7 Bab4
7 Bab4
7 Bab4
This chapter unfolds the research findings and discussion of research data, data
analysis, hypothesis testing, and discussion of the findings. The researcher shared
questionnaire to determine the data of students’ intensity in watching English
Tiktok videos. After that, the researcher analyzed the document of students’
Critical Listening subject scores to find out the correlation between both variables.
All of the data were analyzed through statistical analysis.
A. Research Finding
This chapter presents the findings of the research that has been collected and
the quantitative data collection to answer the research questions that are stated in
the first chapter. There were two variables in this research. The first is
independent variable and the second is a dependent variable. The independent
variable of this research is students' intensity in watching English Tiktok videos
(X), and the dependent variable is students’ listening skills (Y). There were 30
students who participated in this research. They answered the questionnaire
regarding their intensity in watching English Tiktok videos based on their true
experiences. Furthermore, they are filled the listening test to measure their
listening skills.
1. Data Description
This research was conducted at State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung
Djati Bandung. It is located on Jl. A. H. Nasution, number 105, Bandung. The
participants of this research were the fourth-semester students of English
Education Department because they have learned the Critical Listening subject.
The participants consist of 30 students from four different classes. They are the
students of class A, class B, class C, and class D. the participants were those who
have Tiktok account only.
a. Students’ Intensity in Watching English Tiktok Videos
The questionnaire was shared to the student who has a Tiktok account only.
This questionnaire was provided to find out the students' intensity in watching
English Tiktok videos. There are 20 questions related to the indicators of intensity
that should be answered by 30 students. The students’ responses to this
questionnaire show their intensity in watching English Tiktok videos. The score of
students’ questionnaires were achieved from the score list below:
Each of the students’ answers has its point. Those points were calculated to
achieve the total score. The total score results of the questionnaire are presented as
Participant10 70
Participant11 71
Participant12 74
Participant13 75
Participant 14 79
Participant15 77
Participant16 80
Participant17 71
Participant18 75
Participant19 73
Participant20 74
Participant 21 80
Participant22 77
Participant23 75
Participant24 76
Participant25 75
Participant26 82
Participant27 71
Participant 28 73
Participant29 74
Participant30 77
ƩN = 30 ƩX = 2243
Average 75
Max 82
Min 70
Table 4.2 The score of students’ intensity
The table above shows that the total score is 2243 points. The average score is
75, the highest score is 82, and the lower score is 70. Those scores are achieved
from the student’s answers to the questionnaire. The mean of this score is 75 out
of 100 which means it is considered to be a high mean.
b. Students’ Listening Skills
The listening scores were collected from the test that the researcher has
distributed to the students of the fourth semester in English Education Department.
The score that was analyzed in this research was the listening test score based on
the English Tiktok videos that the students have watched. The score of students
listening test can be seen below:
Participant 20 75
Participant 21 84
Participant 22 77
Participant 23 82
Participant 24 81
Participant 25 75
Participant 26 88
Participant 27 77
Participant 28 78
Participant 29 81
Participant 30 76
ƩN = 30 ƩY = 2393
Average 80
Max 88
Min 70
Table 4.3 Students’ Listening Test Score
The listening test showed the data of students’ Listening scores. It can be seen
that the total score is 2393, with the average score is 80. The highest score is 88,
and the lowest score is 70. The mean of the data is 80 out of 100 which consider
as a high or very good score.
c. The Correlation between Students’ Intensity in Watching English Tiktok
Videos and Their Listening Skills
This section examines the analysis of the data which used statistical analysis
with SPSS version 28. The analysis consists of normality test, linearity test,
correlation coefficient, and hypothesis test.
1) Normality & Linearity Test
The researcher used SPSS version 28 to test the normality of the instruments
in this research. Normality test was conducted to know whether the students'
intensity of watching English Tiktok videos and Students' listening scores came
from the normal distributed population with a significant 5% or not. The result of
normality test can be seen below.
