Big Challenge FR - 4eme

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LEVEL 3 ème
54, rue de Clichy 75009 Paris — Tél. 01 45 22 90 70 —

C A letter
14 MAI 2024 Durée 45 minutes
Dear Mr and Mrs Brown,
● L’épreuve est individuelle. Les livres et dictionnaires sont interdits.
● Les 45 questions sont regroupées par compétence. Il n’y a qu’une seule My name is Maisie and I live on the same street as you.
bonne réponse par question. My mum told me that you need someone to look after
● Avec un stylo noir ou un feutre noir, coche dans la GRILLE DE RÉPONSES, your two cats for a week while you are on holiday. I
pour chaque question, la case correspondant à la bonne réponse.
would like to be your pet sitter!
● Le nombre de points attribués à chaque question dépend de sa difficulté :
les questions en blanc rapportent 5 points I'll soon be 14 years old. I love all animals but especially
les questions en gris rapportent 6 points cats and dogs. I enjoy playing with cats, so yours won't
les questions en noir rapportent 7 points
be bored or lonely while you're away!
● Une mauvaise réponse fait perdre un quart de sa valeur en points.
Si aucune réponse n’est donnée à une question, elle rapporte 0 point.
Si plusieurs réponses sont données à une question, elle rapporte 0 point. I have already looked after pets: my gran's dog stayed
with us last year when she was in hospital. I fed and I
walked him twice a day.
Inscris ici Could you let me know the dates of your holiday? My

le login à 7 chiffres situé en haut à droite de ta grille réponses. Ce login te sera mum said it was in July but she wasn't sure when
indispensable pour accéder à tes résultats sur internet. exactly. We are going away for the last week in July and
the first week in August. I hope this isn't the same time
as you!
A A photo
I could visit them every morning or evening and would
charge £5 per visit.
Thank you,
Maisie Jones
9 Mr and Mrs Brown are Maisie's ..... .
A. neighbours B. grandparents C. cats D. parents
10 What do you know about Maisie?
A. She's 14 years old. B. She loves playing music.
C. She is bored and lonely. D. She really likes cats and dogs.
11 In her letter, Maisie ..... .
A. offers to care for her neighbours' two cats
B. says she will feed and walk Mr and Mrs Brown's dog two times a day
C. explains that she has never been a pet sitter before
D. writes that she looked after her gran when she was ill
12 Find the true sentence.
1 In the photo, the three teenagers are ..... . A. Maisie's family is going on holiday for two weeks in August.
A. camping in the woods B. playing a game B. Maisie offers to visit the cats twice a day.
C. buying a tent D. staying in a hotel C. Maisie is available to visit from 1 pm to 5 pm each day.
2 The boy on the right ..... . D. If Maisie visits once a day, she will earn £35 for the week's work.
A. has got sunglasses on B. is holding a guitar
C. is cooking lunch D. is looking at the fire
D Grammar
3 What can you see in the photo?
A. a fire, trees, a tent B. headphones, birds, a caravan 13 “Susan! Are you ..... to me?” “Yes, Miss.”
C. T-shirts, smoke, rain D. sausages, grass, a kitchen A. hear B. don't hear
C. listening D. listened

B Vocabulary 14 “What are you doing this evening?” “I ..... to the cinema.”
A. 'm going B. go
4 The opposite of “clean” is “.....”. C. will D. am watching
A. soft B. dark C. poor D. dirty
15 “Where ..... you go on Saturday?” “I went to my friend's house.”
5 The symbol @ is called ..... . A. have B. are
A. at B. hashtag C. dot D. com C. were D. did
6 Oh no, it's raining! Quick, let's stand ..... that tree. 16 I ..... when the doorbell rang. It was the delivery man.
A. between B. above C. through D. under A. slept B. 'm in the garden
7 Choose a name for this “family” of words: score, winner, cards. C. was having a shower D. am watching the football
A. Games B. Health C. Travel D. Birthdays 17 “Do we ..... to pay to visit the museum?” “No, it's free.”
8 That video is really funny! I'll ..... it with my friends. A. should B. have
A. borrow B. save C. keep D. share C. must D. got
E At the hairdresser's H Sounds
32 “Said” rhymes with “.....”.
A. paid B. lied C. played D. red
33 The “ea” in “heard” has the same sound as the “ea” in ..... .
A. heart B. learn C. wear D. health
34 “Calculator” = O o o o. “Secretary” = ..... .
A. O o o o B. o O o o C. o o O o D. o o o O

