Race Comp
Race Comp
Race Comp
This bundle of races, subraces, and feats expands the options for players and dungeon masters alike, bringing a
unique and exciting experience to your tabletop.
Genasi Subraces ...................................................................... 3
Hengeyokai ............................................................................... 4
Mul .............................................................................................. 6
Revenant .................................................................................... 7
Wilden ........................................................................................ 9
force of wind and the chill of water flow through your veins,
gifting you a modicum of control over the two when they
A rare and enigmatic people, genasi are a proud and free- coalesce. You are ambitious and passionate, though your
spirited, with passions that flare as hot as elemental fire dual nature allows you better control over your emotions.
and whimsy as unpredictable as elemental air. As Frost genasi have skin tones ranging from semi-
uncommon as air, earth, fire, and water genasi are, translucent white to icy blue, and their body temperature is
combined genasi are doubly so. In some parts of the chilling to most other humanoids but pleasant to
Faerûn, people see them as omens of ill fortune or coming themselves. Their eyes cover the spectrum from the purest
catastrophe, and in other more remote parts of the white to light, icy blue. Their hair and skin develops a thin
continent, people doubt their very existence. layer of frost in moist or humid environments that glisten
under light, and they smell like freshly fallen snow. When
they speak, their voice might crunch like the sound of
Unlike genasi of a single element, combined genasi are not walking on packed snow.
spawned by trysts between genies and humanoids, but Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score or Wisdom
rather by the union of two genasi of different elements. On score increases by 1.
far rarer occasion, a humanoid can be altered by exposure Frost Walk. You can move across difficult terrain made
to a tremendous amount of elemental energy from the of ice and snow without expending extra movement.
borders of two elemental planes, such as the Frostfell, Cold Resistance. You gain resistance to cold damage.
permanently imbuing them with elemental energy. Frostbite. You can cast the ice knife spell once with this
trait as a 1st-level spell, and you regain the ability to cast it
this way when you finish a short or long rest. Constitution
is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
There are four major subraces of combined genasi found
throughout the multiverse of D&D: ash genasi, frost genasi,
and magma genasi, and silt genasi.
As a magma genasi, you are descended from earth genasi
and fire genasi parents, or were exposed to a tremendous
amount of elemental energy from the Fountains of
As an ash genasi, you are descended from air genasi and
Creation. The heat of fire and the stability of earth are
fire genasi parents, or were exposed to a tremendous
strong within you, and you can call upon them to protect
amount of elemental energy from the Great Conflagration.
you from harm. You are stalwart and direct, and lash out
The hunger of fire and the unpredictability of air are within
angrily against those who stand between you and your
every inch of your being, making you a force to be reckoned
goals. Your voice may bubble and roil as a lava flow, or
with when you are following your heart’s desire.
may rumble with the intense heat of molten earth.
Ash genasi have skin ranging from light gray to charcoal
Most magma genasi appear to be earth genasi from a
in color, and carry a smoky scent with them wherever they
distance, but upon closer inspection the differences become
go. Their hair is usually gray or red in color and emits thin
more apparent. Their skin may have the coloration and
smoke from the tip of each strand when passions or
luster of obsidian or some other gemstone, but their flesh
tempers flare, and their eyes are a deep gray or black, with
bears multiple fissures with dim red light emanating from
little flecks of red that drift across the pupil like embers in
each one, and their blood flows hot and thick as lava from
the wind.
an active volcano. They may smell slightly of sulfur or
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score or
charcoal, and their eyes are often red or black with accents
Intelligence score increases by 1.
of the other that swirl about the pupil.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score or stories of these reclusive shape-shifting creatures have
Intelligence score increases by 1. traveled far and wide and are known throughout the Sword
Living Furnace. You are immune to the environmental Coast and the more diverse cities of Faerûn.
