Mesicic3 Jam Income2
Mesicic3 Jam Income2
Mesicic3 Jam Income2
I. Short title.
2. Interpretation.
.I dministration
5. Chargcablc incomc.
SA. Trcatmcnt of concessionary loans.
Statutory lncomes
0. Slatutory incomcs.
7. Post-ccssation receipts.
8 . Provisions supplcmcntaq to scction 7.
9. Valuation of tradmg stock on cessation.
10. Valuation of work in progress at cessation.
1 I . Valuations for thc purposcs of sections 8 , 9 and 10.
25. [Repenled b.v.-lct 4 of 1986.1
“qualified unit trust scheme” means a scheme which,
s.2. throughout the year of assessment (or, where the
scheme is registered under the Unit Trusts Act during
the year of assessment, throughout the part
l’l’lic iiicliisioii of‘ his page IS niitliorized by L N. 88/2003]
30/L970 (2) For the purposes of this Act the following per-
s. 2 (2). sons shall be treated as being connected with a given person
(“A”) and he with them, and shall be so treated notwith-
standing that at the relevant time any of the persons in
question (not being individuals) had not yet come into exis-
tence or had ceased to exist-
3. (Deleted by Act 12 of 1985, Sch.1
['I% < of t&is p g e is aUmorized by L.N.79119961
5.--(1) Income tax shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, Chargeable
be payable by every person at the rate or rates specified
hereafter for each year of assessment in respect of all income, s. 3 (a).
profits or gains respectively described hereunder-
(a) the annual profits or gains arising or accruing-
(i) to any person residing in the Island
fiom any kind of property whatever, whether
situated in the Island or elsewhere; and
1 1986
(5) For the purposes of subsection (1 )- s. 3 ( c ) .
s. 3(2). (7) Where a person acquires the right to receive the
amount (with or without interest) stated in a bond, certificate of
deposit, debenture, note or other similar instrument issued to
him or any other person, then any profits or gains accruing to
(d) education;
(e) training;
of trading
9.41) In computing the profits or gains of any person
rtmton who permanently ceases to carry on or exercise a trade or
cca t i o n .
29,1969 business, any trading stock belonging to the trade or business
s. 3. zt the cessation thereof shall be valued as follows-
s.s. (0) in the case of any such trading stock-
(i) which is sold or transferred for valuable
consideration to a person who carries on or
intends to carry on a trade or business; and
(ii) the cost whereof may be deducted by the
purchaser as an expense in computing the
[The inclusion o l this page i n authorized by L.C. 172/1986]
42/ 19%
(0) the income derived fiom investments or deposits
S. 3 (b).
in the Island of a superannuation or pension fund
or plan administered in the United Kingdom or in
Canada or in any other country which the
Minister has for the purposes of this paragraph
specified by order, being a fund or plan in respect
of which the Commissioner is satisfied, on produc-
tion of a certificate issued by or on behalf of the
Government department responsible for collecting
taxes corresponding to tax charged under this Act,
that such income is exempt fiom such taxes as
Provided that-
(i) nothing in this paragraph shall be con-
strued as allowing any amount to be
deducted from the income of any person
in respect of any contribution paid by
him on behalf of any other person or paid
by him in respect of a domestic worker
as defined in that Act;
(ii) nothing in this paragraph shall apply to
any employer’s contribution which, apart
from this paragraph, would be allowable
as a deduction in computing the amount
of any profit or gains;
(iii) a person who by virtue of any provision
of the National Insurance Act suffers a
deduction from his emoluments in respect
of any contribution payable under that
Act shall be deemed for the purposes of
this paragraph to have paid a contribution
equal to the amount of the deduction;
(q) the amount of any donations (not exceeding one- 35/1Y76
twentieth of the statutory income) to any institu- Ist
tion or organization established and operated
exclusively for charitable or educational purpases
and approved by the Minister responsible for
finance, by order;
(r) subject to subsection (7), the amount of any 4/191~
S 5 (a).
expenses incurred in the provision of business
entertainment, being entertainment which the
Commissioner is satisfied is of a kind and on a
scale which is reasonable having regard to all the
(s) the amount of any contribution paid pursuant to
the Human Employment and Resource Training
Act :
me inclusion of this page is autho- by L.N. 79119961
in respect
14n.41) In ascertaining the chargeable income in respea
ofad& Of income tax for the year 1975. or any subsequent year
tiooal of assessment, of any person who proves to the satisfaction
s. 3.
of the Commissioner in the prescribed manner that-
(a) during the period in respect of which the claim
is being made he operated a factory (as defined
in section 2 of the Factories Act); and
(6) on or after the 1st day of September, 1975, he
employed at that factory, additional workers,
thereby increasing the number of individuals
employed in that factory beyond the number of
individuals so employed on the 31st day of July,
1975; and
(c) the remuneration of those additional workers is
deductible as an expense under subsection (1) of
section 13; and
( d ) the additional workers aforesaid were employed
in capacities other than managerial (including
accounting), supervisory or any similar capacity;
(e) each additional worker was employed for not less
than one full working week of at least forty hours
and was paid at least the national minimum wage
prescribed under the Minimum Wage Act; and
__-__ - ~.
[The inclunron of this page is authorized by L.N. 172119861
Deductions 15-41) Subject to the provisions of this Act, and for the
ellow8h~e. purpose of ascertaining the chargeable income or statutory
2211977 income, as the case may require, of any person, no deduc-
S. 4 (a).
s. 5.
tion shall be allowed in respect of-
( a ) domestic or private expenses;
(b) any disbursements or expenses not being money
wholly and exclusively laid out or expended for
the purpose of acquiring the income;
(c) any capital withdrawn or any sum employed or
intended to be employed as capital;
(d) any capital employed in improvements;
me inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 172/1986]
KIL - 29
In this subsection-
(i) references to profits include references to
income, reserves or other assets;
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 1 1 1/2005]
INCOME T A X 54.03
Provided that-
Personal Reliefs
I'crsons no1 27.-(1) Any person who satisfies the Commissioner that he
domiciled or
cornlnon- is not domiciled in this Island, or that being a Commonwealth
wcalth cilizcr\s citizen he is not ordinarily resident in this Island, shall in respect
not ordinarily
residents in of income derived from sources out of this Island be chargeable
his Island; with income tax only on such income as is received in this
basis of
computation. Island:
71 1956
S. 33.
911 963
S. 9(1) (c).
3011970 Provided that where such a person was present in the
S. I4 (I).
Island for a period or periods aggregating in the whole to
not less than three months in the year of assessment this
subsection shall not apply to his income so far as it relates
to work done in the Island or work done elsewhere in
relation to the Island, and in determining how far it so
relates any agreement. or arrangement for its apportion-
ment may be disregarded by the Commissioner if it appears
to him not fairly to reflect the value of that work.
3011970 (2) Where a person who satisfies the Commissioner as
S. 14 (2).
aforesaid directly or indirectly receives, as part of his
emoluments from an employer, a sum representing the
excess of the tax with which he is chargeable under this Act
3711971 in respect of the emoluments (excluding that sum) over the
S. 3.
28. Any person ordinarily resident in the Island who leaves Temporary
the Island for the purpose only of occasional residence abroad
shall be assessed and charged to income tax as a person actually
residing in the Island.
29. A person shall not be charged to income tax in respect of TernPOW
income arising outside the Island, who is in the Island for some residents.
temporary purpose only, and not with any view or intent of
establishing his residence therein, and who has not actually
resided in the Island in any year of assessment for a period or
periods aggregating in the whole to six months; but if any such
person resides in the Island for the aforesaid space of time he
shall be so chargeable.
each year of assessment upon such part of the income of a non- residents.
resident individual as is chargeable with income tax under this s. 7.
Act, tax at the rate of 25 cents in the dollar. 411986
S.7 (a) (b).
s. 5.
