Solar Final Tender Doc Surat
Solar Final Tender Doc Surat
Solar Final Tender Doc Surat
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Surat Municipal Corporation
Light & Energy Efficiency Cell
Tender are invited for SITC of 3.6 MWp roof top grid connected solar power plants
including its operation and maintenance for 10 years on-line on
from MNRE approved Manufacturers with following schedule: -
The detailed tender notice will be made available at above address and on website
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Tenders are invited for the work mentioned below, through online process on with following schedule: -
"Demand Draft for E.M.D. & Tender Fee shall be Submitted in electronic format only through
online (by scanning) while uploading the bid. This submission shall mean that EMD and Tender
Fee are received for purpose of opening the bid. Accordingly offer of those shall be open whose
EMD and tender Fee is received electronically. However for the purpose of realization of DD
Bidder shall send the DD in original through RPAD/ Speed Post so as to reach to Account
Department (Main Office) within prescribed days from the last date of online submission of the
bid as per tender notice. Penetrative action for not submitting DD in original to Account
department (Main Office) by Bidder Shall be intimated and action shall be taken for abeyance of
registration and cancelation of E-tendering code for 01 (One) year. Any documents in
supporting of Bid shall be in electronic format only through online (By Scanning) and hardcopy
will not be accepted separately"
Bidders shall have to mention the name and address of tenderer, tender notice number and
name of work on the cover of E.M.D. and Tender Fee. Surat Municipal Corporation shall not be
responsible for any postal delay / late delivery or loss of documents so mailed.
All intending bidders shall have to produce the soft copy of P.F. (Provident Fund) Number,
without which the application will not be accepted.
The Competent Authority reserves right to accept or reject any or all the tender to be received
without assigning any reasons thereof.
In case bidder needs any clarification or if training required for participating in online tender,
they can visit the which is a website of "(n) Code solutions - A division
GNFC Ltd.".
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Surat Municipal Corporation
Light & Energy Efficiency Cell
E-Tender (Online) Invitation Notice No: ACE/L&EEC/02/2016-2017
Name of Work :- SITC of 3.6 MW Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants at various sites
under "Smart city Area and other than smart city area" with comprehensive maintenance up
to 10 years including free maintenance during first year. ADDENDA CORRIGENDUM:-1
1. The Tenderer are requested to take note of the following changes made in the tender notice,
which are to be taken in to account while submitting the tender. It shall be
Presumed to have done so and accordingly submitted the tender.
2. This addenda corrigendum along with associated enclosures shall be submitted in hard copy along
with the technical bid of the tender duly signed and stamped by the authorized signatory of the
3. This Addenda Corrigendum shall be treated as a part of the tender documents.
Sr. Clause(Page
Original Text Amended Text
No. No.)
Uploading of tender Uploading of tender
documents: 19/10/2016 up to 11.30 hrs documents: 25.10.2016 up to 11.30
Downloading of tender documents: hrs
All other tender terms, conditions, specifications, stipulations etc. will remain unchanged.Please note that Adde
nda-Corrigendum: 1 is part of original tender documents and needs to be sealed,
signed and duly attached along with technical-bid of tender.
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(1) BG= Bank Guarantee
(2) BIS= Bureau of Indian Standards
(3) CBIP= Central Board of Irrigation and Power
(4) CEA= Central Electricity Authority
(5) CEI= Chief Electrical Inspector
(6) DGVCL= Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Ltd.
(7) EE= Energy Efficiency
(8) EEC= Energy Efficiency Cell
(9) EMD= Earnest Money Deposit
(10) EMI= Electro Magnetic Interference
(11) EPC= Engineering, Procurement and Construction
(12) GA= General Arrangement
(13) GEDA= Gujarat Energy Development Agency
(14) GERC= Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission
(15) GI= Galvanized Iron
(16) GoI= Government of India
(17) MWH= Mega Watt Hour
(18) GWH= Giga Watt Hour
(19) IE= Indian Electricity
(20) IS= Indian Standard
(21) IGBT= Integrated Bipolar Transistor
(22) IP= Ingress Protection
(23) KVAR= Reactive Power
(24) KVARH= Reactive Energy
(25) kWh= Kilo Watt Hour
(26) kWp= Kilo Watt (Peak)
(27) LOI= Letter of Intent
(28) MNRE= Ministry of New & Renewable Energy
(29) MPPT= Maximum Power Point Tracker
(30) PCC= Plain Cement Concrete
(31) PCU= Power Conditioning Unit
(32) PERT= Program Evaluation Review Technique
(33) PV= Photovoltaic
(34) RE= Renewable Energy
(35) REC= Rural Electrification Corporation
(36) SCPG= Security Deposit Cum Performance Guarantee
(37) SEB= State Electricity Board
(38) SITC= Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning
(39) SMC= Surat Municipal Corporation
(40) SPP= Single Phasing Preventer
(41) SPV= Solar Photovoltaic
(42) TPL= Torrent Power Ltd.
(43) XLPO= Crossed Link Polyolefin
(44) VAT= Value Added Tax
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Most Important Conditions of the E-tendering
Bidders have to submit price bid in electronic format only on website
till the last date & time for submission.
Price bid in physical form shall not be accepted in any case. Any kind of direct/ indirect mention
of the prices in technical-bid/ tender documents will not be allowed and tender of such bidder
will be rejected.
"Demand Draft for E.M.D. & Tender Fee shall be Submitted in electronic format only through
online (by scanning) while uploading the bid. This submission shall mean that EMD and Tender
Fee are received for purpose of opening the bid. Accordingly offer of those shall be open whose
EMD and tender Fee is received electronically. However for the purpose of realization of DD
Bidder shall send the DD in original through RPAD/ Speed Post so as to reach to Account
Department (Main Office) within prescribed days from the last date of online submission of the
bid as per tender notice. Penetrative action for not submitting DD in original to Account
department (Main Office) by Bidder Shall be intimated and action shall be taken for abeyance of
registration and cancelation of E-tendering code for 01 (One) year. Any documents in
supporting of Bid shall be in electronic format only through online (By Scanning) and hardcopy
will not be accepted separately"
Bidders shall have to mention the name and address of tenderer, tender notice number and
name of work on the cover of E.M.D. and Tender Fee. Surat Municipal Corporation shall not be
responsible for any postal delay / late delivery or loss of documents so mailed.
All documents must be coloured scanned to be seen as original. Scanning in black and white or
gray shall not be acceptable.
All the documents must be notarised with clearly with clearly displaying stamp, number and
name of the notary.
All intending bidders shall have to produce the soft copy of P.F. (Provident Fund) Number,
without which the application will not be accepted.
The Competent Authority reserves right to accept or reject any or all the tender to be received
without assigning any reasons thereof.
Following Documents shall only be submitted in Hard copy to Surat Municipal Corporation by all
bidders :
Earnest Money Deposited as mentioned in the tender. (i.e. D.D. / Bank Guarantee)
Tender Fees as mentioned in the tender.
Affidavit on Non Judicial Stamp of Rs. 100/- (Annexure – A)
Technical-bid shall not be required to submit. However, following must be submitted as
technical bid/ tender documents without which tender of such bidder will be rejected: -
(i) Tender fee of Rs. 18,000.00 in form of crossed Demand Draft/ Pay Order only, of any
Nationalised/ Schedule Bank payable at Surat acceptable to Corporation drawn in favour
of the "Municipal Commissioner, Surat Municipal Corporation" payable at Surat.
(ii) Tender guarantee (Earnest Money) of Rs. 30,57,000.00 (Thirty Lacs Fifty Seven
Thousand only) in form of crossed Demand Draft/ Pay Order only, of any Nationalised/
Schedule Bank payable at Surat acceptable to Corporation drawn in favour of the
"Municipal Commissioner, Surat Municipal Corporation" payable at Surat.
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(iii) Tender papers/ certificate as per following table must be returned along with Tender Fee
& EMD as above as a part of technical-bid/ tender documents: -
Entire technical bid needs to be submitted by the successful bidder before preparation of the
work sanctioning proposal to concern competent authority of the corporation. The all tender
(technical-bid) papers as asked above must be submitted duly sealed & signed by the person
who has authorization to sign the tender documents.
If any items/ conditions/ specifications/ scope of work is mentioned differently at more than
one place(s) by chance, most appropriate decided by the department will apply & binding to the
Executive Engineer (Ele),
Light & Energy Efficiency Cell,
Surat Municipal Corporation.
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Back Ground
A growing worldwide concern for the conservation of energy has reawakened interest in ecologically
sustainable materials, processes and sources of energy.
Solar photovoltaic is one such system that is highly consistent and reliable throughout the year that is
ideally suited for supplying power at remote locations in countries like India, which is blessed by
sunlight for most part of the year.
In continuation of the promotional activities for the use of Solar Energy, Ministry of New & Renewable
Energy, Government of India had introduced a programme of “Development of Solar Cities”. Surat city
has been declared as “Solar City”. Under this programme, Surat Municipal Corporation has
set targets to reduce conventional energy demand by 10% through RE & EE measures.
Further, total target of installation of 4,18,665 kWp Solar based Power Plants has been set
for entire city. Out of these, SMC has set target of total 5,000 kWp of Solar Photo Voltaic
based power plants.
With the aforesaid objective, Surat Municipal Corporation has already installed 1390 kWp Solar
Photovoltaic Power Plant at various 27 locations of SMC. With continuing efforts to use of environment
friendly sources of energy, SMC has planned to install 3.6 MWp capacity SPV based power plants at
various 10 locations of SMC through this tender. The details of sites & capacity of SPV based power
plants are as below: -
Note : Out of 3.6 MWp solar power, 1 MWp of Solar power will be used for Smart city area
and remaining 2.6 MWp solar power will be used for other than smart city area.
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Maintenance of the 3.6 MWp Grid Connected SPV based Power Plants shall be for 10
years. However, rates shall be quoted for initial period of 10 years including free
guarantee/ warrantee during first year of operation. The maintenance contract shall
be renewable for another 10 years on the same terms & conditions but at the price
as mutually agreed as per the conditions prevailing at the times.
The EPC contractor shall be responsible for complete design, engineering, procurement,
erection, testing and commissioning of the SPV based Power Plants. This would also include
site, arrangement & provisions of suitable power evacuation facility and connection of the SPV
based Power Plant with DISCOM‟s HT/ LT connection.
Further, the scope of work for EPC contractor also includes maintenance of the power plants
including supply of consumables and spares, wear and tear, overhauling and replacement of
damaged equipment and other parts of SPV based Power Plants for 10 years with no extra cost
to SMC; however, insurance covers shall be taken by SMC.
Bidders are required to furnish all information and documents as called for in this document in
English language. Any printed literature furnished by the bidder may be in another language,
provided that such literature is accompanied by an authentic English translation, in which case,
for the purpose of interpretation of the document, the English version will govern.
All bidders must fill in, sign, and return the acknowledgement of tender document and Notice of
Intent to bid form attached with this document.
Tenders should be filled in only with ink or typed. Tender filled in by pencil or otherwise shall
not be considered.
All additions, alterations and over-writings in the tender or accompanying documents must be
clearly initialled by the signatory to the tender.
In case acceptance of the terms and conditions given in the bid document has any price
implication same shall be considered and included into the price part. The SMC can reject any
or all offers without assigning any reason thereof.
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(i) The Bidder should deposit of Rs. 30,57,000.00 ( Thirty Lacs Fifty Seven Thousand
only) as EMD with the offer. This should be in the form of a Demand Draft drawn in
favour of "Municipal Commissioner, Surat Municipal Corporation" payable at
Surat, Gujarat. The EMD furnished by the successful bidder shall be refunded/ adjusted
after the acceptance of Security Deposit cum Performance Guarantee.
(ii) Offers, not accompanied with requisite EMD shall be summarily rejected.
(iv) EMD shall be forfeited in case of revision and/ or modification of terms of offer or
withdrawal of offer during the validity period.
(v) EMD of the successful Bidder shall be forfeited if he fails to deposit the requisite Security
Deposit cum Performance Guarantee or fails to enter into contract agreement. In the
event of the contractor, after the issue of communication of acceptance of offer by the
SMC, fails/ refuses to execute the order as herein, the contractor shall be deemed to
have abandoned the contract & such an act shall amount to and be construed as the
contractor's calculated and wilful breach of contract, the cost and consequence of which
shall be to the sole account of the contractor and in such an event the SMC shall have full
right to claim damages thereof in addition to the forfeiture of EMD.
a) Whose tender has not been accepted by the SMC on application by the contractor;
and whose tender has been accepted by SMC, after the receipt of Security Deposit.
Tenderer has to furnish latest valid solvency certificate along with the technical bid of amount
equivalent to min. 20% of total estimated cost i.e. Rs. 30.57 Crores issued by nationalized/
schedule bank and not more than one year old from the last date of submission of technical-
Intending bidders are required to carefully go through the instructions included in the document
and furnish complete information, necessary documents and schedules.
Site Visit is arranged between 03/11/2016 @ 10:00 AM to 04/11/2016 @ 3:00 PM
whereas pre-bid meeting is arranged on 04/11/2016 @ 4:00 PM at Main Office. All
bidders have to clearly note that site visit & attending price-bid is must; failing
which tender will be rejected.
Transfer of document purchased by one bidder to another is not permissible.
It should be noted that under no circumstances, any time extension or any financial or any
other kind of adjustment will be permitted for want of non-familiarity of work or work sites.
All costs towards site visit, conference and submission of document shall be borne by the
bidders themselves.
Bidders are advised to submit offers strictly in accordance with the terms & conditions and
specifications contained in the tender document. Conditional bids or bids having deviations are
liable to be rejected at the sale discretion of SMC.
Bidders are informed that SMC is neither under any obligation to select any bidder nor to assign
any reason for either qualifying or disqualifying any bidder. SMC reserves its right to reject
lowest bidder offer. SMC is also not under any obligation to proceed with the project or any
part thereof.
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At any time prior to opening of price proposals, SMC either on its own initiative or in response
to clarifications requested by any prospective bidder may modify the document by issuing an
amendment by cable/ fax/ e-mail, etc. to all bidders.
ii. The bidder does not respond promptly and exhaustively to requests for supplemental
information required for the evaluation of the proposal within the time allowed.
Tenders will be valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of the technical bid.
No correspondence by any of the bidder shall be entertained till such time decision in the
matter is taken unless otherwise specifically asked for by SMC.
The bidder must quote the prices strictly in the matter as indicated in the document, failing
which tender is liable for rejection. The rate/ cost shall be entered in words as well as in
Bidder shall treat tender documents and contents therein as private and confidential. If at any
time during bid preparation, bidder decides to decline the invitation to bid, all documents must
be immediately returned.
(i) Although details presented in this technical-bid have been compiled with all reasonable
care, it is Bidder‟s responsibility to satisfy themselves that the information/ documents
are adequate and that there are no conflicts between various documents/ stipulations. No
dispute or claims will be entertained on this account.
(ii) Bid proposal preparation is the responsibility of the bidder and no relief or consideration
can be given for errors and omissions.
All further correspondence in connection with this bid shall be addressed to: -
Executive Engineer,
Light & Energy Efficiency Cell,
Room # 117, Main Office Building,
Surat Municipal Corporation,
Surat- 395 003.
Executive Engineer,
Light & Energy Efficiency Cell,
Surat Municipal Corporation.
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Bidders wishing to participate in this E-Tender shall be required to procure Digital Certificate as
per Information Technology Act- 2000. By using this Certificate the bidder can digitally sign his
electronic bid. Bidders can procure the Digital Certificate from any of the CCA approved
certifying agency or can contact M/ s (n) Code Solution at the below mentioned address who
will assist in procuring the same. Bidders who already have a valid Digital Certificate need not
procure it again. In case bidders need any clarification regarding online participation they can
Bidders who will to participate in E-Tender need to fill data in pre-defined forms of Tender fee,
EMD (Bid Security), Qualifying Criteria & Technical Bid and Price Bid only.
Bidders should upload scan copies of reference documents in support of their eligibility of the
bid. After filling the data in pre-defined forms, bidders need to click on final submission link to
submit their encrusted bid.
Part – I Technical Bid along with proof of Qualifying Criteria in pre-defined forms in electronic
mode and physical form.
Part – II Price Bid in electronic mode only as per bid response sheet no. P-I and P-II.
Note: Price bid in physical form (in hard copy) will not be accepted.
The bid submitted by the bidder in physical form in hard copy shall comprise the following:
"Demand Draft for E.M.D. & Tender Fee shall be Submitted in electronic format only through
online (by scanning) while uploading the bid. This submission shall mean that EMD and Tender
Fee are received for purpose of opening the bid. Accordingly offer of those shall be open whose
EMD and tender Fee is received electronically. However for the purpose of realization of DD
Bidder shall send the DD in original through RPAD/ Speed Post so as to reach to Account
Department (Main Office) with-in 07 (Seven) Days from the last date of online submission of
the bid as per tender notice. Penaltative action for not submitting DD in original to Account
department (Main Office) by Bidder Shall be intimated and action shall be taken for abeyance of
registration and cancelation of E-tendering code for 01 (One) year. Any documents in
supporting of Bid shall be in electronic format only through online (By Scanning) and hardcopy
will not be accepted separately"
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List of documents to be furnished.
The following details are to be submitted on-line on
1) Scan Copy of Tender Document fees and EMD Details
2) Scan Copy of Bid response sheets (no. 1 to 12) all necessary supporting documents.
3) Scan Copy of Necessary Documents, Certificates etc. (as mentioned in This Technical Bid)
4) Scan Copy of Addenda and Corrigendum (if any)duly signed.
5) Digitally signed of Provident fund registration Number.
6) Digitally signed of details of his turnover for the last three financial years.
7) Digitally signed of solvency certificate of national or schedule bank
8) Digitally signed scan copies of completion certificates from head of the office (Min.
Executive Engineer or Equivalent Post) concerned for completion of the works.
9) Digitally signed scan copy of partnership deed, power of attorney etc.
10) Digitally signed scan copy of Electrical contractor licensed issued with the name of firm /
organization and copy of MOU with electrical contractor licence holder contractor ( in case
of MOU with electrical contractor)
11) All details as asked in various sections of this tender document with all necessary
supporting documents..
