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Chapter 1


Background of the studyFertilizers were crucial to the production of

healthy crops in theagricultural sector. Fertilizers provide essential plant nutrients
includingpotash, phosphoric acid, and nitrogen. The majority of our small
farmers,however, are unable to purchase these fertilizers due to their high cost.
Asidefrom posing risks to human health and the environment, inorganic fertilizer
can also contaminate the land and water.
A more sustainable and cost-effective alternative to inorganic
fertilizersis the use of indigenous microorganisms as fertilizers.
Indigenousmicroorganisms refer to beneficial microorganisms that are naturally
presentin the local environment, such as bacteria, fungi, and other microbes.
Thesemicroorganisms can also be found in various organic materials, such as
soil,compost, and animal manure, and contain various beneficial microorganismslike
lactic acid bacteria, yeasts, and photosynthetic bacteria that can promoteplant
growth by fixing atmospheric nitrogen, solubilizing phosphorus, andproducing plant
growth hormones (Park et al., 2021). These microorganismscan help improve soil
fertility, promote plant growth, and enhance nutrientcycling, while reducing the
risks associated with chemical fertilizers. Inaddition to being affordable, the use of
indigenous microorganisms asfertilizers can also have positive impacts on human
health and theenvironment, making them a promising option for small farmers
facingchallenges with traditional fertilizer use. In recent years, the use of IMO
inagriculture has gained attention due to its potential to enhance soil fertility
andreduce the dependence on synthetic inputs.
Pechay (Brassica Oleraceae var rapa )is a widely cultivated leafy
vegetablein the Philippines and is a good source of vitamins and minerals.
However,the use of synthetic inputs like chemical fertilizers and pesticides in
petchay production can have adverse effects on soil quality and the environment.
Theexcessive use of chemical fertilizers can lead to soil degradation andpollution,
while the use of pesticides can affect the natural balance of soilmicroorganisms and
lead to resistance development in pests (Pirzadah et al.,2021). Therefore,
alternative, and sustainable methods to produce pechay areneeded.
Several studies have investigated the use of IMO in pechay productionin
various parts of the country, and promising results have been reported interms of
enhancing plant growth and yield (Sugiyama et al., 2022). Theapplication of IMO
has been found to increase the availability of nutrients inthe soil, promote root
development, and enhance the activity of beneficialmicroorganisms in the soil.
Furthermore, the use of IMO has been shown toreduce the incidence of pests and
diseases in crops, which can lead toreduced use of pesticides.
In this study, the researchers aimed to investigate the effectiveness of
indigenous microorganisms (IMO) on the growth performance of pechayplants in
Poblacion, Kitaotao, Bukidnon. Specifically, the effect of IMO onpechay growth
parameters such as plant height, leaf area, and biomassproduction were evaluated.
The results of this study could contribute to thedevelopment of sustainable
agriculture practices and provide local farmerswith alternative methods to improve
crop productivity without harming theenvironment.

Objectives of the study

1. To determine the growth of pechay as influenced with the different levels


2. To determine the yield of pechay as influenced with different levels of


3. To identify which level of INDIGENOUS MICROORGANISM is most effective

in pechay plant

Scope and Delimitation of the study

This study aims to determine the effect of Indigenous
Microorganism(IMO on the growth performance of pechay in Poblacion,
Kitaotao, Bukidnon.The study will focus on the use of IMO as an organic
fertilizer and its potentialin enhancing the growth and yield of pechay. This
study will only focus on theeffect of IMO on the growth of pechay in
Poblacion, Kitaotao, Bukidnon. Other factors that may affect the growth and
yield of pechay such as temperature,soil nutrients, and water availability will
not be considered in this study. Thestudy will also be
limited to the use of four treatments and three replicates,which may not
represent the full range of IMO formulations that can be usedin organic
farming. The study will only be conducted in one location and maynot be
generalizable to other regions or areas with different soil types
andenvironmental conditions. Lastly, the study will only evaluate the effect
of IMOon the growth of pechay and will not consider its effect on the
plant'snutritional content or the soil microbial population.

Chapter 2
This chapter presents a thorough review of the relevant literature
onthe utilization of indigenous microorganisms (IMO) in agriculture and their impact
on the growth of pechay plants. Firstly, the pivotal role of microorganisms in
agriculture is discussed, followed by an overview of thepechay plant and its
nutritional benefits. Lastly, recent studies on the effectsof indigenous
microorganisms on plant growth are scrutinized.
Microorganisms in Agriculture
Microorganisms play a vital role in maintaining the soil ecosystem
andare essential for the growth and development of plants. The use of
indigenousmicroorganisms in agriculture has gained attention as an alternative
tochemical fertilizers and pesticides (Bhardwaj et al., 2014).
Indigenousmicroorganisms are naturally occurring microorganisms that can be
found insoil, water, and other organic materials. They are used to enhance soil
fertility,suppress pests and diseases, and promote plant growth.
Recent studies have investigated the potential of
indigenousmicroorganisms in promoting plant growth and increasing crop yield. For
instance, a study by Wu et al. (2021) found that the application of
indigenousmicroorganisms increased the nutrient uptake of cucumber plants
andimproved soil fertility. Similarly, a study by Hussain et al. (2020) showed thatthe
application of indigenous microorganisms increased the growth and yieldof wheat
crops.In recent years, studies have shown that microorganisms play a crucialrole in
the growth and development of plants. One such study conducted bySingh et al.
(2020) investigated the effect of different bacterial strains on thegrowth of mustard
plants. The results indicated that inoculation with certainstrains led to a significant
increase in plant height, shoot and root biomass, and chlorophyll content
Pechay Plant
Pechay or Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa var. chinensis) is a
leafyvegetable that is commonly consumed in Asian countries. It is a rich source of
vitamins A, C, and K and is known for its health benefits, including its potentialto
prevent cancer, diabetes, and heart disease (Yan et al., 2017). Pechay is afast-
growing plant that can be cultivated in a variety of soil types and is asuitable crop
for small-scale farming.Several recent studies have investigated the growth and
yield of pechay plants under different environmental conditions. For instance, a
studyby Jumelita et al. (2019) found that the growth and yield of pechay plantswere
significantly affected by changes in soil moisture levels. Another studyby Shahzad
et al. (2020) investigated the effects of different soil types on thegrowth and yield of
pechay plants and found that the plant growth and yieldwere influenced by soil type

Another study by Rivera-Mendoza et al. (2019) examined the impact of

indigenous microorganisms on the growth and yield of pechay plants in
thePhilippines. The researchers applied a mixture of microorganisms isolatedfrom
the soil to the plant rhizosphere and evaluated plant growth parameterssuch as
height, leaf number, and yield. The results indicated that theapplication of
indigenous microorganisms led to a significant increase in plantheight, leaf number,
and yield compared to control plants. The authorssuggested that the use of
indigenous microorganisms could serve as asustainable and cost-effective approach
to improve crop productivity insmallholder farms.

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