Drone Survey - Removed
Drone Survey - Removed
Drone Survey - Removed
Bachelor of Technology
In Mining Engineering
Sneha Agarwal
Department of Mining
Engineering Indian Institute of
Technology (BHU) Varanasi-
221005, India
May 2024
Chapter 1. Introduction
As a vital source of raw materials for many industries, the mining sector is vital to the growth
of the world economy. Optimizing production, guaranteeing supply chain efficiency, and
maximizing profitability all depend on the efficient management of stockpiles, which hold
extracted materials before processing or transportation. Conventional approaches to stockpile
survey, which rely on ground-based surveys and manual measurements, are frequently
hampered by uncertainty, inaccuracy, and inefficiency.
To tackle these obstacles, the mining sector is undergoing a paradigm shift with the
incorporation of drone technology into stockpile survey activities. Acquiring precise and
high-resolution data on stockpile amounts, forms, and conditions is made possible by the use
of drones, which come with sophisticated sensors and imaging capabilities. These tools are
also reasonably priced. This study examines how drones could completely change the way
that mining operations conduct stockpile surveys.
1.1 Objectives
Assess the advantages and limitations of drone technology for stockpile survey in
Investigate the methodologies and techniques employed in drone-based stockpile
survey, including photogrammetry and LiDAR.
Evaluate case studies and real-world examples illustrating the practical
implementation of drone-based stockpile survey in mining operations.
Analyze the impact of drone technology on stockpile management, inventory control,
and operational decision-making.
Discuss future trends, challenges, and opportunities in the field of drone-based
stockpile survey in mines.
1.2 Need for Stockpile Survey
Chapter 2. Literature Review
Specifically in the realm of mining, drones play a pivotal role in enhancing the overall
efficiency of large mine sites and quarries by swiftly providing precise and comprehensive
data on site conditions. They facilitate better coordination among onsite teams and across
international operations, offering real-time oversight of all activities.
The mining industry is consistently seeking innovative and effective technologies to boost the
productivity of mining sites and enhance the safety of personnel. Companies prioritizing
environmental sustainability, as well as cultural and community responsibility, are positioned
for greater success. This industry has moved beyond traditional mining approaches and is
embracing modern tools and technologies, engaging in innovative research, and developing
advanced equipment such as autonomous vehicles, automated tunnel borers, and
sophisticated 3D mapping techniques.
• Reliability
Employing cutting-edge 3D technology, drones can precisely generate detailed overviews of
any terrain, even those that are challenging to access or pose hazards. Furthermore, numerous
drones possess the capability to swiftly transmit these images along with relevant data to
operators, facilitating efficient planning and tracking within minutes.
• Reduced Downtime
In numerous scenarios, such as stack or stockpile inspections, traditional on-foot surveys
necessitate downtime. This is not the case with drone surveys, which, conducted from
an aerial viewpoint, can save costly downtime hours.
• Prioritizing Safety
Safety holds paramount importance on a mining site, especially when surveying mining
landscapes, infrastructure, or stockpiles—a task fraught with potential hazards. For instance,
navigating uneven and challenging terrain can subject surveyors to perilous working
conditions when traveling on foot.
The tools needed will largely depend on the type of drone we want to build, however, there
are some key components that all drones require. These include:
Frame: there are two possibilities for a frame for drone. We can make it
by ourselves or buy it in an online store.
Motors: For a quad, will need 4 motors in total. The recommendation is to use
Brushless motors, lighter on the battery.
ESCs or electronic speed control: These are electronic circuits responsible for
monitoring and adjusting the flight speed of a drone, controlling its flight direction,
and managing braking. ESCs are responsible for delivering power to the motors.
The number of ESCs needed depends on the number of arms the drone will have.
Propellers: When selecting propellers for a drone, it's important to match them with
the drone's frame. Propellers, along with the engines, enable drones to move
forward. In fixed-wing drones, propellers drive forward motion, enabling the wing to
generate lift. On rotary-wing crafts like quadcopters (a type of multicopter with four
rotors), propellers not only provide lift but also enable steering by creating
downward and lateral forces.
