University of Lakki Marwat Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 28420, Pakistan
University of Lakki Marwat Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 28420, Pakistan
University of Lakki Marwat Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 28420, Pakistan
Course outline
Department of Zoology
Program BS 5th Semester
The course aims to
Provide information about the physiological mechanisms underlying animal
Enable students to understand neuro-endocrine coordination, physiology of
heart, hemodynamics and kidney function.
Impart information on respiratory function and gut physiology.
Give understanding about the mechanism of homeostasis, physiological
regulation of temperature and its maintenance
Course Contents
Central themes in Physiology: Homeostasis, Concepts of conformity and
regulation; physiological adaptations. Membrane Physiology: Ionic distribution
across membrane, Resting membrane potentials: Electrogenic ion pump, Donnan
equilibrium, Ion channels Nerve and Muscle Physiology: Action potentials in
neurons; Electrical and chemical synaptic transmission; Neurotransmitters;
Excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials; tetany; Muscles: Structure, types,
components, muscle proteins, molecular basis of muscle contraction: sarcoplasmic
reticulum and role of calcium, muscle action potentials, isometric and isotonic
contraction, leverage factor, muscle fatigue.
Receptors Physiology: Receptor types: Mechanoreceptors, Olfactory and taste
receptors, Photoreceptors, Photochemistry and Phototransduction; acoustico-
lateralis system, Cutaneous receptors, electro-receptors. Sensory transduction,
coding and adaptations. Range fractionation. Endocrine Physiology: Gland types;
Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Pineal, Pancreatic Islets, Gastric
glands, Adrenal, Ovary, Testis and Placenta; Overview of hormones; types, peptide
and steroid hormones, chemistry, synthesis and roles. Hormone receptors and
signal transduction. Feedback mechanisms.
Cardiovascular Physiology: Electrical activity of heart: Autorythmicity,
Electrocardiography, Kymography; Hemodynamics, Relationship between blood
flow, pressure and resistance. Control of cardiac activity, cardiac output and
peripheral circulation.
Respiratory Physiology: Respiratory epithelia, gas exchange in gills and lungs;
Transport of O2 and CO2, Structure of alveoli, lung volumes and capacities,
surfactants, control of breathing; hypoxia; Hypercapnia etc., air breathing in divers.
Renal Physiology: Osmoregulation: Osmoregulation in aquatic and terrestrial
animals; Kidney and Vertebrate nephron as osmoregulatory and excretory organ:
Glomerular filtration, Tubular absorption and secretion; Nitrogenous waste
products; Patterns of nitrogenous excretion and their phylogenetic significance.
Physiology of Digestion: Physiologic anatomy of digestive tract (mammalian
model), Regulation of digestive secretions; Absorption of water, ions and nutrients;
Potential and Movements in gastrointestinal tract; Control of motility. Deglutition,
Peristalsis, Absorption, Assimilation and defecation.
Temperature Regulation: Temperature classification of animals; Temperature
relation of ectotherms in freezing and cold and warm and hot environment; Costs
and benefits of ectothermy; Temperature relations of heterotherms and
endotherms; Dormancy: Sleep, Torpor, Hibernation and Estivation.
1. Determination of haemoglobin content, haematocrit and cell counting.
Preparation of blood smears.
2. Nerve muscle preparation, Muscle twitch, Comparison of muscle and nerve
irritability, effect of stimulus strength, effect of stimulus frequency (tetany),
effect of load or stretch, effect of prolonged activity (fatigue), neuromuscular
fatigue, stimulation of motor points in human.
3. Recording of action potential by oscilloscope and demonstration of its various
features. Experiments to demonstrate characteristic of reflex arc. Experiment in
human (students themselves) to demonstrate some aspect of sensory
4. Normal cardiac activity, effect of temperature, effect of drug, heart block,
tetanization of heart. Measurement of blood pressure.
5. Oxygen consumption in fish and effect of temperature (by dissolved oxygen
meter) and terrestrial animal (mouse). Oxygen consumption (by respirometer),
heart rate, blood pressure glycemia altered by exercise.
6. Effect of insulin on glycemia, study of stages in estrous cycle.
Books Recommended
1. Guyton, A.C., Hall, J.E. 2013. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 10th Ed. W.B.
Saunders Company, Philadelphia.Sherwood 2013.
2. Tharp, G., Woodman, D. 2010. Experiments in Physiology, 10th Ed. Bejamin
3. Fox, S. 2010. Laboratory manual of human physiology. McGraw-Hill Sciences
4. Randall, D., Burggren, W., French, K., Fernald, R. 2002. Eckert Animal
5. Physiology: Mechanisms and Adaptations, 5th Ed. W.H. Freeman and
Company, New York
6. Bullock, J., Boyle, J., Wang, M.B. Physiology, 4th Ed. 2001. Lippincott,
Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia.
7. Berne, R.M., Levy, M.N. 2000.Principles of Physiology, 3rd Ed. St. Lious,
8. Withers, P.C. 1992. Comparative Animal Physiology. Saunders College
Publishing, Philadelphia.
9. Schmidt-Nelsen, K. 1997. Animal Physiology, Adaptation and Environment, 5
The course aims to
Course Contents
(ii). Paleontology