Forest Fire
Forest Fire
Forest Fire
Pada kondisi alami, lahan gambut tidak mudah terbakar karena sifatnya
yang menyerupai spons, yakni menyerap dan menahan air secara maksimal
sehingga pada musim hujan dan musim kemarau tidak ada perbedaan kondisi
yang ekstrim. Namun, apabila kondisi lahan gambut tersebut sudah mulai
terganggu akibatnya adanya konversi lahan atau pembuatan kanal, maka
keseimbangan ekologisnya akan terganggu.
G. In the dry season, the peat will be very dry to a certain depth
and flammable. Peat contains fuel (the rest of the plant) to
below the surface, so that the fire in peat spread below the soil
surface and the slow and difficult to detect, and cause heavy
smoke. Peatland fires difficult to extinguish so it could take a
long time (months). And, just to die miserably after the rain
A. As we know, forest is the heart of world. Our country has the most
extensive rain forest in Asia. But right now, many habitats and
species are under serious threat as result of deforestation. Over the
past ten years the rate of deforestation or forest destruction in
Indonesia reached two million hectares per year. In addition to
forest fires, illegal logging is the largest cause of forest destruction.
Illegal logging has destroyed everything. There are many effect of
illegal logging for all of us.
B. Firstly, illegal logging can make natural disaster like land slide and
flood. As we all know, reduces forest to waste land by cutting
down trees illegally and in large numbers we are causing the land
beneath us to become unstable. Trees hold together the soil with
their roots and when they are uprooted the soil become loose and
tends to turn into a landslide. Several flooding is a result of illegal
logging too. It occurs because removal of the trees extensively
leaves little vegetative cover to hold heavy rain.
As we all know, forest is important for our life in the earth. Forest is the
heart of world. If happen deforestation that caused by illegal logging it will be
impact for all of us. It will cause natural disaster like landslide and flood,
damage of animal’s habitat, air pollution, and global warming. We should care
about forest with stop illegal warming to save our earth. We can begin it from
our self.
Seperti kita semua tahu, hutan penting bagi kehidupan kita di bumi.
Hutan adalah jantung dunia. Jika terjadi deforestasi yang disebabkan oleh
pembalakan liar itu akan berdampak bagi kita semua. Ini akan menyebabkan
bencana alam seperti tanah longsor dan banjir, kerusakan habitat hewan, polusi
udara, dan pemanasan global. Kita harus peduli tentang hutan dengan stop
pemanasan ilegal untuk menyelamatkan bumi kita. Kita bisa mulai dari diri kita.