MENTORING Foundations

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Effective Strategies Foundations of

for Providing Quality

Youth Mentoring in
Schools and Communities Successful

National Mentoring Center

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left intentionally blank for proper pagination
when printing.
of Successful
Effective Strategies for Providing Quality

Youth Mentoring
Youth Mentoring in Schools and Communities
A Guidebook for Program Development

Revised September 2007

Published by:
The Hamilton Fish Institute on School and Community Violence &
The National Mentoring Center at Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory

With support from:

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention,
U.S. Department of Justice
Hamilton Fish Institute on School and Community Violence
The George Washington University
2121 K Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20037-1830
Ph: (202) 496-2200
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:

Hamilton Fish Institute Director:

Dr. Beverly Caffee Glenn

National Mentoring Center

Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory
101 SW Main St., Suite 500, Portland, OR 97204
Toll-free number: 1-800-547-6339, ext. 135
E-mail: [email protected]

National Mentoring Center Director:

Eve McDermott

Contributing Authors:
Michael Garringer and Patti MacRae

Edited by:
Michael Garringer and Patti MacRae

Technical editor:
Eugenia Cooper Potter

Layout design:
Dennis Wakeland

Cover design:
Paula Surmann

©2008, National Mentoring Center

All Rights Reserved

This project was supported by the Hamilton Fish Institute on School

and Community Violence through Award No. 2005-JL-FX-0157 awarded
by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of
Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Points of view or opinions
in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent
the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice or the
Hamilton Fish Institute.
About the Effective Strategies for
Providing Quality Youth Mentoring in
Schools and Communities Series
Mentoring is an increasingly popular way of providing guidance and
support to young people in need. Recent years have seen youth
mentoring expand from a relatively small youth intervention (usually
for youth from single-parent homes) to a cornerstone youth service
that is being implemented in schools, community centers, faith
institutions, school-to-work programs, and a wide variety of other
youth-serving institutions.

While almost any child can benefit from the magic of mentoring,
those who design and implement mentoring programs also need
guidance and support. Running an effective mentoring program is not
easy, and there are many nuances and programmatic details that can
have a big impact on outcomes for youth. Recent mentoring research
even indicates that a short-lived, less-than-positive mentoring
relationship (a hallmark of programs that are not well designed) can
actually have a negative impact on participating youth. Mentoring
is very much worth doing, but it is imperative that programs imple-
ment proven, research-based best practices if they are to achieve their
desired outcomes. That’s where this series of publications can help.

The Effective Strategies for Providing Quality Youth Mentoring in

Schools and Communities series, sponsored by the Hamilton Fish
Institute on School and Community Violence, is designed to give
practitioners a set of tools and ideas that they can use to build qual-
ity mentoring programs. Each title in the series is based on research
(primarily from the esteemed Public/Private Ventures) and observed
best practices from the field of mentoring, resulting in a collection of
proven strategies, techniques, and program structures. Revised and
updated by the National Mentoring Center at the Northwest Regional
Educational Laboratory, each book in this series provides insight into
a critical area of mentor program development:

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring—This title offers a compre-

hensive overview of the characteristics of successful youth mentoring
programs. Originally designed for a community-based model, its
advice and planning tools can be adapted for use in other settings.

Generic Mentoring Program Policy and Procedure Manual—Much of
the success of a mentoring program is dependent on the structure
and consistency of service delivery, and this guide provides advice and
a customizable template for creating an operations manual for a local
mentoring program.

Training New Mentors—All mentors need thorough training if they

are to possess the skills, attitudes, and activity ideas needed to
effectively mentor a young person. This guide provides ready-to-use
training modules for your program.

The ABCs of School-Based Mentoring—This guide explores the nu-

ances of building a program in a school setting.

Building Relationships: A Guide for New Mentors—This resource is

written directly for mentors, providing them with 10 simple rules for
being a successful mentor and quotes from actual volunteers and
youth on what they have learned from the mentoring experience.

Sustainability Planning and Resource Development for Youth Mentoring

Programs—Mentoring programs must plan effectively for their
sustainability if they are to provide services for the long run in their
community. This guide explores key planning and fundraising strate-
gies specifically for youth mentoring programs.

The Hamilton Fish Institute and the National Mentoring Center hope
that the guides in this series help you and your program’s stakehold-
ers design effective, sustainable mentoring services that can bring
positive direction and change to the young people you serve.

The original version of this publication was developed under a coop-
erative agreement with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Prevention (OJJDP). The National Mentoring Center (NMC) would
like to thank the OJJDP for its continued support for the devel-
opment of resources and tools that benefit mentoring programs

The NMC would also like to thank our original partner agencies Big
Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBSA), Public/Private Ventures
(P/PV), and Information Technology International (ITI) for their criti-
cal insights into mentoring program development. We also thank
the following individuals who participated in the conceptual devel-
opment of this publication: Joyce Corlett, Janet Forbush, Mark Fulop,
Carla Herrera, Rene Hoover, Jodi Jaworski, Jayme Marshall, Elizabeth
Mertinko, Larry Novotney, John Patterson, Vikki Rennick, Christian
Rummell, and Dr. Susan Weinberger.

The NMC also thanks Scott Peterson at the Office of Juvenile Justice
and Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice for his sup-
port of the NMC and for mentoring in general. Finally, we thank the
Hamilton Fish Institute on School and Community Violence at The
George Washington University for their support in developing and
disseminating this revised publication.

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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
How To Use This Guidebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Moving Forward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Section 1. Preparing To Start a New Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Find Your Niche: Assessing the Need for Mentoring in Your Community . . . . . . .3
Create (or Get Support From) a Board or Advisory Committee . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Cultivate a Strong Knowledge of Mentoring and Youth Development Research . . . .9
Develop a Mission Statement, a Vision, and a Logic Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Develop Partnerships To Deliver Services Effectively . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Plan Implementation Carefully . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Section II. Designing Mentoring Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Volunteer Recruitment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Initial Orientation of Prospective Mentors and Mentees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Mentor/Mentee Intake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Mentor Screening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Making Matches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Monitoring Matches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Match Closure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Program Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Section III. Sustaining the Program Through Increased
Organizational Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Develop a Written Policy and Procedure Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Implement a Resource Development Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Develop a Qualified and Stable Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Use Training and Technical Assistance Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Increase Community Awareness of the Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Use Evaluation Data for Program Enhancement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Collaborate With Other Local Youth-Serving Organizations. . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Checklist of Program Progress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Timeline for New Mentoring Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Recommended Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

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About This Guidebook

T here is a great deal of variety in the design

and structure of youth mentoring programs
across the United States. Every program is unique
in some way and faces its own circumstances. But
there are some common characteristics that suc-
cessful adult-youth mentoring programs share.
This guide is intended to provide a generic pro-
gram model based on current research that can be
adapted and implemented in a variety of settings.

Citations of specific research findings have been

included in this guide where appropriate, but
there are several key pieces of literature on youth Rhodes, J.E. (2002). Stand by me: The risks
mentoring that contributed greatly to the overall and rewards of mentoring today’s youth.
program advice and structure promoted here: Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Rhodes, J.E., & Dubois, D.L. (2006).
DuBois, D.L., Holloway, B.E., Valentine,
Understanding and facilitating the youth
J.C., & Cooper, H. (2002). Effectiveness of
mentoring movement. Social Policy Report,
mentoring programs for youth: A meta-
analytic review. American Journal of Com-
munity Psychology, 30(2), 157–197. Tierney, J., & Grossman, J.B., (with Resch,
N.L.). (2000). Making a difference: An
Dubois, D.L., & Karcher, M.J. (Eds.). (2005).
impact study of Big Brothers/Big Sisters.
Handbook of youth mentoring. Thousand
(Reissued ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Public/
Oaks, CA: Sage.
Private Ventures.
Grossman, J.B. (Ed.). (1999). Contemporary
issues in mentoring. Philadelphia, PA: Public/ In addition to these valuable resources, the
Private Ventures. National Mentoring Center has also drawn on its
experience providing training and technical assis-
Grossman, J.B., & Rhodes, J.E. (2002). The tance to thousands of local programs nationwide
test of time: Predictors and effects of dura- in developing the content of this guidebook. The
tion in youth mentoring programs. Ameri- program components recommended here reflect
can Journal of Community Psychology, 30(2), our history of working with clients to imple-
199–219. ment real solutions to the common issues that
Jekielek, S., Moore, K.A., & Hair, E.C. mentoring programs need to address.
(2002). Mentoring programs and youth This guidebook is not meant to be the only
development: A synthesis. Washington, DC: resource you will ever need or the definitive word
Child Trends. on any of the topics covered. Instead, it is meant

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

to give your program a solid understanding of ponents can help you gauge what your
what it takes to build a successful program, with program is doing right and which aspects
the expectation that you will build on this foun- of your services may need improvement.
dation by continuing to implement new ideas,
apply new mentoring research, and refine your
program’s strategies and services over time. Moving Forward
Starting a mentoring program can be a lot of
How To Use This work and all of the information provided in
this guide can be somewhat daunting to a new
Guidebook program and its staff members. But the infor-
mation provided here will actually save you
This guidebook is designed to provide useful
time and effort by guiding your decision making
information for a number of different audiences.
and aligning your services with best practices
Members of a program’s Board of Directors or
that are known to work. Even though there are
Advisory Committee may find the guide useful
many key decisions to be made about how your
in designing program policies and in developing
program will be structured, the good news is
appropriate community partnerships to best
that you do not have to “reinvent the wheel”
deliver effective mentoring services. Program
when it comes to designing your program.
coordinators can find a wealth of useful infor-
mation here to help design their day-to-day Mentoring is a very powerful and personal way
services and ensure that participants will be to enhance the lives of all types of youth. As
satisfied with their mentoring experience. Ide- you move forward with your valuable, life-
ally, board members (who have the authority changing program, we hope this guide is a
to make decisions about how the program will useful tool for analyzing where your program is
be implemented) and program coordinators today and enhancing the services you offer in
(who must implement the program) will work the future.
together to use the framework provided here in
creating solutions that meet program goals.

Both programs that are in the early stages of

development and more established programs
will find value in this guidebook:

Programs in the planning stages will find

the recommendations helpful in inform-
ing the overall development of their
mentoring services. The self-assessment
questions and planning checklist offer
tools to help you focus your planning
and build a program model that works
for your specific circumstances.

Programs that are already up and running

may use this guide as a program assess-
ment tool. Revisiting each of these com-

Section 1.

To Start
a New

T his section is designed to guide

programs through the early stages
of planning new mentoring services to goals. Even if you already have a specific youth
meet an unmet need in their community. The population in mind, a community needs assess-
program components recommended in this sec- ment can help identify potential partners and
tion should be completed prior to opening your can help clarify the specific role your program
doors: they ensure that the rationale for creat- might play in conjunction with other educa-
ing your mentoring program is sound and that tional and development opportunities available
your program is laying the groundwork for the to your target youth.
community support it will need to thrive. In essence, a community needs assessment
documents the challenges and problems facing
young people, as well as the existing services
Find Your Niche: Assessing available to youth in the community. By com-
the Need for Mentoring in paring the needs of youth with the services
currently being provided, your program can best
Your Community determine the unmet needs that it can address.
As mentoring has grown in popularity in recent Sometimes the needs of youth in the commu-
years, the number of new mentoring programs nity will be readily apparent: widespread gang
being created has increased considerably. While activity or substance abuse, for example. But
this is certainly positive for America’s youth, even if there are glaring needs, your program
it is important that new programs understand should have a good understanding of the many
their place in the community and avoid dupli- other areas in which youth in the community
cating existing services. might need assistance. Common areas pro-
The first step in understanding where and how grams look at when doing a needs assessment
your new mentoring program might have an include:
impact in the community is to conduct a needs School test scores
assessment. Conducting a community needs
Juvenile crime statistics
assessment will inform decisions you make as
you plan the program’s scope of services and Dropout rates

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

Even if you already have a specific group of youth

in mind, there is likely much more you can learn
What Is Your Organizational about them as part of assessing their needs. For
Foundation? example, if you want to serve youth in foster
care, what do the demographics of that group
Any group planning to launch a new mentoring
look like? What percentage is enrolled in the
program must have a basic organizational struc-
school system and what is the breakdown by
ture in place to effectively manage the business
grade? Are many youth aging out of the system?
of running a program. Your group may already Or does the biggest need seem to be for much
exist as a nonprofit organization, or you may younger children in foster care? There are always
have arranged to be sponsored by an existing additional questions to ask when examining
organization to help you get started. You may youth needs in detail. If possible, you may want
be a faith-based group that can use the church to do focus groups or survey targeted youth in
structure for your mentoring program, or you your community to find out what issues they
may be part of a public entity or school district. feel are important and what types of support
Before you begin planning the specifics of your they want in their lives.
mentoring program, be sure that you have this
When assessing services that are already avail-
basic foundation in place and the full support of
able in the community, be sure to examine
your sponsoring organization’s leadership.
those provided by:

If you need to start a new organization from Schools and other educational facilities
scratch, consult the many helpful resources Youth-serving nonprofits
available on starting a nonprofit before you State, county, and municipal govern-
proceed too far with your planning. The Foun- ment agencies
dation Center Web site is a good place to begin
Churches and other faith institutions
your search for these resources: Foundations
html/starting_nonprofit.html Civic groups and service clubs
Community/neighborhood associations

Percentage of students on free/reduced- Pay extra attention to the existing mentoring

price lunch programs (an indicator of programs already operating in your area. What
socioeconomic status) outcomes do they focus on? Are specific groups
of youth already targeted? Who are their cur-
Teen pregnancy rates rent partners? Answering questions like these
will help you determine if there are already
Substance abuse estimates
programs offering the type of programming you
Gang activity are thinking about creating. You may find that
your best option is to partner with an existing
Numbers of youth engaged in other program rather than developing something from
social services, such as foster care or scratch. Many successful programs expand in
transitional housing this way, creating additional sites as new com-
munity leaders become interested in mentoring.

Section I. Preparing To Start a New Program

As part of your needs assessment, be sure to talk SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS

directly with a variety of community and youth
service agency leaders. These conversations will Has our program conducted a community
not only inform your process but can also lay needs assessment?
the groundwork for future community support, What information did we learn about our
new partnerships, or membership for your board community and youth?
or advisory committee (more on this beginning
on page 8). Ideally, you will already have a core Have we identified any gaps in services
team of interested community members who currently being offered to them?
support your efforts. This group can be instru-
What other mentoring services are being
mental in identifying other people to talk to in
offered youth in our community?
the community and can help carry out the many
investigative activities that go into a thorough What might our niche be within the context of
needs assessment. The results of your assess- other programs?
ment should provide a “lay of the land” that is
critical in designing a program that can be inte- How will information gathered in the needs
grated into the fabric of youth services in your assessment be incorporated into our program
community. planning, goals, and operations?

Basic Community Needs Assessment

General Youth Needs Details of Issues

Education/Local Schools

Alcohol and Drugs

Career Opportunities

Access to Higher Education

Gang Involvement

Family Problems

Access to Social Services

Other Delinquent Behavior

General Community Issues Details of Issues/Impact on Youth


Changing Demographics

Employment/Job Training

Access to Higher Education

Access to Social Services


Alcohol and Drugs

Quality of Schools

Basic Community Needs Assessment, page 2 of 2

Other Youth Service Details of Their Services

Providers in Our Community and Target Population

Other Youth Service Details of Their Services

Providers in Our Community and Target Population

Guiding Questions
What is changing for the better for youth in our community?
What is getting worse?
Are there specific groups of youth who may need special services?
What organizations, groups, and individuals are already stepping up to help youth in our area?
Where are the gaps in services to the youth in our community?
Does our community provide broad support for schools and social services?
If we could change one thing for the better for our youth, what would it be?

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

Create (or Get Support School personnel/boards

Other youth service providers
From) a Board or Advisory Parents or parent groups
Committee Civic organizations
Any mentoring program’s success stems from the Clergy
skills, commitment, and vision of the individu- Local government
als who oversee it. There is perhaps no program Law enforcement
component that is more critical than the support Youth from the populations you are
of a strong Board of Directors or advisory com- targeting
mittee. Their level of involvement affects many
aspects of a program, including resource develop- If your program is getting started in school set-
ment, building partnerships, setting policies, fis- tings, make sure that a school principal or other
cal oversight, and risk management. key administrator is involved in your planning.
Their buy-in is critical to ensuring that other
Your advisory committee or board will have two school personnel are supportive and committed
primary roles as you plan and develop your pro- once the program is underway.
gram: providing leadership and guidance about
the program’s mission, goals, and design, and
creating or strengthening connections to com- SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS
munity organizations and stakeholders that can
Which stakeholders and community members
make the program a success once implemented.
should be involved in our planning process?
For those of you creating a program within an
Are there key individuals that need to be on
existing youth-serving agency, it is important
board for the program to succeed?
that the agency Board of Directors be actively
involved in the design and oversight of the Does our advisory committee represent the
mentoring program. They can best determine diversity of our community and clients?
how mentoring will fit with the other services
offered and they can ensure that the program What skills should our advisory committee
receives the administrative, financial, and com- members possess?
munity support it will need to thrive over time.

Even programs that are backed by a formal board

often choose to create a separate advisory com-
mittee that can provide more hands-on sup-
port, especially if the program is part of a larger,
multiservice agency. An advisory committee is
also essential for developing a program that is
supported by several partners. As you develop
your committee, start with a core group of sup-
porters and add new members as momentum for
the project grows. You can draw initial members

Section I. Preparing To Start a New Program

Cultivate a Strong practices or asking your state mentoring partner-

ship or other technical assistance provider for
Knowledge of Mentoring support in developing your plan. (See pp.74–75
and Youth Development for details about technical assistance resources
available to mentoring programs.)
Be sure to learn more about youth development
At this point, you have assessed your community
areas other than mentoring that may come to
and youth needs and gathered an initial team of
bear on the services you design. If you want to
leaders and decisionmakers. The natural inclina-
add other components to what you offer, such as
tion is to immediately design something and get
tutoring, career exploration, service learning, or
the program rolling. However, quality programs
life skills development, make sure you also inves-
always take a crucial extra step before proceeding:
tigate research and proven practices for delivering
making sure they have a solid understanding of
those services.
mentoring research and best practices. Success-
ful mentoring programs make sure they know the Having this basic understanding of mentoring
basics of how mentoring “works” before structur- research allows you to build services that can be
ing the services they will offer. effective in producing the outcomes you want
to achieve. Without this knowledge, you run
Programs that thoroughly review the existing
the risk of setting your program up for failure by
mentoring literature will gain a better understand-
developing unrealistic goals or leaving out a criti-
ing of:
cal program component. Take the time to become
The type and amount of impact their an expert on mentoring before you proceed with
mentoring program might realistically have your planning.

How mentoring relationships form and


How different types of mentoring activities Does our advisory committee have access to
and approaches lead to different results mentoring research and best practice literature?

The importance of match duration and qual- How will we make sure that our program design
ity is evidence based?

The types of pre-match training that men- Is there specific research about how to best serve
tors and youth need our target population(s) of youth

Which adults and youth may not be a Which consultants, technical assistance
good fit for the mentoring model you are providers, and state partnerships can help
planning improve our understanding of mentoring models
and best practices?
The list of recommended reading in the Appendix
offers an excellent starting point for increasing
your knowledge about youth mentoring research
and best practices. You may also consider seeking
training for your team on youth mentoring best

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

Sample Mission
Develop a Mission Statements
Statement, a Vision, and a From a Big Brothers Big Sisters
Logic Model Agency:
The development of your mission statement “To improve the lives of young people
is the beginning of your program design. The and enable them to become productive,
mission statement should articulate what the responsible adults by creating one-to-
program hopes to achieve, for whom, and how. one mentoring relationships between
Mission statements should be fairly short and to at-risk children and qualified adult
the point, yet still answer the question, “Why do volunteers.”
we exist?”
From a federally funded
What will your mission statement look like in mentoring program:
practice? What do you hope to achieve with your “(Program X) is dedicated to the self-
program? What will your community look like if it empowerment of girls in low-income
is successful? These are the types of questions you communities by providing the tools
should answer when developing a long-term vision to help them make positive choices to
for your program. Your program’s long-term goals achieve academic success, break the
should influence decisions that are made as the cycles of teen pregnancy and poverty,
program moves forward. Many programs put these and overcome the barriers of racism and
long-range objectives into a vision statement that sexism.”
acts as a compass, ensuring that the program is
moving in the right direction over time. From a fictional program:
New Insights Mentoring Program
As important as your mission and vision state-
envisions a community in which every
ments are, they are really only meaningful within
youth experiences nurturing one-
the context of your logic model, the visual repre-
to-one relationships and community
sentation of how you think the program will have
support, which in turn allows each of
its impact on youth. A logic model provides the
them to develop into their full po-
framework for program implementation, evalua- tential, capable of making informed,
tion, and future planning. responsible decisions as involved
A basic logic model will follow an outline similar members of our community.
to the one shown below:

Logic Model
Resources/ Intermediate Long-Term
Need Inputs Activities Outputs Outcomes Outcomes

The problem(s) Program Specific Specific Positive changes Lasting and

your program ingredients, activities and evidence that will take significant
will address such as services the of services place as a result results of your
funds, staff, program will provided of services program over
volunteers, provide (numbers) the long term
partners, etc.

