Pirates of The Splintered Isles - Free Sample
Pirates of The Splintered Isles - Free Sample
Pirates of The Splintered Isles - Free Sample
Legendary Kingdoms
- Book Three -
Pirates of the Splintered Isles
Published by Spidermind Games Ltd
- Book One -
The Valley of Bones
Danger and adventure in a barbarian land of blood and sand
- Book Two -
Crown and Tower
House Dayne struggles against its ancestral enemies
in the medieval county of Longport Bay
- Book Three -
Pirates of the Splintered Isles
Adventure on the open sea, thwarting buccaneers
and exploring mysterious islands
- Book Four -
The Gilded Throne
Politics and power in the corrupt duchy of Pendrilor
- Book Five -
The Savage Lands
Explore the ruins of the greatest civilisation the world had ever seen,
but be careful not to awake the beast that destroyed it
- Book Six -
The gaunt, smoking cities of Drakehallow have at last
opened their doors to visitors. Watch your step...
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CHARISMA CHARISMA Spell & Description Recharge
Codes The Vault
C1 C11 C21 C31 C41 C51 C61 C71 C81 C91
C2 C12 C22 C32 C42 C52 C62 C72 C82 C92
C3 C13 C23 C33 C43 C53 C63 C73 C83 C93
C4 C14 C24 C34 C44 C54 C64 C74 C84 C94
C5 C15 C25 C35 C45 C55 C65 C75 C85 C95
C6 C16 C26 C36 C46 C56 C66 C76 C86 C96
C7 C17 C27 C37 C47 C57 C67 C77 C87 C97
C8 C18 C28 C38 C48 C58 C68 C78 C88 C98
C9 C19 C29 C39 C49 C59 C69 C79 C89 C99
C10 C20 C30 C40 C50 C60 C70 C80 C90 C100
Your Fleet
Ship Name Fighting Health Cargo Units Location Cargo
Your Forces
Left Flank Front Centre Front Right Flank Front
Mission Notes
– Legendary K ingdoms –
W elcome to Legendary Kingdoms, a fantasy Before you start, grab yourself a pencil and an
adventure gamebook where you take eraser. You will need these to make notes about
a party of adventurers into a dangerous and your characters’ skills and any treasures you find.
adventure-filled land. Early in your career you In addition, you will need a set of normal, six-sided
will simply attempt to survive in a world of peril, dice. Try to grab as many dice as you can; you will
but as you become more famous and powerful probably want at least six.
your actions will determine the fates of empires.
Before beginning your game you must select a party Lord Ti’Quon and Amelia Pass-Dayne can cast spells,
of adventurers and learn a few rules about skill which makes up for their poor skill and health scores.
checks and combat. After that, turn to reference 1 to You can read the rules on spells a little later on.
begin your adventures. Good luck, and may St Elias
watch over you.
- Spellcaster -
Sar Jessica Dayne is a first-born knight of Royce. Her
father, Baron Baldwin Dayne, is an ambitious contender Lord Ti’quon is a classically trained sorcerer from
for the rulership of Longport Bay, an important county. Drakehallow. Thanks to his family’s wealth he has been
She is a powerful warrior, of impeccable noble blood, able to learn his craft in the halls of Animus Mast, the
but she has received little love or affection since the death premier academy for mages in the world. His knowledge
of her mother when Jessica was a girl. She is due to is vast, learnt from library stacks and obscure scrolls,
inherit the barony in preference to her younger brother, and his ambition is as great as his knowledge. Though
Ridley, but has clashed with her father in recent years, at the beginning of his journey in the arts of magic,
putting her inheritance in doubt. Sar Jessica hopes to Ti’Quon shows great promise. He is handicapped,
become a rich and important woman in her own right somewhat, by a lack of empathy, although his rich and
before confronting her father at Fosterly Castle. regal voice make up for his curtness. If he can find
additional sums for more tutelage, he desires to return
to Animus Mast to unlock yet greater secrets of sorcery.
- Spellcaster -
Tasha is a buccaneer from the Splintered Isles and is
little more than an outright thief. She is born to the Amelia is the half-sister of Jessica and grew up with her
sails, and her family have lived on ships and in coastal in Fosterly Castle. Her mother was a forester who took
taverns for generations. Tasha has stolen and squandered Amelia away from the castle when it became obvious
great fortunes in her time. Her extravagance and her that Baron Baldwin, her father, would take no interest
love of a pretty face has meant she has seldom held onto in the girl. Since maturity Amelia has lived in the
money for long. Most recently she was ripped off by wild forests of the Savage Lands, learning earth magic
her lover, Katherine of Middenmarch, a country girl from the druids of that isolated place. Though slender,
who was apprenticed to Tasha, before betraying her she has become a rugged survivor, who can live off the
mistress and selling her off to slavers. Getting even with land and fight off wild beasts. Her magic is instinctive,
the bumptious pirate is foremost on Tasha’s mind. and much mocked by more scholarly wizards, but it is
no less potent for all that. Amelia dreams of becoming
a full-circle druid, but knows that she must learn
much before returning home to the Savage Lands.
Akihiro is a brooding young man from the Valley of Brash was born in Royce, in the duchy of Pendrilor.
Bones, who was banished from his city when he failed He was a pot washer in Vasthall, the stately home of
in his training to become a Kensai, a sword-saint of Duchess Elenor Mauntell, but unwisely engaged in a love
Chalice. A superb swordsman, Akihiro is his own triangle with her and King Frances Goldwell. Fleeing
worst enemy. He tortures himself over his failure to before he could be hung, Brash has since lived on his wits,
balance his mind and body. Since that time Akihiro travelling the world to escape the King’s agents. He can
has become an adept survivor, able to find water in the talk his way out of almost anything, and his ability to
driest desert, and food in an empty wilderness. Though escape danger is second-to-none. One day, Brash will
he tells himself he has given up, he longs in his heart to need to sort out the mess he left behind in Vasthall, but
return to Chalice to attempt the tests again. Perhaps not until he has gained a little worldly experience.
it is time for Akihiro to emerge from the wilderness
and restore his own and his family’s honour?
Skills skill being checked. For a team check you can combine
the skill dice from two characters. For every die that is
Every party member has five skills, that are used to get equal to or greater than the DC of the check you gain
them out of sticky situations. one success.
Fighting determines your skill in personal combat, Example: Tasha, Akihiro, Sar Jessica and Lord
as well as your physical strength. Ti’Quon are trying to sneak past a goblin on guard
duty. They need to pass the ‘Sneak past the goblin’ skill
Stealth helps you sneak around, hide from enemies,
check. Since this is a team check, the player choses
or lose pursuers in a crowd.
the two best party members at Stealth – in this case it
Lore is your knowledge of arcane, will be Tasha (Stealth 5) and Akihiro (Stealth 3). The
religious and historical facts. player takes 8 dice and rolls them all. Because the DC
of this check is 4+, every result of 4 or more is a success.
Survival helps you forage in the wilderness, The player rolls a 6, 5, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2 and 1.
navigate forests, climb mountains, etc. Three of these dice have rolled 4 or more, so the team
get three successes.
Charisma is your ability to charm,
intimidate and persuade people you meet. In order to pass a skill check you need a certain number
of successes. In this skill check you need 4 successes to
Usually the values of your skills don’t change very
pass it. The team in our example have failed and will
much. However, you might sometimes be told to
now have to face the consequences!
improve or reduce your skills during your adventures.
There is no maximum skill score, but no skill can drop No matter how high your skill scores, you cannot roll
below 0 for any reason. more than 20 dice for a skill check. If you have more
dice than this, you might consider using Skill Focus,
which you can find in the Advanced Rules at the back
Skill Checks of the book.
