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CODE: 18CET311 SET-1

III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2021
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
Answer ONE Question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
All parts of the Question must be answered at one place

1. a) Discuss about major soil deposits in India. 6M
b) The Atterberg limits of clay are: Liquid Limit=60%, Plastic Limit=45% and SL= 6M
25%. The specific gravity of soil solids is 2.70 and the natural moisture content is
i) What is its state of consistency in nature?
ii) Calculate the volume to be expected in the sample when moisture content is
reduced by evaporation to 20%. Its volume at liquid limit is 10cm3.
2. a) Explain about different soil structures. 6M
b) A compacted sample of soil with a bulk unit weight of 19.62kN/m3 has a water 6M
content of 15%. Calculate its dry density, degree of saturation and air content?
Assume G = 2.65.

3. a) Derive an equation for average permeability for flow perpendicular to the bedding 6M
b) For a homogenous earth dam of 52 m height and 2 m free board, the flow net has 6M
22 potential drops and 5 flow channels. Calculate the discharge per metre length of
the dam, given k = 22 x 10-6 m/sec, and exit hydraulic gradient.
4. a) Calculate the ratio of average permeability in horizontal direction to that in the 6M
vertical direction for a soil deposit consisting of three Horizontal layers, if the
thickness and permeability of second layer are twice of those of the first and those
of the third layer twice those of second?
b) Explain the methods of obtaining flow nets. 6M

5. a) Describe the Newmark’s chart and its application. 6M

b) A water tank has supported by a circular foundation of diameter 10.5 m is resting 6M
on a soil stratum. The total weight of the tank including the foundation is 17,700
kN. Estimate the stress due to the above load at 0.5 m and 2.5 m depth at the center
of the water tank.

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6. a) Discuss in detail about the Boussinesq’s analysis to find vertical stress and horizontal 6M
shear stress for point load.
b) A concentrated load 10kN acts on the surface of a soil mass. Using Boussinesq 6M
analysis find the vertical stress at points (a) 3m below the surface on the axis of
loading and (b) at radial distance of 2m from axis of loading but at same depth of 3m.

7. a) Discuss the effect of compaction on various engineering properties of soils. 6M

b) A partially saturated sample from a borrow pit has a natural moisture content of 6M
15% and bulk unit weight of 1.9 g/cc. G = 2.7. Determine the degree of saturation
and void ratio. What will be the unit weight of the soil if it gets saturated?
8. a) A laboratory compaction test on soil having G= 2.67 gave a maximum dry unit 6M
weight of 17.8 kN/m3 and a water content of 15%. Determine the degree of
saturation, air content and percentage air voids at the maximum dry unit weight.
What would be theoretical maximum dry unit weight corresponding to zero air
voids at the optimum water content?
b) Describe the proctor compaction test in detail. 6M


9. Explain the step by step procedure for determination of cohesion of a given clayey
soil by conducting unconfined compression test.
10. a) An unconfined compression test was conducted on an undisturbed clay sample. 6M
The sample had a diameter of 37.5mm and length 80mm. Load at failure
measured by proving ring was 28 N and the axial deformation at failure point was
13mm. Determine the unconfined compressive strength and the undrained shear
strength of the clay. Plot all the results on a Mohr’s circle.
b) Derive a relationship between the principal stresses at failure using Mohr-Coulomb 6M
failure criterion.

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CODE: 18EET311 SET-1
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2021
(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
Answer ONE Question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
All parts of the Question must be answered at one place


1. a) Explain Physical Address formation in 8086 with examples. 6M

b) Explain the register organization of 8086. 6M
2. a) Explain the architecture of 8086 with a neat diagram. 6M
b) Explain the interrupt structure of 8086 in detail. 6M

3. a) Develop an Assembly language program to add two multibyte numbers 6M

b) Explain the classification of 8086 instruction set with examples 6M
4. a) Explain with examples any two string instructions. 6M
b) Explain the differences between a macro and a procedure. 6M