Note :-ALL Necessary Documents, Certificates etc. shall be Sealed and Digitally signed. Technical Bid
and price Bid are not to be submitted in Physical Form. Please note that Non submission of Technical
Bid as well as price bid does not absolve the bidders from any liability created from the bid condition
and bidding process. Technical-Bid & Price bid in Hard copy shall be submitted by Successful Bidders
upon intimation from SMC.”
Please note that only Tender Document fees and EMD shall be submitted to Chief Accountant of
S.M.C. in hard copy.
Printed and online documents and set of drawings shall comprehensively be referred to as
Tender documents. The several sections forming the documents are the essential parts of the
contract and a requirement occurring in one shall be binding as though occurring in all. They
are to be taken as mutually explanatory and describe and provide for complete works.
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Bidders shall quote the price in Indian Rupees only. No foreign exchange will be provided by
SMC for any imported equipment.
The rates should be quoted on „FIRM PRICE‟ basis, FOR site including all taxes, construction
taxes, cess, duties & levies, packing, forwarding, loading, transportation etc. in the enclosed
proforma of Schedule of Rates. Price bid not quoted in the prescribed proforma are liable to be
Price escalation on account of any statutory during the contractual period increase in custom
duty, excise duty, sales tax etc. shall be given extra on furnishing documentary evidence.
If any item is required to be imported for the execution of contract, same shall be done by the
Contractor against its own import license. The SMC shall not be responsible for either the
import license or the foreign exchange required for such import.
The Technical Bid shall be opened on the next working day of last date of receipt, if possible.
Bidders or their representative who wish to participate in tender opening should remain present
at Energy Efficiency Cell-Surat Municipal Corporation. Only one representative of each firm will
be allowed to remain present.
The bidders who fulfil the requirements of the qualifying criteria & technical-bid,
price-bid of such bidders will be opened.
The time specified for delivery and completion of work in the contract tender shall be deemed
to be the essence of the contract and the successful tenderer (s) shall arrange supplies &
commissioning of the work within the period on receipt of order from SMC.
When a tenderer is unable to complete the commissioning within the specified or extended
period, SMC shall be entitled to purchase from elsewhere without notice to the tenderer but on
his (i.e. tenderers) account and risk, the goods or any part thereof which the tenderer has
failed to supply or if not available, or to cancel the contract of such supplies and tenderer shall
be liable for any loss or damage which SMC may sustain by reasons of such failure on the part
of the tenderer. The tenderer shall not be entitled to any gain on such purchases made against
In any case entire project shall be successfully completed till injection of electrical energy in the
DISCOM‟s grid within 4 months from the date work order failing which a sum equal to 0.2% of
unexecuted portion of the contract value per day of the delay subject to a maximum of 10% of
unexecuted portion of the contract value, over and above any other penalty mentioned
elsewhere in the tender whichever is higher.
The SPV (SPV) Modules offered by the bidder must be approved by MNRE.
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The tenderers are required to study carefully the conditions of the tender, the enclosed
specifications and the provisions of the relevant BIS/ IEEE/ IEC / BS / VDE and other
specifications where necessary before submitting the bids. Technical particulars of the material
offered must comply with the standard or other applicable specifications and the relevant
provisions of the BIS. In case tenders are called for the material „ISI‟ marked only shall be
The contractor shall perform the contract work in accordance with all applicable codes,
statutory regulations and established practices. It is agreed and understood by and between
the parties hereto that the contractor shall comply with applicable laws, rules, regulations and
by-laws whether now in force or which may hereinafter come in force during the currency of
the contract and/ or extension thereof.
The complete literature and specifications of the materials/ equipment/ components offered
must accompany the tender.
Wherever it is mentioned in specifications/ drawing/ other documents or instructions that the
contractor shall perform certain work and/ or provide certain facilities, it is understood that the
contractor shall do so at his own cost
Materials received at the site should be stored in premises arranged by the bidder. Bidder shall
be responsible for safety of material stored, which shall be adequately insured. Insurance
charges shall be borne by the bidder. If possible, storage available shall be provided free of
cost; however, all responsibility for safety of materials stored will be of the contractor. No
damage shall be done to the storage areas/ portions of SMC‟s buildings. If, some damage is
done then the same shall be recovered from the contractor‟s bills/ deposits or other means.
The goods will be delivered at the destination in good condition. The contractor has to insure all
the goods against loss by theft, destruction or damage by fire, flood, under exposure to
weather or otherwise viz (war, rebellion, violence). The insurance charges will have to be borne
by the contractor.
The bidder shall sign these conditions on each page at the end in token of acceptance of all the
terms and it would be attached with the tender along with the declaration. He should also sign
at the bottom of each page of the tender document.
SMC may get pre- dispatch inspection of material done at the works of the Contractor including
sub-supplier prior to its despatch to site.
Coordination and inspection of the day-to-day work under the contract shall be the
responsibility of the engineer-in-charge. Written instructions regarding any particular job will
normally be passed by the engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative. Inspection
reports along with manual shall be dispatched along with materials.
Inspection of major components viz. SPV (SPV) Modules, Power conditioning Unit, Data logger,
Module Mounting Structures, Cables and hardware‟s, Junction box and Distribution boxes,
Earthing kits, Lightning arrestors (if any), PVC pipes and accessories etc. can be done. The
Contractor shall give 10 (Ten) working days written notice for the inspection. If inspection is
not carried out during this period, the Contractor shall be at liberty to dispatch the materials
along with routine test certificates.
Items not found complying the requirement(s) stipulated in the bid documents shall be rejected
by SMC and will have to be replaced by the tenderer at his own cost within the time limit fixed
by SMC.
The rejected item must be removed by the contractor within 15 days of intimation of rejection.
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The bidder shall submit copies of Company‟s Income Tax PAN Card, IT returns for last three
years, Sales Tax Registration No. and Service Tax Registration No.
Maintenance of the SPV based Power Plant shall be for 10 years. However, rates shall be
quoted for initial period of 10 years including free Maintenance period during first year of
operation. The maintenance contract shall be renewable for another 10 years on the same
terms & conditions but at the price as mutually agreed as per the conditions prevailing at the
The successful bidder will have to maintain the SPV based Power Plant Project for 10 years
from the date of successful commissioning and energy generation from the SPP.
If, at any time, there should be evidence or any lien or claim for which the SMC might have
become liable and which is chargeable to the contractor, the SMC shall have the right to retain
out of any payment then due or thereafter to become due, an amount sufficient to completely
indemnify the SMC against such lien or claim.
The contractor shall be responsible for compliance of the provisions of Indian Electricity Act and
rules framed under, Employees State Insurance Act, Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923,
Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952, Contract labour (Regulation
& Abolition) Act 1970, Industrial Dispute Act, 1948, Fatal Accident Act, 1955, Industrial
Employment (Standing Order) Act, compulsory notification of vacancies (Employment
Exchange) Act, Payment of Bonus Act, or any other allied Central or State Govt. rules,
regulations and schemes made there under. In case of non-fulfilment of any such obligations,
the contract will be liable for termination at 15 days notice given by the SMC without prejudice
or any of the other rights of the SMC under this contract.
The contractor shall be liable for payment of all wages and other benefits, such as leave with
wages, contributory provident fund, bonus, free medical aid, etc., to his employees and labour
as per the statutory requirements as in force or, may be applicable from time to time during the
currency of the contract.
The contractor shall bear all liabilities for employee and labour employed or retained by him as
regards to any compensation, litigation and any other action arising out of operation of this
contract or at the termination of this contract.
The SMC shall not pay any additional amount on any such account. The only remuneration
payable to the contractor by the SMC will be on the basis of accepted rates and work executed
The contractor shall always indemnify the SMC and its representative against all the claims and
liabilities for or in respect of all or any claim etc., of workers, labourers, public liabilities and
staff employed and/ or engaged in respect of this contract under the aforesaid Acts, rules,
regulations and schemes including statutory modifications thereof or otherwise for or in respect
of any claim, damage, compensation, expenses, etc., whatsoever payable in consequence of
any loss, damage, accident or injury etc., sustained by any employee or any other third person
including the employees of the SMC. If at any time the SMC is required to make any payment/
claim/ compensation by virtue of any of the above Acts, etc., such payments shall be deemed
to have been made on behalf of the contractor and same shall be recovered from the
contractor's bill(s) or from any sum(s) due to the contractor.
All sums payable by way of compensations under any of these conditions shall be considered as
reasonable compensation to be applied to the use of the SMC without reference to the actual
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loss or damage sustained and whether or not any damage shall have been sustained.
Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the SMC including his executives, engineers,
employees and authorized agents/ representatives and shall hold them harmless from any and
all loss, damage, liability costs of litigation counsel fees and other expenses arising out of any
claim or suit for alleged infringement of patents, copyright, trademarks or trade names or brand
relating to any of the stores, material or equipment described in the contract or for the use or
resale thereof, and contractor agrees to assume the defence of any and all such suits and to
pay any and all costs and expenses incidental thereto and any judgement awarded thereon.
The contract shall be subject to standard force majeure clauses such as war, civil disturbances,
strikes, epidemic, pestilence, earthquake, fire, flood, but excluding wind conditions or any other
act of God over which parties have no control or because of any law and order situation and/ or
proclamation or ordinance of any govt. or of any statutory authority and in such an event the
obligations of either parties shall remain in suspense during that period but work will be
resumed immediately after the cause/ event as aforesaid, has ceased or otherwise deemed to
have been determined. Provided a notice is given in writing by the party affected within 7 days
of the happening of the event mentioning the circumstances constituting force majeure. Should
one or both parties be prevented from fulfilling their contractual obligations due to the state of
force majeure lasting for a continuous period of thirty days the two parties shall by mutual
consultation decide about the further implementation of the contract, and in the event of the
non-agreement in this regard, the SMC reserves the right to determine the contract.
Any changes after placement of order in existing rules/ policies by the Government which could
seriously affect the construction activities.
(i) The Agency shall have to be obtained the necessary approvals from Discoms and
complete the required formalities. SMC will assist administratively in case required.
Agency shall have to arrange for all equipment/ meters etc. required for the connection
of Solar Power system to DISCOM‟s distribution network/ system.
(iii) The successful bidder shall have to all the needful to avail tariff benefits given by GERC/
Scheme launched by the MNRE- GoI. Necessary formalities to sign all kind of agreements
with DISCOM shall be done by the contractor as per GERC tariff and prevailing
regulations. SMC shall assist in providing necessary administrative documents required in
support of all necessary agreements to be signed.
(iv) The successful bidder shall do the needful to avail benefit of exemption of
Custom and excise duty on the materials from Central/ State Government.
(v) The bidder shall declare the name of the employee of SMC/ GEDA and his relationship
with him in case any employee of SMC/ GEDA is relative of the bidder.
(vi) The bidder shall not display the photograph of the work and shall not take advantage
through publicity of the work without written permission of SMC.
In the event of breach of any of the conditions of the contract at any time on the part of the
contractor the contract may be terminated summarily by SMC, Surat without compensation to
the contractor.
While making the risk purchases, SMC may exercise its own discretion. In all cases where
orders are cancelled due to non-supply of stores, it will be treated as breach of contract and the
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SMC shall take action accordingly. It is clarified that SMC may resort to risk purchase without
granting any extension.
The contract for the supply of various items can be repudiated at any time by SMC if the
supplies are not made to its satisfaction. In case of non-performance in any form and shape of
the terms & conditions of the agreement the SMC, Surat has power to cancel the contract
pertaining to the supply.
If a tenderer imposes conditions which are in addition to/ or in contravention with the
conditions mentioned herein, his tender is liable to be rejected. In any case none of such
conditions will be deemed to have been accepted unless specifically mentioned in the letter of
acceptance of tender issued by SMC.
Direct or indirect canvassing on the part of the tenderer or his representatives will be deemed
as a disqualification.
In any case in which any of the powers conferred upon the SMC shall have become exercisable
and the same had not been exercised the non-exercise thereof shall not constitute a waiver of
any of the conditions hereof and such powers shall notwithstanding be exercisable in the event
of any further case of default by the contractor.
Should at any time during the currency of Maintenance contract the SMC decide to sale/
transfer the assets of Solar Power Plant to their sister company/organization or any other
company/ organization, all the agreed terms & conditions will remain the same for the new
company/ organization. The contractor will provide all the services as per contract awarded.
Except or otherwise specifically provided in the contract, all disputes concerning question of fact
arising under the contract shall be decided by the Engineer-in-charge, subject to a written
appeal by the contractor to the Engineer-in-charge, and these decisions shall be final and
binding on the parties hereto. Any dispute or differences including those considered as such by
only one of the parties arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be to the extent
possible settled amicably between the parties. If amicable settlement cannot be reached then
all disputed issues shall be settled as provided in (a) below.
If at any time, any question, disputes or differences of any kind whatsoever shall arises
between the Engineer-in-charge and the contractor upon or in relation to or in connection with
this contract, either party may forthwith give to the other, notice in writing of the existence of
such question, dispute of difference as to any decision, opinion, instruction, direction certificate
or evaluation of the Engineer-in-charge.
The question or difference shall be settled by the Municipal Commissioner, who shall state his
decision in writing and give notice of the same to the Engineer-in-charge and to the Contractor,
such decision shall be final and binding upon both parties to the contract and work on contract
if not already breached or abandoned shall proceed normally unless and until the same shall be
revised (or upheld) due to any judicial proceeding.
If, Municipal Commissioner fails to give a decision within three (3) calendar months after
issuance of notice of a question, dispute or difference or if the contractor is dissatisfied with
any such decision of the Municipal Commissioner then the then the matter may be referred for
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arbitration as per Indian Arbitration and Reconciliation Act 1996 and its amendment thereof
from time to time. The place of arbitration shall be SURAT only.
Legal proceedings, if any, arising out of the tender contract shall be lodged in the jurisdiction of
courts situated in Surat only.
Addenda/ Corrigenda to the tender document may be issued prior to the date of opening of the
tenders to clarify documents or to reflect modifications in the design, drawing, specifications or
contract terms. Each recipient will retain one copy of each addendum/ corrigendum and submit
the other copy duly signed with his offer. All addenda/ corrigenda issued by the SMC shall
become part of the tender document.
Executive Engineer,
Light & Energy Efficiency Cell,
Surat Municipal Corporation.
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1.1.1. Special Conditions of Contract shall be read in conjunction with the General Conditions of
the Contract, specifications of work, drawing and any other document forming part of
this contract wherever the context so requires.
1.1.2. Serial number (Identification mark) must be permanently marked on all major
components of the SPV systems. Metallic number plates with serial numbers duly riveted
or fixed with strong adhesive for non-metallic body, as approved by SMC shall be fixed
on charged controller of each lot.
1.1.3. Where any portion of the Special Conditions of Contract is repugnant to or at variance
with any provisions of the General Conditions of the Contract then unless a different
intention appears, the provision of the Special Conditions of contract shall be deemed to
over-ride the provisions of the General Conditions of the contract only to the extent such
inconsistencies of variations in the special conditions of contract as are not possible of
being reconciled with the provisions of general conditions of contract.
1.1.4. Competent authority of the corporation reserves the right to reduce the scope of work
and split the tender in two parts or more without assigning any reason, even after award
of contract, if necessary for any site or all sites and thus variations in contract value shall
be applicable. The quoted rates shall remain firm for the above said variation.
1.1.5. The materials, design and workmanship shall satisfy the applicable standards,
specifications contained herein and codes referred to. Where the Technical Specifications
stipulate requirements in addition to those contained in the standard codes and
specifications, those additional requirements shall be satisfied.
In case of contradiction between Indian Standards, General Conditions of Contract,
Special Conditions of Contract, specifications, drawings, instructions of Engineer-in-
charge, the following shall prevail in order of precedence:
(i) Telex/ telegram of Intent, detailed Letter of Intent along with Statement of Agreed
variations and its enclosures.
(ii) Special Conditions of Contract
(iii) Job specifications
(iv) Drawings
(v) General Conditions of Contract
The scope of work covered in this tender shall be as that specified in the Section of Scope of
Work and Technical Specifications and as mentioned elsewhere in this tender document. The
scope as described in the tender document is not limiting in so far as the responsibilities of the
contractor are concerned and shall include inter-alia, carrying out any and all works and
providing any and all facilities those are required in accomplishing an operating system,
complying fully with all requirements as are envisaged of it, complete in all respect and satisfying
all performance and guarantee requirements stated or implied form the contents of the tender
document. The contractor shall make all required liasioning with the concerned power utilities for
interconnection of the SPV based Power Plant with the Grid; so as to export the power from SPV
based Power Plant. The contractor shall get tested all required equipments from the power utility
(like Energy Meter etc.) well before commissioning of the SPV based Power Plant, so as to avoid
any delay in export of power.
The following are the qualifying requirements for the Bidder. Bids, which do not meet the listed
requirements/ non submission of the documents, may not be considered for financial evaluation.
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1. Organization
(i) For Companies- Certified copy of the “Certificate of Incorporation” together with certified
“Memorandum and Articles of Association” and a list containing names and addresses of all
the directors should be furnished.
(ii) For Partnership Firms– Certified copy of the partnership together with a certified extract
from the Registrar of Firms containing names and addresses of all the partners of the firm
should be furnished.
(iii) For Proprietary firm- Name and address of Proprietor should be furnished.
a. At least single work having min. cost/ value of Rs. 2345.00 Lacs or
b. Two works having min. cost/ value of Rs. 1466.00 Lacs each or
c. Three works having min. cost/ value of Rs. 1172.00 Lacs each
Following enhancement factors will be used for the cost of works executed and financial
figures to common base for the value of the works completed in India.
In all of the above cases, tenderer must have completed at least one work of grid
connected rooftop Solar Photovoltaic based power plant having min. capacity of
more than 100 kWp for single work. Appropriate evidences must be provided for
the same.
(v) The Average Annual Turnover of the bidder in field of Solar Power Plant of the last three
preceding financial years i.e. 2013-14, 2014-15 And 2015-16 shall not be less than
Rs. 9.18 Crores. Appropriate evidences must be provided for the same.
(vi) The net worth of the bidder during any one year among last three preceding financial years
i.e. 2013-14, 2014-15 And 2015-16 shall be positive.
(vii) The net yield of system per kW/ Annum should not be less than 1,300 kWh.
