Office of The Executive Engineer, Transmission Line Maintenance Division-Iii, Udhampur
Office of The Executive Engineer, Transmission Line Maintenance Division-Iii, Udhampur
Office of The Executive Engineer, Transmission Line Maintenance Division-Iii, Udhampur
e-NIT No; TLMD-III/Udh/2016-17/04
Dated: 26-07-2016
Short Term Notice Inviting Tender
For and on the behalf of the Governor of J&K State sealed tenders are invited for the below mentioned
job i.e. supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 132KV SF6 BREAKER at Grid Station
Khellani from reputed original equipment manufacturers or their representative / firms, fulfilling the pre
qualification criteria as laid down in the tender documents. Intending bidders are requested to submit
their offer alogwith latest type test reports from Govt.,/NAB Lac credited lab as per terms /conditions,
technical specifications of this tender documents.
1 Set
Earnest Money
Rs. 24000 in shape of
CDR / FDR/ Bank
Guarantee pledged to the
Executive Engineer,
Transmission Line
Maintenance DivisionIII, Udhampur.
Tender Receiving
The Executive
Engineer, TLMD-III
Tender Estimate
in Rs. Lacs
Money in Rs.
Cost of
In Rs.
1000/Rupees Twelve Lacs Rupees Twenty Rupees one
only/Four Thousand thousand only/only/-
28-07-2016 to 03-08-2016
Replies to Clarifications
The bidders need to submit the proof for purchase of e-Bid document as stated in
the above table through Demand Draft of any nationalized/scheduled Bank
pledged to Executive Engineer ,TLMD-III, Udhampur, Payable at Udhampur.
The scanned copy of the Demand Draft must be enclosed along with the e-Bids
but the original Demand Draft Should reach the office of Executive Engineer,
TLMD-III, Udhampur, at least two day before last day of submission of
Commercial and Technical e-Bid.
2. All the e-Bids must be accompanied by the scanned copy of EMD in the form of
CDR/FDR/Bank Guarantee issued by a nationalized/scheduled Bank only, pledged
to the Executive Engineer , TLMD-III, Udhampur, J&K. No Interest would be
payable on Earnest Money deposited with the Department.
a. Hard Copy of original instrument of EMD shall be submitted to the office of
the Executive Engineer TLMD-III, Udhampur, J&K two days before
submission of Commercial and Technical e-Bid.
4. The Department reserves the right to cancel any or all the e-Bids/ the e-Bid process
without assigning any reason there of . The decision of department will be final and
5. In the event of date specified for e-Bids opening being declared a holiday for
departments office then the due date for opening of e-Bids shall be the following
working day at the appointed time and place.
6. All the required documents excluding Price Schedule/BOQ should be uploaded by
the e-Bidder electronically in the PDF format, whereas Price Schedule/BOQ should
be uploaded electronically in the same BOQ sheet provided with the SBD.
7. Hard copy of Commercial &Technical documents (complete) must be delivered to
the office of Executive Engineer TLMD-III, Udhampur two days before
submission of Commercial and Technical e-Bid.
8. Financial Bid must be submitted online only.
Sealed cover of hard copy for Commercial & Technical bids shall be submitted
in two covers, superscribed as:
a) Envelope A containing original EMD/Bid security and cost of data against e-NIT
NO and date mentioned above.
b) Copies of other techno-commercial documents e-NIT NO and date mentioned
9. The name of the bidder and NIT No. shall be clearly written on the cover.
10. For evaluation purpose the stipulations of the bidding documents and subsequent
Corrigendum/Addenda uploaded by JKPDD on their web site and JKPDDs
interpretation there of shall be considered as authentic and final.
Email:-tlmdudh@gmail.c om
Ph: /Fax No. :- 01992-270287
TLMD/UDH/NO. 2219-25