Teachers Book Solutions Intermediate 3rd PDF
Teachers Book Solutions Intermediate 3rd PDF
Teachers Book Solutions Intermediate 3rd PDF
Intermediate 3rd
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Teacher's Book
;Jj :� b
Introduction to Solutions Third Edtion 3
Unit Introductio 4
Unit 1 Geeaos 6
Unt4 Hoe 2
Unts echology 27
Unt7 Arss 37
Unit8 Messges 4
Unit9 Joeys 4
Culture Bank 55
Third Eton
Essentials Teacher's Book
;J :�" b
Christina de la Mare
Kathine Stannett Jeremy Bowell
Tim Falla Paul A Davies
Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Switch
M e's ece when yo e hee ' appy wh he e has been running fo 25 minutes.
Mexican or e hnese 6 Because he was late
Nintendo Switch
Exercise 6 age25
(Possible answers) 3 ueston 6
25-metre swmming poo 00ete athletics track
Exercise 4 � 24 age 26
aiconditioned basketball court, bowlng alley, dance studio,
1 a 2 d 3 c 4 b 5 b 6 a
weghts room bightly lit athleics tack, basketball court,
boxing rng, dace studo, climbing wall, footbal pitch, Exercise 5 age
ice rink eightlane swimming pool eighteenhole gof below al along 3 across, al oer besde by
course full-sized swmmng pool openai athetics track,
basketball court olaheated swimming pool For further practice of prepositions of place:
oundpoof dance studio wellequipped bowing alley, Vocabulary Buider 2F agem
dance studio, weghts room
2 1 i o 3 i 4 o 5 at 6 7 at 8 in
14 Ui 2
Exercise 3 page74
Map of resources 1 paywigh 2 poe 3 noveis 4 paer
. 7A\hly 5 scpo 6 snger 7 decor 8 compose 9 acor
Studet's Boo, pages 7475; Worboo page 74 10 dancer/ choreographer opera sger
Phooopable: 7 A (Taing abo e ats) Exercise 4 page 75
7BGmm (Posse answers)
Jo eneck wroe Of Mice and Men Picasso paed
Guernia. Adee sang Someone like you Vvadi composed
La Notte Jenfer Anson appeaed Friends Lcano
7C Litni
g Pavaro sag Neun orma
Students Boo, page 77 Woboo page 76
Exercise 5 page75
7DGmm 1 paned 2 composer ale dieced 5 pay
Students Boo, page 78 Woboo, page 77 msca paner 8 pop snger 9 acor
10 oves 11 appea n 12 sclpre
Photoopable 70 (hve mehing ne)
!7E Wd Skill Exercise 7 � pag 75
Students Boo, page 79 Worboo page 78 1 A 2 B
7FRding ast weeed went to a galey odon wth my
paenere was a bg exhibitio o ode ar on ha
7G Sing tey wated to see I ealy wasnt patiualy een to go as
Sdents Boo, page 82 Worboo page 8 ot a bg n o oden a, bt I ie to eep an open
d and was prepared to evise my opiio So wet
Potoopable Futonal agage Pate es and along wi te e ast whos aeady quite aous,
dislies) had eated soe slptes usg eveyday objes om
aound er oe My paets oved t but athoug oe o
Stdens Boo page 83 Worboo page 81 two o te sptures wee qute ineestig, I didnt ealy
destand wat te artis was tying to say Il h o
Clt 7 a exuse my parets as e again
Sdens Boo, page 8 ast sume I we to a msi estival wt a group o eds
DVD ad DVD wosee U 7 I was the fs time Id bee o a esval wasnt pang
on gog but a iend ad a spae tet Ayway, I was eally
oong wad to oately i raied ost o the ie
jEd nit ad te ied we wee apig tuned to a sea o mud
n evew: Woboo, pages 828 I didnt nd tat eally bt oug te usi wod be
bette e bands weent patary we own ad te
Potoopabe Gamar Review one bad was oong ward to seeng anelled at e
Exa .Sills Taier 4: Studens Boo pages 84-85 ast nue Despite at, weve ageed to go agan ex yea
Culative evew 7: Woboo, pages 1819 ast ot I wet o te eare wit my iy We saw
Progress es and Shot Tests Ui 7 a play aled An Inpe C by B Piestly Wee studying
