SWPF Advanced Players Guide
SWPF Advanced Players Guide
SWPF Advanced Players Guide
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Grand Hexes...................................................63
RULES UPDATES 5 New Class Edges............................................64
New and Updated Rules�������������������������������� 5 Combat Edges.................................................66
Armor Restriction and Armor Interference..5 Leadership Edges...........................................68
Villainous Conviction......................................5 Power Edges....................................................69
Updated Rules.................................................. 6 Prestige Edges.................................................69
Social Edges....................................................75
ANCESTRIES7 Weird Edges....................................................76
Legendary Edges............................................76
New Ancestries.................................................7 Hindrance Summaries���������������������������������� 79
Expanded Ancestries.......................................7 Edge Summaries�������������������������������������������� 79
Catfolk............................................................. 10 GEAR85
Goblins.............................................................14 New Crafting Rules.......................................85
Tieflings........................................................... 16 New Gear Traits.............................................86
Expanded Ancestries������������������������������������ 18 Personal Weapons����������������������������������������� 87
Dwarves........................................................... 18
Elves.................................................................20 POWERS91
Gnomes............................................................22 New & Updated Powers������������������������������ 91
Half-Elves........................................................ 24 Summoned Allies...........................................95
Half-Orcs.........................................................26 Complex Cantrips����������������������������������������� 99
Halflings..........................................................28 Powers by Rank������������������������������������������� 101
Humans........................................................... 30
Using Magic Items�������������������������������������� 105
New Hindrances������������������������������������������� 33 Enchantments���������������������������������������������� 106
Skills���������������������������������������������������������������� 35 Armor, Shields, & Weapons........................107
New Skills........................................................ 35 Magic Items�������������������������������������������������� 107
New Edges����������������������������������������������������� 36 Rings..............................................................110
Background Edges.........................................36 Rods & Staves...............................................112
Class Edges.....................................................37 Wondrous Items...........................................114
Alchemist......................................................... 38 Cursed Items ����������������������������������������������� 119
Discoveries......................................................40 Minor Artifacts�������������������������������������������� 120
Advanced Discovery......................................40 Major Artifacts��������������������������������������������� 122
Grand Discovery............................................ 41 Intelligent Items������������������������������������������� 125
Cavalier............................................................42 Designing an Intelligent Item..................... 126
Cavalier Orders..............................................44 Intelligent Item Alignment..........................126
Cavalier Mount...............................................45 Intelligent Item Ability Scores....................126
Inquisitor.........................................................46 Languages Spoken by Item.........................126
Oracle............................................................... 48 Senses and Communication........................127
Curses.............................................................. 50 Intelligent Item Powers...............................127
Mysteries......................................................... 50 Special Purpose Items..................................127
Summoner.......................................................52 Item Ego......................................................... 128
Eidolons...........................................................54 Items against Characters............................. 129
Witch................................................................ 60
Hexes................................................................62 INDEX131
Major Hexes.................................................... 62
W elcome to the Advanced Player's Guide than the type listed, the character's arcane
for Pathfinder for Savage Worlds. Within skill rolls suffer a −4 penalty. The hero
these pages you'll discover a host of cannot use other abilities granted by this
new character options for players to explore Edge or any Edge that has this Edge as a
as they continue their adventures in Golarion. Requirement.
For example, while using these rules, the
Armor Interference for Druid is now:
NEW AND UPDATED RULES armor interferes with a druid’s ability to sense
and commune with nature. They subtract 4
from their Faith rolls and the character cannot
The following rules replace those with the use other abilities granted by this Edge or any
same name, found in the Pathfinder for Savage Edge that has this Edge as a Requirement.
Worlds core book. Druids cannot use metal armor at all.
Important villains of an adventure gain free can’t try again until the situation changes
that teach children of the heroes of old, helping
NEW ANCESTRIES them dream of the day when they might give
While the seven ancestries in the core book their own lives in the stronghold’s defense.
are the primary focus of the Savage Pathfinder In the spires of their forest cities, elves find
Roleplaying Game, they are not the only ones a kinship with nature, as the great trees are
suitable to be played as characters. Other, some of the few non-elven friends who won’t
even stranger races help populate the world, grow old and wither before their eyes.
creating fun and exciting new roleplaying By exploring the cultures and traditions
opportunities. of a character’s ancestry, we can better
This section details some of those ancestries. understand where she comes from and what
From the nimble catfolk to the infernal makes her tick, thus immersing ourselves
tieflings, these ancestries have just as much that much deeper in the campaign world.
motivation to be adventurers as do elves,
gnomes, and humans. And while they may ALTERNATE ANCESTRAL ABILITIES
not be as common in the major population This section presents alternate ancestral
hubs of the Savage Pathfinder campaign setting, abilities for players to choose from. Each
each ancestry detailed in this chapter presents ability grants a unique bonus but replaces
its own unique background and abilities. another of the ancestry's abilities. For example,
elves who live deep in the desert tend to have
the Desert Runner ancestral ability instead of
Ancestries are an important part of what A player can take any number of alternate
makes characters who they are, yet it’s often abilities as long as no two abilities replace
all too easy to gloss over the details. After the same ability on the ancestry's entry. This
all, most people know the basics: dwarves means a tiefling cannot take both Prehensile
are short, elves live a long time, and gnomes Tail and Vestigial Wings since they both
are dangerously curious. Half-orcs are replace Fiendish Sorcery.
ugly. Humans are — well, human. To some
players, choosing an ancestry is simply a
matter of finding which modifiers best fit a
character’s build.
Yet there’s so much more to ancestries than
that. From their deep halls beneath craggy
mountains, dwarves sing mournful ballads
Aasimars are humans with a significant amount of celestial or other good outsider blood
in their ancestry. While not always benevolent, aasimars are more inclined toward acts of
kindness rather than evil, and they gravitate toward faiths or organizations associated with
celestials. Aasimar heritage can lie dormant for generations, only to appear suddenly in the
child of two apparently human parents.
Most societies interpret aasimar births as good omens, though it must be acknowledged
that some aasimars take advantage of the reputation of their kind, brutally subverting the
expectations of others with acts of terrifying cruelty or abject venality. “It’s always the one
you least suspect” is the axiom these evil aasimars live by, and they often lead double lives as
upstanding citizens or false heroes, keeping their corruption well hidden. Thankfully, these
few are the exception and not the rule.
Aasimars look mostly human except for some minor physical
trait that reveals their unusual heritage. Typical aasimar features
include hair that shines like metal, jewel-toned eyes, lustrous skin
color, or even glowing, golden halos.
Aasimars cannot truly be said to have an independent society of
their own. As an offshoot of humanity, they adopt the societal
norms around them, though most find themselves drawn to
those elements of society that work for the redress of injustice
and the assuagement of suffering. This sometimes puts them
on the wrong side of the law in more tyrannical societies,
but aasimars can be careful and cunning when necessary,
able to put on a dissembling guise to divert the attention of
oppressors elsewhere.
While corrupt aasimars may be loners or establish secret
societies to conceal their involvement in crime, righteous
aasimars are often found congregating in numbers as part of
good organizations, especially (though not always) churches and
religious orders.
Relations: It is unclear why the touch of the celestial is felt so
much more strongly in humanity than in those of a different
heritage, though it may be that humanity’s inherent adaptability
and affinity for change is responsible for the evolution of aasimars.
Perhaps the endemic traits of other ancestries are too deeply
bred, too strongly present, and too resistant to change. Whatever
dalliances non-humans may have had with the denizens of the
upper planes, the progeny of such couplings are vanishingly rare
and have never bred true.
Even if they generally tend toward human societies, aasimars
can become comfortable in virtually any environment. They
have an easy social grace and are disarmingly personable.
They get on well with half-elves, who share a similar not-quite-
human marginal status, though their relations are often less
cordial with half-orcs, who have no patience for aasimars’
overly pretty words and faces.
Elven courtiers sometimes dismiss aasimars as unsophisticated,
and criticize them for relying on natural charm to overcome faux
pas. Perhaps of all the known ancestries, gnomes find aasimars
most fascinating, and have an intense appreciation for their
varied appearances as well as the mystique surrounding their
celestial heritage.
Religion: For the most part, aasimars favor deities of honor, valor,
protection, healing, and refuge, or simple and prosaic faiths of
home, community, and family. Some also follow the paths
of art, music, and lore, finding truth and wisdom in beauty
and learning.
Aasimars frequently become adventurers, as they often don't
quite feel at home in human society and feel the pull of some
greater destiny.
Languages: Common, Celestial.
DARKVISION: Aasimar eyes are able to pierce the darkness.
They ignore penalties for Illumination up to 10” (20 yards).
DIPLOMATIC: Aasimar start with a d6 in Persuasion instead of
d4. This increases maximum Persuasion to d12 + 1.
DAYLIGHT: Summoning celestial light, aasimar can illuminate
an area. Once per day, as a limited free action, the aasimar cast
minor light as an Innate Power.
NATIVE OUTSIDER: An aasimar's Type is Outsider rather than
SPIRITED: Aasimar are strong willed and insightful. They start with a d6 in Spirit instead of
a d4. This increases maximum Spirit to d12 + 1.
Catfolk are natural explorers who rarely tire of trailblazing, but such efforts are not limited to
the search for distant lands. Many catfolk see personal growth and development as equally
valid avenues of exploration. Catfolk are curious by nature, and their culture never discourages
inquisitiveness, but rather fosters and encourages it.
Outsiders see them as quirky extroverts, but within catfolk tribes there is no shame attached
to minor peculiarities, eccentricities, or foolhardiness. All but the most inwardly focused
catfolk enjoy being the center of attention, but not at the expense of their tribe, whether it’s the
one the catfolk are born into or the tribe they choose through the bonds of friendship. Catfolk
tend to be both generous and loyal to their family and friends.
Catfolk are lithe and slender, standing between dwarves and humans in stature. While clearly
humanoid, they possess many feline features, including a coat of soft fine fur, slit pupils,
catlike ears, and a sleek, slender tail. Their fingers terminate in small, sharp, retractable claws,
though they are typically not powerful enough to be used as weapons. Some members of the
species—either by quirk of birth or from years of honing —can use them with deadly effect.
Feline whiskers are not uncommon, and hair and eye color vary greatly.
While self-expression is an important aspect of catfolk culture, it is mitigated by a strong sense
of community and group effort. The pursuit of personal power never comes before the health
and wellbeing of the tribe. More than one enemy has underestimated this seemingly gentle
people only to discover much too late that their cohesion also provides them great strength.
Catfolk prefer to be led by their most competent members,
usually a council of sub-chieftains chosen through consensus
or election. The sub-chiefs then choose a chieftain to lead in
times of danger and to mediate
disputes among the sub-chiefs.
The chieftain is the most capable
member of the tribe, and is often
magically talented.
Catfolk who settle in more urban and
civilized areas still cling to a similar tribal
structure, but often see friends outside the tribe, even non-
catfolk, as part of their extended tribe. Within adventuring
groups, catfolk who do not consider themselves the obvious
choice as chieftain often defer to the person who most
resembles their cultural ideal of a chieftain.
Relations: Adaptable and curious, catfolk get
along with almost any ancestry that extends
reciprocal goodwill. They acclimate easily
to halflings, humans, and especially elves.
Catfolk and elves share a passionate nature, as
well as a love of music, dance, and storytelling; elven
communities often mentor catfolk tribes, though such
elves are careful not to act in a patronizing manner
toward their feline friends.
Gnomes make natural companions for catfolk, as
catfolk enjoy their strange and obsessive qualities.
Catfolk are tolerant of
kobolds as long as the
reptilian beings respect
the catfolk’s boundaries.
The feral nature of orcs stirs
as much puzzlement as it does
revulsion among catfolk, as they
don’t understand orcs’ savagery and
propensity for self-destruction. Half-orcs,
on the other hand, intrigue catfolk, especially
those half-orcs who strive to excel beyond the
deleterious and hateful nature of their savage kin.
Religion: The gods Desna, Cayden Cailean, and
Shelyn all speak to the souls of catfolk, and
many tribes depict the latter two as catfolk
themselves. The quest for self-improvement
has led many an individual to explore
different philosophies, including the
worship of Irori.
Natural born trackers, the hunter-gatherer aspect of their tribes pushes
many catfolk toward occupations as rangers and guides, but such roles don’t
always speak to their love of performance art, be it song, dance, or storytelling.
Catfolk legends also speak of a rich tradition of great sorcerers. Those catfolk
who internalize their wanderlust often become wizards and monks. Catfolk
understand that exploration and self-knowledge can lead down many roads,
and are accepting of nearly all professions and ways of life.
Languages: Common, Catfolk.
AGILE: Catfolk are graceful and agile. They start with a d6 in Agility instead of a d4. This
increases maximum Agility to d12 + 1.
CAT'S LUCK: Catfolk get a free reroll on failed Evasion rolls.
LOW LIGHT VISION: Like other feline creatures, catfolk can see perfectly in low light. They
ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination.
SPRINTER: Catfolk increase their running die by one die type.
The half-living children of vampires and human females, dhampirs are progenies of tragedy.
The circumstances of a dhampir’s conception are often called into question but scarcely
understood, as few mothers survive the childbirth. Those who do often abandon their children
and refuse to speak of the matter. While some speculate dhampirs result when mortals couple
with vampires, others claim they form when a pregnant woman suffers a vampire bite.
Some particularly zealous scholars even contest dhampirs’ status as a unique ancestry,
instead viewing them as humans suffering from an unholy affliction. Indeed, this hypothesis
is strengthened by dhampirs’ seeming inability to reproduce; their offspring are inevitably
humans. Regardless, they live and die just like any other mortal creatures, despite possessing
a supernatural longevity akin to that of elves.
Hardship and suffering fill a dhampir’s formative years. Most grow up as orphans, and
despite their exquisite features, they face a lifetime of prejudice, mistrust, fear, and persecution.
Humans who witness the nature of a dhampir child’s supernatural powers or sensitivity to
daylight display an array of reactions ranging from awe to terror to outright hatred.
Eventually, a dhampir must learn to cope with these difficulties and find his place in the
world. Dhampirs keep few, if any, close companions. Even with those they feel attached to,
most dhampirs are sullen and reserved. Some fear the persecution heaped upon them may
be transferred to their companions, whereas others worry their own bloodlust will one day
overwhelm them and they’ll inadvertently turn upon their friends.
Tall and slender and with well-defined musculature, dhampirs
look like statuesque humans of unearthly beauty. Their hair,
eye, and skin colors resemble unnerving versions of their
mothers’; many possess a ghastly pallor, particularly in
the sunlight, while those with dark complexions often
possess skin the color of a bruise.
While many dhampirs can pass as humans, their
features are inevitably more pronounced and they
move with an unnaturally fluid grace. All
dhampirs have elongated incisors. While not
true fangs, these teeth are sharp enough to
draw blood, and many suffer a desire to
indulge in sanguinary delights, despite the
fact that it provides no physical benefit.
Dhampirs have no culture of their own, nor do
they have any known lands or even communities.
Often born in secret and abandoned at orphanages
or left to die, they tend to live solitary lives.
Individuals acquire the cultural beliefs and teachings
of the regions in which they grow up, and adopt
additional philosophies over the course of their lives.
This ability to adapt to a variety of circumstances
provides dhampirs with a social camouflage that
hides them from both predators and prey.
Relations: As dhampirs are scions of evil, few outsiders
view them favorably. They share an affinity for those
half-breeds whose ancestry also sets them apart from human society,
particularly tieflings and half-orcs. Humans view them with a
combination of fear and pity, though such feelings often devolve
into hatred and violence. Others, such as dwarves, elves, and
halflings, simply shun them.
Religion: Dhampirs who become vampire hunters tend to
worship Sarenrae or Pharasma, depending on their moral
stance. Those who have spiraled into evil and embraced their
undead heritage typically worship the demon lord Zura
the Vampire Queen or Urgathoa, goddess of
the undead.
The life of an adventurer comes naturally to most
dhampirs, since constant persecution condemns many to
spend their days wandering. Regardless of their reasons,
most dhampirs simply feel more at home on the road than
in a settlement.
Almost universally, those inclined toward
magic pursue the field of necromancy,
though dhampir alchemists have been
known to obsess over transforming their
own bodies with potions and mutagens.
Languages: Common.
AGILE: Dhampirs are graceful and agile. They start with a d6
in Agility instead of a d4. This increases maximum Agility to d12 + 1.
DETECT UNDEAD: As a limited action, a dhampir can sense undead within 20"
(40 yards). As a limited free action, the dhampir knows the number of undead
and can estimate how powerful each one is.
LIGHT SENSITIVE: Dhamphirs suffer a −1 on Trait rolls requiring sight while in bright light.
NIGHT VISION: Dhampirs ignore all penalties for Illumination.
REDUCED VITALITY: Dhampirs suffer −1 Toughness.
UNDEAD RESISTANCE: Damphirs get a free reroll to resist contracting diseases and are
immune to Energy Drain (see Energy Drain in Pathfinder for Savage Worlds).
It’s been almost 20 years since the end of the Goblinblood Wars that scorched the Chitterwood,
forcing dozens of tribes into hiding. Now with new threats rising up, the many tribal elders
have put aside their reckless ways in the hope of forging alliances that give them a chance at
survival. While many have stayed to protect their homelands, others have become refugees,
with some traveling to Absalom in search of a home that might offer them sanctuary in a world
that does not trust them.
Goblins are short, ugly humanoids. Their scrawny bodies are topped with oversized and
usually hairless heads with massive ears and beady red or occasionally yellow eyes. Goblins’
skin tone varies based on the surrounding environment; common skin tones include green,
gray, and blue, though black and even pale white goblins have been sighted. Their voracious
appetites are served well by their huge mouths filled with jagged teeth.
Even those goblins who break from their destructive past often subtly perpetuate some of
the qualities that have been tied to the creatures for millennia. Goblins tend to flock to strong
leaders, fiercely protecting those companions who have protected them from physical harm or
offered a sympathetic ear when they learn of the goblins’ woes. Some goblins remain deeply
fascinated with fire, or fearlessly devour meals that might turn others’ stomachs. Others are
endless tinkerers and view their companions’ trash simply as components of gadgets yet to
be made. Occasionally, fellow adventurers find these proclivities unsettling or odd, but more
often than not, goblins’ friends consider these qualities endearing.
Goblins reach adolescence by the age of three and adulthood four or five years later. In theory,
goblins could live 50 years or more, but without anyone to protect them from each other
or themselves, few live past 20 years of age. Goblins typically stand about 3 feet tall, with
skin colors that range from green to gray to blue.
Relations: Though goblins’ culture has splintered radically, their reputation across the
Inner Sea region has changed little. As such, goblins who travel to larger cities are frequently
subjected to derision, and as a result many goblins work twice as hard at proving their
worth. Those who befriend a goblin quickly learn that while
a goblin’s friendship might include all manners of pranks,
such fun comes from a place of true acceptance —
something that a goblin does not give freely.
Religion: Many goblin adventurers typically
worship Cayden Cailean.
Some backgrounds make for particularly good adventurers.
Goblins who come from lawless tribes may seek refuge
while entertainers may seek a living performing for
audiences around the world. Many goblins consider
alchemy, since they love fire or life as a bard, since many
goblins love songs.
Scrappy survivors often take to the role of a rogue
who darts about the shadows, though their natural
charismatic nature also draws them to the pursuit of
magical power, such as that of a sorcerer or wizard.
Languages: Common, Goblin.
AGILE: Goblins are fast and agile. They start with a d8 in
Agility instead of a d4. This increases maximum Agility to d12 + 2.
CAPABLE RIDER: Goblins start with a d4 in Riding.
DARKVISION: Goblin eyes are able to pierce the darkness. They ignore
penalties for Illumination up to 10” (20 yards).
OUTSIDER (Major): Almost every non-goblin culture is suspicious
of goblins. They subtract 2 from all Persuasion rolls and are often bullied by others.
