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One day man created a machine which he called computer. In 1982 computer became TIME s The Man (Person) of the Year winner. Since then man and computer are togethe t is not quite clear whether computer is for man or man is for computer. Be it f or good or for bad, the fact is that today computer plays an important role in o ur lives. Moreover, many and many people all over the world can t live without it. However, I see that we went mad about computer too prematurely. Possibilities fo r its further development are limited. And if you study the issue carefully, you will find confirmation of this view. If we would take a look at the future of c omputer which they call quantum computer, we would find that it seems to be not as promising as before. The point is that artificial quantum systems are extreme ly sensitive to minimal macroscopic noise which makes them unstable and leads to false solutions of computer-based tasks. At the same time the natural phenomenon of instant quantum materialization of thou ghts which I explored in my experiments shows that we have to return from comput er to man and his incredible brain. This is because man is one of the best machi nes of nature. Compared to man, computer is unable to think and improve itself o n the basis of thinking. And only man is capable of materializing thoughts insta ntly. Now what was really my discovery is my new reading of man as thinkuter (this is by analogy with computer). After I unveiled the secret of immaterial bit for in stant quantum materialization of thoughts, I understood that man is a system whi ch is similar to some extent to computer but is not computer at the same time. W e know that the characteristic process of computer is computing. And we know tha t the characteristic process of man is thinking. So if computer is able to produ ce virtual complex objects from initial program code and on the basis of bit und erstood as binary digit, what should be man to produce physical objects from tho ughts on the basis of IQM bit? Of course he should be thinkuter. I can state that when I was materializing a white rat in my IQM experiments, I w as performing as a thinkuter. So I can explain you in simple words what is this. Thinkuter is a system which can be created by man on the basis of his brain for the purpose of instant quantum materialization of thoughts (IQM). This is simul taneously physical (material) and non-physical (immaterial) system since it invo lves both physical body of man and his mentality, i.e. immaterial thoughts. The complete system deployment can happen in seconds. After that, man is ready to ma terialize thoughts instantly, i.e. in minutes. It is incredible but it is what I experienced in my IQM experiments, believe it or not. Now what is immaterial bit for instant quantum materialization of thoughts (IQM) ? My discovery which can be considered my answer to the question is the followin g. Immaterial bit for instant quantum materialization(IQM) is BINARY THOUGHT. So i f we have bit understood as binary digit in computing, at the same time we have bit understood as binary thought in THINKuting. What does this mean? This means a real breakthrough in not only understanding of man but also in production and creativity. Binary thought, i.e. the new (immaterial) bit, is the real basis for the real nature's technology of instant quantum materialization of thoughts (IQ M). As we can see, computer has lost the competition with man which started with the famous six-game human-computer chess matches played between the IBM superco mputer Deep Blue and the World Chess Champion Garry Casparov.

To finish, I have to add that this article of mine has given rise to a new appli ed science which I call thinkuter science by analogy with computer science. How does it work? To find the right answer, watch an amazing video footage on my web site - http://sergeyshashmin.com/index.php/Video-Other-sources-English/ - which is one of the most convincing evidences of instant quantum materialization of th oughts (IQM). It's finally happened. At the beginning of the new millenium we ha ve finally come to really universal creative abilities of man. I'm happy with th is new scientific horizon. ------------------------------------------The source - http://sergeyshashmin.com

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