the pay at soo s a bt boing ad d aleady ee t a
ouple o ties o DVD but ovied e that it
f Vocabulary woud be a good idea to see it agai Ayway it was as bad
as d eaedI was a oal amateu theae opay ad
Ta abou e ars e atg was pety awul I sppose it didt do me ay
ha ough Seeing a ive perae at e teare has
Exercse 1 age7 elped e to ge to now te play a bi bete
bae caroon pay msca scom I ady ever wah o ise to muscals maybe about
drawng dance H opera dens own aswers oe a yea that B ast weeed wen to see Mmm
Mi' in ondon I a big ABBA and Id been meag
Execse 2 pg o go ad see ages I ased ots o ends o oe
nove pay poem cassca msc, msca opera aog, but oly two ageed Anyway, booed ealy good
pop msc C ae cassca msc dance mme seats rght a the ont was an aazing experee As
msca opea pay pop msc scom I expeted the msi was asi as wee te siges and
D caroo, drawng panng scpre danersm gog o go aga, t eed to nd omeoe
else o go wi as y eds were so ipesse by
Unit 7 37
See execise 8.
7 a 8 thea
Zabanook(� Exercise 3
a ea
apathetc c staight pees
foosh the om lethagic
e qic x
Exercise 6 pag76
Exercise 6 I 3.0 pag77
38 Uit7
Introduction Vocabulary
m Vocabulary
Exercise 1 pag6
Holidays 1 cro diappoed eeved 4 cofued
5 axious 6 oed delighed terrified 9 ashamed
Exercise 1 page4 10 evious 11 poud 12 socked 13 upse
1 staue 2 zoo 3 harbour 4 castle 5 opea house
6 square 7 ruis 8 moume Exercise 2 page 6
evous 2 reieved 3 coss 4 coused
Exercise 2 page4
disappoited 6asamed
1 wdfe park 2 aquarium 3 market 4 shoppg
distrct 5 aioal pak 6 palace arbour Exercise 3 page6
8 theatre 9 old tow 10 museum 11 tower 1 bave 2 ard-workg 3 orgased 4 pucua
12 heme park 5 hoest 6 outgoig kid oya
Exercise 6 pag6
Grammar 1 m 2u 3dis u
Exercise 5 pages
1 ook; ar, ookig
2ae thikg; do thk
3 s avig have
Exercise 6 pags
1 do, go 2 do, do 3 does, sta, fish ae, doig
Nintendo Switch
f Reading Exerse 5
thng 2 an 3 on
4 nto 5 stand 6 much
7 love 8 anything
Street at
Exerse 6 pag82
Exerse 1 page 79 be shown 2 will be opened 3 s watched
bicycle rack 2 bench 3 pavement 4 lamp post
4 have been made 5 was painted
5 phone box 6 sculpture 7 parkng meter
6 is being permed/ wi be permed
8 bus stop 9 stop sign 0 untain
Exerse 7 pag83
Exerse 2 pag9
had my eyes tested have it cleaned
1 F 2 F
3 have had my ears pierced 4 m having it repaed
5 had t taken 6 'm having it decorated
Exerse 3 page 9
d 2 3 C 4 a 7 ve had my credt card stolen 8 have my hair cut
Exerse 8 pige8
f Speaking himse
2 mysel 3 yourseves
yourse 6 themselves 7 ise
4 hese
8 ourselves
Photo comparison and role-play Exerse 9 page8
was 2 in 3 a 4 was 5 by 6 asks 7 had 8 had
Exerse 1 pag80
A a classica concert B a circus
Exerse 3 pag80
Unit 8 Messages
an 2 qute 3 keen 4 absolutely 5 stand
6 muh 7 thing 8 do E Vocabulay
Exerse 4 page8o
afraid 2 say 3 rank 4 Im 5 be
On the phone
Exerse 1 page84
4 I remembe an exhibtion went to wth my famly once - 4 D You'e new here, arent you
it was in te Prado Museum n Madd ctuay, t woud Ruby Yes, am
be moe accurate to say emember the eadup to t. My D o wat do you tnk o our scoo
mum had booked tcets months in advance, wch was R I lke t. But it takes me ages to get hee I waled ts
pobably a good idea as the galley was paced. n fact, monng, ad it too me neay ha an ou
tee wee so many peope that stated eeling dzy D Whee do you lve
wle we wee waiting n te queueWo nows what we R Near te soppng mall on te othe sde o town.
