The Science Spellbook V1.1

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Table Of Contents 3.

52 Multiverse Exploration
1 Introduction 3.53 Mutual Information
1.1 Introduction 3.54 Mycelium network
1.2 Disclaimer 3.55 One way Mirror
1.3 Legal Information 3.56 Oscillate
2 Credits 3.57 Osteonum
3. Spell Book 3.58 Outflows
3.1 Absolute Zero 3.59 Pascal’s revenge
3.2 Alter Biome 3.60 Pauli Exclusion principle
3.3 Alter Difraction patern 3.61 Plagarise
3.4 Alter Projectile Velocity 3.62 Planetary Rings
3.5 Alter Weight 3.63 Predict Projectiles
3.6 Arcane Gravitational Lens 3.64 Quantum Familiar
3.7 Arcane Gyroscope 3.65 Quantum Tunnelling
3.8 Arcane Insulation 3.66 Radar
3.9 Arcane Redirection 3.67 Radiation Poisoning
3.10 Arcane Singularity 3.68 Raman Scattering
3.11 Bohr’s Model 3.69 Reduce Relative Velocity
3.12 Burst Radiation 3.70 Reflection
3.13 Carbon Dating 3.71 Reflective Coating
3.14 Chemical Transition 3.72 Refraction
3.15 Conjure Magic Prism 3.73 Reverb
3.16 Cool metal 3.74 Reverse Entropy
3.17 Cosmic Looking Glass 3.75 Scattered Path
3.18 Crystalise 3.76 Shannon’s Coding Theorem
3.19 Dark matter Sword 3.77 Solve Olber’s Paradox
3.20 Detect Habitat 3.78 Sonic Boom
3.21 Electrify 3.79 Starburst
3.22 Enhance Potion 3.80 Study Ecology
3.23 Entangle Spell Slots 3.81 Sublimation
3.24 Entangle Attacks 3.82 Summon Demon Core
3.25 Eruption 3.83 Supermassive Black Hole
3.26 Expectation Values 3.84 Supernova
3.27 Faraday Cage 3.85 Supersonic Omnidirectional Jet
3.28 Focusing Lens 3.86 Suspend Motion
3.29 Fourier Transform 3.87 Synchrotron Spell
3.30 Freefall 3.88 Temporary magic Prism
3.31 Galaxy Whirl 3.89 Thermonuclear Fireball
3.32 Gravitational wave 3.90 Thomson’s Plum Pudding
3.33 Hawking’s Mark 3.91 Tidal Force
3.34 Hooke’s Compelled Duel 3.92 Time Dilation
3.35 Hubble’s Constant 3.93 Turbulent Gas
3.36 Identify Medicinal Herbs 3.94 Uncertainty Principle
3.37 Illusory Geodesic Curve 3.95 Universal Expansion
3.38 Kilonova 3.96 Vapour Deposition
3.39 Ladder Operation 3.97 Volcanum
3.40 Leadskin 3.98 Voltaic Arc
3.41 Magical Antenna 3.99 Wormhole
3.42 Magic Polarising Filter (Simplified) 4. Spell Creation Competition
3.43 Magic Polarising Filter 4.1 Weave Warp
3.44 Magnetise 4.2 Create Chimera
3.45 Manipulate Uncertainty 4.3 Stress (Battle)
3.46 Medic’s Tent 4.4 Stress (Non-Battle)
3.47 Migration Patterns 5. Outtakes
3.48 Moderator 5.1 Telescope
3.49 Modify Food 5.2 Aquire Funding
3.50 Moe’s Sensory Illusion 5.3 Arcane Die
3.51 Momentum Transfer

cience always seems to hold a strange double

position in our world. On one hand it’s this Disclaimer
very tangible collection of facts and methods I am a scientist first and a tabletop RPG author second.
from which we have derived revolutionary These spells have not been tested properly. Every effort
technologies. On the other, it’s an ivory tower has been made to balance them within the rules of 5e
of unknowable things, forbidden unless you but that is certainly no gaurantee and there will
happen to have been foolish enough to study it certainly be ways players use these spells which I would
for 5+ years (like me). It’s striking how magic is often never be able to predict. I think any GM should reserve
portrayed in the exact same way. the right to tweak, modify, and VETO these spells at
The similarities become more obvious the longer I their table. Similarly, if these spells are in any way
study both science and magic. I’d be foolish not to admit similar to other previously written spells this is entirely
that science is often portrayed as “Too difficult for you!” unintentional. Many many spells were removed at the
in an attempt by the speaker to put themselves in some request of my editors for encroaching on preexisting
superior position. There’s also a frequent matter of the material.
money and education required to engage in science, to Further to this, these spells are inspired by real
even read the latest work you need to spend time science but they are certainly not accurate
learning what all the jargon means as well as paying the representations. If there is interest, I will write a
huge journal subscription fees, a privilege that very few companion document to fully explore the reality
outside of research have. referenced here.
I then wonder if the popularity of “scientific” magic
and fantasy is a reflection on people’s desire to Legal Information
experience the thrills of science in an way they find This work includes material taken from the System
engaging and accesible. One immediate refutal I hear a Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the
lot is that magic allows us to use our imagination, to do Coast LLC and available at
things we wouldn’t have otherwise done, lets us escape
that which feels commonplace. The idea that all of these document. The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative
don’t apply to modern science is ludicrous to me. It’s my Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
job to convince you that science is just as wonderous as available at
our wildest arcane imaginations.
The goal of this book is twofold: I want to
demonstrate that when we treat science as “magic” it is
just as, if not more, powerful than the magic we are
used to in 5e. The second objective is to try to make the
science more accessible to the public, removing it from
the context of academia with its splendour and
condescension. In the second task I have almost
certainly failed to some extent, in the first there is still
some hope. The reason for the potential failure is simply
that I am, by education, an astrophysicist. Thus many of
the spells here are focused on just that. There is no one
science that trumps them all and there are subjects I
simply didn’t feel qualified to make more than a basic
reference to.
If you find any of these spells interesting I urge you to
read more into their titles (Which I have tried my best to
keep accurate). There are many excellent science
educators out there dying to tell you everything about
their work but too often people don’t even know where
to begin. If this book serves as nothing more than a
jumping off point for you to find a new and interesting
part of science then I will be satisfied.