31A.-(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, where any s. I (a).
prescribed person pays or credits interest to any person (in this
section referred to as an investor) that prescribed person shall
deduct from that payment or credit, a sum equivalent to 25 cents
in the dollar:
[The iiiclrisioii of this page IS authorized by L N 88/2003]
34.-( 1 ) Any act by a body corporate subject to income tax
relevant acts. which falls within any paragraph of the following Table but not
3J 1970
s. 4.
within any exception to that paragraph shall be treated for the
21 1982 purposes of this Act as a distribution by the body corporate, but,
S. 6
3 19x7
except as provided in subsection (3) of section 36c, no other act
S . 11 (a). shall be so treated.
Table qf Conipanv Distribiitions
23 1972 Note: In this Table ‘*capitalassets”. in relation to a body corporate.
S. 6.
means assets not derived from income from which its
chargeable income for any year is computed or would have been
computed if it were subject to tax.
Distributions to shareholders
1. Any dividend.
Exceptions: (a) so much of any preference dividend as is deductible
under subsection (3) of section 13:
(6) so much of any dividend as is provcd by the body
corporate to have been paid out of capital assets.
2. Any payment. other than a dividend. made (whether in cash. goods or
otherwise) in respect of shares in the body corporate out of assets of the body
corporate or so that the cost of it falls on the body corporate. excluding such
payments made in the winding-up of a body corporate.
fkceptions: (a) so much of any payment as represents a repayment of
capital on the shares (including repayment of any
premium at which the shares were issued):
( 6 ) so much of any payment as is proved by the body
corporate to have been made out of capital assets.
3. As respects any payment nxide (whether in cash goods or otherwise) in
respect of shares in a company, being a payment made in the winding-up of
the company where the sole or main object of the winding-up was to obtain a
tax advantage (as defined by subsection (9) of section 18) for any members of
the company, so much of the payment as it is necessary to treat as a
distribution in order to prevent the tax advantage from being obtained.
4. Any redeemable share capital issued or paid up in respect of shares in
the body corporate.
Iheptions: (a) such part of any redeemable share capital as is issued or
paid up in return for new consideration and is
commensurate in value with that consideration:
(6) such part of any redeemable share capital as is proved by
the body corporate to have been issued or paid up by way
of capitalizing capital assets.
[The iticliisioii of this page is autliorized by L.N. 88/2003]
the position they would hsve been in if the loan, or that part
of it, had not been treatej as a distribution.
(4) If, following repayment uf money lent, a further
loan is granted within six months of the repayment to or in
respect of the same person the repayment (and the
corresponding amount of the further loan) shall be dis-
regarded for the purposes of this section :
Provided that if the further loan is less than the repayment,
only the portion of the repayment equal to the further loan
shall be disregarded.
Agricultural Income
36D.-(13 On the application of any person who is en- ~cliain
gaged, or proposes to engage, in a prescribed agricultural prqcribd
wpxl of
activity, the Minister may, subject to such terms and con-
ditions as he thinks fit, by order published in the Gazette, 211f982
s 7.
ITh iaolusion of thia paw is authorized by L.N.37/1988]
Deduction of tax
$;=; :
38B.41) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), in determin-
ing, in any year of assessment, the tax liability of a body of h n u i
corporate subject to income tax which makes a distribution 1 2 / 1 9 ~
of its profits or gains for that year by way of the issue of S. 2.
bonus shares, there shall be allowed in accordance with the
provisions of this section, a tax credit equivalent to twenty-
five per centum of such nominal value of the shares issued.
(b) where the tax credit in any year exceeds the income
tax liability of the body corporate then such excess
credit shall not-
(i) be allowabIe in respect of any succeeding
(iD be refundable; or
(iiD be allowable as a credit against any unpaid
income tax.
me inclusion of this pam is authorized by LSI. 79/19%1
.~. ~ .~~.
~ - .-
!The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 3?!1Y~S1
MA. Where lhe emoluments of any person (hereinafter
emolu- werred to as the employee) includes the provision by his
employer of living or other accommodation and the em-
ployer is put in a position to provide the accommodation
4/1986 consequent on an agreement in the nature of a tenancy be-
s. 11. tween himself or any connected person and the employee
or any connected person then-
41.-(I) Any person required by this Act to deduct tax on the Payment
over of tax
payment by him of any sum and pay or account for the same to deducted H,
the Commissioner of Inland Revenue or any other person shall source.
make the said payment of tax, or render the said account, or do S. , 6 ,
both, as his duty may require, within fourteen days after the end m985
of the calendar month in which the first mentioned payment was
made, whether or not tax was in fact deducted from that
(U) there were bonufide reasons for the failure and that, in
the circumstances, the payment could not have been
made or the account could not have been rendered; or
deducted in computing his total income for that year and the
amount of any other deductions or reliefs to which he is
entitled for that year had been determined accordingly.
Sirperannuation Funds
44.-(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act and to any
supar- regulations and rules made thereunder, any sum paid by an
annuation employer or employed person by way of contribution towards an
7;1956 approved superannuation fbnd shall, in computing profits or
s. 1 1 . gains for the purpose of an assessment to income tax, be allowed
to be deducted as an expense incurred in the year in which the
sum is paid:
Provided that no allowance shall be made under the preceding
provision in respect of any contribution by an employed person
which is not an ordinary annual contribution, and where a
contribution by an employer is not an ordinary annual
s. 33. contribution, it shall, for the purpose of the preceding provision,
be treated, as the Commissioner may direct, either as an expense
incurred in the year in which the sum is paid, or as an expense to
be spread over a period not exceeding ten years.
s. 22. (iv) notwithstanding that the fund provides for the payment
of lump sums exceeding the amount specified in
paragraph (b) if they are paid in commutation or in lieu
of annuities not exceeding that amount.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 37/19RX]
(9) If, following service on him of a notice under
S. 1 7 ( 0 subsection (8), it appears to the Commissioner that all the
income of the fund for the year does not need to be
exempted from tax in order to maintain the fund at the size
necessary, having regard to probable future income, to
T h e inclusion of this page i c aethorizml by L.N. 37/1988]
(4) Lump sums not exceeding one hundred and fifty 41 2002
S. 13 (a)
thousand dollars, payable as retiring benefits to, or in respect of,
any contributor pursuant to an approved retirement scheme shall
be exempt from income tax.
311987 (3B) Losses for the years of assessment 1984, 1985 and
S. ?3(d).
1986 whic.h a life assurance company was entitled. prior to
the 1st day of January, 1987, to deduct under section 13 (1)
(h) may he carried forward and, until fully utilized, allowed
as a deduction in subsequent years of assessKent:
34 1970
S 6
(7) Where subsection (6) does not apply the life
assurance company shall be charged under subsection (5) at the
rate of two per ceritirm of its premium income for the year.
I :'
7 1977 (8) For the purposes of subsection (6), a company shall
S . 2(d).
be taken to be regionalized if-
( 8 ~ Every
) reference in subsection (6) or (8) to the 7/1977
region is to- s. 2(d).
(a) Jamaica; and
(b) subject to subsection (8B), the other countries
belonging to the Caribbean Community.
( 8 ~ )The Minister, if satisfied that in the circum- 711977
stances it is reasonably justifiable so to do, may make an
order declaring the 'region not to include, for the purposes
of subsections (6) and (8), such country (other than Jamaica)
belonging to the Caribbean Community as may be specified
in the order and, for any such purposes, a country so
specified in any order under this subsection shall be deemed
not to be part of the region during the continuance in force of
the order.
( 8 ~ In
) the foregoing provisions of this section- 7/1977
"Caribbean Community" means the Community referred to
in the Caribbean Community Act;
"country" includes "territory".
Inland Revenue and shall, within fourteen days after the end of
the calendar month in which the deduction was made, account
for and pay to that Commissioner or to such person as he may
direct, the amount of tax so deducted.