Since the respondents of this research were under 50, the researcher used the
Shapiro-Wilk test to check the normality of the data. From the table, it shows the
result that students' intensity in watching English Tiktok videos were normally
distributed because the value of significance is 0.182 which is higher than the
value of 5%. The students’ listening skills is normally distributed too since the
value of significance is 0.687 and it higher that the value of 5%. From the table
above, the data used in this research were normally distributed.
After testing the normality of the data, the researcher testing the linearity of
the data used SPSS. Linearity test were used to see the regression of the
correlation between two variables is linear or not. The table of linearity test can be
seen as follows:
The table above shows the result of linearity. It can be seen that the data of
students' intensity in watching English tiktok videos and their listening skills have
linear regression because the significance value of the variables was found to be
0.586. It is higher than 5% which is 0.586 > 0.05.
2) Correlation Coefficient
After testing the data distribution with normality and linearity test, the
researcher analyzed the coefficient of the correlation. The results of normality and
linearity testing were normal and linear so this step was able to analyze. The
formula of Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used to find out the
correlation coefficient. Before doing the calculation, the data is described as
Correlation Coefficient
Responden X Y XY X2 Y2
Student 1 76 73 5548 5776 5329
Student 2 75 80 6000 5625 6400
Student 3 70 71 4970 4900 5041
Student 4 72 85 6120 5184 7225
Student 5 80 70 5600 6400 4900
Student 6 73 80 5840 5329 6400
Student 7 70 77 5390 4900 5929
Student 8 77 83 6391 5929 6889
Student 9 71 78 5538 5041 6084
Student 10 70 80 5600 4900 6400
Student 11 71 78 5538 5041 6084
Student 12 74 81 5994 5476 6561
Student 13 75 88 6600 5625 7744
Student 14 79 85 6715 6241 7225
Student 15 77 78 6006 5929 6084
Student 16 80 87 6960 6400 7569
Student 17 71 84 5964 5041 7056
Student 18 75 86 6450 5625 7396
Student 19 73 75 5475 5329 5625
Student 20 74 75 5550 5476 5625
Student 21 80 84 6720 6400 7056
Student 22 77 77 5929 5929 5929
Student 23 75 82 6150 5625 6724
Student 24 76 81 6156 5776 6561
Student 25 75 75 5625 5625 5625
Student 26 82 88 7216 6724 7744
Student 27 71 77 5467 5041 5929
Student 28 73 78 5694 5329 6084
Student 29 74 81 5994 5476 6561
Student 30 77 76 5852 5929 5776
ƩN=30 ƩX=224 ƩY=239 ƩXY=17905 ƩX2=16802 ƩY2=19155
3 3 2 1 5
Table 4.6 Correlation Coefficient
After conducting the correlation coefficient test, the result can be used in the
formula of Pearson Product Moment as follows:
� �� − ( � )( �)
��� =
� �2 − � 2 � �2 − � 2
∑N = 30 ∑XY = 179052
∑X = 2243 ∑X2= 168021
∑Y = 2393 ∑ Y2= 191555
� �� − ( � )( �)
��� =
� �2 − � 2 � �2 − � 2
30 (179052) − (2243)(2393)
��� =
30(168021) − 2243 2 30(191555) − (2393)2
5371560 − 5367499
��� =
5040630 − 5031049) (5746650 − 5726449)
��� =
��� =
��� =
rxy = 0.292
The calculation above was obtained manually to get the score to know the
correlation between students' intensity in watching English Tiktok videos and
their listening skills. Besides calculating it manually, the researcher also used
SPSS version 28 to make sure the result of the calculation above. The use of SPSS
software is to find out whether the calculation that the researcher did manually
was correct and to make sure that there is no mismatching calculation between
scores that the researcher counted. The calculation of SPSS describes below:
Pearson Moment product
Table 4.7 Pearson Moment product
n = 30
� �−2
������ =
1 − �2
0.292 30 − 2
������ =
1 − (0.292)2
������ =
1 − 0.085264
������ =
1 − 0.085264
������ = = 1,616
The calculation above is the score of significant tests to know the significance
of the two variables. The calculation is done to test the hypothesis that has been
made. Before testing the tcount, the researcher made two hypotheses of
significance as follows:
1. Ha: There is a significant correlation between students’ intensity in watching
English Tiktok videos and their listening skills.
