analyse and evaluate different housing tenure options and mechanisms for social housing.

Assessment criteria for Learning Outcome 2

• Interpret and apply the legislative frameworks and other prerequisites related to housing,
including the Constitution, housing codes and various housing policies.
• Interpret and apply the rules set out in legislative frameworks on housing.
• Solve well-defined but unfamiliar problems and follow the correct procedures to fulfil the intent
of social housing legislative frameworks.
• Select and apply central procedures for social housing institutions, funding structures and the
infrastructure that support social housing in South Africa.
• Use basic information technology to present information, and to clarify the nature of
implementation mechanisms and supporting resources for social housing in the country.

Assessment criteria for Learning Outcome 3

• Understand the overall and holistic structure involved in facilitating and regulating public
human settlements in the developing South Africa.
• Identify concepts that apply to long-term commitment to, meaningful stakeholder participation
in and individual responsibility for housing.
• Critically analyse and synthesise information in order to differentiate between potential
products in terms of residential accommodation, tenure options, subsidised affordable housing
and suitable location.
• Describe the correct procedures for evaluating performance against given criteria using
models for social institutions, and subsequently evaluating social institutions against social
purpose and strategic intent.
• Explain how an approach to social housing and social housing products relate to the
governance structures of legally allowed social institutions in South Africa.

• Define government structures, recognise limitations in the powers and responsibilities of role-
players, and determine the level of beneficiary participation in associated public management

Assessment criteria for Learning Outcome 4

• Discuss the principles and values of funding and financing in the social housing sector.
• Explain the purpose of funding programmes, such as the Breaking New Ground Plan,
Affordable Rental Housing Programme, Community Residential Unit Programme and Finance
Linked Individual Subsidy Programme.
• Describe the purpose of a variety of funding institutions, such as the National Home Builders
Registration Council, National Housing Finance Corporation, National Urban Reconstruction
and Housing Agency, Social Housing Regulatory Authority, Housing Development Agency,
SERVCON Housing Solutions and Thubelisha Homes.
• Identify and describe the following social housing subsidies: Farm Resident Subsidy,
Individual Housing Subsidy, Institutional Housing Subsidy, Rural Subsidy: Communal Land
Rights, Consolidation Housing Subsidy, Subsidies for People With Disabilities and Enhanced
Extended Discount Benefit Scheme.

9.2 Assessment plan

• To complete this module, you must submit SIX (6) assignments.

• All information on when and where to submit your assignments will be made available to
you via the myUnisa module site.
• Due dates for assignments, as well as the actual assignments, are available on the myUnisa
module site.
• Your assignments will consist of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and essay-type
• Continuous assessment means that you will not write an examination, but that all the
assignments that you complete throughout the year will contribute towards your final mark.
• The year mark carries a weight of 100% towards the final mark.

9.3 Assessment due dates

• NO assignment due dates are included in this tutorial letter.

• Assignment due dates will be made available to you on the landing page of the module site
on myUnisa. We envisage that the due dates will be available to you upon registration.
• Please start working on your assignments as soon as you have registered for the module.
• Log on to the myUnisa site for this module to obtain more information on the due dates for
the submission of the assignments.

9.4 Submission of assessments

• Unisa, as a comprehensive open distance e-learning institution (CODeL), is moving towards

becoming an online institution. You will therefore see that all your study material, assessments

