P.E & Health Lesson Plan

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Checking of Attendance
Setting of Classroom Standard
Passing of Assignment
• The teacher will ask question about yesterday’s topic which is all about how to segregate
Biodegradable, Non-Biodegradable, Hazardous and Recyclable waste.

- What are the 4 four classification of waste that we’ve discussed yesterday class?
- What is those Biodegradable/Recyclable/ hazardous/ non-biodegradable mean?
- BAYOT – Bring Your Own Tumbler
• Very Good Class you really learned allot yesterday.

Establishing a purpose for the lesson (Motivation)

• The teacher will ask the student if they know/experience this kind of Phenomenon to their

Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson. (Presentation)

• The teacher will play a video about the sudden changes of the body (Puberty)
• The teacher will ask beforehand about what is going to played on the video.

1. What is the video all about?
2. What are the changes did you noticed to the female body?
3. What are the changes did you noticed to the female body?
4. What do you think class is our topic for today?

• Reading of the Objectives

Analysis D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills. #1 (Modeling, Discussion)

- Class, are you aware about the changes in your body?

- There are explanations about that kind of phenomenon to our body
- And call it the “Puberty Stage”
- So, what is Puberty?
- Puberty is the process of physical changes through which a child's body matures into an adult

- Now because of these changes in our body there are unpleasant things that we should mind,
and the number 1 solution for that is what we call, “Good personal Hygiene”
- So, what is “Good Personal Hygiene”?
- Keeping all parts of the external body clean and healthy. In people with poor personal
hygiene, the body provides an ideal environment for germs to grow, leaving it
vulnerable to infection.

Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2. (Guided Practice)
- At point we will be having an activity
- The teacher will group the class into two groups
Directions (Group 1)
1. The pupils put check (/) if it for Good Hygiene Practice and (X) if it’s Bad hygiene habit to the
corresponding pictures.
2. Each group will be given 5 minutes to do the activity
3. The pupils will be presents their output and will be checked.
Group 2

1. The pupil will label the following statements “FACT” if the statement are true, and “MYTHS” if it
is not.
2. Each group will be given 5 minutes to do the activity
3. The pupils will be presents their output and will be checked.

1. Taking a bath is bad during menstruation.
2. Using of menarche for facial wash is good for the skin.
3. Circumcised men are more clean than Uncircumcised men.
4. Pimples are caused by admiring someone.
5. The size of a male penis is related to the size of his hands or feet.

Developing Mastery (Independent Practice)

Group Activity (Puberty Drawing)

-The class will be divided into three groups.
-The student will draw a picture that represent their understanding of puberty.
-Have each group to present their drawing and discuss the symbols and theme they used.

Criteria 10 points 8 points 6 points

Creativity The drawing should Able to draw Able to draw but but
be creative and creatively but less not visually
visually appealing, visually appealing, appealing, no variety
using a variety of less variety of colors of colors and shapes
colors and shapes to and shapes to to represent the
represent the represent the drawing.
drawing. drawing.
Delivery The drawing should Able to deliver the Did not deliver the
be delivered in a message of the well the message of
clear and concise drawing but not the drawing.
manner, with the totally clear and in a
student clearly concise manner.
communicating their
understanding of
Fun The drawing should The drawing show fun Did not able to show
be a fun and but not engaging that interest to the
engaging activity allows students to students.
that allows students express themselves
creatively and learn
to express
about puberty in a
themselves creatively
unique and interactive
and learn about way.
puberty in a unique
and interactive way.
Cooperation The group show Some of the groups are All of the group are not
cooperation and cooperating in working participating.
collaboration among with the given activity.
group members, with
each student
contributing to the
drawing and working
together to create a
cohesive and
representation of


Abstraction H. Making Generalizations and Abstraction about the Lesson.
• The teacher will ask question for the generalization.
1. What have you learned about our topic for the day?
2. Is proper hygiene important?
3. Is it normal to experience puberty in our life?
4. How can we combat myths about puberty?
1. Show diagrams and illustrations of the human body to explain the physical
changes that occur during puberty.
2. Discuss the emotional and social changes that occur during puberty, such as
mood swings, body image concerns, and peer pressure.
3. Highlight the importance of proper hygiene and self-care during puberty,
including regular bathing, brushing teeth, and using deodorant.
4. Emphasize the need for open communication with parents and healthcare
providers about any concerns or questions.

Create a public service announcement or video about the importance of proper hygiene and
self-care during puberty.

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