Example: An orc warrior has an Attack value of 6 (4+). You can only make Armour saves in combat.
This means the orc rolls six dice, each of which needs a If you take damage at any other time, such as from
4 or more to score a hit. starvation or being crushed by rocks during your
adventure, you cannot make Armour saves against
Starting with the first opponent on the list, make an that damage.
attack with each opponent in order. If they score any
hits, decide which party member has been hit, and
Instead of making an attack, a party member can cast Some spells cover more than one area. A spell that is
a spell instead. The spell description will tell you what described as Adventure/Combat can be used both in
happens when you do this. combat and while adventuring.
1 3
Shipboards creak as they are pounded by the relentless It was always a long shot! You fail to get a strong grapple
waves of the Sou’gale Straits. A single ship’s lamp on the pirates, who beat you down cruelly. Any party
illuminates the hold, dank and smelly with human member that made the Fighting check loses 2 Health as
bodies. Chains rattle, and a nearby Roycian sailor they are kicked and punched into submission.
heaves again, his dark vomit splashing the deck, his Snarling at you to be still, the pirates re-bind your
comrades twisting in their bonds to avoid the foul hands. Cross off any ‘loose binds’ your party members
stream. The pirates haven’t checked on you for hours, may have (including party members who didn’t join in
eighty prisoners crushed together like fish-catch, some the skill check – the pirates are wary of you now!).
dying, some ill. All afraid. Beaten and bleeding, you remain silent as the pirates
How did it come to this? You glance at your row you to shore. Turn to 32.
companions. At least you have all regained
consciousness now, but still you list in your chains, 4
fighting concussion. You fought back to back as the Eventually, Tom climbs back down the tree and makes
rest of the crew fell; but surrounded and outnumbered, his report.
nets were hurled upon you by the vicious pirates before “It’s hard to see,” he says, whispering above the
you were clubbed unconscious. chirping night insects. “But I think there’s at least
Since then you have been here, in the hold of fifty pirates or so. The prisoners have been brought
an old carrack, The Tenebrous, prisoners or slaves of from the ship and are divided amongst the stockades,
terrible sea brigands. Your equipment and money women in the closest one, men in the furthest.”
have been stolen, and now you are being taken … “I doubt that was done for modesty,” growls
somewhere. At first, you thought you were being Lebechi.
taken north to the dark port of Dosos, to be sold in Tom swallows. “No … I think a group of the
that brutal colony of Drakehallow. Instead, the ship pirates are … visiting them now.”
follows the currents, deeper west into the Straits. Lebechi makes to stand, raising her sword. “Then
Where are you going, and what will be your fate? we need to attack at once!” she whispers too loudly.
Turn to 99. You pull Lebechi down. “Wait! Wait a moment!
What else, Tom – did you see Captain Qiang?”
2 “No, I couldn’t spot him,” murmurs Tom.
The conjoined scrabble their way out of the gulch to hunt “Is there an angle we could attack from … where
you. Still, you have plenty of time to conceal yourselves. we wouldn’t be seen?”
Although they are stealthy hunters, they seem to have Tom nods. “Actually, I think so,” he says. “Since
lost some of the tracking skills common to dogs and it’s so dark, we could approach The Tenebrous from the
hunting cats, frequently prowling right by you, whereas bow side, using the men’s stockade as cover. We could
a living animal could have detected your scent. get right near the boarding plank.”
Eventually, as night falls, you manage to find a way “We need to help those women!” hisses Lebechi.
around the gulch and regroup with your separated party “Look … I sympathise, Lebechi, really I do,”
members. Pleased to have found each other once again, winces Marcello. “But we have to secure the ship
you make your way up the slopes of the hill together. first. If Qiang manages to fortify it…”
Turn to 12. “I can’t believe we are sitting here talking about
this!” says Lebechi, furiously.
If Sar Jessica Dayne is in the party, turn to 143.
best plan to capture The Tenebrous? any pirate prisoners you might have left at the island
Make the afternoon raid, while pirate hunting parties shrine. You manage to recuperate over the next few days.
are separated from the ship (turn to 86)? Each party member may restore their Health scores to
Attack at night, under cover of darkness (turn to 54)? maximum.
Go with Haru, deeper into the shrine (turn to 92)? There is a good deal of treasure aboard the
ship. You divide the money equally amongst the
8 survivors, and your party’s share comes in at 400
Sure enough, half-an-hour later, the hatch is swung silver coins. There are also several special items,
open again. Half-a-dozen pirates come sliding down which the ex-prisoners insist you take as a reward
the ladder, their growls and grumbles almost drowned for leading them to their liberty. Assign the following
out by the cries of seagulls circling above the ship. items to any party members of your choice.
“No funny business, or we’ll stick ‘ya!” threatens Steel falchion (Fighting +3)*
Maude, jangling the keys to your chains. A pair of Leather armour (Armour +1)
Longport prisoners are released first, and forced to Warm cloak (Survival +1)
climb the ladder to the deck, where they are hauled up Reference book (Lore +1)
by another pair of pirates above. Handsome brooch (Charisma +1)
Once those prisoners are safely moved to the deck, Potion of silence (Grant 2 Stealth successes)
Maude approaches you. Two members of your party The potion can be used only once, during a failed
(you choose which two) are unlocked from their Stealth skill check, to grant you an additional 2 successes.
chains, and you are shoved towards the ladder and Hopefully, this will allow you to pass the skill check
ordered to climb. There are six pirates in the hold, instead.
and at least two above you. The crew vote unanimously to appoint your party as
Will you punch Maude, and try to snatch the keys captains of The Tenebrous. She is a well-armed carrack,
(turn to 47)? with a ‘castle’ built on the bow and stern, and has heavy
Or climb the ladder as instructed (turn to 58)? ballistae and catapults as her main armaments. Make a
note of the ship’s statistics in the ‘Your Fleet’ section of
9 your party roster.
The felling of Captain Qiang is a literal deathblow to
The Tenebrous
the pirates’ hopes of victory. The remaining pirates
Fighting 8 Health 12 Cargo 2 units
surrender, pleading hard-luck tales about being drafted
into piracy or being against Qiang’s tyranny in the
If you ever sell The Tenebrous, you can sell it for the
first place.
same price as a carrack at any shipyard.
A mighty cheer erupts across the ship, as the joyful
With a new, rather large, crew, you set sail from
ex-prisoners finally realise they have won their freedom.
Mortlock Island. Some of the ex-slaves will remain on
You have accomplished a mighty feat in saving
The Tenebrous as your crew. The rest ask you to drop them
yourselves and the rest of the prisoners on Mortlock
off at Dosos, the nearest port to Mortlock Island. It’s
Island. If this is the first Legendary Kingdoms book
impractical to run The Tenebrous with so large a crew, so
your party has played, they may each add one point to
you readily agree, ordering the ship out the harbour.
any Skill of their choice. If you have played other books
If you have the code C2, C3 or C4, turn to 26.
in the series first, one party member may add a single
If you have the code C10, turn to 133.
point to their maximum, unwounded Health score.
Otherwise, read on.
