2024 Aug Ist Mbbs Anatomy II 1021

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QP CODE I r02l

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka

MBBS Plrase - t (CBME) Degree Examination - l2'Aug'2024
Time: Three Hcurs Max. Marks: lOO


Q.P. CODE: 1O21
(QP contains two pages)
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked
Draw neat, labeled diagrams wherever necessary

LONG.ESSAYS 2 x 1O = 2O Marks

1. A dancer came to the OPD complaining of pain in the foot. Doctor diagnosed the condition
as pes planus. Describe the bony components of the longitudinal arches of the foot.
Describe factors responsible for the maintenance of these arches.

2. Describe the boundaries and contents of inguinal canal. Explain the protective mechanisms
of the inguinal canal that prevent inguinal hernia. Compare and contrast coverings of direct
and indirect inguinal hernia.

SHORTESSAYS 8x5 = 4O Marks

3. Describe the formation, termination, tributaries and applied anatomy of great saphenous
4. Describe the coverings of kidney. Add a note on its applied anatomy.
5. a note on
Describe the origin, termination and branches of Inferior mesenteric artery. Add
marginal artery of Drummond.
6. A patient came to OPD with history of pain and bleeding on passing stools. He was
diagnosed as suffering from haemorrhoids. Describe the features in the interior of anal
canal. Add a note on its blood supply.
7. Describe the supports of uterus. Add a note on its applied anatomy.
B. Describe structural chromosomal abnormalities with examples.
9. Compare and contrast microscopic structure of ureter and vas deferens
10. Describe the development and congenital anomalies of pancreas.
11. Enumerate any three short lateral rotators of hip joint and mention their nerve supply.
L2. Enumerate the boundaries of epiploic foramen and mention its clinical significance.
13. Enumerate the parts of gall bladder. Explain the anatomical basis of pain in the right
shoulder in cholecYstitis.
14. Name the muscles forming the pelvic floor and their clinical impoftance.
15. Enumerate the parts of male urethra and the lining epithelium.
16. Ehumerate the clinical features and karyotype in Down syndrome. ;?f sEirr*Ar lt3$8r
L7. Compare and contrast microscopic structure of hepatic and portal lobule.
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18, Draw and label microscopic structure of duodenum.
19. Enumerate the remnants of paramesonephric duct.
20. Enumerate the remnants of mesogastrium.

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QP CODE: 1021

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka

t"tultille Choice Questions 1O x 1 = 1O Marks
2I a) 'Trochanteric fossa receives the insertion of
A. Obturator internus
B. Obturator externus
C. Piriformis
D. Psoas major
21 ii) Pyramidalis is suPPlied bY
. A. Subcostal nerve
B. Ilioinguinal nerve
C. IliohyPogastric nerve
D. Genitofemoral nerye
21 iii) Innermost covering of testis is
A. Parietal layer of Tunica vaginalis
B. Visceral layer of Tunica vaginalis
C. Tunica vasculosa
D. Tunica albuginea
21 iv) Mucous glands of oesophagus are found in
. A. Mucosa
B. Submucosa
' C. Muscularis externa
D. Adventitia
21 v) Premaxilla is derived from
A. Frontonasal Process
A. Maxillary Process
B, Mandibular Process
C. fterygoid Process
22 i) Which of the following banding techniques is routinely used in chromosome analysis?
A, C - banding
B. Q - banding
C, G - banding
n D. R-banding
22 ii) Cutaneous branch of posterior division of Femoral nerve is
A. Sural nerve
B. Peroneal nerve
C. Pudendal nerve
. D. SaPhenous nerve
22ii) .Permanent mucosal folds in the small intestine are called
A. Semilunar valves
B. Semicircular valves
C. Valves of Kerckring
D. CryPts of Lieberkuhn
22 iv) Inferior rectal artery is a branch of
A. SuPerior gluteal artery
B. Inferior gluteal artery
C. Inferior mesenteric artery
D. Internal Pudendal artery
22v) Allthe neurons in the cerebellar cortex are inhibitory EXCEPT
A. Stellate cells
B. Granule cells
. C. Basket cells
D. Golgi cells


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