Chapter 5 - Security Operation
Chapter 5 - Security Operation
Chapter 5 - Security Operation
Data Handling
Data itself goes through its own life cycle as users create, use, share and modify
it. Many different models of the life of a data item can be found, but they all
have some basic operational steps in common. The data security life cycle
model is useful because it can align easily with the different roles that people
and organizations perform during the evolution of data from creation to
destruction (or disposal). It also helps put the different data states of in use,
at rest and in motion, into context. Let’s take a closer look.
Data itself has value and must be handled appropriately. In this section, we
will explore the basics of classifying and labeling data to ensure it is treated
and controlled in a manner consistent with the sensitivity of the data. In
addition, we will complete the data life cycle by documenting retention
requirements and ensuring data that is no longer in use is destroyed.
Businesses recognize that information has value and others might steal their
advantage if the information is not kept confidential, so they classify it. These
classifications dictate rules and restrictions about how that information can be
used, stored or shared with others. All of this is done to keep the temporary
value and importance of that information from leaking away. Classification of
data, which asks the question “Is it secret?” determines the labeling, handling
and use of all data.
Before any labels can be attached to sets of data that indicate its sensitivity or
handling requirements, the potential impact or loss to the organization needs
to be assessed. This is our first definition: Classification is the process of
recognizing the organizational impacts if the information suffers any security
compromises related to its characteristics of confidentiality, integrity and
availability. Information is then labeled and handled accordingly.
Information and data should be kept only for as long as it is beneficial, no more
and no less. For various types of data, certain industry standards, laws and
regulations define retention periods. When such external requirements are not
set, it is an organization’s responsibility to define and implement its own data
retention policy. Data retention policies are applicable both for hard copies and
for electronic data, and no data should be kept beyond its required or useful
life. Security professionals should ensure that data destruction is being
performed when an asset has reached its retention limit. For the security
professional to succeed in this assignment, an accurate inventory must be
maintained, including the asset location, retention period requirement, and
destruction requirements. Organizations should conduct a periodic review of
retained records in order to reduce the volume of information stored and to
ensure that only necessary information is preserved.
Data that might be left on media after deleting is known as remanence and may
be a significant security concern. Steps must be taken to reduce the risk that
data remanence could compromise sensitive information to an acceptable
level. This can be done by one of several means:
Log reviews are an essential function not only for security assessment and
testing but also for identifying security incidents, policy violations, fraudulent
activities and operational problems near the time of occurrence. Log reviews
support audits – forensic analysis related to internal and external investigations
– and provide support for organizational security baselines. Review of historic
audit logs can determine if a vulnerability identified in a system has been
previously exploited.
Here is a data security event example. It’s a raw log, and it is one way to see if
someone tried to break into a secure file and hijack the server. Of course, there
are other systems now that are a little more user-friendly. But security
engineers get very familiar with some of these codes and can figure out exactly
who was trying to log it, was it a secure port or a questionable port that they
were trying to use to penetrate our site.
Information security is not something that you just plug in as needed. You can
have some patching on a system that already exists, such as updates, but if you
don’t have a secure system, you can’t just plug in something to protect it. From
the very beginning, we need to plan for that security, even before the data is
introduced into the network.
Different tools are used depending on whether the risk from the attack is from
traffic coming into or leaving the infrastructure. Ingress monitoring refers to
surveillance and assessment of all inbound communications traffic and access
attempts. Devices and tools that offer logging and alerting opportunities for
ingress monitoring include:
Remote authentication servers.
IDS/IPS tools.
SIEM solutions.
Anti-malware solutions.
Encryption Overview
Almost every action we take in our modern digital world involves cryptography.
Encryption protects our personal and business transactions; digitally signed
software updates verify their creator’s or supplier’s claim to authenticity.
Digitally signed contracts, binding on all parties, are routinely exchanged via
email without fear of being repudiated later by the sender.
Plaintext is the data or message in its normal, unencrypted form and format.
Its meaning or value to an end user (a person or a process) is immediately
available for use.
Symmetric Encryption
The central characteristic of a symmetric algorithm is that it uses the same key
in both the encryption and the decryption processes. It could be said that the
decryption process is just a mirror image of the encryption process. This image
displays how symmetric algorithms work.
The same key is used for both the encryption and decryption processes. This
means that the two parties communicating need to share knowledge of the
same key. This type of algorithm protects data, as a person who does not have
the correct key would not be able to read the encrypted message. Because the
key is shared, however, this can lead to several other challenges:
Other names for symmetric algorithms, which you may encounter, include:
Same key.
Single key.
Shared key.
Secret key.
Session key.
Asymmetric Encryption
Asymmetric encryption uses one key to encrypt and a different key to decrypt
the input plaintext. This is in stark contrast to symmetric encryption, which
uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt. For most security professionals, the
math of asymmetric encryption can be left to the cryptanalysts and
cryptographers to know.
Note that anyone can encrypt something using the recipient’s public key, but
only the recipient —with their private key—can decrypt it.
