Sample Questions

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Exercise I



Instruction: Read each question carefully and answer as comprehensive as

possible. Make sure to emphasize points of discussion.

1.What gender discrimination behaviors can you observe that are still
evident today? Give situations and circumstances when they occur?

2.What are the observed evidence of gender equality in the community that
you are in? Cite examples and discuss your reason for considering it as
evidence of gender equality.



Exercise II



Jamp 80

Fill in the blanks.

Instruction: Read each statement carefully and write the most appropriate
word/s that can

Complete the sentences.

1. Before gender and development, ______Are expected to work only

asSecretaries, teachers, librarians, and the like.

2.Before gender and development, ____

Are expected to be in-charge of

Things, telling others what to do.


The _______

Of 1945 and the ______

In 1948 established the first official worldwide recognition of women’s

equality and non- discrimination on the basis on sex.


The _______

applied in 1970s fell short of improving

unequal relationships.

5.Gender and development focuses two major frameworks including,______

and _____

6.___Denotes women having same opportunities as men,

Including ability to participate in the public sphere

7. ___Refers to the biological distinction of being male and female

8.____Is a social construct about the role of males and females, which results

From sociocultural influences throughout an individual’s development.

9.A set of attitudes, more likely unfavorable, towards members of a group is


10._____ is an overt negative behavior towards a person based on his or her

membership in a group.

11. Any bias against an individual or group based on the individual’s or

group’s sex is referred to as ____.

12. Gender ______ and _______ can be both identified to show beliefs about
the characteristics, attributes, and behaviors against women.


True or False

Exercise III



Instruction: Read the sentences thoroughly and recognize the truthfulness of

each. Write TRUE if sentence is correct and FALSE if it is not. Write your
answers before each number.

1. Gender mainstreaming is the considerate integration of gender-relevant

concepts in development and strategy planning.

2. Having the capacity “to do” and the capacity “to be” shows development.

3. Development is about expanding the range of choices for people, both for

Women and men.

4. Gender blindness referred to the neglect of concerns particular to women.

5. Gender-responsiveness is an act of discrimination based on one’s gender.

6. Ability to exercise freedom and responsibility is one of the aims of


7. Gender and development is the process of empowering, equitable,

sustainable, free from violence, respectful of human rights, supportive of
self-determination and actualization of human potentials.

8. Gender and development was primarily created to address rights of


9. Gender and development implementation may be optional, depending on

the implementing agency.

10. All government agencies are required to allocate at least 5% of their total
budgets for gender and development.

Name: Year/Course/Section: Exercise IV Date: Score: Instruction: Use the

provided space to identify the appropriate answer: MDG for Millennium
Development Goals; SDG for Sustainable Development Goals; and PDP for
Philippine Development Plan.
1. Quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete basic education

2. Good governance 3. Peace, justice and strong institutions. 4. Ensure

environmental sustainability 5. Quality education 6. Eradicate extreme
poverty and hunger 7. Development that is national and has a government
that advocates 8. Develop globe partnership for development 9. Decent work
and economic growth 10. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases 11.
Inclusive growth 12. Clean water and sanitation 13. Achieve universal
primary education 14. Gender equality 15. Climate action




Exercise V



Instruction. Identify the type of society that exists in the following. Describe
the roles of its members and the relationship that exists between them.

1. Church

2. Republic of the Philippines

3. Maranaws

Name: Year/Course/Section: Identification. Exercise VI Date: Score:

Instruction: Read each statement carefully and identify the word being
described. Write the correct spelling of your answers before each number. 1.
It is defined as a grouping of individuals, which is characterized by common
interest and may have distinctive culture and institutions. 2. Latin word that
means friendly association with others. 3. Latin word that means companion,
associate, and comrade or business partner. 4. Beliefs and symbolic forms
governing a society. 5. Classification of society which is generally
characterized as egalitarian. 6. Stratified structure of society that is led by
chieftains. 7. Classification of society that is described to have complex
social hierarchies, with organized and institutional governments. 8. Simplest
form of society that consists of small kinship groups. 9. Society that that
consists of many families, led by a chief or elder. 10. A group of people
united by kinship and descent, which is defined by perceived descent from a
common ancestor. 11. A human population whose members identify with
each other, usually on the basis of a presumed common genealogy or
lineage. 12. A political association with effective dominion over a geographic
area.13. A region controlled exclusively by a city, usually having sovereignty.

14. Perspective of society which believes that people initially lived in

isolation, became nomadic individuals dependent on each other, then finally

Down and valuing own territory.

15. Perspective of society which believes that people must be productive to

Address and sustain essential needs.

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