In the following days you gather supplies, and collect
The first group crosses the bridge with a minimum of
fuss. The bridge rocks and groans, but holds their weight
well. They make it to the far side safely, and you send
another three across (including one party member of
your choice). Willy seems to search his conscience for a few
Midway across, you become aware of a strange moments before reluctantly untying your hands. “Any
howling sound, a gargling moan, like a wolf crying out funny business and I’ll stick your friends; got it?”
its last under a huntsman’s lance. The birds, as one, You take the rope that was binding you, a length of
desert the trees around, and a noisy splashing sound just three and a half feet. “Give me some more rope,”
comes from downstream. To your horror, you see more you command, straightening out the length.
of the conjoined howling around the bend. You attempt “And untie the rest of your friends? No chance!” cries
to dash to the far side, but the heavy rocking on the Willy. “That’s all you’re getting!”
bridge, and the stumbling of one of the prisoners in Trying to rescue the pirate with such a short length
front, slows you down. of rope will be extremely dangerous.
The conjoined leap at the bridge, tearing it down, Try to rescue Bill with what you have (turn to 96)?
sending you splashing into the mud. The rest of the Or shout “Now!” and try to drive the pirates into
party realise that their comrade will be dead in moments the quicksand (turn to 129)?
if they don’t do something. As one, your party and the
other prisoners leap into gulch with a splash, weapons 23
drawn, roaring to distract the conjoined. Mud, water
and blood churn as battle is joined! The stockade gate is rattled hopelessly by the inmates.
Turn to 65. What will you do?
Organise a ram to open the door (turn to 88)?
Try and work out how the door is supposed to
be opened (turn to 52)? “We won the day,” you correct. “You, me, Marcello,
Bypass the stockade and charge the ship (turn to 46)? Tom, all of us. Now stop moping around, you’ve done
nothing to be ashamed of.”
24 You stand and offer Lebechi a hand. She smiles
You have another quick look around the pirate warmly at you. “Thank you, my friend,” she says, cupping
residence, but you don’t find anything new, even when your cheek with her hand. Choose a party member and
you lift a few floorboards. Disappointed, you leave. roll two dice, adding the scores together. If the result
Turn to 74. is higher than your chosen party member’s Charisma
score, gain 1 point of Charisma.
25 If you have the code C10, turn to 133.
Otherwise, read on.
The pirates are slain to a man (and woman), ambushed
As you weigh anchor and catch the wind at half-sail,
under the claws of the conjoined. Your own warriors
you hear a chilling cry. Looking out towards the beach
have suffered greatly too. Roll four dice. This is the
you can see the conjoined, hundreds of them, swarming
number of warriors who have been slain.
the sands. The monstrous undead beasts unleash a
If you now have only ten or fewer warriors remaining,
unified howl, half lament, half warning. This island
turn to 126. Otherwise, greatly depleted in strength,
now belongs to the dead, and the living may never set
you miserably take your wounded army deeper in the
foot upon it again. Supressing a tear for the animals’
woods. Turn to 69.
tormented souls, you order all eyes to the prow as you
leave Mortlock Island behind you.
Turn to 147.
As you make preparations to leave, you catch Lebechi
in a solemn mood, sitting on the steps to the aftcastle, 27
head hanging low. “Silver for your thoughts,” you smile,
“Where are the people; the other prisoners the pirates
sitting next to her.
captured?” asks Marcello. “This is supposed to be a
Lebechi looks at you, almost shame-faced. “I was
prison colony. Are they dead, or did they flee?”
just thinking about my behaviour on the island,” she
“We’d best look around,” you say. “Everyone stay
says. “I was acting like a bloodthirsty animal.”
“It wasn’t that bad,” you console. “Besides, your
Explore the prisoner block (turn to 62)?
brother had just been murdered.”
Examine the butchery shed (turn to 53)?
“But I am from Thalsia,” she says earnestly. “We
Check out the outdoor smithy (turn to 146)?
believe in rationality and cool-headedness. But all I
Find the pirate’s residence (turn to 114)?
wanted to do was kill, as if by shedding blood I could
bring my brother back to life.”
“You’re too hard on yourself,” you say plainly. “And
you never shed blood except in self-defence, or to gain Many of them already traumatised, the women scream
your freedom.” in panic at the sight of yet more ruffians bursting into
“Thanks to you,” she says, smiling weakly. “I forgot the compound. Hysteria has gripped the group, and
what mercy was when we were dealing with those they huddle together for protection, unable to hear your
pirates. I would have killed defenceless men if it had words. There is no time to convince them. Promising
been my choice. And it would have been for nothing. you mean them no harm, you slip out of the women’s
You showed mercy, and still you won the day.” stockade without further reinforcements.
Turn to 66.
36 39
“Vengeance, then,” you muse. “Perhaps that is why those You attempt to translate the symbols but can find no
monsters, those conjoined creatures, made up of scraps meaning in the strange carvings. “There’s no time for
of mutilated animals, are hunting the pirates. A strange this,” you say at last. “It will take wiser heads than ours
intelligence guides them, something powerful enough to understand all this, and that fire is too dangerous to
to animate them.” experiment with. We’ll have to deal with the conjoined
“Animals do not have such power,” objects Lebechi. as best as we can.”
“Not the ones we know,” you admit. “But someone or Haru nods reluctantly, joining you as you make your
something created those creatures, out of the bits that the way back up the stairs. Turn to 125.
pirates left behind. I’ll admit, though, that the scale of
butchery here is extreme. Perhaps something compelled 40
the pirates to do this, or they were acting out of fear?” The deeper along the trail the pirates lead you, the more
Turn to 27. unsettled they become. Eventually, Freeman calls a
halt to the column as he spies something in the bushes.
37 Drawing his sword, he approaches what looks to be a
“We have two advantages,” says Sar Jessica decisively. mangled body. You cannot see much from where you
“We outnumber the pirates, and we are surprising the are standing, but it looks to be missing a head and arm.
pirates. We lose both advantages if we squander time Willy Freeman goes white and stamps back to his
trying to free the prisoners. The other pirates could comrades. “Something’s happened on this island,” he
return at any time. We need to be in control of the ship says grimly. “I think we need to head back to the ship.”
when that happens.” “Qiang will have our guts for garters if we return with
Sar Jessica speaks with such military confidence that the slaves,” objects one, a dark-bearded pirate named
it immediately assuages Lebechi’s doubts. She nods and Jason.
readies her weapon. Sending word to your warriors to “Me’bee Willy is right … I don’t like this place …
attack on your mark, you prepare for a last, desperate and the birds have stopped singing,” says the third pirate.
assault. Turn to 106. “They’ve stopped singing because they’re unused
to men – that’s all,” insists Jason, but his words are
38 interrupted by a rustling sound. You turn quickly.
You can’t risk having the enemy in your camp. You nod Something large crashed through the undergrowth,
to your companions and attempt to rush the pirates, but sending branches and bushes swaying … but there is
they are ready for you. They are still armed, though no sign of it now.
wounded, and won’t surrender their lives without a fight! “To the ship,” insists Willy. “Qiang can take the
slaves himself if he wants. Things aren’t right ‘ere.”
Opponent Attack Def Health Willy orders the column to turn about, but even as he
1st Pirate 5 (4+) 4+ 6 does so another shape smashes through the undergrowth,
2nd Pirate 4 (4+) 4+ 5 the vegetation seeming to shake and recoil. You see a
Special: Remember, any party member without a flash of white bone and rotten skin.
weapon suffers a -1 penalty to their Fighting score when Will you tell the pirates to untie you (turn to 82)?
attacking an opponent. Remain quiet for the moment, but bide your time
If you win, turn to 136. to escape (turn to 17)?
You cannot hold back against the pull from the flames!
It is as if your heart is being pulled from your chest and
out through your fingers! Your hand crumbles into dust,
and the decay spreads across your body until you are
nothing but ash. This party member has been killed.