wee gong to see? I cetanly don't because neve made D Me too Why dont you get the bus he numbe
t toug te doo Befre could faint, my dad too me stops ght outside school.
o o nd a doctoThat was te ed o te exhbtion R at mght be bette oes t go om te ma ve seen
us, and coud tel tat my mum wasnt peased! some bus stops outside the ont entrance.
D No, te goes past te car par and stops outside te
Exercise 2 � 2.21 8 cnemaWy do't we get the bus home togethe aer
ae e ah schoo Then I can show you the bus stop
ae e wan saea R hanksat would be geat
3 I ny ha eyes he een Why spend hous watng at the aport whe you coud
4 Wh knws wha we wee n see spend a day o moe reaxng at sea on te way to you
Transcript holday destinaton Ou ery sevice opeates a luxuy
See exese cuse to pain wt a choice o routes rom Pymout and
Potsmouth to antander and Bilbaoepatures om
Exercise 4 9 Plymout are on unday aernoons, and by Monday
a b 3 C unchtme, you wl be arving at antandere etun
ouney is on a Wednesday evening. Fom Potsmout, tere
Exercise 5 are two saings eac wee to both antande and Bbao.
1 b 2 3 b 4 a Sa 6 7 8 b 9 10 a hoose the best crossng r you, or mx and match outes as
you pease Our oboad expeence aows you to get nto
Cumulative Review 5 the holiday sprt rom te moment you leave the country
(Units 1-9) Exercise 3
an D an
Exercise 1 ( 222 0
3 4 a s b Exercise 4
1 a 2 c 3 c 4 b Sa 6 c 7a 8 b 9 c 10 b
an I have you attention, pease, ades and gentemen
hank you Just a ew tngs befe we set o Pymout
hs coac is tted with seat bets, whch must be worn o
te duration o the journey. Passenges caugt not weang
oe may be ined up to £5e exts are te doos at te
ont and bac o the vehice, and te emegency exts are
tough the windows ese ae ceay maed and tee
s a sa amme beaking te glass o now sit bac,
put you seat belts on, and please ty to enoy te ouney
ank you you attenton.
2 Pssenger Um, excuse me I wode i you can hep me
Gud I' cetanly ty
an you tel me whch patrm the tran to Brmngham
goes om
G Wel, the Bmingam trains usuay go om plaom ,
but te next one is diect tats te 5 so it leaves om
patom . But youl ave to ury because its aleady.
ans, but my tan is te 5Wll tat leave om
patom too?
G No, te 5 sn't diect, so it goes om platm
ans a lot
3 s s an announcement o passengers wating at gate B
o gt EZY6 5 to Bristol We eget to nom you that this
lght s deayed due to te ate aval o the ncomng pane
is eay wi be appoximatey mnutes Pease be advised
tat because o te delay, the gate number and boardng
tme o you flight has been changed. e lght wi now be
ag gae A a appae . a' we
ve pat two at gate We apologise o te inonveniene
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