( 5 ) In subsection (1)-
Persons Chargeable
49.-(I) The income of a married woman living with her Separate
husband shall, unless an election is made under section 50, be ~~/~~‘‘
assessed and charged to tax as if she were unmarried. of wife’s
President or
53. The president or other principal officer of every
officcrof society registered under the Industrial and Pro\:ident
registCrod Societies Act or of every building society shall be
answerable. answerable for doing all such acts, matters and things as
7/19% shall be required to be done by virtue of this Act for the
s 33.
assessment of such societies and the payment of the tax.
57. With respect to every person resident in the Island having Lldbllit! of
the receipt, control and disposal of money belonging to a non- ~~~~~~
resident person who derives income from a source in the Island, pakinSt1tof
or to a non-resident person who is a shareholder, debenture lnc*l"rtd'C
6 3 . 4 1 ) In sections 59 to 62 except where the context
~IOV~WIIS otherwise requires-
“controlling director” means a director of a company, the
[The includm of this page is authorized by L.N. 172{1986]
D U ~ of
Y 70.-(1) Every person, whether he is or is not liable to pay
persons sewed
with notice to income tax, upon whom the Commissioner of Inland Revenue
makereturns, may cause a notice to be served requiring him to make and
and powers of
Commis- deliver a return of his income or the income of any person, shall,
sioner. within fifteen days after the date of the service of such notice,
L. N .
16511999. make and deliver to the Commissioner of Inland Revenue a
return as aforesaid.
(3) Where a person has not delivered a return and the 711956
S. 18 (b).
Commissioner is of the opinion that such person is liable to pay
tax, he may, according to the best of his judgment, make an
assessment upon such person of the amount at which he ought to
be charged, but such assessment shall not affect any liability
otherwise incurred by such person by reason of his failure or
neglect to deliver a return.
(4) Where it appears to the Commissioner that any
person liable to tax in respect of any year of assessment has not ,21,958
been assessed or has been assessed to a less amount than that s. 13.
which ought to have been charged the Commissioner may,
within the year of assessment or within six years after the
expiration thereof, assess such person at such amount or
additional amount or surcharge, as according to his judgment
ought to have been charged:
Provided that, if any charge has been made, but that charge is
less than the charge which ought to have been made, such
person shall be assessed and charged, over and above the former
charge, treble the amount of the difference between the charge
which was made and the charge which ought to have been made,
such amount to be added to the assessment.
s 2(a)
(5) (a) On the receipt of the notice of objection referred
to in subsection (4), the Commissioner may require the person
giving the notice of objection-
(i) to deliver (if he has not already done so) within
thirty days or such longer period as the
Commissioner may permit, a return of income for
the years of assessment which in the opinion of the
Commissioner are affected by the notice of
(ii) to hrnish within such period as the Commissioner
may specify, such particulars as the Commissioner
may deem necessary with respect to the income of
the person assessed and to produce all books and
other documents in his custody or under his control
relating to such income,
and may by notice summon any person who he thinks is able to
give evidence respecting the assessment to attend before him
and may examine such person on oath or otherwise.
711956 ( h ) Any person who without lawfbl excuse
sI ~ W refuses or neglects to attend or to give evidence in pursuance of
a notice served on him under paragraph (a), or to produce any
books or documents which he is required to produce under the
said paragraph, or who refuses to answer any l a h l question
touching the matters under consideration, or who knowingly or
wilfully gives any false evidence before the Commissioner, shall
be guilty of an offence against this Act.
811 9x3
S 2(h)
(c) Where the person giving the notice of
objection refuses or neglects to deliver any return or hmish any
particulars or to produce any books or documents, as the case
may be, required by the Commissioner under paragraph (a),
within the period prescribed by or pursuant to that paragraph,
the notice of objection served by such person shall cease to have
effect and the assessment as made shall, subject to section 81, be
final and conclusive for all purposes of this Act as regards such
[The iiiclusioii of this page IS authonzed by L N 88/2003]
Appeals. 76.-(I) Any person (hereafter in this Act referred to as the
29 1971
s. 12. “objector”) who has disputed his assessment by notice of
37 1971
s. 3 .
objection under section 75, and who is dissatisfied with the
L.S. decision of the Commissioner of Taxpayer Appeals therein, may
163 1999.
appeal to the Revenue‘ Court within thirty days of the date of
8B 2002. receiving the Commissioner’s decision made pursuant to
subsection ( 6 ~ of) section 75 or within such longer period as
may be permitted by or pursuant to rules of court.
(2) The onus of proving that the assessment complained
L.S. of is erroneous shall be on the objector.
8B 2002.
8 1983 ( 2 4 An appeal shall be limited to the grounds stated in
s. 3 . the notice of objection but the Revenue Court may in its
discretion permit the grounds of appeal to be amended.
(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act,
income tax shall be paid in accordance with the decision of the
Revenue Court, until, in the event of an appeal being made to
the Court of Appeal, the Court of Appeal, having heard the
appeal, shall otherwise order.
Collection of Income Tmc
Extracts ffom 77.-(1) The Commissioner shall from time to time forward
lists to be sent to the Commissioner of Inland Revenue for collection of income
to Commis- tax, extracts fiom the assessment lists containing the names and
sioner of
Inland addresses of every person assessed in respect of income together
Revenue for with the amount of income tax payable by each person.
collection and
collection of
tax pending
s. 3.
3711961 (2) Collection of income tax shall, in cases where an
s. 2.
2911971 objection to the assessment has been made or an appeal is
s. 12. pending to the Commissioner of Taxpayer Appeals or the
16511999. Revenue Court, remain in abeyance until such objection or
L.N. appeal is determined:
[The inclusion of this page I S authonzed by LN 88i20033
payment is made no assessment has been made in respect of the part I,
Enfomw 79.-( 1) Where any income tax, being due and payable,
payment of
LBXeS. remains unpaid-
s 4 (a) the Collector of Taxes may proceed to enforce
payment under the provisions of the Tax Collection
Act in like manner as if an assessment under the
provisions of that Act for the enforcement of taxes
had been made; and
[The incl&n @fthis page is autimrized by L.N. 172/1986]
Repaymenr of Tax
of tax,
8 1 4 1 ) If it be proved to the satisfaction of the
claimrand Commissioner that any person for any year of assessment
has paid tax, by deduction or otherwise, in excess of the
amount with which he is properly chargeable, such person
shall be entitled to have the amount so paid in excess
refunded and the Commissioner of Inland Revenue shall, on
being notified by the Commissioner that he is satisfied as
aforesaid, make the refund accordingly. Every claim for
repayment under this section shall be made within six years
from the end of the year of assessment to which the claim
S. 18.
(7) Where-
(0) the arrangements provide, in relation to dividends
of some classes, but not in relation to dividends of
other classes, that foreign tax not chargeable
directly or by deduction in respect of dividends
is to be taken into account in considering whether
any, and if so, what credit is to be given against
income tax in respect of the dividends; and
(b) a dividend is paid which is not of a class in relation
to which the arrangements so provide,
then, if the dividend is paid to a company which controls,
directly or indirectly, not less than one-half of the voting
power in the company paying the dividend, credit shall be
allowed as if the dividend were a dividend of a class in
relation to which the arrangements so provide.
Provided that-
( a ) if it appears to the Commissioner that any error
has occurred in the accounts or computation he
may refer the report back for further consideration;
(b) nothing in this section shall affect the right of
objection and appeal conferred by this Act.
98. The provisions of the Third Schedule shall have effect in Z;:rt
relation to the treatment for tax purposes, of animals kept for the animals for
purposes of farming or other trades. income tax
S. 3.
Penalty for 100. Any person guilty of an offence against this Act for
other offences.