SIZE −1: Averaging roughly three feet tall, goblins reduce their Size and Toughness by 1.
SNEAKY: Goblins start with a d6 in Stealth instead of a d4. This increases maximum Stealth
to d12 + 1.
Simultaneously more and less than mortal, tieflings are the offspring of humans and fiends.
With otherworldly blood and traits to match, tieflings are often shunned and despised out of
reactionary fear. Most tieflings never know their fiendish sire, as the coupling that produced
their curse occurred generations earlier. The taint is long-lasting and persistent, often
manifesting at birth or sometimes later in life, as a powerful, though often unwanted, boon.
Despite their fiendish appearance and netherworld origins, tieflings have a human’s capacity
for choosing their fate, and while many embrace their dark heritage and side with fiendish
powers, others reject their darker predilections. Though the power of their blood calls nearly
every tiefling to fury, destruction, and wrath, even the spawn of a succubus can become a saint
and the grandchild of a pit fiend an unsuspecting hero.
No two tieflings look alike; the fiendish blood running through their veins manifests
inconsistently, granting them an array of fiendish traits. One might appear as a human with
small horns, a barbed tail, and oddly colored eyes, while another might manifest a mouth of
fangs, tiny wings, and claws, and yet another might possess the perpetual smell of blood, foul
incenses, and brimstone. Typically, these qualities hearken back in some way to the manner of
fiend that spawned the tiefling’s bloodline, but even then the mixture of human and fiendish
blood is rarely ruled by sane, mortal laws, and the vast flexibility it produces in tieflings is a
thing of wonder, running the gamut from oddly beautiful to utterly terrible.
Tieflings on the Material Plane rarely create their own settlements and holdings. Instead, they
live on the fringes of the land where they were born or choose to settle. Most societies view
tieflings as aberrations or curses, but in cultures where there are frequent interactions with
summoned fiends, and especially where the worship of demons, devils,
or other evil outsiders is legal or obligatory, tieflings might be much
more populous and accepted, even cherished as blessings of their
fiendish overlords.
Tieflings seldom see another of their own kind, and so usually
simply adopt the culture and mannerisms of their human
parents. On other planes, tieflings form enclaves
of their own kind. Often such enclaves are less
than harmonious—the diversity of tiefling
forms and philosophies is an inherent source
of conflict between them, and cliques and factions
constantly form in an ever-shifting hierarchy
where only the most opportunistic or devious gain
advantage. Only those of common bloodlines or
those who manage to divorce their worldview from
the inherently selfish, devious, and evil nature of their
birth manage to find true acceptance, camaraderie, and
common ground among others of their kind.
Relations: Tieflings face a significant amount of
prejudice from most other cultures, who view them as
fiend-spawn, seeds of evil, monsters, and lingering curses
placed upon the world. Far too often, civilized ancestries
shun or marginalize them, while more monstrous ones simply
fear and reject them unless forced or cowed into acceptance. But
half-elves, half-orcs, and — most oddly — aasimars tend to view
them as kindred spirits who are too often rejected or
who don’t fit into most societies by virtue of their birth.
The widespread assumption that tieflings are innately
evil — ill-founded though it may be — prevents many from
easily fitting into most cultures on the Material Plane
except in exceedingly cosmopolitan or
planar-influenced nations.
Religion: Though many assume tieflings
worship devils and demons, their religious
views are as varied as their physical forms.
Individual tieflings worship all manner of deities,
but they are just as likely to shun religion all together.
Those who give in to the dark whispers that haunt the
psyche of all tieflings serve all manner of powerful fiends.
Tieflings rarely integrate into the mortal societies they
call home. Drawn to the adventuring life as a method
of escape, they hope to make a better life for themselves,
to prove their freedom from their blood’s taint, or to
punish a world that fears and rejects them.
Languages: Abyssal, Common, and Infernal.
AGILE: Tieflings start with a d6 in Agility instead
of a d4. This increases maximum Agility to d12 + 1.
DARKVISION: Tieflings ignore penalties for Illumination up to 10” (20 yards).
DARKNESS: Calling on the shadows, a tiefling can darken an area. Once per day as a limited
free action, the tiefling can cast minor darkness as an Innate Power.
FIENDISH SORCERY: Tiefling sorcerers with the Abyssal or Infernal bloodlines reduce the
Rank Requirement for Advanced Bloodline to Veteran.
INTELLIGENCE: Tieflings start with a d6 in Smarts instead of a d4. This increases maximum
Smarts to d12 + 1.
NATIVE OUTSIDER: A tiefling's Type is Outsider rather than Humanoid.
OUTSIDER (MINOR): Most cultures are suspicious of tieflings. They subtract 2 from all
Persuasion rolls and are often resented or belittled by others.
Dwarves are a stoic but stern people, ensconced in cities carved from the hearts of mountains
and fiercely determined to repel enemies, like orcs and goblins. Dwarves have acquired a
reputation as dour and humorless artisans of the earth. It could be said their history shapes the
dark disposition of many dwarves, for they reside in high mountains and dangerous realms
below the earth, constantly at war with giants, goblins, and other such horrors.
Dwarves are lovers of history and tradition, and their long lifespans leads to far less in the
way of generational shifts in attitudes, styles, fashions, and trends. If a thing is not broken,
they do not fix it or change it; and if it is broken, they fix it rather than replace it. Thrifty as
a rule, dwarves are loath to discard anything unless it is truly ruined and unable to be fixed.
At the same time, dwarves’ meticulous, near-obsessive attention to detail and durability in
their craftsmanship makes that a rare occurrence, as the things they make are built to last. As
a result, virtually everything made by dwarves still sees regular use at an age when such items
would be relegated to museum pieces, dusty antique shelves, or junkyard fodder by other
ancestries. Together, these traits create the impression that dwarves are a people frozen in time.
Nothing could be further from the truth, as dwarves are both thoughtful and imaginative,
willing to experiment, if keen to refine and perfect a new technique or product before moving
on. Dwarves have achieved feats of metallurgy, stonework, and engineering that have
consistently outpaced the advances of other societies, though some non-dwarves have used
magic to supplement and perfect their own creations to achieve the same ends.
They're also typified by stubborn courage and dedication to seeing tasks through to
completion, whatever the risks. These traits led dwarves to explore and settle in environments
that would cause others to retreat. From the depths of the underworld to the highest
mountain peaks, from rusting iron citadels along rocky coasts to squat jungle ziggurats,
dwarves have established their enclaves and redoubts, holding them against all
comers or perishing to the last and leaving only their enduring monuments.
It is said that dwarves are not venturesome or inventive,
although, in reality they maintain a focus on and
dedication to each task they undertake and vet changes
thoroughly before adopting them wholeheartedly.
When faced with new circumstances and new
needs, they react by applying tried and true tools
and techniques systematically, using existing
methods whenever possible.
If necessity requires, they throw themselves
with equal vigor into developing
the next perfect procedure for
demolishing the obstacles that get
in their way. Once their desired
goal is obtained, they focus on
consolidating each new piece of
territory or conceptual advance.
Dwarves thus rarely overextend
themselves, but they also may miss
opportunities to seize the initiative and
maximize the advantages they create.
Dwarves are short and stocky, and stand about a foot
shorter than most humans, with wide, compact
bodies that account for their burly appearance.
They pride themselves on the long length of
their hair, and men often decorate their beards
with a variety of clasps and intricate braids.
Clean-shavenness on a male dwarf is a sure sign
of madness, or worse — no one familiar with
their culture trusts a beardless dwarven man.
The distances between dwarves’ mountain
citadels account for many of the cultural
differences within their society. Despite these
schisms, dwarves are characterized by their
love of stonework, passion for stone- and metal-
based craftsmanship and architecture, and their
fierce hatred of giants, orcs, and goblinoids.
In some remote enclaves where these enemies
are uncommon or unheard of, dwarves’ fixation
on security combined with their pugnacious nature
leads them to find enemies or at least rivals wherever they settle. While they are
not militaristic, they learned long ago that those without axes can be hewn apart by them,
and thus all dwarves are schooled to be ready to enforce their rights and claims by force.
When their patience with diplomacy is exhausted, dwarves adopt what they call “aggressive
Dwarves are driven by honor and tradition. While they are often stereotyped as standoffish,
they have a strong sense of friendship and justice, and those who win their trust understand
that while they work hard, they play even harder—especially when good ale is involved.
Relations: Dwarves and orcs have long dwelt in proximity to one another, and share a long
history of violence. Dwarves generally distrust and shun half-orcs. They find elves, gnomes,
and halflings to be too frail, flighty, or “pretty” to be worthy of proper respect. It is with
humans that dwarves share the strongest link, for humans’ industrious nature and hearty
appetites come closest to matching those of the dwarven ideal.
Dwarves often leave the confines of their redoubts to seek glory for their clans, to find wealth
with which to enrich the fortress-homes of their birth, or to reclaim fallen dwarven citadels.
The long-lived elves are children of the natural world. They seek to live in balance with the
wild and understand it better than most other mortals. Some of this understanding is mystical,
but an equal part comes from the elves’ long lifespans. Elves can expect to remain active in
the same locale for centuries. By necessity, they must learn to maintain sustainable lifestyles,
and this is most easily done when they work with nature, rather than bending it to their will.
Elves value their privacy and traditions, and while they are often slow to make friends at both
the personal and national levels, once an outsider is accepted, the resulting alliances can last
for generations. Elves take joy in forging alliances with those that share or exceed their long
lifetimes, and often work to befriend dragons, outsiders, and fey. Those who spend their lives
among the short-lived, on the other hand, often develop a skewed perception of mortality and
become morose, the result of watching wave after wave of companions die before their eyes.
Generally taller than humans, elves possess a graceful, slender physique. It is a mistake
to consider them weak or feeble, as the thin limbs of an elf can contain surprising power.
Their eyes are wide and almond-shaped, and filled with large, vibrantly colored pupils.
The coloration of elves varies wildly as their coloration often matches their surroundings.
Although, elves of a single community may appear quite similar. Forest-dwelling elves often
have variations of green, brown, and tan in their hair, eye, and even skin tones.
Elves’ bodies change over time, taking on a physical representation
of their mental and spiritual states. Additionally, those who dwell
in a region for a long period of time find themselves physically
adapting to match their surroundings, such as taking on coloration
that reflects the local environment.
Many elves feel a bond with nature and strive to live in harmony
with the natural world. When driven to live in harsher climates,
they work hard to protect and shepherd the region’s bounty, and
learn how to maximize what can be harvested. When they can carve
out a sustainable, reliable life in deserts and wastelands, they take
pride as a society in the accomplishment.
Elves have an innate gift for craftsmanship and artistry, especially when
working in wood, bone, ivory, or leather. Most find manipulating earth
and stone to be distasteful, and prefer to avoid forging, stonework, and
pottery. When such work must be done, regardless of their craftsmanship,
such “dirt-wrights” are generally seen by other elves as being a bit off.
Elves also have an appreciation for the written word, magic, and
painstaking research. Arcane research and accomplishment are seen as
both practical goals, in line with being a soldier or architect, and artistic
endeavors as great as poetry or sculpture. Within elven society, wizards
are held in extremely high regard as masters of an art both powerful and
aesthetically valued. Other spellcasters are not disdained, but do not
gain the praise lavished upon elven wizards.
Relations: Elves are prone to writing off outsiders as rash and impulsive,
yet on an individual level, they are excellent judges of character. In many
cases an elf will come to value a specific member of another culture, seeing
that individual as deserving and respectable, while still dismissing their
ancestry as a whole. If called on this behavior, the elf often doesn’t
understand why his “special friend” is
upset the elf has noticed the friend is
“so much better than the rest of his kind.”
Even elves who see such prejudice for what
it is must constantly watch themselves
to prevent such views from coloring
their thinking.
Elves are not foolish enough to dismiss all
aspects of other cultures. An elf might not
want a dwarf neighbor, but would be the first
to acknowledge dwarves’ skill at smithing
and their tenacity in facing orc threats. Elves
regard gnomes as strange (and sometimes
dangerous) curiosities, but regard their magical
talent as being worthy of praise and respect.
Halflings are often viewed with a measure of pity,
for these small folk seem to the elves to be adrift,
without a traditional home. Elves are fascinated
with humans, who seem to live in a few short
years as full a life as an elf manages in centuries.
In fact, many elves become infatuated with
humans, as evidenced by the number of half-elves in
the world. Elves have difficulty accepting crossbreeds of
any sort and usually disown such offspring. They similarly
regard half-orcs with distrust and suspicion.
Religion: Elves prefer deities who share their love of the mystic
qualities of the world—Desna and Nethys are particular favorites, the
former for her wonder and love of the wild places, and the latter for his mastery of magic.
Calistria is perhaps the most notorious of elven deities, for she represents elven ideals taken to
an extreme. Elves accept in Calistria (and her priests) behavior they would denounce in others,
because Calistria is clearly (to elves’ perceptions) serving as an example of personal artistry
and freedom of expressions, rather than seeking some base physical gratification.
Many elves embark on adventures out of a desire to explore the world, leaving their secluded
realms to reclaim forgotten magic or search out lost kingdoms. This need is accepted as a
natural part of becoming mature and experienced individuals. For elves raised among humans,
however, life within their homes—watching friends and family swiftly age and die—is often
stifling, and the ephemeral and unfettered life of an adventurer holds a natural appeal.
Gnomes are distant relatives of the fey, and their history tells of a time when they lived in the
fey’s mysterious realm, a place where colors are brighter, the wildlands wilder, and emotions
more primal. Unknown forces drove gnomes from that realm long ago, forcing them to seek
refuge in this world; despite this, the gnomes have never completely abandoned their fey roots.
Gnomes are often driven by passions and desires that non-gnomes see as eccentric at best,
and nonsensical at worst. A gnome may risk his life to taste the food at a giant’s table, to reach
the bottom of a pit just because it would be the lowest place he’s ever been, or to tell jokes to a
dragon—and to the gnome those goals are as worthy as researching a new spell, gaining vast
wealth, or putting down a powerful evil force. While such apparently fickle and impulsive
acts are not universal among gnomes, they are common enough for the cultures as a whole to
have earned a reputation for being impetuous and at least a little mad.
Gnomes are often amazed how alike other common, civilized cultures are. It seems stranger
to a gnome that humans and elves share so many similarities than that the gnomes do not.
Indeed, gnomes often confound their allies by treating everyone who is not a gnome as part
of a single, vast non-gnome collective.
Gnomes generally stand just over three feet in height. Though their diminutive stature reduces
their ability to move quickly, gnomes often train to take advantage of their size, especially
when fighting foes larger than themselves.
The coloration of gnomes varies so wildly that many outsiders assume gnomes commonly
use dyes and illusions to change their skin and hair tones. While gnomes are certainly not
above cosmetic enhancement, their natural hues truly range over a rainbow of coloration.
Their hair tends toward vibrant colors such as the fiery orange of autumn leaves, the verdant
green of forests at springtime, or the deep reds and purples of wildflowers in bloom. Similarly,
their flesh tones range from earthy browns to floral pinks, and gnomes with black, pastel blue,
or even green skin are not unknown. Gnomes’ coloration has little regard for heredity, with
the color of a gnome’s parents having no apparent bearing on the gnome’s appearance.
Gnomes possess highly mutable facial characteristics, and their proportions often
don’t match the norm of other humanoids. Many have overly large mouths and
eyes, an effect which can be both disturbing and stunning, depending on
the individual. Others may have extremely small features
spread over an otherwise blank expanse of face, or may
mix shockingly large eyes with a tiny, pursed mouth
and a pert button of a nose. Gnomes rarely take
pride in or show embarrassment about their
features, but outsiders often fixate on a gnome’s
most prominent feature and attempt to use it
as the focus of insults or endearments.
Gnomes do not generally organize themselves within
classic societal structures. Gnome cities are unusual and
gnome kingdoms almost unknown. Further,
gnomes have no particular tendency to gather in
specific neighborhoods even when a large number of
them live among other ancestries. While specific
laws meant to contain the potential impact of gnomes on a
society may require a “gnome quarter,” and societal pressure
sometimes causes all non-gnomes to move away from
areas with high gnome populations, left to their own
devices, gnomes tend to spread evenly throughout
communities that allow them.
Whimsical creatures at heart, they typically travel alone
or with temporary companions, ever seeking new and
more exciting experiences. They rarely form enduring
relationships, instead pursuing crafts, professions, or
collections with a passion that borders on zealotry. If a
gnome does settle in an area or stay with a group for a
longer period, it is almost always the result of some
benefit that area gives to a vocation or obsession to
which the gnome had dedicated himself.
Despite their varied backgrounds and lack of a
unifying homeland, gnomes do possess some common
cultural traits. Males have a strange fondness for unusual
hats and headgear, often wearing the most expensive
and ostentatious head-covering they can afford. Females
rarely cover their heads, but proudly wear elaborate and
eccentric hairstyles that often include jeweled combs
and headpieces.
Relations: Gnomes have difficulty interacting with
others, on both emotional and physical levels. In many ways the very fact other cultures
see gnomes as odd is itself the thing gnomes find most odd. When two gnomes encounter
one another, they generally assume some mutually beneficial arrangement can be reached,
no matter how different their beliefs and traditions may be. The inability or unwillingness
of members of other cultures to make the same effort when dealing with gnomes is both
frustrating and confusing to most gnomes.
In many ways, it is gnomes’ strong connection to a wide range of apparently unconnected
ideas that makes it difficult for other races to build relationships with them. Gnome humor,
for example, is often focused on physical pranks, nonsensical rhyming nicknames, and efforts
to convince others of outrageous lies that strain all credibility. Gnomes find such efforts
hysterically funny, but their pranks often come across as malicious or senseless to other races,
while gnomes in turn tend to think of the taller races as dull and lumbering giants.
Gnomes get along reasonably well with halflings and humans, who at least have some
traditions of bizarre, gnomelike humor. Gnomes generally feel dwarves and half-orcs need
to lighten up, and attempt to bring levity into their lives with tricks, jokes, and outrageous
tales the more dour races simply cannot see the sense of. Gnomes respect elves, but often grow
frustrated with the slow pace at which members of the long-lived race make decisions. To
gnomes, action is always better than inaction, and many gnomes carry several highly involved
projects with them at all times to keep themselves entertained during rest periods.
Since the two first came into contact with each other, humans have held up elves as models
of physical perfection, seeing in these fair folk idealized versions of themselves. For their part,
many elves find humans attractive despite their comparatively barbaric ways, and are drawn
to the passion and impetuosity with which they play out their brief lives.
Sometimes this mutual infatuation leads to romantic relationships. Though usually short-
lived, even by human standards, such trysts may lead to the birth of half-elves, an ancestry
descended from two cultures yet inheritor of neither. Half-elves can breed with one another,
but even these tend to be viewed as bastards by humans and elves alike. Caught between
destiny and derision, half-elves often view themselves as the middle children of the world.
Half-elves stand taller than humans but shorter than elves. They inherit the lean build and
comely features of their elven lineage, but their skin color is normally dictated by their human
side. While half-elves retain the pointed ears of elves, theirs are more rounded and less
pronounced. Their eyes tend to be humanlike in shape, but feature an exotic range of colors
from amber or violet to emerald green and deep blue.
This pattern changes for half-elves of drow descent. Such elves are almost unfailingly marked
with the white or silver hair of the drow parent, and more often than not have dusky gray skin
that takes on a purplish or bluish tinge in the right light, while their eye color usually favors
that of the human parent.
Their lack of a unified homeland and culture forces half-elves to remain
versatile, able to conform to nearly any environment. While often considered
attractive to elves and humans, half-elves rarely fit in with either. This lack
of acceptance weighs heavily on many half-elves, yet others are bolstered
by their unique status, seeing in their lack of a formalized culture the
ultimate freedom.