The two keys (private and public) are a key pair; they must be used together.
This means that any message that is encrypted with a public key can only be
decrypted with the corresponding other half of the key pair, the private key.
Similarly, signing a message with a sender’s private key can only be verified by
the recipient decrypting its signature with the sender’s public key. Therefore,
as long as the key holder keeps the private key secure, there exists a method
of transmitting a message confidentially. The sender would encrypt the message
with the public key of the receiver. Only the receiver with the private key would
be able to open or read the message, providing confidentiality.
This image shows how asymmetric encryption can be used to send a confidential
message across an untrusted channel.
Hashing takes an input set of data (of almost arbitrary size) and returns a fixed-
length result called the hash value. A hash function is the algorithm used to
perform this transformation. When used with cryptographically strong hash
algorithms, this is the most common method of ensuring message integrity
Hashes have many uses in computing and security, one of which is to create a
message digest by applying such a hash function to the plaintext body of a
To be useful and secure, a cryptographic hash function must demonstrate five
main properties:
Useful: It is easy to compute the hash value for any given message.
Nonreversible: It is computationally infeasible to reverse the hash
process or otherwise derive the original plaintext of a message from its
hash value (unlike an encryption process, for which there must be a
corresponding decryption process).
Content integrity assurance: It is computationally infeasible to modify a
message such that re-applying the hash function will produce the original
hash value.
Unique: It is computationally infeasible to find two or more different,
sensible messages that hash to the same value.
Deterministic: The same input will always generate the same hash, when
using the same hashing algorithm.
The problem with a simple hash function like this is that it does not protect
against a malicious attacker that would be able to change both the message
and the hash/digest by intercepting it in transit. The general idea of a
cryptographic hash function can be summarized with the following formula:
variable data input + hashing algorithm
As seen in this image, even the slightest change in the input message results in
a completely different hash value.
Hash functions are very sensitive to any changes in the message. Because the
size of the hash digest does not vary according to the size of the message, a
person cannot tell the size of the message based on the digest.
Hashing Deep Dive
For example, we pay our rent through automatic withdrawal, and it’s $5,000 a
month. Perhaps someone at the bank or at the rental office thinks they can just
change it to $50,000 and keep the extra money. They think no one will notice
if they just add another zero to the number. However, that change will
completely change the digest. Since the digest is different, it will indicate that
someone corrupted the information by changing the value of the automatic
withdrawal, and it will not go through. Hashing is an extra layer of defense.
An incident occurred at the University of Florida many years ago, where a very
reputable software source, Windows 2000 or Millennium, was provided to
50,000 students via CD-ROMs, and the copies were compromised. The problems
were detected when the digests did not match on a distribution file.
Configuration Management Overview
Change Control
A regression and validation process, which may involve testing and analysis, to
verify that nothing in the system was broken by a newly applied set of changes.
An audit process can validate that the currently in-use baseline matches the
sum total of its initial baseline plus all approved changes applied in sequence.
All policies must support any regulatory and contractual obligations of the
organization. Sometimes it can be challenging to ensure the policy
encompasses all requirements while remaining simple enough for users to
Here are six common security-related policies that exist in most organizations.
Appropriate use of data: This aspect of the policy defines whether data is for
use within the company, is restricted for use by only certain roles or can be
made public to anyone outside the organization. In addition, some data has
associated legal usage definitions. The organization’s policy should spell out any
such restrictions or refer to the legal definitions as required. Proper data
classification also helps the organization comply with pertinent laws and
regulations. For example, classifying credit card data as confidential can help
ensure compliance with the PCI DSS. One of the requirements of this standard
is to encrypt credit card information. Data owners who correctly defined the
encryption aspect of their organization’s data classification policy will require
that the data be encrypted according to the specifications defined in this
Password Policy
The acceptable use policy (AUP) defines acceptable use of the organization’s
network and computer systems and can help protect the organization from legal
action. It should detail the appropriate and approved usage of the
organization’s assets, including the IT environment, devices and data. Each
employee (or anyone having access to the organization’s assets) should be
required to sign a copy of the AUP, preferably in the presence of another
employee of the organization, and both parties should keep a copy of the signed
Data access.
System access.
Data disclosure.
Data retention.
Internet usage.
Company device usage.
Letting employees choose the device that is most comfortable for them may be
good for employee morale, but it presents additional challenges for the security
professional because it means the organization loses some control over
standardization and privacy. If employees are allowed to use their phones and
laptops for both personal and business use, this can pose a challenge if, for
example, the device has to be examined for a forensic audit. It can be hard to
ensure that the device is configured securely and does not have any backdoors
or other vulnerabilities that could be used to access organizational data or
All employees must read and agree to adhere to this policy before any access
to the systems, network and/or data is allowed. If and when the workforce
grows, so too will the problems with BYOD. Certainly, the appropriate tools are
going to be necessary to manage the use of and security around BYOD devices
and usage. The organization needs to establish clear user expectations and set
the appropriate business rules.