Section I. Preparing To Start a New Program

Obviously, filling in these details can only happen SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS

as you design the program itself, factoring in all the
other components and best practices that have yet Does our program have mission and vision
to come in this guidebook. But we’ve placed the statements?
creation of your logic model early in the prepara- Is there agreement on our advisory committee
tion process because it is something that needs to about what the mission of the program will be?
happen before youth are admitted to the program
and matched with mentors. As you move through As we plan for the delivery of services, how will
this guide, remember that everything else you we construct our logic model?
design about the program will feed into your logic
Does our program have clear and achievable
model at some level. It is the master blueprint of
goals with measurable outcomes?
your services, and without one, programs struggle
to find direction and identify outcomes. Is our logic model strong enough that it can also
serve as a road map for program evaluation?
Be sure that your logic model is as specific as
possible when it comes to the types of activities
planned, evidence of services provided, and the
outcomes you expect to achieve. Make sure your
logic model includes:

Information about what your services and

activities actually are, including how many
youth you plan to serve and how services
are delivered

Written and measurable program out-


Specific benchmarks for the outcomes

you’ve identified

Remember when working with logic models that

the end result should be one that clearly defines
what you are trying to achieve. There are many
different ways to graphically display your logic
model, so search for a format that best meets your
needs. The resources at the end of this section
provide several useful online tools to help you
with your logic model. You may also want to con-
sult a program evaluator to get some feedback on
whether your planned goals, activities, and out-
comes are realistic, measurable, and achievable.

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

Develop Partnerships To Key strategies for developing and maintaining

partnerships include the following:
Deliver Services Effectively
Establish mutual expectations between your
Perhaps the hardest box to fill in for a new pro- program and each community partner. These
gram’s logic model is “inputs,” the resources, should be clearly described in formal written
staff, and partners you need to make the rest of Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) signed
the model function effectively. Strong partner- by all parties. These expectations may include
ships, both formal and informal, can be especially referral of students to the program, sharing con-
important, as youth mentoring programs often fidential information (such as attendance records
need to collaborate to maximize the impact of or test scores), or data collection tasks for evalu-
their services. In the last section of this guide ation purposes. Financial agreements may require
we discuss creating informal partnerships and a separate contract or may be included in your
coalitions as a sustainability strategy (see p. 84). MOU, depending on the requirements of the
Here, we address creating formal partnerships organization’s fiscal management. (See sample
with schools, youth-serving organizations, and MOU on page 14).
community groups as part of the core design of
the program. Identify a primary contact person at each
partner organization and ensure that person
The development of formal partnerships will help is aware of the expectations of the partner-
you design the best possible program for the type ship. This person will be able to respond to day-
of mentoring you want to offer and the youth to-day issues as they come up rather than letting
you expect to serve. For example, your mentoring them grow and become a barrier to program suc-
model may be most effective if housed in a local cess. Orientation for key partner contacts should
school that can offer additional resources, or you occur whenever there is staff turnover at that
may need to develop a solid volunteer pool by position.
developing a relationship with a local employer
who will provide you with enough qualified men- Include representatives from partner orga-
tors. If your program is grant funded, you may nizations on your advisory committee. This
be required to collaborate with another agency. can help maintain interagency communication
Whatever the purpose, successful mentoring pro- and facilitate your partners’ ongoing input on
grams invest time and resources into cultivating programmatic issues. In the absence of such rep-
mutually beneficial relationships with community resentation, your program should meet regularly
partners. with its partners to discuss how the collabora-
tions are going and to inform them of the prog-
For these partnerships to be effective, it is essen- ress made toward the goals of the program.
tial that everyone who will be involved at each
organization clearly understands the goals, objec- Meet individually with each partner on an
tives, policies, and activities of your mentoring annual basis to review partnership agree-
program. It’s also helpful if your partners have a ments. This provides an opportunity to discuss
voice in your program’s design to increase their how the partnership is working, iron out prob-
sense of ownership and commitment. This pro- lems, clarify expectations, and make any changes
cess takes time and energy, but by developing that are needed.
this shared understanding and commitment up
Maintain routine communication with the
front, your partnerships are more likely to be suc-
community partner. This communication
cessful and avoid problems down the road.

Section I. Preparing To Start a New Program

might include brief check-in phone calls, SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS

frequent print/e-mail updates, and periodic
face-to-face meetings. Let your partners Do we have the right program partners to fully
know you are available and that you care implement the program model we’ve designed?
about their work as well as your own. Does our program have a written MOU
Acknowledge your partnerships and that documents each partner’s roles and
celebrate your successes. Building solid responsibilities?
relationships with formal partner organi- Do we have a process in place to ensure that
zations improves your program’s ability the obligations of the MOU are met when staff
to deliver quality services to youth and turnover occurs at partner organizations or
positions your program to meet its bench- among our own personnel?
marks for success. Let your partners know
you are proud of the partnerships you have Do we have a designated contact person at each
built and acknowledge their role in your partner organization?
program’s successes publicly.
Are there special considerations related to our
collaborations with other organizations that are
tied to specific funding?

What is our process for ensuring compliance with

the MOU?

Is there a process in place to deal with a partner

not fulfilling the obligations of an agreed-upon

How often are we sharing information related

to progress of the program with our partner

Memorandum of Understanding

This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) made this 7th day of January, 2007, as managed by the New
Insights Mentoring Program (NIMP). This MOU establishes that NIMP, Winwood Heights Middle School
(WHMS), Winwood Heights High School (WHHS), and Winwood Heights Recreation Center (WHRC) agree
to the following terms and conditions as partners in the New Insights Mentoring Program:

NIMP will:
Identify, solicit, and recruit volunteer mentor applicants
Manage programmatic activities including but not limited to development of policies and
procedures, fund development, and case management
Oversee all operational activities including screening, training, matching, support and
supervision, recognition, and closure procedures
Coordinate one-to-one mentor and mentee matching to meet the goal of 25 new matches per
Manage all fiscal requirements including fund development, budget management, and fiscal
Provide evaluation summaries of the project to all partners

WHMS will:
Provide on-site coordination, an adequate project site, office space, and facility amenities
Identify appropriate WHMS students for referral
Advise on the academic needs of participating youth
Assist in providing program evaluation data for participating students including grades,
attendance records, discipline records, and counselor and teacher reports
Provide a contact person
Cooperate to the fullest extent possible with NIMP Coordinator

WHHS will:
Provide on-site coordination, an adequate project site, office space, and facility amenities
Identify appropriate WHHS students for referral
Advise on the academic needs of participating youth
Assist in providing program evaluation data for participating students, including grades,
attendance records, discipline records, and counselor and teacher reports
Provide a contact person
Cooperate to the fullest extent possible with NIMP Coordinator

Memorandum of Understanding, page 2 of 2

WHRC will:
Serve as the primary agency for group recreational activities and games
Provide training programs in youth development, leadership, and relationship building to
mentors and program staff
Provide a contact person
Cooperate to the fullest extent possible with NIMP Coordinator

NIMP, WHMS, WHHS, and WHRC will hold all information confidential regarding participants and
release such information only with signed parental consent or in cooperation with law enforcement
investigations in compliance with local and state laws and statutes. In witness whereof, the parties
hereto have caused this MOU to be executed as of the day and year listed below.

New Insights Mentoring Program:

Name Title Date

Winwood Heights Middle School:

Name Title Date

Winwood Heights High School:

Name Title Date

Winwood Heights Recreation Center:

Name Title Date

Sample adapted, with permission, from Ballasy, Fulop, & Garringer, 2007.

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

Plan Implementation Policies and procedures. Have you laid

the groundwork up front for a safe and
Carefully effective program? Have your policies been
reviewed and approved by your leadership?
Once you have your model for services fully
Will you be able to implement the policies
designed, it’s time to get down to the details of
and procedures you’ve developed? (See the
implementing your program. Establishing a timeline
last section of this guide for further discus-
for getting each step of your program in place will
sion about creating policies and procedures
help move you forward, recognizing that you may
and collecting them into a permanent
need to adjust your plan as you work through
each task. You may also have external requirements
that will affect your timeline and activities, such Coordination with other timelines. If
as those of a funding source. Or it may be entirely your program is tied to the school year,
up to your board or advisory committee to decide when do you need to start certain activi-
when the program will launch. As you set your ties to be ready on the first day? If you are
implementation timetable, be sure to factor in con- planning on pursuing a particular grant,
siderations such as: what is the launch date for those who get
the awards?
Hiring and training staff. How many
people will your model need and when will
The Sample Year One Timeline in the Appendix
they need to be hired? What kind of train-
can help you plan your timetable for implemen-
ing will they need?
tation. Just make sure that your plan builds in
Infrastructure. Do you have adequate enough lead time that it can adapt to unforeseen
facilities? Are your technology needs met? changes and open its doors at full operating
How will you develop and produce your capacity.
brochures and forms?

Record keeping. How will you store infor-

mation and track matches? About the Research Behind
This Book
Recruitment and matching. How long
will it take to find qualified volunteers? To There is no right or wrong way to go
attract youth in need of your services? To through the steps outlined in this section.
make matches that will last? But it is critical that you and your Board of
Directors or advisory committee members
Curriculum development. What training
do go through them when designing a
will participants need and who will deliver
new mentoring program for the youth in
it? Do you plan to develop your own train-
your community. These steps ensure that
ing curriculum or use existing resources?
your program is addressing a real need and
Funding. You may have enough to get implementing a well-planned model that is
started, but how will the program sustain poised for success. The next section details
itself once initial funding runs out? Who is how to structure specific program services
in charge of developing future resources? for maximum impact.

Section I. Preparing To Start a New Program

Resources That Can Assist You With the

Components in This Section

Developing a Logic Model

Examples of Logic Models (University of Wisconsin-Extension)

Learning from Logic Models in Out-of-School Time (Harvard Family Research Project)

Logic Model Worksheet (Harvard Family Research Project)

Logic Model Worksheets (University of Wisconsin-Extension)

W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide (W.K. Kellogg Foundation)

Developing Mission and Vision Statements

How to Write a Mission Statement (The Grantsmanship Center)

What Should Our Mission Statement Say? (’s Nonprofit FAQ)

Creating Effective Partnerships

Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships (University of Kansas Community Toolbox)

Strengthening Mentoring Programs Training Curriculum, Module #4: Forming and Maintaining
Partnerships (National Mentoring Center)

Wilder Collaboration Factors Inventory (Amherst H. Wilder Foundation)

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

General Program Start-up

Designing and Planning a Mentoring Program (MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership)

How to Build a Successful Mentoring Program Using the Elements of Effective Practice (MENTOR/
National Mentoring Partnership)

Mentoring Program Development: A Start-Up Toolkit (National Mentoring Center)

Starting a Mentoring Program (EMT Group)

Starting a Nonprofit Organization (Free Management Library)

Additional online resources to assist with the components in this section can be found on the National
Mentoring Center Web site at:

Section II.


T his section covers research-

based best practices for devel-
oping and implementing youth
mentoring services. These are the
components that will make up the
structure of your day-to-day opera-
tions. The critical program design Volunteer Recruitment
components are:
The first step in creating high-quality mentoring
Volunteer recruitment relationships is finding suitable adults who are
Initial orientation for prospective mentors interested in volunteering with your program. The
and mentees more targeted your recruitment strategies, the
Mentor/mentee intake more likely you are to find an appropriate match
for each youth in your program.
Mentor screening
Pre-match training for mentors and There are several steps in creating an effective
mentees recruitment plan:

Making matches
1. Adequately Staff Your
Monitoring matches
Recruitment Efforts
Support, ongoing training, and recognition
for volunteers Designate staff members who are responsible
for developing and implementing your volunteer
Match closure
recruitment efforts. Recruitment can be a labor-
Program evaluation intensive task, so be sure that your staff has suffi-
cient time available to give recruitment the atten-
No two mentoring programs are alike, and the tion it deserves. In addition to adequate time, be
structure you create in these areas must fit your sure that the staff members responsible for your
program goals and capabilities. But it is critical recruitment efforts have the proper knowledge
that your program puts careful thought into how and skills to be successful. You may need to seek
each of these components will be carried out out training or other professional development
once you officially begin services and how you activities to ensure that your recruitment person-
will improve them over time. nel have a good understanding of effective recruit-
ment strategies for reaching your audiences.

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

2. Identify Target Populations and Common volunteer-rich environments include:

Volunteer-Rich Environments Local colleges and universities (or specific
campus groups such as fraternities and
Your recruitment plan starts with the types of
individuals you will want to recruit and the
volunteer-rich environments in which you might Retirement communities
find them. The specific populations your program Social, civic, and fraternal organizations
chooses to target will vary, depending on your
Local businesses
program’s mission, goals, and clients. The key is
to identify the groups in your community that Local/regional government agencies
might supply the types of mentors that would Faith-based organizations
work well in your program. Your community Professional associations
needs assessment should provide a good under-
standing of the demographic make-up of your Developing contacts with these organizations
community and an awareness of potential volun- may eventually result in formal partnerships that
teer sources on which you can focus. support your recruitment efforts. Some have lik-
Your initial list of target groups will likely include ened recruitment in these volunteer-rich environ-
broad categories such as college students or retir- ments to a “wholesale” (large quantity) rather
ees, specific occupational groups such as lawyers than “retail” (traditional one-to-one recruitment
or businesspeople, and groups with common inter- of individuals) approach to finding volunteers.
ests, such as outdoor enthusiasts or artists. You Keep a written list of general targeted groups and
may also target specific demographic groups, such specific volunteer-rich environments on which
as a specific ethnic group, gender, or age range. Be you focus your recruitment efforts. Periodically
sure to include important personal characteristics update, expand, and refine this list so that your
that are needed. Your chart of potential recruits for recruitment efforts are flexible and can expand in
a community-based program might look like the the future.
example at the bottom of the page.

Personal Qualities Demographics Groups

Honest Ages 30–45 College students
Dependable Men/Women Doctors
Well-educated Specific race/ethnicity Lawyers
Caring Living on the west side of Rotarians
Empathetic town Local artists and musicians
Professional College graduate Church members
Religious Retired Outdoorsmen
Resilient Owns vehicle Teachers

Source: Garringer, 2006.

Section II. Designing Mentoring Services

3. Customize Your Recruitment the mission and goals of the program and contain
Message motivational language that would inspire someone
to further explore volunteering in your program.
Once you have identified the groups your pro-
gram would like to target, you should begin the A Mentor “Job Description. Be sure to have
process of tailoring your “message” to appeal to a well-defined written job description for men-
those groups, recognizing that mentoring will tors that describes the roles, responsibilities, and
appeal to different groups of adults for different benefits of mentoring as a volunteer with your
reasons. Each group will likely have some unique organization. This description should tie in closely
motivational appeals that should be considered with your program’s mission and goals and the
in designing your various recruitment mes- population of youth you are serving.
sages. For example, college students might be
Newspaper and Media Advertising. Your pro-
motivated by developing new skills in working
gram should explore the possibility of reaching out
effectively with adolescents, whereas members
to targeted groups through print ads or through
of a church group may be attracted primarily by
public service announcements. This type of out-
the opportunity to give back to their community.
reach can often be done more inexpensively than
You may want to test your messages with focus
one might expect, often in the form of in-kind
groups to make sure that they appeal to their
donations. Your program may also consider writing
intended audience.
a letter to the editor or submitting press releases
As you craft these different messages, be sure to local papers about the program’s progress.
to retain the integrity of your program’s mis-
Program Web Site. Having an effective program
sion and goals, and to clearly describe volunteer
Web site is fast becoming a necessity, not a
responsibilities and other service details. Poten-
luxury. Having a presence on the Web can really
tial volunteers need to know both the expecta-
expand your program’s visibility, even at the local
tions and the rewards of being involved in your
level. Once your Web site is up, be sure to get it
program, regardless of what their individual
listed on other Web sites that help with volunteer
motivations may be.
recruitment (such as or your state’s
mentoring partnership Web site).
4. Develop Your Recruitment
Strategies Presentations. Your program should regularly be
making recruitment presentations to local busi-
Once you know who you are targeting, where you nesses and organizations. It is important to have
might find them, and what you want to say to a dynamic presenter represent your agency—
them, it’s time to develop some methods of deliv- someone who can engage an audience and inspire
ery for your recruitment message. There are many passion about the work your program does. It also
vehicles for getting your recruitment message out helps to bring along an experienced and enthusias-
to your targeted groups. Some of the most com- tic current mentor to share his or her story.
mon are:
Displays at Events. Whenever possible, your
Program Brochures and Flyers. Your program program should have a booth or table at commu-
should have brochures, posters, newsletters, fly- nity events where appropriate groups of mentors
ers, and other print materials that you can give to might be found. It is important to be visible in
prospective mentors and disseminate at commu- the community and increase general awareness of
nity events. These print materials should explain your program.

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

into. Most important, your program should be

Recruitment (or Referral) of perceived as being welcoming, attentive, and sup-
Youth Participants portive.

Some programs do not actively recruit youth By taking the time to present your program
to the program because they have formal as something special, something worth being
partnerships with schools or youth service involved in, and by being engaged with the tar-
agencies who refer appropriate youth. If your geted groups you are recruiting, you are laying the
program does not have a built-in youth refer- foundation for creating successful matches down
ral system, you will need to go through the the road.
steps outlined above from a youth perspec-
tive, identifying the types and characteristics
of youth you want to target (based on your SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS
needs assessment and program model), where
you can reach them, and the customized Does our program have a written recruitment
recruitment messages that will lead to their plan that includes goals for recruitment, timeline
of scheduled activities, program staff responsible
involvement in your program. Targeting some
for implementing activities, and a budget for
of your messages to parents/guardians may
recruitment efforts?
also be helpful.
Does our program have a written volunteer
“job description” that includes responsibilities,
Word of Mouth. One of the best ways of attract- requirements, and benefits of mentoring?
ing new volunteers is through your existing pool
What is the message that “sells” our organization
of mentors. Ask your mentors to provide personal
to potential mentors?
testimony and help in recruiting friends, co-
workers, and family members. “Word of mouth” How does our program tailor its message to
advertising is your reward for running a quality specific groups of prospective volunteers?
program. If your program is well-regarded in the
community, and if your volunteers are happy, then Do we diversify our recruitment strategies to
people will have positive things to say about your “target” different populations of prospective
program. That kind of positive reputation can go mentors?
a long way in helping all aspects of your recruit-
Are our recruitment messages broadly distributed
ment process.
throughout our community using a variety of
There are several planning tools beginning on methods?
page 23 that can help you organize and imple-
How does our organization utilize customer
ment your recruitment activities and generate
service principles in making the recruitment
meaningful recruitment messages.
process comfortable and easy for potential
Regardless of the methods you use in recruiting volunteers?
volunteers, it is important to create a “customer-
What types of recruitment materials does our
friendly” atmosphere. Designate staff members to
program use?
follow up on volunteer inquiries in a timely and
professional manner. Your printed materials should Do we utilize the diversity of our staff, current
describe the steps in the process of becoming a volunteers, and board members to our advantage
mentor, so that people know what they’re getting in recruiting mentors?

Defining Our Mentors

Personal Qualities Demographics Groups

Worksheet adapted, with permission, from Garringer, 2006.

Inventory of Recruitment Locations
What we know What could they
Specific group/ about this group/ provide (best
Category location location case scenario)
Local businesses

Service organizations

Professional organiza-

Civic and cultural


Religious institutions

Schools and educa-

tional settings

Government agencies

Public spaces (malls,

parks, libraries, etc.)


Sections of town



Worksheet adapted, with permission, from Garringer, 2006.

Recruitment Activity

Targeted Recruitment Messages, Resources Persons
Activity Group(s) Goal(s) Motivations Specific Steps Needed Timeline Responsible

Worksheet adapted, with permission, from Garringer, 2006.