5. a) Explain the modes of operation of 8255 6M

b) Draw and discuss Architecture of 8259A Interrupt Controller. 6M
6. a) Explain the architecture of 8255 with a neat block diagram. 6M
b) Draw and discuss Architecture of 8257 DMA Controller 6M

7. a) Describe the register organisation of 80386 processor 6M

b) What are the differences between 80486 and Pentium processors 6M
8. a) Explain with a neat diagram the architecture of ARM processor 12 M

9. a) Explain pin diagram of 8051 microcontroller 6M

b) Explain register organisation of 8051 microcontroller 6M
10. a) Explain immediate, direct and indirect addressing modes of 8051 with examples 6M
b) Write an ALP to find square of a given 8-bit number using 8051 6M

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CODE: 18MET309 SET-1
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2021
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
Answer ONE Question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
All parts of the Question must be answered at one place

1. a) Explain maximum shear stress theory, maximum principle strain theory and 12M
maximum distortion energy theory of failure.
2 A right angled bell crank lever is to be designed to raise a load of 5 kN at 12M
the short arm end. The lengths of short and long arms are 100 and 450mm
respectively. The lever and the pins are made of steel 30C8(Syt =400 N/mm2
) and the factor of safety is 5. The permissible bearing pressure on the pin is
10N/mm2.. The lever has a rectangular cross section and ratio of width to
thickness is 3:1 The length to diameter ratio of fulcrum pin is l:25:l.
Calculate i) The diameter and the length of fulcrum pin ii) The shear stress
in the pin iii) The dimensions of the boss of the lever at the fulcrum.
Assume that the arm of bending moment on the lever extends up to the axis
of the fulcrum.


3. A rotating shaft subjected to a non rotating force of 5 kN and simply 12M

supported between two bearings A and E as shown in figure. The shaft is
machined from plain carbon steel 30C8 (Sut = 500N/mm2) and the expected
reliability is 90% .The equivalent notch radius at the fillet section can be
taken as 3 mm. Determine life of shaft.

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4. a) Discuss methods of reducing stress concentration. 6M
b) A Machine component is subjected to two dimensional stresses. The tensile 6M
stress in the X direction varies from 10 to 80 N/mm2 . The frequency of
variation of these stresses are equal. The corrected endurance limit of the
component is 270N/mm2. The ultimate tensile strength of the material of the
component is 660 N/mm2 . Determine the factor of safety.

5. Two flat plates subjected to a tensile force P are connected together by 12M
means of double strap butt joint as shown in figure. The force P is 250kN
and the width of the plate w is 200mm. The rivets and plates are made of the
same steel and the permissible stresses in tension and compression and shear
are 70, 100 and 60 N/mm2 respectively. Calculate i) the diameter of the
rivets ii) the thickness of the plates iii) the dimensions of the seam and
efficiency of joint.

6. A Welded connection as shown in figure is subjected to an eccentric 12M
force of 7.5 kN Determine the size of welds if the permissible shear stress
for the weld is 100 N/mm2 . Assume static conditions.


7. The lay out of a shaft carrying two pulleys 1 and 2 and supported on two 12M
bearings A and B is shown in figure. The shaft transmits 7.5 kW power at
360 rpm from pulley 1 to the pulley 2 are 250 mm and 500 mm
respectively. The masses of pulleys 1 and 2 are 10 kg and 30 kg
respectively. The belt tensions are vertically downwards and the ratio of belt
tensions on the tight side to slack side for each pulley is 2.5:1 . The shaft is
made of plain carbon steel (Syt=380N/mm2 ) and the factor of safety is 3.
Determine diameter of shaft.