and engagements with your lecturer and fellow students will take place online. We use
myUnisa as our virtual campus.
• The myUnisa virtual campus offers students access to the myModules site, where learning
material will be available online and where assessments should be completed. This is an
online system that is used to administer, document and deliver educational material to
students, and support engagement between academics and students.
• The myUnisa platform can be accessed via https://my.unisa.ac.za. Click on the myModules
2024 button to access the online sites for your registered modules.
• The University undertakes to communicate clearly and as frequently as is necessary to ensure
that you obtain the greatest benefit from the use of the myModules learning management
system. Please access the announcements on your myModules site regularly, as this is where
your lecturer will post important information to be shared with you.
• When you access your myModules site for your registered modules, you will see a welcome
message posted by your lecturer. Below the welcome message you will see the assessment
shells for the assessments that you need to complete. Some assessments may consist of
multiple-choice questions, while others might involve tests, written assessments, forum
discussions, and so on. All assessments must be completed in the assessment shells
available on the respective module platforms.
• To complete quiz assessments, please log on to the module site where you need to complete
the assessment. Click on the relevant assessment shell (Assessment 1, Assessment 2, etc.).
There will be a date on which the assessment will open for you. When the assessment is open,
access the quiz online and complete it within the time available to you. Quiz assessment
questions are not included in this tutorial letter (Tutorial Letter 101) and are only made
available online. You must therefore access the quiz online and complete it online where the
quiz has been created.
• It is not advisable to use a cellphone to complete a quiz. Please use a desktop computer,
tablet or laptop when completing a quiz. Students who use a cellphone find it difficult to
navigate the Online Assessment tool on the small screen and often struggle to navigate
between questions and to complete the quizzes successfully. In addition, cellphones are more
vulnerable to dropped internet connections than other devices. If at all possible, do NOT use
a cellphone for this assessment type.
• For written assessments, please note the due date by which the assessment must be
submitted. Ensure that you follow the guidelines given by your lecturer to complete the
assessment. Click on the submission button on the relevant assessment shell on myModules.
You will then be able to upload your written assessment on the myModules site of your
registered modules. Before you finalise the upload, double-check that you have selected the
correct file for upload. Remember, no marks can be allocated for incorrectly submitted

9.4.1 Types of assignments and descriptions

All assignments are defined as either optional, mandatory, compulsory, or elective.

• Elective assignments
o If not submitted, the student gets no mark for this item.
o The best of the required submissions will count.

• Mandatory assignments
o If not submitted, the student gets no mark for this item.
• Compulsory assignments
o If not submitted, the result on the student’s academic record will be absent.
• Optional assignments
o You are encouraged as a student to do optional assignment so that it may benefit
your learning.
I. Elective assignments
a. the student is given a choice of which assignments within an identified group to submit,
only the best result(-s), the number of which is specified in advance, will contribute
towards the year mark.
b. elective assignments must also be grouped into an elective group.
c. for the student to select which assignment to submit, the elective assignments must be
grouped together. For such an elective group, relevant information must be provided to
the student, such as how many of the assignments must be submitted and how many
of the assignment marks should be combined into the year mark.
d. The selection criteria define how marks received for assignments in an elective group
are to be combined into the year mark. Three different criteria may be used for
calculating the year mark:
· The best mark should be used, or
· If the student submits fewer than the required number of assignments per group or
no assignment in a group, a mark of 0% will be used.
· 0% is awarded to all non-submitted or unmarked assessments. A best mark is
then calculated from all items.
II. Mandatory assignments
a. contribute to the year mark.
b. If a student fails to submit a mandatory assignment, no mark is awarded and the year
mark is calculated accordingly. The student will therefore forfeit the marks attached to
this assignment when the final mark for the module is calculated.
III. Compulsory assessment
a. when not submitted, the student will fail a Continuous Assessment module but will be
shown as absent from the examination in the case of other modules.
IV. Optional assignments – You are encouraged as a student to do optional assignment so
that it may benefit your learning.

9.5 The assessments

As indicated in section 9.2, you must complete SIX (6) assessments for this module. Due dates
for assessments, as well as the actual assessments, are available on the myUnisa module site.

9.6 Other assessment methods

Not applicable.

9.7 The examination

As this is a continuous assessment module, there will be no formal examination for this module.
What is important is that you complete and do well in each of the assignments you must complete
for this module. In cases where your marks are not satisfactory, please contact the lecturer to
discuss how to improve your marks for those assignments.