Even half-elves welcomed by one side of their heritage often
find themselves caught between cultures, as they are encouraged,
cajoled into taking on diplomatic responsibilities between humans
and elves.
Relations: Half-elves understand loneliness, and know that
character is often less a product of their bloodline than of life
experience. As such, they are less likely than most to rely on
first impressions when forming opinions of new acquaintances.
Those humans who admire elvenkind see half-elves as a living
link or bridge between the two. But this attitude often foists unfair
expectations upon half-elves, and quickly turns to derision when
they do not live up to the destinies others set for them. Additionally,
half-elves raised by or in the company of elves often have the
human half of their parentage dubbed as something to overcome.
Among other cultures, half-elves form unique and often
unexpected bonds. Dwarves, despite their traditional mistrust
of elves, see a half-elf’s human parentage as something
hopeful, and treat them as half-humans rather than half-elves.
Additionally, the lifespan of dwarves is closer to a half-elf’s
own than that of either of her parents. As a result, half-elves
and dwarves often form lasting bonds.
Gnomes and halflings often see half-elves
as a curiosity. Those half-elves who have
seen themselves pushed to the edges of
society, truly without a home, typically
find gnomes and halflings frivolous
and worthy of disdain, but secretly
envy their seemingly carefree ways.
Clever and enterprising gnomes and halflings
sometimes partner with a half-elf for adventures
or even business ventures, using the half-elf’s
participation to lend their own endeavors an air of
legitimacy that they cannot acquire on their own.
Perhaps the most peculiar and dichotomous relations
exist between half-elves and half-orcs. Those half-
orcs and half-elves who were raised among their
non-human kin normally see one another as
hated and ancient foes. Half-elves who have been
marginalized by society feel a deep, almost instant
kinship with half-orcs, knowing their burdens
are often that much harder because of their
appearance and somewhat brutish nature.
Not all half-orcs are inclined or able to
understand such empathy, but those who
do often find themselves with a dedicated
diplomat, liaison, and apologist. For their
own part, half-orcs usually return the favor by acting
as bodyguards and take on other roles suited to their
brawny forms.
Religion: Half-elves’ lack of a unified culture makes them
less likely to turn to religion, but those who do generally follow the common faiths of
their homeland.
Some half-elves feel the pull of the divine but live beyond the formal religious instruction of
society. Such individuals often worship ideas and concepts like freedom, harmony, balance,
or the primal forces of the world. Still others gravitate toward long-forgotten gods, finding
comfort and kinship in the idea that even deities can be overlooked.
Half-elves tend to be itinerants, wandering in search of a place to call home. The desire to
prove themselves to the community and establish a personal identity — or even a legacy —
drives many half-elf adventurers to lives of bravery. Despite their longevity, some half-elves
claim they perceive the passage of time more like humans than elves, and are driven to amass
wealth, power, or fame early on in life so they may spend the rest of their years enjoying it.
Half-orcs are seen as monstrosities, the result of perversion and violence—whether or not this
is actually true. Half-orcs are rarely the result of loving unions, and as such are usually forced
to grow up hard and fast, constantly fighting for protection or to make names for themselves.
A few feared, distrusted, and spat-upon half-orcs manage to surprise their detractors with
great deeds and unexpected wisdom—though sometimes it’s easier just to crack a few skulls.
Some half-orcs spend their entire lives proving to full-blooded orcs that they are just as fierce.
Others try to blend into human society, constantly demonstrating they aren’t monsters.
Their need to always prove themselves worthy encourages half-orcs to strive for power and
greatness within the society around them.
Half-orcs average around six feet tall, with powerful builds and greenish or grayish skin.
Their canine teeth often grow long enough to protrude from their mouths, and these “tusks,”
combined with heavy brows and slightly pointed ears, give them their notoriously bestial
appearance. While half-orcs may be impressive, few ever describe them as beautiful. Despite
these obvious orc traits, half-orcs are as varied as their human parents.
Unlike half-elves, half-orcs get the worst of both worlds: physically weaker than orcs, they also
tend to be feared by humans who don’t bother making the distinction between full orcs and
halfbloods. Even on the best of terms, half-orcs in civilized societies are not exactly accepted,
and tend to be valued only for their physical abilities. On the other hand, orc leaders have
been known to deliberately spawn half-orcs, as the halfbreeds make
up for their lack of physical strength with cunning and aggression.
Within orc tribes, half-orcs find themselves striving to prove
their worth with feats of strength. These half-orcs are
likely to file their tusks and cover
themselves in tribal tattoos. Tribal
leaders quietly recognize that half-
orcs are more clever than
most orcs and often
apprentice them to
the tribe’s shaman.
Apprenticeship to a
shaman is a brutal
and often short-
lived distinction
and those who
survive it
either become
influential in
the tribe or are
driven to leave.
Half-orcs have a
mixed experience in
human society, where many view them as little more
than monsters. They often are unable to get normal
work, and are pressed into service in the military or
sold into slavery. In these cultures, half-orcs often lead
furtive lives, hiding their nature whenever possible.
Less commonly, human cities may allow half-orcs a more normal existence, even enabling
them to develop small communities of their own. These communities are usually centered
around the arena districts, the military, or mercenary organizations where their brute strength
is valued and their appearance is more likely to be overlooked. Even surrounded by their
own kind, half-orc life isn’t easy. Bullying and physical confrontation comes easy to a people
who have been raised with few other examples of behavior. Even more rarely, certain human
cultures come to embrace half-orcs for their strength. There are stories of places where people
see half-orc children as a blessing and seek out half-orc or orc lovers.
Relations: Elves and dwarves tend to be the least accepting of half-orcs, seeing in them too
great a resemblance to their racial enemies, and other races aren’t much more understanding.
A lifetime of persecution leaves the average half-orc wary and quick to anger, yet people who
break through his savage exterior might find a well-hidden core of empathy. Human societies
with few orc problems tend to be the most accommodating, and half-orcs dwelling there can
often find work as mercenaries and enforcers.
Half-orcs are envious of the measure of acceptance half-elves have within human and elven
society and resent their physical beauty, which contrasts starkly to the half-orcs’ brutish
appearance. While half-orcs avoid antagonizing their half-breed cousins directly, they won’t
hesitate to undermine them if the opportunity presents itself.
Half-orcs are most sympathetic with halflings, who often have an equally rough lot in life.
Half-orcs respect their ability to blend in and disappear and admire their perpetually cheerful
outlook on life in spite of hardships. Halflings fail to appreciate this fact because they usually
are too busy avoiding the large, intimidating half-orcs.
Religion: Half-orcs worship the human or orc gods venerated in the area where they were
raised. Those who live alongside humans most often worship human gods of war, freedom, or
destruction. Half-orcs raised in orc tribes find themselves most drawn to the gods of blood, fire,
and iron—depending more on what god the tribe worships rather than the half-orcs’ personal
preference. Many half-orcs are contrary about religion, either ignoring it entirely, or getting
deeply involved in it and trying to find meaning in a life filled with hate and misunderstanding.
Staunchly independent, many half-orcs take to lives of adventure out of necessity, seeking
to escape their painful pasts or improve their lot in life. Half-orcs raised in orc societies often
take up the brutish ways of those around them. Those who survive their shaman training may
eventually succeed their masters as tribal shamans, or flee and practice their magic as outcasts.
Half-orcs are fascinated by alchemy, and its destructive capabilities make its usefulness
obvious in any orc tribe. Half-orc alchemists treat themselves as living experiments, even to
the point of trying to separate their orc and human halves through alchemy.
Optimistic and cheerful by nature, blessed with uncanny luck, and driven by a powerful
wanderlust, halflings make up for their short stature with an abundance of bravado and
curiosity. At once excitable and easy-going, halflings like to keep an even temper and a steady
eye on opportunity, and are not as prone to violent or emotional outbursts as other ancestries.
Even in the jaws of catastrophe, halflings almost never lose their sense of humor. Their ability
to find humor in the absurd, no matter how dire the situation, often allows halflings to distance
themselves ever so slightly from the dangers that surround them.
Halflings are inveterate opportunists. They firmly believe they can turn any situation to
their advantage, and sometimes gleefully leap into trouble without any solid plan to extricate
themselves. Often unable to physically defend themselves from the rigors of the world, they
know when to bend with the wind and when to hide away. Yet halflings’ curiosity often
overwhelms their good sense, leading to poor decisions and narrow escapes.
Though their curiosity drives them to seek out new places and experiences, halflings possess
a strong sense of hearth and home, often spending above their means to enhance the comforts
of domestic life. Halflings enjoy luxury and comfort, but they have equally strong reasons to
make their homes a showcase. Halflings consider this urge to devote time, money, and energy
toward improving their dwellings a sign of both respect for strangers and affection for their
loved ones. Halflings make their homes beautiful in order to express their feelings toward
those they welcome inside. Even traveling halflings typically decorate their wagons or carry
a few cherished keepsakes to adorn their campsites.
Halflings rise to a humble height of three feet. They prefer to walk barefoot, leading the
bottoms of their feet to become roughly calloused. Tufts of thick, curly hair warm the tops of
their broad, tanned feet. Their skin tends toward a rich cinnamon color and their hair toward
light shades of brown. A halfling’s ears are pointed, but proportionately not much larger than
those of a human.
Halflings prefer simple and modest clothing. Though willing and
able to dress up if the situation demands it, their urge to remain
quietly in the background makes them rather conservative dressers
in most situations. Halfling entertainers, on the other hand, make
their livings by drawing attention, and tend to go overboard with
gaudy and flashy costumes.
Rather than place their faith in empires, many halflings
prefer to focus on the simpler virtues of their families and
local communities. Halflings claim no cultural homeland
and control no settlements larger than rural assemblies of
free towns. Most often, they dwell at the knees of their human
cousins in human cities, eking out livings as they can from the
scraps of larger societies. Many halflings lead perfectly fulfilling
lives in the shadow of their larger neighbors, while some prefer
more nomadic lives, traveling the world and experiencing all it
has to offer.
Halflings rely on customs and traditions to maintain their
own culture. They have an extensive oral history filled with
important stories about folk heroes who exemplify particular
halfling virtues, but otherwise see little purpose in studying
history in and of itself. Given a choice between a pointless
truth and a useful fable, halflings almost
always opt for the fable. This tendency helps
to explain at least something of the famous
halfling adaptability. Halflings look to the
future and find it very easy to cast off the
weight of ancient grudges or obligations that
drag down so many other races.
Relations: A typical halfling prides himself
on his ability to go unnoticed by others — a
trait that allows many halflings to excel at
thievery and trickery. Most halflings know full
well the stereotypical view others take of them as
a result, and go out of their way to be forthcoming
and friendly to the bigger ancestries when they’re
not trying to go unnoticed.
They get along fairly well with gnomes, although
most halflings regard these eccentric creatures
with a hefty dose of caution. Halflings respect elves
and dwarves, but they often live in remote regions far from
the comforts of civilization that halflings enjoy. By and
large, only half-orcs are shunned by halflings,
for their great size and violent natures are
a bit too intimidating for most halflings to
cope with.
Halflings coexist well with humans as a general rule, but since some of the more aggressive
human societies value halflings as slaves, they try not to grow too complacent.
Religion: Always practical, halflings frequently worship the deity most favored by their
larger and more powerful neighbors. They also usually cover their bets, however, by giving
Desna her due. The goddess of both luck and travel seems a natural fit for most halflings and
offering her a quick prayer every now and then is only common sense.
Their inherent luck coupled with their insatiable wanderlust makes halflings ideal candidates
for lives of adventure. Though perfectly willing to pocket any valuables they come across,
halflings often care more for the new experiences adventuring brings them than for any
material reward.
Others often put up with this curious ancestry in hopes that some of their mystical luck will
rub off. Halflings see nothing wrong with encouraging this belief, not just in their traveling
companions, but also in the larger world. Many try to use their reputation for luck to haggle
for reduced fare when traveling by ship or caravan, or even for an overnight stay at an inn,
though this it met with mixed success.
Humans possess exceptional drive and a great capacity to endure and expand, and as
such are currently the dominant people in the world. Their empires and nations are vast,
sprawling things, and the citizens of these societies carve names for themselves with the
strength of their sword arms and the power of their spells. Humanity is best characterized
by its tumultuousness and diversity, and human cultures run the gamut from savage but
honorable tribes to decadent, devil-worshiping noble families in the most cosmopolitan cities.
Human society is a strange amalgam of nostalgia and futurism, being enamored of past
glories and wistfully remembered “golden ages,” yet at the same time quick to discard
tradition and history and strike off into new ventures. Relics of the past are kept as prized
antiques and museum pieces, as humans love to collect things —not only inanimate relics but
also living creatures—to display for their amusement or to serve by their side.
Humans in many places are fascinated by older cultures, though at times they grow frustrated
or even contemptuous of ancient and (to their mind) outmoded traditions. Their attitudes
toward other ancestries are thus a curious mix of exoticism and even fetishism, though usually
with a very superficial level of understanding and appreciation of those cultures, alongside
a deeply rooted arrogance that means most humans have a hard time regarding themselves
as anything other than the default standard of society. Humans are gregarious, often friendly,
and willing to mix and interact with others, but their sheer obliviousness to their offhanded
marginalization of others is what so chagrins others when dealing with them.
Of course, well-meaning, blundering ignorance and numerical superiority are not the only
things that make other ancestries suspicious of humans. Entirely too many examples
can be found throughout history wherein human xenophobia and intolerance has led
to social isolationism, civil oppression, bloody purges, inquisitions, mob
violence, and open war. Humans are not the only ones to hate what
is different among them, but they seem to have a susceptibility to
fear-mongering and suspicion, whether about
ancestry, language, religion, class, gender, or
another difference. More moderate human
citizens often sit idly by while their more
extreme compatriots dominate the political
and cultural conversation, yet there are also
many who stand in opposition to extremists
and embody a spirit of unity across the bounds
of difference, transcending barriers and forming
alliances and relationships both large and small across
every color, creed, country, or species.
Their physical characteristics are as varied as the world’s
climes. From the dark-skinned tribesmen of the southern
continents to the pale and barbaric raiders of the northern
lands, humans possess a wide variety of skin colors, body
types, and facial features. Generally speaking, humans’
skin color assumes a darker hue the closer to the equator
they live. At the same time, bone structure, hair color
and texture, eye color, and a host of facial and bodily
phenotypic characteristics vary immensely from one
locale to another.
Cheekbones may be high or broad, noses aquiline or flat,
and lips full or thin; eyes range wildly in hue, some deep
set in their sockets, and others with full epicanthic folds. Appearance
is hardly random, of course, and familial, tribal, or national
commonalities allow the knowledgeable to
identify a human’s place of origin on sight, or at
least to hazard a guess. Humans’ origins are
also indicated through their styles of
bodily decoration, not only in the
clothing or jewelry worn, but also
in hairstyles, piercing, tattooing, and
even scarification.
Human society comprises a multitude
of governments, attitudes, and lifestyles.
Though the oldest human cultures trace their
histories thousands of years into the past, when
compared to societies like those of elves
and dwarves, human society seems to
be in a state of constant flux as empires
fragment and new kingdoms subsume
the old. In general, humans are known for
their flexibility, ingenuity, and ambition.
Other races sometimes envy humans
their seemingly limitless adaptability, not
so much biologically speaking but in their
willingness to step beyond the known and press on
to whatever might await them. While many or even most
humans as individuals are content to stay within their comfortable
routine, there is a dauntless spirit of discovery endemic to humans as a
species that drives them in striving toward possibilities beyond every horizon.
Relations: Humans are fecund, and their drive and numbers often spur them into contact
with other ancestries during bouts of territorial expansion and colonization. In many cases, this
tendency leads to violence and war, yet humans are also swift to forgive and forge alliances
with those who do not try to match or exceed them in violence. Proud, sometimes to the
point of arrogance, humans might look upon dwarves as miserly drunkards, elves as flighty
fops, halflings as craven thieves, gnomes as twisted maniacs, and half-elves and half-orcs as
embarrassments—but the diversity among its own members also makes many humans quite
adept at accepting others for what they are.
Humans may become so absorbed in their own affairs that they remain ignorant of the
language and culture of others, and some take this ignorance to a hateful extreme of intolerance,
oppression, and rarely even extermination of others they perceive as dangerous, strange, or
“impure.” Thankfully, while such incidents and movements may taint all of humanity in the
eyes of some, they are more often the exception than the rule.
Religion: Humans have the widest range of gods and religions, lacking other ancestries’ ties
to tradition and eager to turn to anyone offering them glory or protection.
Ambition alone drives countless humans, and for many, adventuring serves as a means to
an end, whether it be wealth, acclaim, social status, or arcane knowledge. A few pursue
adventuring careers simply for the thrill of danger. Humans hail from myriad regions and
backgrounds, and as such can fill any role within an adventuring party.
As a child, you were whisked away by Something has caused you to lose the
mischievous fey for a time. When you supernatural vision common to your ancestry.
returned, you were ever after considered odd This is often caused by a curse, illness, or
and distant. You long to return there, and find similar effect.
the mortal world dull and at times revolting, The character loses his low-light vision or
so you eat poorly and trust strange visions. darkvision. He must have low-light vision or
The character suffers a −2 penalty on rolls to darkvision to take this Hindrance.
resist disease and poison and on rolls to resist
spells, abilities, and opposed Tests from Fey. OBLIVIOUS (MINOR)
Your hero has difficulty noticing the scope of
HELPLESS (MINOR/MAJOR) area attacks. This character takes half damage
You once stood helpless as great harm befell when he makes a successful Evasion roll.
a loved one, and that paralysis sometimes
returns when an ally is in a dire position. SHORT SIGHTED (MINOR OR MAJOR)
As a Minor Hindrance, whenever this Some adventurers see things through to
character sees an ally suffers a Wound, he the end. Pulling at every thread, they won't
is Distracted. As a Major Hindrance, the consider something finished until they've
character is also Vulnerable. exhausted every option. This is not your hero.
A character with the Minor version of this
LONER (MAJOR) Hindrance cannot spend Conviction to gain
Raised by pirates, bandits, or other an extra use of once per encounter, session
troublemakers unwilling to stick out their or day abilities. The Major version of this
necks for you, you are accustomed to Hindrance allows Conviction to be spent
operating on your own. The presence of allies for additional uses of abilities but makes the
can easily become a distraction, and you do Conviction die a d4.
your best to keep them out of your space.
This character does not benefit from Gang SPOOKED (MINOR)
Up bonuses. A traumatic experience at a young age with
a spirit, undead, or other supernatural entity
MAGICAL KLUTZ (MINOR) colors your reactions to such creatures.
You were born in a place with a plethora Whenever you perceive a Fey, Outsider, or
of strangely interacting magic, and magic Undead within 10" (20 yards) you must make
is dangerously eager to surge into action a Fear check. If the creature innately causes
around you. Because of this, you must take Fear, you suffer an additional −2 to the Fear
extra care when using magic items, so they check. The character does not need to make an
don't malfunction and cause you harm. additional Fear check if the creature has Fear.
Activating a magical item is a limited When a character becomes Jaded (see Pathfinder
action instead of an action. If the magic for Savage Worlds) against a creature's Fear,
item normally required a limited action, the it only applies to a specific Fey, Outsiders, or
character cannot take a Multi-Action. Undead. A character may stop being fearful of
his tiefling companion, but still panic when he
METICULOUS (MINOR) sees a vrock. This means the more supernatural
You plan and prepare everything in detail, creatures this character is exposed to, the less
and aren’t good at improvising when things he will be affected.
don’t go as planned.
This Pathfinder suffers −4 penalty on
untrained skill rolls instead of the usual −2.
Edges & Hindrances
As a child, a parent or other person with SKILLS
authority over you made a pact with a fiend,
stealing some of your vitality as collateral.
