Mini Project Evaluation
Mini Project Evaluation
Mini Project Evaluation
Formatting Instructions
Sr. No. Item Formatting
1. Front Cover Quality paper suitable for soft
2. No. of pages Minimum 20 and maximum 40
excluding the front material
3. Paper size A4
4. Font Type Times New Roman
5. Chapter Heading Font 16
6. Font of Sections and Subsections 14 and 12 in bold style
7. Numbering style for sections and subsections; Do not 2., 2.1 and 2.1.1
use more than three levels.
8. Normal text size 12
9. Figures and Tables must be numbered chapter-wise. For example for chapter 2,
Figures should be numbered as
Table headings on the top of the tables and Figure Fig. 2.1, Fig. 2.2 etc. and
heading at the bottoms of the figures. Tables as Table 2.1 and Table
2,2 etc.
10. Page numbering Place: Centre Bottom
12. List of Abbreviations
13. Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction
This includes introduction to relevant area of mini-project, problem formulation, objectives of the
mini-project, and structure of the project report.
Chapter 2. Requirement analysis, solution design framework of the mini-project work and tools used
(Write in Times New Roman, 16-point size, Bold and Centred and Uppercase font)