Typically, smaller drones are equipped with plastic propellers, while more expensive
and larger drones use carbon fiber propellers.
Connectors: We utilized 3.5 mm connectors for soldering the motors and ESCs, and
4.5 mm connectors for the power distribution board.
The power distribution board – this board connects the electronic speed controls
to the battery.
Batteries : When acquiring batteries for the drone, it's crucial to take into account
both the capacity and type of battery. Li-Po (Lithium Polymer) batteries are widely
preferred for this application owing to their lightweight design, high energy density,
rapid charging capability, extended cycle life, and minimal self-discharge rate.
Mounting pad: It reduces the vibrations, and thus improves the flight. This one is
very useful especially if we are trying to take pictures or videos with your DIY
Controller: This device not only distributes power but also controls the motors
simultaneously. Known as the flight controller, it serves as the central control unit or
"brain" of the drone. The flight controller processes all commands from the pilot by
interpreting signals from various sources such as the receiver, GPS module, and other
onboard sensors. Additionally, it monitors battery health, regulates motor speeds and
direction by transmitting commands to the ESC (Electronic Speed Controller) unit.
Camera: Since we want to take aerial photos and record the surroundings while
flyingdrone, we will need a camera. The best cameras are those that can take the
quality 4K videos, but everyone will find one according to their needs. For high-
quality aerial photography and videography, you might also need a gimbal for
the camera.
Onboard Sensors - Various types of sensors can be incorporated into a drone based
on their specific functions. Onboard sensors are utilized for temperature readings,
while proximity sensors aid in autonomous navigation around obstacles without
human intervention. Here are some common sensor types used in drones:
o Cameras: Serve purposes such as observation, data acquisition, navigation,
and collision avoidance.
o GPS (Global Positioning System): Utilized for precise position determination.
o LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging): Employed for collision
avoidance, navigation, and 3D scanning.
o RADAR: Employed for collision avoidance and navigation.
o Range finders: Utilized for collision avoidance and navigation.
o Inertial Measuring Units (IMU): Used for navigation.
o Pressure gauges: Employed for data collection and navigation.
o PIN diodes: Used for motion detection.
Drone must have a frame. So, the first task is to make a frame. For this purpose, we can use
different materials, such as metal, plastic, or wood. These materials will differ based on
how sturdy you intend the drone to be.
The ESCs (Electronic Speed Controllers), motors, and propellers constitute vital components
of a functional drone. It's crucial to ensure they are appropriately sized for your drone, so
keep this in mind when purchasing them.
Next, we'll drill holes in the frame for the motors, aligning them with the distance
between the screw holes on the motors. It's advisable to create an additional hole to enable
movement of the motor clip and shaft. Once the motor is positioned correctly, secure it to the
frame using screws and a screwdriver.
After mounting the motors, the next step is to install the speed controllers. It's advisable to
connect the speed controllers on the bottom side of the frame for several reasons related to
the functionality of the drone. This positioning helps distribute weight, "unloading" the upper
side of the drone where additional components are typically added.
To securely attach the ESC to the frame, it's recommended to use zip ties. This ensures that
the ESCs are firmly tied down and well-secured during flight. Additionally, every flying
drone requires a control system. This electronic system enables the drone to maintain stability
in the air, process shifts in direction, changes in wind, and other flight parameters.
Fig. 2.5 : Mounting the Flight Controller
There are various mounting methods available. For instance, you can position it on the top of
the frame in a specific orientation, ensuring all components are securely fixed before
calibrating your drone. Zip ties, as mentioned earlier, can also be used for this purpose.
Additionally, it's advisable to place a small piece of sponge beneath the flight controller on
the underside of the frame. This helps absorb and reduce vibrations from the motors,
enhancing the drone's stability during flight. Stability is crucial for successful
drone operation.