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8. a) What are advantages and disadvantages of muff coupling 4M
b) Design a Muff coupling which is used to connect two steel shafts 8M
transmitting 40 KW at 350 rpm. The material for the shaft and key is plain
carbon steel for which allowable shear and crushing stresses may be taken
as 40MPa and 80MPa respectively. The material for the muff is cast iron for
which the allowable shear stress may be assumed as 15MPa


9. Design a knuckle joint to connect two circular rods subjected to an axial 12M
tensile force of 50kN. The rods are co axial and a small amount of angular
movement between their axes is permissible. Design the joint and specify
the dimensions of components. Select suitable material for the parts.
10. A helical compression spring made of circular wire is subjected to an axial 12M
force which varies from 2.5kN to 3.5 kN . Over this range of force the
deflection of the spring should be approximately 5 mm. The spring index
can be taken as 5. The spring has square and grounded ends. The spring is
made of patented and cold drawn steel wire with ultimate tensile strength
of 1050 N/mm2 The permissible shear stress for the spring wire should be
taken as 50% of the ultimate tensile strength. Design the spring.

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CODE: 18ECT312 SET-1
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2021
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
Answer ONE Question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
All parts of the Question must be answered at one place


1. a) Compare open loop and closed loop control systems 4M

b) Find Y2(s)/F(s) of system shown below 8M

2. a) Find the Transfer Function of the system shown below 4M

b) Obtain overall transfer function of given SFG by using Mason’s gain 8M



3. Obtain the transfer function of the armature controlled DC servo motor? 12M

4. a) Define maximum peak overshoot and derive expression for maximum peak 8M
over shoot of second order system.
b) Determine the position, velocity & acceleration error constants for a unity 4M
feedback system having transfer function G(s) =
S ( S + 2)( S + 5)
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5. a) Explain the Routh’s criterion to determine the stability of a dynamical 8M

system and give its limitations.
b) Construct Routh array and determine the stability of the system represented 4M
by the characteristics equation S4+8S3+18S2+16S+5 =0.
6. Draw root locus for unity feedback system with open loop TF 12M
S ( S + 2)( S + 4)


7. Draw the bode plot for the open loop transfer function 12M
G(S) = 1000 / {S(1+0.5S) (1+0.1S) Determine the Phase Margin & Gain
8. Draw the Nyquist plot for the transfer function G(S) = and 12M

determine the value of k for the system to be stable.


9. Find state transition matrix, transfer function of the system having the state 12M
equation & Y=CX+DU where,

A= , B = , C= ,D=0

10. a) Explain the concepts of Controllability and Observability. 8M
b) Give the applications of linear control system. 4M

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CODE: 18CST310 SET-2
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2021
(Common to CSE & IT)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
Answer ONE Question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
All parts of the Question must be answered at one place

1. a) State and prove equivalence of NFA and DFA. 6M

b) Convert the following NFA into its equivalent DFA. 6M

2. a) Minimize the given finite automata 6M

b) Construct DFA for the language L = {w/ w ends with ‘110’}. 6M


3. a) State and prove pumping lemma for regular languages. 6M

b) Show that the language L={ap/ p is a prime} is not regular. 6M
4. a) Find the regular expression generated by the given finite automata 6M

b) Construct a finite automata for the given regular expression (ab+ba)(a+b)* 6M

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5. a) Given a Grammar G=({S,A,B},{a,b},P,E) 6M

where P= S aB / bA, A a / aS / bAA, B b / bS / aBB.
Find the language generated by the grammar.
b) Define CNF grammar and convert the following CFG into its equivalent 6M
S->ABC A->BC/a B->bAC/ɛ C->cAB/ ɛ
6. a) Convert the following context free grammar G having productions 6M
S AA / 0 , A SS / 1 into its equivalent GNF grammar
b) Explain about Enumeration properties of CFL 6M


7. a) Construct PDA for the language L= {wcwr / w ε (0,1)). 6M

b) Define PDA. Differentiate DPDA and NPDA. 6M
8. a) Design a PDA for the grammar having productions 6M
S aB / bA, A a / aS / bAA, B b / bS / aBB
b) Find a grammar generating L(M), M = 6M
({q0,q1,q2},{0,1},{Z0,A},δ,q0,Z0,{q2}) where δ is given by
δ (q0,a,Z0) = {(q1,AZ0)}
δ (q0,a,A) = {(q1,AA)}
δ (q1,a,A) = {(q0,AA)}
δ (q1, ε,A) = {(q1,AA)}
δ (q2,b,A) = {(q2, ε)}