9.7.1 Invigilation/proctoring
Unisa conducts all its assessments online. Given stringent requirements from professional bodies
and increased solicitation of Unisa’s students by third parties to assist them unlawfully in
completing assignments and examinations, the University is obliged to assure its assessment
integrity using various proctoring tools: Turnitin, Moodle Proctoring, The Invigilator App and IRIS.
These tools authenticate the student’s identity and flag suspicious behaviour to assure credibility
of students’ responses during assessments. The description below is for your benefit as you may
encounter any or all of these in your registered modules:
Turnitin is plagiarism software that facilitates checks for originality in students’ submissions
against internal and external sources. Turnitin assists in identifying academic fraud and ghost
writing. Students are expected to submit typed responses when Turnitin software is used.
The Moodle Proctoring tool is facial recognition software that authenticates students’ identity
during their Quiz assessments. This tool requires access to a student’s mobile or laptop camera.
Students must ensure their camera is activated in their browser settings prior to their
The Invigilator App verifies the identity of an assessment participant. The app detects student
dishonesty-by-proxy and ensures that the assessment participant is the registered student. This
invigilation tool requires students to download the app from their app store (Google, Huawei and
Apple) on their camera-enabled mobile devices prior to their assessment.
IRIS Invigilation software verifies the identity of a student during assessment and provides for
both manual and automated facial verification. It has the ability to record and review a student’s
assessment session. It flags suspicious behaviour by students for review by an academic
administrator. IRIS software requires installation on students’ laptop devices, which must be
enabled with a webcam.
Students who are identified and flagged for suspicious or dishonest behaviour arising from the
invigilation and proctoring reports are referred to the disciplinary office for formal proceeding.
Please note:
Students must refer to their module assessment information on their myModule sites to determine
which proctoring or invigilation tool will be utilised for their formative and summative assessments.

10.1 Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the act of taking the words, ideas and thoughts of others and presenting them as
your own. It is a form of theft which involves several dishonest academic activities, such as the

• cutting and pasting from any source without acknowledging the source
• not including or using incorrect references
• paraphrasing without acknowledging the original source of the information

10.2 Cheating
Cheating includes, but is not limited to, the following:

• completing assessments on behalf of another student, copying from another student during
an assessment or allowing a student to copy from you
• using social media (e.g. WhatsApp, Telegram) or other platforms to disseminate
assessment information
• submitting corrupt or irrelevant files
• buying completed answers from “tutors” or internet sites (contract cheating)

More information about plagiarism can be downloaded at



The Advocacy and Resource Centre for Students with Disabilities (ARCSWiD) provides an
opportunity for staff to interact with new and returning students with disabilities.
If you are a student with a disability and would like additional support or need additional time for
assessments, you are invited to contact the primary lecturer for the module so that you can be


We receive the same enquiries from students over and over again, therefore we have decided to
include these frequently asked questions in this tutorial letter.
1. Where can I find the most important telephone numbers if I have enquiries relating to
administration, study material, the examination timetable and so on?
Important telephone numbers are given in the brochure Study @ Unisa.


2. I would like to do some additional exercises. Could you provide me with tutorial letters
from previous years?
Owing to limited storage space, Unisa neither keeps tutorial letters from previous years nor
makes them available to students.
3. What must I do if I experience problems with the content of the study material?
Do not hesitate to contact your tutor or the lecturer responsible for the module. You can
phone your lecturer during official office hours (not evenings), make an appointment to see
them personally, write a letter or send an e-mail. Alternatively you can post your problem on
the myUnisa Discussion Forums.
4. My assignment is late because … Can I submit it at a later date?
It is your responsibility to ensure that your assignment is submitted on or before the due
date. Multiple-choice question assignments are marked by a mark-reading device on a fixed
date as specified in advance in the planning schedule of the Assignment Section. Hence,
multiple-choice question assignments submitted after the due date will not be marked.