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

Orientations also provide you with a wonderful

opportunity to gather information about your
potential mentors and mentees. This information
can give you great insight into their suitability for
Initial Orientation of your program, and may provide specific knowl-
edge about the volunteer that you can use later
Prospective Mentors and when making matches.
Mentees An initial orientation can be the “hook” that
One of the most important first impressions that takes someone from being simply interested in
you set for potential program participants occurs the program to actually becoming a mentor. Staff
during your initial orientation sessions. These ori- should follow up with orientation participants
entations may take place during an initial recruit- shortly after the event to see if they are interested
ment presentation or be a separate follow-up in volunteering or have further questions or con-
event for interested individuals, but it should cerns about the program.
always take place before the volunteer application
and screening process begins. By giving prospec-
tive participants a thorough overview of your SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS
program you ensure that applicants understand
Has our program developed an initial orientation
what your program is trying to accomplish and
for prospective mentors and mentees?
how they might be able to help or benefit from it.
Does the orientation convey the mission, history,
Orientation sessions will naturally be different
goals, and positive outcomes of our program?
for mentors than for mentees in terms of length,
style of presentations, and depth of content. Does the orientation clearly outline the
However, both groups should leave the session responsibilities, qualifications, and rules for
with a clear understanding of: participating in the program?

What mentoring is all about Does it explain the next steps in the application/
screening/training/matching process?
The history, goals, and values of your pro-
gram Does it “sell” the program by explaining the
benefits of participation for both the youth and
Key policies and procedures
Qualifications of mentors and mentees
Does the content of the orientation fit in with our
Positive outcomes or benefits of partici- recruitment, screening, and matching procedure?
pating in the program
What does our program learn about prospective
participants during the orientation sessions and
These orientations should build on your previous
what is done with that information down the
recruitment messages and should clearly describe
road if they sign up?
next steps in your application, screening, and
selection process. Be sure to provide print materi-
als that all orientation participants can take with
them (and have applications available for those
who are interested).

Section II. Designing Mentoring Services

Mentor/Mentee Intake These intake procedures also ensure a level of

consistency that is crucial from a risk management
Your program should develop and implement perspective. A program that is conducting intake
written standardized mentor and mentee intake and matching in a random, case-by-case manner
procedures that detail the step-by-step process is vulnerable to breakdowns or omissions in the
that takes an individual from applicant to partici- screening process that can compromise the safety
pant. Although your materials and approach will of youth and have potentially disastrous conse-
be quite different for mentors and mentees, many quences.
of the key elements of your intake process will be
Additional “behind the scenes” activities will Does our program have established mentor and
include the creation of case files for mentor and mentee intake procedures?
mentee, entering data into your program’s database
for tracking and evaluation purposes, and follow- What are the steps we have deemed necessary for
ing up with potential volunteers and youth who participation in the program?
are not selected for participation. Many programs
Are these steps in alignment with our program’s
also maintain a waiting list of youth who may be
involved in occasional group activities while they
are waiting for services. Procedures for these activi- Is this written procedure included in our policy
ties should also be developed in writing. and procedure manual?
These intake procedures are discussed in more How do we track the progress of volunteers and
detail later in this section. But it is important to youth through the steps of the procedures?
view the establishment of these procedures as
a separate activity. Your program may be doing Is our procedure adequate from a customer
screening and matching, but if it is being done in service perspective? A risk management
a haphazard manner, chances are you will struggle perspective?
to make effective matches.

Intake procedures should establish a timeline for

getting someone from applicant to participant.
With identifiable steps you (and the participants
themselves) can easily tell where individuals are
on the road to becoming a mentor or mentee.
(These sequential steps will also ensure that you
gather all of the information you will need for
evaluation purposes.) Without established pro-
cedures, potential volunteers may fall through
the cracks as your staff loses track of individuals
at various points in the process. Similarly, youth
most in need of mentoring may lose interest
in your services if the process is too lengthy or

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

For Mentors For Mentees

Timely response to inquiries Timely response to inquiries/referrals

Participation in a program orientation Participation in a program orientation

Completion of a written application Completion of a written application
Completion of criminal background checks and Obtaining parental or guardian permission to par-
other screening protocols ticipate

Checking personal and professional references Input/recommendation from teacher, counselor, or

other youth professional

Conducting in-person interviews Conducting in-person interviews

Matching volunteer with appropriate youth Matching youth with appropriate volunteer

Initial meeting with mentee Initial meeting with mentor

Section II. Designing Mentoring Services

Mentor Screening Written personal references that are veri-

fied by staff
Perhaps your program’s biggest responsibility
is to adequately screen your mentor applicants A reference from their employer
to ensure they are both safe and suitable for the A criminal records check
young people in your program. Screening is an A child abuse registry check
absolutely essential part of risk management
A driving record check
for your program. Just one incident of abuse or
mistreatment of a youth in your program may An in-home visit and assessment
destroy everything your program has worked to
These screening tools address the issues of safety
and suitability mentioned earlier. Employing
Screening should not just be looked at as a liabil- several of these tools not only ensures that the
ity and risk management tool. It should also volunteer is safe and trustworthy, but also allows
be viewed as a crucial method of ensuring that staff to learn a great deal about the personal traits
your mentors are appropriate for your program and interests of the volunteer that can be used in
in terms of their level of commitment and having making an appropriate match with a youth.
the necessary traits to be an effective mentor. The
You will need to decide what the appropriate level
screening process has two major goals: ensuring
of screening is for your type of program. The writ-
the safety of the youth and determining the
ten application, a face-to-face interview, reference
suitability of mentors.
checks, and a comprehensive criminal background
The first components of your screening process check are employed almost universally by youth
are the mentor “job description” and mentor eli- mentoring programs. These four screening tools
gibility policy. The job description should outline represent the baseline, the minimum screening
the mentor’s responsibilities and obligations, procedure, for running a safe program.
minimum requirements for becoming a mentor
Whether you choose to employ additional screen-
(such as minimum age, time requirements, no
ing measures, such as driving records checks or
history of criminal activity, etc.), and the benefits
home visits, will depend on your program set-
of being a mentor. Your mentor eligibility policy
ting and the level of supervision you can provide.
should clearly detail what characteristics would
For example, if you have a community-based
either qualify or disqualify someone from partici-
mentoring program where the mentor will be
pating in your program. These two documents act
transporting youth in a car, you may determine
as the initial filter for applicants by clearly spell-
that a driver’s license record check and proof of
ing out who will and will not be accepted into
auto insurance are important screening tools.
the program. Individuals who are either ineligible
or who cannot meet the requirements of the job Let’s look at the four basic screening tools more
description are screened out early in the process, closely:
saving the time of both the staff and volunteer.
1. Written Application
For volunteers who meet the requirements of the
This application should be similar to a job applica-
job description, programs need to employ several
tion in terms of personal and reference informa-
additional levels of screening. These may include
tion gathered (see samples beginning on page 33).
but are not limited to:
You will want to ask the applicant to divulge any
A written application criminal history, motivations for wanting to be a
A face-to-face interview mentor, interests and hobbies, any special skills

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

they could bring to a mentoring relationship, 3. Reference Checks

and the type of youth with whom they would Employers, relatives, friends, and co-workers are
like to be matched. Applicants are also asked to all potential references that you may wish to
sign a release of information form, allowing the check. Each program needs to decide how it will
program to conduct criminal background checks contact references (mail, phone, e-mail) and what
and obtain other sensitive personal information. information it is looking for (verification of infor-
Be sure to tailor your application to your specific mation on the written application, endorsements
program and evaluation needs so that it collects of the applicant, etc.). More than one reference
all of the initial applicant information you require. should be checked; your procedure should state
how many references you will gather. Once again,
2. Face-to-Face Interview
be sure to make the method of contact and the
Develop a standard written interview guide for questions asked reflect your screening objectives.
staff and a set of interview questions that will
ensure a consistent level of screening no mat- 4. Criminal Background Checks
ter who does the interviewing. The interview The process for conducting criminal background
should add greater depth and understanding to checks of volunteers varies from state to state.
the information gathered on the application. For Your program will need to contact your state’s
instance, if an applicant writes that he wants to criminal history records repository to determine
be a mentor because he “likes helping children,” what the process is for conducting these record
the interview is the time to figure out what he checks (see the resources listing at the end
means by that. The interview is the best time of this section for Web links to this informa-
for a program to really learn about an appli- tion online). Other important records to check
cant’s personality, history, and motivations, so include sex offender and child abuse registries,
the interview questions should be tailored to which also vary from state to state. You may
reflect those areas. consider using a private vendor to conduct
Staff should be trained in effective interviewing criminal history record checks. Some screen-
techniques. It is important that they can inter- ing companies have specially designed services
view applicants with a sense of compassion while aimed at nonprofit volunteers.
also having the ability to ask tough questions Many programs use FBI records for more com-
and spot potential “red flags.” The interview is plete screening. As of this publication’s release
not the time to be selling the program or getting date, nationwide FBI fingerprint-based back-
the applicant “hooked.” It is the time to spot ground checks can be conducted through a pro-
potential problems and to learn all you can about gram called SafetyNET, a program created by the
this person who wants to become a mentor. U.S. Congress that operates in conjunction with
The interview should also provide the applicant MENTOR/The National Mentoring Partnership.
with a chance to ask questions about your pro- (
gram and the next steps in the mentoring proce- adp)
dure, as well as an opportunity for your staff to If your program has never screened volunteers
discuss any potential eligibility concerns with the or conducted background checks, consider get-
applicant. ting some peer assistance from other mentoring
or youth-serving programs in your area before

Section II. Designing Mentoring Services

finalizing your screening procedures. Local law In addition to the risk management-related infor-
enforcement or social service agencies may also mation gathered by these screening tools, pro-
be able to provide guidance. grams should also make sure that their procedure
gathers information on the applicant’s work and
Establishing Clear Criteria for family responsibilities, other volunteer commit-
ments and experiences, their understanding of a
Accepting or Rejecting Applicants
mentor’s role, what they are hoping to get out of
There are a few ground rules about screening being a mentor, and other factors that may give
criteria that apply across the board for youth you an indication of whether they are suitable for
mentoring programs. While most of your screen- your program, and if so, the type of child with
ing activities are geared to accepting qualified whom they might work best. If your program does
applicants, it’s also critical that you develop a list these things, you can be sure that your screening
of events or offenses that automatically disqualify procedures cover both safety issues and the suit-
a potential mentor. The disqualifying offenses ability of the volunteer.
should be included in your mentor eligibility
Finally, remember that volunteer applicants have
policy and are nonnegotiable.
the right to be treated fairly, to have their privacy
There are four events that may show up on a respected, and to have an opportunity to correct
background check that automatically disqualify any false information that has been uncovered
an applicant and for which there are no mitigating as a result of the screening. Mentoring programs
circumstances: past history of sexual abuse of should establish and implement policies and
children, conviction of any crime in which procedures that protect the confidentiality of the
children were involved, history of extreme information they gather and the method by which
violence or sexually exploitive behavior, rejected applicants are notified.
and termination from a paid or volunteer
position due to misconduct involving a
child. This is why it is important to include sex
offender and child abuse registries in your screen-
ing process.

Programs should also develop a list of lesser “red

flags” (events or activities that show up in a back-
ground check) that could potentially disqualify
a potential volunteer, along with guidelines for
judging the relevance of the information. For
example, under what circumstances would your
program accept a mentor with a misdemeanor
on her record? Would it matter how long ago it
happened? Are some misdemeanors of more con-
cern to your program than others? What has the
applicant told you about the event? This list of
potentially disqualifying events and “mitigating
circumstances” should provide guidance for staff
when an offense is not covered by the eligibility
policy and there is room for interpretation and use
of judgment.

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

Does our program have a detailed, written
screening procedure that is appropriate for our
type of mentoring program?

Do we have a thorough understanding of our

legal liability and responsibilities?

Does our screening procedure look at the

mentor’s suitability as well as safety concerns?

Does our program have a written policy on who

we will accept or reject as a volunteer?

What are the tools/steps we use in our screening


Does our program have a written mentor job


Do we conduct face-to-face interviews with

volunteers using standard questions?

Is our staff trained in how to conduct interviews

and assess the information gathered?

What references do we ask for and what types of

information do we collect from them?

What parts of our screening process allow us to

gauge an applicant’s dependability, motivations,
and suitability?

Does our program understand all the options for

conducting background checks?

Have we developed a list of disqualifying

events based on our eligibility policy, as well
as potential mitigating circumstances for those
transgressions not covered by the policy?

Who makes the final decision on acceptance or


Do we have policies and procedures that protect

applicant confidentiality?

Do we have a process for notifying applicants

who are not accepted into the program?

Mentor Application
(please print)

Date _____________________

Name of Applicant ____________________ Birth Date _______ SS# ______________

Address ___________________________________________________________________

City ____________________________________ State ________ ZIP ______________

Home Telephone ____________________ Home E-mail ___________________________

Employer ___________________________ Occupation ___________________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________

City ____________________________________ State ________ ZIP ______________

Business: Phone _______________ Fax _________________ E-mail ________________

Preferred Mentoring Day (Mon–Fri): Choice #1 _____________ Choice #2 ____________

Best Time of Day To Mentor (check all that apply): morning afternoon evening

Do you prefer to be matched with: (check one) A boy A girl No preference

I would like to work with a child in grade (circle):

Elementary School: K 1 2 3 4 5 Middle School: 6 7 8 High School: 9 10 11 12

Write a brief statement on why you wish to be a mentor in the program:

Describe special interests/hobbies, which may be helpful in matching you with a mentee (e.g.,
cooking, crafts, career interests, chess, stamp collecting, sports such as baseball or football,
computers, art, needlepoint, speak another language, music, painting):

Mentor Application, page 2 of 2

State the addresses where you have lived for the last five years (begin with the most recent
after the current one):

DATES ______________________ Address ____________________________________

City ________________________ State _________________ ZIP ________________

DATES ______________________ Address ____________________________________

City ________________________ State _________________ ZIP ________________

DATES ______________________ Address ____________________________________

City ________________________ State _________________ ZIP ________________

Mentor Personal/Employment History and Release Statement

Please provide two personal references (other than family members):

1. Name ____________________ Telephone ____________ Relationship _________

Address ___________________ City _________________ State ____ ZIP _______

2. Name ____________________ Telephone ____________ Relationship _________

Address ___________________ City _________________ State ____ ZIP _______

Employment History
List the last three places of employment with the most recent first:

1. Company _______________________ Address ____________________________

City ____________________________ State _________________ ZIP _________
Dates of Employment ________ to ________ Title _______________________

2. Company _______________________ Address ____________________________

City ____________________________ State _________________ ZIP _________
Dates of Employment ________ to ________ Title _______________________

3. Company _______________________ Address ____________________________

City ____________________________ State _________________ ZIP _________
Dates of Employment ________ to ________ Title _______________________

Mentor Release Statement

I, the undersigned, hereby state that if accepted as a mentor, I agree to abide by the rules
and regulations of the ____________________ Mentoring Program. I understand that
the program involves spending a minimum of one hour/week at the assigned location.
Further, I understand that I will attend a training session, keep in regular contact with my
mentee, and communicate with staff regularly during this period. I am willing to commit to
one year in the program and then will be asked to renew for another year.

I have not been convicted, within the past 10 years, of any felony or misdemeanor
classified as an offense against a person or family, of public indecency, or a violation
involving a state or federally controlled substance. I am not under current indictment.

Further, I hereby fully release, discharge, and hold harmless the ____________________
Mentoring Program, participating organizations, and all of the foregoing employees,
officers, directors, and coordinators from any and all liability, claims, causes of action,
costs and expenses which may be or may at any time hereafter become attributable to my
participation in the _______________________________________________________
Mentoring Program.

I understand that the _____________________ staff reserves the right to terminate a

mentor from the program. The program takes place within the confines of the program’s
policies and does not encourage or approve of relationships established between mentor/
mentee and family members beyond the organized and supervised activities of the
program. I give permission for program staff to conduct a criminal background check as
part of the screening for entrance into the program. This includes verification of personal
and employment references as well as a criminal check with the local authorities. Program
staff has final right of acceptance of an applicant into the program and reserves the right to
terminate a mentor from the program at any time. I have read the above Release Statement
and agree to the contents. I certify that all statements in this application are true and

_____________________________________________________________ ________________________
Signature of applicant Date

Sample form developed by Susan G. Weinberger (Norwalk, CT: Mentor Consulting Group). Used, with permission, from
Weinberger, Garringer, & MacRae, 2005.

Mentee Referral Form
Youth Name: ____________________________________________________________

Age: ________ Grade: ________School: ____________________________________

Requested by: ___________________________________________________________

Position: _________________________ Phone Number: _______________________

The child is being referred for assistance in the following areas (check all that apply):
Academic Issues Behavioral Issues Delinquency Vocational Training
Self-Esteem Study Habits Social Skills Peer Relationships
Family Issues Special Needs Attitude Other, specify:

Why do you feel this youth might benefit from a mentor?

What particular interests, either in school or out, do you know of that the child has?

What strategies/learning models might be effective for a mentor working with this youth?

On a scale of 1–10 (10 being highest) rate the student’s level of:
_____ Academic performance _____ Social skills _____ Self-esteem
_____ Family support _____ Communication skills
_____ Attitude about school/education _____ Peer relations

With what specific academic subjects, if any, does the student need assistance?

Additional comments:

Sample used, with permission, from Ballasy, Fulop, & Garringer, 2007.

Mentor Interview
Applicant Name: _______________________

Interviewed by: ________________________ Date: ____________

I need to ask a number of questions about you that will help me in matching you with a mentee.
Some of the questions are personal and this interview is confidential. However, I am required to report
anything that indicates you have done or may do harm to yourself or others. Some information, like
personal qualities and what you would like to do with a mentee or things you are interested in may be
shared with a prospective mentee and/or their parents. Do you understand?

1. Why do you want to become a mentor?

2. Why do you think you can help a youth by mentoring? (if not answered in question 1)

3. What do you think are your strengths?

4. How about your weaknesses?

5. What type of child would you like to be matched with?

6. Will you be able to fulfill the commitments of the program—eight hours per month
with weekly contact for one year?

7. What was your own childhood like?

8. Have you ever abused or molested a youth?

9. Have you ever been arrested? If so, when and for what?

10. Do you currently use any alcohol, drugs, or tobacco?

11. Have you ever undergone treatment for alcohol or substance abuse?

12. Have you ever been treated or hospitalized for a mental condition?

13. Do you have any experience working with children? If so, how will it help you in
working with your mentee?

14. What challenges do you think young people face today that they need help with
the most?

15. Mentoring a young person is a big responsibility and can change the lives of both the men-
tor and the mentee. What do you hope to gain from the experience and what do you hope the
mentee gains from the relationship?

16. What are some of the biggest problems in the world or in your community that
concern you?

17. What types of activities would you do with a mentee?

Mentor Interview, page 2 of 2

18. Who else in your household might be present at any given time when you are with
your mentee?

19. What hobbies or interests do you have?

20. At this point, clarify any questions of concern that arose from the written applica-

21. Do you have any questions about the program I can answer for you?

Interviewer Comments:

Sample used, with permission, from Ballasy, Fulop, & Garringer, 2007.

Mentor Assessment Summary
Applicant Name: _________________________________________ Date: ____________

Date Date Rec’d

Sent to From Date Sent Date Item
Screening Materials Applicant Applicant to Agency Completed

Written Application
Copy of Driver’s License
Proof of Auto Insurance
Information Release
Personal References
Interest Survey
DMV Release Form
Criminal History Release Form
Child Abuse & Neglect Release Form
Sexual Offender Release Form
Volunteer Interview
Personal Reference Interview
Personal Reference Interview
Personal Reference Interview
Acceptance/Rejection Letter

Eligibility Criteria
Does the applicant meet each of the eligibility criteria? Please check the appropriate box.
Yes No Eligibility Criteria
21 years of age or older
Resides in metro area
Willing to adhere to program policies and procedures
Agrees to a one-year commitment
Commits to eight hours per month
Agrees to weekly contact with mentee
Completed screening procedure
Agrees to attend required training sessions
Willing to communicate regularly with program coordinator and submit monthly
meeting and activity information

Has reliable transportation

Has current driver’s license, insurance, and driving record

Mentor Assessment Summary, page 2 of 3

Yes No Eligibility Criteria

Has clean criminal history
Has never been accused, arrested, charged, or convicted of child sexual abuse
Has not been convicted of a felony in past seven years
Does not use illicit drugs
Does not use alcohol or controlled substances inappropriately
Is not in treatment for substance abuse. Has had a non-addictive period for at least
the past five years
Has not been hospitalized for a mental disorder in past three years

Has not falsified information during screening process

Does the mentor applicant meet all eligibility criteria? Yes No

If no, are there any mitigating circumstances?

General Assessment Areas

Did the applicant relate appropriately to the program staff during the following steps:
Initial contact and inquiry

Did the applicant complete the screening process with ease and appropriateness?