The rest of your party may take any items they were
The flames suddenly sparkle richly, sending spirals
of energy into the earth. The ground around your
crumbled body glimmers with power as your energies
are redistributed through the island. Certainly,
something has happened! Hopefully, it wasn’t all in vain.
Gain the code C8.
Shocked and tearful at the loss of their comrade, the
rest of the party say their farewells to your ashes before
making their way back up the stairs. Turn to 125.
You wander through the woods for several hours. “What savagery happened here?” murmurs Lebechi.
Occasionally you find a small stream to refresh “Why have the pirates killed so many?”
yourselves, and you wade a while through the waters to “Debauchery,” says Marcello. “With no laws to
hide your trail from any pursuers. govern them, men become worse than beasts. They
In time you come to an area of cleared woodland. killed because they could.”
A small, rough shanty town has been constructed here If you have the code C5, turn to 36.
out of the island wood. Several large buildings with If not, turn to 27.
barred windows are clustered together, along with
watchtowers, an open smithy, and smoking houses for 43
fish and meat. The place has a bad smell, and you can “Are these your prisoners?” asks Tom, looking at your
see that the inhabitants have been supporting themselves pirate captives warily.
by consuming the local wildlife. At least, after a fashion. “Yes,” you admit. “We didn’t have the heart to kill
Grotesque trophies of rotting boar heads are impaled on them.”
wooden spikes, along with the decaying bodies of island Tom nods. “Enough blood has been spilt on this
dogs and hunting cats. island,” he agrees. “We’ll keep them under guard for
Hundreds have been slain, and it is clear the pirates you. Eliza, Manfred, put them in the storeroom with
must have waged a campaign of total extermination of the other pirates.”
every mammal on Mortlock Island that their spears and Two guards break off to take your prisoners away.
arrows could harm. There seems no rhyme nor reason to “You have your own prisoners, then?” asks Marcello.
the killings … was it mere sport? Pigs lie unbutchered “A handful of escapees from the massacre at the
in decomposing piles, and flies swarm thick around the village,” says Tom. “Come, we’ve much to discuss.”
entire encampment. There is no sign of any human life. Turn to 76.
of a boar, which begins to lumber up, headless. To your up camp on the beach. They will be here for a few days,
horror, a pirate head begins to roll across the ground at least. Let them tire themselves out with their fruitless
towards the body. search of the island and then you can make your attack.
Finally, as the sun begins to set, you gather everyone
together and set out. You have forty warriors in all,
armed with swords or handmade spears (note down this
number of warriors on your adventure sheet).
Gain the code C9.
Soon, you plunge into the woodlands, making your
way towards the harbour cautiously.
If you have the code C10, turn to 50. If not, read on.
Between the conjoined and hunting parties of pirates,
it will be lucky indeed if you get to the harbour intact.
Roll two dice and add the results together.
If you roll between 2 and 8, turn to 115.
If you roll a 9 or 10, turn to 69.
If you roll an 11 or more, turn to 20.
“It’s your lucky day,” you mutter to the pirates. “Get lost.
And tell Qiang that if he comes for us, it will be the last
thing he ever does.”
The pirates look at each other, and then at the rest
of the angry-looking prisoners, and make their decision.
They nod to you and flee into the woods.
If you have the code C5, turn to 123. If not, read “Foolish,” says Lebechi. “Now Qiang will come
on. looking for us.”
Transfixed with terror, you watch as the head hops “He would have done that anyway,” you shrug. “But
into place on the boar’s shoulder. The bizarre amalgam he’s more likely to make mistakes if he thinks we’ve
of human and animal flesh unleashes a dreadful, rattling defied him. Come on. Let’s try and find this prison.”
roar, and charges at you. Turn to 42.
into the flames until the necessary life energy is taken. “Get onto the ship!” you cry in response.
You cannot determine exactly how much energy that Half your warriors break off to keep the pirates in
would be. the camp busy, while you lead a charge up towards the
“I would be willing to offer my life to repair the island gangplank! Halve the number of warriors you have
and give my fellow slaves a chance for escape,” says Haru. available (rounding up). These warriors cannot help
“That’s decent of you, Haru, but let’s think carefully,” you in the battle on the ship. Turn to 46.
you say, considering your options.
What will you do? 62
Choose a spellcaster to sacrifice their magic Stepping cautiously through the stinking village, you
(turn to 83)? soon arrive at a pair of prison blocks. They are stoutly
Allow Haru to sacrifice his life energy (turn to 100)? built, and the iron workings in the windows and doors
Have a party member to sacrifice their life energy look strong. The doors are wide open and you step
(choose a party member and turn to 15)? inside expecting the worst. However, although the
Or return to the chamber above (turn to 63)? conditions were obviously unsanitary, there are no bodies
of prisoners here, and little sign of violence.
60 Checking the other prison block reveals the same,
“Forget it!” he snarls, pushing you back, his eyes turning and indeed, it becomes obvious that the prisoners
to the woodlands. managed to let themselves out by breaking down the
If any of your party have ‘loose binds’, turn to 5. door from the inside. Since such an operation would
Otherwise, read on. have been very noisy, it suggests that the pirates were
To your horror, a terrifying beast of bone and flesh, absent when the door was forced.
seemingly half animal and half man, leaps from the Heartened that at least someone has survived, you
bushes and savages Willy. His sword scatters wide and consider what to do next. Turn to 74.
you attempt to grasp it, but your hands are so tightly
bound that you cannot get a proper grip. More of the 63
monsters appear, ghastly, whistling howls emerging from “It’s too risky,” you eventually decide. “This island has
their torn throats. Prisoners and pirates alike are brought been trying to kill us since we got here. We need to
to the ground and rent into pieces. conserve our strength and our lives if we’re going to
Defenceless, you can do nothing to ward off the escape. We’ll have to deal with the conjoined as best
terrible beasts. The pirates’ fate is your own, as your as we can.”
limbs are torn from your helpless bodies and blood seeps Haru nods reluctantly, joining you as you make your
into the island mud. way back up the stairs. Turn to 125.
Your adventure is over.
You quickly organise an order to cross the bridge. Decide
Crouching low, you scamper across the sands with your what order your party is crossing – in other words, who
warriors, using the men’s stockade and the darkness of is first, second, third and fourth.
the night as cover. You get pretty close to the gangplank Once you have decided, turn to 13.
before you are detected; a group of twenty or so pirates
camp near the plank, and you cannot hope to muffle the
sound of so many feet approaching the ship.
“To arms!” roars a barrel-chested pirate.
Although they have lost some of their hunting skills,
the conjoined are relentless, eventually stumbling upon
some members of your party. Divided, you must fight
the conjoined only with the party members available in
your team.
The team that crossed the gulch must fight this
battle, if they failed the skill check:
The team that didn’t cross the gulch must fight this
battle, if they failed the skill check:
large groups. Messener began to panic, and organised the conjoined while we do it.”
big hunting raids. That’s when the animal wars began. The man from Chalice raises his head from
Over the next few weeks he killed dozens, hundreds of meditation. He addresses you in a deep voice. “Sleep
them. But every day, the animals attacked again. Not now,” he says. “We shall deal with the conjoined in the
new ones. Dead ones – the ones he’d killed on previous morning; and soothe the bruised spirits of this island.”
hunts. Messener went mad, and dragged the animal His warm voice is so gentle, and the fire so warm,
bodies back to the camp. He sawed them up into pieces that you are ushered off to sleep. Turn to 7.
by the butchery shed. Hundreds upon hundreds of dead,
rotting animals. They tried to burn some … but there 77
were so many bodies, wet with blood and decay… With so many warriors behind you, there is no stopping
“A day passes, and the stench in the village becomes your charge. You barrel through the defenders at the
unbearable. We begged for them to let us out. All top of the plank and spill onto the ship.
we hear is sawing, sawing. The crack of bones and the Turn to 110.
ripping of flesh. But there’s no more attacks. The pirates
had killed them all, you see? They’d killed and sawn up 78
every big animal on the island.