effects of extreme heat and extreme cold (as described in
chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide), and you grant
creatures within 5 feet of you advantage on saving throws The first century of a hengeyokai’s life is spent in its animal
against the environmental effects of extreme cold. form. Members of other races would never know the
Molten Core. As a bonus action on your turn, you can difference between a mundane lizard and a lizard
channel the heat and fury of molten earth. Until the start of hengeyokai in the first half of its life cycle, unless they spent
your next turn, you gain resistance to bludgeoning, cold, many years observing the creature’s behavior. During the
fire, piercing, and slashing damage, and hostile creatures animal stage of their lives, hengeyokai exhibit heightened
that start their turn within 5 feet of you take fire damage intelligence and do not progress into old age.
equal to your Constitution modifier. You must finish a long Upon the dawn of their second century, they are able to
rest before you can use this feature again. take a half-animal, half-human shape, or a fully human
shape. At this point, their human form is that of an
adolescent, and the memories of their past life begin to
As a silt genasi, you are descended from water genasi and slowly fade as they transition into the second stage of their
earth genasi parents, or were exposed to a tremendous life. From this time onward, hengeyokai age at the same
amount of elemental energy from the Swamp of Oblivion. rate as humans, reaching maturity about 110 years of age.
You inherited the strength of earth and the fluidity of water,
granting you some measure of over both where they
intertwine. You are pensive and patient, but once your
Hengeyokai are spiritual beings that value freedom and
mind is made up you flow towards that goal relentlessly.
self-determination above all else, both for themselves and
Your voice may sound deeper and may carry undertones of
those they befriend. They are diametrically opposed to the
thick, muddy water flowing through an overrun river bank.
schemes of those who would abuse power over others, such
The fusion of earth and water manifests differently from
as the Zhentarim, and view any attempts to enslave or
one individual to the next. Some silt genasi have a skin
extort other beings as an unforgivable affront.
texture more akin to sand or fine gravel, while others have
Unlike lycanthropes, which tend to be less-than-agreeable
flesh that is smooth and appears perpetually damp. Others
and violent, hengeyokai are a reclusive, peaceful people.
have earthen skin tones, ranging from the color of pure
They are strongly connected to the spiritual world and do
sand on a sun-bleached beach to rich browns of deep,
not reveal their true nature to anyone they do not implicitly
muddy water. Their hair may appear slick and oily, and is
trust due to the storied nature of their race and the many
often matted to their scalp regardless of their grooming
myths involving them throughout history. However, once
habits. Silt genasi eyes range from deep earth tones to an
they let someone into their inner circle, they become
almost golden hue, and flecks of sand appear to swirl within
stalwart and loyal friends for the rest of their life.
the pupils. More exotic silt genasi traveling splotches of
different colored pigmentation that slowly move along the
surface of their skin, changing shape and size and varying
in speed and direction. All hengeyokai begin their lives as animals, and the traits of
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score or Wisdom their animal forms stay with them for the entirety of their
score increases by 1. lives. For example, a raven hengeyokai might have a
Shifting Stride. You have advantage on saving throws pointed nose that hooks like a bird’s beak, and may make
against being knocked prone and against being moved short, fast motions when surveying an area, or cock their
without using your movement, action, or reaction. head to the side while engaged in conversation. A cat
Erosion. You can cast the quagmire spell (see Spells hengeyokai may be solitary and self-reliant, while a weasel
below) once with this trait, requiring no material hengeyokai may be energetic and playful.
components, and you regain the ability to cast it this way Some hengeyokai are predisposed to act more like their
when you finish a short or long rest. Constitution is your animal forms than others. A raven hengeyokai may be
spellcasting ability for this spell. prone to picking up shiny stones, coins, and other items
that a raven might furnish their nest with from a market
square, while a lizard hengeyokai may be inclined to
observe the crowd at the same market square and blend in
To the east of Faerûn, far beyond the Sea of Fallen Stars, with its surroundings to the best of its abilities.
Thay, and the Hordelands, is the continent of Kara-Tur. It
is from this distant land that the hengeyokai originate, and
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
Sylvan, the language of the Feywild.