Immediately after combat ends, this
character makes a Vigor roll or suffers a
level of Fatigue. This Fatigue lasts until the
character spends 24 hours without getting ALCHEMY (SMARTS)
into combat. Alchemy is a new arcane skill for the
Alchemist Class Edge (see page 38).
You cast no shadow whatsoever, or the
shadow you do have is monstrous. Under
normal lighted conditions, this is not hard to Pathfinders must frequently train, control,
observe—but uncommon to notice. ride, or otherwise attempt to get creatures of
Anyone who notices this character's shadow animal intelligence to do their bidding. Rather
has a worse initial reaction to the character than create a new skill that might conflict with
(see Persuasion in Pathfinder for Savage Worlds). others, we use Intimidation or Persuasion,
depending on approach and demeanor.
WARDED AGAINST NATURE (MINOR) With success, the animal attempts to follow
the instructions to the best of its ability. It's
Animals find your character particularly
still just an animal though, so complex tasks
unnerving. Even the most well trained
are usually beyond its abilities to comprehend.
animals require coaxing to work with you.
Unlike influencing sentient creatures, a hero
Animals do not willingly approach within
need not worry about speaking the same
10" (20 yards) of you unless persuaded. In
language as the animal. If he is able to speak
addition, the hero suffers a −2 penalty on
to the animal, however, he adds +2 to the roll.
rolls to control animals, including Riding (see
Animal Handling, below).
Some aasimar have a special connection to
their celestial bloodline that increases over
On the following pages are dozens of Edges time. This character grows a pair of gleaming
for Savage Pathfinder. Edges are grouped feathered wings that grant her the Special
by type to help during character creation, Ability Flight: Pace 6.
and you’ll find a handy summary of each
on page 79. ARMOR OF THE PIT
Unless an Edge specifically says otherwise, REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Tiefling
it may only be selected once. Your fiendish traits take the form of a
protective scaly skin. This character gains
BACKGROUND EDGES Armor +2 and Environmental Resistance:
Cold, electricity, or fire (pick one).
These Edges are typically advantages a
character is born with, learns from prolonged ATTUNED TO THE WILD
and extensive training, or gains after exposure
to certain events. REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Elf
Players can choose these Edges after Some elves share a connection with the wilds
character creation with a little rationalization. that revitalizes them.
An individual might choose the Attractive Select one type of terrain from the Ranger
Edge, for example, by cleaning himself up, Class Edge. While in the selected terrain type,
getting a makeover, and generally paying this character can make a natural healing roll
more attention to physical appearance. every 24 hours with a +2.
Characters might also be able to gain an
Arcane Background by finding and studying BLOOD DRINKER
a spellbook or training with another arcane REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Dhampir
type in their party during downtime between
The curse in your veins allows you to heal
whenever you consume the blood of a mortal.
As a limited action the character can drink the Your connection to the dark has caused your
blood of a living Humanoid to immediately senses to be especially keen.
make a natural healing roll. This is easier to The character replaces her current Low Light
accomplish when the dhampir has a bite attack. Vision or Darkvision with Night Vision.
SKILLS: Alchemy d8, Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Notice d6,
Occult d4, Persuasion d6, Stealth d6, Thievery d6
POWERS: Deflection, shape change
GEAR: Rapier (Str+d4, Parry +1), dagger (Str+d4), leather jacket and leggings (+2),
alchemist’s kit, adventurer's kit, Formulae book, potion of minor protection, 48 gp.
VIGOR: +2 to Vigor rolls but −2 to Battle,
Alain is a selfish man who comes from royal blood, though he has been hardened by battle
since removing the silver spoon from his mouth. He is an excellent commander of troops
and enjoys battle as much as any other sellsword.
SKILLS: Athletics d6, Battle d4, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d8, Notice d6,
Persuasion d6, Riding d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d4, Survival d4
GEAR: Long sword (Str+d8), Lance (Str+d8, AP 2 on charge, Reach 2, mounted only), light
crossbow (Range 10/20/40, Damage 2d6, AP 2), 10 bolts, scale tunic (+3). adventurer's kit,
heavy pony, riding saddle.
ORDER ABILITY (Aid Allies): Whenever an
A cavalier who belongs to this order serves and lands of his sovereign at all costs. He
only himself, working to further his own aims must obey his lord's commands without
and increase his personal prestige. question and strive to expand the power
and prestige of his realm.
EDICTS: The cavalier must keep his own
interests and aims above those of all others. CHALLENGE: The target of the cavalier's
He must always accept payment when it is challenge is Distracted as long as the
due, rewards when earned, and an even cavalier is within 10" (20 yards).
(or greater) share of loot when possible. ORDER ABILITY (Shield of the Liege): A
The cavalier must take every opportunity selfless lion cavalier may redirect a melee
to increase his own stature, prestige, and or ranged attack made against an adjacent
power. ally to himself. This ability can be used
CHALLENGE: The cavalier adds +2 damage any number of times per day but must be
to Fighting attacks made against the target declared before the attack roll is made.
of his challenge.
ORDER ABILITY (Steal Glory): Once per
round, when an ally targets a foe within the Cavaliers who join the order of the shield
cavalier's Reach, the cavalier may make a devote their lives to protecting the common
free attack against the same target. folk, from the simple farmer to the honest
craftsman. These cavaliers stand before the
ORDER OF THE DRAGON tide, protecting the innocent from roving
marauders and hungry monsters.
Cavaliers belonging to the order of the
EDICTS: The cavalier must protect the
dragon dedicate themselves to a group of
like-minded individuals, be it a mercenary lives and prosperity of the common folk,
company or a small band of adventurers. shielding them from the deprivations
They believe in loyalty and friendship, and of any who would cause them harm or
are willing to lay down their lives to protect exploit them. He must give charity when
their allies. it is warranted and aid where needed. He
must take no action that would cause harm
EDICTS: The cavalier must remain loyal to
or hardship to those who cannot defend
his allies and always work to further the
aims of the group. He must protect his allies
CHALLENGE: Whenever an order of the
from harm and defend their honor when
called into doubt. shield cavalier issues a challenge, he
receives a +2 bonus on opposed Tests with
CHALLENGE: As a limited action, the cavalier
the target of his challenge.
grants his allies a +2 bonus on Fighting rolls
ORDER ABILITY (Stem the Tide): Once per
against the target of his challenge until the
end of the round. round when an enemy enters Reach of one
of his weapons the cavalier may make a free
attack. If he hits, the enemy is Vulnerable makes a charge attack, he adds his mount’s
and cannot move any further this round. Strength roll to the damage (rather than
the usual +4 charge bonus for mounted
ORDER OF THE STAR attacks, see Mounted Combat in Pathfinder
Cavaliers who join the order of the star for Savage Worlds).
dedicate themselves to the protection and
service of a faith and its members (chosen CAVALIER MOUNT
when this Edge is selected). Thereafter they
tend to following many of the tenets and The cavalier's dedication to mastering
guides of the religion they serve. mounted combat grants additional benefits
Cavaliers who join the order of the sword HEROIC: The mount becomes a Wild Card.
dedicate their lives to the code of chivalry, Bond: Whenever the cavalier's mount
living a life of honor, valor, and fairness. They suffers one or more Wounds, the cavalier can
tend to swear service to a lord or a lady, or spend a Benny to make a Soak roll using his
sometimes to a creature of renown. Riding skill.
Of all the orders, the order of the sword is
perhaps the broadest in terms of its focus
and ideals.
EDICTS: The cavalier must show courage in
the face of danger, mercy to those who have
wronged him, and charity to the poor and
meek. He must be just and honorable at all
times and in all things. He must defend his
honor and, above all else, the honor of those
he serves.
CHALLENGE: The cavalier gets a free reroll
on failed Fighting rolls against the target of
his challenge.
ORDER ABILITY (Mounted Master y):
Cavaliers eventually learn to turn the long
reach of pole-arms and other weapons
designed to defeat horsemen against their
wielders. Whenever a mounted cavalier
Imrijka was raised in an orphanage in Lepidstadt, a pistachio-skinned girl indoctrinated
into the faithful of Pharasma. Since becoming an initiate inquisitor in that faith, she's
traveled most of Ustalav and beyond, regularly returning to Gravecharge to visit and
check up on those she grew up with and cared for.
ANCESTRY: Half-Orc (Darkvision, Intimidating, Orc Ferocity, Outsider (Minor), Strong)
ATTRIBUTES DERIVED HINDRANCES: Obligation (Minor - care for
Agility d8 Parry: 5 orphans), Outsider (Minor), Ruthless (Minor),
Smarts d6 Toughness: 9 (3) Stubborn, Vow (Minor)
SKILLS: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6,
Occult d4, Persuasion d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d4, Survival d4
GEAR: Morningstar (Str+d6), shortbow (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6), 20 arrows, dagger
(Str+d4), scale breastplate (+3), adventurers pack, holy water, light wooden shield, 2x
manacles, silver holy symbol, sunrod, 48 gp.
Alahazra is kind but distant, often letting conversation drop in favor of taking in the
sounds and smells of her environment. When she does speak, her words have the weight
of command. She has little patience for fools, yet also has a soft spot for orphans, and in her
own way often sees herself as the mother to her adventuring companions.
ANCESTRY: Human (Adaptability)
SKILLS: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Faith d10, Fighting d4, Healing d6,
Notice d6, Occult d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d4
POWERS: Burst (mystery), detect/conceal arcana,environmental protection, havoc, healing,
smite (mystery)
GEAR: Quarterstaff (Str+d4, Parry +1, Reach 1, Two Hands), sling (4/8/16, Damage
Str+d4), 10 stones, leather tunic and leggings (+2), adventurer's kit, 60 gp.
Innate Powers: Minor speak language (self
The oracle’s body slowly begins rotting away. elemental (see the Pathfinder for Savage
The oracle gains the Ugly (Minor) Hindrance. Worlds Bestiary) for 10 rounds (she remains
a Wild Card).
Immunity: Disease.
MOLTEN SKIN: The oracle gains Immunity
to Fire and projects a major damage field
TONGUES (fiery aura) for five rounds.
Pick two of the following languages:
WINGS OF FIRE: The character manifests
Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Ignan,
a pair of fiery wings for ten minutes. This
Infernal, or Terran. While in combat or a
grants her Flight (Pace 12).
stressful situation, the oracle can only speak
and understand the selected languages.
HEAVENS Available Powers: Beast friend, elemental
manipulation, shape change, summon
Deity: Desna, Gozreh, Pharasma, Sarenrae. nature's ally.
Available Powers: Banish, confusion, Greater Revelation (Spirit of Nature):
divination, fly. The seer gains Fast Regeneration until she's
Greater Revelation (Mantle of Moonlight): Incapacitated.
The character's innate understanding of the
moon renders her immune to lycanthropy. STONE
She may also disrupt a lycanthrope’s
Deity: Abadar, Gorum, Torag.
connection to the moon with a successful
SKILLS: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d6, Healing d4, Notice d6,
Occult d8, Persuasion d4, Riding d4, Shooting d4, Spellcasting d8, Stealth d4, Survival d4
POWERS: Deflection, healing, summon ally, summon monster
GEAR: Light club (Str+d4), dagger (Str+d4), hand crossbow (Range 5/10/20 Damage 2d4),
adventurer's kit, 10 bolts, pipe, 3x sunrod, scroll of bolt, 20g.
evolutions, or any evolution the eidolon The eidolon gains an Advancement at creation
can't possess, and he must meet the listed and for each of its maker's Ranks after Novice
Requirements. (and every four Advances after Legendary)
The summoner may change these evolutions and its Rank is the same as its master's. The
any time he can change the eidolon’s summoner can spend Conviction to rearrange
evolutions. the eidolon's Evolution Points.
Aquatic: The eidolon is native to the water. It's a natural swimmer and cannot drown and can
2 swim at its regular Pace. The summoner may spend an additional Evolution point to increase
the swimming Pace by +4.
Armor Piercing: One of the eidolon's natural attacks becomes far more dangerous. Any one
1 of its Natural Weapons gains AP 2. For an additional evolution point, it's increased to AP 4.
Requires Bite, Claws, Hooves, or Horns.
2 Attribute Increase: Increase one of the eidolon’s attributes one die type.
Bash: The eidolon is considered armed and causes Str +d4 damage with its limbs. Requires
Aquatic: The creature is native to the water. It's a natural swimmer and cannot drown. Its Pace in water
is specified after the Aquatic ability.
Armor: A creature’s Armor is written in parentheses next to its total Toughness, and already added in.
Thick, leathery hide generally offers 2 points of Armor. Supernatural creatures may have much higher
Armor values. An iron golem, for example, might have 6 points of Armor or more.
Armor Piercing (AP) attacks allow an attacker to ignore a number of points of Armor equal to the
weapon's AP value.
Innate Powers: Various creatures on Golarion have Innate Powers. These are usually magical abilities
with "spell-like" effects or powers.
Activating an Innate Power is an action and follows all the power's usual rules such as Range, line of
sight, etc.
Automatic Powers: These powers don't require a roll to activate. Minor powers activate with success
and major powers activate with a raise. This is true even if the power normally requires an attack roll.
Minor bolt, for example, automatically hits its target if any part of it is visible and in Range, ignoring
Cover, the Dodge Edge, etc.
Opposed Powers: These powers must still be resisted by the target. A minor power sets the Target
Number to resist at 4 (because it's a success), a major power sets the Target Number to resist at 8
(because it's a raise).
Major puppet means the victim must make a Spirit check against a target number of 8 (for a major
power) or be enthralled.
Rolled Powers: If an ability does require a Trait roll, the skill or attribute is listed in parentheses after
the power, like so: invisibility (flamer; True; Spirit).
As with other powers, a Critical Failure causes Fatigue.
Duration: Creatures do not need to spend Power Points to maintain Innate Powers.
Power Modifiers: Innate Powers can't use Power Modifiers unless listed with the ability.
Natural Weapons: Creatures with natural weapons such as fangs, claws, or horns may attack with any
or all of them using their Fighting skill. Damage is stated for character ancestries and beasts in their
various descriptions.
Creatures with natural weapons are always considered armed. This means they aren’t Unarmed
Defenders and foes fighting with Two Weapons gain no advantage against them.
Poison: Snakes, spiders, and other creatures inject poisonous venom via bite or scratch. To do so, the
creature must cause at least a Shaken result to the victim, who then makes a Vigor roll modified by the
strength of the poison (listed in parentheses after the creature’s Poison ability). Effects of failure are
described in more detail under Hazards in Pathfinder for Savage Worlds.
Pounce: Predators often pounce on their prey to best bring their mass and claws to bear. If a creature
with pounce makes a Wild Attack, it adds +4 to its damage instead of +2 to one successful Fighting
Regeneration: Hydras, trolls, vampires, and other legendary creatures can Regenerate their injuries.
Regeneration can be Fast or Slow.
Fast: Wounded creatures make a Vigor roll each round—even while Incapacitated. Success heals one
Wound (or removes Incapacitated status), and a raise heals an additional Wound. Wounds caused by
some damage types, listed in the creature’s description, don't regenerate but may still heal naturally.
Trolls can't regenerate Wounds caused by flame, for example.
Slow: The creature makes a natural healing roll once per day.
Rending: Victims Shaken or Wounded by a rending attack are bleeding and must make a Vigor roll as
a free action at the beginning of their next turn. Failure causes one Wound and the victim must make
another Vigor roll next turn. Success means the victim doesn't suffer a Wound, but must make a Vigor
Though she desperately desires the company of others, formative years spent away from
civilized society have left her lacking in social graces, and her awkwardness often leads
to misunderstandings. Nevertheless, her inherent good nature tends to win out, and her
occasional flares of temper are countered by her steadfast loyalty to her friends.
ANCESTRY: Human (Adaptability)
SKILLS: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d4, Healing d6, Intimidate d6,
Notice d6, Occult d6, Persuasion d4, Spellcasting d8, Stealth d4
POWERS: Boost/lower Trait, protection
GEAR: Staff (Str+d4, Parry +1, Reach 1, Two Hands), dagger (Str+d4), 4x darts (Range
3/6/12, Damage Str+d4, counts as shuriken), adventurer's kit, fetishes, healers kit, iron
pot, spell components pouch, 2x sunrods, tanglefoot bag, 2x scroll of bolt, 24gp.
AGONY: As a limited action, the witch makes HAG’S EYE: The witch creates an invisible
an opposed Spirit roll against an enemy magical sensor that sends her visual
within a Range equal to her Smarts. With information. She creates the eye within
success, she makes the target Distracted or a Range of Smarts. The eye the size of a
Vulnerable (both with a raise). normal human eyeball and has Flight at
AUGMENT: The witch may cast the following Pace 6. It sees exactly as the witch would if
powers as a limited free action: curse, fly she were there.
(the hex doesn't grant these powers). The eye can’t leave the witch's plane for
BLIGHT: The witch curses an animal, plant, any reason. It functions for one minute
or a plot of land. This takes a full round of increments, up to 10 minutes per day.
concentration, and she and her familiar NIGHTMARES: The witch may automatically
must be in contact with part of the area to be place a curse on a target within a Range of
corrupted. If used on a plot of land, plants twice her Smarts. The victim must make
wither the following day and die completely a Spirit roll at −2 when it tries to sleep
over the next week. Nothing grows in that or be tormented by terrible nightmares,
area so long as the hex persists. preventing her from resting (see Sleep
A witch may affect an area with a radius Hazards in Pathfinder for Savage Worlds). If
equal to twice her Smarts. Dispel can be the Spirit roll is successful the nightmares
used to remove a blight, but the caster must pass until the witch hexes him again.
first walk the perimeter of the blighted area VISION: The witch can grant a glimpse of the
for one hour before attempting to cast. future to a creature she touches. Granting a
The witch can instead take an action to vision takes a full minute of concentration,
blight a creature of the Animal or Plant during which time she must remain in
Type. The witch touches the target and contact with her subject. At the end of this
makes a Spellcasting roll. Success reduces time, the target receives a brief image of the
the creature's Toughness by 4 (to a near future (usually no more than one year)
minimum of 1). At the end of each of the of the Game Master's discretion. The witch
creature's turns it makes a Spirit roll (at −2 can grant this individual no further visions
with a raise) as a free action to end the effect. until this one has come to pass (or not).
A witch can only have one blight in effect This is only the most likely version of the
at a time. Casting a new one terminates the future, so such visions are unreliable at best.
other immediately. A witch cannot use this ability on herself.
CACKLE: A witch may issue a hideous and WAXEN IMAGE: This hex gives the witch the
disturbing cackle as a free action. Distracted puppet power if she doesn't already have it.
or Vulnerable creatures don't remove these As a limited action, she may create a crude
conditions as long as they remain within and unnerving wax duplicate of a creature
10" (20 yards) of a cackling witch. she can see within a Range of Smarts.
CHARM: The witch may cast the following She may then cast puppet on the target of her
powers as a limited free action: beast friend, waxen image from any distance. If she can
puppet (this hex doesn't grant these powers). see the target she adds +2 to the roll. The
EVIL EYE: The witch may cast the following waxen image melts after use, so she must
powers as a limited free action: boost/lower make a new one after each casting.
Trait, slumber (the hex does not grant her The witch can only have one waxen image
these powers). at a time. If she creates another, the previous
HEALING: The witch may cast the following image becomes useless.
powers as a limited free action: healing, relief WEATHER CONTROL: The witch may cast
(the hex does not grant her these powers). elemental manipulation with the Weather
Power Modifier at no cost, once per day.
Edges & Hindrances
no other actions other than performing this
GRAND HEXES hex. The witch makes a Spellcasting roll,
DEATH CURSE: As an action, this hex seizes a targeting her victim within a Range equal
creature’s heart, causing death in just a few to her Smarts. With success, the target must
moments. Death Curse has a Range of 5" (10 make a Spirit check (at −2 with a raise on the
yards), and the target makes a Spirit roll. If Spellcasting roll), or die and be immediately
failed, the creature takes Fatigue each round reincarnated into a new body (roll on the
until it's Incapacitated, then makes a Vigor chart below to see what the creature is). The
check or dies. With success, he takes 3d6 reincarnated form is still a Wild Card if it was
damage (ignoring Armor) and the hex ends. one before the hex was cast. A creature cannot
be the target of this hex more than once a day.