Captain Prior showed no mercy towards his prisoners,
“But the day after comes the storm. Lightning so
and neither will you. Nodding to Lebechi, you join her
bright you could see it through the walls. Howling,
in cutting the throats of the pirates. Some of the ex-
terrible howling, everywhere. The pirates came out
prisoners look warily upon you, but you know in your
of their beds and into the rain, and the moon, blood
heart that the struggle ahead will be one of life or death.
red, cast a horrible light over them. Suddenly there’s
The fewer pirates you face in the end, the better.
movement from the body pile, and the pirates scream
Pushing the corpse-filled jolly-boat away, you begin
as the animals begin to reassemble themselves. But
rowing towards the island. The pirate ship in the
their limbs are all mixed up in the pile, and the heads,
distance does not fire on you. Now it’s clear; Captain
bodies and legs don’t match. The animals looked at each
Qiang needs you alive, for some reason. You have no
other … and they screamed in rage. Most of the pirates
intention of extending him the same mercy.
were torn to pieces that night, ripped apart, just like the
Turn to 34.
animals were. We huddled together in the prison, just
praying that they couldn’t get in.
“The next morning there was only silence, and despite
our fears about the insane animals we managed to break Fortunately you are hale and hearty, and the flames
out of our prison. Most of the pirates had vanished, so cease their drain of your life energy before it gets too
we took what we could find and fled, trying to find safe severe. Your chosen party member loses 6 Health
shelter. It took days to find this place, and along the way points. Due to the nature of this drain, they cannot
we were attacked by the animals … by the conjoined, as recover any Health points until they leave the island.
we call them. And we found out what had happened to The flames suddenly sparkle richly, sending spirals of
the pirate’s bodies. They’d become part of the conjoined, energy into the earth. The ground around you glimmers
man and animal all mixed up. with power as your energies are redistributed through
“In this place we seem to be safe from them. But for the island. Certainly, something has happened!
how long, I don’t know. We need to get off this island.” You just hope it will help rather than hinder you.
“There’s only one way off this island,” you say, heavy Gain the code C10.
with sleep. “The Tenebrous, the ship that brought us here. Hoping the sacrifice was worth it, you make your
We have to take it from the pirates, and somehow survive way back up the stairs. Turn to 125.
80 83
You wade as near to Bill as you dare, nervous of falling You concentrate on the flames, summoning up your
into the mud. You throw the rope, and Bill grasps it, arcane energies. Extending your hand, you allow a wisp
but its short length gives you a bad position for heaving, of power to emanate from you, right into the heart of
your back bent and legs crooked. You slip into the mud, the flames. The fire seems to wrap around the energy,
dropping the rope. By the time you have regained your and suddenly begins to tug. You feel your spell power
footing, Bill has sunk further, and you can barely stand being drained away, spell after spell sucked from your
straight, let alone heave. body into the hungry flames. Your chosen spellcaster
Soon he begins to panic, and sinks faster, his head must drain all their charged spells.
submerging, uttering threats that turn to gurgles of The flames suddenly sparkle richly, sending spirals
terror... He has gone. of energy into the earth. The ground around you
You are still shaking as you stagger from the sludge. glimmers with power as your energies are redistributed
Willy, taking advantage of your weakened state, quickly through the island. Certainly, something has happened!
rebinds your hands. If this party member had the note You just hope it will help rather than hinder you.
‘loose binds’, cross off that note now. Gain the code C10.
“Satisfied?” asks Willy, sarcastically. “This way, Your spellcaster seems undamaged, but it will be a
idiot. And be thankful you still have ‘yer life! We’re few days before they can attempt to recharge their spells
taking the other path.” again. Hoping the sacrifice was worth it, you make your
Turn to 40. way back up the stairs. Turn to 125.
81 84
In a firm and reassuring voice, you calm the women as You quickly spin around and reverse course. Just in time,
you seize control of the stockade. “We’re getting off this too, as a pack of the terrible conjoined thunder around
island,” you declare. “If you want to come with us, grab the bend and leap at the bridge, tearing it down into
what weapons you can and follow us.” tatters. You stagger back from the edge of the gulch as
Filled with hope, your troop of warriors expands as the conjoined leap at the rough sides. They seem to be
the women in the stockade join your force. having trouble climbing the slopes, even the ones with
Gain an additional 25 warriors. human arms struggling to get enough purchase to haul
Turn to 66. up their uneven bodies.
Press the attack while you have height advantage
82 against them (turn to 141)?
“Untie us,” you mutter to Willy. Retreat from the gulch and head back into the
“Fat chance,” says Willy, his eyes scanning the woodlands – even though this will separate you from
bushes, sabre drawn. the party member on the far side (turn to 67)?
“You’re going to die here, Willy Freeman, unless
you untie us and let us help you!” you hiss sharply. 85
Convince Willy (Team check) “Jack! Susi! Look out!” yells one of your pirate
Skill and DC: Charisma (4+) captives, towards the buccaneers hunting you.
Successes Required: 4 Lebechi curses, throttling the pirate in rage. You
If you succeed, turn to 144. grab the other pirate prisoner and level a blade against
If you fail, turn to 60. his neck.
The prisoners nod. Waiting until nightfall for the
attack was going to be difficult with the fear of battle
upon them, and they are glad to be moving now. Every
prisoner grabs a weapon, whether it be a sword or
handmade spear, and follows you resolutely down the
hill. In all, you have forty warriors, all in good health
thanks to the mysterious flames in the shrine – note
the number of warriors down on your adventure sheet.
You descend into the woodlands, listening hard for
Eventually, Tom climbs back down the tree and
opponents or potential ambushes.
makes his report.
If you have the code C10, turn to 50. If not, read on.
“About twenty five or so pirates remain, as far as I
Between the conjoined and hunting parties of pirates, can make out,” he says. “The Tenebrous ran with twice
it will be lucky indeed if you get to the harbour intact. that number when I was captured, so there’s about half
Roll two dice and add the results together. the crew missing. The prisoners have been brought from
If you roll between 2 and 6, turn to 115. the ship and are divided amongst the stockades, women
If you roll a 7 or 8, turn to 69. in the closest one, men in the furthest.”
If you roll a 9 or more, turn to 20. “I doubt that was done for the sake of modesty,”
growls Lebechi.
87 “Well … no doubt; but they seem unharmed at the
You arrive at the harbour, and order your warriors to moment,” says Tom gravely.
remain hidden while Tom climbs a tree to survey the “What are the pirates doing?” you press.
area. The Tenebrous has lowered anchor, and a great “About half are on guard, half are making repairs to
gangplank extends steeply from the ship to the shoreline. the ship,” replies Tom.
From here you can make out two stockades on the beach, “Any sign of Captain Qiang?”
and a small tent city for the pirates, which clusters around “No.”
the gangplank. There are still plenty of pirates around, “Is there an angle we can approach from where we
and you strain your vision to peer into the stockades. can’t be seen?”
If you have the code C9, turn to 4. Tom shakes his head. “No, it’s clear from the treeline
Otherwise, read on. to the beach. No chance of sneaking aboard.”