1611980 which no specific penalty is provided shall be liable on summary
S. 17. conviction before a Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding
s. 6. ten thousand dollars and in default of payment to imprisonment
1212004 with or without hard labour for a term not exceeding twelve
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 11 1/200S]
102.--41) Any proceedings for offences under this Act may pro-
be taken in ehe name of the Commissioner or such person as he
may authorize in writing.
104. The Minister may, from time to time, by order subject to Minister
may amend
affirmation resolution of the House of Representatives, amend penaltie,
or vary any penalty or fine under this Act. etc., by
43/195R “written down value” means the cost less any initial, annual or other
S . 17(1) allowance granted prior to the year of assessment.
Interprcta- ( b ) References in this Schedule to capital expenditure and
tion of capital sums-
rcferencen to (i) in relation to the person incurring the expenditure or paying
cxpcnditurr, the sums, do not include any expenditure or sum which is
allowed to he deducted in computing, for the purposes of
income tax, the profits or gains of a trade carried on by him;
(ii) in relation to the person receiving the amonnts expended or
the sums in question, do not include referenoes to any
amounts or sums which fall to be taken into account as
receipts in computing the profits or gains of any trade carried
on by him, and do not include, in relation to any such p e m n
as aforesaid any expenditure or sum in the case of which
deduction of tax falls or may fall to be made.
Subsidies, (8) For the purposes of this Schedule, expenditure shall not be
etc. regarded as having been incurred by any person in so far as it has been
or is to be met directly or indirectly by the Cmwn or the Government
of this Island or by any public or local authority whether in the Island
or elsewhere, or by any person other than the first mentioned person:
Provided that there shall be left out of account any insurance moneys
or other compensation moneys payable in respect of any assets which
have been demolished, destroyed or put out of use.
Balancing 3.-(1) Where any capital expenditure has been incurred on the
allowances construction or alteration of a building or structure and while the
building or structure is a non-residential building to which this Part
charges. appJ:es.-
(U) the relevant interest in the building or structure is sold; or
(b) that interest, being a leasehold interest. comes to an end other-
wise than on the person entitled thereto acquiring the interest
which is reversionary thereon; or
(c) the building or StrucLure is demolished o r destroyed, or, with-
out being deniolishcd or destroyed ceases to be a non.
residential building,
an allowance or charge (in this Part referred to as “a balancing
allowance” or “a balancing charge”) shall, in the circumstances men.
liuned in this pangraph, be made to or, as the case may be, on, the
person entitled to the relevant interest immediately before the event
occurs for the year of assessmcnt in his basis period for which that event
Provided that no balancing allowance or balancing charge shall be
made to o r on any person for any year of assessment by reason of any
event occurring after the end of his basis period for the fortieth year of
assessment after that in respect of which a depreciation allowance under
this Part was first granted in relation to the non-residential building.
( 2 ) Where there are no sale, insurance, salvage or compensation
moneys, o r where the residue of the capital expenditure immediately
before the event exceeds those moneys, a balancing allowance shall
be made and the amount thereof shall be the amount of the said
residue or, as the case may be, of the excess thereof over the said
(3) If the sale, insurance, salvage or cornpcnsation moneys
exceed the residue, if any, of the capital expenditure immediately
before the event, a balancing charge shall be made and the amount
on which it is made shall be an amount equal to the excess, or where
thc residue is nil, to the said moneys.
m~einclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 60/1976]
(4) For the purposes of this paragraph, the sale moneys of a non-
residential building shall be ascertained by deducting the amount which
the Commissioner considers the land on which the building is
constructed together with any other buildings on such land would fetch
i f sold on the open market from-
(U) the amount for which the land and all the buildings are sold;
(b) where the Commissioner considers that the land and all the
buildings are sold at a price other than that which they would
fetch if sold on the open market, the amount which 112
considers they would fetch if sold on the open market.
( 5 ) Notwithstanding anything in the preceding provisions of this
paragraph, in no case shall the amount on which a balancing charge is
made on a person in respect of any capital expenditure on the
construction or alteration of a building or structure exceed the amount
of any depreciation allowances in respect of that expenditure made to
him for years of assessment his basis periods for which end on or
before the date of the event which gives rise to the charge.
Appkation 7. The foregoing provisions of this Part shall. with any necessan:
of this Part adaptations, apply in relation to professions. employments. vocations
to prorep- and offices as they apply in relation to trade :
siona. etc.
&?/I958 Provided that no allowance shall be made pursuant to this paragraph
s. 17 (1). in respect of expenditure on the purchase. alteration or improvement
of a road vehicle by a person in employment who is paid by his
em loycr a travelljng. U keep or other allowance granted in connection
wit{ the use of such roafvehicle.
InVeamltIlt 8. Where a person carrying on trade incurs capital expenditure on
dowancc the purchase. alteration or improvement of a ship for the purposes
on ships.
4211958 of the trade, instead of an initial allowance under paragraph 1 of this
S.17(1). Part, there shall be made to him, for the year of assessment in the
3311964 basis period for which such expenditure is incurred, an allowance
s.9 (I). (in this Part referred to as “an investment allowance”) equal to forty
per centum of such expenditure, and any provisions of the Act
applicable to initial allowances made under paragraph I of this Part
shall apply to the investment allowance under this paragraph except
that the amount of an investment allowance shall ,not be written, off
in ascertaining the Wn’tten down value of the s h p nor taken mto
account for the purposes of either paragraph 3 or paragraph 4 or
paragraph 5 of this Part.
PrrliiIW 9. A n y expenditure. incurred for the purposes of a trade by a person
expenditure. about to carry it on shall be treated for the urposes of this Part as if
S. 17(1). it had been incurred by that person on the f? rst day on which he does
carry it on.
4111959 P m IV. Investment Allowances on certain buildings, structures.
s. 3. etc., and on certain machinery and plant
InkI”e1a- 1. In this Part unless the wntext otherwise require+
(U) “aset” means, in relation to capital expenditure to which
this Part applies, a building, structure, machinery or plant,
as the case may be,
Appendix. (b) “basic industry” means an industry for the time being specified
in the Appendix to this Part;
(c) an act shall be deemed to be done by an associate of a person
incurring expenditure-
(i) if it is done by a body of rsons which is at the time
of the act under the wntro of the person incurring the
expenditure; or
(ii) if the expenditure was incurred by a body of persons
which either is at the time of the act or was when the
expenditure was incurred under the control of the
person doing the act; or
(3)if the expenditure was incurred by one body of persons
and the act is done by another, and the one doing the
act is at the time under the control of the same person
as the other either is at that time or was when the
expenditure was incurred; or
[The inclliston of this page is authorized hy L.N. 37/1988]
n !* #
Information S.--(l) The person who h:is incurred any expendTture in ,respect of
to be which an investment allowance has been niade and has not been with-
furnished drawn shall give notice to the Commissioner. if to his knowledge any
to Commis.
sinner. of the following events occurs at any time hefore the expiration, of the
period of three ycars following the year of assessment in whlch the
expenditure was incurred. that is to say-
(a) the asset in respect of which it was incurred is sold by bim
or an associate of his to a person who is not carrying on 8
business in a basic industry: or
(b) the asset is appropriated by him or an associate of his to a
purpose other than the purposes of a business in a b s l c
(2) Any notice of a sale or transfer given undei sub-paragraph (1)
shall state the name and address of the person to whom the sale or
transfer is made.
(3) Any person who, without reasonable cause, fails to comply
with this pamgaph shall be liable to a penalty equal to forty dollars
plus thrce times the amount of the investment allowance made in respect
of the expenditure in question.
Exclusion 10. No allowance shall be made under the provisions of this Part
oi relief in respect of capital expenditure in relation to which any relief from
under lhir income lax is given by virtue of any of the following enactmcnts that
Pan is to say-
where relief
granted The Industrial Incentives Act;
under other
enactmenfa. The Export Industry Encouragement Act;
13i1979 The Shipping (Incentives) Act.
s. 17.