9. a) Design Turing Machine for L={anbn /n>=1}. 6M

b) What is counter machine? Explain with an example. 6M
10. a) Discuss in detail Universal Turing Machine 6M
b) Write short note on post correspondence problem. 6M

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CODE: 16CE3011 SET-2
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2021
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 70
Answer ONE Question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
All parts of the Question must be answered at one place

1. a) Define and explain water content, wide ration, porosity and degree of saturation. 8M
b) The sieve analysis of soil gave the following results % passing 75µ=10%, 6M
% retained on 4.75mm sieve=30%, Coefficient of curvature=2 and Uniformity
The fine fraction gave the following results
Plastic limit = 4%, Liquid limit = 18%
Classify according to ISC system.
2. a) There are two borrow areas A and B which have soils with void ratios of 0.80 and 10M
0.70, respectively. The in place water content is 20%, and 15%, respectively. The
fill at the end of construction will have a total volume of 10,000 m3, bulk density of
2Mg/m3 and a placement water content of 22%. Determine the volume of the soil
required to be excavated for both areas. G = 2.65.
If the cost of excavation of soil and transportation is Rs. 200/- per 100 m3 for area
A and Rs. 220/- per 100m3 for area B, which of the borrow area is more
b) What do you understand by consistency of soil? 4M

3. a) In a constant head permeameter test, the following observations were taken. 8M
Distance between piezometer tappings 100mm, difference of water levels in
piezometers 60mm, diameter of the sample 100mm, quantity of water collected
350ml, duration of the test 270 seconds. Determine the coefficient of permeability
of the soil.
b) Explain the uses of flow net 6M
4. a) Derive the expression for critical hydraulic gradient. 7M
b) Explain the procedure involved in determining the coefficient of permeability in 7M
variable head method

5. a) Derive the principle of construction of Newmark’s chart and its uses. 10M
b) Define total stress, neutral stress and effective stress. 4M
6. a) A soil profile consists of a surface layer of clay 4m thick ( =19.5 kN/m3) and a sand layer 10M
2m thick ( =18.5kN/m3) over lying an impermeable rock. The water table is at the ground
surface. If the water level in a standpipe driven into the sand layer rises 2m above the
ground surface. Draw the plot showing the variation of total stress, pore Water pressure
and the effective stress and determine the increase in effective stress at the top of rock
when the artesian head in the sand is reduced by 1m.
b) There is a line load of 120kN/m acting on the ground surface along y-axis. Determine the 4M
vertical stress at a point P which has x and z coordinates as 2m and 3.5m respectively.
7. a) What is the effect of compaction on engineering properties of soil? 7M
b) Describe briefly the procedure to compute the pre-consolidation pressure. 7M
8. a) The volume of mould used was 950ml. Make necessary calculations and plot the 7M
compaction curve and obtain the MDD and OMC. Also calculate the void ratio, the
degree of saturation and the theoretical MDD (G=2.70)
The maximum dry density of a sample by the light compaction test is
1.78g/ml at an optimum water content of 15%. Find the air voids and the degree of
saturation. G=2.67
b) Explain the consolidation process with spring analogy mechanism. 7M

9. a) Write revised Mohr-coulomb equation. How does it differ from the original 8M
b) Describe the Direct shear test. What are the advantages of direct shear test 6M
10. a) The following results were obtained from a consolidation-undrained test on 7M
normally consolidated clay. Plot the strength envelop in terms of total stress and
effective stress and determine the strength parameters.
Sample No. Cell pressure Deviator stress Pore-water
(kN/m2) (kN/m2) pressure (kN/m2)
1 250 152 120
2 500 300 250
3 750 455 350
b) What is unconfined compression test? Sketch the apparatus used. What is its 7M
advantage over a Tri-axial test?
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CODE: 16EC3015 SET-1
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2021