Introduction 3
huge thank you to all the wonderful people

who helped make this project in any way
feasible. George Eracleous
The Title Cover (page 1), Stress (Page 33), Create
Chimera (Page 32), Weave Warp (Page 31), Voltaic Arc
(Page 29), Supermassive Black Hole (Page 23),
Author- Thomas Wallace Radiation Poisoning (Page 19), Quantum Familiar
(Page 18)
That’s Me! More commonly known as the Gorilla of Twitter: @G_Eracleous
Destiny. I don’t know what to say really, I did a lot of the Art Station:
words and ideas? If you like my work please check out
the Theory of Magic where we make a scientific(ish) Evaldek
theory of the magic in 5e, The Spell Writing Guide The Gorilla of Destiny Window (page 2)
where we make a system to write spells in 5e. All
available on Drivethrurpg Twitter: @Evaldek1
Incantationum Editor (Spell Stenis
Editor)- Jesús Blanco The Theory of Magic school herald seen below
Jesús has been nothing short of my most valuable Twitter: @_stenis_
resource in this development. He balanced every spell,
reworded some, and made some excellent suggestions Dean Spencer
for others. Surely this would not be what it is today Filler art used in Page 17, 16, 12
were it not for his efforts.
Editor- Isobel Thomas-Horton AlecAdamsArt
This woman probably holds the record for the most Filler art used in Page 18, 9
time spent reading my writing. What’s worse is she only
ever reads it before it’s even close to acceptable. Bag (from LoreWiseGames)
Without her there would be at least three times as many Erupting Volacano (Page 10)
spelling errors and significantly worserer grammer (the
credits are the only unedited part, not that you can tell).

massive thanks to you too.

These projects are a huge laugh and I
really appreciate all the support I get
throughout development and after. If you
purchased this for $0 and feel so inclined
I’d appreciate any show of support so I can
keep paying these artists and editors what
they’re worth. Also check out my other work blah blah
blah etc. I’d also appreciate a review (especially if you
liked the work but criticism is also very valuable) but
you should probably read the book first.

4 Credits
Absolute Zero Alter Difraction Pattern
6th level Evocation 1st level Illusion
Casting Time1 Bonus Action Range touch
Range 60 feet Casting Time 1 Action
Duration 1 Round Duration Concentration, up to 1 hour
Components V, S Components V, S, M (a diffraction grating)
Target A point within range Target Any creature or object

You create a 30 foot radius sphere where all motion is By touching a creature or object no larger than 30 feet
stopped, liquids will freeze and the fire will be in any dimension you can use your knowledge of the
extinguished. Creatures must make a Constitution arcane to alter the path that light takes around them
saving throw. A target takes 7d6 Cold Damage on a fail allowing you to control the appearance of their shadow
and becomes paralyzed as they are frozen solid until the (or shadows). Alterations can be in size, shape, or
end of your next turn. On a success their movement appearance. The size of the altered shadow may not
speed is halved and take half as much damage. Terrain exceed twice the size of the original object’s shadow in a
within the sphere becomes difficult terrain until the end given dimension.
of your next turn. Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock
Alter Projectile Velocity
Alter Biome
2nd level Transmutation
9th level Transmutation (ritual) Casting Time 1 Reaction
Range Touch Range 30 feet
Casting Time 1 hour Duration Instantaneous
Duration Until Dispelled Components V, S
Components V, S, M (A small amount of soil or plantlife Target An object within range
from the new biome)
Target A point on the ground You alter the velocity of an object you can see in any
direction you wish, knocking it’s course slightly. For
You place your hand on the ground below you and focus example, a projectile can have its speed increased
on the surrounding environment, a new environment perpendicular to the travel direction. If the projectile is
grows from your hand in a circle up to 1 mile away an attack this will give the attack disadvantage. The
replacing the one before. The new environment is speed could also be increased or decreased parallel to
protected by a permanent magic imbued into the land. its direction of travel, this can either half the damage (if
This includes the environmental temperature, decreasing velocity) or add another damage die (if
plantlife, topography, and weather (but not creatures). increasing velocity).
The environments you may change to are Arctic, Spell List Wizard
Deserts, Forests, Hills & Mountains, Plains, and Alter Weight
Swamps & Marshes. This change will be permanent
until it is replaced or the magical protections around it 1st level Transmutation
are dispelled.
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid Casting Time 1 Action
Range 30 feet
Duration concentration, up to 1 hour
Components V, S, M (a scale of any size)
Target An object within range

Choose an object within range that fits within a 30-foot

cube and roll 1d4. Its weight is halved or doubled (your
choice) a number of times equal to the result of your
roll. If the object is being held by a creature and you
choose to increase its weight, it must make a Strength
saving throw or drop the object.
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Bard, Druid