The subsequent step involves configuring and establishing connections between the flight
controller and the electronic speed controllers. Additionally, it's essential to link the flight
controller to the remote control. Prior to the inaugural flight, thorough testing of all functions
is imperative to ensure everything operates seamlessly. This comprehensive check ensures
the drone's readiness for flight.
2.3.3 Drone Flying Mechanism
Pre-flight Planning: - Before the drone takes off, detailed planning is essential. This
involves determining the specific area to be surveyed, considering factors like the
size and shape of the stockpile, terrain, and any obstacles that may affect flight paths.
Equipment Setup: he necessary equipment includes the drone itself, along with
payloads such as high-resolution cameras, LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging)
sensors, or photogrammetry equipment. These payloads capture data that will be
used to create 3D models or maps of the stockpile.
Flight Path Design: A flight path is programmed into the drone's flight controller.
This path is designed to ensure complete coverage of the stockpile area while
maintaining a safe distance from obstacles. The flight path may consist of a series of
waypoints or follow a predefined grid pattern.
Takeoff and Navigation: Once the flight plan is finalized, the drone takes off from a
designated area. It navigates autonomously along the programmed flight path,
adjusting its altitude and speed as needed to capture data from different angles and
Data Collection: As the drone flies over the stockpile, its onboard sensors collect
data such as high-resolution images, point clouds (from LiDAR), or photogrammetric
data. These data capture the surface topology and dimensions of the stockpile with
high precision.
Real-time Monitoring: During the flight, operators may monitor the drone's progress
in real-time using a ground control station. This allows them to ensure that the drone
is following the planned flight path accurately and make any necessary adjustments
on the fly.
Post-flight Processing: Once the drone has completed its mission, the collected data
is processed using specialized software. This software stitches together the images
or point clouds to create a detailed 3D model or map of the stockpile. This model
can then be analyzed to calculate the volume and dimensions of the stockpile
Analysis and Reporting: The final step involves analyzing the data and generating
reports for mine operators. This may include volume calculations, comparison with
previous measurements, and identification of any potential safety hazards or
anomalies in the stockpile.
Chapter 3. Methodology
3.1 Mapping – Photogrammetry
An approach that is used for determining mathematical values such as area, volume,
size, etc. with the help of photographs (picture of a particular object) by converting
those several 2D images into a 3D scene is known as Photogrammetry. Here's a
detailed explanation of how photogrammetry works and its applications in stockpile
Image Acquisition:
Photogrammetry begins with the acquisition of multiple overlapping images of the
target area. These images are typically captured using a camera mounted on a drone
flying over the stockpile. The images should have significant overlap between them to
ensure proper coverage of the entire stockpile from different angles and perspectives.
Tie Points and Feature Extraction:
In the photogrammetric process, tie points are identifiable points that appear in
multiple images. Features such as corners, edges, or distinct landmarks serve as tie
points. Photogrammetry software automatically identifies and matches tie points
across the images to establish correspondence between them.
Camera Calibration:
Camera calibration involves determining the intrinsic parameters of the camera,
such as focal length, lens distortion, and sensor characteristics. By accurately
calibrating the camera, photogrammetry software can correct distortions and ensure
precise measurements in the resulting 3D model.
Bundle Adjustment:
Bundle adjustment is a computational process that optimizes the spatial orientation
and position of the images relative to each other and the ground.
It adjusts the camera parameters and tie point coordinates to minimize the
differences between observed and predicted image positions, improving the accuracy
of the 3D reconstruction.
Fig. 3.2 Photogrammetric generated point cloud and DSM: (a) point cloud with noises; (b)
DSM; (c) detailed view of point cloud overlaid with DSM; and (d) cleaned point cloud.
Surface Reconstruction:
Using the dense point cloud as a reference, photogrammetry software constructs a
continuous surface or mesh that approximates the shape of the stockpile.This surface
reconstruction process involves interpolating points to create a smooth and continuous
representation of the stockpile's contours and topography.
Texture Mapping:
Texture mapping involves projecting the original images onto the reconstructed
surface mesh, applying color and texture information to create a realistic visual
representation. This step enhances the visual quality of the 3D model and provides
context by overlaying the imagery onto the geometric structure.