(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)

Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 70

Answer ONE Question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
All parts of the Question must be answered at one place


1. a) Find the following signals are periodic or not 7M

(i) Sin(2πn/3)+Cos(2πn/5) (ii) 3Sin200πt+4Cos100πt
b) Check the given signal is energy or power signal x(t)=e-at u(t) 7M
2. a) Draw the wave forms of the following signals 7M
(i)x(t)=u(t)-2u(t-1)+u(t-2) (ii)y(t)=r(t)-r(t-1)-u(t-1)
b) Find the classifications the system defined as y(n)=x(n)x(n-2) 7M


3. a) Write the properties of convolution sum? 7M

b) Find the convolution of the signals x(t)=e-at u(t) and y(t)=e-bt 7M
u(t) using Fourier transform?
4. a) A signal x(t)=Cos(200πt) is sampled at a rate of (i)150hz 7M
(ii)225hz (iii)300hz for each of these three cases, can you
recover the signal x(t) from the sampled signal? explain with
a neat figures?
b) Calculate the convolution of the following sequences 7M
X[n]={1,2,3,2} and h[n]={1,2,2}and draw their plots?

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5. a) Find the Fourier transform of a periodic signal? 7M

b) Draw the frequency spectrum of the following signal 7M
X(t)={A : 0 ≤ t < π and -A : π ≤ t < 2π}
6. State and prove any four properties of Fourier transform 14M


7. a) What is ROC ? Write its significance for a system? 7M

b) Find the Laplace transform of the signals x(t) = u(-t) and x(t) 7M
=e-t u(t)+ e-4t u(t) find its ROC
8. a) Find the Laplace transform for ramp function and parabolic 7M
b) State and prove the time scaling and time shifting properties 7M
of Laplace transform


9. a) Find the Z transform and ROC of x(n)=(1/2)n u(n-2) sketch 7M

the pole-zero location of ROC
b) State and prove the convolution property of Z transform 7M
10. State and prove any four properties of Z transform 14M

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CODE: 16ME3013 SET-2
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2021
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 70
Answer ONE Question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
All parts of the Question must be answered at one place


1. a) Explain the design considerations for the selection of Engineering Materials 4M

and their properties?
b) A rotating shaft carries a 18 KN pulley at the center of a 0.75 m simply 10M
Supported span. The average torque is 230 N m. Assume the torque range to
be 10 % of the average torque. The material has yield point of 770 MPa and
the endurance limit of 450MPa. Determine the required diameter of the shaft
based on
i) Maximum stress theory and
ii) Distortion energy theory.
Stress concentration factor may be taken as 1.5 and a factor of safety 2.
2. A hot rolled steel shaft is subjected to a torsional moment that varies from 14M
+350 Nm to -115 Nm and an applied bending moment at a critical section
varies from 445 Nm to 225 Nm. The shaft is of uniform cross section.
Determine the required shaft diameter. The material has an ultimate strength
of 550 MPa and yield strength of 410 MPa. Take the endurance limit as half
the ultimate strength, factor of safety of 2, size factor of 0.85 and a surface
finish factor of 0.62. (Using Goodman’s Line).


3. Design a triple riveted longitudinal double strap butt joint with unequal 14M
straps for a boiler. The inside diameter of the drum is 1.3 meters. The joint is
to be designed for a steam pressure of 2.4 N/mm2. The working stresses to
be used are st=77N/mm2, =62 N/mm2; sc=120 N/mm2. Assume the
efficiency of the joint as 81 %.
4. a) Differentiate between compound screw and differential screw 4M
b) The lead screw of a lathe has Acme threads of 40 mm outside diameter and 10M
6 mm pitch. The screw must exert an axial pressure of 3500 N in order to
drive the tool carriage. The thrust is carried on a collar 210 mm outside
diameter and 55 mm inside diameter and lead screw rotates at 40 r.p.m.
Determine (a) the power required to drive the screw and (b) the efficiency of
the lead screw. Assume a coefficient of friction of 0.15 for the screw and
0.12 for the collar