Absolute Zero | Alter Weight 5

Arcane Gravitational Lens Arcane Redirection
Divination Cantrip 3rd level Abjuration
Range 15 feet Casting Time 1 reaction, which you take when you see a
Casting Time 1 Action spell with an area of effect being cast.
Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute Range 60 feet
Target An opaque corner Duration Instantaneous
Components V, S, M (a mirror shard)
You use a small amount of magic to bend the light Target Any spell with an area of effect
around any corner allowing you to see around it. This
does not extend your range of sight if that is a You attempt to redirect a spell such that it’s area is
consideration. transformed from its original intention to another of
Spell List: Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock your choosing with equal extent (i.e. a 10ft cube can be
Arcane Gyroscope transformed into a 10-foot-radius sphere or a 10-foot-
cone). To do this you must make a spell casting check
1st Level Transmutation where the DC is equal to 10 + the spell’s level. On a
Success you may choose the new area type and (if
Range Touch relevant) the direction.
Casting Time 1 Action Spell List Wizard
Duration 1 hour
Arcane Singularity
Target A willing Creature
Components V,M (A spinning top) 3rd level Conjuration
You touch a willing creature and for the next hour they Casting Time 1 Action
will have an internal magical gyroscope that uses the Range 30ft
Gygax Field to balance their physical form regardless of Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute
their material situation, giving them advantage on all Components V, S
checks relating to their balance. Target A creature you can see within range
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 2nd level or higher you may choose an You conjure a tiny magical sphere of pure darkness
aditional target. above the head of a creature you can see within range.
Spell List: Wizard While this spell is active, whenever a spell that creates a
Arcane Insulation physical effect is cast within 60 feet of that creature,
passes through a point within 60 feet of it or targets a
4th level Abjuration creature, object or point in that area, the creature that
cast it must make an ability check using its spellcasting
Range Touch ability against your spell save DC. If it fails, the spell it
Casting Time 1 Action cast is treated as if it targeted the creature below the
Duration Concentration, up to 1 hour sphere or, if the spell targets an area centred on a point,
Components V, S, M (at least 10 feathers) the centre of the space the creature occupies
Spell List Wizard
Target A willing creature

You touch a willing creature and for the next hour they
are resistant to cold and fire damage. The spell ends if
you dismis it as an action.
Spell Lists: Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Cleric

Arcane Gravitational Lens | Arcane

6 Singularity
Bohr’s Model Carbon Dating
2nd level Evocation 2nd level Divination
Casting Time 1 Action Casting Time 1 Action
Range Self Range touch
Duration Concentration, up to 10 minutes Duration Instantaneous
Components V, S, M (Two balls of different size) Components V, S
Target Self Target An object you can touch

You create three glowing darts of magical force which You touch an object and feel its quiet release of the
orbit you closely. When a creature comes within 10 feet magic inherent in all objects and creatures. You must
of you, you may choose to have one of the darts strike make an investigation check with a DC chosen by your
the creature, no action or roll required. These darts deal GM, on a success you find the age with an uncertainty of
1d4+1 damage to their target. 10% of the actual age.
At Higher Levels When you cast this spell with a 3rd Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid
level spell slot or higher, the spell creates one more dart Chemical Transition
for each slot above 2nd.
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer 3rd level Transmutation (ritual)
Burst Radiation Range Touch
6th level Evocation Casting Time 1 hour
Duration Instantaneous
Range 150-foot Components V, S, M (A small vial of water)
Casting Time 1 Action Target A potion
Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute
Components V,S,M (A small platinum star) You may wrap your hands around a bottle or potion and
transform it to another of less than or equal rarity. You
A ball of brilliant shining light appears in a location you must make a spellcasting ability check where the DC is
can see. The sphere occupies a 5ft x 5ft space and lasts determined by rarity (given in the table below) of the
up to a minute illuminating the area within 30feet of it new potion, on a fail the potion is ruined and becomes
in a bright light. Creatures within a 30ft radius of the unusable with a disgusting flavour.
sphere when it appears must make a Constitution
saving throw. On a failed save the creature takes 4d6 Potion Rarity DC
Radiant damage and 2d8 Fire damage, and half as Common 5
much on a successful save. Any creature that passes Uncommon 10
through the space occupied by the ball will take 7d6 Rare 15
Fire Damage. Very Rare 20
Legendary or rarer 25
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell at 7th level At Higher Levels When casting using a spell slot of 4th
or higher you may increase the Radiant damage by 1d6 level or higher you may reduce the DC by 3 for every
and the Fire damage by 1d8 for each spell slot above spell slot above 3rd. If the DC is 0 or less the spell
6th. Similairly, the damage done by occupying the space automatically succeeds.
of the ball increases by 1d6 for each spell slot above 6th. Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid
Spell Lists: Wizard, Paladin, Sorcerer, Cleric.

Bohr’s Model | Chemical Transition 7

Conjure Magic Prism Cosmic Looking Glass
4th level Conjuration 4th level Divination (ritual)
Casting Time 1 Action Casting Time 1 minute
Range 30 feet Range 30 feet
Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute. Duration 10 minutes
Components V, S, M (a small glass prism) Components V, S, M (a looking glass)
Target Self Target A point within range

You conjure a small triangular prism in an unoccupied You use your knowledge of magic and its links to light to
space you can see, the prism can hang in the air make an area of 30-feet in diameter appear as it did at
unaffected by gravity and wind. The prism appears to be an exact time. This time must be stated before the spell
made of glass and has 10HP and an AC of 12. If you takes effect and cannot be changed unless the spell is
cast a spell which deals damage and has a single target re-cast. The illusion will be a completely still image and
through this prism it will instead be cast in a 15 foot can be dismissed in an action.
cone dealing the same amount of damage. If the original Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Bard
spell has a saving throw for targets it will be equivalent Crystalise
for all targets while spells which have a spell attack roll
attached will instead have a Dexterity saving throw. 1st level Transmutation
This spell is a lot funnier if you let non-damage spells Range Touch
through but as I was told by several folks a cone effect Casting Time 1 Action
Duration Instantaneous
polymorph might be uNbAlAnCeD. Even with damage spells

Components V, S, M (a crystal of any value)

this might cause…issues.

