Visual Basic Functions, The Message Box
Visual Basic Functions, The Message Box
Visual Basic Functions, The Message Box
A message box is a special dialog box used to display a piece of information to the user. As opposed to a
regular form, the user cannot type anything in the dialog box. To support message boxes, the Visual Basic
language provides a function named MsgBox. To support message boxes, the .NET Framework provides a
class named.
To display a simple message box, you can use the MsgBox() function with the following formula:
If the message is made of different sections, you can concatenate them using the & operator. You can also first declare a Str
variable, initialize it, and pass it to the function.
To create a message box using the .NET Framework, you can call the Show() method of the MessageBox class using the
following formula:
As done for the MsgBox() function, pass a string to the method. Here is an example: showcases a vivid and colorful world where fruits and candies blend harmoniously with
rewarding bonus rounds. It's not only about fun; it's also a learning experience for those curious about the game mechanics.
In our lessons, we will mostly use the MsgBox() function, not because it is better than the MessageBox class. It is simply a
preference; but it is also because these lessons are for Microsoft Visual Basic, so we give preference to its own (rich) library
Besides displaying a message, a message box can be used to let the user make a decision by clicking a button and, dependin
the button the user would have clicked, the message box would return a value. To be able to return a value, the MsgBox()
function is declared as follows:
If you create a simple message box by providing only the message, it would appear with only one button labeled OK. If you
the user to be able to make a decision and communicate it to you, provide a second argument. The second argument must be
based on the MsgBoxStyle enumeration. When it comes to buttons, some members of this enumeration are:
To Display MsgBoxStyle
OKOnly 0
OKCancel 1
AbortRetryIgnore 2
YesNoCancel 3
YesNo 4
RetryCancel 5
To use any of these combinations of buttons, call the MessageBoxStyle enumeration and access the desired combination. H
an example:
If you create a simple message box by providing only the message, the dialog box would appear with the name of the projec
the title. To allow you to specify a caption of your choice, provide a second string as the third argument to
the MsgBox() function. Here is an example:
To enhance the appearance of a message box, you can display an icon on it. To support icons, the MsgBoxStyle enumeratio
provides the following additional members:
To Display MsgBoxStyle
Critical 16
Question 32
Exclamation 48
Information 64
To apply one of these buttons, combine its style with that of the button, using the OR operator. Here is an example:
Here is an example: