Jamiah NST
Jamiah NST
Jamiah NST
Negeri 1 Hutabargot
Written by:
Jamiah Nst
Reg. No. 19 203 00065
1. Defenition Of Error Analysis
According to Douglas Brown that, “error analysis is the fact that the learners do
make errors and that these errors can be observed, analyzed, and classified to reveal
something of the system operating within the learners led to a surge of the study of
the learner errors”.
Error analysis is the examination of something done wrong by collecting,
identifying, classifying and evaluating the mistakes that someone makes in speaking
or writing to gain insight into the mistakes made. Common difficulties in language
Error analysis is a technique for systematically identifying, describing, and
categorizing errors made by students. Recognition techniques involve checking how
many students actually made a particular mistake and how many students used that
element of language correctly.
Based on above definition, the researcher concludes that, error analysis is
examining something done wrongly by collecting, identifying, classifying, and
evaluating the errors made by someone either in speaking or writing to obtain
information on common difficulties in language learning. The procedures of error
checking are: Firstly, underlining the error items. Secondly, signifying the error items. Try to
assess the students‟ errors in number of omissions, addition, misinformation, and
misordering for the technique of describing. Assessing the comparative frequency of
different types of error in this way is clearly an important preliminary to much remedial
teaching. There are some ways to classify the student error. In this part the researcher use
the surface structure taxonomy to analyze the student error.
According to Carl James, there are four kinds of descriptive taxonomy that are
commonly used; comparative, communicative, linguistic and surface structure.
a). Comparative Taxonomy
Comparative taxonomy classifies error based on comparison between the structure of
language learner error and certain other types construction. The errors are classified into
developmental, errors, interlingual errors, ambiguous errors, and unique errors
Communicative effect taxonomy deals with errors from the perspective of their
effect on the listener or reader. This taxonomy classifies error into global errors and local
This type of taxonomy carries out specification of errors in terms of linguistic categories, in
terms of where the error is located in the overall system of the TL based on the linguistic
item which is affected by the errors
d). The Surface Structure Taxonomy
There are four principal ways in which learners „modify‟ target forms, in other words,
four ways in which IL and TL forms diverge in specific and systematic ways. In addition there
are; omission, addition, misinformation and misordering.
a. Omission
In this case, when the students make sentence, there is one aspect is omitted. It tends
to effect function words rather than content words at least in the early stages. Most
advanced learners tend to be aware of their ignorance of content words, and rather than
omit one, they resort compensatory strategies to express their idea.
b. Addition
It is a sentence in which certain aspect of language rules is added in a correct sentence.
This manifestation of error is the result of all too faithful use of certain rules and they
suggest there are subtypes.
c. Missformation
What the learner who produced this error has done is not misinform but misselection
errors. In this case the student used of the wrong form of a structure of sentence.8 For
example: The tiger eated the zebra. This sentence is wrong. The correct sentence must be
“the tiger ate the zebra”.
d. Misordering
In this case the student makes sentence in incorrect order. Misordering is often the
result of learners relying on carrying out word for word translation of native language
surface structures when producing written or spoken utterances in the TL. For example: I
met there some Germans. This sentence is wrong. The correct sentence must be “I met
some Germans there”
3. The Defenition Of Quantifiers
Quantifier part of determiner, and have set expression of quantity. There are several
definitions of quantifiers, the researcher in this discussion written some definitions of it. It was
important to explain and discuss about the definitions of quantifiers before discussing other
discussions related with quantifiers. This explanation as a guide to the next explanations of
quantifier .
Quantifier part of determiner, and have set expression of quantity. In line with the idea
above Hazem said quantifiers are terms that express quantificational relations between sets,
such as “all” and “both”. In another opinion said quantifier refers to a variety of objects that
express quantity comparisons, including all, any, and each, used in semantic or logical analysis.
Based on the two experts above the researcher can conclude quantifier is a set of words
that can express the amount of the nouns or a variety of objects that can express quantity. The
grammatical principles should be properly taken into account in the use of a quantifier. In the
collection of acceptable quantifiers, then: head nouns forms, as is a singular, plural, countable or
uncountable noun sentence form, whether it is a negative, interrogative, or positive sentence.
We must therefore pay attention to the following points.
1. Types Of Quantifiers
An aspect of grammar that may come in sentence structure is expressions of quantity or
we called that is quantifiers. Most of quantifiers are followed by a noun. There are some
quantifiers that have a similar meaning but are employed with different countable nouns and
the other is used with uncountable noun.
In line with the idea above according to Faye quantifiers can be used with countable or
uncountable nouns and the quantifiers can be used with both of them. In another opinion by
Khalel, Alfino, and Refnita quantity can be used only with countable nouns, can be used only
with uncountable nouns and some others can be used with count and uncountable noun.
Based on the two experts above quantifier has three types, first type quantifiers that are
used with countable nouns, the second type is quantifiers that are used with uncountable nouns
and the third type is 11 quantifiers that are used with both of quantifier countable nouns or
uncountable nouns. Every type of quantifier there are some various but this research just
focused on some, any, many, much, every, few, and a lot of.
Type 1
a. Many
Many only can be used with plural or countable nouns. According to Leech and Svartvik
Many is also often used in combination with as, too, so (as many, too many, so many) and in
question (how many?). Here are some simple sentences using many:
1) How many books do you have?
2) I get many books from my friend
3) Many people take the train to work
According to Biber et al “every” refers to the individual members of a group and is only
combined with countable nouns. Every usually followed by a singular verb. Here are some
examples of every.
c. Few
Few According to Azar , few or a few are used with plural countable nouns. Few cannot
be used with uncountable nouns. It will be a big mistake for a sentence. Here are some
examples of few:
1) I only have a few stamps to post letters.
Type 2
a. Much
According to Quirk and Greenbaum much is the only determiner that can only occur
with uncountable nouns. Much term of determiner that identified large amount or
something. Here are some examples of much:
1) How much is it Sir?
2) I don’t have much money today
3) We didn’t buy much food
Type 3
According to Martinett and Thompson said some and any are usually parallel. They are used
before plural or uncountable nouns. Some is usually used in affirmative sentences. Meanwhile, any is
usually used in a negative sentence. Here are some examples of some and any:
b. Lot of or A Lot of
According to Azar Lot of or a lot of are used with both count and noncount nouns. Here are
some examples from lot of or a lot of.
Quantifiers are only found in the topic of countable and uncountable nouns that quantity
depending on when they are used with countable and uncountable nouns. Especially for pre-
intermediate level, deals on with the basic rules of using the quantifiers many, much, enough, a little,
and a few. The numerous ways of using the quantifier that is maybe discovered while considering
countable and uncountable nouns. Besides that, fundamental basic rules concerning the use of many,
much, some, any, a few, a little, and a lot/lots of are described. In line with the idea above Frystakova as
regard quantifiers, the basic rules of all, every, most, no, none, any, either, and neither.