I A London travel guide

Shakespeare's Globe, 21 New Globe Walk, London SE1 9DT
Next to the River Thames is Shakespeare's Globe. The Globe is a copy
of the theatre where William Shakespeare worked as an actor and a
writer. The original theatre (also called The Globe) was destroyed by
a fire in the 17th century; this version opened in 1997.
Seeing a play at the Globe is very different from
a visit to a regular theatre. Firstly there is no
electricity: the stage is lit by candles during evening
performances, and all music comes from instruments
18 In this photo, the customer seems ..... . used in Shakespeare's time.
A. nervous B. lost C. unhappy D. pleased
Secondly, the stage and the seats are all outdoors. Rain doesn't
19 The customer is ..... about her new hair colour. stop performances, so check the weather forecast before you go,
A. discussing B. congratulating C. complaining D. discovering and dress appropriately! Finally, there are only a small number of
seats; most of the audience stands to watch the plays. Tickets for
20 The hairdresser is probably saying, “.....”
the standing area cost only £5, while it's £25 to watch while sitting.
A. I can fix it, don't worry. B. I want to speak to the manager.
C. I'm so glad you like it. D. This is all your fault! One thing that has changed is that women are allowed to act in plays,
unlike in Shakespeare's time when men and boys played the female
21 Find the group of words associated with personal appearance. roles!
A. wavy, roof, slim B. brush, wallet, skin
C. handsome, beard, curly D. cooker, straight, bald 35 According to the text, Shakespeare's Globe is ..... .
A. where Shakespeare works B. a theatre beside a river
F English-speaking countries C. a famous play D. a travel book
36 Find the true sentence.
22 Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa are cities in ..... .
A. A fire destroyed many of Shakespeare's plays.
A. Australia B. New Zealand
B. The first Globe Theatre burned down in 1997.
C. Canada D. the United States of America
C. William Shakespeare wrote plays but didn't act in them.
23 ..... are popular for breakfast in the USA. They are often served D. There have been two theatres called The Globe in London.
with bacon and eggs, or with syrup.
A. Potatoes B. Hot dogs C. Beans D. Pancakes 37 What is unusual about seeing a play at The Globe?
A. During the day, the only light comes from candles.
24 On the 4th of July, Americans celebrate ..... .
B. If it rains, performances will be cancelled.
A. Thanksgiving B. Labor Day
C. The majority of the audience watches plays standing up.
C. Halloween D. Independence Day
D. You have to dress like people did in Shakespeare's time.
25 The year 1066 is very important in British history. It is when the
38 Find the sentence that isn’t true, according to the travel guide.
English army was defeated by the ..... at the Battle of Hastings.
A. Normans B. Scots C. Vikings D. Romans A. A couple would pay £50 for tickets in the seated area.
B. If you saw Romeo and Juliet today, Juliet would be played by a boy.
C. It's possible that you'll get cold and wet while watching a play.
G Situations
D. You won't hear electric guitars or keyboards at The Globe.
26 Your best friend introduces you to his cousin, Paul. What can you
say to Paul? J Sentences
A. “You're welcome, Paul.” B. “Hi! Nice to meet you, Paul.”
39 Mmm, that was the ..... ice cream that I ..... eaten.
C. “This is Paul.” D. “Good to see you again!”
A. best ..... 've never B. nicest ..... have ever
27 You are buying some sweets in a shop. They cost £1.50 and you C. more delicious ..... have yet D. most ..... already
pay with a £2 coin. The cashier gives you some money and says, “.....”
A. This is mine. B. Here's your change. 40 The house ..... is on top of a hill.
C. I've got too much. D. There's some left. A. where do you live B. which we bought
C. that likes John D. who is white
28 A man says, “They're on all the floors of our house except in the
bathroom and kitchen. They're soft to walk on.” What is he talking about? 41 The police officer asked ..... saw the accident.
A. Carpets. B. Curtains. A. if we did B. to him if he
C. Blankets. D. Wood. C. me if I D. that they
29 Jake is seeing his girlfriend for the first time since she returned
from holiday. What can he say to her? K The Biggest Challenge
A. “I missed you!” B. “You can't miss it.” 42 Which pair of words don't sound the same?
C. “I didn't notice you.” D. “You were missing.” A. aloud/allowed B. ice/eyes C. past/passed D. wear/where
30 In a café, you see a boy you don’t know take your coat off a chair. 43 I'm very busy at the moment. Could you tell ..... I'll call him later?
What can you say to him?
A. to Mr Jones that B. for him that
A. “Leave him alone!” B. “Put on my jacket!”
C. my husband D. that the client
C. “Hey! Buy your own!” D. “Excuse me — that’s mine!”
44 Complete the “family” of words: pool, puddle, canal, ..... .
31 Sally's neighbour needs some help. She says to Sally, “Could you
..... ? Would you water my plants next week while I'm away?” A. pond B. snooker C. sand D. canoe
A. provide a service B. do me a favour 45 Which is the smallest state in the USA?
C. help yourself D. make me an offer A. Hawaii. B. Connecticut. C. Wyoming. D. Rhode Island.

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