Section-A (5 x 5 = 25M)
Answer any Five questions.
1.Define Econometrics. Explain the nature of Econometrics?
2.Derive OLS estimator of the variance of error term and show that it is un biased?
3.What are the Sources and Consequences of Heteroscedasticity?
4.Discuss various diagnostic tests of Heteroscedasticity?
5.Explain how to overcome the problem of Multicollinearity?
6.What are the methods for reducing the influence of Multicollinearity?
7.What are the Sources and Consequences of Autocorrelation?
8.How to detect the problem of Autocorrelation?
Section-B (5 x 10 = 50M)
Answer any Five questions. At least One from each Unit.
9.What are different steps in Empirical Econometric analysis?
10.Explain about data for Econometric analysis?
11.Explain Two variable Linear Regression Model and its estimation?
12.Describe about Gauss-Markov theorem?
13.Describe Goldfield-Quandt text for detection of Heteroscedasticity?
14.Describe an Estimation method of GLM under Heteroscedasticity error terms?
15.Explain the Nature, Sources and Consequences of Multicollinearity problem in a GLM?
16.Describe various Diagnostic tests of Multicollinearity?
17.Explain the Problem of Autocorrelation. What ae its Uses?
18.Explain Durbin-Watson test for detection of Autocorrelation in a Regression model and
Discuss the limitations of the test?
Pre final Examinations, March-2023
Class& Subject: III B.Sc. (Statistics Paper-VII)-REGRESSION ANALYSIS
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks:75M
Section-A (5 x 5 = 25M)
Answer any Five questions.
1.Explain about Simple Linear Regression?
2.What are the Properties of OLS estimators and ?
3.What are the Assumptions of Multiple Linear Regression Model?
4.What is Dummy Variable Technique?
5.What is Multiple Linear Regression with interaction effects?
6.Explain Comparison between Regression with qualitative Dependent and Independent
7.Briefly explain how to Select “Best Regression Model”?
8.How do you Interpret Mallow’s C Statistic ?
Section-B (5 x 10 = 50M)
Answer any Five questions. At least One from each Unit.
9.Explain test for Complete Regression?
10.Explain tests of Significance of parameters using Least Square Estimation?
11.What is BLUE? Explain the test of Significance of Multiple Linear Regression Model?
12.Explain Completely Multiple Linear Regression Model?
13.Explain the estimation of Model parameters with Dummy Variables?
14.How do you test the Structural Stability of Regression Model?
15.What are Limited dependent Variable Models. Explain?
16.Explain Logistic Regression with estimation. Also evaluate the Odd ratio and its
17.Explain R criteria and adjusted R criteria for model selection?
18.Describe about Forward ,Backward and Stepwise Regression in detail with equation?
First Terminal Examinations, February-2023
Time: 3 Hours Statistical Inference (II B.Sc.) Max.Marks:75M
Section-A (5 x 5 = 25M)
Answer any Five questions.
1.Define the term of Population, Sample, Parameter with an example.
2.Define t- distribution? Write its Applications and Properties.
3.Show that Sample Mean is an UBE of Population Mean.
4.Explain Method of Moments. Write its Merits and Demerits.
5.Explain Null and Alternative Hypothesis with an example.
6.What is M.L.E? Write its properties.
7.Explain Paired t-test.
8.Define Non-Parametric test? Write its Assumptions, Merits and Demerits.
Section-B (5 x 10 = 50M)
Answer any Five questions. At least one from each Unit.
9. Derive the p.d.f of - distribution.
10. Derive the p.d.f of Student t- distribution.
11.Explain the Criteria of Good Estimator.
12.Obtain 100(1- ) % Confidence limits for and .When the Samples are taken from
the Normal Population.
13.Explain the Large Sample test procedure for Single and Two Means.
14. Explain the Large Sample test procedure for Single and Two Sample Proportions.
15.State and Prove N-P Lemma.
16.Explain the -test for Goodness of fit.
17.Explain Signed Rank test.
18.Define a Run? Explain Run test
First Terminal Examinations, February-2023
Time: 3 Hours Descriptive Statistics &Probability (I B.Sc.) Max.Marks:75M
Section-A (5 x 5 = 25M)
Answer any Five questions.
1.What is Questionnaire? Write features of a Good Questionnaire.
2.Explain Schedule and Classification.
3.Explain Central and Non-Central Moments.
4.Explain the Various Definitions of Probability.
5.Define Independent, mutually exclusive and mutually exhaustive events.
6.Explain Skewness and Kurtosis.
7.State and Prove Bayes theorem.
8.What is M.G.F.Write its properties.
Section-B (5 x 10 = 50M)
Answer any Five questions. At least one from each Unit.
9. Define Primary and Secondary data? What are the data Collection methods?
10. Calculate Mean, Median, Mode for the following data.
C.I <10 <20 <30 <40 <50 <60 <70 <80 <90 <100 <110
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Frequenc 6 16 34 58 72 110 124 148 157 165 170
11.Derive the Relationship between Central and Non-Central moments.
12.State and Prove Multiplication theorem of Probability for ‘n’ events.
13. Calculate M.D and S.D for the following data.
C.I 30-32 32-34 34-36 36-38 38-40 40-42 42-44 44-46 46-48 48-50
Frequency 3 8 24 31 50 61 38 21 12 2
14.If A and B are independent events, then show that
I). A and B are independent event
II). A and B are independent event
III). A and B are independent event
Section-A (4 x 5 = 20M)
Answer any Four questions.
1.Importance of Environmental Education.
2.Envoronmental Functions.
3.Level of Biodiversity.
4.Global Warming.
5.Green House effect.
6.Flood Management.
7.What are the uses of Alternative Energy Resource.
8.What are meant by Solid Waste Management.
Section-B (3 x 10 = 30M)
Answer any three questions.
9. Explain the Scope and Importance of Environmental Education.
10.Write an Essay on Natural Resources.
11.What is Land Degradation? Explain the prevention and Control measures for
Land Degradation.
12.Discuss about Global Warming.
13.Write short notes on Bishnoi Movement.
Section-A (4 x 5 = 20M)
Answer any Four questions.
1.Health benefits of a Balance Diet.
2.Carbohydrate Deficiency.
3.What are the Symptoms of Minerals Deficiency.
4.Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).
5.Elaborate Child Health Scheme.
6.World Health Organization (WHO)-INDIA.
7.COVID-19 Andhra Pradesh.
8.Mention the steps to Create Public Awareness through Digital Media.
Section-B (3 x 10 = 30M)
Answer any Three questions.
9.Write about the Sources of Proteins, Functions and their Deficiency effects.
10.Effects of Deficiency of Water.
12.Disaster Management.
13.What is Hygiene? Write about types of Personal Hygiene.
Section-A (4 x 5 = 20M)
Answer any Four questions.
1.Health benefits of a Balance Diet.
2.Carbohydrate Deficiency.
3.What are the Symptoms of Minerals Deficiency.
4.Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).
5.Elaborate Child Health Scheme.
6.World Health Organization (WHO)-INDIA.
7.COVID-19 Andhra Pradesh.
8.Mention the steps to Create Public Awareness through Digital Media.
Section-B (3 x 10 = 30M)
Answer any Three questions.
9.Write about the Sources of Proteins, Functions and their Deficiency effects.
10.Effects of Deficiency of Water.
12.Disaster Management.
13.What is Hygiene? Write about types of Personal Hygiene.
Section-A (4 x 5 = 20M)
Answer any Four questions.
2.Soil Conversation.
3.Write about the Causes of Climatic Change.
Section-B (3 x 10 = 30M)
12. Explain the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act-1974 amended
in 1988.