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(ix) Preference shall be given to the bidder who has ISO 9001, ISO 14001 certification.
(x) The company/ its product of SPV modules must be registered with MNRE.
(xi) The bidder must be in business of solar cells/ modules manufacturing/ installation works for
last 3 years.
Please fill in the enclosed Bid Response Sheet No. 6
1.1.1 All expenses towards mobilization at site and demobilization including bringing in
equipment, work force, materials, dismantling the equipment, clearing the site after
completion of work and liasioning for interconnection of SPV based Power Plant with
the Grid with concerned departments/ agencies etc. shall be deemed to be included in
the prices quoted and no separate payments on account of such expenses
shall be entertained.
1.1.2 Contractor may have to work in energized or partly energized conditions. In such cases,
it shall be responsibility of the contractor to arrange for necessary permits or shuts
downs and provide skilled and responsible persons for the execution of works.
Contractor shall organize his works during the shutdown periods properly and complete
the programmed works within the time given. Contractor shall not be paid any extra
payments for working under the above said circumstances.
1.1.3 It shall be entirely the contractor's responsibility to provide, operate and maintain all
necessary construction equipments, scaffoldings and safety gadgets, cranes and other
lifting tackles, tools and appliances to perform the work in a workman like and efficient
manner and complete all the jobs as per time schedules. However, if any equipment/
facility is provided by SMC, the same shall be on chargeable basis.
1.1.4 The procurement and supply, in sequence and at the appropriate time, of all materials
and consumables shall be entirely the contractor's responsibility and his rates for
execution of work will be inclusive of supply of all these items.
1.1.5 In case any material is issued by the SMC, then it will be properly used and maintained.
Subsequent to completion of its use, it will be returned to SMC in good condition. In
case of damage or misuse of such stores, SMC will recover the cost from the contractor
from the payments due to the contractor.
1.1.1 The contractor shall furnish within 10 days of LoI/ work order, Security Deposit cum
Performance Guarantee (SCPG) equivalent to 2.5% of the total contract value in form
of Bank Guarantee as per format approved by SMC from any schedule bank (co-
operative bank not accepted) having branch in Surat, Gujarat. (Ref. Annexure: I)
1.1.2 Bank guarantee shall be kept valid for a period of 14 months from the date of
commissioning of the solar power projects.
1.1.3 Besides above, the successful contractor shall also be required to deposit an amount
equal to 2.5% of the order value in addition to above Bank Guarantee as Security Cum
Performance Guarantee (Security Deposit) in Municipal Treasury in cash/ by Demand
Draft in the name of “Municipal Commissioner, Surat Municipal Corporation” of any
nationalised bank/ scheduled bank, Surat branch only within 10 days of order failing
which penalty @ 0.065% per day of delay on total amount will be levied. The security
deposit shall be released only after successful completion of the defect liability/
guarantee period of 12 months.
1.1.4 The SPBG shall be liable to be forfeited wholly or partly at the sole discretion of the
SMC, should the contractor either fail to execute the work within the stipulated period
or fail to fulfil the contractual obligations or fail to settle in full his dues to the SMC. In
case of premature termination of the contract, the SCPG will be forfeited and the SMC
will be at liberty to recover the loss suffered by it from the contractor.
1.1.5 The SMC is empowered to recover from the SCPG through invocation of B.G./ forfeiting
the cash amount deposited through DD or other means for any sum due and for any
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other sum that may be fixed by the SMC as being the amount or loss or losses or
damages suffered by it due to delay in performance and/ or non-performance and/ or
partial performance of any of the conditions of the contract and/ or non-performance of
guarantee obligations.
1.1.6 No interest is payable on SCPG amount.
1.1.7 In the event of full SCPG being forfeited, the SMC at its discretion and without
prejudice to its any other rights can terminate the contract.
1.1.8 Besides above contractor shall be required to enter into the contract agreement on
Gujarat stamp paper, worth Rs. 100.00 (to be brought by the contractor) on receiving
the order.
1.1 The completion time is deemed to be essence of the Contract and shall be firm and
binding. The Bidder shall complete the design, engineering, manufacture, supply,
storage, civil work, erection, testing & commissioning within a period of Four months
from the date of award of contract.
1.2 The Bidder shall indicate the duration of all the activities in activity chart in conformity
with the overall schedule of the completion of project. Bidder shall submit the activity
chart which shall be discussed and finalized and shall form an integral part of the
1.1 Failure or any delay by the SMC due to any cause whatsoever shall in no way effect or
vitiate the contract or alter the character thereof or entitle the contractor to damages or
compensation thereof provided that the SMC may extend the time for completion of the
work by such period as it may consider necessary or proper.
1.2 If the contractor shall desire an extension of the time for completion of the work on the
grounds of his having been unavoidably hindered in its execution or the work has been
materially increased by the SMC or other such grounds , he shall apply in writing to the
engineer in-charge within ten days of the date of occurrence of event on account of which
he desires, such extension as aforesaid , and the Engineer –in-charge shall ,if in his
opinion (which shall be final) reasonable grounds have been shown thereof, authorizes
such extension of time as may be, in his opinion be necessary or proper. Whenever such
extension is granted by the engineer in-charge, this would be without prejudice to the
SMC's right under this contract.
If at any time from the commencement of the work the, SMC shall for any reason require
alteration in the work, the Engineer-in-charge shall give notice in writing of the fact to the
contractor, who shall have no claim to any payment or compensation whatsoever on account of
any profit or advantage which he might have derived from the execution of the work in full or
prior to alteration.
During the execution of the contract the Bidder shall ensure responsible person with authority to
take decisions to be available at site. Such person deputed by the contractor shall report to the
engineer in-charge for smooth execution and timely completion of the work. The contractor
available at all reasonable hours to receive instructions, notices or other communications. The
contractor shall be responsible for any misconduct/ indiscipline by his employees or sub-
contractor & its workmen. The contractor shall abide by the instructions of the engineer in
charge, if given in this regard.
“In the eventuality sub-letting of work SMC, will be informed in advance. However, the
contractor‟s liability or obligations will not get altered/ delegated to sub-contractor. If any sub-
contractor engaged upon the work at the site executes any work which in the opinion of the
engineer in-charge is not in accordance with the contract documents, the SMC may give written
notice to the contractor requesting him to terminate such sub-contracts and the contractor on
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the receipt of such notice shall terminate such contracts.”
1.1 In case the contractor does not commence the work in the manner described in the contract
documents or if he shall at any time in the opinion of the Engineer in charge:
1.1 Whenever in the opinion of the SMC the work or any part thereof is in a condition
suitable for use and in the best interest of the SMC requires use, the SMC may take
possession of the same. The contractor shall, however, be not relieved of his pending
1.2 Prior to the date of final acceptance of the work by the SMC, all necessary repairs or
renewals in the work or part thereof so used on account of defective materials or
workmanship or due to the operations failure except normal wear & tear shall be at the
expenses of the contractor. Such use shall neither relieve the contractor or any of his
responsibilities under the contract, nor act as waiver by the SMC of the conditions
thereof. However, if in the opinion of the SMC the use of the work or the part thereof
delays the completion of the remainder of the work, the SMC may grant such extensions
of time as it may consider reasonable. The decision of the SMC in the matter shall be
final. The contractor shall not be entitled to claim any compensation on account of such
use by the SMC.
The Engineer-in-charge may, from time to time by direction in writing and without invalidating
the contract, order the contractor to suspend the work or any part thereof at such time or times
and for such reasons as he may consider necessary. After such directions to suspend the work or
any part thereof has been given, then proceed with the work or part thereof, directed to be
suspended until he receives a written order from the Engineer-in-charge to so proceed. In the
event of suspension, the SMC may under the provisions of the contract, extend the time for
completion of the work or part thereof by such period as it may find reasonable. The decision of
the SMC in the matter shall be final and binding on the contractor.
Payments shall be released in the following manner after furnishing of Security cum Performance
Guarantee by the successful bidder and signing of Contract Agreement.
(i) 10% of the contract value (SITC), to be given as advance after Award of Contract/ LoI
against furnishing of Bank Guarantee of equivalent amount as per format agreed/
provided by SMC.
(ii) Remaining 90% payment shall be released against milestones as mentioned below in
accordance with the value of contract value after furnishing of Security cum Performance
Guarantee: -
Page | 25
SITC Works
a) 40% of the order value of SITC portion against receipt of all equipment/
accessories at site on prorate basis
b) 20% on erection of SPV based Power Plants on prorate basis.
c) 20% against successful commissioning & injection of electrical energy into
DISCOM‟s grid of the SPV based Power Plants on prorate basis.
d) 5% after successful commissioning, on rectification of all deficiencies,
submission of all documents and stabilization period of 30 days.
5% against successful completion of 3 months of satisfactory operations after
completion of stabilization period.
Payment of Maintenance charges shall be done quarterly, at the end of each quarter on prorate basis.
The Bidder shall submit the bills for claim in two copies. The payment shall be made after the
verification of the bill by the Engineer In-charge.
It is expressly understood that the drawl of payment by the contractor in the manner specified
will not be construed as the fulfilment of the contractor's obligations either in part or whole under
the contract and that the contractor shall continue to remain responsible to SMC until all the
obligations under the agreement have been fulfilled.
1.1 The rates quoted by the contractor shall remain firm and fixed and binding till the issue
of completion certificate and shall not be subject to escalation. Rates shall be deemed to
include and cover all costs, expenses, taxes , construction cess, any kind of cess, duties,
levies, royalties, foreign exchange variation, etc. and liabilities of every description and all
risk of every kind to be taken in execution, completing and handing over the work to the
SMC by the contractor. The SMC shall deduct income tax, Sales tax or Works Contract as
applicable on the indivisible works contract & other applicable taxes as per the prevailing
rates from the bills of the contractor. SMC shall not be responsible for any such liability on
the contractor in respect of this contract and exclusion of any applicable taxes at
prescribed rates due to ignorance or otherwise shall not form a reason for claiming
anything extra at a later date.
1.2 The contractor shall guarantee the SPV based power plant & installation work for a
period of 12 (twelve) months from the date of completion stabilization period. Any damage
or defect that may arise or lie undiscovered at the time of issue of completion certificate,
connected in any way with the equipment or materials supplied by him or in the
workmanship shall be rectified or replaced by the contractor at his own expenses as
deemed necessary by the Engineer-in-charge or in default, the engineer-in-charge may
cause the same to be made good by other workman and deduct expenses of which the
certificate of Engineer-in-charge shall be final) from any sums that may be then or at any
time thereafter, become due to the contractor or from his security deposit.
1.3 If the contractor feels that any variation in work or in quality of materials or proportions
would be beneficial or necessary to fulfil the guarantee called for, he shall bring this in
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writing to the notice of the Engineer-in-charge.
1.1 If at any time before the work is taken over, the Engineer- in-charge shall:
(i) Decide that any work done or materials used by the contractor or any sub-contractor
is defective or not in accordance with the contract, or that the works or any portion
thereof are defective, or do not fulfil the requirements of contract (all such matters being
hereinafter, called 'Defects' in this clause) and
(ii) As soon as reasonably practicable notice given to the contractor in writing of the said
decision specifying particulars of the defects alleged to exist or to have occurred then the
contractor shall at his own expense and with all efforts would make good the defects so
1.2 In case the contractor fails to do so, the SMC may take, at the cost and risk of the
contractor, such steps as may in all circumstances be reasonable to make good such
defects. The expenditure so incurred by the SMC will be recovered from the amount due to
the contractor. The decision of the Engineer-in charge with regard to the amount to be
recovered from the contractor will be final and binding on the contractor. As soon as the
works have been completed in accordance with the contract and have passed the tests on
completion, the Engineer-in-charge shall issue a certificate in which he shall certify the date
on which the works have been so completed and have passed the said tests and the SMC
shall be deemed to have taken over the works on the date so certified.
1.1 In order that the contractor could obtain a completion certificate, he shall rectify any
defect arising from the defective materials supplied by the contractor or workmanship or
any act or omission of the contract or that may have been noticed or developed after the
works or group of the works has been taken over, the period allowed for carrying out such
works will be normally 15 days. If any defect be not remedied within a reasonable time the
SMC may proceed to do the work at contractors risk and expense and deduct from the final
bill such amount as may be decided by the SMC.
1.2 If by reason of any default on the part of the contractor a completion certificate has not
been issued in respect of every portion of the works within one month after the date fixed
by the contract for the completion of the work, the SMC shall be at liberty to use the works
or any portion thereof in respect of which a completion certificate has not been issued ,
provided that the works or the portion thereof so used as aforesaid shall be afforded
reasonable opportunity for completion of these works for the issue of completion
1.3 All the aforesaid safeguards/ rights provided for the SMC shall not prejudice its other
rights/ remedies elsewhere provided herein and/ or under law.
1.1 On satisfactory completion of work the contractor shall apply to the State/ local Power
Utility/ GEDA, as the case may be, for the issue of commissioning certificate and the same
shall be arranged within 15 days of the commissioning of work in all respects (if required),
after verifying from the completion documents and satisfying himself that the work has
been completed in accordance with details set out in the construction and erection
drawings, and the contract documents. No completion certificate shall be given nor shall
the work be deemed to have been executed until the export of generated solar power
commenced, statutory requirements are completed and all scaffolding, surplus materials
and rubbish is cleaned off the site completely.
1.2 The following documents will form the completion certificate documents:
a) The technical documents as per scope of work & technical specifications according
to which the work was carried out.
b) Two sets of as built drawings showing therein the modification and corrections
made during the course of execution signed by the Engineer-in-charge. One
digitized soft copy of as built drawings shall also be submitted.
c) Certificates of type/ routine tests performed for various equipment at works along
with O&M manuals
Page | 27
d) Statutory clearances/ permissions.
e) Payment of all statutory duties, taxes, labour wages & others. (The document (s)
having evidence of paying statutory duties, taxes etc. as per requirement of
concerned statutory authorities).
f) The copy of certified initial meter reading of main meter and back up meter signed
by power utility, etc.
g) Certificate regarding completion of the facility in all respect by the Engineer In
h) Copy of Power Purchase Agreement executed with the supply agency.
Bidder is required to furnish estimated annual energy generation as per attached Bid Response
Sheet: 11 along with their offer failing which his offer is liable to be rejected.
No change in data supplied by the bidder at the time of submission of the bid related to
estimation of the generation like Module type, module size, Location of site etc. shall be
permitted. However, during the execution, in case it becomes absolutely inevitable for the Bidder
then minor changes may be accepted by SMC but this should not affect the annual energy
estimation. However, SMC will again get the estimation of generation of the SPV based power
plant checked with the changes of data and if the generation is found to be less than what was
considered for financial evaluation then the Bidder will have to modify the parameters in such a
way that estimated generation with changes does not fall below the generation considered for
financial evaluation.
Grid Down Time: “The Grid Down Time benefit of 0.5 kWh/kWp/hour round the year shall be
given to the bidder for power outage between 9:00A.M. to 4:00P.M.”
Note:- The Solar Energy generation shall be calculated on the basis of meter reading of Bi-directional
Energy Meter installed at 11kV (HT side) on A.C. side.
1.1 The contractor shall be required to affect insurance to the supplies, transit, personnel
and all other related to the satisfaction of the SMC as follows including all third party risks.
A copy of all such policies shall be given to the SMC along with proof of premium paid, if
i) Insurance to cover marine transit cum storage cum erection cum commissioning policy;
ii) Insurance to cover third party liability
iii) Workmen compensation and/ or group personal accidents Insurance policy covering all its
employees and works including of the sub-contractor.
iv) It would be the responsibility of the contractor to maintain the SPV based power plant and
it‟s all the equipments in perfect condition at his own cost for the entire period of 10
years for which SMC shall pay the agreed O&M charges only. The replacement/ repair/
modification of any/ all equipments has to be carried out by the contractor at his own
cost for the entire period of contract, so as to give the min. 90% of claimed net
energy generation. SMC shall not be responsible for any break down/ failure of any
equipment to any reason thereof and that the contractor shall maintain requisite stock of
spares of various equipments. The bidder may take a suitable type of insurance to meet
out the above purpose.
v) Nevertheless fire and allied perils including earthquake, flood, storms, cyclone, tempest &
burglary, insurance policy shall be taken by SMC regularly during maintenance contract
period. In case of any loss/ claim under the policy, O&M contractor shall immediately
inform the same to SMC & Insurance Company & thereafter shall take all the measures
required to protect the interest of SMC/ underwriters and required for settlement of
claim. In the case of any delay/ lapse on the part of O&M Contractor the loss would be
made up by them. The contractor shall replace the damaged equipment without waiting
for settlement of insurance claim.
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1.2 Contractor shall also effect and maintain any and all other insurance, which he may be
required under any law or regulation or practice from time to time.
1.3 The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent fire of any nature in the
general vicinity of SPP areas and he shall be responsible for all damage from fires due
directly or indirectly.
1.1 All the standard tests in accordance with the standards adopted shall be carried out at the
manufacturer‟s works on all the major equipment and accessories covered by this
specification so as to ensure efficient operation and satisfactory performance of all the
component/ parts. The Bidder shall furnish a complete list and details of all such tests to
be conducted on different equipment. The contractor will furnish a schedule of testing so
that SMC may associate his representative to witness the tests on any one set of major
components. The contractor shall also furnish copies of all test/ inspection reports for
reference to the SMC.
1.2 Any special test to be performed shall be mutually agreed upon between the Bidder and
the SMC.
1.3 All equipment shall be further tested at site, as recommended, before commissioning.
1.4 The work is subject to inspection at all times and at all places by the Engineer In charge.
The contractor shall carry out all instructions given during inspection and shall ensure that
the work is being carried out according to the relevant codes of practice during the
performance of the work.
1.5 The decision of the Engineer-in-charge in regard to the quality of work and materials and
performance to the specifications and drawings shall be final.
1.6 If any item is rejected during test/ inspection, the same shall be replaced/ rectified by
contractor without any cost
1.7 Third party inspection of all major items shall be done by agency appointed/ authorised by
SMC, if required. All expenses incurred for third party inspection shall be borne by SMC.