Slaying the witch that hexed the creature
ends the effect, though the Fatigue remains.
A creature cannot be the target of Death
Curse again for an entire day. 1 Bugbear
ETERNAL SLUMBER: As a limited action, 2–12 Dwarf
the witch makes a Touch Attack with 14–25 Elf
Spellcasting. With success, the target makes 26 Gnoll
a Spirit roll (−2 with a raise). Failing this
27–38 Gnome
check causes it to fall into a deep slumber
from which it cannot be woken except by 39–42 Goblin
a wish or by slaying the witch who cast it! 43–52 Half-Elf
A witch can also poison food or drink 53–62 Half-Orc
with her hex, causing the next person to 63–74 Halfling
consume it to be affected. She may only 75–89 Human
have one such poisoned dish at a time, and
90–93 Kobold
it loses its potency after one minute if not
consumed. A creature can't be affected by 94 Lizardfolk
Eternal Slumber more than once per day. 95–98 Orc
FORCED REINCARNATION: The witch can 99 Troglodyte
move and take free actions, but can take 100 Other (GM's choice)
enemy who casts a spell or miracle within
her Reach.
On the following pages are additional Magic items don't normally trigger this
Class Edges that may be taken by multiple ability unless they allow the user to cast a
character types, or expand on the core Class spell, miracle, or power of some sort.
Edges to help your hero follow the calling of
their career. EXTRA DOMAIN
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Arcane
AURA OF JUSTICE Background (Miracles) or Cleric
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Paladin This cleric's deity smiles down upon her,
As a limited free action the paladin can expend granting divine strength. Select one additional
two uses of her Smite Evil ability to grant a domain listed under the character's deity. The
single use of the ability to all allies within 5" cleric gains access to all powers on the list
(10 yards). Allies must use their Smite Evil in addition to those in her starting domain.
ability on their next turn or lose the gift. She also gains one power from the new
domain (but must meet the new power's
COCKATRICE STRIKE Requirements as usual).
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Monk,
Spirit d8+, Fighting d8+ FAVORED POWERS (CHOOSE ONE)
With a single strike, the solemn warrior REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Sorcerer or
transmutes flesh to stone. Wizard
As a limited action, the monk can make a The spellcaster has great familiarity with
single unarmed strike against a Vulnerable, certain powers and can cast them quickly and
Stunned, Bound, or Incapacitated foe. If the easily. As a limited free action, he may ignore
target is Shaken or Wounded, he is petrified up to 2 points of any penalties (Multi-Action,
immediately (see curse in Pathfinder for Savage Wounds, Fatigue, etc.) when casting any one
Worlds) unless he makes a Vigor roll (at −2 of the spell sets below. This Edge may be
with a raise). The monk can end this effect taken multiple times, choosing a different set
at will. It automatically ends if the monk is each time. This Edge doesn’t give him those
Incapacitated. powers— they must be taken separately.
ABJURER: Banish, environmental protection,
CROSSBLOODED or protection.
CONJURER: Barrier, create pit, or summon ally.
REQUIREMENTS: Heroic, Sorcerer
A crossblooded bloodline combines the DIVINER: Detect arcana, locate, or scrying.
powers of two distinct heritages. In most ENCHANTER: Beast friend, empathy, or mind
cases, sorcerers with this bloodline are the wipe.
offspring of two sorcerers from different EVOKER: Blast or burst (choose one), havoc,
ancestries, but occasionally a crossblooded or stun.
sorcerer arises from the conjunction of other,
ILLUSIONIST: Conceal arcana, illusion, or
stranger powers.
The sorcerer can select a new bloodline and
NECROMANCER: Blind, drain Power Points,
gains its benefits. In addition, she can take the
or fear.
Advanced Bloodline Edge an additional time.
TRANSMUTER: Elemental manipulation, shape
free action, the hunter grants his Favored See Pathfinder for Savage Worlds for more
Enemy benefit against a single target of the information on specific spells.
appropriate type to all allies within 5" (10 Mystic Powers doesn’t grant access to Edges
yards) who can see or hear him. requiring an Arcane Background. If the rogue
This lasts for five rounds, and does not stack also has an Arcane Background, none of its
with any Favored Enemy bonuses possessed Edges and abilities can be used with Mystic
by his allies. Powers (and vice-versa).
The druid no longer physically ages, though the type of armor restricted by one type (for
she still dies of old age when her time is up. example, Light increases to Medium).
Due to the supernatural nature of her body,
she is also immune to all poisons and diseases. COVERING DEFENSE
WEAPON SPECIALIZATION You are skilled at protecting yourself and
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Fighter your allies with your shield. When this
The hero is a master at one type of weapon valiant champion uses the Defend maneuver
(such as longswords, composite bows, or while wielding a shield, he may provide an
daggers). When using a weapon he is adjacent ally with the Parry and Cover bonus
specialized in, the fighter gets a free reroll of his shield (in addition to himself).
on damage rolls if he fails to at least Shake
his target (before Soak rolls are made). A CRIPPLING ATTACK
character can take this Edge multiple times,
REQUIREMENTS: Heroic, Trademark
but he must choose a different type of weapon
each time the Edge is taken.
Whenever the hero gets a raise with his
trademark weapon, the target's Pace is halved
COMBAT EDGES for five rounds. Against creatures with
These Edges are designed to help your hero multiple types of movement, the character
dish out terrible damage—or survive it —in must choose which movement type to affect.
the bloody battles of Savage Worlds. Flying creature hit must make an Athletics
check to remain airborne when crippled.
Restriction (Any, Light, or Medium) REQUIREMENTS: Veteran, Rapid Reload,
Shooting d8+
Through tireless training, the adventurer has
mastered the use of heavier armor without The time required for the Pathfinder to reload
reducing his physical capabilities. Decrease any crossbow is reduced to a limited free
action. Additionally, the archer can use his MOUNTED SHIELD
crossbow as a heavy club.
ELDRITCH CLAWS Your defensive tactics defend both you and
your mount. When mounted, the horseman
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Claws, may add his shield bonuses (against
Fighting d6+ both ranged and melee attacks) to his
The warrior's claws can mimic the effects of mount's defenses.
adamantine, cold iron, silver, or magic for
purposes of Weaknesses and Environmental POINT BLANK MASTER
Vigor d8+
You struggle on when others would
fall. Once per encounter, the valiant
hero may automatically remove
the Bound, Entangled, Distracted, or
Vulnerable condition.
The character may spend a Benny to
remove these conditions in the same
encounter afterwards.
You are skilled at deflecting ranged
attacks with your shield. The hero
must be using a shield to benefit
from this Edge. When he is hit with
a ranged attack (not including spell
effects or ranged Heavy Weapons),
he may apply the shield's Parry
bonus to his Toughness. The
character must be aware of the
attack for this Edge to take effect.
Power Edges are the key to unlocking
the true potential of those with Arcane
Backgrounds. They can mean the difference
between an apprentice with a few abilities
and a master of magic or divine energies!
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Arcane
Background (Any)
The magical energies from your powers cling
to enemies, interfering with their innate
Targets affected by one of this spellcaster's
powers must make a successful Smarts roll to
activate any of their Innate Powers or Mystic
Powers (rather than the power activating
automatically). This effect lasts until the end
of the target's next turn.
Prestige Edges build on other Edges, classes,
Battle heralds are skilled warriors who have
and skills to provide unique talents possessed
honed the art of leadership to a keen edge.
by a rare few.
INSPIRING COMMAND: The leader uses
A character may only choose a new core
her keen tactical acumen and decisive
Prestige Edge once per Rank (this is instead
judgment to lead others to victory. Once
of a core Class Edge), and once every four
per encounter as a limited free action, she
Advances at Legendary Rank. Advanced
may provide allies within her Command
Prestige Edges (the level II and III Edges
Range one of the following abilities for five
listed below each core Edge) are not subject
to this restriction.
Toughness: Allies gain +2 Toughness.
BATTLE HERALD Reveille: Allies ignore 1 point of Fatigue
or Wound penalty.
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Cavalier
or Paladin, Command, Persuasion d6+, Sound the Charge: Allies deal +2 damage
Intimidation d4+. on Fighting attacks.
In every army there are leaders who surpass
the average cold-hearted mercenary, battle- BATTLE HERALD II
scarred veteran, or wizened drill instructor. REQUIREMENTS: Veteran, Battle Herald
VOICE OF AUTHORITY: As a limited action, line for their beliefs. With sufficient training,
the herald may grant all allies in her they may become paragons of battle and
Command Range one of her Combat Edges living conduits of divine power, willing to
for five rounds. Allies do not need to meet sacrifice their bodies if it brings glory to their
the Edge's Requirements. deity or judgment upon enemies of their faith.
STIGMATA: A vindicator is marked by
BATTLE HERALD III scarified wounds appropriate to his deity.
REQUIREMENTS: Heroic, Battle Herald II He may cause the wounds to bleed for five
LAST STAND: Once per encounter, as an
rounds as a limited free action.
action, the battle herald can inspire her While the stigmata bleed, the vindicator
allies in her Command Range to continue adds +2 to all healing rolls (mundane and
fighting even when all hope is lost. magical). Once the stigmata end, the holy
All allies can immediately make a natural vindicator suffers a level of Fatigue.
healing roll ignoring 1 point of Wound
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Holy
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Channel BLOODFIRE: The vindicator's stigmata
Energy ability (such as in the Cleric Class allow him to add his Spirit die to
Edge), Occult d6+ Fighting damage rolls while bleeding.
Within many faiths are orders of militants Additionally, he may now use his Spirit
who put their lives and immortal souls on the when checking for a weapon's Min Str,
allowing him to wield greater burdens in
the service of his religion even while his
stigmata are not active.
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Survival d6+
Horizon walkers are masters of travel,
always seeking to find safe paths through
inhospitable terrain. They are comfortable
in places others speak of only in hushed
whispers, and can venture forth onto
untrod paths to guide the less-traveled
through such hazardous lands.
A horizon walker gains the Favored
Terrain ability (see the Ranger Class
Edge). Additionally, the character
can select the new terrains from those listed
under Terrain Dominance.
TERRAIN MASTERY: When within a horizon
walker's Favored Terrain, he may, as a
limited free action, grant all allies who
can see and hear him and are within 5" (10
yards) a free reroll on their next Athletics,
Notice, Stealth, or Survival check.
REQUIREMENTS: Veteran, Horizon Walker
ability again.
Night Vision: The chymist gains
Nightvision in her mutagenic form.
REQUIREMENTS: Veteran, Master
BRUTALITY: A master chymist’s taste for
violence leads her to strike more powerful
blows with weapons easily mastered by
her bestial mind. In her mutagenic form,
the chymist's Fighting attacks deal +2
detection, and quick-witted when it comes to train a beast as a companion, but nature
improvisation. wardens are much more than tamers of wild
MASTER OF DISGUISE: A master spy can things. They are experts at navigating the
create a disguise in less than a minute if she harsh brutality of nature’s fury and making
has access to a disguise kit or some basic do with whatever tools and weapons present
supplies. She reduces any penalties that themselves.
might come from assuming the persona of a SURVIVALIST: The nature warden chooses
person of different gender, ancestry, age, or a terrain type (as with the Favored Terrain
size by 2. Additionally, she can cast minor ability). While in this terrain, the warden
conceal arcana on herself or her equipment has +1 Parry, gets a free reroll on Survival
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Beast
Master, Survival d4+, Faith d6+ or
Mystic Powers (Paladin or Ranger)
Nature wardens are guardians of the
wild places of the world, highly skilled in
negotiating their way among the nonhuman
inhabitants of the wild. They befriend and
companion deals +2 damage on attacks RAGE PROPHET
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Nerves of
Steel, may not have an Armor Restriction or
Armor Interference
Drawn from the ranks of guards, knights,
mercenaries, and thugs alike, stalwart
defenders are masters of claiming and
holding an area. This behavior is more than
a tactical decision for stalwart defenders; it’s
an obsessive, stubborn expression of the need
to be undefeated. When such individuals set
themselves in a defensive stance, they place
their whole effort into weathering whatever
foe, conflict, or threat comes their way.
DEFENSIVE STANCE: Once per encounter,
as a limited free action, a stalwart
defender can enter a defensive
stance, a position of readiness
and trance-like determination
for five rounds.
While doing so, the stalwart
defender gains +1 Parry
and increases his Strength
and Vigor one die type but
Weird Edges are slightly supernatural in Some Edges introduced in this section require
origin. These are usually appropriate in a a character to take multiple Edges from the
Pathfinder for Savage Worlds game, but check same Class Edge tree. This means that in
with your GM before taking them. order to take the Legendary Edge, the hero
must have the Class Edge and at least that
DUCK AND COVER many other Edges requiring the Core Edge.
For example, "at least two Paladin Edges"
Requires the Paladin Edge and at least two
Your allies assist you in avoiding other Edges that also require Paladin.
certain attacks.
Whenever this hero and at least one ally HOLY CHAMPION
must make an Evasion roll (and as long as
REQUIREMENTS: Wild Card, Legendary, at
one or both don't roll a Critical Failure),
least two Paladin Edges
both characters use the highest total rolled
between them. The paladin becomes a conduit for the raw
fury of her god. She gains +2 Toughness.
This hero must select the ally before either
of them roll. Whenever she uses Smite Evil and
successfully strikes an Evil Outsider, she
SMASH can choose to have the target be subject to
banish, using the attack roll as the arcane
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Half-Orc, skill total. After the banish and damage from
Strength d10+ the attack are resolved, the Smite Evil ability
The strongest of half-orcs are able to destroy immediately ends (even if the foe was not
objects that are normally beyond the banished).
capability of others. This character can Ace
melee damage rolls when attempting to
destroy inanimate objects.
Edges & Hindrances
DEADLY PERFORMANCE Once per encounter, while within her Home
Ground, the druid may spend a Benny to
REQUIREMENTS: Wild Card, Legendary, at recover all her Power Points.
least two Bard Edges
The druid also has a sense of her home,
The bard can use his Performance to no matter how distant she may be. By
Incapacitate a foe from extreme joy or sorrow. concentrating for ten minutes, she may ask
Deadly Performance may only be attempted three questions about the current, observable
once per encounter. The target must be able state of her homeland.
to see, hear, and understand the bard and be
within 5" (10 yards). MASTER STRIKE
When he decides to unleash his deadly REQUIREMENTS: Wild Card, Legendary, at
display, he makes a Performance roll least two Rogue Edges
opposed by the target's Spirit. If the victim
The rogue is incredibly deadly when using
resists, he's Stunned and is immune to any
her sneak attack. Each time an attack causes
Deadly Performance for the next 24 hours. If
at least one Wound, the rogue may declare
the victim loses, he's stricken by the last jest,
one of the effects below, which occurs
unearthly song, or heart-breaking ballad and
immediately unless the victim succeeds at a
Vigor roll.
HOME GROUND • Put the victim to sleep for 1d4 hours
• Paralyze the victim
REQUIREMENTS: Wild Card, Legendary, at • Slay the victim
least two Druid Edges, Spirit d8+
The druid knows every tree, deer, blade of MYTHIC SLAYER
grass, and scuttling beetle of her home. She
selects a specific area relevant to the campaign, REQUIREMENTS: Wild Card, Legendary
such as a specific forest, valley, mountain, The legendary hero has become the avatar of
bay, lake, or coastline (generally a few dozen death. She ignores the Unstoppable Ability
square miles or so). whenever her Action Card is a face card.
Whenever she's dealt a Joker, opponents
cannot make Soak rolls against her attacks!
PERFECT BODY It's possible for a sorcerer with the
Ancestral Weakness (Minor/Major): +2/+4 damage from an elemental type.
Bitter (Major): Characters healing this character suffer –2 to the roll.
Constricted (Minor): Gain/increase Armor Restriction.
Favored Class (Minor/Major): Increased Requirements to take Class Edges or only one core Class
Edge and no Prestige Edges.
Angel Wings S, Aasimar The character grows wings.
Armor of the Pit N, Tiefling +2 Armor and Environmental Resistance: Cold, electric or fire.
Attuned to the Natural healing rolls every 24 hours with a +2 when in your
N, Elf
Wild preferred terrain.
Blood Drinker N, Dhampir Make a natural healing roll when drinking blood.
N, Goblin,
Burn! Burn! Burn! Deal increased damage with natural fire.
Thievery d6+
Casual Illusionist N, Gnome Bonus to deceive others or steal with Power Points.
N, Aasimar,
Celestial Servant Enhance the aasimar's companion.
Beast Bond
N, Catfolk,
Claw Pounce Claws, A d6+, +2 damage on claw Wild Attack.
S d6+
N, Darkvision or
Deepsight Gain Nightvision
Low Light
N, Halfling, Spend a Benny to allow an ally to reroll a Trait roll with a +2
Lucky Halfing
Common Bond bonus.
N, Sprinter,
Nimble Striker No penalty when running and taking a single action.
Agility d8
Razor Tusk N, Half-Orc Gain a bite Natural Attack
Shatterspell N, Dwarf Make a limited action to dispel a power.
Crossbow V, Rapid Reload, Shoot a crossbow as quickly as a bow and use it in melee as
V, Sm d8+,
Allow allies to use limited actions and limited free actions
Team Up Command,
an additional time each turn
Natural Leader
Redirect a spell to an opponent if your target resists your
Bouncing Spells V, AB (Any)
Your spells cause enemies to have difficulty activating
Disruptive Spells S, AB (Any)
Mystic Powers and Innate Powers.
S, Nerves of
Defensive stance: The character becomes a bulwark of
Steel, no Armor
Duck and Cover N You and an ally can use each other's rolls when Evading.
N, Half-Orc, St The character can Ace damage rolls when attempting to
d10 destroy objects.
WC, L, 2+
Holy Champion +2 Toughness and banish Outsiders on smite attacks.
Paladin Edges
Deadly WC, L, 2+ Bard
Use your Performance to Stun or Incapacitate listeners.
Performance Edges
WC, L, 2+ Druid
Home Ground Spend Benny to recover all Power Points.
WC, L, 2+ Rogue Your sneak attacks can paralyze, slay or put your enemies to
Master Strike
Edges sleep.
Ignore Unstoppable on a face card and stop enemies from
Mythic Slayer WC, L
Soaking your attacks when you have a Joker.
WC, L, 2+ Monk
Perfect Body Gain +4 Toughness and become an Outsider.
WC, L, 2+ The ranger becomes nearly impervious to abilities from his
Seen it Before
Ranger Edges favored enemies.
WC, L, 2+
Unique Bloodline Gain an additional advanced bloodline.
Sorcerer Edges
WC, L, 2+
Unstoppable Rage Gain Unstoppable while Raging.
Barbarian Edges
Veteran of Endless WC, L, 2+
Enemies gain no benefit for Wild Attacks against this hero.
War Fighter Edges
WC, L, 2+
Well Prepared Cast a spell as a limited free action for +1 Power Point.
Wizard Edges
T his section contains rules and equipment as flash powder, alkali flasks, and the
you can add to your Golarion campaign. "Alchemical Items" described in Pathfinder
Read the notes below before you go to for Savage Worlds and the new additions
the outfitters to understand what various on page 89.
keywords mean. Creating common alchemical items is not
nearly as time consuming as creating magical
ones. For every 10 gp an item costs (round up)
NEW CRAFTING RULES the alchemist must spend an hour working
on it. Once the required time is invested, the
ALCHEMY creator makes an Alchemy roll (plus or minus
Blacksmiths, boyers, carpenters, and other any listed modifiers). Success creates the
crafters use the Repair skill in their profession. device; failure destroys it and the alchemist
Those who study the natural world, geology, must start again.
physics, and non-magical chemical reactions,
use the Science skill. Those who work with
magical substances, arcane reagents, and
volatile elixirs use the Alchemy skill.