You thank Tom and consult with Lebechi and
“We’ll have to rush the ship; get aboard as fast as (turn to 118, but you may slay one pirate of your choice
possible,” says Marcello. “The risk is that they’ll just before the battle begins). If you fail, you are spotted as
raise the gangplank and shoot us from the castle prow.” you emerge from the trees.
“It’s a big gangplank,” says Lebechi. “I don’t think Turn to 118, but fight the battle normally.
they can move it that easily. I think we’d be better to
free some of the other prisoners to join our attack. The 90
other pirates could return at any moment.” You don’t like your vulnerable position. Better to find
“If you’re wrong, Lebechi, we’re going to be a safer area to cross. As you retreat into the woodlands
defenceless against that ship’s ballistae,” says Marcello you hear the howl of the conjoined; a hunting party are
firmly. “I think we have enough men to chance a direct tracking you. Dashing through the trees, you try to find
assault. Freeing unarmed prisoners isn’t going to get us a good place to hide from the terrible creatures.
anywhere.” Hide from the conjoined (Team check)
Well, someone will have to make a decision! Skill and DC: Stealth (4+)
If Sar Jessica Dayne is in your party, turn to 37. Successes Required: 5
If not, what plan will you follow? If you succeed, turn to 130.
Will you attempt to break out the prisoners If you fail, the conjoined track you down, turn to 65.
(turn to 95)?
Or make a direct charge for the gangplank 91
(turn to 106)?
You stagger back from the body of the terrible monster.
So, this is why the whole area has been abandoned!
Gain the code C5.
You have to get that door down! Grasping one end of Warily looking at the enormous pile of corpses, you
the ram, with many of your warriors helping, you charge back away from the butchery shed in fear of attracting
towards the stockade door. more attention. Turn to 74.
Ram down the door (Team check)
Skill and DC: Fighting (5+) 92
Successes Required: 5
“We need to do something about the conjoined,” you
If you succeed, turn to 33. If you fail, turn to 101.
say firmly. “No one is getting off this island while they
89 roam free.”
“I’ll come with you,” offers Lebechi, and Marcello
You can’t hope to lose them, but you might be able to rises to join her.
spring a decent trap on the pirates. Standing ready
“No, stay here and help the others,” you say. “If we
behind trees, weapons drawn, you wait until the pirates
don’t come back they’ll need all the help they can get
get deeper into the clearing.
against the pirates.”
If you have the code C2, turn to 85. If not, read on.
Lebechi bites her lip, but nods. “In case you don’t
The pirates are wary, but you might be able to cut
return … thank you, for giving us a chance at freedom.”
down the woman with the crossbow if you time your
You grasp her arm reassuringly and then go to join
attack just right.
Haru at the back of the temple. He indicates for you to
Ambush the pirates (Team check)
follow him, and you pass through a dark archway, lit only
Skill and DC: Stealth (4+)
by a makeshift torch in Haru’s hands. You descend into
Successes Required: 4
the earth down a crude set of stone steps, before coming
If you succeed, you manage to get the drop on the pirates
to another circular chamber. This one is lit by cold blue your only way off this island! We don’t call the shots.
flames in a stone bowl, similar to the one in the chamber That’s Qiang and Prior. We can’t go back without you,
above. Across the walls are carved meaningful symbols Qiang’d hang us from the yardarm!”
and pictures, of figures, animals and trees. “Then it looks like you can’t go back,” you say.
“I have meditated on these images,” says Haru, “What’s on this island? Why did you bring us here?”
stroking the walls with a thin hand. “I cannot claim to The pirates look at each other nervously, before
understand it all, but I have learned a little. The island answering. “It’s a prison,” admits Jason. “Mortlock
is alive, each part of it; animal, soil and plant, each a Island, it’s called. It’s a place where we keep slaves nice
different part of its body. By killing the animals, the and safe, before they get transferred to the worksite up
pirates have wounded and enraged it. These new animals, north.”
these conjoined, are like a scab of semi-living skin across “Why do you need it? Why not keep the slaves at
the wound, painful and lumpen, distorted and crude. For the worksite?”
all that, I sense hope in this chamber too.” “They … get sick there… I don’t know if it’s the
Haru turns and smiles at you. “It’s not much to go work or the place, but slaves don’t last long, so they get
on, I know. One last thing. Avoid touching the blue shipped in small numbers whenever Prior needs more,”
flames. Where the red flames above invigorate, the blue says Jason, his eyes betraying his conscience.
flames drain.” Haru extends his withered hand towards “Where is this island – what’s Prior up to?”
you, placing his healthier left hand side by side with it. demands Lebechi.
“I advise caution.” “Honest-to-gods, I don’t know!” insists Jason. “I’ve
If Amelia Pass-Dayne is in the party, turn to 104. never set foot there! Like I said, you don’t live long in
If not, read on. that place, so I’ve not exactly volunteered to go.”
You look over the symbols, trying to grasp the “How many prisoners are here on Mortlock? How
meaning in them. many guards?” you press.
Interpret the symbols (Team check) “A few … hundred, perhaps – two or three dozen
Skill and DC: Lore (4+) guards, maybe,” admits Jason.
Successes Required: 4 “More than enough for a crew,” you say to Lebechi
If you succeed, turn to 59. If you fail, turn to 39. and Marcello. “If The Tenebrous were to change
93 “If the other prisoners are still alive,” mutters
You make a few wrong turns, and the other prisoners Marcello, gazing at the corpses of the conjoined.
slow you down. By the time you have dashed into a “There’s only one way to find out,” you say. You turn
clearing the pirates have caught up with you. “Gut to face the pirates. What should you do with them?
‘em, boys!” snarls a woman with a crossbow, raising her Attempt to slay them (turn to 38)?
weapon to fire. It seems you have no choice but to fight! Tell them to get lost (turn to 55)?
Turn to 118. Ask them to join you (turn to 16)?
94 95
“It doesn’t matter – we should get back to the ship, like With the women’s stockade closer, you decide to perform
Willy – gods rest him – said we should,” insists Jason. your attack on this first. Making sure your warriors are
“We will not go back as slaves,” you say firmly. ready, you surge from the treeline in a great wave. Your
“Be reasonable, friend!” he pleads. “The Tenebrous is arrival is spotted by the crew of The Tenebrous, who
shout warnings to the guards in the stockades.
your hand from the flames. It will not accept you as a at this,” you warn your soldiers.
sacrifice now.” With a rallying cry, you burst from the treeline,
“Then what can be done?” asks Haru. dashing straight past the stockades and through
Amelia swallows nervously. “There’s two options. the mostly abandoned pirate tent-city. Your arrival
If I understand this right, a spellcaster could sacrifice is spotted by the crew of The Tenebrous, who shout
their power in order restore the island. I don’t know how warnings to their comrades. Soon, a wave of arrows
permanent the loss would be. Alternatively, someone fly towards your warriors.
could place their hand into the flames and keep it there, Roll 4 dice, and add the total together. This is the
until the flames have drained enough life force. Of course number of warriors who are killed before you reach
… the island might take everything.” the stockade.
This is a grim reading! What will you do? If you turn back now it will only be worse! Yelling,
Choose a spellcaster to sacrifice their magic (turn to 83)? you charge towards the gangplank.
Have a party member sacrifice their life energy Turn to 46.
(choose a party member and turn to 15)?