1.1 The manufacturer's guarantee for all bought out items shall be made available to SMC
and shall be valid at least for the entire defect liability period. If manufacturer's guarantee
is not so available to the SMC, the contractor himself shall guarantee the items supplied
for the entire defect liability period. However, in case the manufacturer's guarantee period
is in excess of the defect liability period, such guarantees for such excess period shall be
passed on by the contractor to the SMC.
1.2 Any material and/ or equipment and/ or accessories which shall prove defective or which
shall fail to meet the desired design guarantee or performance guarantee during the
defects liability period, the contractor shall replace/ rectified at his own cost that material
and/ or equipment and/ or accessories with another of make approved by SMC.
Manufacturer's/ contractor's guarantee for such replaced equipment shall also be made
available to SMC and should be kept valid at least for one year from the date of last
1.3 The contractor shall guarantee the satisfactory performance of the SPV based power
plant for a period of 12 months from the date of completion of stabilization period of 30
days. Any damage or defect, that may arise after or remain undiscovered at the time of
issue of commissioning certificate, same shall be rectified or replaced by the contractor at
his own expenses as deemed necessary by the engineer-in-charge. This guarantee shall
be applicable for the quality of works executed as well as for the equipment/ fittings
supplied by the contractor.
1.1 All statutory approvals for the works (from power utility/ Electrical Inspector or any other
approval required as per applicable law, rules thereof shall be obtained by the Bidder. The
statutory fees applicable till warranty period shall be included in the offered price.
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1.2 The Inspection and acceptance of the work as above shall not absolve the contractor
from any of his responsibility under this contract.
1.3 If any penalty/ levy becomes payable to the State Electricity Utility on account of low
power factor of the SPV based power plant, the same has to be borne by the contractor
1.4 All fee/ charges payable to any statutory authority on account of maintenance of
photovoltaic based power plant shall be borne by the contractor during the warranty
period of the contract.
1.5 The contractor shall be responsible for interconnection of photovoltaic based power plant
with the grid, so as to export power from photovoltaic based power plant. The date of
commissioning will not be considered prior to inter connection of photovoltaic based
power plant with the grid. Therefore, the contractor should make all efforts for installation
of metering equipment, etc., and carry out the inter connection prior to the final
commissioning of the photovoltaic based power plant.
Executive Engineer,
Light & Energy Efficiency Cell,
Surat Municipal Corporation.
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The contract for Maintenance on comprehensive basis shall be for 10 years. However, order for
Maintenance of the SPV based power plant shall be placed for initial period of 10 years including
free Maintenance during first year of operation. The maintenance period shall be reckoned from
the first day of completion of stabilization period.
The maintenance contract shall be renewable for a further 10 years on the same terms &
conditions but at the price as mutually agreed as per the conditions prevailing at that time.
The battery limit for bidder during the period of maintenance contract shall cover complete SPV
based power plant and power evacuation system upto inter connection point with existing
distribution system at site.
The bidder shall be responsible for supply of all spare parts, repairs/ replacement of any
defective equipment(s) at his own cost as required from time to time, schedule and preventive
maintenance, major overhauling of the plant, maintaining log sheets for maintenance &
performance details, deployment of maintenance staff to ensure continuous operations and
qualified engineer for supervision of maintenance work, so as to ensure the smooth operation for
the entire period of Maintenance. SMC shall not pay any amount except the agreed maintenance
This job involve by means of the enclosed specifications, design, manufacture, supply,
installation, commissioning of the SPV power systems with 1 year guarantee period followed by
10 years of comprehensive maintenance contract (4 visit/ year) including comprehensive
insurance and all associated civil works of the 3.6 MWp solar power plants consisting of solar
Contractor shall carry out maintenance work for the Solar Power plant as set forth herein.
Contractor shall perform the work and supply all required spare parts in a prudent and efficient
manner and in accordance with Manufacturers and systems designers' specifications, the Annual
Operating Plan for the Plant and all operation and maintenance manuals.
Contactor shall be required to work/ observe all Indian applicable laws including environmental
protection, pollution, sanitary, employment and safety laws.
Contractor shall use all reasonable and practical efforts: -
To maximize plant capacity utilization,
The contractor shall perform the following obligations prior to takeover of the
maintenance activity:
Provide the services and personnel set forth in the Mobilization Plan
Develop and implement plans and procedures including those for fire fighting,
maintenance planning, procuring and inventory control of stores and spares, plan
to meet emergencies, plant safety and security; and such other facilities and
systems as may be necessary to commence contractor's on-going
After taking over the activity of maintenance for the power plant, the Contractor shall be
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responsible for the operation and maintenance of the plant and shall perform all necessary
services including applicable services listed below:
a. Provide all maintenance services necessary and advisable to efficiently operate and
maintain the plant, including all associated and appurtenant mechanical and electrical
equipments keeping in view the objectives set-forth herein above.
b. Maintenance of the Plant which shall include detail of power output, other operating
data, repairs performed and status of equipment, all such records to be maintained for a
minimum of forty two (42) months after the creation of such record or data and for any
additional length of time required by regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over the
Parties. Upon expiry of term, the contractor shall hand over such records to the SMC;
however, SMC shall have access to all such records at any time.
c. Regularly update and implement an equipment repair or replacement and preventive
maintenance program that meet the specifications of the equipment manufacturers and
the recommendations of the manufacturers.
d. Perform periodic overhauls or preventive maintenance required for the Plant in
accordance with the recommendations of equipment manufacturers. Also attend break
down and other maintenance in the Plant.
e. Provide technical & engineering support for solving maintenance problems.
f. Perform the services required to procure all spare parts, or equipment/s as required,
overhaul of parts, tools and equipment, required to maintain the Plant in accordance
with the recommendations of individual original equipment manufacturer.
g. Maintain the plant‟s fire protection and safety equipment.
h. Maintain with the assistance of the SMC, accounting records regarding the facility in
accordance with the generally acceptable accounting principles under the Laws of India.
It shall be the responsibility of the maintenance contractor to maintain minimum power factor of
the solar power plant as per the requirement of concerned Discoms so as to minimize VAR drawl
from the discom. Any charges to be paid for the reactive power drawal shall be in scope of
contractor. The KVARH charges shall be settled on annual basis.
The Bidder will submit a bank guarantee after 12 (twelve) months of commissioning i.e. at the
start of maintenance period before the expiry of 12 months of guarantee/ free maintenance
The amount of bank guarantee equals to 10% of net estimated energy generation value for the
first year at all times up to maintenance period of 10 years. The validity should be of 10 years.
The Bank Guarantee shall be given in the proforma as per Annexure–II
(i) Contractor shall provide or obtain and maintain in force throughout the period of contract
the following insurance coverage:
(ii) Workmen compensation and/ or group personal accidents Insurance policy covering all its
employees and works including of the sub-contractor if any. Insurance to cover third party
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(iii) Insurance in respect of claims for personal injury to or death of any person in the
employment of contractor and arising out of and in the course of such employment, which
insurance shall comply with all applicable Indian law and directives.
(iv) Motor vehicle, general liability and other insurance and deductibles/ excess thereon as may
be required by applicable Indian law or in order to enable the contractor to comply with
prudent utility practice.
(v) The bidder may take MBD insurance policy but it would be the responsibility of the
contractor to maintain the solar power plant and all the equipments in perfect condition at
his own cost for the entire period of 10 years for which SMC shall pay the agreed
maintenance charges only. The replacement/ repair/ modification of any/ all equipment
shall have to be carried out by the contractor at his own cost for the entire period of
contract. SMC shall not be responsible for any break down/ failure of any equipment to any
reason thereof. Spares/ components should be replaced at the earliest so that PLF should
not fall below the claimed.
(vi) Nevertheless fire and allied perils including earthquake, flood, storms, cyclone, tempest &
burglary, insurance policy shall be taken by SMC regularly during contract period. In case
of any loss/ claim under the policy, contractor shall immediately inform the same to SMC &
Insurance Company & thereafter shall take all the measures required to protect the interest
of SMC/ underwriters and required for settlement of claim. In the case of any delay/ lapse
on the part of Contractor the loss would be made up by them. The contractor shall replace
the damaged equipment without waiting for settlement insurance claim.
Maintenance works can be sublet to experienced contractor after taking prior approval of Surat
Municipal Corporation.
The maintenance charges shall be inclusive of taxes and duties as applicable. But any increase in
taxes, levies/ fees or newly imposed taxes, etc., would be charged extra on submission of
documentary proof. Similarly, due credit would be given to SMC in case of withdrawal or
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reduction in applicable taxes/ fees/ duties. The maintenance charges should be quoted for 10
years in price schedule (e-format).
Payment will be made after all statutory deductions as applicable to such type of contracts. The
rate quoted shall deemed to be inclusive of all salaries and other cost, expenses of employees, all
statutory levies, cost of spares, cost of repair/ replacement/ modification of any equipment or
system for the entire period of 10 years. The rates are also inclusive of tools & tackles, etc. and
liabilities of every description and all risk of every kind to be taken in maintenance and handing
over the plant to the SMC by the contractor. SMC shall not be responsible for any such liability on
the contractor in respect of this contract and exclusion of applicable taxes on the date of issue of
work order at prescribed rates due to ignorance or otherwise shall not form a reason for claiming
anything extra at a later date.
The payment period will be quarterly. The SMC will be billed by the contractor promptly following
the end of each quarter for net power generated during such just completed quarter, and
payment will be due on or before the 15th day (due date) from the date of the receipt of the
invoice by SMC.
Monthly Generation data statement for net energy delivered to the Utility & energy generation
from the power plant shall be taken by SMC‟s employee as per direction given by the contractor/
discom/ GEDA.
During the execution of the contract the contractor shall ensure that a Plant Manager/ engineer
with authority to take decisions to be available at site. Such person deputed by the contractor
shall report to the Engineer in Charge for smooth work of the plant till satisfactory commissioning
at site.
The contractor shall also provide and maintain an office in Gujarat and as near to Surat possible
and such office shall be open at all reasonable hours to receive instructions, notices or other
communications during the maintenance period from the commissioning. The office shall have
telephone, fax and internet facility. The contractor shall be responsible for any misconduct/
indiscipline by his employees or sub-contractor/ agent employee‟s. The contractor shall abide by
the instructions of the SMC Representative, if given in this regard.
In case the contractor does not execute the work in the manner described in the contract
documents or if he shall at any time in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge: -
After the expiry of term & extension of term as the case may be, contractor shall hand over the
plant to the SMC in excellent condition. The contractor shall demonstrate performance test of all
the major & critical equipment to ensure plant dependable capacity in accordance to the norms
of manufacturer. While handing over the plant contractor shall hand over all technical
documents, literature, and instruction manuals, lists of spare part & tools & tackles. Contractor
will also hand over all the relevant record/ documents.
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In order that the contractor could obtain a Handing Over certificate, he shall rectify any defect/
non-achievement of plant dependable capacity in accordance to the norms of manufacturer
arising from the defective maintenance practices or non-compliance of Prudent Utility Practices or
that may have been noticed or developed during/ after the plant has been taken over, the period
allowed for carrying out such works will be normally one month. If any defect could not be
remedied or plant dependable achievement capacity in accordance to the norms of manufacturer
could not be achieved within a reasonable time the SMC may proceed to do the work at
contractor‟s risk and expense and deduct from the final bill such amount as may be decided by
the SMC.
All the aforesaid safeguards/ rights provided for the Surat Municipal Corporation shall not
prejudice its other rights/ remedies elsewhere provided herein and/ or under law.
Whenever, in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge the contractor has completely performed the
contract on his part, the Engineer in-charge will so certify in writing to the contractor.
The final payment to the contractor shall be made after accounting for all the previous payments/
advances/ adjustments of dues, provided always that contractor furnishes a "NO further claim-
No dues certificate". The release of final payments does not relieve the contractor from his any
other obligations as provided for in the contract.
The SMC shall deduct statutory taxes at source as per prevailing rates from bills of the
If the Contractor refuses or fails to execute the work or any separable part thereof with such
diligence or fails to perform any of his obligations under the contract or in any manner commits a
breach of any of the provisions of the contract, it shall be open to the SMC, to adopt following
course of action at its option, by written notice to the Contractor.
(i) To determine the contract in which event the contract shall stand terminated and shall
cease to be in force and effect on and from the date the decision is announced by the
SMC. The contractor shall stop forthwith any of the contractor work, then in progress and
handover the work to the SMC. The SMC shall be entitled for recovery of cost/
compensation to complete the unfinished obligations.
(ii) Without determining the contract, to take over the work of the Contractor or any part
thereof and complete the same through a fresh contract or by other means at the risk and
cost of the Contractor.
In the event that SMC proceeds in the manner prescribed in above clause then the whole
or part of the security/ Performance Guarantee furnished by the Contractor is liable to be
forfeited without prejudice to the other rights of the SMC. The SMC shall also have the
right of taking possession and utilizing such materials, equipment and plant, belonging to
the contractor, as may be at the site of the work in order to complete the unfinished work.
The amount that may have become due to the contractor on account of work already
executed by him shall not be payable to him until after the expiry of six months reckoned
from the date of the determination of contract or from the taking over of the work or part
thereof by the SMC as the case may be. Further during this period of six months the
responsibility for faulty workmanship in respect of such completed work shall under the
contract, rest exclusively with the Contractor.
Termination of the contract shall not prejudice or affect the rights of the Surat Municipal
Corporation which may have accrued up to the date of such termination.
Executive Engineer,
Light & Energy Efficiency Cell,
Surat Municipal Corporation.
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The Scope of Work covered under this specification shall be but not limited to the followings: -
To offer for 3.6 MWp Grid Connected Rooftop SPV based Power Plants.
Design, engineering, manufacture, testing at works and supply at sites of suitable Crystalline
Silicon Solar Cell Module in the total capacity of 3.6 MWp rating complete with accessories as
may be required for erection, commissioning and successful continuous operation of 3.6 MWp
capacity SPV based Power Plants with the DISCOM‟s grid. The SPV based Power Plants shall be
equipped with current limiting devices and capacitors so as to maintain power factor as required
by the DISCOM‟s Grid. KVARH drawal should be limited to 5% to total net energy exported in the
DISCOM‟s grid. However, all KVARH charges shall be borne by the contractor.
Design & manufacture of Module mounting structure for SPV module(s) along with design of
Module mounting structure foundation, erection, testing & commissioning of all the SPV
Design, manufacturing, testing at works, transportation, supply, erection, testing at sites and
commissioning of SPV based Power Plants‟ Internal electrical system.
Grid interfacing, including transformer, panels, kiosks, protection equipment, metering
equipment, LT lines for the evacuation point of the SPV based Power Plant.
Energy meter(s) for the export of power to the Local grid substation and recording import of the
power from the grid will be installed by the supplier.
Design and construction of control room adequate for housing power and control panels, CMS
etc. (if required)
VAR drawal compensation system, if required.
Laying of appropriate evacuation system (through proper conduits, cable tray as applicable best
practises) for inter connection with the Local grid etc.
Rubber mats of appropriate size, electrical shock treatment chart, fire extinguisher, fire buckets,
danger notice board/ stickers etc. confirming relevant IS shall be provided at sites as per
enclosed Annexure: IV.
Suitable arrangement of ladder of sufficient strength and made of MS material with hot-dip
galvanized shall be provided at site(s) as per enclosed Annexure: IV.
It is contractor‟s responsibility to observe & implement safety rules & practices as per prevailing
acts. SMC will not be responsible for any kind of accident/ damage done person(s) or
property(ies) during the entire contract period. No compensation of any kind shall be given to
contractor on breaching of any kind of safe working practice during the contract period.
Obtaining statutory approvals/ clearances from Government departments but not limited to the
following: -
Pollution Control Board Clearance, if required
Gujarat Energy Development Agency
State Power utilities viz. DISCOMS
Chief Electrical Inspector (CEI)
Any other concerned authority
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Providing a detailed training plan for all operations, maintenance procedures, which shall after
approval by SMC, form the basis of the training program.
Employ and coordinate the training of personnel who will be qualified and experienced to operate
and monitor the facility and to coordinate operations of the facility with the grid system.
Adequate insurance coverage shall be provided during EPC and maintenance period.
1.1 To maintain at the facility accurate and up-to-date maintenance details logs, records and
quarterly reports regarding the maintenance of facility.
1.2 To perform or contract for and oversee the performance of periodic overhauls or
maintenance required for the facility in accordance with the recommendations of the original
equipment manufacturer.
1.3 To maintain and keep all control room, tool room, stores room, equipment, etc. in workable
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1.5 One year free Maintenance during warranty period including spares and consumables, wear
and tear, overhauling and replacement including supply of spares of damaged equipments
and other parts of SPV based Power Plant with no extra cost on SMC.
SMC wishes to entrust the total maintenance activities of the 3.6 MWp SPV based Power
Plants to the contractor on turnkey for the first 10 (ten) years including one year free
maintenance during warranty period.
10.1 The Turnkey contractor shall be responsible for all the required activities for the
successful running, optimum energy generation & maintenance of the SPV based
Power Plant including Plant electric‟s covering.
10.2 Deputation of Engineering and supporting personnel for the periodical and break-
down works.
10.3 Successful running of SPV based Power Plant for optimum energy generation.
10.4 Helping in monitoring controlling, troubleshooting, maintaining of records,
10.5 Supply of all spares, consumables and fixing/ repairing of the complete to achieved
desired/ intended energy generation in best engineering manner/ prudent utility
practices prevailing in the field.
10.6 Conducting periodical maintenance check, testing, overhauling and taking
preventive actions for smooth running of SPV based Power Plant as required.
10.7 General up-keeping of all equipment, building parts, roads, SPV based Power Plant
10.8 Submission of quarterly reports to SMC on the energy generation & operating
conditions of the SPV based Power Plant.
10.9 Periodical monitoring of the performance of the SPV Modules and regular
maintenance of the whole system including SPV Modules, transformers, overhead/
udder ground line, outdoor kiosks, switchgear, equipments etc. are necessary for
extracting and maintaining the maximum energy output from the solar power
10.10 Maintenance of the SPV based Power Plant shall require to be carried out for 10
years including guarantee period as per Bid Response Sheet. Necessary spares
including capacitors (if required), consumables etc. as per suppliers
recommendation shall be arranged by the bidder at his own cost.