APPENLYIX Paragraph 1)
List of Basic Industries
I . Canning and preserving of fruits and vegetables, that is to say-
(U) canning (packing in air-tight containers) of fruits and
vegetables including fruit and vegetable juices;
T h e ioclrision of this page is authorizcd by L.N. 37/1988]
6.-(1) The person who has incurred any expenditure in respect of which a Information
special capital allowance has been made and has not been withdrawn shall be
turnlshed to
give notice to the Commissioner, if to his knowledge any of the following Commis-
events occurs at any time before the expiration of the period of three years sioner.
following the year of assessment in which the expenditure was incurred, that
is to say-
(2) Any notice of sale or transfer given under sub-paragraph (1) shall
state the name and address of the person to whom the sale or transfer is made.
(3) Any person who, without reasonable cause, fails to comply with
this paragraph shall be liable to a penalty equal to ten thousand dollars plus 1212004
three times the amount of the special capital allowance made in respect of the Sch.
expenditure in question.
8. NO allowance shall be made under the provisions of this Part in respect Exclusion of
of capital expenditure in relation to which any relief from income tax is given re'ief under
this Part
by virtue of any of the following enactments, that is to say- where relief
The Industrial Incentives Act under other
The Export Industry Encouragement Act
The Jamaica Export Free Zones Act
The Bauxite and Alumina Industries (Encouragement) Act
The Petroleum Refining Industry (Encouragement) Act.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 11 1120051
Capital expenditure to which this Part applies is capital Definiti
of cw:ta .+
( U ) incurred by a sugar manufacturer or cane farmer on the
purchase, construction, or alteration of a farm building or
structure or factory which is to be used for, the purposes of
the sugar industry including capital expenhture so incurred
on any farm building or structure or factory provided by a
sugar manufacturer or a cane fanner for the welfare of
workers employed in connection with the sugar industry and
used for that purpose;
(b) incurred by a sugar manufacturer or cane farmer on the
purchase, alteration or improvement of new machinery or
plant which is to be used for the purposes of the sugar industry.
(2) Subject to the provisions of this Part paragraphs 3 and 4 and
sub-paragraphs (2). (3), (4) and (6) of paragraph 5 of Part I shall apply,
with the necessary adaptations, to a building or structure referred to in
sub-paragraph ( I ) of this paragraph as they apply to an industrial
building or structure as defined in Part I aforesaid.
7.-(1) If, in the case of any expenditure to which this Part applies, Withholding
any of the transactions mentioned in sub-paragraph ( 2 ) of this para- andwirh-
graph is carried out within the period of three years following the corn- drawalof
pletion of the work or the purchase of the farm building. factory.
machinery or plant in respect of which the expenditure was incurred,
no special investment allowance shall be made in respect of the
expenditure or, if such an allowance has been made before the carrying
out of the transaction, it shall be withdrawn unless the person incurring
the expenditure satisfies the Commissioner that the transaction did not
have as its object, or one of its objects, the avoidance of tax.
(2) The transactions referred to in sub-paragraph (1) of this
paragraph are-
( U ) any appropriation of the asset representing the expenditure
made by the person incurring the expenditure or by a
connected person to a purpose other than the purposes of the
sugar industry;
(6) any sale or transfer of the asset representing the expenditure
made by the person incurring the expenditure or by a
connected person otherwise than to a person acquiring the
a m t for the purposes of the sugar industry;
(c) any sale. transfer or other dealing with the asset representing
the expenditure by the person incurring the expenditure or
by a connected person being a case where it appears either-
(i) that the expenditure was incurred in contemplation of
the asset being 50 dealt with; or
(ii) that the sole or main benest which accrued from that
person’s incurring the expenditure and the asset being
so dealt with was or derived from the special investment
and other allowances in respect of the asset.
rrhe inclusion of this page is a u t h o r k d by L.N. 60119761
Information S.-(l) The person who has incurred any expenditure in respect of
to be which a special investment allowance has been made and has not been
furnished withdrawn shall give notice to the Commissioner if, to his knowledge
to Cornmis-
sioner. any of the following events occurs at any time before the expiration
of the period of three years following the completion of the work or the
purchase of the building, machinery or plant in respect of which the
expenditure was incurred, that is to say-
(a) the asset in respect of which it was incurred is sold by him
or a connected person to a person who is not engaged in the
sugar industry; or
(h) the asset is appropriated by him or a connected person to a
purpose other than the purposes of the sugar industry.
(2) Any notice of a sale or transfer given under sub-paragraph
(1) shall state the name and address of the person to whom the sale
or transfer is made.
(3) Any person who, without reasonable cause, fails to comply
with this paragraph shall be liable, in an additional assessment, to a
penalty of two hundred dollars and a furtherapenalty not exceeding
three times the tax on the special investment allowance made in respect
of the expenditure in question.
~ ~ ~ l No~ allowance
10. ~ i shall
~ be ~made~ underf the provisions of this Part
relicfunder in respect of capital expenditure in relation to which any relief from
this Part income tax is given by virtue of any provision of any enactment other
where rclicf than this part,
under other
6,-(1) If, in the case of any expenditure to which this Part applies, withholding
any of the transactions mentioned in sub-paragraph (2) of this para- and with-
graph is carried out within the period of three years following the dran’alof
completion of the work in respect of which the expenditure was incurred, a”owances.
no investment allowance shall be made in respect of the expenditure or,
if such an allowance has been made before the carrying out of the
transaction. it shall be withdrawn unless the person incurring the
expenditure satisfies the Commissioner that the transaction did not
have as its object, or one of its objects, the avoidance of tax.
[The inclusion of this page is authorizzd by L.N. 60i19761
10. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Act, to the extent that Carry
an investment allowance to which a fanner is entitled under this Part ~ l ~ $ ~ ~ ~
is not utilized in the year of assessment in which the farmer becomes notfully
entitled thereto pursuant to this Part that allowance or the remainder uii~,z&.
thereof, as the case may be, shall be made to that farmer in the follow-
ing eleven years of assessment until the allowance has been fully utilized.
and in relation to any such year the provision in sub-paragraph (1) of
paragraph 3 of this Part which requires all other permissible allowances
and deductions to be made before an investment allowance is made
shall have effect in the same manner as it applies to the year of assess-
ment in which the expenditure is incurred:
Provided that no part of such investment allowance shall he taken
into acwunt in computing any part of the farmer’s chargeable income
which arises from sources other than husbandry.
(2) It the net proceeds of the sale are less than the residue of
the expenditure on the assets immediately before the sale, an allowance
(in this Part referred to as “a balancing allowance”) shall be made to
the seller. for the year of assessment in the basis period for which the
sale took place, equal to the difference.
(3) If the net proceeds of the sale exceed the residue of the
expenditure on the assets immediately before the sale, a charge (in this
Part referred to as “a balancing charge”) shall be made on the seller.
for the year of assessment in the basis period for which the sale took
place, on the amount of the excess.
(4) If the source in connection with which the expenditure was
incurred has been worked before the 1st of January, 1950, sub-para-
graphs (2) and (3) shall have effect subject to the modification that
the amount of the balancing allowance or the amount on which the
balancing charge is made shall be reduced by applying thereto the
fraction on which the numerator represents the total output from the
source in the period which begins with 1st of January. 1950. and ends
with the time of the sale, and the denominator represents the total out-
put from the source up to the time of the sale:
Provided that if the person to whom a balancing allowance is to he
made in respect of any expenditure considers that the amount by which
the allowance is to be reduced under this sub-paragraph is excessive
29/1971 having regard to the dates on which the expenditure was actually
s. 12. incurred he may appeal to the Revenue Court in like manner as an
appeal made against an assessment under the Act and the Court may
authorize such smaller reduction as may be appropriate.
(5) In no case shall the amount on which a balancing charge is
made upon a person in respect of any assets exceed the difference
(a) the expenditure to which this Part applies which he incurred
upon the assets; and
(b) the residue of that expenditure immediately before the sale.