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5. The end of a receiver, cylindrical in shape is closed by a lap joint using 14M
rivets. The maximum pressure in the receiver is 2MPa. The axial length of
the receiver is limited to 3 m while its storing capacity is 2 m3. Design the
suitable lap joint giving a neat sketch. The permissible stresses in shear and
crushing of rivets may be taken as 40MPa and 50MPa. The permissible
tensile stress for the plate material is 80MPa
6. a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of welded joints 4M
b) A 65 mm diameter solid shaft is to be welded to a flat plate by a fillet weld 10M
around the circumference of the shaft. Determine the size of the weld if the
torque on the shaft is 3kNm and the allowable shear stress in the weld is

7. a) A shaft is required to transfer 43kW of power at 600rpm. The outside 10M

diameter must not exceed 50mm and the maximum shear stress is not to
exceed 70N/mm2. Find out the dimensions of hollow and solid shaft, which
would meet these requirements. Also compare their weights
b) Briefly explain the procedure to design a shaft based on any two theories of 4M
8. a) Write the design procedure for a flexible coupling 4M
b) Design a Muff coupling which is used to connect two steel shafts 10M
transmitting 40 KW at 350 rpm. The material for the shaft and key is plain
carbon steel for which allowable shear and crushing stresses may be taken as
40MPa and 80MPa respectively. The material for the muff is cast iron for
which the allowable shear stress may be assumed as 15MPa


9. Design a knuckle joint to connect two circular rods subjected to an axial 14M
tensile force of 50kN. The rods are co axial and a small amount of angular
movement between their axes is permissible. Design the joint and specify
the dimensions of components. Select suitable material for the parts.
10. a) Describe the construction of semi-elliptical leaf spring 4M
b) A helical compression spring made of oil tempered carbon steel is 10M
subjected to a load which varies from 400N to 1000N. The spring index is
6 and the design factor of safety is 1.25. If the yield stress in shear is
770MPa and endurance stress in shear is 350MPa. Find i) Size of spring
wire, ii) Diameters of the spring, iii) Number of turns of the spring, iv) free
length of spring. The compression of the spring at the maximum load is
30mm. The modulus of rigidity for the spring material may be taken as

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CODE: 16EC3017 SET-1
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2021
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)

Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 70

Answer ONE Question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
All parts of the Question must be answered at one place


1. a) Design a 2-input NAND and NOR logic gates using CMOS logic 7M
b) What is the difference between transmission time and propagation delay? Explain 7M
these two parameters with reference to CMOS logic
2. a) Explain sinking current and sourcing current of TTL gate. Which of the parameters 7M
decide the fan-out and how?
b) Draw the circuit diagram of two-input 10K ECL OR gate and explain its operation. 7M


3. a) Explain about CMOS static behaviour. 7M

b) Design a 32 input to 5 output priority encoder using four 74LS148 & gates. 7M
4. a) Explain different data types available in VHDL with relevant examples. 7M
b) Design a 32 to 1 multiplexer using four 74X151 multiplexers and 74X139 decoder 7M


5. a) Write a VHDL program for n-bit ripple carry adder. 7M

b) Explain in detail about combinational multiplier 7M
6. a) Draw the block diagram of barrel shifter and explain its operation. 7M
b) Write a VHDL code for 4-bit Look ahead carry generator. 7M


7. a) Design a serial in and parallel out shift register and explain its operation. 7M
b) Design a self-correcting 4 bit 8 state Johnson counter. 7M
8. a) Design a modulo – 10 counter using two 74 x 163 binary counters. 7M
b) Write a VHDL code to implement a MOD-4 counter. 7M