Providing necessary training and guidelines to the site staff for proper and efficient functioning of
entire solar power plant. In, all normal circumstances energy generation should not fall below the
12.1 The contractor shall prepare the preventive maintenance schedules and attend to the
breakdowns keeping in view that the plant availability is always more than 95% and
targeted/ claimed energy generation can be achieved.
12.2 The contractor shall carry out the periodical/ plant maintenance as given in the
manufacturer‟s service manual and perform minimum two certified services per year.
12.3 Regular periodic checks of the SPV based Power Plant shall be carried out as a part of
routine preventive maintenance during low sunlight period. In order to meet the
maintenance requirements stock of consumables are to be maintained as well as various
spare as recommended by the manufacturer at least for 2 years to be kept for usage/
arranged immediately for replacement at sites.
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12.4 Maintenance of other major equipment involved in SPV based Power Plant are SPV (SPV)
Modules, Power conditioning Unit, Data logger, Module Mounting Structures, Cables and
hardware‟s, Junction box and Distribution boxes, Earthing kit, PVC pipes and accessories etc.
switchgears and metering panel. Particular care shall be taken for outdoor equipment to
prevent corrosion. Cleaning of the SPV modules every fortnight interval or whenever
necessary. Resistance of the earthing system as well as individual earth resistance is to be
measured and recorded at required interval as per normal practice. If the earth resistance is
high suitable action is to be taken to bring down the same within the limits.
12.5 Please clearly note that necessary maintenance arrangements for cleaning/
washing of SPV modules shall be done by contractor free of cost. All materials/
equipment shall be arranged for washing & cleaning by the contractor
permanently/ whenever necessary free of cost. In case of unavailability of water
, contractor has to make necessary arrangement. No excuse shall be entertained in
event of improper/ non-satisfactory power generation due improper cleaning of SPV
12.6 According to the recommendations stock of special tools and tackles shall be maintained for
SPV based Power Plant and other major electrical equipment.
12.7 A maintenance record is to be maintained by the contractor to record the regular
maintenance work carried out as well as any breakdown maintenance along with the date of
maintenance reasons for the breakdowns steps have taken to attend the breakdown
duration of the breakdown etc.
12.8 The Contractor shall deploy enough manpower at SPV based Power Plant site to carryout
break-down and preventive maintenance schedules as specified.
12.9 The Contractor will attend to any breakdown jobs immediately for repair/ replacement/
adjustments and complete at the earliest working round the clock.
12.10 The Contractor shall immediately report the accidents, if any, to the Engineer In charge &
to all the concerned authorities as per prevailing law of the state showing the circumstances
under which it happened and the extent of damage and/ or injury caused. Maintenance
contractor would be solely & fully responsible/ liable to pay for any losses/ damages/ claims,
etc. and SMC will be fully indemnified for such losses/ claims.
12.11 The Contractor shall comply with the provision of all relevant Acts of Central or State
Governments including payment of Wages Act 1936, Minimum Wages Act 1948, Employer's
Liability Act 1938, Workmen's Compensation Act 1923, Industrial Dispute Act 1947, Maturity
Benefit Act 1961, Employees State Insurance Act 1948, Contract Labour (Regulations &
Abolishment) Act 1970 or any modification thereof or any other law relating whereto and
rules made there under from time to time.
12.12 The contractor shall at his own expense provide all amenities to his workmen as per
applicable laws and rules.
12.13 The Contractor shall ensure that all safety measures are taken at the site to avoid
accidents to his or his Co-contractor or SMC's Workmen.
12.14 If in the event of negligence or mal-operation by the contractor's contractor any failure of
equipment take place such equipment should be repaired/ replaced by contractor at free of
In order to ensure longevity safety of the core equipment and optimum performance of the
system the contractor should use only genuine spares of high quality standards as recommended
by manufacturers.
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The Contractor shall arrange for all the necessary tools and tackles etc. for carrying out all the
maintenance work covered under this contract.
Executive Engineer,
Light & Energy Efficiency Cell,
Surat Municipal Corporation.
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The Grid Connect Solar Power Generating System consists of mainly three components viz. the
SPV (SPV) array, module mounting structure and the power conditioning unit (PCU)/ inverter.
The SPV array converts the solar energy into DC electrical energy. The module mounting
structure holds the modules in required position and the DC electrical energy is converted to AC
power by the PCU, which is connected to the power grid. The AC power output of the inverter is
fed to the AC distribution board through metering panel and isolation panel. The 415 V AC
output-3Ø of the system can be utilized or as an option it could be stepped up to the required
voltage level and after synchronizing with the grid, can be exported to the grid.
vi Tilt Angle Suggested as per the Latitude, however best fit as per the roof
vii Feeding Point At the nearest sub-station on LT-side (415V), and HT side
(11kV) in-case of Wheeling as per the List of Sites, within the
premises as Net/Gross-Metering basis (feed-in-tariff system)
7.2.1 Each solar PV plant array capacity should not be less than the capacity of the
same SPV Plant capacity and total aggregate SPV array capacity should not be less than
the respective peak capacity of 10 sites as mentioned above, on max. radiation day and
should comprise of solar mono / multi crystalline modules of minimum 290Watts. The
Photovoltaic modules must be tested & approved by one of the IEC authorized test
centres, Test Certificates can be from any of the NABL / BIS accredited testing /
calibration laboratories the module type must be qualified as per IEC 61215 (Second
Edition). In-addition, PV modules must qualify to IEC 61730 Part I to II for safety
qualification testing, IEC 61701-Salt Mist Corrosion Testing of Photovoltaic (PV) Modules,
IEC 62716-Photovoltaic (PV) Modules – Ammonia (NH3) Corrosion Testing, IEC 62804
(Technical Specifications)-Photovoltaic (PV) modules - Test methods for the detection of
potential-induced degradation, and IEC 62759-1-Photovoltaic (PV) modules –
Transportation testing, Part 1: Transportation and shipping of module package units. SPV
module conversion efficiency should not be less than 15.0% under STC. The SPV
Modules to be supplied should be tested from MNRE.
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7.2.2 The PV module used in Grid Connected Solar Power system should have the
latest addition of following BIS-PV Module qualification test or, equivalent IEC Standards:
7.2.3 The power output of the module (s) under STC should be as given in section
scope of work. Modules of minimum 290 Watts output each or above output should be
used. Photo/ electrical conversion efficiency of SPV module shall be greater than 15%
under STC.
7.2.4 All materials used shall have a proven history of reliable and stable operation in
external applications. It shall perform satisfactorily in relative humidity up to 100% with
temperatures between 0° C and +85° C and with stand gust up to 200 km/h from back
side of the panel. The terminal box on the module should have a provision for opening
for replacing the cable, if required.
Aluminium extruded frame structures with adequate strength and in accordance with
relevant BIS standards can also be used with proof that the design of the structure can
withstand the wind speed of 170 km per hour as per BIS Standards.
7.2.5 A strip containing the following details should be laminated inside the module so
as to be clearly visible from the front side.
Each PV module used in any solar power project must use a RF Identification Tag
(RFID), which must contain the following Information:
c. Serial No.
d. Year of make.
iii. Month and year of the manufacturer (separately for solar cells and modules.
7.2.6 The rated output power of any supplied module shall not vary more than 3-5%
from the average power rating of all modules.
7.2.8 Protective devices against surges at the PV module shall be provided, if required.
Low voltage drop bypass and / or blocking diode(s) may also be provided, if required.
7.2.9 Module Junction box (weather resistant) shall be designed for long life out door
operation in harsh environment.
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7.2.10 A minimum warranty of 25 (Twenty) years shall be given with degradation of
power generated not exceeding 10% (Ten) over the entire period of 10 (Ten) years.
The module shall have warranty of 25years with degradation of power generated not
exceeding 20% of the minimum rated power over the 25 years period and not more than
10% after 10 years period. The Bidder will have to furnish a CORPORATE GURANTEE on
a required stamp paper for the same.
7.2.11 The solar modules shall have suitable encapsulation and sealing arrangements to
protect the silicon cells from the environment. The arrangement and the material of
encapsulation shall be compatible with the thermal expansion properties of the Silicon
cells and the module framing arrangement/material. The encapsulation arrangement
shall ensure complete moisture proofing for the entire life of the solar modules.
7.2.12 Each module shall have low iron tempered glass front for strength and superior
light transmission. It shall also have tough multi layered polymer back sheet for
environment protection against moisture and provide high voltage electrical insulation.
7.2.14 Data sheet of the offered module along with their IEC certificate and third party
test results must be submitted along with the offer giving details of peak power, peak
current, short circuit current, fill factor, open circuit voltage, peak power voltage etc.
Modules alignment and tilt angle shall be calculated to provide the maximum annual energy
output. This shall be decided based on the location of array installation.
The supplier shall specify installation details of the PV modules and the support structures with
appropriate diagrams and drawings. Such details shall include, but not limited to the following:
The array structure shall support SPV modules at a given orientation to absorb and transfer the
mechanical loads to the roof of porta cabin properly. The portion of array structure if any lying
within the column shall be of aluminium extruded section of superior quality. All nuts and bolts
shall be of very good quality stainless steel. Detailed design and Drawing of the module mounting
structures shall have to be submitted to CREST for acceptance before execution of work. Self
drilling fasteners with SS and rubber washers should be provided to fix SPV panels. Silicon
sealant around the fasteners should also be provided. Strict care should be taken during
execution to avoid any damage to the roof surface of the porta cabins and to ensure no leakage
should occur.
i. Structures shall be supplied complete with all members to be compatible for allowing easy
installation at the rooftop site.
ii. The Structure shall be made out of Aluminium member as per design to be submitted by firm.
The structures shall be designed to allow easy replacement of any module.
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iii. Each structure should have angle of inclination as per the site conditions to take maximum
iv. Each panel frame structure be so fabricated as to be fixed on the rooftop column/wall
structures. The structure should be capable of withstanding a wind load of 170KM/hr after
installation. The certificate about structure capable to withstand 170KM per Hour wind speed
should be provided from Chartered Structural Engineer on his letter pad with his registration No.
v. The structures shall be designed for simple mechanical and electrical installation. There shall
be no requirement of welding or complex machinery at the installation site. If prior civil work or
support platform is absolutely essential to install the structures, the supplier shall clearly and
unambiguously communicate such requirements along with their specifications in the bid.
Detailed engineering drawings and instructions for such prior civil work shall be carried out prior
to the supply of Goods. All self drilling fasteners, nuts and bolts shall be of very good quality
stainless steel.
vi. No damage in any way should be caused to the porta cabins slanting rooftops while
installation of SPV Power Plant. If any damage done it will wholly be the responsibility of the
bidder and cost shall be recovered from the bidder.
7.3.1 The array structure of the PV modules shall be grounded properly using adequate numbers
of earthing pits. All metal casing/ shielding of the plant shall be thoroughly grounded to
ensure safety of the power plant. All the power conditioning unit and electricity metering
unit having any exposed metal part must be grounded.
7.3.2. Two separate earthings must be provided for safer & reliable operations.
7.3.3 The SPV power plant shall be provided with lightning & over voltage protection. The
source of over voltage can be lightning, atmosphere disturbance etc.
a) The array structure of the PV yard shall be grounded properly using adequate number of
earthing kits. All metal casing/ shielding of the plant shall be thoroughly grounded to ensure
safety of the power plant.
b) The SPV Power Plant shall be provided with lightning & over voltage protection. The main
aim in this protection shall be to reduce the over voltage to a tolerable value before it reaches
the PV or other sub system components. The source of over voltage can be lightning,
atmosphere disturbances etc.
c) Metal oxide variators shall be provided inside the Array Junction Boxes. In addition suitable
MOV‟s also shall be provided in the Inverter to protect the inverter from over voltage.
Metallic frame structure of galvanized steel with stands to be fixed on the roof of the building to
hold the SPV module (s) one foot above roof level. The inclination angle should be best suitable
to get the maximum output. All hardware, nuts, bolts should be cadmium passivated/ plated.
7.5.1 The array structure shall be made of hot dip galvanized MS angles of size not
less than 50 mm x 50 mm x 6 mm size. The minimum thickness of galvanization shall be
at least 70 (seventy) microns. All nuts & bolts shall be made of very good quality ISI
grade stainless steel. The minimum clearance of the lowest part of the module structure
and the developed ground level shall not be less than 500 mm or as per site situation(s).
7.5.3 The structure shall be designed to allow easy replacement of any module and
shall be in line with site requirements. The structure shall be designed for simple
mechanical and electrical installation. It shall support SPV modules at a given orientation,
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absorb and transfer the mechanical loads to the ground properly. There shall be no
requirement of welding or complex machinery at site.
7.5.4 The array structure shall be so designed that it will occupy minimum space
without sacrificing the output from SPV panels at the same time it will withstand wind
speed up to maximum 200 km/h.
7.5.5 The supplier/ manufacturer shall specify installation details of the PV modules
and the support structures with appropriate diagrams and drawings.
7.5.6 PCC ARRAY FOUNDATION BASE: The legs of the structures made with GI
angles will be fixed and grouted in the PCC foundation columns made with 1:2:4 cement
concrete. The minimum clearance of the lowest part of any module structure shall not be
less 500 mm from ground level. While making foundation design, due consideration shall
be given to weight of module assembly, maximum wind speed of 200 km/h and seismic
factors for the site.
7.5.7 After taking in to consideration all aspects of the site, roof top strength etc.,
the bidder shall quote for civil works. The foundation design of module structure design
shall be submitted to SMC for approval. The work will have to be carried out as per
designs approved by SMC.
7.6.1 The junction boxes shall be dust, vermin and waterproof and made of FRP. The
terminals shall be connected to copper bus bar arrangement of proper sizes. The junction
boxes shall have suitable cable entry points fitted with cable glands of appropriate sizes
for both incoming and outgoing cables. Suitable markings shall be provided on the bus
bar for easy identification and cable ferrules shall be fitted at the cable termination points
for identification. The junction boxes shall have suitable arrangement for the following:
7.6.2 Combine groups of modules into independent charging sub-arrays that shall be
wired to the PCU.
7.6.3 Provide a test point for each sub-group for quick fault location.
7.6.5 The rating of the JB‟s shall be suitable with adequate safety factor to inter
connect the Solar PV array.
Solar array side breaker shall be housed in enclosure. These can also be housed within the PCU
to save space.
7.8.1 The PV module (s) will be warranted for a minimum period of 25 years from the
date of supply with maximum 10% degradation in 10 years. Solar PV power plant will be
warranted for a period of ten years from the date of supply.
7.8.2 An Operation, Instruction and Maintenance Manual in English and Gujarati should
be provided with the system.
a) About Photovoltaic
c) About PV module(s)
e) About electronics
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failure or complaint.
7.8.4 The details of the Power Conditioning Unit are as given below:
The power conditioning units (in multiple string inverters) totalling should not be
less than 3,600 kVA should be provided to convert DC power produced by SPV
modules, in to AC power. The power conditioning unit should have multiple MPPT
controls for multiple strings. The Individual Inverter should not be less than
10kVA and not be greater than 50kVA (3-phase). A multi function power
conditioning system combining the functionality of a grid interactive solar inverter
with a highly efficient conversion unit having following Technical Specification:
IEC 62109-1, IEC 62109-2: Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaic power
systems - Part 1: General requirements, and Safety of power converters for use in
photovoltaic power systems - Part 2: Particular requirements for inverters. Safety
compliance (Protection degree IP 65 for outdoor mounting, IP 54 for indoor mounting)
IEC 62116 or, IEEE 1547: Utility-interconnected Photovoltaic Inverters - Test Procedure
of Islanding Prevention Measures
IEC 60068-2 (1, 2, 14, 30 & 64): Environmental Testing of PV System – Power
Conditioners and Inverters
a) IEC 60068-2-1:
b) IEC 60068-2-2:
c) IEC 60068-2-14:
d) IEC 60068-2-30:
Environmental testing - Part 2-30: Tests - Test Db: Damp heat, cyclic (12 h + 12 h cycle)
e) IEC 60068-2-64:
Environmental testing - Part 2-64: Tests - Test Fh: Vibration, broadband random and
IEC 61000: Part 2 (Environment), Part 3 (Limits) & Part 6 (Generic standards):
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing of
PV Inverters (as applicable)
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The bidder shall use the original parts in case of any fault in the PCU/Inverter during the
O&M period of 10 years. In case the original part/parts are not available with the
manufacturer of the PCU/Inverter (Based on certificate from the manufacturer), the
bidder shall use the new parts of other standard brands available in the market or will
use the repaired parts but only with the prior permission of SMC.
Grid Supervision All three phases shall be supervised with respect to rise/ fall in
programmable threshold values of frequency & the power section
of the plant. The plant shall get disconnected/ connected from the
grid in case of a grid fault/ after normal grid conditions have
resumed. The grid supervision must comply with VDEW or other
relevant/ equivalent regulations
Type & Technology IGBT based. Utilize a circuit topology and components suitable for
meeting the specifications.
Frequency 50 Hz ±1 Hz
Housing cabinet PCU to be housed in suitable cabinet with minimum IP65 standard
DC System Voltage The electrical safety of the array installation is of the utmost
importance. Array electrical configuration shall be in such way,
that, the MPPT shall operate with maximum efficiency, between
the, low and high temperature of the site.
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Ambient Temperature Range 5° to 55° C
Housing Cabinet 1. PCU shall be housed in suitable switch cabinet, with min IP 21
degree of Ingress Protection.
2. Weatherproof, rodents & insect proof
3. Components and circuit boards mounted inside the enclosures
clearly identified with appropriate permanent designations,
which shall also serve to identify the items on the supplied
4. All doors, covers, panels and cable exists shall be gasketed or
otherwise designed to limit the entry of dust and moisture. All
doors shall be equipped with locks. All openings shall be
provided with grills or screens with openings no larger than
0.95cm (about 3x8 inch).
Electrical safety Protection The PCU shall include appropriate self-protective devices/
General Diagnostic feature to protect itself and the PV array from damage
in the event of PCU component failure or from parameters beyond
the PCU‟s safe operating range due to internal or external causes.
The self-protective features shall not allow signals from the PCU
front panel to cause the PCU to be operated in a manner that
may be unsafe or damaging. Faults due to malfunctioning within
the PCU, including commutation failure, shall be cleared by the
PCU protective devices and not by the existing site utility grid
service circuit breaker.