Hengeyokai generally don’t stay in one place for long, giving Beast Tongue. While you are in hybrid or animal form,
into their impulses and exploring the world, either alone or you can communicate with beasts and fey creatures that
in small groups. This urge can take a hengeyokai from share your animal form or a form closely related (for
distant Wang Kuo all the way to Baldur’s Gate over the example, a cat hengeyokai can communicate with a
span of many years, granting them a number of panther). In human form, you can understand beasts and
opportunities to learn, grow, play pranks, and make friends. fey creatures that share your animal form or a form closely
A small number of hengeyokai who live among humans related to it, but you can’t directly communicate with them.
develop a strong instinctual urge to protect their friends Subrace. You spent the first century of your life as an
and neighbors, especially those who share the same or animal, but now that you have awakened you can change
similar values that they do. These hengeyokai remain in between your animal, hybrid, and human forms at-will.
their adopted hometowns for several decades under the Many subraces of hengeyokai exist in Kara-tur, Faerûn, and
guise of their animal form or an invented persona. They other parts of Toril, but the following are the most
might pose as a ranger or traveling merchant, providing an commonly encountered throughout the world. Choose one
alibi for themselves when they need to tend to other of these subraces.
business or deal with a nearby threat. After safeguarding a Nature’s Mask. You can use your action to transform
town or village for a few generations, a hengeyokai may into an animal form, a hybrid form, or a human form.
finally heed their instincts and set off into the world once In your animal form, you retain your hit points,
more in search of another great adventure. personality, Charisma, Intelligence, and Wisdom scores.
The rest of your game statistics are replaced by the
animal’s statistics. You can’t cast spells, and your ability to
Hengeyokai take names in the same style as humans in the speak or take any action that requires hands is limited to
region that they live in, though they do not assume clan the capabilities of your animal form. Transforming doesn’t
names or surnames. break your concentration on a spell you’ve already cast,
however, or prevent you from taking actions that are part of
a spell that you’ve already cast. Your equipment merges
Your hengeyokai character has several traits that it shares into your animal form and has no effect until you leave your
with all other hengeyokai. animal form.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by
2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Hengeyokai can live over 200 years, but their life As a badger hengeyokai, you are extremely tough and can
cycle is unique among the races of Toril. For the first wear down your prey with your tenacity.
century of their existence, hengeyokai exist strictly in an Animal Form. You can use your action to transform into
animal form, set apart from other beasts only by their a badger (page 318, Monster Manual) form, a hybrid form,
higher than usual intellect. After its first century of life, a or a human form.
hengeyokai can assume a hybrid form and a human form, Resilient Hunter. You have advantage on Constitution
detailed in each sub-race’s section below. saving throws made against effects that would poison, stun,
Alignment. Hengeyokai are just as diverse as humans, or paralyze you.
though they generally tend towards chaotic alignments due Tenacious. On your turn, you can take one additional
to their animalistic nature and love of freedom. Certain bonus action on top of your action and potential bonus
sub-races of hengeyokai have a predisposition towards action.
good or evil alignments, though as with other races, nothing Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
is set in stone. finish a short or long rest.
Size. Hengeyokai range between 5 and 6 feet in height in
their human and hybrid form and have builds suited to their
animal forms. For example, a cat hengeyokai may have a As a cat hengeyokai, you are an agile, silent hunter with
slight build with pointed ears and hair that always seems to sharp reflexes and impeccable balance.
stand on end. In their animal forms, hengeyokai are the Animal Form. You can use your action to transform into
same size as another animal of the same type. a cat (page 321, Monster Manual) form, a hybrid form, or a
Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet in human and human form.
hybrid form. Your speeds in your animal form are Feline Grace. You have advantage on Dexterity saving
dependent on the animal form’s statistics. throws made against effects that would knock you prone,
and you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks Keen Observer. You have advantage on Wisdom
made to jump. (Insight) checks made against creatures that you know well
Fleet-Footed. Moving through nonmagical difficult or against creatures you have spent at least 1 minute
terrain costs you no extra movement. observing.