9. a) Explain about EPROM using floating gate MOS transistor. 7M

b) Design sequence detector to detect a sequence 1101 using suitable PLA. Give 7M
state diagram and state table.
10. a) Briefly list out the comparison of PAL, PLA and PROM. 7M
b) Draw the programmable logic array circuit for simplified expression. 7M
F(A,B,C,D)= Σ (0,1,2,4,6,10,11,12,14) and explain its operation.
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CODE: 16CS3011 SET-1
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2021
(Common to CSE & IT)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 70
Answer ONE Question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
All parts of the Question must be answered at one place
1. Identify UNIX commands used to perform the file related operations? Explain each [14M]
command in detail and also compare them?
2 Discuss about the file permissions in unix operating system? Identify the appropriate unix [14M]
command which will give read , write and execute permission to the owner, user and
3 Define a shell script. What are the two ways of running a shell script? Write a shell script [14M]
that tekes command and arguments and accept pattern and a file and search for the pattern
in the file?
4. a Write a shell script that accepts two integers as its arguments and computers the value of [7M]
first number raised to the power of the second number.
b Define the term pipe? Why pipes are required? How we use pipes in combining multiple [7M]
commands? Give an example
5. What is a system call? Explain the syntax and each argument of the following functions [14M]
along with syntax :
a) stat b) fstat c) lstat d) chmod e) chown
6. List at least five Services Provided by System Calls ? Explain about [14M]
i) unlink, ii) link, iii) symlink, iv) rmdir
7. Explain about process control system call write syntax about the following system calls [14M]
i. kill ii.raise iii.alarm
8. How to create a process? what are the command need to create a process? Which process [14M]
do you think may have maximum number of children? What is its PID?can you divide its
children into two categories?
9. a Explain in detail about shared memory? How shared memory will be used in IPC? [7M]
b Analyse the following command ls | pr | lpr [7M]
10. a Explain about named pipes and nameless pipes [7M]
b Explain about semaphores? [7M]
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CODE: 13EC3018 SET-1
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2021
(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 70

1. a) Define continuous time unit step and unit impulse signals.

b) What is the condition for stability of an LTI system?
c) Write the expressions for trigonometric Fourier series coefficients a0, an and bn.
d) State the condition for convergence of Fourier Series.
e) Find the Fourier Transform of impulse function.
f) Define Fourier Transform.
g) State Initial value Theorem of Laplace Transform.
h) What is the condition to be satisfied for the existence of Laplace Transform?
i) Mention any two properties of ROC of Z-transform.
j) Define two sided Z-transform.

Answer one question from each unit [5x12=60M]


2. a) Find whether the following signals are periodic or not. 6M

(i) x(t)= 2cos(10t+1)-sin(4t-1)
(ii) x(t)= 3cos4t+2sin2πt

b) Distinguish between the following: 6M

(i) Continuous time signal and discrete time signal
(ii) Periodic and non periodic signals
(iii) Causal and non-causal Signals

3. a) Check whether the following systems are linear or not. 6M
(i) y(n)= Ax(n)+B
(ii) y(n)= nx(n)

b) What is an LTI system? Explain its properties. Derive an expression for the 6M
transfer function of an LTI system.


4. a) Discuss the concept of trigonometric Fourier series and derive the expressions for 6M
b) Find the trigonometric Fourier series of the waveform shown in below figure: 6M

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CODE: 13EC3018 SET-1

5. a) Define Fourier series and derive the relationship between trigonometric Fourier 6M
series and exponential Fourier series.

b) Find the trigonometric Fourier series for the periodic signal x(t) shown below. 6M


6. a) Explain how Fourier transform is developed from Fourier series. 6M

b) Determine the Fourier transform of a two sided exponential pulse x (t) = e–|t|. 6M
7. State and prove any four properties of fourier transform. 12M


8. a) Find the Laplace transform of the following signals i) Impulse function ii) unit step 6M
function iii) A sin w0t u(t).

b) Find the Laplace transform of the signal x(t) =e-at u(t) + e-bt u(-t) 6M
9. State and prove any four properties of laplace transform 12M


10. State and prove any four properties of Z transform 12M

11. a) State and prove initial value and final value theorems of Z- transform. 6M

b) Find the Z-transform of the given signal x(n) and find its ROC: X(n) = [sin(w0n] 6M

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