(6) Whether a balancing allowance or balancing charge is made
upon the seller or not, the deduction to be made in the case of the seller
in respect of the assets under item (b) of paragraph 6 shall, instead of
being the sale, insurance, salvage or compensation moneys, be the
residue of the expenditure attributable to the assets immediately before
the sale.
(7) The buyer shall, for the purposes of the provisions of this
Part relating to annual allowances, balancing allowances and balancing
charges, be deemed to have incurred on the assets at the time of the
sale expenditure to which this Part applies equal to whichever is the
less of the following amounts, that is to say-
(a) so much of the price as is attributable to the assets; and
( b ) the residue of the expenditure on the assets immediately after
the sale.
me inclusion of this paac ir outhoriz:d by L.N. W19761
(c) he sells part of those rights and the net proceeds of the sale
(so far as they consist of capital sums) are not less than the
amount of the capital expenditure remaining unallowed,
no annual allowance shall be made to that person for the year of assess-
ment in his basis period for which the event takes place or any
subsequent year of assessment.
(2) Whcre, on or after the 1st of January, 1953, a person incurs
capital expenditure on the purchase of patent rights and, before the
end of the relevant years of assessment, either of the following events
occurs, that is to say-
the rights come to an end without being subsequently revived;
he sells all those rights, or so much thereof as he still owns,
and the net proceeds of the sale (so far as they consist of
capital sums) are less than the amount of the capital expendi-
ture remaining unallowed.
there shall, subject to and in accordance with the subsequent provisions
of this Part, be made to him for the year of assessment in his basis
period for which the event takes place an allowance (in this Part referred
to as **abalancing allowance”) equal, if the event is the rights coming
to an end, to the amount of the capital expenditure remaining unallowed.
and. if the event is a sale, to the amount of the capital expendi-
ture remaining unaUowed less the net proceeds of the sale.
(3) Where a person who, on or after the 1st of January, 1953,
has incurred capital expenditure on the purchase of patent rights sells
all or any part of those rights and the net proceeds of the sale (so far
as they consist of capital sums) exceed the amount of the capital
expenditure remaining unallowed, if any, there shall, subject to and
in accordance with the subsequent provisions of this Part, be made
on him for the year of assessment in his basis period for which the sale
takes place a charge (in this Part referred to as “a balancing charge”)
on an amount equal to the excess or. where the amount of the capital
expenditure remaining unallowed is nil, to the said net proceeds.
(4)Where a person who, on or after the 1st of January, 1953,
has incurred capital expenditure on the purchase of patent rights sells
a part of those rights and sub-paragraph (3) does not apply, the amount
of any annual allowance made in respect of that expenditure for the
year of assessment in his basis period for which the sale takes place or
any subsequent year of assesment shall be the amount arrived at by-
( U ) subtracting the net proceeds of the sale (so far as they con-
sist of capital sums) from the amount of the expenditure
remaining unallowed at the time of the sale; and
( 6 ) dividing the result by the number of the relevant years of
assessment which remained at the beginning of the year of
assessment in his basis period for which the sale takes place.
and so on for any subsequent sales.
[The inclusion ot this page is authorizzd by L.N. 60/197h]
(3) Where the patent rights sold by a person or the rights out
of which the patent rights sold by a person were granted were acquired
by him by purchase and the price paid by him consisted wholly or partly
of a capital sum. sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) shall apply as if any capital
sum received by him when he sells the rights were reduced by the
amount of that sum :
Provided that where between the said purchase and the said sale
he has sold part of the patent rights acquired by him and the net
proceeds of that sale consist wholly or partly of a capital sum, the
amount of the reduction falling to he made under this sub-paragraph
in respect of the subsequent sale shall be itself reduced by the amount
of that sum.
4. Nothing in the preceding provisions of this Part shall apply in Patent
relation to any patent rights if those rights. or any rights out of which ~ $ ~ ; ~ ~ f o f
they were granted, have been the subject of a sale before the 1st of ,anuary,
January, 1953, and the proceeds of the sale consisted wholly or partly 1953.
of a capital sum.
5 . 4 ) In computing the profits or gains of any trade. there shall ReIieffor
be allowed to be deducted as expenses any fees paid or expenses expenses.
incurred on or after the 1st of January, 1953, in obtaining, for the
purposes of the trade, the grant of a patent or an extension of the term
of a patent.
(2) Where-
(U) on or after the 1st of January. 1953. a person. otherwise than
for the purposes of a trade carried on by him. pays any fees
or incurs any expenses in connection with the grant or
maintenance of a patent or the obtaining of an extension of
a term of a patent: and
(b) those fees or expenses would, if they had been paid or incurred
for the purposes of a trade, have been allowable as a deduction
in estimating the profits or gains thereof,
there shall be made to him, for the year of assessment in which these
expenses were paid or incurred, an allowance equal to the amount
(3) Where a patent is granted in respect of any invention an
allowance equal to so much of the net amount of any expenses incurred,
on or after the 1st of January, 1953. by an individual who, whether
alone or in conjunction with any other person, actually devised the
invention as is properly ascribable to the devising thereof (not being
expenses in respect of which, or of assets representing which. an
allowance falls to be made under any other provision of the Act) shall
be made to that individual for the year of assessment in which
the expenses were incurred.
6 . 4 1 ) An allowance or charge under any of the provisions of this m c r t .
Part shall be made to or on a person in charging the profits or gains person is to
of his trade if- be trealed as
a trader.
me inclusiun of this page is aulhorkcd by L.N. M)!1976]
8.-(1) In this Part, the following expressions have the meanings interpreta-
hereby respectively assigned to them, that is to say- tion.
“income from patents” mean+
(a) any royalty or other sum paid in respect of the user of a
(b) any amount on which tax is payable for any year of assess-
ment by virtue of any of the provisions of this Part:
“the commencement of the patent” means, in relation to a patent, the
date from which the patent rights become effective;
“patent rights” means the right to do or authorize the doing of anything
which would, but for that right, be an infringement of a patent.
(2) In this Part, any reference to the sale of part of patent rights
includes a reference to the grant of a licence in respect of the patent
in question, and any reference to the purchase of patent rights includes
a reference to the acquisition of a licence in respect of a patent:
Provided that if a licence granted by a person entitled to any patent
rights is a licence to exercise those rights to the exclusion of the
grantor and all other persons for the whole of the remainder of the
term for which the rights subsist, the grantor shall be treated for the
purposes of this Part as thereby selling the whole of the rights.
(3) Where an invention which is the subject of a patent is made,
used, or exercised or vended by or for the service of the Crown or the
[The i n c x i o n of this page is authorized by L.N. 6(1/1976]
“tax deduction card” means a tax deduction card in the form prescribed
by the Commissioner or such other document corresponding to
a tax deduction card as may be authorized by the Commissioner
in any particular case:
L.N. “taxable emoluments” means emoluments reduced by-
( U ) deductible expenses as agreed with the Commissioner: and
(b) an exemption or relief from tax pursuant to the Employcc
Share Ownership Plan Act and taken into account for the
pu’poses of these Regulations in a manner a p e d with tbe
“tax tables” means the tax tables prepred by the Commissioner:
“total net tax deducted” rmeans, in relatim to the emoluments
to any employee during any period. the total tax deducted rom
those emoluments less any tax repaid to the employee:
“year” means year of assessment.
3 . 4 1 ) Where an rmployee works under the general control and
management of a person who is not his immediate employer that
person (referred to hereafter in this regulation as the “principd
employer”) shall be deemed to be the employer for the purposes of
these Regulations. and the immediate employer shall furnish the
principal employer with such particulars of the employee’s emoluments
as may be necessary to enable the principal employer to comply with
!he provisions of these Regulations.