A few "true" alchemists (such as those
described on page 38) imbue potions
with powerful magical qualities, but most
"common" alchemists focus on relatively
mundane but useful saleable items such
Notes: Causes 2d6 damage. Captured prey
COMMON GEAR must make a Strength check to escape. Bear
Battle Aspergillum Str+d6 d6 4 5 Holds holy water
Notes: Holy water splashes out with each swing. This weapon does +2 damage against creatures
affected by holy water. The aspergillum is empty after 3 attacks.
Brace, Reach 1, Two Hands, +1
Bill Str+d8 d8 11 11 Parry when taking the Defend
he wearer counts as armed, free
Brass Knuckles — d4 1 1
reroll when attempting to conceal.
Glaive-guisarme Str+d10 d10 10 12 AP 2, Brace, Reach 1, Two Hands
Halberd Str+d8 d8 12 10 AP 1, Brace, Reach 1, Two Hands
Lucerne Hammer Str+d12 d12 12 15 AP 3, Reach 1, Two Hand, Parry –2
Mancatcher — d6 10 15 Reach 2, Two Hands
Notes: If this weapon hits, the target cannot move away from the attacker until he wins an opposed
Strength roll (a free action).
AP 1 when set, Brace, Reach 2, Two
Pike Str+d8 d8 18 20
Reach 1, Brace, Parry +1 if used Two
Spear Str+d6 d6 6 2
Trident Str+d6 d6 4 15 Brace, Reach 1
Double Crossbow 15/30/60 2d8 2 1 d8 18 300
Notes: The attacker can make a Shooting roll at –2 to fire both bolts at once. This changes the damage
to 3d8. Reload 3 for both bolts or Reload 2 for just one
The following items may be found in most alchemist's shops.
Alchemist's Kindness — — — — — — 10 —
Notes: Favored by young rakes and others of means, this is a crystalline powder resembling salt.
It makes a fizzing cocktail when mixed with water that eliminates the effects of a hangover within
10 minutes of consumption.
Alkali Flask 3/6/12 2d4 — 1 SBT 1 15 —
Notes: This flask of caustic liquid acts like acid against oozes and other acid-based creatures, but has
no harmful effects on others.
Bloodblock — — — — — — 25 −2
Notes: This gooey, pinkish substance helps treat wounds. Using a dose ends the effects of Rending
attack and Bleeding Out.
Flash Powder 3/6/12 — — 1 SBT — 50 —
Notes: This coarse gray powder ignites and burns almost instantly if exposed to flame, significant
friction, or even a simple force such as throwing it against a floor. Creatures within a Small Blast
Template are blinded (per the blind spell) until the end of their next turn.
Liquid Ice 3/6/12 2d4 — 1 SBT 2 40 —
Notes: Also known as “alchemist’s ice,” this sealed jar of crystalline blue fluid immediately starts to
evaporate once opened. During the next 1d6 rounds, an adventure can use it to freeze a liquid or coat
an object in a thin layer of ice. It can also be thrown as a weapon.
Nushadir — — — — — 1 10 —
Notes: Stored in the form of small, salty pellets in a dry container, this reagent can be mixed with a
flask of water and stored safely. Nushadir neutralizes acid; a vial of pellets or a flask of nushadir-
water is enough to render a cubic foot of acid safe to touch in one minute, though this is usually too
slow to prevent damage from a thrown vial of acid or the contents of a large monster’s gullet.
Smelling Salts — — — — — 1 25 −2
Notes: These sharply scented gray crystals cause people to regain consciousness when inhaled.
Smelling salts grant a sleeping person a Spirit roll to wake up from both magical and mundane
sleep. A container has 12 uses if stoppered after each use, but depletes in a matter of hours if left open.
Smoke Pellet 3/6/9 — — 1 — — 25 —
Notes: This small clay sphere contains two alchemical substances separated by a thin barrier. When
the sphere is broken, the substances mingle and fill a Small Blast Template with a cloud of foul but
harmless yellow smoke. The smoke pellet acts as a smokestick, except the smoke only lasts for one
round before dispersing.
Weapon Blanch,
— — — — — 1/2 100 −2
Notes: When this powder is poured on a weapon and placed over a hot flame it melts and forms a
temporary coating. On the next successful hit with the blanched weapon, it triggers Environmental
Weaknesses (Adamantine). Each dose coats one weapon or up to 10 pieces of ammunition. Only one
type of weapon blanch can be on a weapon at one time.
Weapon Blanch,
— — — — — 1/2 20 —
Cold Iron
Notes: As Weapon Blanch (Adamantine), above.
Weapon Blanch,
— — — — — 1/2 5 —
Notes: As Weapon Blanch (Adamantine), above.
DEEP (+2): The pit is twice as deep, suffer Backlash for Critical Failures as they
Magic jar allows a mage to transfer his soul If the host body is slain, the mage returns to
into an enchanted vessel of some sort. He may the magic jar if it's within range and the life
move back and forth between the jar and his force of the host departs to its final reward. If
body, though his form appears dead and the host body is slain beyond the Range of the
lifeless when the soul is absent. magic jar, both the mage and the host perish.
The mage may also attempt to possess If the spell ends while the mage is in the
another body from the jar (not from the magic jar, he returns to his body, or dies if the
body). This is an opposed roll of arcane skill body is out of range or destroyed).
versus the target's Spirit. If the target wins, If the spell ends while the mage is in a host,
the mage cannot attempt to possess it again he returns to his body (or dies if out of Range
this encounter. If the mage wins, the victim's of his magic jar), and the soul in the magic jar
life force is imprisoned in the magic jar. returns to its body (or dies if it is out of range).
The possessor keeps his own Smarts, Spirit,
Destroying the magic jar ends the spell, and
Alignment and Edges. The body retains its
the spell can be dispelled at either the magic jar
Agility, Strength, Vigor, Innate Abilities, and
or the host’s location.
Wounds. The creature’s powers do not stay
with the body.
While in the vessel, the mage can sense
and attack any life force within 5" (10 yards), Protection has a new Power Modifier.
though he can't determine the specifics of the MODIFIERS
creature — he simply knows if it's living or SHIELD OTHER (+1): When a character
undead and whether or not it has a soul. other than the one who cast this spell suffers
The mage can shift from a possessed host one or more Wounds, the spellcaster can
to the magic jar if within range as a limited choose to take the Wounds instead. If the
action. This returns the trapped soul back spellcaster does this, she gets a free reroll
to its body. on her Soak roll if she attempts a Soak roll.
Smite has a new Power Modifier. SUMMONED ALLIES
SPIRITUAL WEAPON (+2): Instead of
enchanting a weapon, the spellcaster Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4,
creates a weapon of pure energy in Range: Spirit d4, Strength d4, Vigor d4
Smarts. The caster can move her spiritual Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d4,
weapon up to 5" (10 yards) on her turn and Notice d4, Shooting d4, Stealth d6
attack with it as a limited free action, using Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 4
her arcane skill. The weapon does Spr+d4 Special Abilities:
damage (Spr+d6 with a raise). Claws: Str+d4.
Construct: +2 to recover from being
SOUND/SILENCE Shaken; ignore 1 point of Wound
Sound/silence has a new Power Modifier. penalties; doesn’t breathe, immune
to poison and disease.
MODIFIERS Fearless: Immune to Fear and
ALARM (+1/+2): Sound only. Alarm creates Intimidation.
a subtle ward on an area you select. Once
the spell effect is in place, it thereafter BODYGUARD
sounds an alarm each time a creature enters
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4,
the warded area or touches it. A being who
Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6
speaks the password (determined at the
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8,
time of casting) doesn't set off the alarm.
Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Shoot-
The warning lasts 10 hours. It costs one Power ing d6, Stealth d4
Point to ward an object and two Power Points Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7 (2)
to ward an area 5" (10 yards) in diameter. Edges: First Strike
The spellcaster can choose for the alarm to Gear: Melee attack (Str+d6).
be audible only to him (this must be chosen Special Abilities:
when cast). Armor +2: Hardened skin.
Construct: See Attendant.
SUMMON ALLY Fearless: Immune to Fear and
INCREASED TRAIT (+1): The caster can Giant Animal (Crab) S 6
increase a Trait one die type for one Power Giant Animal (Mosquito) N 2
Point. She may do this for as many Traits as
Giant Animal (Spider) N 2
she likes, but only once per Trait.
Giant Animal (Stag Beetle) S 5
MIND RIDER (+1): The caster can commun
icate and sense through any of the creatures Goblin Dog N 3
summoned in this casting. Griffon S 6
Horse, Light N 4
Rank: Novice Manticore S 6
Power Points: Special
Mephit N 3
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5 Owlbear S 6
School: Conjuration Pixie S 6
Trappings: An infernal summoning circle, Purple Worm H 11
book of angelic names. Rat, Dire N 3
By casting this spell, you request your Rhinoceros S 7
deity to send you an outsider. If you serve
Roc V 8
no particular deity, the spell is a general
plea answered by a creature sharing your Satyr S 5
philosophical alignment. If you know an Shark S 4
individual creature’s name, you may request Snake N 3
that individual by speaking the name during Wolf, Dire S 5
the spell (though you might get a different
Wolverine N 3
creature anyway).
CREATURE RANK COST increase the monster’s Trait one die type
for one Power Point. She may do this for
Archon, Hound S 6
as many Traits as she likes, but only once
Archon, Lantern N 5 per Trait.
Archon, Trumpet V 10 MIND RIDER (+1): The caster can commun
Aasimar N 3 icate and sense through the outsider.
Barghest N 5
Barghest, Greater S 7 TELEKINESIS
Demon, Balor H 12 Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 5
Demon, Glabrezu V 10
Range: Smarts x2
Demon, Succubus S 6 Duration: 5
Demon, Quasit N 4 School: Transmutation
Demon, Vroc S 7 Trappings: A wave of the hand, magic wand,
steely gaze.
Devil, Bone V 8
Devil, Ice V 8
Telekinesis is the ability to move objects or
creatures (including oneself) with arcane will.
Devil, Lemure N 4 It has a Strength of d10, or d12 with a raise.
Devil, Pit Fiend H 13 On activation, the caster may immediately
Elemental (Small) N 4 perform one of the “uses” below. Subsequent
Elemental S 7 uses are actions and use the arcane skill (but
are not activation rolls and therefore not
Elemental (Elder) V 10
subject to Backlash from Critical Failures).
Hell Hound S 6
Unwilling beings targeted by telekinesis
Hell Hound, Nessian V 10 resist the caster’s arcane skill with an opposed
Kyton S 6 Spirit roll when first targeted, and at the start
Mephit N 3 of each of their turns thereafter until they’re
released. Successful resistance does not mean
Night Hag H 9
the spell fails–the caster may try again on his
Nightmare S 6 next turn.
Ogre Mage V 8 Uses:
Rakshasa V 7 BASH: The target may be bashed into the
Shadow S 6 floor, ceiling, or walls for Str+d6 damage.
Tiefling N 3 CHANGE TARGETS: The caster may release
Vargouille N 4 a victim or tool as a free action. Picking up
Xill S 6 a new weapon is a free action. Selecting a
new unwilling target is an action and is
Xorn S 7
resisted as above.
Yeth Hound N 6
MANIPULATE: The caster may use tools or
The summoned outsider performs a task for wield a weapon, using the caster’s arcane
the spellcaster. At the end of its task, or when skill. (This doesn’t alter the caster’s Parry
the duration expires, the creature returns to if wielding a weapon if his arcane skill is
its home plane (after reporting back to you, if different from his Fighting skill.)
appropriate and possible). MOVE: The target or tool may be moved up
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant
The following complex cantrips are available Trappings: Acid splash, ray of frost, jolt of
to all characters with an Arcane Background electricity
(not Mystic Powers). Minor bolt sends damaging bursts of energy,
A character selects two of the following streaks of holy light, or shards of matter
complex cantrips the first time he gains toward one’s foes.
an Arcane Background and an additional There are no Range penalties, but the arcane
one when he takes the New Powers Edge skill roll is affected by Cover, Illumination,
or another Edge that grants an Arcane and all other usual penalties.
Background. These cannot use Limitations
or Power Modifiers and gain no benefit for The damage is 2d4.
being cast with a raise.
FEATHER FALL Power Points: 0
Power Points: 0 Range: Smarts
Range: Smarts Duration: 1 hour
Duration: 5 Trappings: A wave of the wand, sprinkling
Trappings: A small whirlwind of dust, or simple magic trick
The affected target falls slowly. Feather fall Prestidigitations are minor tricks that novice
instantly changes the rate at which the targets spellcasters use for practice. Once cast, a
fall to a mere 60 feet per round, and the prestidigitation spell enables you to perform
subjects take no damage upon landing while simple magical effects for one hour. The
the spell is in effect. When the spell Duration effects are minor and have severe limitations.
expires, a normal rate of falling resumes. A prestidigitation can slowly lift one pound of
material. It can color, clean, or soil items in a
1-foot cube each round. It can chill, warm, or or less to the subject. The subject recognizes
flavor one pound of nonliving material. you if it knows you. It can answer in like
It cannot deal damage or affect the manner immediately. Even if the sending is
concentration of spellcasters. Prestidigitation received, the subject is not obligated to act
can create small objects, but they look crude upon it in any manner.
and artificial. The materials created by a If the creature in question is not on the same
prestidigitation spell are extremely fragile, plane of existence as you are, there is a 5%
and they cannot be used as tools, weapons, chance that the sending does not arrive.
or spell components. Finally, prestidigitation
lacks the power to duplicate any other STABILIZE
spell effects. Any actual change to an object Power Points: 0
(beyond just moving, cleaning, or soiling it) Range: Smarts
persists only one hour. Duration: Instant
Trappings: A glow emanates from the injury
SENDING Upon casting this spell, you target a living
Power Points: 0 creature that is Bleeding Out. That creature
Range: Special gains a +2 bonus to his next Vigor roll to stop
Duration: Instant Bleeding Out.
Trappings: A whisper carried on the wind
With a 10 minute ritual, you contact a
particular creature with which you are
familiar and send a short message of 25 words
Arcane protection, beast friend, blind, bolt,
The following section contains the list of boost/lower Trait, burrow, burst, confusion,
powers for each Arcane Background, sorted conjure item, darksight, deflection, detect/conceal
by Rank. Note that the Cleric and Miracles list arcana, dispel, elemental manipulation, empathy,
depends on which Domains the character has. entangle, environmental protection, fear, havoc,
healing, illusion, light/darkness, locate, mind link,
ARCANE BACKGROUND (ALCHEMIST) mind reading, protection, relief, sanctuary, shape
change, smite, sound/silence, speak language,
stun, summon ally, summon monster, summon
NOVICE nature’s ally, summon planar ally, wall walker
Arcane protection, boost/lower Trait, burst,
darksight, deflection, detect/conceal arcana, SEASONED
environmental protection, healing, protection,
relief, shape change, speak language, wall walker Barrier, blast, create pit, curse, damage field,
disguise, divination, farsight, growth/shrink,
invisibility, object reading, scrying, speed/sloth,
SEASONED slumber, teleport, warrior's gift
Damage field, disguise, growth/shrink,
invisibility, speed, slumber, telekinesis, teleport, VETERAN
warrior's gift
Baleful polymorph, banish, drain Power Points,
fly, intangibility, mind wipe, planar binding,
VETERAN plane shift, puppet, zombie
Fly, intangibility
HEROIC Resurrection, time stop
Magic jar
Divination, object reading, speed/sloth, slumber, Barrier, divination, slumber
teleport, warrior's gift
VETERAN Baleful polymorph, banish
Banish, drain Power Points, puppet
Arcane protection, beast friend, blind, bolt, Resurrection, time stop
boost/lower Trait, burrow, burst, confusion,
conjure item, darksight, deflection, detect/conceal
arcana, dispel, elemental manipulation, empathy, ARCANE BACKGROUND (SORCERER)
entangle, environmental protection, fear, havoc,
healing, illusion, light/darkness, locate, mind link, NOVICE
mind reading, protection, relief, sanctuary, shape Arcane protection, beast friend, blind, bolt, boost/
change, smite, sound/silence, speak language, lower Trait, burrow, burst, confusion, conjure
stun, summon ally, summon monster, summon item, darksight, deflection, detect/conceal arcana,
nature’s ally, summon planar ally, wall walker dispel, elemental manipulation, empathy, entangle,
environmental protection, fear, havoc, illusion,
SEASONED light/darkness, locate, lock/unlock, mind link,
Barrier, blast, create pit, curse, damage field, mind reading, protection, shape change, smite,
disguise, divination, farsight, growth/shrink, sound/silence, speak language, stun, summon ally,
invisibility, object reading, scrying, speed/sloth, summon monster, wall walker
slumber, teleport, warrior's gift
Barrier, blast, create pit, curse, damage field, Baleful polymorph, fly, plane shift, puppet
disguise, divination, farsight, growth/shrink,
invisibility, object reading, scrying, speed/sloth, HEROIC
slumber, telekinesis, teleport, warrior's gift Magic jar, resurrection
Baleful polymorph, banish, drain Power Points,
fly, intangibility, mind wipe, planar binding,
plane shift, puppet, zombie NOVICE
Arcane protection, beast friend, blind, bolt, boost/
HEROIC lower Trait, burrow, burst, confusion, conjure
Magic jar, time stop item, darksight, deflection, detect/conceal arcana,
dispel, elemental manipulation, empathy, entangle,
LEGENDARY environmental protection, fear, havoc, illusion,
light/darkness, locate, lock/unlock, mind link,
Wish mind reading, protection, shape change, smite,
sound/silence, speak language, stun, summon ally,
ARCANE BACKGROUND (SUMMONER) summon monster, wall walker
Boost/lower Trait, conjure item, deflection, detect/ Barrier, blast, create pit, curse, damage field,
conceal arcana, dispel, environmental protection, disguise, divination, farsight, growth/shrink,
healing, light/darkness, speak language, summon invisibility, object reading, scrying, speed/sloth,
ally, wall walker slumber, telekinesis, teleport, warrior's gift
Barrier, blast, create pit, disguise, divination, Baleful polymorph, banish, drain Power Points,
growth/shrink, invisibility, speed/sloth, teleport fly, intangibility, mind wipe, planar binding,
plane shift, puppet, zombie
Baleful polymorph, banish, fly, planar binding,
plane shift, puppet Magic jar, time stop
Magic jar Wish
Curse, damage field, scrying, slumber, teleport
T his section contains descriptions, prices, draw upon features first presented elsewhere
and abilities for magic items found on in this book, like new rods — allows a GM
Golarion. Some are rare, possibly one-of- to surprise and intrigue even the most
a-kind relics sought after by great heroes and experienced players.
nefarious evils. Others are relatively common Each magic item lists its name and effects and
items sold in city markets, found in monster the following additional entries.
lairs, or wielded by enemies. Such magical Price is how much artificers or merchants
treasures are a boon to all Pathfinders as they charge for the item, if they have them or are
quest across the wild lands of Golarion. willing to sell them at all. Heroes without
storefronts, contacts, and previous customers
can usually sell items for half this value.
Weight is how much the item weighs.
USING MAGIC ITEMS Craft lists the requirements an individual
with the Artificer Edge needs to make the item,
along with any additional costs in gold or
NEW MAGIC ITEMS IN A CAMPAIGN other resources. Each point of enhancement
takes a week of Downtime (see Pathfinder for
How pervasive a GM chooses to make the
Savage Worlds).
magic items in this chapter is entirely a
matter of personal preference. There’s no
reason these new items need to be any rarer
than those found in the Core Rulebook, and
they can be integrated into a campaign just
as easily.