As a crab hengeyokai, you are resilient and possess As a rat hengeyokai, you have a powerful immune system
incredible strength. and excel at taking items without being noticed.
Animal Form. You can use your action to transform into Animal Form. You can use your action to transform into
a crab (page 320, Monster Manual) form, a hybrid form, or a rat (page 335, Monster Manual) form, a hybrid form, or a
a human form. human form.
Crushing Grip. When you succeed on a Strength Powerful Constitution. You have resistance against
(Athletics) check to grapple a creature, the target takes poison damage and are immune to disease.
bludgeoning damage equal to your Strength modifier in Instinctual Scavenger. When you make an Intelligence
addition to becoming grappled. (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) check related to
Exoskeleton. When you are damaged by a spell or attack, finding secret passages or treasure, you are considered
you can use your reaction to reduce the damage rolls of a proficient in the Investigation or Perception skill and add
number of dice up to your Constitution modifier (minimum double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your
of 1) to 1. normal proficiency bonus.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
finish a short or long rest.
As a quipper hengeyokai, you are a natural swimmer and a
vicious combatant against wounded foes.
As a lizard hengeyokai, you are able to blend in with your Animal Form. You can use your action to transform into
surroundings and can regenerate faster than most other a quipper (page 335, Monster Manual) form, a hybrid form,
creatures. or a human form.
Animal Form. You can use your action to transform into Blood Frenzy. When you take the Attack action, you can
a lizard (page 332, Monster Manual) form, a hybrid form, or use a bonus action to gain advantage on the next attack roll
a human form. you make against a creature that doesn’t have all of its hit
Chameleon Skin. You can use your action while points.
touching a surface with your skin to change the Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
pigmentation of your skin and any equipment that you are finish a short or long rest.
wearing or carrying to match the surface as long as you’re Aquatic Advantage. No attack roll has advantage against
touching it. You are considered to be lightly obscured as you while you are in water at least 3 feet deep and aren’t
long as you are camouflaged. incapacitated.
Regeneration. You can use a bonus action to spend one
Hit Die and add your Constitution modifier to the roll. You
regain hit points equal to the total. As a weasel hengeyokai, you are flexible and excel at
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you hunting prey that you’ve backed into tight quarters.
finish a short or long rest. Animal Form. You can use your action to transform into
a weasel (page 340, Monster Manual) form, a hybrid form,
or a human form.
As a raven hengeyokai, you are an opportunistic hunter and Cornered Prey. Once per round, you can add your
a quick study on strangers. Dexterity modifier to a damage roll made against a creature
Animal Form. You can use your action to transform into no more than one size category larger than you that is
an owl (page 333, Monster Manual) form, a hybrid form, or within 5 feet of another hostile creature or object that is at
a human form. least one size category larger than it.
Opportunist. As part of an Attack action used to grapple Nimble. You have advantage on contested Acrobatics
or shove a creature, you can make a Dexterity (Sleight of (Dexterity) checks and Dexterity saving throws made
Hand) check contested by the target’s Wisdom (Perception) against spells or effects that would grapple or restrain you.
check. On a success, you can steal a small object carried by
the target such as a dagger, holstered pistol, or a coin
Muls (pronounced mull) are half-dwarves, the product of
the coupling of a human and a dwarf. Muls experience
some of the same frustrations as half-elves, not being as to hold grudges. As a result, they tend towards neutral
long-lived as their dwarven kin and having noticeable good or lawful neutral alignments.
physical differences from their human relatives. Despite Size. Muls are as broad and stocky as dwarves, but taller
this, muls are stubborn and determined, easily managing to than most humans, averaging 6 feet in height. Your size is
carve out a place for themselves in the world. Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Mul Vitality. You start with one additional d10 Hit Die at
Muls are caught in between two different worlds, much as 1st level.
half-elves are. They see the value in tradition and clan as Mul Resilience. At the start of your turn, you can use this
their dwarven relatives do, but they see the world through a feature (no action required) to end one effect on yourself
different lens. Not content to labor beneath the earth in a that is causing you to have your movement speed reduced,
clan hall or be a simple farmer or tradesman, most muls set to deal only half damage with Strength-based melee
out into the world in search of fulfillment and purpose that attacks, or to be stunned.