Over/ Under Voltage 1. Mains (Grid) over-under voltage and frequency protection.
2. Over voltage protection against atmospheric lightning.
3. Protection against voltage fluctuations in the grid itself and
internal faults in the power conditioner, operational errors
and switching transients.
Accidental Open Circuit Full protection against accidental open circuit and reverse polarity
at the input.
Internal faults Inbuilt protection for internal faults including excess temperature,
commutation failure, overload and cooling fan failure is obligatory.
Earth Fault Supervision An integrated earth fault detection device is provided to detect
eventual earth fault on DC side and shall send message to the
supervisory system.
Disconnection and Islanding Disconnection of the PV generator in the event of loss of the main
grid supply is achieved by in built protection within the power
conditioner. This may be achieved through rate of change of
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current, phase angle, unbalanced voltages, or reactive load
Automatic reconnection after the PCU has facility to reconnect the Inverter automatically to the grid
Grid failure is restored following restoration of grid, subsequent to grid failure condition.
Array Tracking Included authentic tracking of the Solar array‟s maximum power
operation voltage (MPPT).
Operator Interface LCD and key pad operator interface are provided.
Fault Conditions Automatic fault conditions reset for all the parameters like
voltage, frequency and/ or black-out.
DC–AC Conversion Efficiency 93% output ranging from 20% to full load. Idling current at no
load shall not exceed 2% of the full load current.
Parallel Operation with Grid Provided and capable of interrupting line to line currents and line
to ground faults currents.
Unbalanced Output Load PCU is able to withstand and unbalanced output load to the
extent of 30%.
Shut Down and Standby Mode Shut down/ standby mode with its contact open under the
following conditions before attempting an automatic restart after
an appropriate time delay; in sufficient solar power output.
a) Insufficient solar power input: When the power available
from the PV array is insufficient to supply the losses of the
PCU, the PCU shall go to a standby/shutdown mode.
The PCU control shall prevent excessive cycling during rightly shut
down or extended periods of insufficient solar radiation.
b) Utility-Grid over or under voltage: The PCU shall restart
after an over or under voltage shutdown when the utility grid
voltage has returned to within limits for a minimum of two
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c) Utility-Grid over or under frequency: The PCU shall restart
PCU Generated Harmonics Shall not exceed a total harmonic current distortion of 5%, a
single frequency current distortion of 3% and single frequency
current distortion of 1%, when the first through the fiftieth
integer harmonics of 50 Hz are considered.
Circuit Separation High voltage & power circuits separated from low voltage and
control circuits.
Special Features PCU must have a single phasing protection with auto islanding.
PCU must be totally isolated (except for minor grid detection
circuit) during non-production of energy.
PCU must have power factor correction.
PCU should have the KVAR import & export less than 5%
High Voltage Test PCU with stand high voltage test of 2,000 Vrms between either
the input or the output terminals and the cabinet (chassis).
EMI (Electromagnetic Interface) PCU shall not produce EMI which cause malfunctioning of
electronic & electrical instruments including communication
equipment which are located within the facility in which the PCU
is housed.
Display on Front Panel and a) instantaneous PCU ac power output and the DC voltage current
Indicators and power input
b) Accuracy of display: 3% of full scale factor or better
c) Display visible from outside the PCU enclosure.
d) Operational status of the PCU, alarms, trouble indicators and
AC and DC disconnect switch positions shall also be
Communicated by appropriate messages or indicator lights on
the front cover of the PCU enclosure.
Grounding PCU includes ground lugs for equipment and PV array groundings.
The DC circuit ground is a solid single point ground connection.
Exposed Surfaces Exposed surfaces of ferrous parts are thoroughly cleaned, primed,
and painted and suitably protected to survive a nominal 30 years
design life of the unit.
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parallel with a utility service, prior to its shipment.
b) Operation of all controls, protective and instrumentation
circuits demonstrated by direct test if feasible or by simulation
operation conditions for all parameters that cannot be directly
c) Demonstration of utility service interface protection circuits
and functions, including calibration and functional trip tests of
faults and isolation protection equipment.
d) Operation of startup, disconnect and shutdown controls also
to be tested and demonstrated, stable operation of the PCU and
response to control signals shall also be tested and demonstrated.
e) Factory testing includes measurement of phase currents,
efficiencies, harmonic content and power factor. All tests shall be
performed 25, 50, 75 and 50% of the rated nominal power.
f) Factory test report: Should be supplied with the unit after all
tests. The FTR shall include detailed description of all parameters
tested qualified and warranted.
Inverter/ Array Size Ratio The ratio of the Inverter continuous power rating and the array
peak power rating shall be between 80 to 90% or any other value
found suitable. This is because better overall annual yield can be
obtained by allowing the Inverter to operate for longer periods
closer to optimal efficiency. Inverter efficiency should exceed 90%
except when operating at less than 10% of maximum output.
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Metering a) PV array energy production: Meter to log the
actual amount of AC energy generated/ consumed by the
PV system shall have to be provided.
b) Solar irradiance: An integrating pyranometer
(Class II or better) to be provided, with the sensor
mounted in the plane of the array. Readout shall be
integrated with data logging.
Note: Energy meters shall be installed by DISCOMS and charges
will be paid by SMC.
Data Logging All major parameters available on the digital bus and logging
facility for energy auditing through the internal microprocessor
and can be read on the digital front panel at any time the current
values, previous values for up to a month and the average values.
Error logs.
Codes and Standards The quality of equipment supplied shall be controlled to meet the
guidelines for engineering design include in the standards and
codes listed in the relevant ISI and other standards, such as
(a) IEEE 928: Recommended criteria for terrestrial PV power
(b) IEEE 929 Recommended practice for utility interface of
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residential and intermediate PV systems.
(c) IEEE 519 Guide for harmonic control and reactive
compensation of static power controllers.
(d) National Electrical NFPA 70-1990 (USA) or equipment
national standard.
(e) National Electrical Safety Code ANSI C2 (USA) or equipment
national standard.
Modules should be of MNRE approved make only.
7.9.4 Since the PCU is to be used in solar photo voltaic energy system, it should have
high operational efficiency. The idling current at no load must not exceed 2 percent of
the full-load current.
7.9.5 A suitable Surge Protection Device separately at output (A.C. side) shall be
provided for SPV Power Plant.
7.9.6 The PCU shall include appropriate self protective and self diagnostic features to
protect itself and the PV array from damage in the event of PCU component failure or
from parameters beyond the PCU‟s safe operating range due to internal or external
causes. The self-protective features shall not allow signals from the PCU front panel to
cause the PCU to be operated in a manner which may be unsafe or damaging. Faults due
to malfunctioning within the PCU, including commutation failure, shall be cleared by the
PCU protective devices and not by the existing site utility grid service circuit breaker.
7.9.7 The PCU shall restart after an over or under frequency shutdown when the utility
grid voltage has returned to the within limits for minimum of two minutes.
7.9.8 The PCU generated harmonics measures at the point of connection to the utility
services when operating at the rated power shall not exceed a total harmonic current
distortion of 3 percent, a single frequency current distortion of 3 percent and single
frequency voltage distortion of 1 percent, when the first through the fiftieth integer
harmonics of 50 Hz are considered.
7.9.9 The PCU Power factor at the point of utility service connection shall be 0.95
lagging or leading when operating at above 25 percent of the rated output, but may be
less than 0.95 lagging below 25 percent of the rated output.
A) Internal Faults: In built protection for internal faults including excess temperature,
commutation failure, overload and cooling fan failure (if fitted) is obligatory.
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B) Over Voltage Protection: Over Voltage Protection against atmospheric lightning
discharge to the PV array is required. Protection is to be provided against voltage
fluctuations in the grid itself and internal faults in the power conditioner, operational
errors and switching transients.
C) Earth fault supervision: An integrated earth fault device shall have to be provided to
detect eventual earth fault on DC side and shall send message to the supervisory system.
D) Cabling practice: Cable connections must be made using PVC Cu cables, as per BIS
standards. All cable connections must be made using suitable terminations for effective
contact. The PVC Cu cables must be run in GL trays with covers for protection.
E) Fast acting semiconductor type current limiting fuses at the main bus-bar to protect from the
grid short circuit contribution.
Operating Modes:
Night or Sleep mode: Where the inverter is almost completely turned off, with just the timer and
control system still in operation, losses should not exceed 2 watts per 5 kilowatt.
In case of Grid Failure, the PCU should go in sleep mode/ turned off immediately.
Standby mode: Where the control system continuously monitors the output of the solar
generator until pre-set value is exceeded (typically 20 watts)
Operational or MPP tracking mode: The control system continuously adjust the voltage of the
generator to optimize the power available. The power conditioner must automatically re-enter
stand-by mode when input power reduces below the standby mode threshold. Front Panel
display should provide the status of the PCU, including AC Voltage, Current, Power output & DC
Current, Voltage and Power input, pf and fault Indication (if any)
Factory Testing:
B) Operation of start up, disconnect and shutdown controls shall also be tested and
demonstrated. Stable operation of the PCU and response to control signals shall also be tested
and demonstrated.
C) Factory testing shall include measurement of phase currents, efficiencies, harmonic content
and power factor.
D) A factory Test Report (FTR) shall be supplied along with the unit. The FTR shall include
detailed description of all parameters tested qualified and warranted.
7.10.1 4 Pole, 480 V, 50 Hz AC MCCB, of suitable current & protection rating with spreader
terminals, extendable rotary handle, thermal & electro-magnetic protection along with
appropriate quality & size steel enclosure must be provided for grid connection.
Array Junction Box with Surge Protection Device (SPD) & Fuses:
There should be a separate Array Junction Box with Metal Oxide Varistors (MOV) based
Surge Protection Device to be provided for each string inverter on D.C. Side. Further, on
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A.C. Side, the Surge Protection Device should be provided in ACDB, besides the existing
SPD device of PCU.
7.10.2 1.1 kV grade, 4 Core, XLPE insulated, aluminium conductor armoured cables confirming
IS: 7098 (Part- I) of appropriate rating/ size shall be provided for interconnection of
Inverter with MCCB & DISCOM‟s grid.
7.10.3 Cable termination shall be done using appropriate size lugs & cable glands.
All the cables which shall be supplied shall be conforming to relevant & shall be of 1.1 kV grade
as per requirement. The cables used in the system should be ISI marked anti rodent, XLPE
insulated FRLS unarmoured/ armoured copper conductor as per requirements.
The size of the cables between array interconnections, array to junction boxes, junction boxes to
PCU etc. shall be so selected to keep the voltage drop and losses to the minimum.
Energy meters shall be provided by DISCOMS as per prevailing GERC‟s tariff orders & regulations.
The cost of the energy metering will be borne by SMC.
1. Solar Irradiance: An integrating Pyranometer (Class II or better) should be provided, with the
sensor mounted in the plane of the array. Readout should be integrated with data logging system
for SPV Power Plant.
2. Temperature: Temperature probes for recording the Solar panel temperature and ambient
temperature for SPV Power Plant.
3.1) An independent data logging system for plant control and monitoring shall be provided for
SPV Power Plant.
3.2) One Computer (desktop ) for display of plant performance with the following specifications
with printer will also be supplied for SPV Power Plant:
Computer (HP/Dell) 1 No.: Intel i7 processor with 1 TB HDD, 4GB RAM, 4USB ports, DVD RW,
19” TFT Monitor, Optical Mouse, Modem, Wi-Fi LAN Card along with a LaserJet printer along
with a minimum 700VA UPS with 20 minutes battery backup. Also, the PC shall be provided
with complete functional software and remote linkage access through service provider for call /
email / data transfer / IP linkage for plant operations monitoring throughout the 10 years
operation & maintenance period shall be provided.
Laptop (HP/Dell) 1 No.: Intel i5 processor with 500GB HDD, 4GB RAM and screen size of 13
inch and above screen size will be provided with complete functional software and remote
linkage access through service provider for call / email / data transfer / IP linkage for plant
operations monitoring throughout the 10 years operation & maintenance period shall be
3.3) For Remote data monitoring of the plant, a smart phone of minimum 32GB internal storage,
3GB RAM, 5.5 inch touch screen, 13-megapixel and above camera with LED flash, Front facing
camera (5 MP and above), HD video recording. The data logging system should be able to
display the total cumulative generation data of 3.6 MWp and also to display SPV Power Plant
generation data in a single window/link.
3.4) 2 nos. class(0.5s), 3 phase 4wire, HT(11kV) Bi-directional Energy Meter along with
necessary CTs & PTs approved by UT Elect. Department will be provided to measure the Energy
produced by the SPV Power Plant and check meter also. The expenditure on testing and
calibrating of Energy Meter shall be borne by the bidder. All major parameters should be
available on the digital bus and logging facility for energy auditing through the internal
microprocessor and can be read on the digital front panel at any time the current values,
previous values for up to a month and the average values. The parameters should be accessible
via the operating interface display.
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Protective function limits (Viz-AC Over voltage, AC Under voltage, Over frequency, Under
frequency ground fault, PV starting voltage, PV stopping voltage, Over voltage delay, Under
voltage delay over frequency, Ground fault delay, PV starting delay, PV stopping delay). The
Solar power generated at different rooftops of SPV Power Plant will be collected at one central
point in the same complex from where it will be evacuated on HT side (11kV).
If required, 11kV VCB Isolator panel / 11kV CTs & PTs / protection device/ adapter panel/
breaker/ switchgear/ metering compartment box be provided to terminate the SPV Power Plant
output on HT side, for gross metering arrangement, will be provided by the bidder.
a) Common AC Distribution Panel Board (DPB) shall control the AC power from inverter. AC
Distribution panel (ACDP) should consist of appropriate size of MCCB with appropriate breaking
capacity as incomer and suitable numbers of MCCB with appropriate size breaking capacity out
going switches. The panel should be provided 3 Phase copper bus bar of suitable capacity.
b) Common AC DPB shall have the arrangement for measuring all electrical quantities such as
Voltage, Current, Frequency, of different feeder line & energy supplied to the main or different
feeder. Common ACDPB shall have sheet iron enclosure of dust & vermin proof & shall have
adequate cooling arrangement. The bus-bars are to be made of copper of desired size. Design &
Drawing is to be submitted before manufacturer assembly on installation for obtaining necessary
approval from SMC.
IS/IEC 60947 (Part 1, 2 & 3), General safety requirements for connectors, switches, circuit breakers
EN 50521 (AC/DC):
a) Low-voltage Switchgear and Control-gear, Part 1: General rules
b) Low-Voltage Switchgear and Control-gear, Part 2: Circuit Breakers
c) Low-voltage switchgear and Control-gear, Part 3: Switches,
disconnectors, switch-disconnectors and fuse-combination units
d) EN 50521: Connectors for photovoltaic systems – Safety requirements
and tests
IEC 60269-6 Low-voltage fuses - Part 6: Supplementary requirements for fuse-links
for the protection of solar photovoltaic energy systems
Surge Arrestors
IEC 61643-11:2011 Low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 11: Surge protective devices
/ IS 15086-5 (SPD) connected to low-voltage power systems - Requirements and test
IEC 62561-2
Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 2: Requirements
for conductors and earth electrodes
IEC 62561-7
Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 7: Requirements
for earthing enhancing compounds
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Remarks: In-addition, “IEC 62305:2013 Protection against lightning - All
Parts” will be followed.
Junction Boxes
IEC 60529 Junction boxes and solar panel terminal boxes shall be of the thermo
plastic type with IP 65 protection for outdoor use, and IP 54 protection
for indoor use
One set of essential spares for the PCU shall be provided and made available at the plant.
General Requirement Copper wound, Oil immersed, delta/star connected, low loss, core
type, outdoor, floor mounting, stepdown, continuously rated,
distribution transformers suitable for parallel operation with each
Terminal Box (HT) Suitable for 1 No. X 3 C X 185, 11 KV XLPE(E) cable
Terminal Box (LT) Suitable for Capacity of 2000 Amp. ELECTROLYTETINNED COPPER
Neutral bushing for Earthing Additional externally brought out neutral bushing for earthing
bushing should be provided.
Tap changing 2.5%, +5%,0%, -2.5% -5%,-7.5%, -10% tapings on HT side OFF
load tap changing switch with position indicator, locking device with
lock and keys
Frequency 50 HZ
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Oil Temperature Indicator (OTI) Compatible to RS-485
with 4to 20 mA output signal and
Winding Temperature Indicator
(WTI) with 4 to20 mA output
signal same shall be connected
with SCADA system.
For transformer 500 KVA & above Buchholz relay, explosion vent required
Transformer foundation and HT room and transformer foundation is not in the contractor‟s
necessary civil work like beam, scope of work.
column, brick wall, etc. as per site
requirements. However foundation
detailed civil drawings should be
approved before making the
Particular Specifications/Details
Conductor insulation
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polyethylene (XLPE) Using Gas Curing Process
Thickness >=5.5 mm
Outer Sheath
Material PVC
Thickness >=2.4 Mm
Colour Black
Indoor Type:
The item includes supply, installation, termination, testing and commissioning of heat shrinkable
termination kit for HT cables as mentioned in BOQ. These terminations will be made on
transformer‟s H.T. Side and at HT panel. All material and labour required for termination shall be
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in the scope of contractor‟s work.
As per site requirement, 1/2HP BIS approved surface pumps shall be installed for SPV Power
Plant. Suitable Nos of water outlets shall be provided through B-class ISI Marked GI Pipes with
suitable rubber based pipe for cleaning of the modules.
As per requirement, Fire Extinguisher shall be provided and other fire prevents materials like
sand basket at the PV array field for SPV Power Plant.
All the equipments (but incase of SPV Modules the guarantee period is 25years) shall be provided
with comprehensive Maintenance for 10 years against unsatisfactory performance and/or break
down due to defective design, workmanship of material. The equipments or, components, or any
part thereof, so found defective during Comprehensive Maintenance period shall be forthwith
repaired or replaced free of cost to the satisfaction of the Engineer in-charge.
i. Data Acquisition System shall be provided for each of the solar PV plant above 10 kWp
ii. Data Logging Provision for plant control and monitoring, time and date stamped system data
logs for analysis with the high quality, suitable PC. Metering and Instrumentation for display of
systems parameters and status indication to be provided.
iii. Solar Irradiance: An integrating Pyranometer / Solar cell based irradiation sensor (along with
calibration certificate) provided, with the sensor mounted in the plane of the array. Readout
integrated with data logging system.