Target Any object

Spell List Wizard
Cool Metal You touch a nonmagical object that is no longer than 5
feet in any direction or a section of it that fits, and
2nd level transmutation transform it into a pure, transparent crystal version of
Casting Time 1 Action Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock
Range 60ft
Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute
Dark Matter Sword
Choose a manufactured metal object that you can see 7th level Evocation
within range. You cause the metal to cool significantly Range self
below freezing temperature. Any creature touching the Casting Time 1 Bonus Action
object will take 2d10 cold damage. If a creature is Duration 1 hour
holding the object it must make a Constitution saving Components V, S
throw or drop the object if it can. If it doesn’t drop the Target Self
object, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability
checks until the start of your next turn. You summon a shortsword made of exotic matter,
Additionally, objects will no longer be magnetic if they invisible to the naked eye. This magic sword lasts until
were before. the spell ends. It counts as a simple melee weapon with
Spell List: Wizard, Sorcerer
which you are proficient. It deals 6d8 piercing damage
on a hit and has the finesse, light, and thrown properties
(range 20/60). In addition, the casting of this spell and
any attacks made with the sword do not force you to
lose the invisible condition if they otherwise would. If
you drop the weapon or throw it, it dissipates at the end
of the turn.
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Ranger

8 Conjure Magic Prism| Dark Matter Sword

Detect Habitat Enhance Potion
1st level Divination (Ritual) 5th level Transmutation
Range Touch Range Touch
Casting Time 1 minute Casting Time 1 Action
Duration Instantaneous Duration Instantaneous
Components V, S Components V, S, M (A small vial of water)
Target A creature with intelligence less than 5 Target A potion

You may touch the body of any creature with an You attempt to imbue a potion with a higher density of
intelligence score less than 5 (living or dead) and magic giving it an extra die if the result involves rolling
identify its home biome and the direction to the nearest (e.g. healing potions or poisons) or adding to an effect
instance of it (i.e. a fish skeleton would reveal the time another half of the original time (e.g. a potion of
direction to a nearby body of water in which they live, a giant strength which would originally last 1 hour now
bird to its nest etc.) lasts 1.5 hours). You must make a spellcasting ability
Spell List Wizard, Druid, Ranger checkwhere the DC is determined by rarity (given in the
table below) of the new potion, on a fail the potion is
Electrify ruined and becomes unusable with a disgusting flavour.
1st level Evocation Potion Rarity DC

Range Touch
Common 5
Uncommon 10
Casting Time 1 Action Rare 15
Duration Concentration, up to 10 minutes Very Rare 20
Components V, S Legendary or rarer 25
Target Any conductive material At Higher Levels When casting this spell using a spell
You touch any material which can conduct electricity slot of 6th level or higher you may add an additional die
(e.g. Iron, Steel, Gold, Copper, Water etc.), no larger or half of the original time for every spell slot above 5th.
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid, Cleric
than 30 feet in any direction, and electrify it. The first
creature that touches it while the spell is active must Entangle Spell Slots
make a Constitution saving throw or take 3d8 lightning 3rd level Enchantment
damage, or half as much on a successful save, as the
electricity discharges into its body. A creature may Casting Time 1 Action
make an Intelligence (Investigation) check to discern Range 30 feet
the electric charge. Once a creature discharges the Duration Concentration, up to 10 minutes
object, the spell ends. Components V, S, M (a piece of string)
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases Target A creature within range
by 1d8 and the mazimum size increases by 10 feet for Choose a creature you can see within range. The target
every spell slot above 1st. must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, their
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock
source of magic becomes entangled with yours. On a
success, nothing happens. While the spell lasts,
whenever you or the target cast a spell with a spell slot,
the other loses a spell slot of equal level or, if it has
none, the highest spell slot it has of lower level. If one of
you casts a spell and the other has no slots of equal or
lower level, it will lose the lowest spell slot of higher
level that it has. The spell ends early if you or your
target run out of spell slots.
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Bard

Detect Habitat | Entangle Spell Slots 9

Entangled Attacks Eruption
1st level Enchantment 9th level Evocation
Range 150ft Range 1 mile
Casting Time 1 Bonus Action Casting Time 1 Action
Duration 1 minute Duration Instantaneous
Components V, S Components V, S
Target A creature you can see within range Target A mountain within range

Choose any creature you can see within range. They You point at any mountain you can see within one mile
must make a Wisdom saving throw. If they succeed the of you, causing the peak to erupt into a violent cloud of
spell has no effect. If they fail then once before this spell fire, lava, debris and ash. You choose five points you can
ends, when you or the target make an attack roll, you see within range and any creature within 40ft of one of
may choose to use the result of the target’s last attack these points must make a Dexterity saving throw to
roll or force the target to use the result of your last avoid the crashing pyroclasts and lava, which spreads
attack roll. Either way, you cannot use each other’s around corners. A creature takes 9d8 Fire damage and
modifiers for the attack rolls. 11d6 Bludgeoning damage on a failed save and half as
Spell Lists: Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Druid much on a success. The lava remains in those spaces
for another 10 minutes and any creature which ends its
turn in the lava must take 9d8 fire damage. The lava
also ignites any flammable material it touches.
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid

