Cyber Security Basics
Cyber Security Basics
Cyber Security Basics
Welcome to this presentation on Cyber Security Basics! In today's digital age,
protecting ourselves and our information from cyber threats is more crucial
than ever. This presentation will guide you through essential concepts,
common threats, and practical steps you can take to safeguard your devices
and online activities.
RS by Rahul Sinha
Why Cyber Security
Malicious software, such as viruses, Deceptive tactics used to trick Malware that encrypts files and
worms, and Trojans, designed to individuals into revealing sensitive demands payment for decryption, often
infiltrate devices, steal data, disrupt information by disguising as legitimate threatening to publicly release stolen
operations, or gain unauthorized access. sources, often through emails, text data if the ransom is not paid.
messages, or websites.
Protecting Your Devices
Keep Software Updated Install Antivirus Software
Regularly update operating systems, applications, and Use reputable antivirus software to detect and remove
security software to patch vulnerabilities and improve device malware threats that may have infected your device.