Sustainability Study of Mix Design of High-Strength Concrete Based On Fly Ash
Sustainability Study of Mix Design of High-Strength Concrete Based On Fly Ash
Sustainability Study of Mix Design of High-Strength Concrete Based On Fly Ash
DOI: 10.54254/2755-2721/26/20230808
Junhao Ma
Leeds Joint School, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan Province,
China, 611756
Abstract. Concrete is the most widely used building material in the construction of buildings,
bridges, highways, and other infrastructure. With the spread of environmental preservation ideas
and technological improvement, high-strength concrete materials and their sustainable hybrid
design methods have been developed. A sustainable mix design approach for high-strength
concrete (HSC) is critical for the construction industry as it is one of the major emitters of CO 2
emissions worldwide. Fly ash concrete is an environmentally friendly, economical and
sustainable building material. This paper analyzes the sustainable mixed design method of fly
ash concrete by combining past scholars' research and practical experience. By analyzing the
properties of fly ash, theoretical principles, and some sustainable mixed design methods, the
properties (such as durability, compressive strength, etc.) of fly ash HSC are studied. It is found
that the properties of fly ash HSC and traditional HSC are similar or even stronger in some
aspects, which has a good improvement on the compatibility and durability of concrete. In the
future, with the progress of science and technology, people will further study fly ash and HSC,
and the application of fly ash in HSC will certainly get greater development, and achieve green
development and sustainable development while meeting the strength of concrete.
Keywords: high strength concrete, fly ash, sustainability, mix design, construction.
1. Introduction
As an important part of some engineering, HSC determines the manufacturing cost and engineering
quality of civil construction. Traditional concrete wastes resources and pollutes the environment in order
to fulfill the demands for high strength, which is counterproductive to the sustainable growth of the civil
engineering industry [1]. With the spread of environmental preservation ideas and technological
improvement, in the past two decades, the development and application of HSC have greatly developed.
The process involved is a combination of improved compaction using special additives, improved
aggregate matrix bonding and reduced porosity. It is necessary to use supplementary cementing material
to replace a large amount of cement in concrete structures, and the most effective supplementary
cementing material in the world is fly ash [2]. Fly ash concrete, as an environmentally friendly and
economical building material, has a wide range of application prospects. With the continuous
improvement of concrete performance requirements in the construction industry, the research and
application of fly ash concrete have received more and more attention. As an active admixture, fly ash
plays an important role in concrete, which can not only improve the strength and durability of concrete,
© 2023 The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Functional Materials and Civil Engineering
DOI: 10.54254/2755-2721/26/20230808
but also reduce the waste of resources and protect the environment in civil engineering [3]. Therefore,
it is very important to find a more effective and sustainable mixture design method for fly ash HSC. The
main topic of this paper is to study the properties of existing fly ash concrete and evaluate the benefits
of some sustainable mixing methods for fly ash concrete. By deeply studying the properties of fly ash
and some mixed design methods, the performance of fly ash HSC can be further improved, and its role
in engineering is to be more energy-saving, more environmental-friendly and more efficient.
Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Functional Materials and Civil Engineering
DOI: 10.54254/2755-2721/26/20230808
3.1. Feature
In recent years, the application of fly ash in concrete has been widely concerned.. According to the
research and discovery of Kate and Thakare, the workability of HSC will be improved with the increase
of fly ash content, and slump loss will be reduced on average by the incorporation of fly ash. And the
addition of fly ash not only increases the compressive strength of concrete, but also reduces the dry
shrinkage of concrete [7]. In addition, when the content exceeds 50%, its physical and mechanical
properties and durability are revolutionary improved. For the sake of distinction, Professor Mehta, a
famous concrete expert, calls concrete with a fly ash content of more than 50% as high-volume fly ash
concrete (HVFAC) [8]. HVFAC not only saves cement and optimizes the performance of concrete, but
also saves energy and reduces emissions of greenhouse gas such as carbon dioxide. Because of its green
energy saving advantages and sustainable development potential, HVFAC is favored and valued by the
industry [9].
3.2. Optimizing particle size method of cementitious material for high strength HVFAC
HVFAC has the disadvantages of low early strength, slow setting, and a long duration of strength growth,
which makes it difficult to meet the requirements of fast construction speed and a short construction
period in modern construction. In order to make high-strength HVFAC better applied in engineering,
improve the early performance of HVFAC, reduce the production cost of concrete, and avoid the
occurrence of side effects, Tong and Shen conducted research on optimizing the particle size of fly ash
and cement, and found that the specific surface area of cement mainly affects the early strength of mortar.
The specific surface area of fly ash mainly affects the later strength of mortar. Compared with the
specific surface area of cement and fly ash, the effect of fly ash content on the strength of mortar is the
most significant. The results show that HVFAC at an early age can be prepared by increasing the specific
surface area of cement and decreasing the specific surface area of fly ash [9].
Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Functional Materials and Civil Engineering
DOI: 10.54254/2755-2721/26/20230808
used as a novel self-healing and biological concrete material [15]. EMs can improve the workability,
strength and durability of concrete, which is constantly studied in the construction field and has found a
number of structural applications [16]. In the experiments of Fahim Huseien, Hussein Joudah et al., it
was proved that 10% of FA and EM is the best mix in the mixed design of EMs, fly ash and concrete,
which was more than 30% higher than the early compressive strength of conventional concrete in the
experiment. And durability in harsh environments has been improved. It was proven that the presence
of EM is helpful to decrease the heat hydration and water loss of fly ash concrete, so as to enhance the
early compressive strength, and enhance the resistance to sulfuric acid attack and durability. Therefore,
10% FA and EM mixed into concrete improves its performance and ensures high strength while
protecting the environment and helping to reduce global warming.
6. Conclusion
The study on sustainable mixing design method of fly ash in high strength concrete is not only the need
to improve the performance of concrete, but also by the desire to save energy and reduce emissions, as
well as to preserve the environment and promote sustainable development. Based on the properties of
fly ash and some mixed design methods, we can see that when Optimizing particle size method is used
in fly ash concrete, adding SNPs and EMs can improve the performance of fly ash concrete and can be
used to prepare sustainable HSC. It is believed that in the future, with the further study of fly ash and
HSC, fly ash will be more widely used in the development of sustainable HSC.
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