Are his/her reasons for wanting to be a mentor appropriate?

Is the applicant’s personal and professional life appropriate and stable?

Does the applicant exhibit qualities of open-mindedness, flexibility, and emotional stability?

Does the applicant have experience working with youth?

Did the applicant’s references speak well of him/her?

Does the individual have appropriate age-related interests and ability?

Overall comments:

Mentor Assessment Summary, page 3 of 3

Recommendation To Approve:
Yes No
Reasons why:

Yes No

By: ___________________________________

By: ___________________________________

By: ___________________________________

Date: _____________________

Sample used, with permission, from Ballasy, Fulop, & Garringer, 2007.

Additional Resource

Be sure to see the revised Generic Mentoring Program

Policy and Procedure Manual, also available as part of
the Effective Strategies for Providing Quality Youth
Mentoring in Schools and Communities series, for
many more sample forms that can support your
mentor and mentee intake and screening. Available
online at:

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

Training? Orientation?
Pre-Match Training for
What’s the Difference? Mentors and Mentees
Mentor Orientation: Usually a one-hour, pre-match
introduction to the organization, program goals, and You must require training for your new men-
requirements for mentors. Often used as a recruit- tors and mentees. If your matches are going
ment event to solicit applications from interested to be successful, you must provide the knowl-
mentors. edge, skills, and guidance necessary for your
volunteers and youth to feel comfortable in
Initial Mentor Training: Also known as preservice their new roles and relationships. Initial train-
training. Initial mentor training is offered to accept- ing for mentors and mentees needs to take
ed and screened mentors prior to the first mentor- place before a match is made.
mentee meeting. This should be a required training
for all mentors and can last from a few hours to To make these trainings successful, you will
several days, depending on the amount of relevant need to have trained, skilled facilitators. While
material to cover. The National Mentoring Center there are many guides and training curricula
recommends a minimum of four hours covering available to assist in developing the content of
many of the topics found in the next few pages of these trainings, it is important that facilitators
this book. are experienced in delivering training for both
adult and youth audiences. Knowing how
Follow-Up Training: Also known as ongoing train-
to conduct a good training is as important
ing. Follow-up training often focuses on building
as the content being delivered. Program staff
additional skills as relationships progress. Topics
conducting mentor/mentee training sessions
should address issues brought forth by mentors,
should be encouraged to attend a “train the
staff, youth, and parents. This type of training is
trainer” type of workshop to improve their
often offered monthly or quarterly, usually one to
facilitation skills if necessary.
two hours in length.
Often programs will use outside trainers who
Mentee Training: Also known as mentee orientation.
Mentee training is usually offered prior to the first have expertise on specific topics. This can be
mentor-mentee meeting. This type of training usu- a good way to establish community partner-
ally lasts about one hour. Some programs find great ships and expand the knowledge base from
success in offering initial training to youth and their which your own staff can draw. If you use
parents at the same time. This can be a good way of outside trainers, you must make sure that the
boosting parental involvement early in the process. content they provide is consistent with the
rest of your pre-match training and is aligned
Parent Training: Also known as parent orienta- with your program’s mission and goals.
tion. Parent training is usually offered prior to the
first mentor-mentee meeting. This type of training In addition to having qualified staff to conduct
usually lasts about one hour and can be coordinat- the training, it is critical that programs adapt
ed at the same time as mentee training. Depending or develop a written training curriculum for
on the structure and goals of your program, par- both mentors and mentees. A written training
ents may receive additional training. manual serves as a sustainable resource for all
current and future staff, allowing for consis-
tency of training over time and across trainers.
Used, with permission, from National Mentoring Center, 2007.
While not intended to be a comprehensive
outline, what follows is a list of the essential

Section II. Designing Mentoring Services

content areas for a pre-match training curriculum the ability to communicate effectively through
(see page 44 for sample agendas for training men- active listening and personal sharing, mentoring
tors, youth, and groups of parents): relationships fail to achieve the bond that leads
to positive outcomes. Provide training for men-
Program Overview/Orientation. Although tors and mentees on listening skills, verbal and
already covered during the recruitment process and nonverbal communication, and sharing personal
initial orientation, any pre-match training should information.
begin with a review of your program’s history, mis-
sion, and policies and procedures. Including this Diversity Training. Mentoring relationships
information one last time will make sure that all often pair individuals from very different cultural
your mentors and mentees are on the same page backgrounds, age groups, and socioeconomic
when it comes to things such as reporting require- situations. Consider providing training to both
ments, the obligations and responsibilities of the mentors and mentees on respecting differences,
match, and the outcome goals of the program. You valuing diversity, and cultural sensitivity.
should also touch on all your policies during this
training. It is especially important to review your Youth Development. Mentors will benefit
program’s policies regarding confidentiality, unac- greatly from having an understanding of what
ceptable behavior, and child abuse reporting at this constitutes positive youth development. Your
time. training should provide them with a basic under-
standing of the needs of the youth in your pro-
Defining the Roles of Both the Mentor and gram and the strategies youth and mentors might
the Mentee. Often, volunteers and youth who employ to address these needs. This training
are new to a program have different opinions should also explore how mentoring fits into the
about the boundaries, roles, and responsibili- larger framework of youth development. Broadly
ties of the mentoring relationship. Both parties speaking, youth development not only includes
will need a clear set of “Do’s and Don’ts” that is mentoring, but also peer, family, school, and other
appropriate to your program. Youth, in particu- community supports that enable youth to make
lar, may need help in understanding the role of healthful and responsible decisions.
a mentor in their lives, while mentors may need
extra guidance in knowing where to draw the line Crisis Management and Networks of Sup-
in their effort to support the youth. port. There may be times when the support men-
tees need to cope with a situation is beyond a
Strategies for Starting the Match. Both men- mentor’s capacity or expertise. Mentors should be
tors and mentees will need guidance on getting given indepth training on how to identify poten-
through the often rough initial stages of a match. tial problems or crisis situations that may come
This training should address the natural progres- up during the match and their limitations as vol-
sion of the match that participants can expect, unteers to help in certain situations. They should
the importance of building trust, and some exer- also understand the role of your program’s profes-
cises and activities that the match can do during sional staff in handling crisis situations through
their initial meetings. It should also introduce the action and referral to other professional and sup-
support services your program makes available to portive resources in the community.
assist the match on an ongoing basis.
Mentees (and their families) should also be made
Communication Skills Development. Effec- aware of the network of support agencies available
tive communication skills form the very core of to them in their community and the limitations of
any successful mentoring relationship. Without the mentor to help them in certain situations.

Sample Training Agendas

Section II. Designing Mentoring Services

Child Abuse Reporting. There are federal and SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS

state laws that require the reporting of suspected
child abuse and neglect, and your training should Does our program offer pre-match training
give mentors an understanding of the legal sessions for both mentors and mentees?
responsibilities that they, and your program, have Do our trainers and facilitators have the
to report incidents of abuse. Training for mentors necessary skills and training to conduct these
should cover how to spot potential abuse and sessions?
how to handle the situation, while youth should
receive information about what constitutes abuse In what areas of our pre-match training are we
and why they need to come forward and tell weak?
someone if they are being abused. Because of the
Does our program have a written training
legal and liability implications, your program may
curriculum that reflects the goals of the program
want to bring in outside presenters with expertise
and the nature of our mentoring relationships?
on the topic of child abuse and reporting require-
ments for your county or state. Are the following topics addressed in our
training curriculum?
Other Pre-Match Training Topics. Depend-
ing on the goals and objectives of your program, Program policies, procedures, and goals
you may wish to offer additional training top- Mentor and mentee roles
ics. For instance, if your program places a heavy Strategies for beginning the match
emphasis on improved academic performance, Communication skills
you may want to train mentors on effective Diversity issues
tutoring practices. If your program works with a
Youth development
specific population of youth, you may want to
Crisis management
include additional information that will allow the
mentor to better understand his or her mentee. Networks of support
If your program works with older youth, you may Other topics needed for our specific program
want to include training on life skills develop-
Does our program use outside trainers? Could
ment or career exploration, emphasizing how a
we improve our training by drawing from
mentor may be able to help in these areas.
other individuals and organizations in the
Evaluation of the Training. Each training community?
session should be evaluated by the participants,
Have we been conducting evaluations of our
measuring the mentor’s or mentee’s specific
training? If so, what are we doing with the
knowledge, skills, and attitudes associated with
the training content. This ensures that mentors
and youth are getting the information they feel
they need, and that they are engaged in the
training process. Evaluating your trainings will
allow your program to improve them over time
and refine the pre-match information that your
participants receive.

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

Making Matches matches is to consider the needs and circumstances

of the youth first, then try and find a mentor with
Matching youth with an appropriate mentor is suitable skills and qualities for that youth.
crucial, not only for the success of that indi-
vidual match, but for the overall success of your Creating a hierarchy of criteria aligns your match-
program. As with your recruitment, screening, ing procedure with your program’s goals. For
and training efforts, your procedure on making instance, if job skill development is the center-
matches should be a reflection of your program’s piece of your program’s desired outcomes, then
goals and objectives. it makes sense to consider the mentor’s career
and the youth’s career interests more heavily
The first step in creating a matching procedure than other criteria. If your program puts a heavy
is the development of matching criteria. Identify emphasis on frequent, consistent meetings
the qualities you will look for in your mentors between the mentor and mentee, then geographic
and mentees that will allow you to make a good proximity and compatibility of meeting times may
match. Some common matching criteria are: become more important.
Same gender Obviously, one particular piece of information
Similarity of racial/ethnic/cultural/language cannot be weighted so heavily as to override all
background others. Simply decide what is important to your
program being able to meet its objectives. You
Shared interests between the mentor and should also leave room in your process for “gut
youth instincts.” A good program coordinator some-
times senses that a particular adult and youth will
The mentor’s personality and temperament
just do well together. Be sure your strategy gives
The youth’s personality and temperament a voice to these intuitions.

Special needs of the youth that may be The amount of time mentors and mentees spend
met by a particular mentor on your waiting list also needs to be factored into
your matching process. If your program has too
Geographic proximity between the mentor many volunteers and youth waiting long periods
and youth of time in order to find the “perfect match,” it may
be an indication that your matching criteria are too
Compatibility of available meeting times
stringent or that recruitment efforts may need to
Similarity between the mentor’s career and target more appropriate volunteers. The one thing
the career interests of the youth a program should never do is to make matches just
to reach a particular benchmark. As mentioned
Designing a Matching Strategy elsewhere in this guide, low-quality mentoring
relationships that fail can leave your youth worse
If your recruitment, intake, orientation, and pre- off than they were before entering your program.
match training procedures are well designed, Make your matches for the right reasons.
you should have gathered a great deal of relevant
matching information about your mentors and Designing a Matching Procedure
mentees from their applications, interviews,
reference checks, training sessions, and other Once you have developed written criteria for mak-
interactions. The guiding principle in making solid ing the matches, determine your program’s step-

Section II. Designing Mentoring Services

by-step procedure. You will need to decide which ing the mentor and mentee meet off-site for the
staff members will actually do the matching, what first time. This first meeting should have some
the role of the parents or guardians will be, and clear goals and activities that will help the match
how the mentors and mentees will be informed of get off to a good start. Give the mentor and
the match and formally introduced. mentee information and insight about each other.
You may also want to develop a role for parents at
Staff Role. Your program will likely have multiple this initial meeting. The next steps for the match,
staff members involved in the matching process. such as future meeting times and the schedule for
One may be familiar with the volunteers; one may checking in with your staff, should also be covered
be working with the youth; another may have at the first meeting.
gained some insight while conducting a pre-match
training. Your program might have several staff
members that do all these tasks. No matter who SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS
does the actual matching, the key is to have a pro-
cedure in place by which all of the information and Does our program have a written plan for making
insights about the adult and youth gathered to this appropriate matches?
point can be taken into account in making a match.
Has our program determined what our criteria are
This may require extensive communication among
for making a match?
different staff members who are working with men-
tors and youth, but it is important to have all the Do these matching criteria reflect our program’s
“criteria pieces” in place if you are going to make mission and goals?
the best match. The mentor or mentee’s case files
should be the repository of all the information your Do our mentor and mentee intake and training
staff will need to make an appropriate match. procedures provide our staff with the necessary
information to make informed matching
Parent/Guardian Role. Most programs choose decisions?
to give parents or guardians a voice in the match-
ing process. This may involve a meeting with the Who on our staff is responsible for making
mentor prior to the match or during their first matches?
meeting with the mentee. It may be something as Have we provided parents or guardians a role in
simple as a “match approval” form that they sign. the matching process?
Involving parents or guardians in the matching pro-
cess can ease some of the tensions and misunder- Are we putting the needs of the child first in
standings that can form when a mentor becomes making matches?
a presence in the youth’s life. Develop a process
Do we prepare mentors and mentees for their first
that defines the parent’s or guardian’s role. At the
very least, written parent/guardian permission for
the youth to participate in the program must be Do the first meetings between mentors and
obtained and kept on file. mentees have structure and goals?
The First Meeting. Your program should
develop a structured first meeting between the
mentor and mentee. Many programs have a staff
member facilitate an initial meeting that takes
place at the program site, rather than simply hav-

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

Monitoring Matches 1. Contact the mentor, youth, and parent/

guardian (if the parent is involved) within
Monitoring and supervising matches is another the first two weeks of the match.
essential aspect of running a successful mentoring
program. Recent research has shown that, on 2. Check in with the mentor and youth every
average, it takes six months to a year to begin two weeks for the first few months of the
seeing the desired outcomes from mentoring match.
(Grossman & Rhodes, 2002; Sipe, 1996). This 3. Check in monthly with the mentor and
research also shows that unsupported mentor/ youth for the rest of the first year, then
mentee matches frequently fail, leaving the volun- quarterly after that, if the match is doing
teer dissatisfied and potentially harming the very well.
youth the program was designed to help (Gross-
man & Rhodes, 2002). Putting time and energy 4. Check in with the parent/guardian periodi-
into monitoring and supporting your matches can cally.
help ensure that the relationships develop posi-
Once you have established a schedule for check-
tively and are more likely to last.
ing in on your matches, determine what informa-
Monitoring your matches is also one of your tion you will collect and what you will ask. Some
primary risk management tools. Your staff needs common questions are:
to be informed as to what is going on in those
How often do the mentor and mentee meet?
mentoring relationships, not just to ensure that
they are going well, but to assess whether there Are the mentor and mentee following the
may be serious problems with the behavior of the program rules?
mentor or mentee. It is extremely important that
your program implements a systematic procedure How is the relationship developing?
for monitoring matches. This provides support for
What activities are they doing and how are
the match and assists in the early identification
they selected?
and resolution of potential difficulties in the men-
tor/mentee relationship. Are both the mentor and mentee satisfied
with the activities and the relationship?
Developing a Monitoring Procedure How is the communication between the
While the exact system for monitoring relation- mentor and the mentee?
ships can vary among different types of programs, Does the parent/guardian have any particu-
it is important that there is a step-by-step proce- lar concerns about the relationship?
dure in place and that it is rigorously followed by
staff members in charge of matches. As your staff Are there any particular problems, issues,
follows the procedure they should keep detailed or concerns?
written records about the progress and problems
Any special highlights or achievements?
of each match. Keeping written records ensures
that, in the event of staff turnover, new staff can Is there any support the mentor or mentee
learn the history and characteristics of an indi- needs?
vidual match.
Are there any forms, data, reports, or other
Many programs have created a monitoring proce- business that needs to be completed?
dure similar to this:

Section II. Designing Mentoring Services

As you gather information from parent, mentor, detrimental and counterproductive. If your staff
and mentee, listen for any underlying themes has made several attempts to rectify problems in a
or unspoken issues that may be red flags that relationship to no avail, it may be time to dissolve
the match is in trouble, such as many missed the match and find a better fit for both the volun-
appointments, ongoing poor communication, teer and youth. Your monitoring procedure should
apathy or ambivalence about the match, lack give guidance for handling your toughest, least
of trust, parental concerns, or signs of general successful matches.
incompatibility. Also be sure to listen for high-
lights and accomplishments. You may want to do periodic assessments of rela-
tionship quality using a survey or other standard
These in-person check-ins are the most effective tool, as some researchers have suggested (Jucovy,
way to monitor matches, because they allow 2001). This can illuminate specific match issues
staff to gather more in-depth information, ask as well as larger trends in the satisfaction of youth
follow-up questions as needed, and offer advice participants. Information gathered during this type
and encouragement. You can supplement these of assessment can help guide your matching, train-
calls or meetings with monthly activity logs, ing, and support systems. The concept of making
e-mail communication, or other remote methods changes to your programming based on evaluation
of tracking activities and meetings. results is covered in more detail later in this guide.

Staff members who are monitoring matches may

need training themselves in active listening and SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS
problem solving. They will also need to create an
Has our program determined which staff members
atmosphere in which mentors, youth, and par-
are responsible for monitoring matches?
ents all feel comfortable sharing information with
the program. When checking in with mentors and Does our program have a written, step-by-step
mentees your staff should take the time to thank procedure for monitoring matches?
volunteers for their commitment, make the youth
What is our timeline for checking in with the men-
feel good about having a mentor, and offer helpful
tor, mentee, and parents throughout the course of
tips and activity suggestions as needed.
the match?

Actively Use the Information What information does our program want to col-
You Gather lect through the monitoring process?
Are our questions and tracking tools in place to
There should be a strong connection between the
ensure we collect the needed information?
information gathered during match supervision
and the kind of match support you provide, such What are the “red flags” that might indicate a
as ongoing training, individual coaching, or conflict match is having serious problems?
mediation. Staff should take an active role in help-
Is our staff properly trained to effectively monitor
ing the mentor find appropriate resources for the
mentee, such as a tutor if academics are a concern.
Your program should be familiar with outside com- Are program participants comfortable sharing infor-
munity resources and have a referral system in mation about the match with our program staff?
place for dealing with problems that are outside
How does information gathered during the moni-
your scope.
toring process relate to ongoing mentor training
You may need to decide at what point a match and other support that our program provides the
between a specific mentor and mentee becomes match?

Match Check-in Sheet
Match Supervisor _________________________________________________________________

Mentee _____________________________________________ Phone _____________________

Mentor _____________________________________________ Phone _____________________

Caregiver ____________________________________________ Phone _____________________

Supervisor Comments
Recent Relationship & Recommended
Contact Date Person Contacted Activities Follow-Up

Sample form developed by the National Mentoring Center, 1999.

Section II. Designing Mentoring Services

Ongoing Training, Support, and

Recognition of Volunteers One m
suppo entor
Volunteers are the most important assets rt ide
mentoring programs have, so it is imperative that a...
programs offer a support system for volunteers that You m
can guide them through the mentoring journey. using ht want to c
been m me on
Research has shown that volunteers who do not atched ntors who h sider
feel supported by their program, are not given the newer for a w a ve
m h
resources and skills to be successful, and are not veteran entors. Ofte ile in trainin
mento n thes g
volunt r e
recognized for their contributions, are more likely eers, s s can “ment
learned hari or ”
to stop participating (Sipe, 1999). Having a high about ng things th new
New m relatin ey hav
number of mentors ending service early hinders e g e
convey ntors may b to their yout
your ability to meet program objectives and can p e hesit h.
staff, b roblems to an
even cause negative outcomes for youth as a result ut mig your p t to
experie ht rog
of brief, failed matches. Retain your mentors by nced fe open up to ram
llow m an
offering ongoing training, personalized assistance, entor.
mentor support groups, and a process for recogniz-
ing and thanking mentors for their efforts.

Ongoing Training High-risk behaviors, such as sexuality, drug

As mentoring relationships evolve over time, use, or gang activity
your mentors are likely to need training that goes
Handling crisis situations that come up
beyond the basics covered during pre-match
during the relationship
training. Providing additional training on a regular
basis gives mentors frequent opportunities to As you monitor your matches, you will begin to
learn new skills, ask questions, and share effec- see common themes in the issues that come up
tive approaches together. It’s also a good time to for mentors in your program. Use these to drive
bring in an outside speaker to address a particular the content of your ongoing training. If several
topic. Some ideas for ongoing training include: mentors are having trouble with their mentee’s
family, organize a workshop to provide advanced
Diversity and cultural awareness
skills in dealing with these issues. If many of your
Helping mentees set goals program’s youth are struggling with peer rela-
tionships, give your mentors training on how to
Handling conflict or problems with the support and guide them. Providing training that is
mentee’s parents/guardian relevant to the issues mentors are facing will help
them feel supported, listened to, and confident in
Child abuse and neglect
what they are doing.
Helping youth build self-esteem
As with your pre-match training, have mentors
Career planning complete post-training evaluations so that you
can gauge effectiveness and improve training
Effective tutoring efforts over time.

