Aneeqa Ali - BEN213008 Assi#01 Research

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Research methods in English

Assignment no: 01

Date: 14th October, 2024.

Name & Enrollment: Aneeqa Ali (BEN213008)

Problematization of the claim to formulating research problem.

A broad field of study in which you are Write your own;

interested, Applied Linguistics – Error Analysis
Ex: post-colonialism/ terrorism/ feminism etc The broad field of study I am interested in is Applied Linguistics, with a
focus on the subfield of Second Language Acquisition (SLA). Within this, my
particular focus will be on Error Analysis.
Ok! What to do with that? I am interested in studying the errors associated to the language learning process
Why are you interested in that? because of the significant errors that persist in students even at the university
For instance, I am interested in post- level. They still struggle with basic grammatical, syntactical, and morphological
colonialism. Maybe context matters since we errors. This raises an important question: what is causing these persistent errors? I
are living in a post-colonial reality. I want to believe the root causes lie in the different approaches to language learning at the
see the role of English as an extension of the primary level, and by comparing students from both urban and rural schools, I aim
colonial regime. to uncover the major root causes. My goal is to propose techniques that schools
can use to bridge this gap, improve the second language learning process, and
ultimately empower students with stronger language skills from an early age.
Once you are done with rationalizing your aim, Keywords: error analysis, urban and rural schools, language teaching methods.
choose your key words.
For instance: my interest is to see the role of
English language in the post-colonial regime. I
am taking English as some sort of ideological
agenda. So, for me the key words are English,
colonial, post-colonial etc…
Narrow down your area. Narrowed Focus
Now I need to see where I could find some I am focused on the connection between the types of “errors in written discourse”
relevant literature about that. Finding relevant and their connection with teaching methods particularly, CLT and GTM and their
literature might be hard. influence on specific morpho-syntactic errors.
Pro tip: Previous Studies
Just write your key words on google and may The previous studies I explored, primarily focused on general error analysis in
be something come across your eyes. ESL learners, with emphasis on common grammatical errors like subject-verb
Yahoo! I find Macaulay’s Minutes relevant to agreement or L1 interference. Other studies focused on the general attitudes,
my search about English language. challenges, and implementation issues with CLT and GTM in general.
What to do with the text? I read different articles on the related topic of error analysis. A researcher used
Revisit your random claim again. Coder’s theory for error analysis. Corder (1973) categorised errors into four types
Problem is to find how English language/ or (omission, addition, incorrect and mis-ordering of element) and described five
promotion of English language can be seen as steps for error analysis: firstly, collection of corpora of language; secondly,
the extension of colonial regime? identification of errors in the corpus; thirdly, description and classification of
Text is explored. Ok! Read the text. errors identified; fourthly, explanation of psycholinguistic causes of errors; and
You will find some jargon may be. lastly, evaluation of errors.
In my case, I have found jargon like Indian These readings provided me new jargons which I further explored. These
subjects (fundamental term as it classifies the included; Corder’s Error Analysis, omission, addition, incorrect and mis-ordering
class of Indian people as subordinate). Next, I of element.
have found a term like Indian colonies, which Further, Richards (1974) description of morphosyntactic errors as interlingual
is again highly significant. errors, intralingual and developmental errors, and developmental errors was also
Same question. Corder's Error Analysis
Text is with you. Now what could be the Stephen Pit Corder in the 1960s introduced the Error Analysis approach in
supporting material? understanding second language acquisition. Corder emphasized the systematic
In social sciences, we call it theory. analysis of errors made by language learners, viewing them not as mere mistakes,
Find some relevant theories. but as crucial insights into the learner's evolving grasp of the target language. He
Revisit your problem. Dissect it. categorized errors into different types (e.g., errors of omission, addition,
For instance: the extension of colonialism misformation, and misordering), which can help educators and researchers
means neo-colonial policies. understand the underlying rules or patterns that learners are applying incorrectly.
Ok great! We have the terms now. Maybe, we By applying Corder's Error Analysis to your research, you can systematically
have to work on neo-colonial policies. investigate the root causes of these persistent errors.

Update your keywords again. Updated Keywords: Corder’s error analysis, GTM, CLT, comparison, urban and
Now these are colonialism, neo-colonialism, rural students, morpho-syntactic errors.
English etc
Find theorists using these keywords. Using the keywords I read about some other references and theorists who
For instance: I have found Partha Chetterjee’s contributed in the field of error analysis. I explored Dulay’s Surface Strategy
theory on Indian education. Taxonomy in Error Analysis. In analyzing the grammatical errors produced by
Find some new theorists as well. 5th-grade students, Burt, Dulay, and Krashen's (1982) Surface Structure
Taxonomy can be a valuable framework for categorizing and understanding the
specific syntactic errors that learners make in their writing. This taxonomy, which
classifies errors into four categories; misformation, misordering, addition, and
omission provides a systematic approach to examining the impact of different
teaching methodologies (CLT and GTM) on students' language production in
urban and rural contexts. Dulay’s framework can be helpful to observe whether
specific types of errors (e.g., tense misuse or subject-verb agreement) are more
common in one environment or teaching method.
Do initial readings now. Enlist the main ideas of your theorists. You can use additional space.
You have the theorists at least two primary and Main idea in the Text: (Main ideas of theorists)
secondary could be many. Theorist 1: Corder (1973) categorized errors into four types (omission, addition,
You have the text as well. incorrect and mis-ordering of element) and described five steps for error analysis:
firstly, collection of corpora of language; secondly, identification of errors in the
corpus; thirdly, description and classification of errors identified; fourthly,
explanation of psycholinguistic causes of errors; and lastly, evaluation of errors.
Theorist 2: Experts such as Dulay, Burt, and Krashen (1982), give more detailed
explanation on error description compared to Corder's. One of the alternatives is
errors based on Surface Strategy Taxonomy. By using Surface Strategy
Taxonomy, cognitive processes that cause the learner's reconstruction of the
language being learned can be identified. Furthermore, Surface Strategy
Taxonomy shows that those errors are the result of their active way in using their
temporary incomplete mastery of the target language. The categories used in
Surface Strategy Taxonomy are omission, addition, misinformation, and
You have a random claim. Random Claim:
Now properly problematize your claim. Urban school students demonstrate greater proficiency in grammar than their rural
For instance: counterparts.
I argue that the “promotion of the English Problem:
language can be taken as a part of the Rural schools' focus on the Grammar Translation Method (GTM) limiting the
ideological agenda of the West through which students to theoretical knowledge and translation, with less emphasis on practical
strategies of neocolonialism can be exercised language use, while urban schools rely on Communicative Language Teaching
to maintain the hegemony of the Western (CLT). CLT is a balanced development of all language skills, integrating grammar
countries over the Indian sub-continent” into real-life communication.
I specifically aim to conduct a comparative study and analyze the types of
morpho-syntactic errors made by students studying under both CLT and GTM, in
both urban and rural environments to see how different methods and
environment’s influence specific types of grammatical errors.

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