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iv. Temperature: Temperature probes for recording the Solar panel temperature and/or
ambient temperature to be provided complete with readouts integrated with the data
logging system
v. The following parameters are accessible via the operating interface display in real time
separately for solar power plant:
a. AC Voltage.
b. AC Output current.
c. Output Power
d. Power factor.
e. DC Input Voltage.
f. DC Input Current.
g. Time Active.
h. Time disabled.
i. Time Idle.
j. Power produced
k. Protective function limits (Viz-AC Over voltage, AC Under voltage, Over frequency,
Under frequency ground fault, PV starting voltage, PV stopping voltage.
vi. All major parameters available on the digital bus and logging facility for energy auditing
through the internal microprocessor and read on the digital front panel at any time) and
logging facility (the current values, previous values for up to a month and the average
values) should be made available for energy auditing through the internal microprocessor
and should be read on the digital front panel.
vii. PV array energy production: Digital Energy Meters to log the actual value of AC/ DC
voltage, Current & Energy generated by the PV system provided. Energy meter along with
CT/PT should be of 0.5 accuracy class.
ix. String and array DC Voltage, Current and Power, Inverter AC output voltage and current (All
3 phases and lines), AC power (Active, Reactive and Apparent), Power Factor and AC energy
(All 3 phases and cumulative) and frequency shall be monitored.
xi. The data shall be recorded in a common work sheet chronologically date wise. The data file
shall be MS Excel compatible. The data shall be represented in both tabular and graphical
xiii. Software shall be provided for USB download and analysis of DC and AC parametric data for
individual plant.
xiv. Provision for instantaneous Internet monitoring and download of historical data shall be
also incorporated.
xv. Remote Server and Software for centralized Internet monitoring system shall be also
provided for download and analysis of cumulative data of all the plants and the data of the solar
radiation and temperature monitoring system.
xvi. Ambient / Solar PV module back surface temperature shall be also monitored on continuous
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xvii. Simultaneous monitoring of DC and AC electrical voltage, current, power, energy and other
data of the plant for correlation with solar and environment data shall be provided.
xviii. Remote Monitoring and data acquisition through Remote Monitoring System software at
the owner / SMC server location with latest software/hardware configuration and service
connectivity for online / real time data monitoring / control complete to be supplied and
operation and maintenance / control to be ensured by the bidder.
xix. The bidders shall be obligated to push real-time plant monitoring data on a specified
intervals (say 15 minute) through open protocol at receiver location (cloud server) in
XML/JSON format, preferably. Suitable provision in this regard will be intimated to the
The successful bidder shall be required to meet minimum guaranteed generation with
Performance Ratio (PR) at the time of commissioning and related Capacity Utilization Factor
(CUF) as per the GHI levels of the location during the O&M period. PR should be shown minimum
of 75% at the time of inspection (by the selected third-party) for initial commissioning
acceptance to qualify for release of subsidy and as per Clause 6.8 of Section-II. Minimum CUF of
15% should be maintained for a period of 5 years for fulfilling one of the conditions for release of
PBG. The bidder should send the periodic plant output details to SECI for ensuring the CUF. The
PR will be measured at Inverter output level during peak radiation conditions.
Third-Party Inspection shall be carried out by Inspecting officer(s) nominated by MNRE, GEDA,
SECI, SMC officials, or, from the officials of TERI, NISE, or any other agencies to be notified by
MNRE/GEDA/SECI from time to time.
Two sets of installation manual/ user manual shall be supplied along with the each power plant.
The manual shall include complete system details such as array lay out, schematic of the system,
inverter details, working principle etc. Step by step maintenance and troubleshooting procedures
shall be given in the manuals.
The bidder should provide the bill of material for 3.6 MWp grid connect SPV power plants
mentioning the quantity of each of the item consisting in the system, along with the offer/ or as
mentioned in the technical-bid.
The bidder shall submit the following before starting the installation of the power plant: -
Safety and Environment policy of the Company
HSE Manuals for Installation
Emergency Management Plan
The successful bidder shall provide a warranty covering the rectification of all defects in the
design of equipment, material and workmanship of manufacturing of equipment for a period of
12 (Twelve) months after 30 days of stabilization period and satisfactory commissioning/ issue of
Page | 62
commissioning certificate by GEDA.
The model of SPV module offered should be of type tested design as per Ministry of New and
Renewable Energy (MNRE).
The bidder shall submit a copy of the MNRE list indicating inclusion of the model of SPV module
offered and MNRE certificate including power curve.
The bidder shall submit detailed calculations for arriving at annual energy generation for the SPV
based power plant and furnish all the input information/ data including maps, drawings, data
considered for calculations in hardcopy and soft copy both.
The bidder shall furnish technical data and documents complete in all respect as per the bidding
The successful bidder shall carry out maintenance checks at regular intervals viz. daily, weekly,
monthly, quarterly, half yearly and yearly basis during warranty period and maintenance period
for which details of such checks shall be furnished along with the bid.
Bidder shall design electrical system in accordance with the Indian Electricity (IE) Rules, Chief
Electrical Inspector (CEI) requirements, Standard Practices of SEBs/ Discoms, Code of Practices
issued by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).
Bidder shall submit complete scheme for grid interfacing & interconnection for SPV power plant
at each site including schematic diagrams and the basis of design & brief specifications of
equipments, materials and installations along with the offer.
All equipments/ materials shall be suitable for the site conditions and shall be manufactured
strictly in accordance with latest relevant Indian Standards published by BIS and all similar
materials and removable parts shall be uniform and interchangeable with one and another.
Adequate preventive measures shall be taken against aggressive climatic conditions like
temperature, corrosion, salinity, humidity, sand storms, wind pressure etc.
Electrical installations shall be constructed strictly according to the following:
Relevant Code of Practices issued by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).
Indian Electricity (IE) Rules 1956/ Electricity Act, 2003.
Statutory requirements by Chief Electrical Inspector (CEI) of the State.
Standard Practices followed by SEBs/ Discoms.
Central Electricity Authority (CEA) Guidelines.
Central Board of Irrigation and Power (CBIP) manuals.
Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) manuals.
Any item not specifically mentioned but essential for successful operation of electrical system
with full safety according to statutory requirements shall be included in scope of work of the
The bidder shall furnish the make and source of the various components of the power plant as
per format given in the bidding document.
Page | 63
The purchaser or the supplier may propose changes in the specifications of the equipment or
quality over and above the guaranteed performance and if the parties agree upon any changes,
the specifications shall be modified accordingly.
If any such agreed change is such that it affects the price or completion schedule, the parties
shall agree in completion schedule or both, before the supplier proceeds with the change.
Following each agreements, the provision thereof shall be incorporated in an amendment to the
All items will be carefully inspected and tested during manufacture and prior to dispatch in
accordance with the standard practice of manufacturer and the applicable standards. These
certificates in triplicate shall be supplied before the dispatch of the equipments.
Purchaser reserves the right to inspect the equipments/ components at the manufacture‟s works.
Purchaser shall have an open access for conducting quality inspection of the system as well as
components as and when deemed necessary. Purchaser may engage third party inspection
agencies for achieving the assured quality of the components. Bidder shall extend necessary
cooperation to the third party inspection agencies besides the Purchasers inspection team for
effectively carrying out the Inspection/ testing. However, stage inspection by SMC does not
absolve the responsibility of the bidder in providing the performance guarantee/ warranty. Bidder
shall strictly comply with the quality requirements suggested by the inspecting authorities from
time to time.
The SPV modules and other equipments should conform to the relevant International/ Indian
Standards and shall meet all the CEA/ CEI and local statutory requirements. The Bidder shall
furnish the standards adopted by them.
All works shall be done as per statutory Acts, Rules and Regulations of the Central/ State Govt.
and our own Authorities or as applicable.
The successful bidder shall be required to provide three copies of the following information,
drawings and documents, within two weeks of the placement of order:
(i) Complete technical specifications of the SPV Module including Power conditioning Unit,
Data logger, Module Mounting Structures, Cables and hardware‟s, Junction box and
Distribution boxes, Earthing kit (if required), PVC pipes and accessories
(vi) Detailed drawings showing control circuit interconnection drawings and other service
(viii) Operation/ maintenance/ trouble shooting manual including detailed drawing for local
control system.
Page | 64
(x) The bidder is requested to append to the offer a bar chart and PERT diagram showing the
broad time schedule of supply, erection and commissioning.
(xi) Schematic diagram of entire electrical system for grid interfacing & interconnection.
(xiii) Test reports (Type & Routine both) of all major equipments, material and components
(xiv) Check list/ protocols for manufacture, assembly, erection, testing and commissioning
(xv) Test certificate of reinforced steel and steel used for module mounting structure
SPV modules need to be suitably protected against high temperature and dust storms. All
equipments shall be designed for following temperature ranges:
All materials, components and equipment shall function and work properly during the lifetime
without deterioration due to the aggressive soil, climatic conditions, cyclones and dust loading.
Bidder shall submit protection methods/ precautions to be adopted for the satisfactory
performance of SPV power plant for such conditions, without fail.
Executive Engineer,
Light & Energy Efficiency Cell,
Surat Municipal Corporation.
Page | 65
Evaluation of both un-priced bids and priced bids shall be done separately.
Techno-commercial evaluation of the un-priced bids shall be carried out first. This will be done on
the basis of Qualification Documents furnished by the bidder and completeness & conformity of
the bids with respect to the ITB requirements viz: acceptability of terms and conditions of the
tender document, Project completion time quoted by the bidder.
SMC reserves the right to get the generation calculation verified through an independent agency
and the generation so calculated will be considered for price evaluation.
However SMC reserves the right:
Total EPC contract price quoted by bidders as per Bid Response Sheet No. P-I.
Total Annual Energy Production as furnished by the bidders and corrected by the SMC, if it
is found abnormal.
Evaluation of overall return on Investment/ Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for 25 years
Page | 66
Bidder's Certificate/ Undertaking
I/we hereby declare that I/We have persuaded in detail and examined closely the specifications/
general terms & conditions/ special terms & conditions/ important instructions/notes described in
the tender documents. I/We hereby agree to be bound by and comply with all such
specifications/terms, conditions etc.
I/We also certify that I/We have visited the sites and inspected the locations of the proposed
work and have collected all information including any modification work(s) required for execution
of works at site before quoting my/our rates.
I/We also confirm that my/our offer is strictly in line with the tender specifications, stipulations,
terms and conditions etc. and understand that in the event of any deviations, technical or
commercial, my/our price bid will not be opened.
I/We also confirm that min. 90% net energy generation claimed will be achieved failing which
pre-determined mutually agreed damages as imposed will be acceptable to me/ us.
I/We have understand the tender specifications/ terms/ conditions/ all content of tender and
particularly intent behind the SITC & maintenance of the Solar Power Plants and bind my/ our
self for same.
If any items/ conditions/ specifications/ scope of work is mentioned differently at more than one
place(s) by chance, most appropriate decided by the department will apply & binding to the
I/ We understand that the tender spell out the detailed specifications and other terms &
conditions for supply, installation, testing, commissioning including & performance expectation
during the contractual period. Every attempt has been made to express, communicate, spell out
&define all terms, conditions, specification of the works and site conditions etc. related to work;
however, I/ We also understand that work has to be viewed in toto and therefore, anything
missed out has been considered as a part of the tender even though it is not specifically and
exclusively mentioned in the tender by SMC. Tender has been quoted accordingly.
I/ We have understood the intent of the tender besides content therein. I/ We assures that SPV
based Power Plants will deliver the claimed performance with the best safety & work shall be
carried out in the best engineering manner & practices prevailing in the field and according to
relevant national/ international standards, laws & regulations. Tender cost shall be full & final
throughout the contractual period.
Any minor/ major modification works required to achieve above will be done free of
cost by me/ us. No claims will be made and no issue will be raised by me/ us in the
aforesaid matter(s) at later date or at any stage..
Page | 67
Name of Work: ___________________________________________________________
6 I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that all the statements made in the required attachments are
true and correct. I also understand that in case of wrongful / false information, corporation is
entitled to take any civil & criminal punitive action against me /us.
The undersigned also hereby certifies that neither our firm M/s
___________________________ _____________________nor any of its constituent
partners have abandoned any work in India nor any contract awarded to us for such works
has been rescinded during last five years, prior to the date of this bid.
The undersigned hereby authorize(S) and request (s) any bank, person, authorities,
government or public limited institutions, firm or corporation to furnish pertinent information
deemed necessary and requested by the SMC to verify our statements or our competence
and general reputation.
The undersigned understands and agreed that further qualifying information may be
requested, and agrees to furnish any such information at the request of the SMC.
The SMC and its authorized representative are hereby authorized to conduct any inquiries or
investigations to verify the statements, documents, and information submitted in connection
with this application and to seek clarification from our bankers and clients regarding any
financial and technical aspects. This Affidavit will also serve as authorization to any individual
or authorized representative of any institution referred to in the supporting information, to
provide such information deemed necessary and requested by you to verify statements and
information provided in the tender or with regard to the resources, experience and
competence of the Applicant.
Signed by the authorised signatory of the
Title of the office
Name of the firm
Note: The affidavit format as indicated above to be furnished on non judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100 and
duly notarized.
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Bid Response Sheet No.1
The undersigned hereby acknowledges and confirms receipt of the technical-bid document from SMC and
to submit the proposal by due date for a 3.6 MWp SPV based power plants.
The undersigned confirms that the Bidder is in possession of the complete technical-bid.
The undersigned hereby acknowledges that he/ she understands that if the Bidder does not attend the
pre-bid conference. SMC will not respond to inquiries from the Bidder after the date of conference.
The form should be returned by the fax within seven days and should be followed by mailing the form
with the original signature to the attention of Energy Efficiency Cell , SMC, Muglisara, Surat- 395 003.
Signature of Bidder
Page | 69
Bid Response Sheet No.2
(1) Total capacity of SPV based power plant projects executed on turnkey basis in Gujarat and
India in the last Seven years.
(2) Maintenance works of SPV based power plant projects undertaken in Gujarat and India for
total capacity.
(3) Maintenance contract for ten years & above in hand indicating capacity thereof.
(4) Number of power plant of quoted model in operation in Gujarat and India with no. of years
in operation.
The bidder should give all relevant documents for our satisfaction regarding fulfilment of
the qualifying criteria in Bid Response Sheet 2 (A) and provide extra sheets also (if
necessary); failing with bid is not likely to be considered.
Month Year
Signature of Bidder
Page | 70
Bid Response Sheet No.2A
Signature of Bidder
Page | 71
Bid Response Sheet No.3
1. Latest Balance sheet filed with ROC (Attach audited copies of annual accounts of past
3 years). Indigenous Bidders to attach copy of accounts audited under section 44AB
of Income Tax Act.
2. Net Worth
a)Current period
b)During the last financial year
c)During the year before last financial year
a) Current period
b) During the last financial year
c) During the year before last financial year
6. Sales
Signature of Bidder
Page | 72
Bid Response Sheet No.3A
Plant Details:
a) Location
b) Description, type and size of building
c) Is property on lease or free hold? If on lease, indicate date of expiry in each
Page | 73
Bid Response Sheet No.3A- contd...
5. Describe Quality Control Organization, if any, and give the organization chart.
a) Are goods offered subject to batch test, random sampling, or full 100% test
for quality?
b) Are tests carried out by factory employees or by a separate testing agency?
c) Are independent quality Control Organization checks made and certificates
7. Names of three buyers to whom similar equipments have been supplied, installed and
commissioned in the past to whom reference could be made by us regarding the bidder‟s
technical and delivery ability.
9. Schedules for furnishing technical data and certified drawings after receipt of orders.
Signature of Bidder
Page | 74
Bid Response Sheet No.4
Type of Contact generation as
Total Name of Client’s
Commissioning SPV tel. no. & per guarantee
Capacity site Name
module address Yes/ No
If No,
Month Year
Signature of Bidder
Page | 75
Bid Response Sheet No.5
The bidder is required to stipulate the list of exceptions and deviations, if any, in the proforma given
below only. Any deviations given elsewhere in the offer will not be considered.
Agreed or
Sr. Exceptions & Deviations with
Terms & Conditions Not
No. Justifications
1. Validity of offer 120 days from the
date of opening of the technical bid.
2. Scope of work
4. Terms of payment
5. Firmness of price
6. Project Commissioning
9. Any other:
Signature of Bidder
Page | 76
Bid Response Sheet No.6
(i) The bidder shall have experience of executing grid connected SPV
based roof-top power plant projects in immediately preceding seven
years in India.
(iii) The Average Annual Turnover of the bidder of the last three preceding
financial years i.e. 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16.
(iv) The net worth of the bidder during any one year among last three
preceding financial years i.e. 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16.
Page | 77
Bid Response Sheet No.7
General Data
2. Type
3. Rated output
4. Current (Amps.)
5 Voltage (V)
10. Regulation
Page | 78
Bid Response Sheet No.8
Total Losses %
Financial Details
Other Details
Page | 79
Bid Response Sheet No. 9
Page | 80
Bid Response Sheet No. 10
The Bidder should enclose the following drawings with the bid:
(c) Single line schematic diagram of electrical system for grid interfacing and grid
interconnection from SPV based power plant to LT/HT distribution board
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Bid Response Sheet No. 11
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Bid Response Sheet No. 12
1. Katargam Water Works (940 KWp)
Sr. Total Qty. as
No. Description Make & Model Offered per site
(1) Solar module (Make, Type, Wattage)
(2) Module mounting structure(s)
(3) Inverter (Make, Model, Capacity etc.)
(4) Sensor Box with Temperature sensors and
(5) Web Box with RS 485 Communication
Cable or as required
(6) AC Distribution Board as required for the
SPV based Power Plant with sufficient
safety factor
(7) 1 x 4 or …. sq mm PVC insulated Cu cable
(Array to AJB)
(8) 4 x 10 or …. sq mm PVC insulated Cu
cable (PCU to ACDB input)
(9) Multi-contact Male Cable Coupler
(10) Multi-contact Female Cable Coupler
(11) Earthing kit as required
(12) GI Strip
(13) Vertical Air terminal
(14) Installation kit
(15) Safety equipments/ accessories etc.