Alternatively, GMs interested in adding an
unexpected element to their next encounter or
treasure hoard might easily incorporate the
properties and specific treasures presented
here. As players tend to leaf through the
Magic Items chapter of the core rulebook
when outfitting their characters, many
become quite familiar with the treasures and
effects therein. Thus, incorporating any of
the following items — especially those that
MAGIC ITEMS As an action, once per day, this heavy shield
(Deflecting) transforms into a solid, 10-foot
by 10-foot by 1-foot wall of masonry with a
battlement on top and an arrow slit in each
ARMOR, SHIELDS, & WEAPONS 5-foot length.
Among the most useful and prized magic As a free action, the wielder can touch the
items for adventurers are magical armor, wall and command it to revert to a shield. The
shields, and weapons. wall has all the characteristics of any other
foot-thick wall of masonry. Attacks sufficient
SPECIFIC ARMOR AND SHIELDS to destroy the wall cause it to immediately
Armor must be worn and a shield must be in transform back into a broken shield that must
hand to benefit from any special abilities. be repaired before it can transform again. The
shield remains in wall form until destroyed
Masterworks: Magic armor and shields are
or commanded to return to shield form. The
masterwork items, reducing their Min Str
wall cannot appear in a space too small to
one die type.
accommodate it.
The wielder can also let go of the chain’s Craft: Barrier, 3,652 gp.
handle while a creature is Entangled or
Bound with this item. Someone else can grab DUSTBURST BULLET
the chain’s handle and will it to revert to This gritty and irregular sling bullet
sword form as a free action, which releases (Damaging) explodes into a cloud of choking
the bound creature. dust when it successfully strikes its target.
Price: 12,350 gp. Weight: 8 lbs. This fills a Small Blast Template and follows
Craft: Telekinesis, 6,350 gp. the target for 1d6 rounds before dispersing.
Any creature ending its turn in the cloud is
BOULDERHEAD MACE affected by major blind.
The head of this heavy mace (Str+d8, AP Price: 196 gp. Weight: —.
2, Accurate) is made from a single piece of Craft: Damage field, 98 gp.
roughly spherical granite. Once per day as a
limited action, the wielder can command the GUARDING BLADE
mace to release the head, which grows to the This short sword (Str+d6, AP 1, Accurate,
size of a large boulder (SBT) and rolls quickly Dancing) automatically rises up to defend
in a direction the wielder specifies. its wielder if he falls unconscious or is asleep
The boulder rolls in a straight line up to 60 with it in hand. Should any creature other
feet away, trampling everything in its path than an ally of the wielder attempt to touch
for 3d6 + 5 damage (this can be Evaded). The or strike him with melee attacks (not ranged
boulder collapses into rubble and dust at the attacks), the sword attacks that creature for
end of its path or if it encounters an obstacle up to five rounds.
it cannot break through or roll over.
Price: 65,310 gp. Weight: 2 lbs.
A new stone mace-head grows on the Craft: Telekinesis, 32,810 gp.
weapon’s haft over the next 24 hours.
Price: 6,812 gp. Weight: 8 lbs.
Mace Shieldsplitter
Dustburst Lance
Magic Items
Arrow Guarding
Blade of
This ornately designed lance (Str+d8 + 1 , AP This arrow (Elemental (Fire or acid)) continues
3, Reach 2, Damaging) streams with ribbons to burn its target each round, dealing 1d6 fire
and small pennants, allowing the wielder to (or acid) damage on the attacker’s turn for
more effectively knock an opponent from the next three rounds. Removing the arrow
his mount. A successful hit with a lance of (a limited free action) prevents any further
jousting on a mounted opponent forces the damage. It's destroyed once it burns out.
target to make a Riding roll (at −2 with a raise)
Price: 1,516 gp. Weight: — lbs.
to avoid being knocked off his mount and
Craft: Bolt (fire or acid), 758 gp.
prone. Use of such a weapon in a tournament
or similar contest is generally considered
dishonorable, and perhaps even cheating. SPARKWAKE STARKNIFE
A faint trail of sparks marks the passage of
Price: 4,310 gp. Weight: 10 lbs. this starknife (Range 3/6/12, Damage Str+d4,
Craft: Boost Trait, 2,105 gp. AP 1, Elemental (Electric), Light) whenever it
is thrown. Once per day as a limited action,
RICOCHET HAMMER its wielder may choose to have it transform
This throwing hammer functions as a hand into a 4d6 lightning bolt (this can be Evaded).
axe (Range: 3/6/12, Damage: Str+d6, AP 1, It returns to its physical form at the end of
Returning) that can strike multiple foes with its path and may be thrown normally until it
a single throw. If the wielder takes multiple recharges the following day.
actions to attack with the hammer, he may
Price: 21,324 gp. Weight: 3 lbs.
throw the hammer so it rebounds off the first
Craft: Burst (electric), 10,824 gp.
target to strike at a second target, and so on
for each of the wielder’s additional attacks.
The distance to each target adds to the total SWORD OF SUBTLETY
Range of the weapon. This magical short sword (Str+d6, AP 1,
For example, a dwarf can throw the hammer Accurate) has a thin, dull gray blade. Its
at a target 3" away; if it hits, he ricochets it to wielder may use her Sneak Attack ability
a second target 6" away from the first target whenever she has at least a +2 Gang Up bonus
(within Medium Range). on her attack.
The hammer can only ricochet if it successfully Price: 22,310 gp. Weight: 2 lbs.
hits a target; if it misses, it stops ricocheting, Craft: Deflection, 11,310 gp.
has no further attacks that round, and returns
as normal for a weapon with the returning UNDERCUTTER AXE
property. Because ricocheting attacks are This battleaxe (Str+d8 + 1 , AP 1, Bane (Giant),
treated as separate attacks, modifiers that Damaging) feels unusually heavy, as if it
only apply to one attack roll only apply to were made from something far heavier than
that attack and not the others. mere wood and steel. Once per day, when
Price: 20,301 gp. Weight: 2 lbs. its wielder gets a raise on a Fighting roll, the
Craft: Telekinesis, 10,301 gp. target is affected by lower Trait (Strength) (as
if it were cast with a raise).
SHIELDSPLITTER LANCE Price: 23,310 gp. Weight: 6 lbs.
This lance (Str+d8 + 1 , AP 3, Reach 2, Keen) Craft: Lower Trait, 11,810 gp.
has the ability to penetrate and destroy
shields. Whenever its wielder gets a raise
on a Fighting roll against an opponent who
bears a shield, it takes the same damage as Rings bestow magical powers on their wearers.
the opponent. Most activate immediately and continually
when worn. A few must be activated by will
Price: 18,310 gp. Weight: 10 lbs.
or spoken word, and might have a limited
Craft: Smite, 9,310 gp.
Dungeon Ring Ring of
Ring of
Delayed Doom
Jailer’s Ring of
Dungeon Ring Maniacal Devices
number of charges. If the latter, the details are RING OF MANIACAL DEVICES
described in their individual entries.
This deceptively precious looking ring lets
Putting a ring on a finger is a limited free the wearer ignore up to 2 points of penalties
action if it’s handy (GM’s call). when attempting to craft or disable a trap or
A character may only wear two magic rings lock. This includes the penalty for not being
at once—donning a third has no effect. trained in Thievery.
Price: 5,000 gp; Weight: —.
DUNGEON RING Craft: Boost Trait; 2,500 gp.
A jailer’s dungeon ring is worked gold and
set with a carnelian. It's magically attuned to RING OF MIND SHIELDING
one or more prisoner’s dungeon rings made
of common iron. Once the prisoner's ring is This ring is usually of fine workmanship
placed on a subject, the jailer is aware of its and wrought from heavy gold. The wearer
location as if tracked by a constant locate spell. is immune to any powers or effects that
allow someone to read his mind or detect his
A prisoner's dungeon ring cannot be alignment.
removed except by dispel (−2 penalty, no more
than one attempt per caster per week), wish, Price: 8,000 gp; Weight: —.
or similar spell or ability. Craft: Mind wipe; 4,000 gp.
The bearer of the jailer’s ring may remove a
Magic Items
linked prisoner’s ring at any time. RING OF RETRIBUTION
Once per day, as a limited action, the wearer
Price: 16,000 gp (jailer's ring), 250 gp (prison-
of this charred bone ring may cause it to
er's ring); Weight: —.
detonate in a Large Blast Template that deals
Craft: Locate; 8,000 gp (jailer's ring), 125 gp
4d6 + 4 fire damage (this can be Evaded). If the
(prisoner's ring).
wearer is killed by the detonation, all magical
equipment he carries takes half damage, and
RING OF DELAYED DOOM all nonmagical equipment takes full damage.
This band has nine garnets embedded along This explosion never destroys the ring.
its exterior. As a free action, the wearer may
expend a garnet to delay the onset of one Price: 15,000 gp; Weight: —.
of these harmful condition for one minute: Craft: Blast; 7,500 gp.
Distracted, Energy Drain, Paralyzed, Rending,
Stunned, Vulnerable. RING OF X-RAY VISION
The delayed effect occurs when the wearer On command, this ring gives its wearer the
falls unconscious, when the ring is removed, ability to see into and through solid matter.
or one minute after the last time the ring’s Vision Range is 4" (8 yards), with the viewer
power activated. seeing as if he were looking at something in
normal light even if there is no illumination
Price: 45,000 gp; Weight: —. (this does not let him see invisible creatures
Craft: Healing; 22,500 gp. unless he can normally do so.)
Merciful Spells that affect a target in any way may not
Metamagic Rod
The top of this rosewood shaft narrows and
then expands again, bound by a number of
metal rings. (Smarts or Spellcasting)
• Boost Trait (Vigor) (1 charge)
• Boost Trait (Fighting) (1 charge)
• Boost Trait (Shooting) (1 charge)
• Boost Trait (Strength) (1 charge)
• Smite (1 charge)
Price: 20,800 gp; Weight: 5 lbs.
Craft: All listed powers; 10,400 gp.
STAFF OF STEALTH Power Point cost of powers from the wizard's
Clamor Box Cauldron of Plenty Boots of
Friendly Terrain
Moon Circlet
Helm of Flying Lord’s Banner
Fearsome Mien Ointment
whenever its command word is spoken (a cauldron can restore the creature to life as if
free action). The fire burns for eight hours from resurrection.
or until extinguished, at which point it turns The cauldron can function once per day.
back into a bead.
Price: 33,000 gp; Weight: 35 lb.
The owner of the item must wait twice as
Craft: Resurrection; 16,500 gp.
long as the fire burned before he can order it
to become a campfire again.
Price: 720 gp; Weight: —. When filled with liquid, this small cauldron
Craft: Power with fire Trapping; 200 gp. allows the user to see over virtually any
distance as if using locate.
Once per day, this enchanted iron pot can
Price: 42,000 gp; Weight: 5 lbs.
Craft: Locate; 21,000 gp.
Magic Items
produce nourishing, simple fare sufficient to
feed up to 36 people. Once per week it can
also be commanded to create a heroes’ feast CAULDRON OF THE DEAD
for up to 12 people, which grants all who This dark iron pot is large enough to
consume it a Benny. The cauldron needs accommodate a single Size 0 creature (or
neither fire nor ingredients to produce food; multiple Size −1 or smaller creatures). When
it does so instantly upon command. filled with a mixture of water and rare herbs,
the cauldron transforms any dead body
Price: 15,000 gp; Weight: 25 lbs. placed in it into a zombie as if animated by
Craft: Conjure item; 7,500 gp. zombie with the Permanent Modifier. Each
corpse animated uses up 25 gp in materials
CAULDRON OF RESURRECTION and the cauldron can animate one corpse per
The mouth of this heavy, dark iron cauldron round, even if multiple small creatures are in
is shaped like a monstrous maw and is large it at the same time.
enough to accommodate a single Medium The user of the cauldron commands the
creature. When the cauldron is filled with undead so created — up to 12 undead at a
pure water and certain rare and sacred time; animating more beyond this limit causes
herbs (costing 10,000 gp if available), and earlier specimens to become uncontrolled.
a deceased creature is placed inside it, the
Price: 30,000 gp; Weight: 35 lb. Price: 10,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
with the Favored Enemy ability may blow the Terror: Enemies of the bearer must make a
horn to force one type of his Favored Enemy Fear check when they first move within 5" (10
within 10" (20 yards) to make a Vigor roll or yards) of the banner and are able to see it. A
be Stunned. Creatures that cannot hear the creature only needs to make one Fear check
horn are immune to its magic. due to this banner per day.
Price: 20,000 gp; Weight: 4 lb. Price: 100,000 gp (Crusades), 10,000 gp (Swift-
Craft: Smite; 10,000 gp. ness), 56,000 (Terror); Weight: 3 lb.
Craft: Warrior's gift; 50,000 gp (Crusades),
HORN OF THE HUNTMASTER 5,000 gp (Swiftness), 28,000 (Terror).
This elongated horn curves sharply at the
end, almost making it seem more like an MANACLES OF COOPERATION
enormous pipe than a tool for the hunt. Once These tight iron cuffs can fit over the wrists of
each day, a person with the Ranger Edge may any Large or smaller humanoid.
blow the horn as a limited action; this grants When placed on a helpless (possibly
his full Favored Enemy bonus against a single Incapacitated or Bound) humanoid, they
target to all allies within 5" (10 yards) who can make the captive more docile and compliant.
see and hear him. The effect lasts for 1 minute. The prisoner never attempts to escape of its
Price: 5,000 gp; Weight: 5 lb. own volition and agrees to any reasonable
Craft: Warrior's gift; 2,500 gp. request unless it makes a Spirit check.
Price: 2,000 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
LORD'S BANNER Craft: Empathy; 1,000 gp.
A lord’s banner is a cloth flag or standard, at
least two feet wide and four feet long (though MOON CIRCLET
some are up to twice that size), meant to be This fine silver circlet has a carved moonstone
carried and displayed on a lance, polearm, inset on the front of a crescent moon design.
frame, or staff. It has no effect when not The wearer gains Darkvision. Its other effects
mounted properly or when lying on the only benefit a wearer capable of casting spells.
ground. It normally depicts the insignia or
During the waxing moon, the wearer’s
heraldic symbol of a particular noble.
caster ignores the penalties caused by Arcane
A lord’s banner may be carried (on foot or Resistance.
mounted) or planted. In the latter case, the
Magic Items
During the three nights of the full moon,
banner does not need a bearer, but if it is
he ignores penalties from Improved Arcane
toppled or touched by an enemy, it loses its
Resistance. During the waning moon,
effectiveness until reclaimed and replanted
however, the wearer increases the penalty of
by allies of its owner.
Arcane Resistance by another −2, and during
Crusades: This noble-looking lord’s banner the three nights of the new moon, the penalty
emits an aura that prevents undead from increases to −4.
being created and grants all allies within 10"
Removing a moon circlet imposes a level of
(20 yards) +2 Parry vs undead. The banner
Fatigue on the wearer until the next full moon
displays the faith’s holy symbol along with
(or until the circlet is worn again, whichever
the owner’s crest.
comes first). This Fatigue cannot be restored
Swiftness: A group or army traveling under by any means short of a wish or similar effect.
a lord’s banner of swiftness may make a
forced march to cover great distances and Price: 20,000 gp; Weight: 5 lb.
still arrive ready for battle. All allies within Craft: Darksight; 10,000 gp.
one mile of the banner may reroll failed
Vigor rolls made to resist Fatigue from travel MULEBACK CORDS
and other exertions as long as they see the These thick leather cords wrap around the
banner at least once each day (regardless of wearer’s biceps and shoulders, making the
the weather). muscles appear larger than normal.
The wearer treats his Strength as one die reveal invisible things work normally on the
type higher when determining Encumbrance sheathed weapon.
(See Pathfinder for Savage Worlds).
Price: 5,000 gp; Weight: 2 lbs.
Price: 1,000 gp; Weight: 1/4 lb. Craft: Invisibility; 2,500 gp.
Craft: Boost Trait; 500 gp.
PHILTER OF LOVE This heavy silver bracelet is etched with icons
This potent preparation causes a creature who of purity, fidelity, chastity, and honor, and
drinks it to fall madly in love with the first glows with a soft white light whenever its
being he or she perceives after consuming it. owner prays.
If a romantic attraction is possible, the If the wearer has the Paladin Edge, she may
drinker falls in love with that person. use her Smite Evil ability one additional time
Otherwise, the drinker’s love is a platonic per encounter.
adoration. The effects of the philter are
Price: 16,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
permanent unless removed by a wish or
Craft: Smite; 8,000 gp.
power that can remove a curse.
Price: 3,000 gp; Weight: —. SNIPER GOGGLES
Craft: Empathy; 1,500 gp. The leather strap attached to these bulbous
lenses allows their wearer to fit them
This mundane-looking but serviceable sheath The wearer of these goggles benefits from
fits any bladed slashing weapon, from a major farsight.
dagger to a greatsword. When a weapon is
placed into the sheath, both it and the weapon Price: 20,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
become invisible until the weapon is drawn, Craft: Farsight; 10,000 gp.
at which point it and the sheath become
visible again.
The invisible sheathed weapon can still
be detected by touch. Effects that detect or
in which he could eat part of an intelligent
CURSED ITEMS being, he must make a Spirit check or dine on
the forbidden meat.
On any day he eats at least one meal of flesh
The following are cursed items that may arise from an intelligent creature, he does not have
from faulty item crafting —or in some cases, to make hourly starvation and thirst checks,
deliberate construction. Unless the item says and recovers any accumulated Fatigue from
otherwise, it cannot be discarded unless it is failing these checks. Once its curse activates,
successfully dispelled with the Remove Curse the ring cannot be removed until the curse
Power Modifier, or the subject of a wish or is broken.
similar magic.
Price: —; Weight: —.
Cursed items are identified like any other Creation: Ring of sustenance.
magic item with one exception: a second raise
on an Occult roll to identify the item reveals
it's cursed and the general nature of the harm
it may cause. This cloak is a finely made garment that
radiates protective magic. It can be handled
BUFFOON'S SWORD or examined without harm, but when it's put
on, it immediately bursts into flames! The fire
This blade seems to be a sword of subtlety starts at d6 and may grow (see fire in Hazards
until actually drawn for combat. Once it's in Pathfinder for Savage Worlds). From that
been wielded in battle, however, it imposes a point on it burns continuously but does not
−2 penalty on all Stealth checks and makes it harm the cloak, only its unfortunate wearer.
nearly impossible for the owner to tell a lie or
engage in any other sort of subterfuge. Each The cloak cannot be removed unless the
time he does so, he must make a Spirit check curse is broken. Sufficient amounts of water
at −2 to avoid blurting out the truth or taking or other smothering materials can douse the
some other involuntary action that spoils his flames temporarily, but the cloak reignites
attempted ruse. once possible. Spells like environmental
protection can protect the wearer against the
Price: —; Weight: 2 lb. cloak’s flames while they last.
Creation: Sword of subtlety.
Price: —; Weight: 1 lb.
Creation: Any cloak.
This simple copper ring appears slightly CROWN OF BLINDNESS Magic Items
tarnished, but seemingly wards off the effects
of hunger or other sorts of deprivation, so all This fine silver circlet is often set with a milky
tests reveal it to be a ring of sustenance. After moonstone. When a wearer places it on his
wearing it for seven days, its owner instead head, the stone quickly goes dark like the
comes to suffer from almost constant hunger waning moon and the wearer gains the Blind
and thirst, which, if not sated, ultimately Hindrance.
drives him mad enough to become a cannibal. Price: —; Weight: 1 lb.