(2) If the employee’s emoluments arc actually paid to him by
h e immediate employer-
(0) the , h e d h t e amployer shall be notifled by the princip3
employer of the amount of tax to be deducted or repaid when
the emoluments are paid to the employee, and shall deduct
or repay the amount so notified to him accordingly; and
(b) the principal employer shall make a corresponding deduction
or addition on making to the immediate employer the pay-
ment out of which the said emoluments will be paid.
4. Anything which is authorized or required by these Regulations
10 be done by the Commissioner or the Collector may be done by the
Commissioner or such Collector respectiveIy. or by Tncomc Tax
(Employments) Officers appointed in accordance with regulation 5.
5. The Commissioner may appoint Income Tax (EmpIoyments)
Officers from the members of the staff of his Department to carry out
such duties in connection with these Regulations as he may assign to
6 , Any notice or tax deduction card which is authorized or required
to be given, served or issued under these. Regulations m y be sent by
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 3!20011
(4) Where rbe two copies of the certificate show that the last
payment of emoluments was in the year preceding that in which the
new employment commences, the new employer hall-
(a) if the date of the commencement of the new employment is
within the first three weeks of the year, comply with the
provisions of paragraph (3) with the modification that he shall
deduct or repay tax without taking into account the cumulative
emoluments and the cumulative tax shown on the copies af
the certificate:
(b) in any other case, comply with the provisions of sub-paragraph
(a) of paragraph (3). but deduct tax from each payment >f
emoluments made by him to the employee, and keep records
on the prescribed card as if those payments had been payments
to which paragraph (2) of regulation 20 applies.
(5) If the new employer ceases to employ the employee he shall
mmply with the provisions of paragraphs ( I ) and (2) as if a tax deduc-
tion card in respect of the employee had been issued to him by rhe
(a) the cumulativc t3x before the first payment as aforesaid shall
bc taken to b: tlic suin ui any cuniulalive t3x entered as afore-
snId and m;.. t n T + ~ : L ! I tiic c:np!zyer was liable to rlrduct
froin Llic empliyee‘s enioluments undcr pnragraph (3.
(4) Where pi:ragrap!i (2) applies and the employer ceases to
employ the einplpcc before a ta,%dsGuclion card in respcct of :Le
cmployee has $ten i > S ! I d 10 him by the Commissioner. regulation 18
shalI jpply as i i a tax deJ!l-lion card had bzco so issued. but subjct
to the modifications that-
e of the emp!oycr under that rcglation shall not
conrain particiilars oi tile cu:nulative emoluments and
cumu!ative h x ; and
(b) !be n e w ciiipl:ly:r, instead of deducting or repaying tax by
referems to tlis cumulative en~olunicntsand cuniulative wx,
shall dcduct tax and keep records in accordancc with paragraph
is) In the case of an etnpio~eewho is paid monthly or at Iongcr L.N.
intervals, the references in thi: l.czulalion to 3 rate o: one hundred and 1;SB/S6.
sixty-five dollars or more pcr w e k ahall he treated as a relci-ence to a
rate ul scven hundred and tif!cc:i dollars ui- mofe per month.
(6) This regulation shall ncmt apply where-
(0) the eniploycc on c o i n i i l c ~ ~ c i cmploynien:
i~g~ has deliver-d tn
his einployer copes of a certificate such as is mentioned in
regulation 18. except to the extent provided in paragrapl: (4):
(b) rhe employee performs the duties of his employment wholly
outsidc the Island; or
(c) the cmployee is outside the Island and the emoluments arc.
paid outside thz said Island; or
(4the employec is resident outsidc the Island and the ernolumsnts
consist of a pcnsion:
Provided that if the employer pays a pension not being I.
pension arising wliolly from an employment carried on abroad
to a pzrson who is residcnt outside the Island in rcspect af
whom he had not received a tax deduction card from the
Crmimissioner and the payment is equivalent to emoluments
at the ia:e of 018 hundred and sixty-five dollars or more per L.N.
week, the emp1o)’:r shall, on the occasion of the first such I?BHiR6.
payment forthwith rcnder a return to the Commissioner giving
the name and address of the pcrson entitled to the pension.
the date on which the pension conimenccd and such other
particulars as may be necessary to s:cure the issue of ths
appropriate tax deduction card.
21. No tax sball be repaid to a new employee without the authority
of the Commissioner, if, and to the exient that. it would have been
repayable on thc occasion of thc first payment of enuhments to the
new employee if tax was being deducted in accordancc with regulatidn
_____ -- __
l”h inclusion of this page i E aubhhorized
by L.N. 95i19971
27.--(1) If within fourteen days of the end of any income tax morth
the cmpl(1ycr has paid no aniount of tax to the Coiixlor uiid-r
rc~ulaticin26 for thljt income tax xonth and the Collector is unaware of
thc amount. if any, which the employer is liable so to pay the Collecti;
m y give Itorice to thc employer rquiricg him to rcnde; wi:!iin !h:
1ii:ie 1:t~t~Izd In ihe notice a r z u m showin:: thc nmie of cvcry entoloym
to \rhoiii hi, m:dc any p.ymznt of cmolu:i~en!s or repayment of tax In
the p i e d f r . m the preceding first day of January to the day (bein:
the last clay OF an income tax mon:h) limilerl by L!IC notice tozelher with
such particulars with regard to each such employee as the notice
rqiiires, k i n g partim:!ar.5 of-.
L N. ..
( n ) any knefi:s. pe:q::t\::tss or facilities Fmvidcd for the empiqe;:
!:8B/86. iwhcthcr in mmey o r othcnzzise):
(6) thc paymrmt~i:F enio1~:icnls ninde to him during that period:
(c) any other [natter affecting the cdculation of the tax which
thc sillployer was liable utidcr these Regu1a;ions to deduct
or to r e p y to the employee dtirinz that pe:iod.
( 2 ) The Collector 5y refercnce to the tax tablcs s1i:iIl ascertain
and certify the emount of lax which the eniployer is liable Lo pay to
him in rcspect of l h c income tax niunth in question.
(3) The production of the retlirn made by the employer under
paragraph ( 1 ) and of the certificate of the Collector under paragraph <?)
shall bc sufficient evidence t h a t the amount shown in :he said certificzrc
is the amount of tax which the employer is liab!e 10 pay to the Collector
in respect of the income lax month in question; and any docummt
purporting to be such a certificate as aforesaid shzll be deemed to be
such a certificate until the contrary is proved.
(4) Where a notice given by the Collector under paragap!: ( 1 )
extends to trvo or more consecutive income tax months, the provisioni
of these Rqylations shall have escct as if the said consecutive income
tax months were one income tax month.
( 5 ) A notice may be given by the C:iillcctor under paragraph (I)
notwithstanding that an aniount of tax has been paid to him by the
employer undcr regulation 26 for any income tax month, if the CuUcctor
is not satisll;d that thc amouiit so p i d i b :h: full aniouni which the
employer is liablc to pay to him for that month, and the provisions
of this regulation shall hlive ellect accordingly.
%--(I) The provisions relating to the recovery of income tax sh211
apply to the recovery of any amount of tax which an employer is liahlz
under regillation 7-6 Lo pay to the C'ollxtor for any incume tax mon:.h
as if the said amount had been charged on the employer.
(1)Notwithstanding an;t!!iag cont3ined in section 80 of :he
Act, proceedings may be broiidii for the r e w v e v of the total amouw
which the c:niployer is Iiah!e 10 p y as nforesaid for any income tax
month. wirhout di~tiril:uishliig the m o u n t s which hc is liable to pay
~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ . .
inclusion of !5ii page is a,uthorized by LN.95j19971
(2) Where this regulation applies, the change shall not be treated as a
cessation of employment for the purposes of regulation 18. but in relation to
any matter arising after the change, the employer after the change shall be
liable to do anythmg which the employer before the change would have been
liable to do under these Regulations if the change had not taken place:
Provided that the employer after the change shall not be liable for the
payment of any tax which was deductible from emoluments paid to the
employee before the change took place.