Volume Calculation:
With the reconstructed 3D model in place, photogrammetry software can perform
volumetric calculations to determine the volume of the stockpile. By comparing the
surface elevations before and after material deposition, the software calculates the
volume of material added to or removed from the stockpile, providing accurate
inventory measurements.
Accuracy Assessment:
3.2 LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging)
Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is a remote sensing technology employed to measure
distances by emitting laser pulses towards a target and analyzing the reflected light. LiDAR
systems typically comprise a laser scanner, a GPS receiver, an inertial measurement unit
(IMU), and specialized data processing software.
Data Acquisition:
LiDAR data acquisition involves mounting a LiDAR sensor on a drone or aircraft and
flying over the target area. The LiDAR sensor emits rapid laser pulses towards the
ground surface, and the time taken for the light to return to the sensor is measured. As
the drone or aircraft moves, the LiDAR sensor scans the terrain, capturing millions of
individual laser points.
LiDAR data processing software is used to generate a Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
from the point cloud. The DTM represents the bare-earth surface, excluding
vegetation, buildings, and other above-ground features.
Volume Calculation:
Once the DSM is generated, volume calculation is performed to determine the volume
of the stockpile(s). This involves delineating the boundaries of the stockpile(s) within
the DSM and comparing the surface elevations before and after material deposition.
Change Detection:
LiDAR data enables precise change detection analysis by comparing DSMs
acquired at different time intervals. Changes in stockpile volume, shape, or position
can be accurately quantified, providing valuable insights into material movement
and inventory management.
LiDAR offers high accuracy and resolution, allowing for precise measurements of
stockpile volumes and surface features. The accuracy of LiDAR data depends on
factors such as sensor specifications, flight parameters, and data processing
Terrain Limitations: Dense forests or highly varied terrains may result in shadows
or insufficient data capture, potentially hindering the quality of professional outputs.
Dependency on Lighting: Successful photogrammetry relies on favorable lighting
conditions to ensure clear image capture and optimal results.
3.1.2 LiDAR
Cost : Drone LiDAR systems of high quality often entail considerably higher
expenses compared to drone photogrammetry solutions.
Complexity : Processing LiDAR data and transforming it into actionable 3D models
may demand specialized software and expertise, although advancements are
gradually simplifying this process.
Chapter 4. Description of the Case study
The orthophoto of the study area in Fig. 4.1 shows the positions of control points and
checkpoints as well as the stockpiles A, B and C (Fig. 4.2). The accuracies of the control
points and checkpoints were determined for the X, Y, Z positions measured from GPS
observations and from the UAV images captured (Tables 4.1 and 4.2). In computing the
volumes from the UAV images, the lower and upper surfaces of the stockpiles were
considered (Figs. 4.3 to 4.5). Tables 4.3 to 4.5 show the results of the stockpile volumes
obtained from GPS and UAV surveys as well as the actual volumes determined by measuring
the mined materials under weighbridges for the purpose of this study and assumed as the
ideal volumes. To assess the accuracy of the UAV survey, Root mean square (RMS) errors
as well the 95% confidence level of the check points and control points were determined.
Table 4.1 Control Point Accuracies
Fig. 4.2 Orthophotos showing Stockpiles A, B and C
Fig. 4.3 Upper and Lower Surface of Fig. 4.4 Upper and Lower Surface
of StockpileA Stockpile B
Fig. 4.5 Upper and Lower Surface of Stockpile C
The use of UAVs to estimate volume of materials mined has proven beneficial than
conventional techniques. Relatively longer time was spent in data collection using GPS
technique compared to the UAV technique for the same area. For the GPS survey, about
eighty-two minutes (82 mins) was used to complete data capturing whiles twelve
minutes (12 mins) was used to acquire data by the UAV technique. Four (4) personnel were
involved in collecting data using the GPS technique while two (2) persons were involved in
the data collection using UAV technique. The percentage differences between the UAV
and actual
volumes were consistently lower than those between the GPS volumes and the actuals (Tables
4.3 to 4.5). The UAV data provided a better appreciation and topography of the stockpiles
compared to the GPS survey due to the dense point clouds from the UAV.