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

Personalized Assistance Support groups mostly focus around the mentors’

discussion of topics such as:
In addition to offering ongoing group training for
mentors, it’s also important to offer more person- What is going well in the relationship
alized assistance for individual mentors. Mentors
What people are learning about how to be
can encounter difficulties with their mentees that
an effective mentor
range from simple to quite serious, and they may
not know how to handle a particular situation. What isn’t working in the relationship
Whatever the issues, be sure that your staff is
supportive of mentors and designs specific guid- Specific questions or situations with which
ance, intervention, or referral to help them and the group can assist
their mentee through problems as they arise. Your staff may also have topics they would like to
Some examples of this type of assistance include: address. Support sessions allow mentors to share
their triumphs, get advice and support from other
Active listening and simple problem solving mentors who are facing similar challenges, ask
questions of staff and learn about resources, and
Mediation or conflict resolution between a
build a stronger sense of connection to the pro-
mentor and mentee
gram as a whole.
Group meetings with involved parties
Some programs have even adopted technology-
(mentor, youth, parent, teachers, program
based support for mentors. Consider hosting
staff, etc.) to address a specific problem
an e-mail discussion group where mentors can
Referral to outside support systems to seek advice and gain support. Conducting these
handle problems beyond the scope of your sessions online can help get around some confi-
program or the mentor’s ability dentiality issues that can occur during in-person
support groups. These online groups can be a
Checking in more frequently with an “at- great way to collect and disseminate frequently
risk” match asked questions to all mentors, creating an online
repository of advice.
Let the mentors know, on a case-by-case basis,
that your staff supports them—it will strengthen
the mentor’s commitment to the program and Mentor Recognition
provide needed encouragement.
Provide your mentors with formal recognition for
all they do for the youth in your program. This
Mentor Support Groups recognition can take many forms:
Mentor support groups are a popular way to offer An annual awards dinner, picnic, or
additional support in an informal group setting. reception
Your program will need to decide where and how
often the group will meet. Provide some structure Designating a mentor/mentee match of
for the meeting and have a facilitator present who the month
can keep the conversations moving and produc-
Gifts or awards on the anniversary of their
tive. Guidelines to ensure confidentiality of the
youth in the matches being discussed should also
be developed.

Section II. Designing Mentoring Services

Profiling their match on your Web site or

in your newsletter

Letters of appreciation

A handwritten note

Mentors who feel truly appreciated and valued

will be more likely to stay motivated and involved,
will have more fun participating in your program,
and will be more likely to recommend volunteer-
ing with your program to others.

Does our program provide ongoing training
opportunities for mentors?

If so, how often, and what process do we use to

determine these additional training topics?

Does our program have connections to

individuals or organizations in the community
that could provide training on topics with which
our own staff does not have expertise?

Do we have a process to provide personalized

assistance to mentors and matches that may be
in trouble or are facing difficult issues?

Does our program offer a mentor support group?

How well and how often do we recognize and

thank mentors for their efforts?

Do we know the level of satisfaction and feelings

of support that our mentors have?

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

Match Closure Tip: D

It is inevitable that some of your program’ss policy velop a cle
matches will end. In an ideal situation, thee formal
conta regarding f r
matches your program creates would end natu- ct uture
rally after a lengthy period of time. For some
me pro-
grams, the structure of services may dictatete the Mento
end of a formal match—for example, the case ase of a clear p ng programs
contac olicies must h
t betw that ad ave
school-based program where matches terminateminate and th e e n the m d re ss futu
at the end of the school year. In less than ideal
deal e men e ntor, t re
formal tee
ly ende ’s family onc he mentee,
circumstances, some matches may terminate ate is com d. Wit e the m
munic hout h atch h
because of a variety of factors, such as: is expo a ted to a v ing a p as
sed to all par o l i c y t
liabilit t ie h a
An obvious incompatibility (“bad
ues to y risks s, a program t
and su m eet wi i f t he ma
pp tho tch
match”) both m ort. Having n ut super visi
entor a o polic on
about n y
Problems within a match (such as their fu d mentee fee also leaves
should tur ling un
disinterest by the youth or commu-- explain e relationshi cer
mente in clea p. Your tain
nication problems) es, and r term policy
regard p s what
ing fut arents can a mento
your p ure nd
Youth or mentor moving out of the rogram contact and cannot do
formal ’s th
area ly ends responsibilit e limits of
spelled . Ideall y once
out in y, this the ma
A change in the amount of time at the a c o p o l i c y tch
time o n tra s h ou
a mentor is able to devote to the f closu ct that all pa ld be
re. rties si
program gn

Violation of your rules of

Most programs use exit interviews for the mentor
The end of the relationship, regardless the reason, mentee, and parents/guardians as the basic frame-
can be difficult for both the mentor and mentee. work around which to build a closure process.
Provide support services for both to help them While there may be some aspects of your process
make the transition out of the relationship and, that cut across different types of closures (such as
when appropriate, prepare them for a possible the questions asked during the exit interview or
new mentoring relationship. policies regarding future contact), be sure to tailor
Because matches end for a variety of reasons, the overall process for the youth, mentor, and par-
your program should have written procedures ents to meet their particular situation.
and policies for handling each type of closure.
Even if you have just one overarching closure pro- Closure for the Youth
cedure, be sure that it has the flexibility to handle
the many circumstances that lead to matches Chances are that some of the youth participating
dissolving. Do not assume that the process that in your program have already been let down by
works in closing down a match where the youth adults in their life. In many ways, the inherent
is moving away will work for dissolving a match value of your program is in providing them with
where there were serious problems with the men- something they have been lacking: a stable, car-
tor’s level of commitment. ing adult presence.

Section II. Designing Mentoring Services

For this reason, programs must take great care them. If they are moving, they may want to find a
to offer support and provide context for youth similar volunteer opportunity elsewhere.
whose matches are ending. Strategies for helping
mentees through this process include: Many programs incorporate information on match
closure into their ongoing mentor training so that
Giving the mentee ample warning of the all participants are better prepared for the process
closure of the match (if possible) when it does happen. Others prefer to handle the
situations in a one-to-one setting at the time of
Having the mentor discuss the end of the closure so that the process can be customized
match with the youth (preferably in person) to the particular match. No matter how your
Having program staff explain to the youth program handles closure with mentors, keep this
why the match is ending thought in mind: volunteer mentors are a rare and
precious commodity. If the termination of their
Encouraging the match to do something relationship is handled with care, they will be
special together on their last meeting or much more likely to want to continue making a
exchange a small gift (if allowed by your difference in someone’s life as a mentor.

Encouraging the youth to express his or Closure for Parents or Guardians

her feelings about the match ending, either
Be sure to include parents or guardians in the
to the mentor or with program staff
closure process. Parents/guardians may be angry
Providing access and referral to counseling about the match failing, or feel that the program
or other support services has let them down. They may need assistance in
finding other services for the youth to make the
Providing guidance on continuing with the transition easier. They will certainly have ques-
program or, in the case of a youth who is tions and concerns about the end of the match
moving, finding an appropriate mentoring and what happens next. Take time to meet with
opportunity in their new location them, answer any questions they may have, refer
them to other assistance they may need.
Remember that your program exists solely for the
benefit of these youth. Put as much consideration The written results and outcomes of your exit
and caring into how you handle the ending of interviews and other closure procedures should be
their relationship as you did into creating it. kept in your case files for future reference.

Closure for the Mentor

Your mentors should also be provided the oppor-
tunity to have closure with their mentee and
meet with your program staff regarding their
future. How you handle closure with mentors will
depend on why the relationship ended. Mentors
may wish to be matched with another youth. If
not, they may need assistance in finding other
volunteer opportunities that are more suitable for

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

What are some of the reasons why matches may
end in our program?

What are the indicators that a match may need to

be terminated by our staff?

Do we have written procedures and policies that

address the closure of matches?

Do our procedures and policies take into account

the many different reasons why a match may end?

Do our procedures and policies provide

opportunities for positive closure for the youth,
volunteer, and parents/guardian?

Is our staff aware of outside support services

that may help a mentor or mentee deal with
the closure of the match or move on to another
mentoring opportunity?

Do we have a clear policy signed by all parties to

the match about ongoing contact once the match
has ended?

Section II. Designing Mentoring Services

Program Evaluation trained before being matched. Or you may want

to evaluate whether your match supervision
If your program is going to be successful over system is effective in keeping matches healthy
time, you need to evaluate your services and and happy. Perhaps you want to gauge the sat-
the impact they are having on participants. A isfaction of mentee’s parents with your services.
local program evaluation that is based on your No matter what processes you decide to evalu-
logic model provides the information you need ate, actively use the information you gather to
to improve services and ensure that you are improve, streamline, and enhance the services
meeting your program’s goals and objectives. It you provide your volunteers and youth.
can also be instrumental in telling your story to
potential funders and volunteers. Outcome indicators measure the impact your
services have on youth, volunteers, and the
Evaluation can often be labor-intensive, compli- community. Review your logic model and accom-
cated, and confusing. Programs may avoid evalu- panying goals and objectives when determining
ation because they are afraid of what a system- outcomes to measure. For example, if the goal of
atic look at their operations and outcomes might your program is to reduce teen pregnancy rates,
reveal. But evaluation can help your program then it doesn’t make much sense to be measur-
understand the impact it is making and guide ing changes in incidents of school violence.
decisions about program improvements. The
usefulness of evaluation data to your program Focus on those outcomes that best match your
far outweighs the time and effort that go into core program objectives and avoid trying to
creating it. Most programs find that conducting measure too many types of outcomes during
an evaluation seems much less intimidating once evaluation. Be realistic in what you expect your
they have a better understanding of the basic program to achieve given your program model,
process. population being served, and what is already
known about the potential impact of mentoring.
This section is not intended to give a compre- Mentoring programs that try to measure
hensive guide to setting up an evaluation—there improvements in every facet of a child’s develop-
are many resources already out there that provide ment are setting themselves up for disappoint-
guidance on evaluation design and structure. ment. Remember that key mentoring research
Instead, let’s focus on some of the major steps in shows that, even in the very best mentoring
the process. programs, the results are often modest (DuBois,
Holloway, Valentine, & Cooper, 2002).
1. Determine what you want to
measure 2. Identify the kinds of informa-
tion, or data, you will need to
There are two main areas to focus on when
determining what your evaluation will measure:
process indicators and outcome indicators. Once you know what you want to measure,
determine the specific sources of data that you
Process indicators measure how effective your
can gather to show that the outcomes you
program policies, procedures, and activities are in
established are being achieved. Some outcomes
the delivery of services. You might want to deter-
can be more easily measured than others. For
mine if your volunteer recruitment methods are
example, if one of your outcomes is “improved
effective or if your mentors are being adequately
school behavior” you can fairly easily use school

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

attendance records, test scores, and incidents of are many survey tools currently available that
bullying/fighting/detention to measure success. can be adopted or adapted for use in evaluating a
However, if your program has a vaguer outcome, mentoring program.
such as “improved life skills,” you will need to
find ways to measure success in this area, such These instruments do not need to be complicated
as giving youth a pre-post survey or skills check- to be effective. They simply need to collect the
list. information you are after. For instance, if one
of the program processes you are measuring is
volunteer intake, a short survey for your current
3. Determine who will conduct the mentors on their level of satisfaction with the
evaluation intake process should collect the information
you are after. If one of your outcome indicators is
Programs generally have two choices here: either
improved self-esteem among the youth in your
design and conduct the evaluation internally, or
program, then a youth survey given at two or
work with an outside evaluator. Many programs
more points during the mentoring relationship
choose to work with an outside evaluator in an
might show the progress you are looking for. A
effort to minimize the impact on program staff
professional evaluator can be a valuable asset in
and to ensure that the evaluation is professionally
identifying existing instruments you can use.
and scientifically conducted. While hiring an out-
side evaluator can be an expensive proposition,
programs might avoid these costs by collaborat- 5. Decide when you will collect
ing with a college or university or using an intern the data
or graduate student to design and implement the
evaluation. Ideally, you will want to start collecting your
evaluation data when youth first enroll in your
If a program has the appropriate staffing, it program, providing a baseline against which to
may want to conduct the evaluation internally. measure progress. This baseline creates a clean
Although the evaluation process varies in com- division of pre- and postparticipation in the
plexity depending on a program’s needs, most mentoring program. If your program is already
local programs have found that by using existing well established with many ongoing matches,
evaluation resources and materials, the staff can you may want to include mentors and mentees
design and conduct an appropriate and useful who have been in the program for a while. For
evaluation. The familiarity your staff has with the these groups, the baseline for measuring progress
youth and volunteers is another asset that an becomes the first set of data you collect from
outside evaluator may not bring to the table. them during the initial evaluation.

As mentioned earlier in this guide, research indi-

4. Adopt, adapt, or develop your cates that programs generally do not see the
data collection instruments impact of a mentor’s influence until almost a
year into the relationship. For this reason, most
Your program will need to identify data collec-
programs choose to wait six months, and again
tion instruments to gather and organize the data
at one year, to conduct their follow-up measures.
you want. Programs generally use a combination
The key is to establish a clear timeline and pick
of questionnaires, surveys, and interviews in
data collection points that work for your program.
conjunction with statistics from outside sources
(such as school test scores or arrest rates). There

Section II. Designing Mentoring Services


The next step in your evaluation is data analy- Does our program have an evaluation plan
sis. You will need to decide if your program is that measures both the processes and desired
capable of analyzing the data you collect, or if outcomes of our program?
you should bring in an outside evaluator to assist
What are the outcomes that we would want to
with interpreting your data. It is important to
measure based on our program’s mission and
interpret the data correctly—all of your efforts in
collecting accurate data will be for naught if the
wrong conclusions are reached about your pro- What specific data might we collect that shows
gram’s operations and outcomes. And remember progress toward those outcomes?
that while data analysis often is presented in the
form of impersonal numbers, graphs, and charts, Would we want to bring in an outside evaluator
this analysis of evaluation data is essential to or could the evaluation be handled by our own
accurately telling the very human story of your staff with the proper resources and guidance?
program’s impact. Keep your program goals and
Do we have appropriate staffing necessary for
mission in mind when determining exactly what
data collection and input?
your results “say” about the work you are doing.
Are we required to conduct an evaluation as part
of a funding requirement?

Are we part of an external, funding-driven

evaluation process?

If so, is that existing evaluation giving our

program the information it needs?

Have we established an appropriate timeline for

Additional Resources conducting our evaluation?

Online Resources for Finding a Program

What Works Clearinghouse—Registry of
Outcome Evaluators

American Evaluation Association—Find an

Evaluator Database

Western Michigan University’s Directory of


Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

Resources That Can Assist

With the Components in This Section
Applicable titles in the Hamilton Fish Effective Strategies for Providing Quality
Youth Mentoring in Schools and Communities series (available online at:
Generic Mentoring Program Policy and Procedure Manual
The ABCs of School-Based Mentoring
Training New Mentors
Building Relationships: A Guide for New Mentors

Mentoring Program Development (including recruitment, screening, training,

and match supervision)
The Building Blocks of Quality Mentoring Programs (Big Brgothers Big Sisters of Canada)
Community Mentoring for Adolescent Development (Baylor University)
Creating and Sustaining a Winning Match (EMT Group)
Designing a Successful Mentor Training (EMT Group)
Effective Mentor Recruitment: Getting Organized, Getting Results (Mentoring Resource Center)
Going the Distance: A Guide to Building Lasting Relationships in Mentoring Programs (Mentoring
Resource Center)
Guide to Mentoring for Parents and Guardians [template version] (Mentoring Resource Center)
Handbook of Youth Mentoring (Sage Publications)
How to Build a Successful Mentoring Program Using the Elements of Effective Practice (MENTOR/
National Mentoring Partnership)
Making the Grade: A Guide to Incorporating Academic Achievement into Mentoring Programs and
Relationships (Mentoring Resource Center)
Meaningful Mentoring: A Handbook of Effective Strategies, Projects, and Activities (YouthLight, Inc)
Mentoring Answer Book (Big Brothers Big Sisters of McHenry County)

Section II. Designing Mentoring Services

Mentoring Children in Foster Care: Considerations and Partnership Strategies for Senior Corps Directors
Mentoring Children of Incarcerated Parents (LEARNS)
More Than a Matter of Trust: Managing the Risks of Mentoring (Nonprofit Risk Management Center)
Putting Youth Development Principles To Work in Mentoring Programs (Mentoring Resource Center)
Running a Safe and Effective Mentoring Program (Friends for Youth Mentoring Institute)
Strengthening Native Community Commitment Through Mentoring (Mentor Consulting Group)
Supporting Mentors [Technical Assistance Packet #6] (National Mentoring Center)
Training New Mentees: A Manual for Preparing Youth in Mentoring Programs (National Mentoring Center)
The U.S. Department of Education Mentoring Program’s Guide to Screening and Background Checks
(Mentoring Resource Center)

Program Evaluation
Evaluating Your Program: A Beginner’s Self-Evaluation Workbook for Mentoring Programs (Information
Technology International & Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation)

Frequently Asked Questions About Research and Evaluation (Mentoring Resource Center)
Measuring the Quality of Mentor-Youth Relationships: A Tool for Mentoring Programs (National
Mentoring Center)
Outcome-Based Evaluation: A Training Toolkit for Programs of Faith (FASTEN)
What’s Working? Tools for Evaluating Your Mentoring Program (Search Institute)

W.K. Kellogg Foundation Evaluation Handbook (W.K. Kellogg Foundation)

Additional online resources to assist with the components in this section can be found on the National
Mentoring Center Web site at:

Blank page
Section III.

the Program
delivery and consistency of services, and ensure

T his section addresses program components

that position your program for long-term
success and sustainability. These components are
that your staff, volunteers, and youth have clear
expectations and guidance. Your manual should
be accessible by all program staff and frequently
related to the planning and program design ele-
reviewed and updated.
ments discussed to this point—many are the logi-
cal outcome of launching a quality program, oth- An effective manual should include three main
ers may need to be developed alongside the other sections: policies, procedures, and supporting
tasks outlined in this book. Regardless of when documentation about your organization.
you develop these components, all are proven to
be important for mentoring programs if they are Policies
to thrive over time.
Policies are essentially the “nonnegotiable” rules
of your program. Often, these are formal rules and
regulations approved by your board of directors or
Develop a Written Policy advisory council. Common focus areas for policies
may include, but are not limited to:
and Procedure Manual
Mentor Eligibility and Screening
One of the most valuable assets to your organiza- Rules of Conduct for Mentors and Mentees
tion will be your policy and procedure manual.
This manual formalizes the decisions you have Confidentiality
made regarding program ground rules and pro- Record Keeping
vides a blueprint for day-to-day operations. A Child Abuse Reporting
comprehensive policy and procedure manual
becomes a sustainable resource that can guide Drugs and Alcohol
your program through staff turnover, improve the Sexual Harassment

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

Nondiscrimination Program History

Future Contact Once a Match Ends Mission and Vision Statements
Organizational Chart
Additional Resource Copies of MOUs
501(c)(3) letter
Be sure to see the revised Generic Mentoring
Program Policy and Procedure Manual, also available Copies of Brochures, Flyers, and Forms
as part of the Hamilton Fish Effective Strategies for In addition to the policy and procedure manual,
Providing Quality Mentoring in Schools and Com- your program will have a variety of materials and
munities series, for much more detailed informa- documents that support program operations.
tion on this topic. Available online at: These should also be organized and kept in a central location with your policy and procedure
manual. Examples of these documents include
lesson plans for training sessions, marketing and
Procedures recruitment plans, board and committee minutes,
and evaluation plans and instruments.
Procedures are the step-by-step means by which
tasks get accomplished in your program. They
support the policies you have developed and give
staff a road map for implementing policies and SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS
day-to-day activities consistently. Examples of Has our program developed a written policy and
procedures include: procedure manual?
Conducting Mentor Recruitment Does our policy and procedure manual cover
Campaigns all aspects of program operations and provide
Mentor/Mentee Intake guidance for handling particular situations that
Conducting Background Checks have come up?

Training Volunteers Are our policies approved by our board or

Making Matches advisory council?

Monitoring Matches Does our program orient new and current staff
Volunteer Recognition to the contents of the policy and procedure
Closing/Ending Matches Are our policy and procedure manual and other
supporting materials accessible to all staff?

