Data Presentation and Analysis: No. Student No. Score No Student No. Score
Data Presentation and Analysis: No. Student No. Score No Student No. Score
Data Presentation and Analysis: No. Student No. Score No Student No. Score
A. Data Presentation
There are two research instruments that the researcher used in this
study; they are questionnaire and test. The questionnaire was used to measure
the students’ listening anxiety (x variable), and the test was used to measure
following table.
Table IV.1
Students’ Listening Anxiety Score
researcher computed the range of score. Then, the range was divided by
class interval. The following chart is the data of interval score distribution
of listening anxiety.
Chart IV.1
The Frequency Score of Students Listening Anxiety
60-66 67-73 74-80 81-87 88-94 95-101
the interval score of 67-73, there are 8 students. At the interval score of
74-80, there are 7 students. At the interval score of 81-87, there are 10
students. At the interval score of 88-94, there are 5 students. Then, at the
Chart IV.2
The Percentage of Interval Score Distribution of Students’ Listening
15% 67-73
29% 21% 95-101
It can be seen, at the interval score of 60-66, there are 3%. At the
interval score of 67-73, there are 23%. At the interval score of 74-80, there
are 21%. At the interval score of 81-87, there are 29 %, at the interval of
88-94, there are 15%. And at the interval score of 95-101, there are 9%.
Table IV.2
The Percentage of students’ Listening Anxiety
From the table above, it can be seen that there are 19 students
(56%) at very good score category, 14 students (3%) are at good score
no student found at less score category and there is no one at fail score
researcher took from the result of the students’ test. It can be seen in
following table.
Table IV.3
Students’ Listening Comprehension
interval, the researcher computed the range of score. Then, the range was
divided by class interval. The following chart is the data of interval score
Chart IV.3
The Frequency Score of Listening Comprehension
44-52 53-61 62-70 71-79 80-88 89-97
At the interval score of 53-61, there are 12 students. At the interval score
of 62-70, there are 7 students. At the interval score of 71-79, there are 9
Chart IV.4
The Percentage of the Interval Score Distribution of the Listening
44-52 53-61 62-70 71-79 80-88 89-97
6% 6%
It can be seen, at the interval score of 44-52, there are 6%. At the
interval score of 53-61, there are 35%. At the interval score of 62-70, there
are 21%. At the interval score of 71-79, there are 26%, at the interval of
80-88, there are 6%. And at the interval score of 89-97, there are 6%.
Table IV.4
The Percentage of Listening Comprehension
From the table above, it can be seen that there are 4 students are at
very good score category, with a persentage of 12%. 9 students are at good
percentage of 3%.
Table IV.5
The scores of Students’ Listening Anxiety and Listening
Score Score
No. Students Listening Listening No. Students Listening Listening
No. Anxiety Comprehension No. Anxiety Comprehension
1 Student 1 91 78 18 Student 18 85 72
2 Student 2 85 67 19 Student 19 83 72
3 Student 3 78 61 20 Student 20 77 61
4 Student 4 94 83 21 Student 21 72 61
5 Student 5 95 89 22 Student 22 70 61
6 Student 6 73 78 23 Student 23 80 67
7 Student 7 70 67 24 Student 24 83 67
8 Student 8 83 78 25 Student 25 82 61
9 Student 9 90 72 26 Student 26 76 67
10 Student 10 77 61 27 Student 27 73 44
11 Student 11 70 67 28 Student 28 70 61
12 Student 12 94 56 29 Student 29 81 61
13 Student 13 81 78 30 Student 30 95 94
14 Student 14 100 83 31 Student 31 60 56
15 Student 15 86 72 32 Student 32 92 72
16 Student 16 87 67 33 Student 33 77 50
17 Student 17 73 56 34 Student 34 77 56
Total 2760 2296 Total 2760 2296
Mean 81 68 Mean 81 68
a. Normality Test
of the data is normal or not. Then, the researcher used SPSS 20.0 for
normality test. The following table shows the normality test result for x
Table IV.6
Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic Df Sig. Statistic Df Sig.
Listening Anxiety 0.087 34 0.200* 0.976 34 0.639
Listening Comprehension 0.137 34 0.104 0.969 34 0.430
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
the data distribution is normal. From the table above, it shows that the
b. Descriptive Analysis
Table IV.7
Descriptive Statistics Listening Anxiety
N Range Minimum Maximum Mean Variance
Listening Anxiety 34 40 60 100 81.18 9.203 84.695
Valid N 34
From the table, it can be seen that the mean score of listening
Table IV.8
Descriptive Statistics Listening Comprehension
From the table, it can be seen that the mean score of listening
a. Inferential Analysis
Table IV.9
The Correlation between Listening Anxiety and Listening
Based on the table above, there is the symbol **. It is clear that
listening comprehension.
analysis was used by noticing on rtable and robserved. The robserved is 0.638.
Table IV.10
The Interpretation of Correlation Coefficient
R = (r)2 x100%
R = (0.638)2 x 100%
= 41%
vise verse. Then, the other 59% was influenced by other unknown
variables or factors.
Chart IV.1
The Contribution of Listening Anxiety toward Listening