34.--(1) Income tax in respect of emoluments may be assessed and
charged by the Commissioner. who for that purpose may exercise all the
powers under Act.
(2) All the emoluments of an employee may be included in one
35. The Commissioner may give notice to the employer requiring
him to render a return of any emoluments paid by him to any employee
for any year being emoluments whch were not paid to the employee
until after the end of that year and any such return shall be rendered to the
Commissionerwittun the time limited by the notice.
36. The Commissioner shall serve a notice of assessment on every
employee assessed by whom tax is payable or from whose emoluments
any tax was deducted during the year of assessment, not being tau which
was repaid during that year.
3 7 . 4 3 If the employee is aggrieved by the assessment he may give
notice thereof to the Commissioner stating the grounds of his objection,
within thirty days of the date of the notice of assessment.
(2) On receipt of any such notice of objection, the Commis-
sioner, on proof to his satisfaction, may agree with the employee as to the
correct amount to be assessed and may thereupon amend the
assessment. Notice of the amended assessment shall then be served on the
employee by the Commissioner.
(3) In default of agreement as aforesaid the employee, on giving
notice to the Commissioner, may appeal to the Commissioner of Taxpayer
Appeals against the assessment, and the provisions of the Act relating to the 88/2002.
determination of objections to assessments and to appeals to the
Commissioner of Taxpayer Appeals, Revenue Court and to the Court of 7/1956
Appeal shall apply accordingly; and for the purposes aforesaid, the employee S.33,
shall be deemed to be the objector. L.N.
38.-(1) If the tax payable under the assessment is less than the total net 8B/2002.
tax deducted from the employee’s emoluments during the year, the
Commissioner may, and if the employee so requires shall, repay the
Merence to the employee instead of taking it into account in determining the
appropriate code for a subsequent year.
(2) If the tax payable under the assessment exceeds the total net tax
Under 5 years 5 years or more
origulal cost of
Motor Vehicle
uptos 300,000
APPENDIX B (Re@ation S,20 (b),
Employees entitled to relief in respect of allowances
for the provision of uniform and laundry
A. Members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force, Island Special
Constabulary Force and Jamaica Defence Force
Members of the Jamaica Fire Brigade
Persons registered under the Dental Act, Medical Act, Opticians Act,
Veterinary Act, Professions Supplementary to Medicine Act or
Nurses and Midwivcs Act
Porters employed in hospital
Correctional Ofkers
Resident Magistrates
Customs Officers
Air Traffic Controllers
Postal workers employed in the delivery of mail
Teachers required to wear protective clothing
Drivers and Conductors of Public Passenger Vehicles
The crew of any aircraft or ship
The staff of an airline company
Port workers
Attendants at petroleum filling stations
Private Security Guards
Workers employed in the hospitality or manufacturing i n d w ,
restauraots, agriculture, solid waste disposal, mining, or in
refrigexated facilities.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003l
( b ) any other product obtainable from the animal, not being a product
obtainable only by slaughtering the animal itself.
2 . 4 1) Subject to the provisions of this Part, animals kept by a farmer for The grneral
the purposes of his farming shall be treated for tax purposes as trading stock: rule.
3.-41) An election for the herd basis shall apply to all production herds Election for
of a particular class kept by the farmer making the election, including herds the herd
which he has ceased to keep before the making of the election or first begins basis.
to keep after the malang thereof.
(2) An election for the herd basis must be made in writing to the
Commissioner and must spec@ the class of herd to which it relates.
(3) An election for the herd basis in respect of any particular class of
animal shall only be valid-
( b ) in the case of a farmer who for the first time. on or after the said
date acquires and keeps a herd of that class of animal if he elects
for the herd basis not later than one year after the year of
assessment in which he first acquires and keeps that herd.
(4) A farmer who. immediately prior to the said date. was keeping a
herd of a particular class of animals which was being dealt with for tax
purposes by the Commissioner on a herd basis shall be deemed for the
purposes of thls Schedule to have made an election for the herd basis.
( 5 ) An election for the herd basis shall be irrevocable and shall have
effect for the first year of assessment in relation to whch the election is made
or is deemed to be made and all subsequentyears of assessment.
Regulations. -l.-(l) The Minister responsible for finance may make regulations for
determining, where an election for the herd basis has effect, the consequences
for tax purposes.
(2) Laying birds shall be treated for the purposes of this Part as
becoming mature when they first lay.
Wjih!loldtng 5.-(1) If, in the case of any expenditure to which this Part applies,
and any of thc transactions mentioned k sub-porograph (2) is carried w t
withdrawd withlri ihz period of three yea:$ following the year of assessment in
of which t!x expenditure was incwred, no invesment aIlowance sha?I be
made in rsspect cf the expmdirore orl if such an allcnmce has been
ni:ide &fore the c3rryiy oiit of thc transaction, it shall be withdrawn
wlcss the person inrxring th,: expenditure satisfies rfie Coninkion::
that the transaction d'd no: have as its objcct, or oiie cf its objects. h e
avaidance ot tan.
(2) The transactions refcrrcd to in sub-paragraph ( I ) are-
(0) any appropria:ion of the asset representing the expenditure
mad< by the p r m n incurring the expetrd~tureor by a con-
nected pcrson to a purpose other lhan purpose3 uf lives!wk
(b) any sale or transfer of the asset represen:ing the expenditure
made by !he person incurring the expenditure or by a
connected person othemise than to a person acquiring the
asset for purposes of livestock breeding:
(r) any sale, transfcr or othcr dealing with the asset representing
the expznditure by the person incurring the expenditure or by
a connated person being a case where it appears either-
(i) that the expenditure was incurred in contemplation of
the asset being so deaIt with: or
(ii) that the sole or main benefit which accrued from that
person's incurring the expcnditore and the asset beins
(6) the scheme has for its sole purpose the provision in any case.
for payment of retiring benefits either on attaining a specified
age or on becoming incapacitated at some earlier age;
(c) the interest of a contributor in the scheme cannot he pledged.
assigned or in an way alienated as security for a loan or for
any purpose other than that provided for payment of retiring
benefits or annuity to the contributor:
( d ) contributions to the scheme are by self-employed penons or
persons who are employees but who arc not contributors to an
approved superannuation fund;
(c) the assets of the scheme will not be commingled with other
property except in a common trust fund or common investment
(2) The Commissioner may. if he thinks lit, and subject to such
conditions, if any, as he thinks proper to attach to the approval, approve
a scheme or any part of a scheme, as an approved retirement scheme for
the purposes of this Act, notwithstanding that-
(U) the rules of the scheme provide for the return in certain con-
tingencies of contributions paid to the scheme;
(b) the provision of retiring benefits although the main purpose
is not the sole purpose, of the scheme:
(c) the scheme provides for the payment of lump sums exceeding
the amount specified in paragraph 1 if they are paid in com-
mutation or in lieu of pensions or annuities not exceeding that
(4) An appeal may be made to the Revenue Court in any case where
the Commissioner refuses. withdraws or qualifies approval of a retirement
scheme under this paragraph and the decision of that Court shall be final.
8/ 1990
FIFTHSCHEDULE (Section 12 (ac) and (ad) ) S. 3.
2. In this Schedule-
Within tturty days after the end of the month in which the account is
opened, the relevant prescribed person shall supply to the Minister
responsible for fmance or hs nominee, the following information-
Certificate of Interest Paid and Tax withheld by
Prescribed Person
date of certificates:
the name and address of issuer:
taxpayer registration number of issuer:
inyestor's name and address:
type of account/instmment/investment:
number of account/instrument/investment:
gross interest and period involved:
amount of withholdtng tax
net interest credited or paid:
a declaration cemfjing that the tax deducted has been or will be
accounted for to the Commissioner of Inland Revenue in
accordance with the Income Tax Act.