Supporting Documentation How often is our policy and procedure manual

reviewed and revised?
Many programs also include the following infor-
mation in their policy and procedure manual to
make it a more comprehensive resource:

Section III. Sustaining the Program Through Increased Organizational Capacity

Additional Resource
Implement a Resource
Development Plan Be sure to see the revised Sustainability Planning
and Resource Development for Youth Mentoring
One of the biggest factors in making your pro- Programs, also available as part of the Hamilton
gram a long-term success is the creation and Fish Effective Strategies for Providing Quality
implementation of a resource development plan. Mentoring in Schools and Communities series,
Programs often find it difficult to focus on plan- for much more detailed information on this topic.
ning for long-term financial stability when they Available online at:
are caught up in day-to-day operations. However,
any program expecting to last beyond the first few
years of operation must make the development of
Mapping external resources
new and diversified resources a priority.
Creation and implementation of a written
The steps described below offer a basic intro- development plan
duction to the process of resource development
planning for mentoring programs. A large body of The committee’s work will likely involve two
fundraising and nonprofit sustainability literature phases, the first being an intensive planning pro-
is available that can help mentoring programs cess that will require significant time commitment
with this work, and the resource listing at the end and skilled facilitation. This planning needs to be
of this section offers some useful starting points. governed by a relatively short timeline (such as
an intensive two- or three-day retreat or weekly
planning meeting) to ensure that momentum is
1. Establish a Resource
not lost.
Development Committee
The second phase of the committee’s work is the
This committee’s function is to assess both the
implementation and monitoring of the plan itself.
internal and external resources that your program
This phase can often be managed with less fre-
can potentially access and to develop your writ-
quent meetings (such as monthly or quarterly) as
ten resource development plan. Forming such a
long as someone is charged with monitoring and
committee is more effective than assigning this
communicating progress between meetings.
responsibility to one person. The distributed
responsibility of a committee ensures that, if the If your program is currently funded by large or
one person leaves, all of your sustainability efforts long-term grants or awards, it is important that
don’t leave with them. you start the process of resource development
early in the funding cycle. Some programs don’t
It is critical that your Board of Directors (or advi-
think about sustainability until current funding is
sory committee) is actively involved and engaged
about to run out. By then it is often too late to
with this group. Ideally, your development com-
generate sufficient resources to continue the pro-
mittee will be composed of board members, with
gram. The effort your committee makes when you
volunteers, representatives from partner organiza-
have sufficient funding will better position you to
tions, and program staff selected as needed.
generate the resources needed to continue, and
This committee has three main functions that will possibly expand, your program’s work.
be discussed later in this section:

Mapping internal resources

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

2. Mapping Internal Resources your program hundreds of dollars by not

having to hire an outside designer.
One of the first tasks of your resource develop-
ment committee is to map out what “internal These internal resources will greatly influence
resources” are available to your program. Internal the shape of your resource development plan.
resources include the assets that your board For example, if you find that you have no one on
members, staff, volunteers, and community part- your committee with grantwriting experience,
ners bring to the table. These resources are most you may decide not to go after many grants. You
often defined by the connections and contacts may decide to have several individuals attend a
your program has in the community. For example: grantwriting seminar or determine that you need
to hire an outside grantwriter. If your assess-
One of your board members also serves ment of internal resources reveals that your board
on the board of a local corporation. Your members have many connections to local busi-
program can later use this connection nesses, your development plan may focus on
to seek a donation from the corporation increasing financial and other support from these
or tap into their employees as a pool of “doable” sources.
potential volunteers.
Your internal resources are just as important to
You realize that almost 25 percent of your your program’s sustainability as the external
volunteers are students from the local uni- sources of funding that you may want to pursue.
versity. Perhaps you can use those volun- Mapping them allows you to take advantage of
teers to recruit other students on campus, opportunities and get the most out of the com-
or even form a formal partnership with the munity connections you have spent so much
student union, a fraternity, or the univer- time building.
sity administration.

Chances are that several of your board 3. Mapping External Resources

members have extensive grant and pro-
In addition to mapping internal resources, your
posal writing experience. Writing effective
resource development committee should also
grant applications and proposals requires
assess the many external resources you currently
unique skills. These individuals can be
have or that may be available to you. When most
resources in applying for government or
people think of tapping into external resources,
foundation resources.
they think of grants, awards, and other direct
One of your staff members serves on the funding streams. While the acquisition of fund-
local PTA or is president of the Rotary ing is certainly one result of utilizing external
Club, making him an invaluable connec- resources, it is important to remember that
tion for setting up a formal partnership external support can take many different forms,
with the school district down the road. including in-kind donations and volunteer sup-
port. External resources include anything that can
You learn that one of your volunteers is a support your program’s operations, not just its
Web designer. You might be able to con- fiscal strength.
vince her to redesign the program Web
site for improved marketability (even as an Some of the common external resources that
activity to do with her mentee). By tap- resource development committees investigate
ping into this resource, you have saved include:

Section III. Sustaining the Program Through Increased Organizational Capacity

Foundations. There are literally thousands of potential to be your largest source of revenue
local, state, and national foundations that offer and support. In 2006, individuals donated almost
grants and other financial support that your pro- $200 billion, 82 percent of all the money donated
gram may be able to receive. Your local or regional to charities and other institutions that year (Giv-
public library, volunteer center, or United Way ing USA Foundation, 2006). Sustainability efforts
may have national and state foundation guides built around individual giving also have excellent
that summarize foundation programs, parameters, marketing and volunteer recruitment benefits
and application procedures. because of the personal nature of the strategy.

Government agencies. Local, state, and fed- Your program can build an individual giving pro-
eral government agencies are important sources gram by creating a database of past and current
of financial support. Federal grant opportunities contributors and adding potential new donors as
can be researched in the Federal Register or the you develop recognition in the community, hold Web site. State, county, and munici- fundraising events, and cultivate new partner-
pal agencies can also provide support for your ships.
program, either through direct funding or through
non-cash assistance such as donated space and Special events. Fundraising events can gener-
allowing employees time off to volunteer. Do not ate immediate income, help you tap into a variety
expect to survive on government support alone, of new external resources, and build your data-
though, since political priorities and resources base of individual and corporate supporters for
fluctuate. future use. While fundraising events vary in size
and sophistication, there are a few important
Local corporations and businesses. Most large principles to remember. New fundraising events
corporations and businesses engage in some form often start with modest expectation and grow
of community service or support. This may include over time. Often they take a few years to build
cash, employee programs that encourage volun- momentum and community interest. Even if you
teering, or the donation of equipment and sup- only break even financially, these events can also
plies. Even smaller businesses may have something be worthwhile in terms of building community
valuable to contribute to your program. A local awareness, recruiting groups of mentors, and rec-
print shop could produce your flyers at a reduced ognizing and thanking your current mentors and
cost, an ad agency might donate time to help mar- youth.
ket your program, or a grocery store may be able
to donate food for an upcoming event. If you do a Other forms of external support. Other
good job of selling the value of your program, you potential resources your committee may want
may find several small businesses willing to give to investigate include sponsorships, capital
direct financial support. Developing support from campaigns, endowment funds, fees for services,
local businesses is almost certain to be the result income investments, gifts in-kind, membership
of the one-to-one connections you have made dues, e-commerce, product sales, and social
through community collaborations and outreach. entrepreneurship.
The internal assets your development committee As part of your external review, examine what
has identified can really drive the success of your is currently being accessed across these various
outreach to the business community. resources, mapping out what revenue and other
Individual support. Often undervalued by support is currently being brought in each area.
mentoring programs, individual giving has the Once the committee has assessed these external

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

resources, they will be able to analyze, compare, service in exchange for an increased quantity of
and combine them with the assessment of inter- matches.
nal resources to provide a direction for future
resource development work. Compatibility with timelines. When does your
current funding run out? When might new grants
be available? Mapping out your resources chrono-
4. Creation and Implementation of logically will help develop a realistic implementa-
a Written Development Plan tion plan.
Once your committee has mapped your inter- Scenario planning. Your committee should plan
nal and external resources, they will need to for multiple scenarios when creating a resource
analyze that information and develop a written development plan. What if you don’t get that big
plan that will set the course of action for your federal grant? What if the economy stagnates and
sustainability efforts. individuals donate less money to charities? What
if political priorities shift and current funding is
This process is more than simply charting your
reduced or eliminated? If you decide to focus your
various revenue streams and identifying a few
efforts on increasing individual giving, might that
grants to go after. It should be a much deeper
hurt your program’s ability to respond effectively
look into how you are working toward resource
to grant applications? These types of questions
development. There are several things for the
can help build a plan that will be adaptable and
committee to consider in analyzing your current
effective in spite of inevitable changes in resource
status and creating your future plan of action:
Efficacy of previous efforts. Your commit-
Realistic expectations. You may find that only
tee should review the fundraising and resource
20 percent of your assets come from local busi-
development activities you have tried in the past
nesses. Is it realistic to expect to increase that
to determine what has worked and what hasn’t.
to 45 percent in two years? Be sure not to set
Decide which fundraising activities to continue
unrealistic expectations for resource development
by determining if they have the potential to grow
right off the bat. Keep in mind that your plan will
over time or offer other important benefits to
take shape over time and will be changing as cir-
your program, such as volunteer recruitment or
cumstances change.
marketing. List foundations you have approached
and determine your rate of success and the qual- Diversification. Just as a savvy investor builds
ity of the relationship you have developed with a broad portfolio of stocks, bonds, and income
them. funds, so a nonprofit program needs to ensure that
it is not putting all its eggs into one basket. If your
Compatibility of new resources with the
sources of funding are spread out across several
program’s mission, vision, and operations.
categories, such as government grants, a large
Programs can get themselves in trouble when
annual fundraising event, and a growing individual
they take on funding with expectations and
giving campaign, you are more likely to be able to
responsibilities that do not support the agency’s
survive if one of these sources fails to produce in a
mission and goals. Programs also experience
given year.
problems when they expand too fast. Rapid pro-
gram expansion can have a negative impact on As your committee weighs these questions and
staff, running the risk of lowering the quality of considerations, it will start to get a clearer picture

Section III. Sustaining the Program Through Increased Organizational Capacity

of how your program can improve its resource over time, it is important to set a timeline that
development. The decisions your committee everyone can follow and that you can use to track
makes at this point will inform your written your progress.
resource development plan.
Designation of responsibilities. Resource
development is a lot of work, and your plan needs
Components of the Resource to spell out exactly who is responsible for specific
Development Plan tasks. One committee member may be designated
to track foundation resources, while another
What a resource development plan looks like
member is responsible for initiating contact with
in the end varies widely across programs. Every
local businesses. Still another member might be
program’s situation is unique and the strategies
charged with building a partnership with the local
they employ to ensure sustainability are diverse.
school district. Be sure that everyone involved
But there are some common elements of a writ-
understands and accepts the role they will have in
ten resource development plan that should be
carrying out the plan.
included in the one you create:
Support systems. How will you ensure that the
Assumptions made and rationale for deci-
resource development plan is being implemented?
sions. Document the scenarios under which your
What resources or skills do your committee mem-
plan was developed and the reasons decisions were
bers need to carry out the plan? How frequently
made regarding resource development strategies,
will your committee meet to discuss progress and
goals, and objectives. If your plan assumes that
revise the plan? These types of questions should
federal grants will not be available, that individual
be addressed in the written plan. Include the
giving is underutilized by your program, and that
ways you will support, track, and update your
the acquisition of donor tracking software is vital,
resource development work in your written plan.
then your plan should spell out how those conclu-
sions were reached. This will help your partners, If your resource development committee has done
stakeholders, and potential funders understand the a good job of mapping resources, and planned for
course of action you are taking. a variety of circumstances that could affect those
resources, then your written plan will significantly
Clear goals and objectives. Your resource
increase your chances for long-term sustainability.
development plan should have established goals
and benchmarks. For example, your program may
want to increase financial support from local busi-
nesses by 15 percent each year. You may have the
acquisition of a particular grant as a clear goal. Or
perhaps increased in-kind donations are a priority.
Whatever your goals are, make sure that they are
concrete, realistic, measurable, and understood
by all the people responsible for implementing the

Reasonable, clear timeline. Ideally, you will

want to create a two- to three-year plan. Some
agencies even plan out five or more years in
advance. Even though your plan might change

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

Does our program have a resource development
committee that has taken ownership of the

Are members of our board of directors

participating on the committee?

How often does our committee meet?

Has our committee mapped out the internal

resources at our disposal?

What community connections and skills do our

board members, program staff, and volunteers
bring to our program?

How can we use these connections and skills in

the creation and implementation of our resource
development plan?

Has our resource development committee mapped

out current and potential external resources?

Have we looked at receiving support through

foundations, government agencies, individuals,
local businesses, and special events?

Have we also included other forms of support we

can receive from external sources, such as in-kind
donations or volunteer time?

Does our program have a written resource

development plan that is based on our underlying

Does our plan have realistic goals, objectives,

benchmarks, and timelines that are appropriate
for our program’s current situation?

Does our plan assign clear roles and

responsibilities for implementing the plan?

Do the individuals working on our resource

development have the necessary skills and

Have we built a system to track the progress of the

plan and to revise it as needed?

Sustainability Planning Checklist
Get approval and buy-in from key decisionmakers to engage in your planning process
Identify leadership for the planning effort
Recruit and establish a planning team
Clarify your team’s role and the scope of their work

Assess the current internal and external factors that impact sustainability
Conduct an internal assessment, including:
Goals, objectives, and outcomes to date
Current funding, budget, and other resources
Organizational capacity and limitations
Involvement of Board of Directors or advisory boards
Conduct an assessment of your partnerships, including:
Responsibilities of partners
Strengths and challenges of partnerships
Potential for enhancing existing partnerships
Conduct an assessment of the broader community
Community needs and priorities
Current mix of services offered and how your services support them
Potential new partners
Funding resources in your community
Record findings and identify key themes, issues, strengths, and challenges

Develop a lasting plan—the eight steps to sustainability

Know your primary reason for developing resources
Develop and clarify your priorities for ensuring a sustainable program
Review and understand primary resource development options
Develop goals and measurable objectives based on your assessment and identified priorities
Develop activities with realistic timelines, and assign roles for accountability
Develop a final, written resource development plan
Implement the action plan
Monitor, review, and celebrate your progress

Implement, review, and adjust your plan

Develop a final document and share it with everyone
Monitor your progress and continue to meet with the planning team
Adjust and modify the plan as needed
Celebrate and publicize your successes

Used, with permission, from Garringer, 2007.

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

Develop a Qualified and gram coordinator, specifically, should have exten-

sive knowledge of (or receive extensive training in)
Stable Staff best practices in youth mentoring and nonprofit
management. You should also create an ongoing
Of the many resources that will make your pro-
staff development plan that includes opportuni-
gram successful, your own staff should be con-
ties for networking with other professionals, con-
sidered one of the most important. These are the
tinued training, and reflection activities.
people who interact daily with the volunteers,
youth, parents, teachers, and community mem-
bers. They are also the individuals who recruit, Staff Recruitment Strategies
train, and support participants—essentially serv-
Your recruitment efforts should create the largest
ing as the “face” of the program. Your program
pool of qualified applicants from which to choose.
builds a foundation for a successful and sustain-
Diversify your recruitment strategy to include:
able future by carefully selecting and investing in
these individuals. Print ads
Keep in mind that one of the biggest issues men- Listservs and Web pages
toring programs struggle with is staff turnover. Radio/TV
Your program will need to do all it can to find and
University bulletin boards
keep a quality staff. Ultimately, these individuals
are the ones who will determine whether or not Community centers
you achieve your program goals. Networking with other local agencies and
Your program (or parent organization) should
have written job descriptions for all staff mem- Networking with state mentoring partner-
bers, including minimum qualifications for knowl- ships
edge, skills,
Finding qualified staff can be one of the payoffs
and experience
for having a strong reputation in your community.
Don’t forget . . . for each posi-
If people know that the work you are doing is
tion. A strong
making a difference, they will more likely want to
Since your staff will be hav- background
be part of your efforts.
ing contact with youth, you and experi-
must screen all applicants ence in youth
from a risk management per- work, volunteer Staff Selection
spective as well. Staff should management,
As noted earlier, key staff should have previous
be subject to the same back- and community
youth service and volunteer management experi-
ground checks and other organization are
ence, preferably with a mentoring program, as
safety measures taken with critical skills for
well as experience in community organization
volunteers in your program. key staff in your
and building community partnerships. Insist on
only hiring staff who meet your qualifications—
Offer an orienta- the safety of your youth and your outcomes are
tion for new staff that includes an introduction to at stake. Be sure that staff members are a good
the program’s mission and goals, an explanation “fit” with your program and will be able to fill
of any grant or funding obligations, and a review the many difficult and time-consuming respon-
of your policy and procedure manual. The pro- sibilities of their positions. Also, consider your

Section III. Sustaining the Program Through Increased Organizational Capacity

program’s commitment to a diverse work environ- You may not be able to offer high salaries or lots
ment and how representative your organization is of perks, but creating a work environment where
of the community you serve. staff can learn and find support will minimize
turnover and increase the quality of your services.
Staff Support Systems Seek out ongoing opportunities for professional
development and networking so that program
Mentoring programs, especially ones in the staff can continue to grow in their positions and
“start-up” phase, can experience high rates of provide better services over time. The next section
turnover at the program coordinator and other key discusses how to find quality training and techni-
positions. It can be difficult for smaller nonprofits, cal assistance opportunities that can facilitate the
such as mentoring programs, to offer competitive growth of your staff members.
salaries and benefits compared to similar private
sector positions. Youth workers can also simply
get “burned out” by the demands and stresses of SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS
setting up a program, managing day-to-day oper-
ations, and working intensely with youth who Does our program have written job descriptions
have serious needs. for all positions that include minimum
qualifications for knowledge, skills, and
Staffing losses can severely disrupt the support experience?
and supervision of mentoring relationships, which
ultimately harms the sense of trust your volun- Does our program require program coordinators
teers and youth feel toward your program. Con- to have a background in youth development
sistent services to youth can only occur through work, volunteer management, and/or youth
consistent staffing patterns. To minimize the mentoring?
damage that can come from turnover, it is impor-
Do we use many diverse strategies to recruit staff
tant that your agency lets staff know that it is
in order to receive the largest possible applicant
committed to them, and that their contributions
pool of qualified candidates?
are valued and supported.
What is our process for screening qualified
Plan ahead to position new staff members for
candidates to ensure that they are a good match
success from the first day of employment. New
for our program and meet our risk management
employees should receive an orientation to your
program, including applicable skills training and
professional development planning. They should Are we properly preparing new staff members for
also receive a copy of your program’s policy and their roles?
procedure manual and become familiar with the
program’s expectations. Be sure to “check in” What ongoing professional development
frequently with program coordinators and other opportunities does our program make available
key staff, possibly setting aside weekly meeting to staff, including networking, ongoing training,
times to discuss the program and challenges that and reflection?
have come up, and to gather ideas and sugges- Has our program experienced staff turnover that
tions new employees may have for improving your has affected the quality of services in the past?
services. By taking the time to listen and com-
municate, you let your staff know that you care If so, have we implemented support systems in an
about what they are doing and that you are there effort to minimize future turnover?
to advocate for them.

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

Use Training and Technical fingertips even when you cannot take the time to
attend training events and conferences.
Assistance Services
By taking advantage of the expertise available
No agency or individual is able to build the perfect from other organizations and practitioners, you
youth mentoring program without a little help ensure that your program practices are sound
every now and then. Luckily, there are places to while developing your staff members’ knowledge
turn for assistance in designing and implementing and ability to meet challenges.
your program.

Many local, state, and national mentoring organi- Training and Technical Assistance
zations provide training, technical assistance, pub- Organizations
lications, data collection, recruitment assistance,
and networking opportunities for you and your The following nonprofit and for-profit organiza-
staff. Some of these organizations provide phone tions may be able to provide your program with a
and e-mail consultation and materials free of variety of training, professional development, and
charge and offer inexpensive training opportunities. program support services.

At the state and regional levels, much of this National Mentoring Center
support is provided by state or local mentoring @ Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory
partnerships. Twenty-three states and 15 urban 503-275-0135; [email protected]
centers around the country currently have formal
partnerships in place. While the level of service LEARNS (serving Corporation for National
and support varies among these entities, chances and Community Service programs and
are that they can act as a guiding influence on the members)
work of your program. Almost all these partner- 800-361-7890; [email protected]
ships help with staff development and mentor
recruitment to some degree, and may be able to National Mentoring Partnership
help in other areas, such as mentor training or 703-224-2200; [email protected]
resource development.
In addition to this hands-on help, you can also State Mentoring Partnerships
participate in e-mail discussion groups (list- A listing of contact information can be found
servs) and Web-based message boards related online at:
to mentoring, youth development, and nonprofit
management. These discussion groups are excel- index.php
lent sources of information and provide great
Faith and Service Technical Education
opportunities for peer-to-peer networking and
Network (FASTEN)
professional development.
Many programs also build their own in-house [email protected]
resource collections featuring mentoring research,
how-to guides, and youth development literature. EMT Associates and the Center for Applied
Such a collection can be invaluable in improving a Research Solutions (CARS)
program’s operating procedures and in delivering 916-983-6680
effective mentor training. A resource collection
keeps the knowledge of mentoring experts at your

Section III. Sustaining the Program Through Increased Organizational Capacity

Mentor Consulting Group

(203) 846-9608
[email protected]
Common Ground Consulting LLC

What training and technical assistance is
available to our program’s staff, administrators,
board members, and volunteers?

