Assignment Brief BTM6DMA 111024
Assignment Brief BTM6DMA 111024
Assignment Brief BTM6DMA 111024
This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate
your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:
Learning Analyse and assess the importance of destination management.
Outcome 1
Utilise and apply relevant destination development models in a variety
of international and regional tourism settings.
Outcome 2
Module Critically assess the role of Destination Management Organisations
Learning (DMO's) in managing the destinations resources and destination
Outcome 3 development.
Evaluate the principles of sustainability to destination management in the tourism
Outcome 4
Assignment Requirements
Overview This assignment requires you to write an individual essay that critically assesses
the role of Destination Management Organisations (DMOs) in advancing both
international and regional tourism development.
The essay aims to deepen your understanding of how DMOs play a crucial role in
promoting sustainable growth, managing resources, and implementing strategic
plans within the tourism industry.
The submission of a written essay that critically evaluates the role of DMOs in
both international and regional tourism development, with a focus on their
strategic, economic, social, and environmental contributions (4,000 words).
Essay (4,000 words) – 100%
You are required to produce an essay on “A Critical Review of the Role of
DMOs in International and Regional Tourism Development” using a variety of
research materials.
The essay must include:
task/s to be
completed 1. Introduction (300 words):
Outline the aims and objectives of the essay, including an
exploration of how sustainable practices are integrated into
tourism management to address economic, social, and
environmental factors.
Briefly explain the role of DMOs and their importance in both
international and regional tourism development.
Highlight the growing significance of effective destination
management in a rapidly changing global tourism landscape.
This assignment should be submitted electronically via Moodle (module tutors will discuss this
process with you during class time).
Please ensure that your work has been saved in an appropriate file format (Microsoft
Word). Your file must also contain at least 20 words of text, consist of fewer than 400
pages and be less than 40MB in size.
You can submit your work as many times as you like before the submission date. If you
do submit your work more than once, your earlier submission will be replaced by the most
recent version.
Once you have submitted your work, you will receive a digital receipt as proof of
submission, which will be sent to your forwarded e-mail address (provided you have set
this up). Please keep this receipt for future reference, along with the original electronic
copy of your assignment
You are reminded of the University’s regulations on academic misconduct, which can be
viewed on the University website: Academic Misconduct Policy. In submitting your
assignment, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood these
Assessment Criteria:
Your work will be assessed to the extent it demonstrates your achievement of the stated
learning outcomes for this assignment (see above) and against other key criteria, as defined in
the University’s institutional grading descriptors. If it is appropriate to the format of your
assignment and your subject area, a proportion of your marks will also depend on your use of
academic referencing conventions.
This assignment will be marked according to the grading descriptors for Level 6; also see Table
of Penalties enclosed to the Assignment Brief and Assessment Guide.
Marking Scheme / Rubric - The Marking Scheme (otherwise known as a rubric) is below:
% Criteri 49-40
A 100-80 59-50
Ref (Mu a 79-70 : 69-60 :
r : : 39-20 19-0 :
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e Excell Soun : Fail Fail
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wledge & Understanding
All submission & resubmission dates and time are as stated at the beginning of this
Assignment brief.
You should submit your Assignment for all deadlines earlier than 2:00pm on the date
Work submitted more than two working days after the deadline will not be accepted and
will be recorded as a non-submission.
If you are affected by events which are unexpected, outside your control and short-term
in nature (i.e. lasting one to two weeks), under the exceptional circumstances procedure
you may be eligible for:
Please note students are only eligible to have a maximum of 2 self-certification requests
per academic year.
You can make a self-certification request up to 14 calendar days before your deadline:
for coursework it must be no later than 2pm on the deadline date
for exams and time-constrained assessments, the request must be submitted no
later than the start time of the assessment.
Table of Penalties
The lecturer will grade as 1 and the written feedback will state
Students not working in their ‘This submission was not completed in the designated group’.
groups as agreed by the lecturer.
Please note: Where a student has asked the lecturer to
move from their original group and the lecturer has agreed
this does not apply.
For a presentation assignment that
The Oral rubric criteria is not moved, and the oral criteria will
requires oral delivery, and the
remain at zero.
student does not present in person.
For a presentation assignment and
the student does not upload a The communication rubric criteria is not moved, and the
converted PPT To Word File with communication criteria will remain at zero.
speaker notes.
For a presentation assignment that This assignment will be graded a Fail.
requires oral delivery, and the
student did not present on the day The lecturer will grade as 1 and the written feedback will state
or upload the presentation to a ‘There was no Oral presentation in class and the submission
Word document with speaker was not converted to Microsoft Word’.
For a presentation assignment the This assignment will be graded a Fail.
student uploads a file that contains
no slides and is simply continuous The lecturer will grade as 1 and the written feedback will state
text. ‘There are no slides present in the assignment submission’.
If the assignment is group work
and the resubmission is not
changed to individual work.
Where False references are This assignment will be graded 0 and the written feedback
included in an assignment. should state ‘This assignment contains false references and has
been referred for Academic Misconduct. You will be invited to
attend an Academic Misconduct meeting’.
This assignment will be graded a Fail.
Assignment is submitted after the
Late Deadline or if it is a
The lecturer will grade as 1 and written feedback should state
Resubmission, after the
'This assignment was submitted after the deadline. Please
Resubmission deadline
resubmit at the next resubmission opportunity.'
Students can make use of Microsoft Word’s grammar and spell-checking functions but the use of
Grammarly is not allowed as it uses AI text generation. If student’s use third-party proofreaders, these
cannot make any changes that alter the assessment in anyway including correcting language or citation
format errors. Third-party alterations to the assessment are a form of academic misconduct.
Plagiarism can be defined as incorporating another person’s material from books, journals, the internet,
another student’s work, or any other source into assessment material without acknowledgement. It
Using exactly the same words (sentences, phrases or even expressions not in everyday use,
invented or created by an author to explain an idea) as used originally
Rephrasing by making slight adjustments
Paraphrasing in a way which may deceive the reader as to the source.
Plagiarism in whatever form it takes is form of academic misconduct.
If students submit work for assessment that is falsely presented as the student’s own work but was jointly
written with somebody else; this is a form of academic misconduct.
The inclusion in assessments of a significant amount of identical or substantially similar material to that
already submitted for assessment by the student and graded for the same course or any other course or
module at this University or elsewhere is classed as self-plagiarism. It does not include a resubmission of
the same piece of work allowed by the examiners in an improved or revised form for reassessment
purposes. Self-plagiarism is a form of academic misconduct.
Further clarification of the above can be found in CCCU’s Academic Misconduct documents below
1. CCCU Student Academic Misconduct Procedures can found below: Please click the link to Open.
2. CCCU Student Academic Integrity Policy can be found below: Please click the link to Open.