Expectation Values
1st level Divination
Range 30ft
Casting Time 1 Action
Duration Instantaneous
Components V, S, M (a notebook and pen)
Target A creature within range

You choose a target you can see within 30ft and attempt
to learn a characteristic of theirs and hence the
“expected value” of their skills. You may choose a single
skill and the target must make a Charisma saving
throw, on a fail you may learn the modifier associated
with that skill.
Spell List Wizard, Bard, Warlock, Ranger, Sorcerer

Faraday Cage
1st level abjuration
Casting Time 1 Action
Range Touch
Duration Concentration, up to 8 hours
Components V, S, M (a metal cage)
Target A willing creature

You touch a willing creature and cover it in a magical

ward, granting them resistance to lightning damage for
the duration. If the target already has resistance to
lightning damage, they become immune instead.
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer

10 Entangled Attacks | Faraday Cage

Focusing Lens Freefall
1st level Evocation 4th level Transmutation
Range 15 feet Range 30 feet
Casting Time 1 Action Casting Time 1 Action
Duration Instantaneous Duration 1 minute
Components V, S, M (a lens) Components V, S
Target A point within range Target A point within range

A small lens appears in your hand, it focusses what light You cancel the effects of gravity in a 15ft radius, 60ft
is available to a small point within 15ft of you. The high cylinder at a point within 30 feet of you. All
power of this focussed beam depends on the light creatures and objects that aren’t somehow anchored to
available at the time. To start a fire with this point the ground in the area will softly float in place. Affected
requires a spell check. The following table acts as creatures can move only by pushing or pulling against a
guidelines for the GM on both the damage done and fixed object or surface within reach (such as a wall or a
Fire Starting DC which applies to either a survival or ceiling), which allows it to move as if it were climbing.
spell check. You can also push against creatures within range of
melee attacks. If you make a melee attack against a
Light Damage Fire Starting DC creature, you and the target are both pushed 10 feet
Broad Daylight 2d4 12 backwards along the direction of the attack. At the end
Shaded Region (Daylight) 1d4 15 of the spell, creatures in the air fall down unless they
Indoor Lighting (Torches) 0d4 18 have a flying speed or can hover.
Darkness 0d4 21 At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 5th level or higher, you may increase the
spell slot of 2nd level or higher the damage of the spell radius of the cylinder by 10ft for each slot level above
in each scenario increases by 1d4 and the Fire Starting 4th.
Spell List: Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock
DC reduces by 1.
Spell List: Wizard, Sorcerer, Ranger, Druid, Warlock Galaxy Whirl
Fourier Transform 2nd level Evocation
3rd level Enchantment Casting Time 1 Action
Casting Time 1 Bonus Action Range 60 feet
Range Touch Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute
Duration Until used or short rest Components V, S, M (an object with a spiral carved into
Components V, S
Target A creature within range
Target A willing creature

You touch a willing creature and imbue them with the You summon a whirlpool of blazing hot gas and fire
ability to see the universe not just as it is but in a around a creature you can see within range. The
reciprocal perspective. While the spell lasts, the affected whirpool occupies every space within 5feet of the
creature may choose one die roll it has to make that is creature and moves with the target while illuminating
not an attack roll, ability check or saving throw and that up to 60 feet from the center. The target remains
uses more than one die of the same kind. The creature unharmed in the center. When a creature first enters
can then alter it before rolling, swapping the positions of the whirpool’s area or starts its turn there, it must make
the numbers of the rolling notation such that the a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d12 Fire Damage,
number of dice rolled is determined by the die size of taking half as much on a successful save.
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock
the original roll, and vice versa. For example, instead of
rolling 2d6 for the damage of a greatsword, it may
instead choose to roll 6d2. Once the creature has Author’s Note
altered a roll in this way, the spell ends.
Spell List Wizard This is not a very good representation of the Fourier
Transform (FT) since the FT is a transformation that
translates a function from one space to another, reciprocal,
space. Even this is a very Physics focussed, and very basic,
explanation of the FT. However, it is such a fundamental and
important part of physics it felt impossible not to include.

Focusing Lens | Galaxy Whirl 11

Gravitational Wave Hooke’s Compelled Duel
8th level Evocation Enchantment cantrip
Range Self (60-foot cone) Casting Time 1 Bonus Action
Casting Time 1 Action Range 30 feet
Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute
Components V, S, M (Two dense metal stars (or star Components V, S, M (a spring)
symbols) worth at least 500GP each) Target Self and another creature
Target A point within range
You attempt to link yourself and another creature
You stretch your hands out infront of you and create two together through an arcane spring. Choose a creature
arcane black holes which begin to inspiral. Using your you can see within range. It must make a Strength
mastery of magic you then focus the resulting saving throw, being tethered to you if it fails. The spring
gravitational waves into a 60ft cone infront of you tries to bring you and the creature closer to a minimum
causing a wave of slowed time. When you cast this spell, distance of 5 feet between each other. Any movement
the wave begins at the base of the cone (where it is cast) from the creature away from you will be reduced by an
occupying a 10 feet section of the cone. At the beginning amount of feet depending on how far it is from you.
of each of your turns the wave advances 10 feet. You Movement away from you while within 10 feet of you
may not willingly move or be moved against your will will cost the target an extra 5 feet for every 5 feet it
while concentrating on this spell, and any creature moves. Movement away from you while 10 feet away or
which enters the wave or is within the wave at the start more will cost the target an extra 10 feet for every 5 feet
of its turn will be paralyzed until the wave leaves its it moves. Movement away from you while 20 feet away
space. or more will cost the target an extra 15 feet for every 5
Spell List Wizard feet it moves. If you and the target are ever separated by
more than 30 feet, the spell ends.
Hawking’s Mark
1st level Necromancy Quote from Editor
“I don’t know if this is actually balanced in any way.”
Casting Time 1 Action Proceed with caution
Range 30 feet
Duration Until dispelled Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Ranger, Bard,
Components V, S Cleric, Paladin
Target Self and a creature within range Hubble’s Constant
You choose a creature which must make a Constitution Conjuration Cantrip.
saving throw. On a failed saving throw they lose 1 hit
point and you gain 1 hit point. After it is cast, the target Casting Time 1 Bonus Action
must repeat the saving throw a the beginning of each of Range 30 feet
your turns, suffering the same effect until the spell ends, Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute
it saves, or it or you die. Components V, S, M (a tuning fork)
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Cleric
Target A point within range