Or return to the chamber above (turn to 63)? 107
You remain quiet as mice as the pirates poke about
105 the bushes, but surely it’s just a matter of time before
Willy Freeman ends up head down in the sinking sand, someone is found. Luckily, fate is on your side.
whilst the rest of the pirates are overpowered. Even “I think the tracks lead this way!” booms a pirate at
those prisoners whose hands are tied help to sit upon the edge of the clearing.
the downed pirates, who are overwhelmed through sheer The frustrated pirates, unlucky in their search,
numbers. You untie all the prisoners and steal the pirates’ quickly follow him, crashing through the undergrowth
weapons. You may now cross off any ‘loose binds’ notes as they depart. You emerge from hiding, regrouping
on your adventure sheet. Up to two party members may together.
take a sabre (Fighting +1). Poor Bill, unassisted, has “That was close,” mutters Marcello.
wailed his last as his head submerges under the thick mud. You nod in agreement, before plunging deeper into
You are left with the problem of what to do with the the woodlands. Turn to 42.
captured pirates.
“Let’s cut their throats!” snarls Lebechi, grasping 108
one’s head and pulling it back. “Island spirits,” mutters Tasha.
“We can’t kill helpless men!” cries Marcello. “What?” asks Marcello.
“They’ll slow us down,” warns Lebechi. “Besides, if “Island spirits,” says Tasha, shrugging. “The
we escaped, they might too. And I doubt they’d show Splintered Isles are full of islands, strange and
us the same mercy as Marcello.” otherworldly, governed by ancient spirits that existed
Will you keep the pirates as prisoners (turn to 72)? long before humans settled here. My people had to learn
Tie up the pirates and leave them here (turn to 124)? to live in harmony with them. I grew up listening to the
Slay the pirates (turn to 138)? kind of horrible stories that happened to proud or greedy
people who offended the spirits of the islands. Sometimes
106 islands just sink beneath the waves, drowning man and
Making a small prayer to the gods, you organise your animal alike. Other times they explode into fire, or
warriors to attack in a great wave. “No matter what make men sick, or turn them into animals. It’s never the
happens, get to the gangplank. We only have one chance same story twice, and every island has a different spirit to
offend. That’s why the kingdoms never managed to take affect any conjoined with their spells, however.
over this place; it was disaster after disaster for them.” Now turn to 65 to fight!
Lebechi objects. “It was the cunning of the Thalsian
people that kept us out of the chains of Royce and 110
Drakehallow,” she says proudly. “We were cleverer than With your warriors aboard there begins a mighty battle.
they were, and more subtle. This nonsense about the Sabres and cutlasses clash as pirate and prisoner engage
islands being magical is old-fashioned thinking!” each other. All is chaos, and the strongest at arms will
Tasha laughs. “Believe what you like, Lebechi. I win this conflict.
know what I know. Women like you, who have never You attempt to instil some kind of order to the battle,
left Thalsia, don’t know what it’s like out in the islands. trying to seize the forecastle and control the steps on
Tread lightly. You’ll be judged by more than just the deck. Your warriors are desperate, but the pirates are
gods here.” Turn to 94. experienced brigands and will not fall easily.
Defeat the pirates (Team check)
109 Skill and DC: Fighting (4+)
You ready your weapons and attack. In the battle to Successes Required: Special*
come, because of your height advantage, the conjoined *If you have the code C9, you need 12 successes.
can only hit your party members on a 6+. Additionally, Otherwise, you need 7 successes.
the two party members who crossed the bridge are Special: Gain 1 automatic success for every 10
isolated from the others on the far side of the gulch. warriors in your group. If, for example, you have 65
Pick two conjoined for them to fight. For the rest of this warriors, you gain 6 automatic successes.
battle, those conjoined can only attack and be attacked If you win, turn to 139. If you lose, turn to 57.
by your isolated party members. A spellcaster can still
111 113
“Conceal yourselves!” you hiss, running for cover. You’ve been prisoners quite long enough! Wriggling
Soon every ex-prisoner and your party are hiding a wrist free of your bonds, you lunge at the pirates.
behind trees or in thick bushes, trying to control their Only party members who have ‘loose binds’ can join
breathing. The sounds of the pursuing pirates get closer in this Skill check.
and closer. They can see your tracks in the ground as Overpower the pirates (Team check)
they enter the clearing. Six pirates, men and women, Skill and DC: Fighting (4+)
one armed with a crossbow, begin cautiously searching Successes Required: 7
the surrounding area. Special: If you have loosened Lebechi’s binds, gain 2
If you have the code C2, turn to 85. If not, read on. automatic successes. If you have loosened Marcello’s
The pirates aren’t skilled woodsmen, but even they binds, gain 1 automatic success.
can grasp that you must be nearby. Hiding will be If you succeed, turn to 140. If you fail, turn to 3.
Hide from the pirates (Team check) 114
Skill and DC: Stealth (4+) If you have the code C8, turn to 24. Otherwise, read on.
Successes Required: 6 The pirate’s residence is somewhat better than the
If you succeed, turn to 107. If you fail, turn to 142. prisoners, though not by much. They have, at least,
favoured their building with larger windows and have
112 given themselves sleeping pallets to rest upon. A separate
You charge in a great wave, overwhelming the pirate room at the back appears to be for the leader, and this
force in the camp. They flee in all directions, some features an actual bed, desk, and set of drawers.
making it back to the ship, others running into the The room has been well-looted, or at least emptied
woodlands. You reach the men’s stockade, which has in a hurry. 5 silver coins lie scattered across the floor,
taller walls and stronger gates than the women’s prison. obviously the remnants of a more hasty collection.
Your warriors attempt to force the door, but it holds Picking them up does lead to a pleasing discovery,
strong. On the other side of stockade the men yell at however. A pair of soft boots (Stealth +1) are hidden
you to let them out. under the bed and have escaped previous notice.
“Let’s ram it down!” yells Lebechi, indicating a nearby Gain the code C8.
tree trunk the pirates were sawing for boat repairs. Collecting what you can, you make your way
“No, no, there must be an easier way of opening it!” onwards. Turn to 74.
cries Marcello, peering at the door mechanisms.
If you have the code C9, turn to 23. If not, read on.
Hails of arrow fire suddenly shoot from the castle
of The Tenebrous, causing wails of anguish from your
warriors. The huge ballistae open fire, skewering
numerous soldiers. Roll 2 dice, add them together, and
lose that many warriors. All the screaming and panic
makes it hard to think.
Will you organise a ram to open the door
(turn to 88)?
Or bypass the stockade and charge the ship
(turn to 46)?
You don’t think it’s wise to return to the butchery shed
after your last experience there. Who knows if more
conjoined might animate if you get too close! Opponent Attack Def Health
Turn to 74. Li Qiang 12 (5+) 4+ 25
choice will join the battle. for aid for the next few minutes, you slip off the path and
• When Li Qaing attacks, he will divide his attack amongst the trees. Turn to 42.
dice between the party members who are attacking him.
º Against one party member, he makes a single 12 125
dice attack. You rejoin the ex-prisoners in the shrine room above.
º Against two party members, he makes a single 6 They are readying their weapons and equipment, deep
dice attack on each party member. into their planning for the day’s assault. Marcello and
º Against three party members, he makes a single 4 Lebechi are relieved to see you return, embracing you
dice attack on each party member. like family.
º Against four party members, he makes a single 3
“We’re a bit torn about what plan to follow,” admits
dice attack on each party member.
Marcello. “I like the night attack idea, but Lebechi
If you win, turn to 9.
thinks we should strike while the iron is hot and do
the afternoon assault while the pirate search parties are
looking across the island. What do you think?”
Wherever Montague has gone, you’ll not find him in Launch a daytime attack (turn to 86)?
these thick jungles. Cursing your luck, you retrace you Attack at night (turn to 54)?
steps. Turn to 42.