they could not find in the culture they were born into. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
Many muls find employment as city watchmen or caravan finish a short or long rest.
escorts along frontier towns in order to test their strength Powerful Physique. You have proficiency in the Athletics
and skill against bandits, goblinoids, and worse. The more skill.
adventurous sort journey to coastal towns such as Tireless. You need to sleep 6 hours in a 72-hour period
Waterdeep and find work as a deckhand on a ship, often for (instead of a 24-hour period) to gain the benefit of a long
good pay as their physical characteristics make them rest. In addition, you regain all of your spent Hit Dice when
excellent workers. More nefarious muls seek to join the you finish a long rest.
crew of a pirate vessel or fall in with gangs of thieves or Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
highwaymen, putting their strength and stamina to use for Dwarvish, though your accent when speaking both
less benevolent means, and often rise quickly through the Common and Dwarvish is much less pronounced than that
ranks of such organizations. of a dwarf.
The average mul stands taller than a human, but as broad The walking dead are a known threat throughout Toril, and
and dense as a dwarf. They are often hairless, though whispered tales of hordes of shambling corpses, the
occasionally mul are born with hair on their heads which powerful wizards that control them, and worse can be
they wear in tight pony tails or top knots. Their ears tend to heard in nearly every corner of the world. Zombies, flesh
be slightly pointed and smaller, like those of dwarves, but golems, and other abhorrent necromantic creatures roam
their complexion is as varied as those of humans. Some aimlessly through the world or serve the beck and call of
muls get tattoos in geometric, symmetrical shapes to honor some horrible power. However, occasionally a tale is told
their dwarven heritage and wear them as proudly as a that differs from the rest—a tale of the living dead.
dwarf might wear a beard.
Revenants are returned to the mortal realm by a deity with
Muls have names that fit with the culture in which they are some influence over death. This deity may return a soul in
raised. Some muls who feel as though they weren’t order to give the risen a chance at revenge, allowing the
accepted by one culture or another may abandon their revenant to seek justice against a wrong committed against
surnames and go by a name of their own creation, shunning the deity or the revenant’s past life, or to act as their deities’
whichever part of their heritage rejected them. agent in the realm of the living or another plane where their
deity has no direct power or influence. The revenant
doesn’t know exactly what their goal is, but when they see
Mul are strong, sturdy folk who share the following traits. find quarry they know with certainty what they must do
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score next.
increases by 2, and your Strength score increases by 1. Revenants are always on borrowed time, normally given
Age. Muls mature at the same rate as humans and have no more than a year to complete their divinely sponsored
a similar lifespan. quest before their bodies crumble to dust. If a revenant
Alignment. Muls value tradition and family as dwarves pleases their deity, they might give their servant an
do, but are more flexible in their world view and less prone extension on their time in the material plane in order to
complete yet another deed for their sponsor. These
revenants often complete epic journeys before finally
passing on into the afterlife, leaving behind a lasting legacy
and heartbroken companions.
Revenants are brought back in the body they inhabited
before they died. If their original body is unavailable, their
deity will use another suitable host for their champion’s
soul, potentially changing the race of their chosen servant.
A revenant
When the revenant reawakens, they have little to no
memories of their previous lives—their name, their family,
and their friends are all but forgotten, though some
revenants are given moments of clarity by their deity when
they complete arduous tasks or need to be steered back
towards their deity’s goals when they stay too far off course.
Unlike zombies and other common undead, revenants are
not monstrous and unsightly. Their bodies are paler and
gaunt when compared to living specimens of the same race,
but they are otherwise indistinguishable from their living race you chose with your Returned trait’s Ability Score
counterparts at a glance. Increase trait increases by 1.