The wearer must eat and drink a full day’s Creation: Headband of mental prowess,
worth of food and water each hour to avoid headband of mental superiority, moon circlet.
making a Vigor check for starvation or thirst
(see Hazards in Pathfinder for Savage Worlds). HAT OF HATREDS
Once the wearer suffers Fatigue due to failed This hat seems to be a hat of disguise until its
checks, he begins to experience ever more owner attempts to use it to disguise himself
powerful cravings for the flesh of intelligent in the presence of a hostile creature. Once
creatures! he does so, the hat causes him to assume the
If the wearer feasts in such a manner, he guise of the creature or person the hostile
recovers all Fatigue sustained from hunger creature most wants to harm.
and thirst. The next time he is in a situation
The hat actively changes the wearer's guise The victim must also make a Spirit roll each
any time it senses a new opportunity to round he's within 12" (24 yards) of a fire
cause him grief. It might even make the new he didn't start. If failed, he must attempt to
guise appear disoriented, injured, or weak to extinguish the flame as if he were a rod of
encourage its attackers to strike. flame extinguishing.
Once the hat reveals its true abilities, it no Price: —; Weight: 5 lbs.
longer responds to attempts by its wearer to Creation: Rod of flame extinguishing.
change his appearance.
For example, in a goblin lair, the wearer STONE OF WEIGHT (LOADSTONE)
might look like the tribe’s chief, but sleepy Once picked up, this dark, polished stone
and vulnerable. In a human town, the wearer reduces the possessor’s base Pace by half
may look like the hated local bully, drunk and (round up).
staggering. In an evil town, the wearer might
appear as a paladin or other hated foe. Price: —; Weight: —.
Creation: Ioun stone, stone of good luck.
Price: —; Weight: —.
Creation: Hat of disguise.
Deceptively pleasant looking, a ring of truth
bears images of childlike angels and broadly Minor artifacts cannot be created by Golarion's
smiling divine creatures holding onto links of enchanters. They are rare, wondrous devices
a heavy chain. The wearer of this cursed ring forged by gods.
is rendered unable to tell a deliberate lie, in
either speech or writing. BEACON OF TRUE FAITH
The wearer may simply omit the truth or The Beacon of True Faith is an ornate torch
choose not to communicate, but even then made of electrum. The torch holds an undying
must make a Spirit check at −4 to avoid magical flame that requires no fuel or air, and
answering a direct question truthfully. The in the hands of most creatures it functions as
wearer cannot remove the ring unless the an everburning torch.
magic of the curse is negated. When held by a divine spellcaster, outsider,
Price: —; Weight: —. or a creature of especially strong religious
Creation: Ring of mind shielding, ring of faith (GM’s discretion, but usually requiring
x-ray vision. an Edge or ability reflecting this devotion),
the beacon gains additional powers based on
ROD OF ARSON the bearer’s alignment.
All tests indicate this hollow metal tube is a Good (white flame): Allies within 5"(10
rod of flame extinguishing until its owner yards) of the beacon gain the benefits of minor
uses it to extinguish or suppress a fire in any deflection against evil creatures.
sort of dangerous situation. Once he does, Evil (black flame): The bearer gains minor
rather than quenching the flame, the rod deflection and can cast major bolt against a
causes the flame to enter his body. good creature twice per day.
The flame persists for the next 24 hours, Weight: 2 lbs.
causing minor discomfort and Distraction, Destruction: The Beacon of True Faith is
but no visible injury. destroyed if its bearer turns against the
When the wielder is adjacent to or within a worship of his deity to willingly embrace an
flammable object or structure, however, he opposite alignment.
must make a Spirit roll each round to avoid
setting it ablaze with whatever means are at KNUCKLEBONE OF FICKLE FORTUNE
his disposal. A raise means the desire passes At first sight, the knucklebone appears to
and the victim may act normally. be nothing more than a piece of bone worn
down to a near sphere, but when a creature gemstone would be a treasure in itself even
picks it up, its true power and nature become if it lacked magic, but it is also a powerful
apparent. The viewer now sees that the bone ioun stone.
is a perfectly shaped die with 20 sides, each The Spindle of Perfect Knowledge functions
face bearing a glowing red symbol of power. like a major headband of mental superiority
When the creature rolls the die, instead of and grants the wearer +2 to two random
falling to the floor it rolls upward in mid-air, Smarts-based skills. The wearer may
stopping at the eye level of the creature who communicate and understand all languages
rolled it. It then takes its effect, based on the and can cast mind reading and mind link with
side immediately facing its caster. a d8 as his casting die.
Roll a 20-sided die to determine the effect Weight: —.
(see the Knucklebone of Fickle Fortune Destruction: The Spindle of Perfect
table). For effects that are lost if the die is Knowledge is destroyed if worn by a
rolled again (such as #17) or a specific result mindless creature for an entire year.
is rolled (such as #14), the character is aware
Weight: —. Any character touching a Talisman of
Destruction: The Knucklebone of Fickle Reluctant Wishes must make a Spirit check
Fortune disappears if its Eha-Zah face (a at −2. If the roll fails, the talisman acts as a
20 on the die) comes up on 20 consecutive stone of weight (see page 120). Discarding
rolls. Some sages believe that this does not it results in 5d6 damage to the character and
destroy the artifact, and it instead reappears the disappearance of the talisman.
at some random spot in the world, but With success, the talisman remains with
such knowledge is purely conjecture, for the character for 5d6 hours, or until a wish is
it is not known whether anyone has made with it, whichever comes first. It
accomplished this improbable task. then disappears.
With a raise, the talisman remains
PERFECT GOLDEN LUTE for a number of months equal to
The Perfect Golden Lute is said the character’s current Spirit,
to be a flawless instrument; its resisting any effort to get rid
tone and clarity unrivaled. It is of it by reappearing in the
an instrument so fine it practically
Magic Items
character’s possession, in a back
performs itself, granting anyone pocket, at the bottom of his pack, or
who plays it a +4 bonus on the like.
Performance checks (this does not Knucklebone of The artifact grants a number of
apply to activating a power). Fickle Fortune wishes (as the wish power) equal
The lute grants its user the to the character's Spirit when he picked it
Countersong and Dirge of Doom Edges. If the up. It grows warm and throbs whenever its
user of the Perfect Golden Lute has the Bard possessor comes within 20 feet of a mechanical
Class Edge, he adds +2 to Performance rolls or magic trap. (If the talisman is not held, its
made to activate his bard powers. warning heat and pulses are of no avail.)
Weight: 3 lbs. Regardless of which reaction results, a
Destruction: The Perfect Golden Lute Talisman of Reluctant Wishes disappears
shatters into splinters if a day passes in which when its time expires, leaving behind a large
no music is played within 1,000 miles of it, or diamond in its stead, valued at 1,000 gp x the
if its bearer is killed by a bard's power. character's Spirit.
Weight: 1 lb.
SPINDLE OF PERFECT KNOWLEDGE Destruction: A Talisman of Reluctant Wishes
The Spindle of Perfect Knowledge is a large, can be destroyed by wishing it so, using
bright, and flawless marquise-cut diamond either one of the stone’s wishes or a wish spell
ioun stone the size of a halfling’s fist. The from another source. The stone then explodes,
causing 5d6 damage to the holder.
A holder who knows the words may use up to a dozen griffons, hippogriffs, pegasi,
the bottle like a summon ally spell that or even terrestrial mounts. In all, the tower
automatically summons an evil servant who can comfortably support a population of 300
remains until the sun next rises or sets, and Medium creatures.
no new creatures can be summoned from the Though created by the legendary Storm
bottle until the initial summoned creatures’ King millennia ago, the cloud castle has
destruction or return (This can be done as had several masters since he mysteriously
long as there are any inhabitants in the bottle). disappeared. Many believe the Storm King
No known force can open the bottle without ascended to godhood, while others believe
the Word of Opening. If the bottle is opened he was captured and imprisoned by a rival,
without the use of the Word of Binding, a demon lord, or even a deity wishing to
its 666 inhabitants are freed, one each remove a threat, which may mean that the
minute starting from simple companions Storm King will one day return to reclaim
up to minions of legendary strength (see his castle.
bodyguard under summon ally). In order to fully take control of the castle, a
If one of the Bound is called forth and creature must be immensely powerful (only
commanded without the Word of Banishment characters of Legendary Rank are capable of
being uttered, it is free after it performs the controlling the castle) and have Occult d10 + .
task for which it was summoned. The Words If the castle already has a master, that master
to use the Bottle of the Bound have been lost must be defeated (Incapacitated) before
for uncounted years, though some sages another can take her place.
believe they know at least one or two of them. The castle’s movement is controlled by way
Weight: 4 lbs. of a control chamber located at the heart (a
Destruction: The Bottle of the Bound can only central chamber on its 4th floor). There, a font
be destroyed if every creature bound within of pure elemental water serves as a scrying
is slain or banished, and the empty container device for the castle’s master, though it can
is then smashed with a holy weapon. only view places inside the castle or within
100 feet of it.
CLOUD CASTLE OF THE STORM KING The master (or a person she designates)
Once the fortress of a legendary tyrant known can direct the castle’s motion from within
only as the Storm King, this castle now the chamber. It has a flying Pace of 50, can
wanders the known universe, sometimes at hover, and never risks falling. When not
Magic Items
the whim of its master, but often as a drifting being controlled, the castle moves randomly,
and aimless haunt of powerful monsters, sometimes changing direction every minute,
ignorant of — or unable to tap into — its sometimes holding the same course for days
fantastic power. at a time, but always avoiding the ground or
other hazards.
This grand and opulent castle is held aloft
and propelled by a foundation of storm It has been known to travel to other planes,
clouds constantly rumbling with thunder though no master other than the Storm King
and crackling with electrical storms. Atop the is known to have invoked this power. The
massive storm cloud, the castle is shaped like master of the castle gains the following Major
a square, with 80-foot guard towers at each Innate Powers:
corner. At its center is a 140-foot tower with DARKNESS ( fog ), LOCK ( arcane locks ),
seven levels and more than 30 chambers. The ILLUSION (walls covering doors): These can
central tower is well appointed with many be done once per day and cover the central
halls, living chambers, suites, privies, kitchens tower.
(with pantries that magically replenish food ELEMENTAL MANIPULATION WITH THE
stores every fortnight), and laboratories WEATHER EPIC POWER MODIFIER (storm
suitable for arcane and alchemical study. of vengeance ): Once per day the master can
summon forth a mighty thunderstorm,
Each guard tower has living chambers
covering a range of 2,200 feet out from the
and barracks for up to 25 guards, and one
tower has an adjoining stable that can hold
castle. The master must be in the control Those who choose to become evil change
An evil character suffers −4 to all Trait rolls
when wielding the Shield of the Sun. The
penalty persists as long as it's in hand and
cannot be negated in any way (including
Edges or powers). The penalty disappears Magic items sometimes have intelligence of
when the shield is stowed or leaves the their own. Magically imbued with sentience,
wearer’s possession. these items think and feel the same way
Weight: 2 lbs. characters do and should be treated as an
Destruction: The Shield of the Sun may be individual. Intelligent items have extra
destroyed if a good-aligned character casts abilities and sometimes extraordinary powers
it into the Well of Eternal Night, its light and special purposes.
fading into the inky depths before it finally Only permanent magic items (as opposed to
disappears. If a non-good character does single-use items or those with charges) can be
the deed, the shield is not destroyed, merely intelligent. (This means that potions, scrolls,
lost, and a quest to the Plane of Shadow may and wands, among other items, are never
recover it. intelligent.) In general, less than 1% of magic
items have intelligence.
Intelligent items can be considered creatures
because they have Smarts and Spirit attributes.
Intelligent items often have the ability to
illuminate their surroundings at will (as with
minor light); many cannot see otherwise.
Unlike most magic items, intelligent items
can activate their own powers without
waiting for a command word from their
owner. They act during their owner’s turn in
the initiative order.
Magic Items
This Energy Drain is cumulative with
appropriate languages, taking into account
the item’s origin and purposes. If the item SENSES AND COMMUNICATION
does not possess speech, it can still read and ABILITY PRICE EGO MODIFIER
understand the languages it knows. Empathy — —
Speech +500 gp —
Telepathy +1,000 gp +1
Senses 5" — —
d4 — —
Senses 10" +500 gp —
d6 +1,000 +2
Senses 20" +1,000 gp —
d8 +2,000 +3
Darkvision +500 gp —
d10 +4,000 gp +4
Blindsense +5,000 gp +1
d12 +8,000 gp +5
Read Language +1,000 gp +1
Magic Items
capability for speech can talk using any of the be treated reasonably.
languages it knows. A purpose of “defeat/slay arcane spellcasters”
Telepathy: Telepathy allows an intelligent doesn’t mean that the sword forces the
item to communicate with its wielder wielder to kill every wizard she sees. Nor
via minor mind link. The wielder must be does it mean that the sword believes it is
touching the item to communicate in this way. possible to kill every wizard, sorcerer, and
bard in the world. It does mean that the item
Senses: Senses allow an intelligent magic
hates arcane spellcasters and wants to bring
item to see and hear out to the listed distance.
the local wizards’ cabal to ruin, as well as end
Adding darkvision or blindsense allows the
the rule of a sorcerer-queen in a nearby land.
item to use those senses out to the same range
as the item’s base senses. Likewise, a purpose of “defend elves”
doesn’t mean that if the wielder is an elf, he
Read Languages: The item can read script
only wants to help the wielder. It means that
in any language, regardless of its known
the item wants to be used in furthering the
cause of elves, stamping out their enemies
and aiding their leaders. A purpose of
“defeat/slay all” isn’t just a matter of self-
preservation. It means that the item won’t
rest (or let its wielder rest) until it places itself
above all others.
1–20 Defeat/slay diametrically opposed alignment* +2
Defeat/slay arcane spellcasters (including spellcasting monsters and those
21–30 +2
that use Innate Powers)
31–40 Defeat/slay divine spellcasters (including divine entities and servitors) +2
41–50 Defeat/slay non-spellcasters +2
51–55 Defeat/slay a particular creature type (see the bane enchantment for choices) +2
56–60 Defeat/slay a particular ancestry or kind of creature +2
61–70 Defend a particular ancestry or kind of creature +2
71–80 Defeat/slay the servants of a specific deity +2
81–90 Defend the servants and interests of a specific deity +2
91–95 Defeat/slay all (other than the item and the wielder) +2
96–100 Choose one +2
the item or the character is dominant in their When a personality conflict occurs, the
relationship, as detailed below. possessor must make a Spirit check with a
ITEM EGO penalty associated with the Ego (see the Ego
Modifier chart). With success, she is dominant.
BASE MAGIC ITEM VALUE EGO MODIFIER With failure, the item is dominant. Dominance
Up to 1,000 gp — lasts for one day or until a critical situation
1,001 gp to 5,000 gp +1 occurs (such as a major battle, a serious threat
5,001 gp to 10,000 gp +2
to either the item or the character, and so on).
Should an item gain dominance, it resists the
10,001 gp to 20,000 gp +3
character’s desires and demands concessions
20,001 gp to 50,000 gp +4 such as any of the following:
50,001 gp to 100,000 +6 • Removal of associates or items whose
100,001 gp to 200,000 gp +8 alignment or personality is distasteful to
200,001 gp and higher +12 the item.
• The character divesting herself of all other
Magic Items
magic items or items of a certain type.
• Obedience from the character so the
ITEMS AGAINST CHARACTERS item can direct where they go for its own
If the character who possesses the intelligent • Immediate seeking out and slaying of
item does not work towards the item's wishes creatures hateful to the item.
or goals, the item may attempt to take control • Magical protections and devices to
of its user. Similarly, any item with an Ego safeguard the item from molestation when
score of 20 or higher always considers itself it is not in use.
superior to any character, and a personality • That the character carry the item with her
conflict results if the possessor does not on all occasions.
always agree with the item. • That the character relinquish the item to a
EGO MODIFIER more suitable possessor due to alignment
EGO SPIRIT CHECK MODIFIER differences or conduct.
0–5 — In extreme circumstances, the item can
resort to even harsher measures, such as the
6–10 −1
11–15 −2
• Force its possessor into combat.
16–20 −3 • Refuse to strike opponents.
21+ −4 • Strike at its wielder or her associates.
• Force its possessor to surrender to an Items with personalities are never totally
A Brace (Gear Trait)............... 86 I
Breaking Free from a Device
Ability Scores (Intelligent ............................................. 6 Inquisitor (Iconic Path) ........
Item).................................126 ..................................... 46–49
Alchemical Items................89 C Intelligent Items................125
Alchemist (Iconic Path)........ Interference, Armor............ 5
Cavalier (Iconic Path).. 42–45
Champion (Quality).........106 J
Alchemy (Crafting)........... 85
Common Gear................... 86
Alchemy (Skills)................. 35 Jousting (Quality).............106
Communication (Intelligent
Alignment (Intelligent Item).
Complex Cantrips............. 99
Allying (Quality)..............106 Languages (Intelligent Item)
Crafting.............................. 85
Alternate Ancestral Abilities ..........................................126
Cursed Items.....................119
Curses (Oracle).................. 50
Ammunition....................... 88 M
Ancestries..............................7 D Magic Items.......................105
Designing (Intelligent Item) Armor, Shields, &
Catfolk............................. 10
..........................................126 Weapons..................... 107
Dhampirs........................ 12
Determination (Quality).106 Rings.............................. 110
Dwarves.......................... 18
Discoveries (Alchemist).... 40 Rods & Staves............... 112
Dueling (Quality).............106 Using.............................. 105
Wondrous Items........... 114
Goblins............................ 14
E Melee Weapons..................87
Edges................................... 36 Mount (Cavalier)............... 45
Background....................36 Mutagens (Alchemist)...... 40
Half-Orcs........................ 26
Class.......................... 37, 64 Mysteries (Oracles)............ 50
Tieflings........................... 16 Combat............................66
Ancestries (Expanded) .........
......................................18–31 Legendary....................... 76 Oracle (Iconic Path)......48–51
Ancestries (New)............8–17 Prestige............................69 Order of the Cockatrice.... 44
Animal Handling (Skills). 35 Social...............................75 Order of the Dragon.......... 44
Armor Interference.............. 5 Weird............................... 76 Order of the Lion............... 44
Feather Fall.....................99 Summon Planar Ally..... 97 T
Lock/Unlock...................93 Telekinesis.......................98
Mage Hand.....................99 Time Stop........................99 Touch limitation (Powers).. 6
Magic Jar.........................93 Powers (Intelligent Item) ..... Transformative (Quality) .....
Mending..........................99 ..........................................127 ..........................................106
Minor Bolt.......................99
Prestidigitation..............99 R V
Protection........................94 Ranged Weapons.............. 88 Villainous Conviction......... 5
Sending.........................100 Righteous (Quality)..........106
Smite................................95 W
Sound/silence.................95 S Weapon Qualities.............106
Stabilize.........................100 Senses (Intelligent Item)..127 Witch (Iconic Path)...... 60–63
Summon Ally.................95 Skills................................... 35
Summon Monster..........96 Summoner (Iconic Path) ......
Summon Nature's Ally. 97 ......................................52–59
Advanced Player’s Guide. © 2023, Pinnacle Entertainment Group; Author: Shane Hensley
Advanced Player’s Guide. © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn.
Advanced Race Guide © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn,
Adam Daigle, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Owen K.C. Stephens, Todd Stewart, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2 © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Graeme Davis,
Crystal Frasier, Joshua J. Frost, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, James Jacobs, Steve Kenson, Hal MacLean, Martin Mason, Rob McCreary, Erik Mona,
Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Owen K.C. Stephens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, and Greg A. Vaughan, based on
material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3 © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jesse Benner, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, James Jacobs, Michael
Kenway, Rob McCreary, Patrick Renie, Chris Sims, F. Wesley Schneider, James L. Sutter, and Russ Taylor, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder for Savage Worlds Core Rules © 2021, Pinnacle Entertainment Group; Author: Shane Hensley
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook © 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Baphomet from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.
Genie, Marid from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.
Grippli from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.
Nereid from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material
by Gary Gygax.