a. A footing of rectangular shape 6m x 8m is uniformly loaded with 180kN/m2 at the ground level.
Newmark’s chart of influence factor 0.004 is used to find the stress at a certain depth. It that found that 24
elements of the chart are covered by the loaded area. Determine the stress. (4 Marks)
b. Explain with sketches various types of settlements. Comment on the sustainability of these types of
settlements and functional utility of the structure. (4 Marks)
c. A soft clay layer is 5m thick and lies under newly constructed building. The effective pressure due to
overlying strata is 300kN/m2 and new construction increased the overburden by 120kN/m2. If liquid limit
is 80%, natural water content of the clay layer is 43% and G=2.70. Dry density of the clay is 18kN/m3.
Compute the settlement. (8 Marks)
Module -3
a. Explain what is meant by active and passive states of plastic equilibrium with sketch. (4 Marks)
2 0 3
b. An embankment is made of soil having C=25kN/m and φ=20 and unit weight γ=19kN/m . The slope is
1.5H: 1V and has 9m height. Determine the factor of safety along a slip circle passing through toe. The
center of slip circle is located at Fellinious angles α=260 and β=350. Use method of slices and analyze.
(12 Marks)
a. Derive an expression for factor of safety for infinite slope (6 Marks)
b. A retaining wall is 9.0m high , retains cohesion-less backfill. The top 3m of fill has unit weight
γ=18kN/m3 with φ= 320. The rest has unit weight γ=22kN/m3 with φ= 220. Determine the active earth
pressure on the wall and its position. (10 Marks)
Module -4
a. Define
i. Safe bearing capacity
ii. Allowable bearing capacity (4 Marks)
b. What will be the net safe bearing pressure of sand having ϕ =360, take effective unit weight of soil as
i. 1.2m wide strip footing
ii. 1.2m wide square footing. (6 Marks)
c. Write a note on how bearing capacity changes with respect to water table level. (6 Marks)
a. When there is need of combined footing, explain with sketches (6 Marks)
b. Design a square footing to carry a safe load of 2400kN on a sandy soil at a depth of 1.5m below GL with
factor of safety of 3. Given γsat=21kN/m3 with Nc = 25, Nq = 34 and Nγ = 32. Permissible settlement is
40mm. water table may rise up to the base of the footing. (10 Marks)
Module -5
a. Write a note on classification of piles (6 Marks)
b. What is meant by efficiency of pile group, explain Feld’s rule. (4 Marks)
c. A group of nine piles with three piles in a row was driven into soft clay extending from ground level to a
great depth. The diameter and length s of the piles were 30cm and 10m respectively. The cohesion C =
35kN/m2. If the piles were spaced at 90cm c/c, compare the bearing load on the pile group on the basis of
shear failure criterion for a factor of safety of 2.5. Neglect bearing at the tip of the piles. Take m=0.6 for
shear mobilization around each pile. (6 Marks)
a. Explain static formula for the design of piles (6 Marks)
b. Draw atypical arrangement of under reamed pile with proportion of diameter of pile, bulb and spacing
(6 Marks)
c. Write a note on pile load test (4 Marks)