Upon closer inspection, some may manifest some visible Age. Revenants are reincarnated fully grown and do not
signs of the deity who raised it, usually in the form of minor age, though they do have a limited amount of time to
alterations to their extremities, such as protrusions of bone complete their mission, typically one year, before their soul
from the flesh around the hands and feet, or a visible sigil of passes on and their body crumbles to dust.
the deity, but revenants usually conceal these markings Alignment. Revenants are bound to the deity that
from sight. The eyes of revenants become dark, still pools reincarnated them, and straying too far from their bonded
with a small point of reddish light in place of a pupil. mission often bodes ill for their relationship with their
However, the light intensifies and burns with fury and divine sponsor. For this reason, most revenants tend
vengeance when they are near their quarry. Other mortals towards the same good or evil alignment of the deity that
may feel an inexplicable unease when looking a revenant in returned them to the world of the living, and are usually
the eyes for more than a few moments, and the stillness lawful, following the orders of their deity, however vague
and lack of warmth in their expressions often cause those they may be.
interacting with them to reflexively avert their gaze. Size. Revenants are returned into a Small or Medium
Regardless of what form they inhabit; a revenant’s foe can humanoid form of their sponsor’s choice. See Returned
always see it for what it truly is—a divine agent for a deity’s below.
wrath. Speed. Your walking speed is dependent on the
humanoid form your sponsor returned you in. See
Returned below.
Returned. Your divine sponsor has returned you in a
Revenants do not remember their names, but are
humanoid form that determines your size, speed, and
instinctually capable of communicating and handling
appearance. Choose a race (at the DM’s discretion) other
themselves as an adult. They often take names based on
than Revenant and gain that race’s size, speed, and
their frame of mind, regardless of gender.
Revenant Names: Blade, Brand, Cleaver, Drove, Foil, Undead. You count as undead for the purpose of spells
Howl, Ire, Rake, Slink, Wrack, Zeal and effects that sense or detect undead creatures, such as
the paladin’s divine sense.
In addition, you do not need to eat, breathe, or sleep, but
Regardless of their mission, revenants all have the you can ingest food and drink if you wish.
following traits in common. Reaping. When a creature within 10 feet of you is
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score reduced to 0 hit points, you regain hit points equal to your
increases by 2, and an ability score of your choice from the Constitution modifier (minimum of 1).
Divine Agent. You have proficiency in the Religion skill. with crusading paladins of goodly deities, druids, and
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and wardens in their journeys.
Celestial. To aid them in their quest against the aberrant, wilden
are imbued with three aspects of nature’s spirit that they
are able to manifest. When they take an aspect, their
features and demeanor shift to more closely embody their
During the Spellplague, aberrant incursions into the
chosen aspect, though they maintain the core of their
material plane and its echoes in the Shadowfell and
personality in their new state.
Feywild became more and more frequent, causing mayhem,
madness, and destruction wherever they managed to
establish footholds. The Feywild, however, fought back
against the horrors of the Far Realm, and so the wilden Wilden have no established place in the world or singular
came to be. As a young race with a unifying purpose, the place their race calls home. Each individual wilden is
wilden have much to learn and even more to prove. connected to all other wilden on a deep spiritual level,
considering themselves to be one leaf on the tree of life.
Wilden are very gracious and humble, and do not use
singular pronouns in conversation as they consider
Wilden are sprouted curious, energetic, and irrevocably
themselves part of the greater whole.
connected to nature. Males and females have unique
Wilden keep their goals firmly fixed in place even as they
characteristics and differing personalities, but all wilden
shape their beliefs and principles through exposure to other
share the same unique lifecycle and plant-like features.
peoples and customs. Those who are exposed to religion
Instead of hair, wilden sprout soft, wheatgrass-like growths
and learn about the deities of the multiverse gravitate
from their heads beginning at the brow that are a lighter
towards gods and goddesses whose domain includes
yellow-green color at the base and a brownish-green at the
nature, such as Eldath, Gwaeron Windstrom, Mielikki, and
tip. Their faces are humanoid, with pronounced brows and
Silvanus, though others may choose to follow deities of
angular features. They grow a canopy of leaves on their
knowledge and life.