2. H0: There is no significant correlation between students’ intensity in watching
English Tiktok videos and their listening skills.
The formulation of the test:
1. If tcount>ttable = Ha is accepted, H0 is rejected. It means that there is a
significant correlation between students’ intensity in watching English Tiktok
videos and their listening skills.
2. If tcount<ttable = Ha is rejected, H0 is accepted. It means that there is no
significant correlation between students’ intensity in watching English Tiktok
videos and their listening skills.
Based on the calculation above, the result is compared by the table in the
significant of 5% and N= 30. The researcher found the Degree of Freedom (df)
and ttable with the formula:
�� = � − ��
df = Degree of Freedom
N = 30
nr = 2
�� = � − ��
�� = 30 − 2
�� = 28
In conclusion, there is no significant correlation between students' intensity in
watching English Tiktok videos and their listening skills.
B. Discussion
This section discusses the results of the research findings. As mentioned in the
previous chapter, this research concerns finding the correlation between students'
intensity in watching English Tiktok videos and their listening skills. This
research use quantitative method and correlational design. There are three
questions related to this research; 1) what is the students’ intensity in watching
English tiktok videos? 2) what is the students’ listening skills? 3) what is the
correlation between students’ intensity in watching English Tiktok videos and
their listening skills?. The questions were answered through statistical data
1. Students’ Intensity in Watching English Tiktok Videos
Students’ intensity is the first research question. The researcher has shared the
questionnaire to 30 students of the fourth semester of English Education. The
questionnaire was obtained to collect the data of the fourth semester students’
intensity at English Education Department of State Islamic University Bandung.
The collected data was calculated with SPSS version 28. The result of the
calculation showed that the total score of questionnaire was 2243 with the average
score 75. It indicates that the students were interest in watching English Tiktok
videos. The same as the theory that shows if someone has high interest and
motivation for anything, the intensity that the individual puts on something will be
higher (Somers & Linares, 2021).
2. The Students’ Listening Skills
The second research question concerns the students' listening skills. This data
was collected through listening test. The researcher analyzed the score of listening
test. From the analysis, the total score of the listening test was 2393 and the
average score is 80. It can be concluded that students' listening skill is "very good"
(See table 3.2). The students’ good listening skill indicated that the students were
engaged and involved in the learning process. It is related to Hughes's (1991)
statement that the listener has to engage in the listening process for specific
information to understand what the speaker says.
3. The Correlation between Students’ Intensity in Watching English Tiktok
Videos and Their Listening Skills
The last question is regarding the correlation between students’ intensity in
watching English tiktok videos and their listening skills. This question was
answered through several statistical analyses.
Before analyzing all the data, the data should be checked its normality and
linearity first. The result of normality and linearity tests shown that the data is
linear and distributed normally. It means that the data can be analyzed to find out
the correlation.SPSS 28 measurement results showed a correlation value of r was
0.292. It means that there is a low correlation between students’ intensity in
watching English Tiktok videos and their listening skills.
The result of the analyses also showed the significance value of 0.118 which is
higher that the value of 5% or 0.05. The significance value of 0.118 means that
the students’ intensity and students’ listening skill were not significantly
correlated each other. To support the result, the researcher checked the t-test to
compare the t-count to t-table. The result of the analysis showed that the t-count
was 0.616. The t-table was 2.048 with the df (degree of freedom) 28, and the
significance value 0.05. It means that the t-count < t-table which leads to the
conclusion that the H0 was accepted and the Ha is rejected. The H0 is accepted
which means that there is no significant correlation between students’ intensity in
watching English Tiktok videos (variable X) and their listening skills (variable Y).