Privacy Policy
The organization should also create a public document that explains how
private information is used, both internally and externally. For example, it may
be required that a medical provider present patients with a description of how
the provider will protect their information (or a reference to where they can
find this description, such as the provider’s website).
Change Management Policy
Throughout the system life cycle, changes made to the system, its individual
components and its operating environment all have the capability to introduce
new vulnerabilities and thus undermine the security of the enterprise. Change
management requires a process to implement the necessary changes so they do
not adversely affect business operations.
Policies will be set according to the needs of the organization and its vision and
mission. Each of these policies should have a penalty or a consequence attached
in case of noncompliance. The first time may be a warning; the next might be
a forced leave of absence or suspension without pay, and a critical violation
could even result in an employee’s termination. All of this should be outlined
clearly during onboarding, particularly for information security personnel. It
should be made clear who is responsible for enforcing these policies, and the
employee must sign off on them and have documentation saying they have done
so. This process could even include a few questions in a survey or quiz to
confirm that the employees truly understand the policy. These policies are part
of the baseline security posture of any organization. Any security or data
handling procedures should be backed up by the appropriate policies.
Change Management Components
All of the major change management practices address a common set of core
activities that start with a request for change (RFC) and move through various
development and test stages until the change is released to the end users. From
first to last, each step is subject to some form of formalized management and
decision-making; each step produces accounting or log entries to document its
Depending upon the nature of the change, a variety of activities may need to
be completed. These generally include: Scheduling the change, Testing the
change, Verifying the rollback procedures, Implementing the change,
Evaluating the change for proper and effective operation, and Documenting the
change in the production environment. Rollback authority would generally be
defined in the rollback plan, which might be immediate or scheduled as a
subsequent change if monitoring of the change suggests inadequate
Let’s start with a clear understanding of the three different types of learning
activities that organizations use, whether for information security or for any
other purpose:
The use of phishing attacks to target individuals, entire departments and even
companies is a significant threat that the security professional needs to be
aware of and be prepared to defend against. Countless variations on the basic
phishing attack have been developed in recent years, leading to a variety of
attacks that are deployed relentlessly against individuals and networks in a
never-ending stream of emails, phone calls, spam, instant messages, videos,
file attachments and many other delivery mechanisms.
Social Engineering
Most social engineering techniques are not new. Many have even been taught
as basic fieldcraft for espionage agencies and are part of the repertoire of
investigative techniques used by real and fictional police detectives. A short list
of the tactics that we see across cyberspace currently includes:
Password Protection
We use many different passwords and systems. Many password managers will
store a user’s passwords for them so the user does not have to remember all
their passwords for multiple systems. The greatest disadvantage of these
solutions is the risk of compromise of the password manager.
These password managers may be protected by a weak password or passphrase
chosen by the user and easily compromised. There have been many cases where
a person’s private data was stored by a cloud provider but easily accessed by
unauthorized persons through password compromise.
1 1
Which of the following can be used to map data flows through
an organization and the relevant security controls used at each
point along the way? (D5.1, L5.1.1)
Question options:
A) Encryption
B) Hashing
C) Hard copy
Correct. The data life cycle is a notional tool that can be used to map data flows.
2 1
Why is an asset inventory so important? (D5.2, L5.2.1)
Question options:
A) It tells you what to encrypt
Correct. The inventory records which assets the organization has, which gives the organization the opportu
3 1
Who is responsible for publishing and signing the organization's
policies? (D5.3, L5.3.1)
Question options:
B) Human Resources
C) Senior management
4 1
Which of the following is always true about logging? (D5.1,
Question options:
Correct. It is important to store log data somewhere other than on the machine where the data is gathered.
5 1
A mode of encryption for ensuring confidentiality efficiently,
with a minimum amount of processing overhead (D5.1, L5.1.3)
Question options:
A) Asymmetric
B) Symmetric
C) Hashing
D) Covert
Correct. Symmetric encryption provides confidentiality with the least amount of processing overhead.
6 1
A ready visual cue to let anyone in contact with the data know
what the classification is. (D5.1, L5.1.1)
Question options:
A) Encryption
B) Label
C) Graphics
D) Photos
Hide question 6 feedback
7 1
A set of security controls or system settings used to ensure
uniformity of configuration throughout the IT environment.
(D5.2, L5.2.1)
Question options:
A) Patches
B) Inventory
C) Baseline
D) Policy
8 1
What is the most important aspect of security
awareness/training? (D5.4, L5.4.1)
Question options:
A) Protecting assets
Correct. There is nothing more important than health and human safety.
9 1
Which entity is most likely to be tasked with monitoring and
enforcing security policy? (D5.3, L5.3.1)
Question options:
C) Regulators
Correct. While the policy is dictated by senior management, the security office is often tasked with monito
10 1
Which organizational policy is most likely to indicate which types
of smartphones can be used to connect to the internal IT
environment? (D5.3, L5.3.1)
Question options:
Correct. The BYOD policy typically describes which devices can be used to process data and access netwo