University of South Africa. 2017. Human Settlements Management I: Study guide for PUB1602.
Pretoria: University of South Africa.

Do not hesitate to contact your lecturer if you are experiencing problems with the content of this
tutorial letter or any aspect of the module.
I wish you a fascinating and satisfying journey through the learning material and trust that you will
complete the module successfully.
Enjoy the journey!



IsiZulu Northern Sotho Setswana
Sithola imibuzo evela Re amogela dipotšišo tše ntši Re amogela dipotso tse dintsi
kubafundi bebuza imibuzo go tšwa go baithuti bao ba go tswa kwa baithuting ba ba
efanayo bephindelela njalo botšišago dipotšišo tša go botsang potso e le nngwe
nje. Ngakho-ke, sesinqume swana gantšintši. Bjalo, re gantsintsi. Ka jalo, re
ukuthi sifake le mibuzo tšeere sephetho sa go sweditse go akaretsa dipotso
evamise ukubuzwa kule akaretša dipotšišo tše tša go tseno tse di bodiwang gantsi

IsiZulu Northern Sotho Setswana
ncwadi ebizwa nge-tutorial botšišwa gantšintši ka gare mo lekwalong leno la
letter. ga lengwalotlhahlo. bofatlhosi.
1. Ngabe ngingazithola 1. Nka hwetša kae 1. Nka bona kae dinomoro
kuphi izinombolo dinomoro tša mogala tša tsa mogala tse di
zocingo ezibalulekile bohlokwa kudu ge ke na botlhokwa go gaisa fa ke
uma nginemibuzo le dipotšišo mabapi le, na le dipotsiso malebana
emayelana nalokhu go fa mohlala, le, sekai, tsamaiso,
okulandelayo, tshepedišo, metheriale dimatheriale tsa go
isibonelo,umnyango wa thuto goba lenaneo ithuta gongwe
wezokulawula, la ditlhahlobo? lenaanenako la
womatheriyeli Dinomoro tša mogala tša tlhatlhobo?
bokufunda noma bohlokwa di filwe ka gare Dinomoro tsa botlhokwa
ithebula equkethe ga pukwana ya Study @ tsa megala di neelwa mo
izinsuku zokubhalwa Unisa. bukaneng ya Study @
kwezivivinyo? Unisa.
Izinombolo zocingo
ezisemqoka zinikezwa
kwincwajana ibhrosha i-
Study @ Unisa.
2. Bengithanda ukwenza 2. Ke rata go dira 2. Ke eletsa go dira
eminye imisebenzi mešongwana ye ditirwana tsa tlaleletso.
ngaphezulu. Ungakwazi mengwe ya tlaleletšo. Le A o ka kgona go
yini ukungihlinzeka ka mpha mangwalo a ntlamela ka makwalo a
ngezincwadi ezingama- thutatlhahlo a bofatlhosi a dingwaga
tutorial letters esikhathi mengwaga ye e fetilego? tse di fetileng?
esedlule? Ka lebaka la sekgoba se Ka ntlha ya bobolokelo jo
Ngenxa yokuswela indawo se nnyane sa bobolokelo, bo lekanyeditsweng,
eyanele yokugcina Unisa ga e beye Unisa ga e tshole
impahla, i-Unisa ayikwazi mangwalotlhahlo a makwalo a bofatlhosi a
ukugcina ama-tutorial mengwaga ya go feta dingwaga tse di fetileng le
letters eminyaka edlulile goba go di dira gore a fa e le go a rebolela
kanti futhi angeke ikwazi hwetšagale go baithuti. baithuti.
ukusiza abafundi
ngomatheriyeli beminyaka
3. Ngabe yini okufanele 3. Ke dira eng ge ke 3. Ke dira eng fa ke
ngikwenze uma itemogela mathata ka itemogela mathata ka
ngihlangabezana diteng tša metheriale wa diteng tsa matheriale wa
nezinkinga ezimayelana thuto? go ithuta?
nolwazi oluqukethe O se diege go kgokagana Se okaoke go ikgolaganya
wumatheriyeli le tšhutha goba mofahloši le mofatlhosi gongwe
wokufunda? wa gago yoo a motlhatlheledi wa gago yo
Ungathandabuzi xhumana hlokometšego motšulo. O o ikarabelang mo
ne-tutor yakho noma ka leletša mofahloši wa mojuleng. O ka leletsa
uthisha wakho oqondene gago ka nako ya diiri tša motlhatlheledi ka dinako
nomojuli. Ungashayela mošomo (e sego tsa semmuso tsa tiro (e



