Engine Motors and Mobility (ME F317)
Engine Motors and Mobility (ME F317)
Engine Motors and Mobility (ME F317)
Mobility(ME F317)
Name of the Student Id No.
Riddhi Beria 2022A4PS1293P
Submitted to
Prof. AR Harikrishnan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani
1. Introduction
The advancement of combustion efficiency, especially in emulsified fuels, is greatly aided by
the phenomenon of micro-explosion and puffing in water/fuel composite droplets. Diesel
engines frequently employ emulsified fuels, which are a blend of water and hydrocarbons, to
increase atomization and lower emissions of pollutants. When water included in fuel droplets
vaporizes explosively during combustion, the droplet breaks up into smaller droplets, resulting
in micro-explosions. This speeds up combustion, improves fuel-air mixing, and lessens the
production of soot.
The pursuit of cleaner energy sources makes research into micro-explosions vital. Knowing how
to optimize these emulsified fuels can have a big impact on engine performance and emissions
control, especially in light of worldwide efforts to reduce carbon footprints. Water/n-Dodecane
emulsions, for instance, have been thoroughly investigated and show promise for lowering
particulate matter (PM) emissions in diesel engines (Fedorenko et al., 2021). Other
combinations, such as water/ethanol or water/biodiesel, have also demonstrated potential in
improving combustion stability in addition to water/n-decane.
Understanding the thermal and hydrodynamic factors that influence droplet behaviour is
essential to micro-explosion research. The phenomena is dependent on variables that affect
droplet stability and vaporization thresholds, such as water content, additives, and ambient
pressure. These mechanisms are examined in the sections that follow using experimental
findings, numerical simulations, and theoretical models.
Modelling and Methodology
Physical Model
1. Water Core: This makes up the inner region of the droplet, extending to a radius 𝑅𝑊,
which is approximately 1.88
R, where 𝑅𝑑=25 μm is the total radius of the droplet.
● The material properties of both water and kerosene are constant throughout.
● We are not accounting for any phase change or mass loss due to evaporation.
Mathematical Model
The study solves the one-dimensional heat conduction equation in spherical coordinates:
where α is the thermal diffusivity given by α= ρ𝑐 .
Thermal Properties:
● Water:
o Thermal conductivity k=0.6 W/(m.K), density ρ = 997 kg/𝑚 , specific heat
capacity c = 4181 J/(kg.K) .
o Thermal diffusivity α𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 = 1.43×10^−7 𝑚 /s.
● Kerosene:
o Thermal conductivity k = 0.14 W/(m.K), density ρ = 810 kg/𝑚 , specific heat
capacity c = 2100 J/(kg.K)
o Thermal diffusivity α𝑘𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑒 = 8.14×10^−8 𝑚 /s.
Boundary conditions:
● At the droplet centre (r = 0), there is no heat flux, meaning ∂𝑟
Initial condition:
T (r,t = 0) = 𝑇𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙=343 K.
1. Discretization:
o The radial domain is divided into N = 100 equally spaced points, ranging from
r=0 to 𝑅𝑑.
2. Time Stepping:
o The simulation progresses with time steps of Δt =10^−8 s and runs until a
maximum time of 𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑥=0.5 ms.
▪ α = α𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 for r ≤ 𝑅𝑤 ,
4. Puffing Condition:
5. Numerical Stability:
o The stability of the numerical solution is ensured by choosing the time step (Δt)
and spatial discretization (Δr) such that they satisfy the stability criterion for the
explicit finite difference method: Δt ≤ 2α
% Parameters
R_d = 25e-6; % Droplet radius in meters
R_w = R_d / 1.88; % Water sub-droplet radius
T_s = 489.47; % Surface temperature in Kelvin
T_d0 = 343; % Initial droplet temperature in Kelvin
% Material properties
k_w = 0.6; % Thermal conductivity of water (W/(m·K))
k_k = 0.14; % Thermal conductivity of kerosene (W/(m·K))
c_w = 4181; % Specific heat capacity of water (J/(kg·K))
c_k = 2100; % Specific heat capacity of kerosene (J/(kg·K))
rho_w = 997; % Density of water (kg/m³)
rho_k = 810; % Density of kerosene (kg/m³)
% Derived parameters
alpha_w = k_w / (c_w * rho_w); % Thermal diffusivity of water
alpha_k = k_k / (c_k * rho_k); % Thermal diffusivity of kerosene
% Discretization
t_max = 0.5e-3; % Maximum time in seconds
dt = 10e-9; % Time step in seconds
r_steps = 100; % Number of radial steps
r = linspace(0, R_d, r_steps); % Radial positions
% Initial conditions
T = T_d0 * ones(size(r)); % Initial temperature distribution
% Numerical scheme
for t = 0:dt:t_max
% Update temperature using finite difference method
for i = 2:length(r)-1
if r(i) <= R_w
alpha = alpha_w; % Water region
alpha = alpha_k; % Kerosene region
T(i) = T(i) + alpha * dt / (r(i)^2) * (T(i+1) - 2*T(i) + T(i-1));
1. Puffing Time:
2. Temperature Distribution:
Density (kg/m³) Water: 997, Kerosene: 810 Water: 997, Methanol: 791
In this study, we compared the behavior of water-core droplets surrounded by kerosene and
methanol shells when exposed to a high-temperature surface. The findings highlight some key
differences in how heat is transferred in these two systems.
Overall, the water/kerosene system behaves as a better insulator, slowing down the heating
process and delaying puffing, making it suitable for situations where heat needs to be controlled.
The water/methanol system, on the other hand, reacts more quickly, reaching the boiling point
faster, which might be more beneficial in scenarios that require rapid thermal response. These
results show just how much the choice of shell material can influence the thermal behavior of
multi-layer droplets.