You summon a small illusory star in a location of your

choosing within range. This star can be dismissed as an
action by you. While the star exists every creature
within 120 feet of it will take 1 point of Radiant damage
at initiative 20 (losing ties). This spell’s damage
increases by 1 when you reach 5th level (2 per round),
11th level (3 per round), and 17th level (4 per round).
Spell List Wizard

12 Gravitational Wave | Hubble’s Constant

Identify Medicinal Herbs Kilonova
Divination Cantrip 1st level Evocation
Range self Range 30 feet
Casting Time 1 Action Casting Time 1 Action
Duration Instantaneous Duration Instantaneous
Components V, S Components V, S, M (A small ball bearing)
Target Self
An explosion of bright colour, light, and hot gas grows
You center yourself in your local environment and from a point of your choice to fill a 10ft radius
explore using your arcane knowledge. This will reveal illuminating within 30 feet of the target. Creatures
all medical herbs within 30ft of yourself (if any exist in wihtin this space must make a Dexterity Saving throw.
that space). These herbs can be used in a Herbalism Kit On a failed save creatures will take 2d6 fire damage and
to create potions of healing and antivenoms in half the gains the blinded condition.
time it would otherwise take. This area within which At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell ausing a
you search increases by 30ft when you reach 5th level spell slot of 5th level or higher the damage increases by
(60ft), 11th level (90ft), and 17th level (120ft). 1d8 for each spell slot above 1st
Spell Lists: Wizard, Sorcerer
Note For GMs: If you are unsure how many herbs are in the
area it may be useful to roll different die for different regions.
Ladder Operation
e.g. a city might have 1d2 - 1, a village 1d4 -2, a meadow
1d10 -5, a jungle 1d20 etc. This is just how I would choose it
1st level Enchantment
however and it is entirely up to your discretion and gameplay Casting Time 1 Action
Range Touch

Duration Instantaneous
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid Components V, M (a ladder-like object of any size)
Illusory Geodesic Curve Target A willing creature iwthin range

3rd level Illusion You touch a willing creature. The next spell they cast
Casting Time 1 Action
that isn’t Ladder Operation is considered to be cast one
level higher than the level you cast at. A creature can
Range 30 feet benefit from multiple consecutive castings of Ladder
Duration 1 hour or until dispelled Operation before it casts a spell. If it does, all of them
Components V, S will apply to the same spell, increasing its level once per
Target An object within range casting of Ladder operation. The maximum level that a
spell can be cast at in this way remains the 9th level,
You choose an object within range that isn’t being worn regardless of the level it was initially cast at.
or carried and cause it to emit a distorting illusion out to Spell List Wizard
30 feet around itself. When a creature that can see it Leadskin
enters that area for the first time on its turn or starts its
turn there, it must make an Intelligence saving throw. 2nd level Abjuration
On a failure, it perceives its movement towards and
away from the object to follow a non-existent curvature, Casting Time 1 Action
much like that of a steep hill. When moving towards it, Range Touch
each foot of movement costs an affected creature an Duration 10 minutes
additional foot, and when moving away from it an Components V, S, M (a small piece of lead)
affected creature will move 2 feet for every foot of Target A Willing Creature
movement spent. The illusion moves with the object.
Spell List Wizard You touch a willing creature and grant them resistance
to Radiant damage for the time of the spell as well as
increasing their AC by +1.
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer

Identify Medicinal Herbs | Leadskin 13

Magic Antenna
1st level Divination
Casting Time 1 Action
Range 15 feet
Duration Concentration, up to 1 hour
Components V, S, M (a small metal rod)
Target Self

You magically tap into arcane communications that may

occur within 15 feet of you. If any creature sends or
receives a non-visual message through any magical
means in that area, you are instantly made aware of it
and can make a DC15 ability check using your
spellcasting ability modifier to tap into it, learning its
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer

Magic Polarising Filter

5th level Conjuration
Casting Time 1 Action
Range 30 feet
Duration Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Components V, S, M (a coloured shard of glass)
Target A point within range

You create a shimmering wall of magic that appears

almost transparent allowing all physical objects to pass
through. You can make the wall up to 60-feet long, 20-
feet high and 1-inch thick. Spells that are cast through
one side of the wall of your choice to the other are
diminished if they do so at the wrong angle, giving
disadvantage to any involved spell attack or granting
advantage on saving throws to any affected targets. If
the spells affected deal damage, it is reduced to half.
You decide when you cast this spell if it diminishes
spells cast to the right or left of the wall’s perpendicular.
If a spell is cast directly perpendicular to the wall, flip a
coin. Heads, the spell goes through unimpeded. Tails,
the spell is diminished. Area of effect spells targeting a
point on one side of the wall have no effect on the
opposite side.
Spell List Wizard