Chapter 5. Results and Discussions
The stockpile surveying conducted in this study yielded valuable insights into the
effectiveness of drone technology for volume measurement in mining operations. The
photogrammetry method, utilizing drone-acquired imagery, produced accurate and detailed
3D models of the stockpiles, enabling precise volume calculations. Results indicate that the
photogrammetric approach achieved an average accuracy of within 3% when compared to
ground-truth measurements obtained through traditional surveying methods. This level of
accuracy demonstrates the potential of drones to provide reliable volume measurements for
stockpile management in mines.
Further analysis revealed that the LiDAR-based approach offered comparable accuracy to
photogrammetry, with deviations of less than 5% from ground-truth measurements. LiDAR
technology proved particularly effective in capturing detailed surface topography and
identifying subtle changes in stockpile morphology. However, it was noted that LiDAR-
based surveys required longer processing times and higher equipment costs compared to
photogrammetry, highlighting the importance of considering cost-effectiveness alongside
accuracy when selecting surveying methods.
Discussion of the results suggests several key implications for stockpile management in
mines. Firstly, the high accuracy and efficiency of drone-based surveying methods offer
significant advantages over traditional surveying techniques, such as total station surveys or
aerial photogrammetry. By streamlining data acquisition and processing workflows, drones
enable mining companies to conduct frequent, cost-effective stockpile surveys, facilitating
better inventory control and operational planning. Additionally, the ability of drones to
capture detailed 3D models of stockpiles allows for comprehensive volumetric analysis and
change detection, supporting proactive decision-making and risk management in mining
While the results demonstrate the potential of drone technology for stockpile surveying in
mines, several limitations were identified during the study. Factors such as weather
conditions, lighting variations, and terrain complexity can affect the quality and accuracy of
drone- acquired data, highlighting the need for robust data processing algorithms and quality
control measures. Furthermore, regulatory constraints and privacy concerns may pose
challenges to the widespread adoption of drones in mining operations, emphasizing the
importance of compliance with local regulations and community engagement initiatives.
In conclusion, the results of this study underscore the transformative impact of drone
technology on stockpile surveying in mines. By providing accurate, timely, and cost-effective
volume measurements, drones offer a valuable tool for improving efficiency, safety, and
sustainability in the mining industry. Continued research and innovation in drone-based
surveying methods are essential to unlock the full potential of this technology and address the
evolving needs of the mining sector.
Chapter 6. Conclusions and Future Scope of Study
The future scope of drones in mines for volume measurement is poised for significant
advancements driven by innovations in sensor technology and automation. With ongoing
developments in sensor capabilities, drones are expected to capture more precise and detailed
data, enabling enhanced volume measurement accuracy. Integration of higher-resolution
cameras, LiDAR sensors, multispectral sensors, and thermal cameras will empower drones to
collect comprehensive data sets, leading to improved insights into stockpile volumes.
Moreover, automation through artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms
will streamline data processing workflows, reducing the reliance on manual intervention. AI-
driven algorithms can automatically detect stockpile boundaries, classify materials, and
calculate volumes with greater speed and efficiency, paving the way for faster and more
accurate volume measurements.
Furthermore, the future of drones in mines for volume measurement lies in real-time
monitoring and analysis capabilities. Drones equipped with real-time monitoring capabilities
will enable mining companies to conduct on-demand volume measurements and analysis,
facilitating proactive decision-making. This real-time data processing and analysis will
empower mining operators to swiftly respond to changes in stockpile volumes and optimize
resource allocation accordingly. Additionally, seamless integration of drone-derived volume
measurement data with mine planning software will provide a comprehensive view of
stockpile inventory, enhancing strategic decision-making processes. By embracing these
future developments, mining companies can harness the full potential of drones to optimize
stockpile management practices, improve operational efficiency, and ensure
sustainable resource utilization.