Have we identified the local, state, and national

mentoring organizations that may be able to
provide assistance to our program?

Have we identified areas of our program that we

might need assistance in improving? If so, what
are they?

Does our program have a resource collection

containing research, publications, relevant
literature, and contact information for other
organizations that can offer us assistance or

Does our program encourage program

coordinators and other staff to network with
other mentoring professionals, researchers,
or training providers as a part of ongoing
professional development?

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

Increase Community What tools and resources are available to

help you implement your plan?
Awareness of the Program
Use a variety of strategies and tools to
Building strong, positive community awareness of make your story known. Letting your com-
your program is vital to your long-term success. munity know who you are and what you do is the
Everything your program does is tied to the com- primary reason for launching a marketing plan.
munity in which you provide services, from find- You goal is to “sell” your story, your unique set
ing appropriate volunteers and attracting youth of services and successes that make your com-
to developing new partnerships, raising funds, munity want to be involved. There are a variety of
and ensuring long-range stability. Developing a venues and activities you can use to make your
community awareness marketing plan will help story known, including:
you focus on what you want your community
to know about your program and why. As with Newsletters to program partners and com-
the other planning activities described in this munity members
guide, the elements of your marketing plan should Public service announcements
include objectives, tasks, timelines, assignment
Outreach to local media
of responsibility and a way to measure the effec-
tiveness of your strategies. The following tips will Having a presence at community events
help you get started, and a number of print and Flyers and posters
online resources are listed at the end of this sec-
Participation on boards, committees, or
tion to help you move forward.
coalitions with other local youth service
Assess your current situation and where you organizations
want to be.
Create a unique image that everyone will
Start by asking some key questions about your recognize. Be sure to develop a “brand” for your
current reputation, status of your marketing program—a logo, color scheme, and descriptive
efforts, and what you want to achieve, using your language that makes your program easily identifi-
board or a special committee to help you. The able (see the tips on page 78 for advice on creat-
answers to these questions will inform the devel- ing taglines and other marketing language). These
opment of a marketing strategy that will effec- branding elements should be used consistently
tively meet your needs: on everything that goes out from your organiza-
tion—flyers, business cards, letterhead, e-mails,
What is your program’s current reputation Web site, media ads—so that you create a con-
in the community? sistent visual and verbal association in the mind
of your community.
What are the current ways your commu-
nity learns about your work? Know your audiences and develop targeted
messages for them. Although every program
What do you want your community
awareness program to accomplish? (i.e., needs a set of broad, generic materials to raise
increase volunteer recruitment success, community awareness, developing some targeted
develop new partnerships, raise funds) messages for specific needs can also be very use-
ful. For example, materials targeted to recruiting
What distinguishes your program from college-age volunteers will look very different
others in the community?

Tips for Creating Slogans and Other
Marketing Language
“Just do it.” “Have it your way.” “You’re in good hands.”
Creating an effective, memorable marketing slogan is not as easy as it may seem. A good
slogan is catchy, to the point, and full of meaning, but the process that leads to its creation
is anything but simple. Even the most creative people can have difficulty distilling a program’s services
down to an essential phrase. The following tips can help your program come up with core messages and
slogans to build your marketing efforts around.

1 Start with your mission. A program’s mission

statement is always fertile ground for coming up
– Mentoring: When just being yourself can
change the future
with slogans and messages. After all, it’s the reason
your program exists. If explaining that to your
audiences doesn’t motivate them, what will? Look
7 The following sample recruitment slogans
were submitted on the National Mentoring
for key phrasings or sentiments from your mission Center’s MentorExchange listserv in June 2006 as
part of a discussion on effective messaging. Try and
statement that can be turned into an appeal.
guess the motivations these messages are appeal-

2 Incorporate your goals. Successful marketing

always strives toward a specific goal. You may
ing to and the specific program goals they may be
need mentors. You may need male mentors, specifi-
– We’re looking for a few good MEN-tors.
cally. You may need some donations, or you may
need to replace a $450,000 grant. Those marketing – Share what you know. Mentor a child.
campaigns are going to be very different. So drill – Use your skills. Share your talents. Be a
down on your needs at the most specific level. mentor.
– To the world you may be just one person,
3 Know your target audience. What about your
mission is likely to appeal to them? What are
but to one person you just may be the
the barriers to their involvement? What buttons
– Mentor one child, change two lives.
can you push to achieve the desired result, wheth-
er it’s volunteer involvement or building commu- – We are all in this together.
nity partnerships? Your message must be tailored – They need what you know.
to your audiences’ motivations. – MENTORS find that little moments are
4 Test, test, test. No one comes up with the
perfect turn of phrase the first time out. You – Helping kids rise to their full potential in
literacy, learning, and life.
may need to test your messages, and any accom-
panying images, on many audiences in order to – Real men are doing it. Are you that man?—
finally hit the mark. This can be a fun and creative Mentor a child today!
way for friends and family of program staff to – See a man, become a man.
participate in the good work of your program. – Display your strengths, by showing a child

5 The language should be confident, not cheesy you care!

or condescending. This can be a difficult line – Give a little, gain a lot—Become a mentor.
for youth-serving agencies not to cross. Pay – Ignite the flame—Become a mentor.
attention to how your messages portray the youth – Be the example, not the warning—Become
you serve and the services you provide. Your a mentor.
messages should project strength, purpose, and – Unleash potential—Become a mentor.
solutions, not dire circumstances and pathos. – Brighten the spirit—Become a mentor.

6 Examples of strong slogans include:

– Making a difference through mentoring
– Put the men back in mentoring.
– Inspire possibilities, be a mentor!
– Mentors improve learning, lives, and com- – Been there? Done that? Pass it on and
munities become a mentor.

Adapted, with permission, from Mentoring Resource Center, 2006.

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

than those directed to a group of businesspeople. SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS

Similarly, informing the general public about
What is our program’s reputation in the
your services may require a different approach
than presenting the details of your program to a
school board or funding source. Think about the How are we assessing the community’s
key groups you want to reach with your commu- perceptions of our program (focus groups,
nity awareness activities and how your marketing community surveys, etc.)?
tools can best be used to reach them.
What type of media and community outreach are
we, or should we be, engaged in?
Sample Marketing Plan
Have we developed a consistent and identifiable
The following pages illustrate a simplified mar- brand for your program?
keting plan for a fictional community-based
mentoring program called Nearwest Mentoring Have we identified the strengths and selling
Program. The program is just getting started and points of our organization?
serves disadvantaged youth 14–18 with a focus
Have we developed a written marketing plan
on career exploration. Career/life planning, school
that describes our objectives and activities and
engagement, and asset building are formal com-
assigns responsibilities?
ponents of the program.
What resources in our community are available
In this example, marketing strategies were
to help us communicate our message and
developed across three categories of activities:
promote our program?
promotional, personal contact, and public rela-
tions. Advertising was not deemed affordable Is there anything that our program is particularly
in this start-up year but will be evaluated as known for? What is our “niche”?
strong opportunities present themselves. Mar-
keting activities are currently focused on mentor Do we have resources or in-kind donations that
recruitment and will be continuous throughout will support our marketing strategy?
the year. Additional emphasis will be placed on
developing personal contacts, delivering presen-
tations, and building media relationships in the
community. Board members and mentor volun-
teers will be engaged in this activity to the extent

Nearwest Mentoring Program 2008 Marketing Plan
Mission Statement
To instill a strong sense of life and career planning in Nearwest youth, 14–18 years old, by providing
them with a career-minded adult friend and role model.

Marketing/Recruitment Goal
Attract, screen, train, and match 30 career-minded mentors with Nearwest youth in 2008.

Target Audience
Primary: Professional adults employed by the area’s eight largest corporations
Secondary: Recently (fewer than five years) retired professionals

Positioning Statement
Nearwest Mentoring Program makes a lifelong impact on the lives of youths by developing life/career plan-
ning skills and building strong internal and external assets including citizenship, integrity, and responsibility.

Marketing/Recruitment Strategies
Promotional Activities
Develop and place program brochures and flyers throughout the community— weekly
Distribute newsletter—quarterly
Secure display tables at local events—as available
Develop program Web site—continuous
Personal Contact
Hold mentor orientation sessions—monthly
Develop and deliver professional program presentations—one to two per month
Make targeted contact with various community businesses, professional and service associations,
senior and retirement centers—three to four per month
Attend chamber meetings, informal gatherings, special lunches—monthly or more often
Attend all board meetings; update board and solicit recruitment assistance—monthly
Develop and deploy recruitment drives involving board members, mentors—semi-annually
Public Relations
Develop press kit—program story, brochure, press releases
Distribute press release and PSA to local media—quarterly or as needed
Build media relationships—minimum two to three contacts per month
Develop and distribute success or need stories to the media—semi-annually
Budget Summary

Marketing Activity Budget Pct. Total

Brochures, flyers, printed materials $1,500 38%
Newsletters 1,000 25%
Promotional activities – Misc. 500 12%
Press Kit 300 8%
Chamber membership 200 5%
Miscellaneous 500 12%
Total $4,000 100%

Marketing Timeline
Creating a Positioning Statement
A positioning statement can help clarify your services in the public’s mind by separating you conceptu-
ally from other, perhaps competing, services.

Part I: With other program stakeholders, generate words and phrases for the following questions that
reflect how you want your program to be perceived by your target audience.

1. Our program is unique because _____________________________________________________ .

2. We do ______________________________ better than any other mentoring program.

3. Our desired image and reputation is _________________________________________________ .

Part II: Prioritize and determine the top responses to each. Using the words and phrases you have listed
above, either draft a positioning statement using your own format, or use the template provided below
as a starting point.

When I volunteer as a mentor in the _______________________________ program, I will (feel, gain,

experience, or contribute):

____________________________________________________________________ (benefit #1)

____________________________________________________________________ (benefit #2)

____________________________________________________________________ (benefit #3)


_______________________________________________________________ (program trait #1)

_______________________________________________________________ (program trait #2)

_______________________________________________________________ (program trait #3)

Finished Examples:

Nearwest Mentoring Program makes a lifelong impact on the lives of youths by developing life/career
planning skills and building strong internal and external assets including citizenship, integrity, and

Central County Volunteer Association is the best source for understanding our community’s crucial
social needs and connecting talented volunteers to the needs of high-impact social programs and

Adapted, with permission, from Ballasy, 2003.

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

Use Evaluation Data for in gangs and are not dropping out of school,
but their use of alcohol and marijuana has not
Program Enhancement changed. Since one of your objectives is not
being met, focusing on improving that outcome
As discussed in the previous section, evaluation is
means that your time and energy are being spent
a necessary program activity that can yield many
in the right area. In this example, your program
benefits if done well. The results of your evalua-
might consider providing training for youth on
tion should be the driving force behind changes
substance abuse, develop referral resources to
you make to your program over time, as well as a
substance abuse counseling services, or train
primary source for informing funders and the larger
mentors on talking about drugs and alcohol with
community about your program’s achievements.
their mentees. (Note: If your program is involved
Quality mentoring organizations put their evalu-
in a formal study that requires you to retain your
ation results to work in many areas of their pro-
program model over time, you may have to hold
gram, helping staff and leadership make program-
off on making significant changes in your model
matic improvements and showcase positive results
until the study is concluded.)
to the larger community. Here are some key areas
in which evaluation results can prove invaluable: Enhanced marketing of the program. As
previously noted, your evaluation data tell your
Improved service delivery to mentors and program’s story—one that is invaluable to your
youth. The quality of the activities and services efforts to promote your program in the commu-
you provide are measured by your process evalua- nity. If your evaluation shows that you are mak-
tion. Take the time to review process indicators to ing a positive impact on the youth in your pro-
see if there are changes that should be made to gram, then by all means, share that information!
improve your operating procedures or methods of
service delivery. If 75 percent of your mentors say Positive program outcomes can enhance your
that they felt inadequately trained prior to being volunteer recruitment efforts tremendously. Pro-
matched, then it is certainly time to revisit both spective volunteers will be more willing to join
the amount and content of the pre-match train- your program if they know your mentoring rela-
ing they receive. If 60 percent of your youth say tionships are proving to make a difference. They
that it is difficult to contact your staff, you may may also be swayed by the fact that 90 percent
need to look at staffing patterns and your proce- of your volunteers said that they were “very
dure for supervising matches. And if the major- satisfied” by the level of support and encourage-
ity of your mentees say that they are unhappy ment they received from your staff. So be sure to
with their mentor, then it is high time to revisit use evaluation-generated statistics, graphs, and
your matching procedure. If your overall results quotes from mentors and mentees when design-
are positive, make sure that you reinforce what’s ing marketing materials, recruiting volunteers, or
working and build on your successes. making community presentations.

Improved outcomes for youth. Outcome Fundraising and sustainability. Having posi-
data on your program is not only a way to dis- tive evaluation results will make it easier for your
cover if your program is working or not. It’s also program to attract new resources. Funding agen-
an important tool to help you make changes that cies often want to see demonstrated results before
can improve those outcomes. For example, your investing in a mentoring program. Building evalua-
program has three goals: reduced gang activity, tion results into your grant proposals and presenta-
substance abuse, and dropouts. Your evalua- tions to potential funders shows that your program
tion shows that your mentees are less involved is well-designed, effective, and worth funding.

Section III. Sustaining the Program Through Increased Organizational Capacity

Your evaluation results can also help keep current

funding. Being able to show that your program But what if the results are
is meeting benchmarks may save you from bud-
get cuts if your school or parent organization
less than great? . . .
must decrease services. The whole point of conducting an evalua-
tion is to determine what it is you are doing
Increased community partnerships. Your
well and what services can be improved.
evaluation results can also help in building new
Nothing can be more discouraging to a
partnerships with other organizations and indi-
program than an evaluation that shows
viduals in your community. Being able to dem-
breakdowns in processes or outcomes. But
onstrate your program’s effectiveness can lead
it is important that your program be hon-
to new partnerships that allow you to expand or
est with itself about its evaluation results.
enhance your services. Let key stakeholders and
Don’t inflate your numbers to make it
community organizations know how well you
seem like your program is having more of
are doing and see if your current successes can
an impact than it really is. This will set up
translate into new collaborations that will fur-
unreasonable expectations in the commu-
ther improve your program.
nity and among your stakeholders.

Celebrate your success! While you should certainly highlight the

areas where your program is proving to be
There is no greater reward to the hard work of most successful, be sure to take a long look
your program staff, volunteers, mentors, and at areas where the program is coming up
youth than to see that their efforts are making short. Use your previous failures to improve
a difference. Building recognition events around the program’s future. Always keep in mind
positive youth outcomes will go a long way that your program is about helping youth. If
toward motivating and energizing all the indi- those positive outcomes are truly not there,
viduals involved in your program. it’s time to implement some changes. But
if you can utilize your positive evaluation
results to your advantage, while improving
SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS your program operations based on areas you
have found to be weak, then you are using
How can we use our positive evaluation results
your evaluation findings properly. Effective
to enhance our program?
programs are always striving for improve-
Are we using our demonstrated successes to ment, even while touting their successes.
improve our volunteer recruitment, marketing,
and fundraising capabilities?

How can we use our negative evaluation results

to implement changes?

Are we being honest with ourselves about the

outcomes of our evaluation?

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

Collaborate With Other The Value of Community Coalitions

Local Youth-Serving Youth-oriented advisory groups or community
Organizations coalitions already exist in many communities.
Often these interagency groups are sponsored
Youth need access to a wide variety of support by local health or social service departments,
services and opportunities to reach their poten- schools, or possibly a local United Way or vol-
tial. Even the most intensive mentoring programs unteer center. These coalitions usually welcome
are only one piece of the larger spectrum of pro- new partners. Your participation can go a long
grams and services needed by, and offered to, way toward making your program an integral part
a community’s young people. For a mentoring of the network of services that exist for youth in
program to be truly effective in assisting youth, it your community.
must actively collaborate and network with other In the absence of an existing coalition, your
youth-serving organizations. agency might consider organizing one. The pro-
These informal collaborations extend your pro- cess would include the now-familiar steps of
gram beyond your formal relationships with com- conducting a needs assessment and informational
munity partners. Informal collaboration with other interviews with other agencies. This will allow
youth service providers integrates your program your program to better understand the needs,
into the community network of services seeking goals, and objectives of other community organi-
to improve the health, education, and welfare of zations and discuss how a broad youth coalition
youth of the community. By collaborating with could benefit all the agencies involved. By under-
this network of service providers, mentoring standing the needs of potential collaborators, you
programs can develop new interagency program can begin to look for common ground that can
efforts, influence local public policy, and expand translate into an agenda for collaboration. Com-
the resource and fundraising base for the long- munity coalitions often begin as simply a forum
term sustainability of the program. for information exchange. As these coalitions
mature they begin to tackle issues such as coor-
Perhaps the most important outcome of collabora- dinating services, developing joint programming
tion is enhanced access to needed services for your efforts, and conducting campaigns to educate the
mentees and their families. Some youth participat- community and policymakers about the needs of
ing in mentoring programs will face serious chal- youth.
lenges and difficult circumstances that are beyond
what your mentors and agency can provide. If your While participating in community coalitions may
program is networked in the community and has seem tangential to your mentoring program, the
established collaborations, it will be much easier benefits of strong community involvement will
to refer youth and their families to other services become apparent over time. Through effective col-
that can augment the mentoring relationships you laboration, all the agencies involved become more
are providing. This creates a more comprehensive efficient, strengthen their internal capacity, and
web of services and ensures that your youth are find support that will help sustain their efforts.
getting assistance across all their areas of need.

Section III. Sustaining the Program Through Increased Organizational Capacity

Does our program have a specific plan
to reach out to local youth service

Are we part of local family- and youth-

oriented community coalitions?

Are we able to take the lead in starting a

community coalition if one does not exist?

What information from our initial needs

assessment can inform our community

Have we visited other agencies in our

community and do we understand what
other youth services are available locally?
Have other potential partners visited us?

Have we invited representatives from

other organizations to be on our advisory
council or board of directors?