Alas! You now have too few warriors for the task
You know what is coming! Another of the conjoined ahead. With so few blades, it will be impossible to seize
is being made before your very eyes. Readying your The Tenebrous from Captain Qiang. You will either end
weapons, you rush the beast while it is still being up in the hold of the pirate ship, slaves for the pirate’s
constructed, hacking away at its body before it can strike diabolical schemes, or be abandoned on an island
back. One of your blades pierces the thing’s spine, and infested with undead monsters who will hunt you until
instantly the whole hideous creature collapses back into your dying day.
its decaying parts. Either way, your adventure is over…
You have discovered a vital weak-spot of these
monsters! Make a note that in future encounters, the 127
Defence score of all conjoined you fight will be 3+
You won’t kill men in cold blood – but Lebechi is
rather than 4+.
probably right that pirate hostages would be more
Warily looking at the enormous pile of corpses, you
hindrance than help. Taking their oars and weapons,
back away from the butchery shed in fear of attracting
you push the pirate’s jolly-boat out to sea. The volley of
more attention. Turn to 74.
ballista fire Marcello predicted never comes. Perhaps
Captain Qiang is demonstrating the same mercy that
you showed his men? Still, more pursuit from the pirates
“You’re too bloodthirsty, Lebechi,” you chide. “Save your is inevitable.
rage for the man who killed your brother. But you’re Not wanting to test the limits of Qiang’s mercy, you
right, we shouldn’t take them with us. Tie them to the swiftly take to the oars and row towards the island.
trees. We’ll let their friends find them in good time.” Turn to 34.
The pirates seem greatly relieved, and do not object
as you tie them tightly around the trunks of the odd,
segmented trees of the wood. Warning them not to call
135 Marcello.
Adrenaline strengthens you as you row with great “Have cheer, Marcello,” smiles Lebechi, slapping
strokes away from the pirates. For all your exertions, him on the back. “At least you’re on our side.”
the pirates will only be a minute behind you when you Marcello doesn’t comment as you slip off the path
reach the island. and into the depths of the woods.
As soon as you reach the shallows you bail out from Turn to 42.
the boat. Up to two party members may take an oar
(Fighting +0)* to arm themselves with, if they wish. 139
Dashing onto the white sand with Lebechi, Marcello and The tide is turning! Your party is split across the deck,
four other prisoners, you make for the thick woodlands slaying pirates in co-ordination with the prisoners. You
ahead. You must try and lose your pursuers! are constantly on the move, going from castle to castle,
You may now cross off any ‘loose binds’ notes on your swinging from the rigging and surprising groups of
adventure sheet. Turn to 34. pirates with unexpected attacks. Your warriors fight
bravely, fending off and slaying pirates, falling only when
136 they are isolated, or an unlucky arrow strikes them in
Both the pirates are finally slain. Each dead pirate is the chest.
armed with a sabre (Fighting +1), which you may take, The battle is almost won.
if you wish. Choose a party member and turn to 121.
“Did you have to be so bloody?” objects Marcello.
“Another pair of swordsmen could have been useful.” 140
“Their blades are better in our hands than theirs,” you As a team, you begin to throttle two of the pirates,
say bluntly. “Come on. Let’s try and find this prison.” booting the other two overboard with savage kicks.
Turn to 42. One tries to swim back to the boat, but you grab a dead
pirate’s sabre (Fighting +1) and stab the gasping fellow
137 through the throat. Another party member may also
The low sun in his eyes, Tom puts his hand to his brow take a sabre (Fighting +1).
as he squints at Bill, one of the pirates who has been Freeing your companions and the remaining
accompanying you. “Aren’t you Bill Baxter? You work prisoners, you take to the oars as you hear roars of anger
for Qiang, don’t you?” cries Tom, alarmed. from the distant ship. You make out the distinctive
“We’ve changed sides,” grunts Bill. “I owe this lot a form of Captain Li Qiang ordering another boat to be
favour. You’ve nothing to fear from us.” launched to intercept you. At least the pirate captain
You quickly interject. “They can’t go back to Li has refrained from shooting the ship’s ballistae at you!
Qiang, now,” you say firmly. “And they’ve helped us Clearly, you are needed alive.
get this far. They’re all right.” You begin to row quickly towards shore. You have a
Tom swallows. “I’ll take your word for it. Come good head start, but the pirates are experienced sailors,
inside, we’ve much to discuss.” Turn to 76. and will give a close chase.
Outrun the pirates (Team check)
138 Skill and DC: Survival (3+)
Successes Required: 5
Lebechi is right. This will be a battle to the death against
If you succeed, turn to 135.
the pirates, and the fewer of them there are, the better.
If you fail, turn to 11.
You cut their throats, much to the obvious distaste of
141 admiration. “I’d fight and die with you, lady,” she says.
You ready your weapons and attack. In the battle to “You’re probably about to,” says Sar Jessica, grimly.
come, because of your height advantage, the conjoined “Ready your weapons.”
can only hit your party members on a 6+. Turn to 71.
Additionally, one of your party members is isolated
from the others on the far side of the gulch. Pick a 144
single conjoined for them to fight. For the rest of this Another rustle in the bushes has Willy convinced.
battle, that conjoined can only attack and be attacked “Damn it! Fine! Fine!” he spits, slicing your bonds free.
by your isolated party member. A spellcaster can still You quickly go to untie your companions, your
affect this conjoined with their spells, however. fingers trembling as the sounds of rustling come from
Now turn to 65 to fight! all around. The whole party now count as having ‘loose
binds’, including Lebechi and Marcello.
142 If you have the code C3, a pirate will throw one of
It’s hopeless. Your footprints lead the pirates right to your party members a knife (Fighting +0) to defend
you. Immediately sabres are drawn, and you ready themselves with.
yourselves for a tough fight. It is not long until your stalkers make themselves
Turn to 118. known. Turn to 30.
143 145
Sar Jessica puts her hand on Lebechi’s shoulder and You get almost within touching distance of Bill, your feet
addresses Marcello. “Lebechi is right, we should free finding the firmest ground possible, your toes feeling the
the women first,” she says. edge of the sinkhole that the pirate tumbled into. You
“That’s insane!” says Marcello, exasperated. “Surely, cast out your rope and grip hard, Bill grasping the end
my lady, as a military woman…” with both hands. You heave and groan, throwing your
“Rescuing the women is the soundest plan,” she body weight back, straining every muscle and sinew as
repeats, firmly. you pull against the terrible suction. Bill holds on with
“But the ship…” a dead man’s grip.
“Isn’t going anywhere in the middle of the night, Finally, the unwilling mud gives way, Bill emerges
and is less of an asset to the pirates than you think,” in a splatter and bubble of thick sludge, collapsing on
says Sar Jessica. “Its armaments are useless in night- top of you as he is heaved from danger.
time warfare. It’s too dark to make out friend from “Thank you, my friend,” he mumbles into your ear.
foe. All that counts in a midnight battle is numbers, “I’ll not forget this. I promise.”
and we’re outnumbered. We catch one group of Gain the code C3.
pirates with their pants down and reinforce our Willy, taking advantage of your weakened state,
soldiers from the women’s stockade, and then the quickly rebinds your hands. If this party member had
men’s. Then my party and I spearhead the attack on the note ‘loose binds’, cross off that note now.
the gangplank and we storm the ship with greater “On ‘yer feet, both of you!” barks Willy. “We’re
numbers. The alternative is to fight a losing battle taking the other path.”
against a numerically superior foe.” Turn to 40.
Marcello shuts his open jaw as he realises the sense
in Sar Jessica’s plan. Lebechi looks upon her with