(16) Transformers (1100 KVA)
(17) SF6 outdoor type HT breaker
(18) HT Cable
(19) HT End termination
(20) LT Panel and switchgear
(21) Any other component (1) ………………..
(22) Any other component (2) ………………..
Bidder has to estimate the actual cable lengths (HT & LT) required during the compulsory
site visit and quote the rate accordingly. Tentative drawings sketches shall be provided
during site visit.
Signature of the Bidder
Page | 83
Bid Response Sheet No. 12
2. Katargam WDS (650 KWp)
Sr. Total Qty. as
No. Description Make & Model Offered per site
(1) Solar module (Make, Type, Wattage)
(2) Module mounting structure(s)
(3) Inverter (Make, Model, Capacity etc.)
(4) Sensor Box with Temperature sensors and
(5) Web Box with RS 485 Communication
Cable or as required
(6) AC Distribution Board as required for the
SPV based Power Plant with sufficient
safety factor
(7) 1 x 4 or …. sq mm PVC insulated Cu cable
(Array to AJB)
(8) 4 x 10 or …. sq mm PVC insulated Cu
cable (PCU to ACDB input)
(9) Multi-contact Male Cable Coupler
(10) Multi-contact Female Cable Coupler
(11) Earthing kit as required
(12) GI Strip
(13) Vertical Air terminal
(14) Installation kit
(15) Safety equipments/ accessories etc.
(16) Transformers (700 KVA)
(17) SF6 outdoor type HT breaker
(18) HT Cable
(19) HT End termination
(20) LT Panel and switchgear
(21) Any other component (1) ………………..
(22) Any other component (2) ………………..
Bidder has to estimate the actual cable lengths (HT & LT) required during the compulsory
site visit and quote the rate accordingly. Tentative drawings sketches shall be provided
during site visit.
Signature of the Bidder
Page | 84
Bid Response Sheet No. 12
3. Rander Water Works (500 KWp)
Sr. Total Qty. as
No. Description Make & Model Offered per site
(1) Solar module (Make, Type, Wattage)
(2) Module mounting structure(s)
(3) Inverter (Make, Model, Capacity etc.)
(4) Sensor Box with Temperature sensors and
(5) Web Box with RS 485 Communication
Cable or as required
(6) AC Distribution Board as required for the
SPV based Power Plant with sufficient
safety factor
(7) 1 x 4 or …. sq mm PVC insulated Cu cable
(Array to AJB)
(8) 4 x 10 or …. sq mm PVC insulated Cu
cable (PCU to ACDB input)
(9) Multi-contact Male Cable Coupler
(10) Multi-contact Female Cable Coupler
(11) Earthing kit as required
(12) GI Strip
(13) Vertical Air terminal
(14) Installation kit
(15) Safety equipments/ accessories etc.
(16) Any other component (1) ………………..
(17) Any other component (2) ………………..
Bidder has to estimate the actual cable lengths (HT & LT) required during the compulsory
site visit and quote the rate accordingly. Tentative drawings sketches shall be provided
during site visit.
Signature of the Bidder
Page | 85
Bid Response Sheet No. 12
4. Sarthana Water Works (700 KWp)
Sr. Total Qty. as
No. Description Make & Model Offered per site
(1) Solar module (Make, Type, Wattage)
(2) Module mounting structure(s)
(3) Inverter (Make, Model, Capacity etc.)
(4) Sensor Box with Temperature sensors and
(5) Web Box with RS 485 Communication
Cable or as required
(6) AC Distribution Board as required for the
SPV based Power Plant with sufficient
safety factor
(7) 1 x 4 or …. sq mm PVC insulated Cu cable
(Array to AJB)
(8) 4 x 10 or …. sq mm PVC insulated Cu
cable (PCU to ACDB input)
(9) Multi-contact Male Cable Coupler
(10) Multi-contact Female Cable Coupler
(11) Earthing kit as required
(12) GI Strip
(13) Vertical Air terminal
(14) Installation kit
(15) Safety equipments/ accessories etc.
(16) Any other component (1) ………………..
(17) Any other component (2) ………………..
Bidder has to estimate the actual cable lengths (HT & LT) required during the compulsory
site visit and quote the rate accordingly. Tentative drawings sketches shall be provided
during site visit.
Signature of the Bidder
Page | 86
Bid Response Sheet No. 12
5. Varachha Water Works (250 KWp)
Sr. Total Qty. as
No. Description Make & Model Offered per site
(1) Solar module (Make, Type, Wattage)
(2) Module mounting structure(s)
(3) Inverter (Make, Model, Capacity etc.)
(4) Sensor Box with Temperature sensors and
(5) Web Box with RS 485 Communication
Cable or as required
(6) AC Distribution Board as required for the
SPV based Power Plant with sufficient
safety factor
(7) 1 x 4 or …. sq mm PVC insulated Cu cable
(Array to AJB)
(8) 4 x 10 or …. sq mm PVC insulated Cu
cable (PCU to ACDB input)
(9) Multi-contact Male Cable Coupler
(10) Multi-contact Female Cable Coupler
(11) Earthing kit as required
(12) GI Strip
(13) Vertical Air terminal
(14) Installation kit
(15) Safety equipments/ accessories etc.
(16) Any other component (1) ………………..
(17) Any other component (2) ………………..
Bidder has to estimate the actual cable lengths (HT & LT) required during the compulsory
site visit and quote the rate accordingly. Tentative drawings sketches shall be provided
during site visit.
Signature of the Bidder
Page | 87
Bid Response Sheet No. 12
6. Althan WDS (270 KWp)
Sr. Total Qty. as
No. Description Make & Model Offered per site
(1) Solar module (Make, Type, Wattage)
(2) Module mounting structure(s)
(3) Inverter (Make, Model, Capacity etc.)
(4) Sensor Box with Temperature sensors and
(5) Web Box with RS 485 Communication
Cable or as required
(6) AC Distribution Board as required for the
SPV based Power Plant with sufficient
safety factor
(7) 1 x 4 or …. sq mm PVC insulated Cu cable
(Array to AJB)
(8) 4 x 10 or …. sq mm PVC insulated Cu
cable (PCU to ACDB input)
(9) Multi-contact Male Cable Coupler
(10) Multi-contact Female Cable Coupler
(11) Earthing kit as required
(12) GI Strip
(13) Vertical Air terminal
(14) Installation kit
(15) Safety equipments/ accessories etc.
(16) Any other component (1) ………………..
(17) Any other component (2) ………………..
Bidder has to estimate the actual cable lengths (HT & LT) required during the compulsory
site visit and quote the rate accordingly. Tentative drawings sketches shall be provided
during site visit.
Page | 88
Bid Response Sheet No. 12
7. Kosad WDS (150 KWp)
Sr. Total Qty. as
No. Description Make & Model Offered per site
(1) Solar module (Make, Type, Wattage)
Bidder has to estimate the actual cable lengths (HT & LT) required during the compulsory
site visit and quote the rate accordingly. Tentative drawings sketches shall be provided
during site visit.
Signature of the Bidder
Page | 89
Bid Response Sheet No. 12
8. Udhana Zone office (15 KWp)
Sr. Total Qty. as
No. Description Make & Model Offered per site
(1) Solar module (Make, Type, Wattage)
(2) Module mounting structure(s)
(3) Inverter (Make, Model, Capacity etc.)
(4) Sensor Box with Temperature sensors and
(5) Web Box with RS 485 Communication
Cable or as required
(6) AC Distribution Board as required for the
SPV based Power Plant with sufficient
safety factor
(7) 1 x 4 or …. sq mm PVC insulated Cu cable
(Array to AJB)
(8) 4 x 10 or …. sq mm PVC insulated Cu
cable (PCU to ACDB input)
(9) Multi-contact Male Cable Coupler
(10) Multi-contact Female Cable Coupler
(11) Earthing kit as required
(12) GI Strip
(13) Vertical Air terminal
(14) Installation kit
(15) Safety equipments/ accessories etc.
(16) Any other component (1) ………………..
(17) Any other component (2) ………………..
Bidder has to estimate the actual cable lengths (HT & LT) required during the compulsory
site visit and quote the rate accordingly. Tentative drawings sketches shall be provided
during site visit.
Signature of the Bidder
Page | 90
Bid Response Sheet No. 12
9. Rander Zone office (30 KWp)
Sr. Total Qty. as
No. Description Make & Model Offered per site
(1) Solar module (Make, Type, Wattage)
(2) Module mounting structure(s)
(3) Inverter (Make, Model, Capacity etc.)
(4) Sensor Box with Temperature sensors and
(5) Web Box with RS 485 Communication
Cable or as required
(6) AC Distribution Board as required for the
SPV based Power Plant with sufficient
safety factor
(7) 1 x 4 or …. sq mm PVC insulated Cu cable
(Array to AJB)
(8) 4 x 10 or …. sq mm PVC insulated Cu
cable (PCU to ACDB input)
(9) Multi-contact Male Cable Coupler
(10) Multi-contact Female Cable Coupler
(11) Earthing kit as required
(12) GI Strip
(13) Vertical Air terminal
(14) Installation kit
(15) Safety equipments/ accessories etc.
(16) Any other component (1) ………………..
(17) Any other component (2) ………………..
Bidder has to estimate the actual cable lengths (HT & LT) required during the compulsory
site visit and quote the rate accordingly. Tentative drawings sketches shall be provided
during site visit.
Page | 91
Bid Response Sheet No. 12
10. Mota Varachha WDS (100 KWp)
Sr. Total Qty. as
No. Description Make & Model Offered per site
(1) Solar module (Make, Type, Wattage)
(2) Module mounting structure(s)
(3) Inverter (Make, Model, Capacity etc.)
(4) Sensor Box with Temperature sensors and
(5) Web Box with RS 485 Communication
Cable or as required
(6) AC Distribution Board as required for the
SPV based Power Plant with sufficient
safety factor
(7) 1 x 4 or …. sq mm PVC insulated Cu cable
(Array to AJB)
(8) 4 x 10 or …. sq mm PVC insulated Cu
cable (PCU to ACDB input)
(9) Multi-contact Male Cable Coupler
(10) Multi-contact Female Cable Coupler
(11) Earthing kit as required
(12) GI Strip
(13) Vertical Air terminal
(14) Installation kit
(15) Safety equipments/ accessories etc.
(16) Any other component (1) ………………..
(17) Any other component (2) ………………..
Bidder has to estimate the actual cable lengths (HT & LT) required during the compulsory
site visit and quote the rate accordingly. Tentative drawings sketches shall be provided
during site visit.
Page | 92
Annexure - I
The Municipal Commissioner,
Surat Municipal Corporation,
Dear Sir,
Whereas M/s. (Name & Address) ……… (hereinafter called "The Bidder”) have bid for
And whereas the conditions of bid aforesaid provide, inter-alia, that the bidder shall pay to SMC
(Address) (hereinafter referred to as “Beneficiary”) a sum of Rs. _______________ (Rupees
…………………only) as Security Deposit / Performance Guarantee in the form and manner and subject to
the terms therein mentioned. And whereas the bidder has agreed to provide a BG through a Schedule
Bank (Cooperative Bank not accepted)- for Rs.__________ towards performance guarantee / EMD.
Now in consideration or the promises, we (Bank) _____________ having our office at (Address)
_________________ have agreed to and hereby give such guarantee as is hereinafter mentioned in your
SMC will have the full liberty without reference to us and without affecting this guarantee, postpone
for any time or from time to time the exercise of any of the powers and rights conferred on you under
the said bid with the said bidder and to enforce or to forbear from enforcing any powers or right or by
reason of time being given to the said bidder which under law relating to the sureties would but for the
provision have the effect of releasing us. Any such time/indulgence/forbearance and/or any act or
omission or commission on your part will not vitiate this guarantee.
We (Bank‟s Name & Address)_________ undertake to pay to SMC any money so demanded forthwith
notwithstanding any dispute(s) raised by in any suit or proceeding(s) pending before any court or tribunal
relating thereto, any liability under this presents being absolute and unequivocal. The payment shall be
made to SMC on receipt of invocation of this Bank Guarantee. The payment so made by us under this
guarantee shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment thereunder and that the Bidder (Name)
shall have no claim whatsoever against us for making such payment.
The guarantee herein contained shall not be determined or affected by the liquidation or winding up,
dissolution or change of Constitution or insolvency of the said bidder but shall in all respects and for all
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purposes be binding and operative until full payment is received by you as if this is a continuing
guarantee to secure your ultimate dues in this premises.
We have power to issue this guarantee in your favour under Memorandum and Articles of
Association and undersigned has full power to do under the Power of Attorney dated ……………. granted
to him by the Bank.
You will be at liberty to alter the terms and conditions of the said bid and/or to take any other
security/guarantee/promissory notes from the bidder or others which will not affect/vitiate/discharge our
this guarantee.
We_______(Name of Bank) further undertake that no change in the terms of the Bank Guarantee
will be made during its currency except with the previous consent of SMC in writing.
This guarantee will bind our successors and assigns and will remain operative irrespective of any
change in the constitution of our Bank and/or the bidder or the provision or contract between SMC and
the Bidder.
Our liability under this guarantee is restricted to Rs. …………(Rs......................only) and this
guarantee shall remain in force till (date) …………………. and unless a demand or claim to enforce the
guarantee is filed with us in writing on or before (date)________, we shall be relieved and discharged
from all our liabilities hereunder.
For the purpose of enforcing legal right/remedies in respect of this guarantee, we agree with you
that only ----------- Courts in the State of Gujarat shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
1) Our liability under this bank guarantee is restricted to Rs. ---------------- (50% amount of ---------------
------- Deposit).
3) Our liability to make payment shall arise and we are liable to pay the guarantee amount of any part
thereof under this guarantee, only if served upon us a written claim a demand in terms of the
guarantee on or before dated ------
Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of Bank
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Annexure – II
The Municipal Commissioner,
Surat Municipal Corporation,
Ref:- Bank Guarantee towards Maintenance performance guarantee .
Whereas M/s. (Name & Address) ……… (hereinafter called "The Bidder”) have bid for
And whereas the conditions of bid aforesaid provide, inter alia, that the bidder shall pay to SMC (Address)
(hereinafter referred to as “Beneficiary”) a sum of Rs. _______________ (Rupees …………………only) as
Maintenance Performance Guarantee in the form and manner and subject to the terms therein
mentioned. And whereas the bidder has agreed to provide a BG through a Schedule Bank (Cooperative
Bank not accepted) for Rs.__________ towards Maintenance performance guarantee.
Now in consideration or the promises, we ( Bank ) _____________ having our office at (Address)
_________________ have agreed to and hereby give such guarantee as is hereinafter mentioned in your
We (Bank Name) …………………………….. of (Address) ………………………. (hereinafter called "The
Bank") do hereby unconditionally, unequivocally and irrevocably undertake to pay the amount due and
payable under this guarantee without any demur, contest or protest and without any reference to the
Bidder ( Name & Address) ___________ merely on demand from the beneficiary ( SMC ) stating that the
amount claimed is due from the said Bidder (Name)__________. SMC shall be the sole judge and its
decision communicated to us in this regard shall be final and conclusively binding on us.
SMC will have the full liberty without reference to us and without affecting this guarantee, postpone
for any time or from time to time the exercise of any of the powers and rights conferred on you under
the said bid with the said bidder and to enforce or to forbear from enforcing any powers or right or by
reason of time being given to the said bidder which under law relating to the sureties would but for the
provision have the effect of releasing us. Any such time/indulgence/forbearance and/or any act or
omission or commission on your part will not vitiate our guarantee.
We (Bank‟s Name & Address)_________ undertake to pay to SMC any money so demanded forthwith
notwithstanding any dispute(s) raised by in any suit or proceeding(s) pending before any court or tribunal
relating thereto, any liability under this presents being absolute and unequivocal. The payment shall be
made to SMC on receipt of invocation of this Bank Guarantee. The payment so made by us under this
guarantee shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment there under and that the Bidder (Name)
shall have no claim whatsoever against us for making such payment.
The guarantee herein contained shall not be determined or affected by the liquidation or winding up,
dissolution or change of Constitution or insolvency of the said bidder but shall in all respects and for all
purposes be binding and operative until full payment is received by you as if this is a continuing
guarantee to secure your ultimate dues in this premises.
We have power to issue this guarantee in your favour under Memorandum and Articles of Association
and undersigned has full power to do under the Power of Attorney dated ……………. granted to him by
the Bank.
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You will be at liberty to alter the terms and conditions of the said bid and/or to take any other
security/guarantee/promissory notes from the bidder or others which will not affect/vitiate/discharge our
this guarantee.
We_______(Name of Bank) further undertake that no change in the terms of the Bank Guarantee will
be made during its currency except with the previous consent of SMC in writing.
This guarantee will bind our successors and assigns and will remain operative irrespective of any
change in the constitution of our Bank and/or the bidder or the provision or contract between SMC and
the Bidder.
Our liability under this guarantee is restricted to Rs. …………(Rs......................only) and this
guarantee shall remain in force till (date) …………………. and unless a demand or claim to enforce the
guarantee is filed with us in writing on or before (date)________, we shall be relieved and discharged
from all our liabilities hereunder.
For the purpose of enforcing legal right/remedies in respect of this guarantee, we agree with you
that only -------- Courts in the State of Gujarat shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of Bank
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Annexure - III
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Annexure – IV
Proposed Rubber Danger Notice Fire Fire
Sr. Treatme
Site Installation Mats Board/ Sticker Bucket Extinguisher
No. nt Chart
capacity (kWp) (Nos.) (Nos.) (Nos.) (Nos.)
1 Katargam Water Works 940 5 3 8 3 3
2 Katargam WDS 650 5 3 8 3 3
3 Rander WW 500 5 3 8 3 3
4 Sarthana WW 700 5 3 8 3 3
5 Varachcha WW 250 3 2 8 3 3
6 Althan WDS 270 3 2 8 3 3
7 Kosad WDS 150 2 2 8 2 2
8 Udhana Zone office 15 1 1 5 1 1
9 Rander Zone office 30 2 1 5 1 1
10 MotaVarachcha WDS 100 3 1 8 2 2
** Total 3605 34 21 74 24 24
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