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

Resources That Can Assist

With the Components in This Section
Applicable titles in the Hamilton Fish Effective Strategies for Providing Quality
Youth Mentoring in Schools and Communities series (available online at:
Sustainability Planning and Resource Development for Youth Mentoring Programs
Generic Mentoring Program Policy and Procedure Manual

Resource Development Planning & Sustainability

Developing a sustainability plan for Weed & Seed sites (Department of Justice, Office of Justice
Effective Capacity Building in Nonprofit Organizations (Venture Philanthropy Partners)
The Road to Sustainability: Sustainability Workbook (National Center for Community Education)
Show Us the Money! Fundraising for Mentoring Programs (EMT Group)
Sustaining Program Viability (EMT Group)

Program Marketing
All About Marketing (Free Management Library)
Evaluating Effective Marketing Materials (Senior Tech Center)
Marketing and Media Outreach [NMC Bulletin] (National Mentoring Center)
Marketing Toolkit for Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools Mentoring Programs (Mentoring Resource Center)
Marketing Your Mentoring Program (MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership)
Strategic Marketing Plan Template (Senior Tech Center)
Why Bad Ads Happen to Good Causes and How to Ensure They Won’t Happen to Yours (Cause

Additional online resources to assist with the components in this section can be found on the National
Mentoring Center Web site at:

Ballasy, L. (2003). Marketing for the recruitment of mentors: A workbook for finding and attracting
volunteers. Portland, OR: Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory.
Ballasy, L., Fulop, M., & Garringer, M. (2007). Generic mentoring program policy and procedure manual
(Rev. Ed.). Portland, OR: Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory.
Cannata, A., & Garringer, M., (with Taylor, J., & Arevalo, A.). (2006). Preparing participants for mentoring:
The U.S. Department of Education mentoring program’s guide to initial training of volunteers, youth, and
parents. Folsom, CA: Mentoring Resource Center.
DuBois, D.L., Holloway, B.E., Valentine, J.C., & Cooper, H. (2002). Effectiveness of mentoring programs
for youth: A meta-analytic review. American Journal of Community Psychology, 30(2), 157–197.
Dubois, D.L., & Karcher, M.J. (Eds.). (2005). Handbook of youth mentoring. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Garringer, M. (2006). Effective mentor recruitment: Getting organized, getting results. Folsom, CA:
Mentoring Resource Center.
Garringer, M. (Ed.) (2007). Sustainability planning and resource development for youth mentoring programs.
Portland, OR: Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory.
Giving USA Foundation. (2006). Giving USA 2006. Bloomington, IN: Giving USA Foundation.
Grossman, J.B. (Ed.). (1999). Contemporary issues in mentoring. Philadelphia, PA: Public/Private Ventures.
Grossman J.B., & Rhodes, J.E. (2002). The test of time: Predictors and effects of duration in youth
mentoring programs. American Journal of Community Psychology, 30(2), 199–219.
Jekielek, S., Moore, K.A., & Hair, E.C. (2002). Mentoring programs and youth development: A synthesis.
Washington, DC: Child Trends.
Jucovy, L. (2001). Measuring the quality of mentor-youth relationships: A tool for mentoring programs.
Portland, OR: Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory.
Mentoring Resource Center. (2006). Marketing toolkit for Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools mentoring
programs. Folsom, CA: Author. Online resource:
National Mentoring Center. (2007). Training new mentors. Portland, OR: Northwest Regional Educational
Rhodes, J.E. (2002). Stand by me: The risks and rewards of mentoring today’s youth. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press.
Rhodes, J.E., & Dubois, D.L. (2006). Understanding and facilitating the youth mentoring movement.
Social Policy Report, 20(3).
Sipe, C.L. (1996). Mentoring: A synthesis of P/PV’s research: 1988–1995. Philadelphia, PA: Public/Private

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

Sipe, C.L. (1999). Mentoring adolescents: What have we learned? In Grossman, J.B. (Ed.), Contemporary
issues in mentoring (p.17). Philadelphia, PA: Public/Private Ventures.
Tierney, J., & Grossman, J.B., (with Resch, N.L.). (2000). Making a difference: An impact study of Big
Brothers/Big Sisters. (Reissued ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Public/Private Ventures.
Weinberger, S. (with Garringer, M., & MacRae, P.). (2005). Going the distance: A guide to building lasting
mentoring relationships. Folsom, CA: Mentoring Resource Center.


Checklist of Program Progress

Sample Timeline for New Mentoring Programs

Recommended Reading

Blank page

Checklist of Program Progress

As your program starts to build a solid foundation based on the information in this guide, you may
find this checklist helpful in gauging your progress. Each heading mirrors the key program components
described in the guide, with items listed that help you measure how well your program has implemented
them. While not all the items will exactly reflect your program’s unique structure, design, and focus, all
of them are important steps to building a quality mentoring program that is safe and effective.

If your program is already well established, you can use the checklist to assess your current strengths
and challenges. Every program has opportunities for improvement, and this checklist offers a comprehen-
sive tool for you and your board to regularly review your program and find out where additional work is

I. Starting your new program

Assessing the need for mentoring in your Developing a mission statement, vision,
community and logic model that is a road map for
Our program has conducted a community needs implementing our program
assessment. Our program has developed a clear, appropriate
Our community assessment identifies youth needs mission that has been agreed upon by our advisory
and issues, who provides services, and what the ser- committee and/or board and communicated to all
vice gaps are in the continuum of youth services. stakeholders.
The results of the needs assessment are incorporated Our program uses our mission statement to guide
into our program planning and design. the development of goals, objectives, activities, and
program practices.
Developing an advisory committee and Our program has developed a logic model that
enlisting board support clearly describes our program design, including mea-
Our program has an advisory council or steering surable goals, activities, and outcomes.
committee that includes a variety of community Our program design meets the requirements of our
stakeholders, agency staff, and other interested indi- funding sources.
viduals. We have developed a realistic implementation
Our advisory group understands their role in devel- timeline that reflects the scope of work planned and
oping our mentoring program. covers all major phases of program start-up.
Our board of directors or other governance body
supports our goals and is involved in our planning. Effective collaboration with partner
Our board and advisory group receive regular
updates on our progress in planning and implement- Our program has developed formal partnerships
ing our program. with organizations that will help us implement our
mentoring program model.
Strong knowledge of mentoring and youth Written Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs)
development research have been signed with all partners that document
Our staff, board, and advisory committee members mutual obligations, fiscal commitments, and roles
have a solid understanding of youth mentoring and responsibilities.
research and best practices. We have identified a designated contact person at
We have used mentoring research and other sup- each partner organization and regularly communi-
porting literature in the design and implementation cate with this person.
of our program. Our program has a process for handling situ-
We understand the basic principles of youth devel- ations in which a partner is not fulfilling its
opment and how to incorporate them into our agreed-upon obligations under the MOU.
mentoring program. Our program regularly updates partners as to
We have researched effective practices in working with the progress of the program and the fulfillment
specific target populations we plan to serve and have of roles and responsibilities.
incorporated this knowledge into our program design.

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

II. Designing quality mentoring services

Volunteer recruitment Our procedures balance a customer service
approach with sound risk management practices.
Our program has developed a written recruitment
plan, which includes: Our intake procedures are regularly reviewed and
revised as needed.
Goals for recruitment
Potential sources of targeted volunteers Appropriate mentor screening procedures
A timeline of scheduled activities
Our program has written policies and procedures for
Designation of program staff responsible for eligibility and screening.
recruitment activities
Our mentor job description clearly outlines the
Budget for recruitment efforts mentor’s responsibilities and minimum require-
We have a written mentor “job description” that is ments and is used as part of our initial screening.
used in our recruitment efforts. Our minimum screening requirements are:
Our program tailors its recruitment “pitch” to target Written application that gathers the initial
specific audiences. information needed to determine basic eligibil-
Our program incorporates a variety of recruitment ity and suitability
strategies to find quality volunteers Reference checks from multiple sources and a
Our program draws on the talents and resources of system for recording results
our staff, board, volunteers, and community part- Face-to-face interview using standardized pro-
ners to recruit mentors. cedures and questions
Our recruitment plan is regularly reviewed and Criminal background check that is thorough
revised. and complete
We have a written list of disqualifying events and
Initial orientation for prospective mentors
mitigating circumstances that mirrors our eligibility
and mentees
Our program provides an initial orientation for Our screening process gathers information regard-
prospective mentors and mentees. ing dependability, suitability, motivations, and other
Our initial orientation includes: factors that may affect their ability to be a mentor.
The program’s history, mission, and positive Staff receive training in mentor screening and inter-
outcomes for youth. viewing techniques
The qualifications, responsibilities, and
obligations of participating in the program Pre-match training for all new mentors and
We track who participates in orientations and mentees
have a written procedure for timely follow-up Our program has a written training curriculum for
with participants. both mentors and mentees
We have a procedure for providing program infor- Staff or outside experts providing training to men-
mation and orientation to parents/guardians of pro- tors and mentees have the skills needed to deliver
spective mentees quality training.
Our curriculum addresses the following topics:
Established mentor/mentee intake
Program history, mission, and goals
Program policies and procedures
Our program has a step-by-step written intake
Mentor and mentee roles
procedure for both volunteers and youth.
Strategies for beginning the match
Copies of these procedures are kept in our
program’s policy and procedure manual. Communication skills
The steps of the procedure are clearly explained to Diversity issues
volunteers and youth at several points. Youth development
We have an established tracking system for Crisis management
volunteers and youth as they move through the Networks of support
steps of the intake procedure.


Child abuse reporting Support, ongoing training, and recognition

Other topics needed for our program for volunteers
Post-training evaluations are obtained and used to Our program offers frequent ongoing training oppor-
improve training. tunities for our mentors.
Our program invites outside experts from the com- Our program uses feedback from mentors and men-
munity to provide training on specific topics. tees to determine the content and scope of ongoing
training activities.
Established matching procedure Participants in training sessions fill out evaluations
Our program has a step-by-step written matching that are used to improve the program’s training
procedure that is followed by all staff members who efforts.
are making matches. Our program provides mentors with resources, staff
We have developed a list of relevant, weighted involvement, and other types of personalized sup-
matching criteria port on a case-by-case basis.
Our matching procedure puts the needs of the child Mentors can participate in a facilitated support
first. group or other support systems.
Mentor and mentee files include applications, refer- Our program regularly recognizes and thanks men-
ence checks, interview responses, and other infor- tors in a variety of meaningful ways.
mation that assist staff in making an appropriate
match. Established match closure procedure
Our matching process includes a role for the parent Our program has step-by-step written procedures
or guardian. for deciding when and how to terminate a match
Our program prepares mentors and mentees for before its predetermined end date.
meeting each other. Our program has written closure procedures that
The initial meeting between matches is structured, address the many different reasons why a match
with clear goals and objectives. may end.
Our procedures provide support and assistance to
Established procedure for monitoring the youth, the volunteer, and parents/guardians
matches regardless of how the match ends.
Our program has a step-by-step written procedure Our program informs mentors, youth, and the
for monitoring matches. youth’s family about our policy regarding future
Our procedure includes a regular timeline for when contact. This policy is outlined in a written contract
check-ins will be made with mentors, mentees, and that is signed by all parties at the time of closure.
Our program uses a standard list of questions to ask
Design and implementation of local
during check-ins to ensure that basic information is program evaluation
collected. Our program has established a plan for evaluating
We have identified staff members who are responsi- our processes and outcomes that is based on our
ble for monitoring matches and have provided them program’s logic model.
with any training they need. We have identified the specific data to collect that
Program staff members are aware of other commu- will show progress toward our desired outcomes.
nity resources and support systems that can help Our evaluation plan incorporates or supplements the
with problems outside the scope of our program. evaluation requirements of our funding sources.
Our program has tracking tools and an accessible Our program has determined whether to use an out-
record-keeping system that keeps track of the prog- side evaluator or internal staff.
ress of the match. We have established a timeline for conducting the
Our program has a procedure in place for dealing evaluation.
with grievances, communication issues, and other Our evaluation is being implemented and we are col-
problems that are revealed throughout the monitor- lecting and analyzing evaluation data.
ing process.

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

III. Sustaining Your Program Through Organizational Capacity

Written policy and procedure manual Our program requires program coordinators to have
prior experience or knowledge of youth mentoring,
Our program has developed a written policy and
youth development, volunteer management, or
procedure manual.
other relevant areas.
Our policy and procedure manual covers all aspects
Staff recruitment methods are designed to give our
of program operation and provides guidance to staff
program a wide, diverse selection of candidates.
on how to handle particular situations.
Our program screens applicants for both suitability
All program policies are approved by our board of
to the position and issues of safety and liability.
directors and/or advisory council.
Our program prepares new staff members by pro-
Our program provides an orientation for new staff
viding indepth orientation and training.
on contents of the policy and procedure manual.
Employees have written staff development plans
Copies of our policy and procedure manual are
that establish annual goals and are reviewed regu-
easily accessible for all program staff.
larly as part of performance evaluation.
Our program has a process in place to regularly
Ongoing staff development opportunities are pro-
review and revise the policy and procedure manual.
vided to staff, including networking and peer sup-
port, formal training workshops, regular check-ins
Implement a resource development plan
with supervisor, and access to in-house and online
Our program has formed a resource development resources.
committee that includes members of our board,
volunteers, advisory council members, and program Access to training and technical assistance
staff who have skills and experience needed to carry services
out its work.
Our program is aware of local, state, and national
Our resource development committee has con-
training and technical assistance resources.
ducted an assessment of our program’s internal
assets and resources. Our program has identified areas of need, as well as
the training and technical assistance providers that
Our committee has assessed current and potential
can address those needs.
external resources that can help us reach our fund-
ing goals. Our program has developed an in-house resource
collection of mentoring research, how-to guides,
A written resource development plan has been
and other relevant resources.
developed based on our assessment of internal and
external assets and resources. Our program encourages staff to network with
other mentoring professionals and receive neces-
Our plan has clear goals, objectives, strategies, and
sary training as part of ongoing staff development.
timelines that are reasonable and appropriate for
our program.
Community awareness of the program
In the development of our plan, the committee
considered several different scenarios that could Our program has a written plan that provides a
change our course of action. clear set of goals, objectives, and activities to foster
positive community awareness of our program.
Our plan assigns clear roles and responsibilities
related to our resource development. We have developed and use a variety of methods to
assess the community’s awareness and perceptions
Our plan has been approved by our board of direc-
of our program.
tors or other governing body and has their support
and involvement in implementing its goals and Our program has identified the strengths and sell-
objectives. ing points of our program.
Our plan includes has a system to track progress Our program has created a brand identity to
and to revise it as needed. increase our visibility in the community.
We have developed a marketing plan that increases
Qualified and trained staff community awareness through:
Our program has developed job descriptions for all Print/radio/television/Web media
positions, which include minimum qualifications Newsletters to partners and key community
for knowledge, skills, and experience. members


Flyers and brochures Collaboration and networking

Appearances and presentations at local with other local youth-serving
events organizations
Testimonies from current mentors We know about the services that are avail-
Networking through key community able to youth and families in our community.
contacts Our program has established informal part-
nerships with other youth service providers
Use of evaluation data for program in the community.
enhancement Our program is part of, or has taken a leader-
Our program uses evaluation results to ship role in developing, a community coali-
improve our internal systems. tion.
Our program uses evaluation results to We regularly refer youth and their families to
improve and enhance outcomes for youth. other services in the community for assis-
Our board of directors and community stake- tance with needs that are outside the scope
holders receive information on our evaluation of our program.
results. We have invited representatives from other
Evaluation results are used in marketing the youth service agencies to be on our advisory
program to prospective volunteers and com- council and/or board of directors.
munity partners.
Evaluation results are used to increase the
funding and sustainability of the program.

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Timeline for New Mentoring Programs
If your program is just starting out, this chart provides you with a rough timeline of when your program
should begin implementing many of the best practices and program components outlined in this guide.
Because of the wide variety of designs and structures in mentoring programs, you may have many of
these pieces in place already, may prioritize some of them differently, or find that some of these compo-
nents do not apply to the way your program is structured. This chart is meant to be a generic outline of
what the first year, and beyond, might look like for your program.


Review youth mentoring research and literature.
Obtain support from existing Board of Directors to proceed with planning (if applicable).
Form an advisory council or steering committee to guide program development activities.
Conduct community needs assessment.
Develop a mission statement, vision, and logic model for your program.
Begin designing the program’s structure and operational procedures.
Determine basic infrastructure, staffing, and initial funding needs and how you will meet them.
Begin establishing formal and informal partnerships with community organizations and key
Have all former partners sign an MOU clarifying mutual goals and responsibilities.
Begin networking with other local, regional, and national mentoring agencies and technical
assistance providers.


Hire a program coordinator and other key staff.
Provide any necessary training for new staff to ensure that they have necessary skills.
Begin developing your policy and procedure manual.
Start planning for program evaluation.
Begin developing a targeted volunteer recruitment plan.
Develop volunteer applications and other necessary forms.
Establish procedures for conducting background checks, applicant interviews, and other steps in
the volunteer intake and screening process.
Develop plans for identifying and receiving referrals of youth to be served.
Develop mentor, youth, and parent/guardian orientation and pre-match training materials.
Develop procedures for monitoring matches and supporting volunteers.
Implement first steps of your volunteer recruitment plan by doing presentations for prospective
groups of mentors, launching marketing campaign, and accepting applications.

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development


Begin active recruitment and intake of youth into the program.
Begin delivering orientation sessions for prospective mentors and youth.
Start accepting mentor applications.
Conduct background checks, interviews, and other screening procedures for volunteer
Conduct pre-match training for approved mentors and youth.
Begin making matches between mentors and youth.
Begin program evaluation activities.
Review program staffing and resource needs.


Continue to recruit mentors and youth.
Revise and update recruitment strategy as needed.
Review policies and procedures and update policy and procedures manual as needed.
Supervise mentor/mentee matches using established monitoring procedures.
Begin providing ongoing training and support for mentors and youth.
Establish a resource development committee.
Begin to develop a broad community awareness and marketing plan.
Continue collecting evaluation data; ensure that data are being properly entered.
Inform stakeholders, partners, and other interested parties of the progress of the program.
Review program progress to this point and see if the program’s mission, goals, and objectives
are being met.
Access training and technical assistance as needed.
Review program staffing and resource needs.


Build and maintain informal community partnerships.
Implement broad community awareness and marketing strategies.
Implement a resource development plan featuring multiple approaches for long-term financial
Continue to recruit, screen, train, match, monitor, and support program participants.
Provide recognition of volunteers.
Revise policies, procedures, volunteer recruitment, and training materials as needed.
Review staff development needs and offer training or other support for staff as needed.
Compile initial evaluation findings.
Analyze program operations and outcome objectives based on initial evaluation findings.
Access training and technical assistance services from local, state, or national mentoring
Keep agency board of directors and program advisory council informed and engaged in program
Continue to review program staffing and resource needs.


Recommended Reading
From the Hamilton Fish Effective Strategies for Providing Quality Youth Mentoring
in Schools and Communities series (available online at:
Generic Mentoring Program Policy and Procedure Manual
The ABCs of School-Based Mentoring
Training New Mentors
Building Relationships: A Guide for New Mentors
Sustainability Planning and Resource Development for Youth Mentoring Programs

Other Titles From the National Mentoring Center

Marketing for the Recruitment of Mentors: A Guide to Finding and Attracting Volunteers

Measuring the Quality of Mentor Youth Relationships: A Tool for Mentoring Programs

Mentoring Program Development: A Start-Up Toolkit

Supporting Mentors

Training New Mentees: A Manual for Preparing Youth in Mentoring Programs

Other titles, such as the Strengthening Mentoring Programs Training Curriculum and back issues of
the NMC Bulletin, can also be downloaded at:

Select Titles from the Mentoring Resource Center (a project of the NMC)
Making the Grade: A Guide to Incorporating Academic Achievement Into Mentoring Programs and

The U.S. Department of Education Mentoring Program’s Guide to Screening and Background Checks

Going the Distance: A Guide to Building Lasting Relationships in Mentoring Programs

Preparing Participants for Mentoring: The U.S. Department of Education Mentoring Program’s Guide
to Initial Training of Volunteers, Youth, and Parents

Foundations of Successful Youth Mentoring: A Guidebook for Program Development

Effective Mentor Recruitment: Getting Organized, Getting Results

Ongoing Training for Mentors: 12 Interactive Sessions for U.S. Department of Education Mentoring Programs

Building a Sustainable Mentoring Program: A Framework for Resource Development Planning

Guide to Mentoring for Parents and Guardians

Marketing Toolkit for Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools Mentoring Programs

The Guide to Key Mentoring Research

Frequently Asked Questions About Research and Evaluation

Key Mentoring Research Resources

Bauldry, S. (2006). Positive support: Mentoring and depression among high-risk youth.
Philadelphia, PA: Public/Private Ventures

DuBois, D.L., Holloway, B.E., Valentine, J.C., & Cooper, H. (2002). Effectiveness of mentoring programs
for youth: A meta-analytic review. American Journal of Community Psychology, 30(2), 157–197.

Dubois, D.L., & Karcher, M.J. (Eds.). (2005). Handbook of youth mentoring. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Grossman, J.B. (Ed.). (1999). Contemporary issues in mentoring. Philadelphia, PA: Public/
Private Ventures.

Grossman, J.B., & Rhodes, J.E. (2002). The test of time: Predictors and effects of duration in youth
mentoring programs. American Journal of Community Psychology, 30(2), 199–219.

Herrera, C. (2004). School-based mentoring: A closer look. Philadelphia, PA: Public/Private Ventures.

Herrera, C., Vang, Z., & Gale, L.Y. (2002). Group mentoring: A study of mentoring groups in three
programs. Philadelphia, PA: Public/Private Ventures.

Herrera, C., Snipe, C. L., & McClanahan, W. S. (2000). Mentoring school-age children: Relationship
development in community-based and school-based programs. Philadelphia, PA: Public/
Private Ventures.


Jekielek, S., Moore, K.A., & Hair, E.C. (2002). Mentoring programs and youth development: A synthesis.
Washington, DC: Child Trends.

Jucovy, L. (2003). Amachi: Mentoring children of prisoners in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, PA: Public/
Private Ventures.

Rhodes, J.E. (2002). Stand by me: The risks and rewards of mentoring today’s youth. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press.

Rhodes, J.E., & Dubois, D.L. (2006). Understanding and facilitating the youth mentoring movement.
Social Policy Report, 20(3).

Tierney, J., & Grossman, J.B., (with Resch, N.L.). (2000). Making a difference: An impact study of Big
Brothers/Big Sisters. (Reissued ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Public/Private Ventures.

More useful mentoring research articles can be found in Dr. Jean Rhodes’ “Research Corner” on the
MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership Web site at:

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