back with branches that break through the cover, and their
Over time, wilden develop an eclectic combination of
bodies are covered in the same wheatgrass-like growths
cultural and philosophical ideals that they share with others
that sprout from their head, though much shorter in length.
of their kind, all of which are met with open-mindedness
Wilden are digitigrades, which allow them to move quickly
and enthusiasm from their peers. As their customs and
and quietly through natural terrain. Their hands and feet
culture blossoms, wilden are always keenly aware of their
are both clawed, though their feet are much thicker and
shared purpose. No matter how far they may roam or how
padded, with features that are more feline than humanoid.
much time they may spend in civilization, their primary
Young wilden are vibrantly colored, like plants in broom
drive in life is to protect the natural world and the creatures
during spring, and their bodies are somewhat damp to the
that inhabit it from the taint of the Far Realm and other
touch and have a green tint. With age, their coloration
malevolent forces.
changes as they journey through the seasons of their
existence. Wilden reach maturity early in the summer of
their life, where they stand tall and broad. Their bodies
harden and darken, and their leaves broaden and become a Wilden names are multisyllabic and flow off the tongue
deep, rich green. As they begin to decline, their skin effortlessly, not unlike elven names. They are often based
darkens to beige or gray, and their leaves turn red, orange, on the names of plants or animals native to the area in
and yellow. When they reach old age, their bodies become which the wilden was birthed. Wilden do not take
dry and begin to thin, and their leaves begin to wither, surnames, as they view themselves as one large family
crack, and fall. rather than individual tribes.
Age. Wilden reach maturity at around 25 years and can Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
live over a century. increases by 2.
Alignment. Wilden are curious creatures that take upon Bramble Bark. Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
the culture and traditions of those they spend time with. As damage that you take from nonmagical weapons is reduced
such, wilden tend towards chaotic alignments with a strong by 1.
bent towards good or neutrality, though some are corrupted
by aberrant forces and turned against the rest of their kin.
Size. Wilden are roughly the same height as a human When you take this aspect, the predatory instinct of the
male, ranging within a few inches of 6 feet tall, though their Feywild flows through your body. Your skin becomes
plant-like features make them easily distinguishable from striped or splotched with colors that camouflage you with
any other humanoid. Your size is Medium. your surroundings, your turn a vibrant emerald, and your
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet. leaves become still, allowing you to move about unnoticed.
Darkvision. The energy you gather from the sun Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by
enhances your vision in its absence, giving you superior 2.
vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light Camouflage. You can attempt to hide without any
within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in obscuration as long as the creature from which you are
darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in hiding can’t see you and you are in a natural environment
darkness, only shades of gray. such as a forest, a meadow, or a bog.
Worldbond. You have proficiency in the Nature skill.
Lifespring. You have resistance against necrotic damage.
Photosynthesis. Wilden don’t need to sleep. Instead, you
spend at least 2 hours in direct sunlight, you gain the same
benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
Nature’s Aspect. Wilden are living embodiments of the
will of the Feywild. Each wilden is inextricably linked to
nature and can manifest one of three different aspects after
they finish a long rest or use the photosynthesis feature.
When you take this aspect, the rage of the Feywild flows
through your body. Your eyes sink into your head and turn
an oily black, your skin tightens and crackles as your body
becomes denser and more powerful, and your fingers
elongate into sharp claws.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by
Bark Claws. Your unarmed strike deals 2 + your
Strength modifier slashing damage, instead of 1 + your
Strength modifier bludgeoning damage, and are considered
light melee weapons for the purposes of two-weapon
fighting. If a spell or effect would change the damage dealt
by your unarmed strikes, such as the monk’s Martial Arts
feature, you get a +1 bonus to damage rolls made with that
spell or effect.
When you take this aspect, the life-force of the Feywild
flows through your body. Your eyes and leaves turn a
blinding white, jagged thorns erupt from your skin, and
your skin thickens and becomes resilient against
conventional weaponry.