IsiZulu Northern Sotho Setswana
ucingo uthisha wakho mantšiboa), bea lebaka la seng bosigo), o dire
ngamahora okusebenza go ba bona ka sebele, peelano ya go mmona ka
(hayi ebusuku), yenza ngwala lengwalo goba sebele, o kwale lekwalo
isicelo ngaphambi romela i-meili. Goba o ka gongwe o romele emeile.
kwesikhathi sokubonana phousta bothata bja gago Go seng jalo o ka posa
nothisha bakho, bhala mo go Diforamo tša bothata jwa gago mo
incwadi noma uthumele i- Poledišano tša myUnisa. Discussion Forums mo
imeyili. Uma kungenjalo, myUnisa.
ungathumela inking yakho
ku-myUnisa Discussion
4. I-asayimenti yami 4. Asaenmente ye e 4. Tirogae ya me e thari
yedlulelwe yisikhathi latetšwe gobane … Nka gonne... A nka e romela
ngoba … e romela ka letlha le le tlang?
Ngingayithumela yini letšatšikgweding la ka Ke maikarabelo a gago go
ngosuku olungemuva morago? netefatsa gore tirogae ya
kosuku lokuvalwa? Ke maikarabelo a gago go gago e fitlhelela
Kuwumsebenzi wakho kgonthiša gore khamphasekgolo ya Unisa
ukuqinisekisa ukuthi i- asaenmente ya gago e ka/gongwe pele ga letlha
asayimenti yakho ifika fihla khamphaseng ye la neelo. Ditirogae tsa
kukhamphasi yase-Unisa kgolo ya Unisa ka la/goba dipotso tsa
engundlunkulu ngaphambi pele ga letšatšikgwedi la boitlhophelobontsi di
kosuku/ngosuku go tswalela. tshwaiwa ka sedirisiwa se
olubekiwe. Ama- Diasaenmente tša se buisang matshwao ka
asayimenti aqukethe dipotšišo tša kgetho-katišo letlha le le tsepameng
imibuzo enezimpendulo di swayiwa ke setlabela sa jaaka go tlhalositswe pele
ozikhethelayo (multiple- go bala dintlha ka letšatši mo sejuleng ya
choice question) amakwa le le sa fetolegego bjalo ka thulaganyo ya Karolo ya
ngethuluzi elibizwa nge- ge go laeditšwe peleng ka Ditirogae. Ka jalo,
mark-reading device gare ga šetulo ya ditirogae tsa dipotso tsa
ngosuku olubekiwe peakanyo ya Karolo ya boitlhophelobontsi tse di
njengoba kuchazwe Diasaenmente. Bjalo, rometsweng morago ga
ngokugcwele ngaphambili diasaenmente tša letlha la go neela di ka se
kushejuli yokuhlela dipotšišo tša kgetho-katišo ke tsa tshwaiwa.
yesigaba se-asayimenti i- tša go tlišwa ka morago ga
Assignment Section. letšatšikgwedi la go
Yingakho, ama-asayimenti tswalela di ka se swayiwe.
aqukethe imibuzo
ozikhethayo, uma
ethunyelwa ngemuva
kosuku lokugcina kungeke

Unisa 2023


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