Magic Antenna | Magic Polarising Filter

14 (simplified)
Magic Polarising Filter
4th level Conjuration
Casting Time 1 Action
Range 30 feet
Duration Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Components V, S, M (A coloured shard of glass)
Target A point within range

N.B. This is the more complex version of MPF

You create a shimmering wall of magic that appears

almost transparent allowing all physical objects to pass
through. You may then choose a polarising filter angle
“F”. When a spell which deals damage passes through
the wall at an2 angle “S” its damage will be multiplied by
a factor cos (F-S) rounded to the nearest integer (i.e.
spells at right angles to F will deal zero damage while
spells cast at parallel to F will be unaffected). Spells
which cause targets to make a saving2 throw will have
their spell save DC reduced by 4*sin (F-S) rounded to
the nearest integer (right angles will have DC reduced
by 4, parallel will be unaffected). An Area of Effect spell
which does not pass through the wall but does target
creatures beyond the wall’s region will have their
damage calculations be done through the angle between
the spell’s point of impact and the target creature. Some
useful values are provided below:
Grid Dimensions Angle Difference Damage DC
(across x up) (degrees) Factor Reduction
1x1 45 0.5 2
2x1 26.56 0.8 1
1x2 63.43 0.2 3
3x1 18.44 0.9 0
1x3 71.57 0.1 4
2x3 33.69 0.69 1
3x2 56.3 0.31 3
N/A 30 0.75 1
N/A 60 0.25 3
N/A 90 0 4
N/A 0 1 0

(Values calculated using

cos2(arctan(up/across)) for
Damage Factor and sin (arctan(up/across)). the arctan
function can of course be replaced with the calculated
angle difference. For once, this might actually be a case
where protractors are useful. If it were me I would
simply use 0, 30,45,60,and 90 as a guideline and
making rough estimates in agreement with your GM)
Spell List Wizard

Magic Polarising Filter 15

Magnetise Medic’s Tent
2nd level Transmutation 8th level Abjuration (Ritual)
Range 30ft Range 60ft
Casting Time 1 Action Casting Time 1 hour
Duration 1 minute Duration 1 day
Components V, S, M (A small magnetic metal) Components V, S, M (a tent of any size)
Target A metal object Target A point within range

You may touch a metal and change its magnetic You choose a point you can see within range and create
properties such that it will attract other metals within 5 a large illusory circular tent with a 30ft radius which
ft of it. Metals which will be attracted by magnets are glows with a soft gently golden light. Within this tent,
namely iron and steel (and not gold, silver, or copper). creatures regain the maximum amount of hit points
For example, one might make a target’s plate armour when healed, and any ability check or saving throw
magnetic such that their weaponry is attracted to the made to avoid, resist or end a condition, poison, disease
armour. A target who’s weapon is being attracted to a or death is rolled with advantage. Casting this spell on
magnetic object must make a strength saving throw or the same spot every day for a year makes this effect
be disarmed. Similarly if they are wearing metal armour permanent.
or clothing they must make a strength saving throw or Spell List Druid, Cleric
become restrained. To recover an object that has Migration Patterns
attached itself to the magnetic object the creature must
succeed on a strength saving throw. 1st level Divination
Spell List: Wizard, Sorcerer
Range Touch
Manipulate Uncertainty Casting Time 1 Action
Illusion cantrip Duration Instantaneous
Components V, S, M (A rabbit’s foot)
Range Self Target A set of animal tracks
Casting Time 1 Bonus Action
Duration Until the end of your turn You focus on a set of animal tracks you can see. You
Target Self
cast this spell to know how long ago the animal passed,
Components V, S, M (A game die)
what direction it took and how fast it was going, as well
as how far it is at the moment of casting. You also are
For the remainder of your turn you may choose to add aware of the direction it is from you while the spell lasts.
1d4 to any attack roll you make. If the attack roll is Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid, ranger
successful, you must in turn remove 1d4 from the Moderator
damage it deals. You may choose to use higher die
when you reach 5th level (add 1d6, remove 1d6), 11th 2nd level Abjuration
level (add 1d8, remove 1d8), and 17th level (add 1d10, Casting Time 1 Action
remove 1d10).
Spell List: Wizard Range Touch
Duration Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Components V, S, M (a piece of graphite)
Target A willing creature you can touch

You touch a willing creature, they gain a moderating

magical layer which slows the light reflecting off of
them giving a delayed effect to their movements. With
this layer any reactions taken against the creature will
have disadvantage.
I should note that this is not made with fun game design in
mind, more that nuclear moderators slow down reactions.

Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Bard, Cleric

16 Magnetise | Moderator
Modify Food Momentum Transfer
Transmutation Cantrip 2nd level Transmutation
Range 5ft Range Touch
Casting Time 1 Action Casting Time 1 Action
Duration Instantaneous Duration Until the beginning of your next turn
Components V, S, M (food dye) Components V, S
Target A single item of food within range Target A willing Creature

You choose any single item of food you can see within You touch a willing creature and transfer your
range and can alter any of the following properties: movement speed to it, increasing its movement speed
colour, texture, flavour, temperature (to anything by your own remaining movement until the beginning of
between cold, warm, or piping hot), density. There is no your next turn while reducing your remaining
change to the food’s nutritional value and it will not be movement to 0 feet.
able to damage any creatures through these changes. At Higher Levels When you cast this spell with a 3rd
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid, Bard, Warlock level spell slot or higher the duration of the spell
increases for 1 turn for every 2 spell slots above 2nd.
Moe’s Sensory Illusion Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid
1st level Illusion Multiverse exploration
Range 30 feet 9th level Divination
Casting Time 1 Action
Casting Time 1 Bonus Action
Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute
Range Self
Components V, S, M (some rotten food)
Duration Instantaneous
Target A creature within range
Components V, S, M (a kaleidoscope)
Choose a creature you can see within range, you may Target Self
interfere with their sensory organs to have one of the You delve deep into the magic around you and reach out
following effects: Make them feel queasy or sea sick, to some of the possible futures that lie infront of you.
smell a chosen scent from a direction of your choosing, You take 1d4 + 1 turns in a row, during which you can
make them feel a texture, feel cool air, or warm air, see use actions and move as normal and other creatures
the world through a colour filter, or hear a quiet brief can use their reactions as normal too. However, these
noise for the duration of the spell. turns are not consecutive. Instead, each one starts from
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid, Cleric
the same conditions as when you cast this spell, as if the
previous turns you took within the duration of this spell
hadn’t happened. Once you have taken all of your turns,
you can choose one to become real, as you divert your
reality towards that one, making all other turns fade into
unreality, letting the observer effect run its course.
Spell List Wizard

Modify Food | Multiverse exploration 17

Mutual Information One Way Mirror
Divination Cantrip 1st level Illusion
Casting Time 1 Action Range Touch
Range 60 feet Casting Time 1 Action
Duration Instantaneous Duration 1 hour
Components V, S Components V, S, M (a mirror shard or reflective piece
Target A creature within range
of metal)
Target A mirror
Choose a creature you can see within range and a You gently touch a mirror or glass surface of your
property (e.g. HP, Ability scores, skill bonuses, AC and choice causing an illusion causing the surface to appear
class levels (if any)) you will then learn if they have a to become mirrored on one side of your choice and
higher or lower value than you. Similarly they will learn transparent from the other. This change will last for an
if you have a higher or lower value. hour. If a creature uses an action to investigate the
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer
mirror they can determine the true nature of the surface
Mycelium Network with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check
1st level Divination agains your spell save DC. If a creature determines the
mirror’s nature it will become transparent to them in
Range Touch both directions.
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer
Casting Time 1 Action
Duration Concentration, up to 8 hours Oscillate
Components V, M (a rare preserved mushroom worth
10GP) 2nd level Conjuration
Target A Point of exposed earth Casting Time 1 Bonus Action
Range Touch
You focus on the ground beneath you and tap into the Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute or until the
existing mycelium network deep underground or make target moves.
your own. While you are connected to the network you Components S, M (a spring)
will have advantage on perception checks within 300
feet of you and your passive perception will increase by Target A willing creature within range
5. While you are connected to the network your speed is You touch a willing creature and cause it to fluctuate
reduced to 5 feet. If your contact is broken from the between its position and another point within 30 feet of
network the spell ends. it of their choice. Once on each of its turns, the affected
creature can choose (no action required) to vanish from
one space and immediately appear in the other. This
spell ends early if the creature moves to any space other
than the two it oscillates between.
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer

18 Mutual Information | Oscillate

Osteonum Pascal’s Revenge
1st level Divination 1st level Illusion
Range Touch Casting Time 1 Action
Casting Time 1 Action Range 30 feet
Duration Instantaneous Duration concentration, up to 1 minute
Components V, S, M (The bones of a known creature) Components V, S
Target A bone you can touch Target A creature within range

You touch a bone and attempt to determine what the You choose a creature within range and cause it to
original creature looked like, the creature’s form will suffer the whole weight of atmospheric pressure on its
appear as a vision in your mind but no information will shoulders. Fall damage is doubled for it and its jumping
be given beyond its appearance. The DC is determined distances are halved. It also has its speed reduced by 5
by the size of the original creature: feet.
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer
Creature Size DC
Tiny 5 Pauli Exclusion Principle
Small 10
Medium 15 5th level Abjuration
Casting Time 1 Action
Large 20

Range Self (15 foot radius)

Huge 25
Gargantuan 30
Spell List Wizard, Ranger, Druid Duration Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Components S
Outflows Target Self
5th level abjuration You create a shimmering field of faintly translucent,
Range self white energy and amplify the quantum effects of the
Casting Time 1 Action
Pauli Exclusion Principle to affect you and the space
Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute
around you at the macroscopic scale, pushing away
Components V, S
other creatures. A creature that starts its turn within the
area while this spell is active must make a Strength
Target Self saving throw or be pushed to the nearest unoccupied
Two cones of extremely heated gas extend from you in space outside of it and fall prone. If a creature succeeds,
opposite directions. The cones extend out 15ft from you, it is neither pushed nor knocked prone. Creatures that
their orientation may be in any direction you choose so try to enter it must make a Strength saving throw. On a
long as the two cones are opposite. Creatures which failed save, they cannot enter the area. On a success,
begin their turn within either cone or enter one of the they can enter. A creature other than you that moves
cones for the first time in their turn must make a through the area must spend 4 feet of movement for
Constituion saving throw taking 6d6 Fire damage on a every 1 foot it moves.
Spell List Wizard, Cleric
failed save and half as much on a success.
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer Plagarise
4th level Enchantment
Range 30ft
Casting Time 1 Action
Duration Concentration, ip to 1 minute
Components S
Target A creature within range.

You may choose another creature you can see within

30ft of you which must make a wisdom saving throw.
On a fail you may take their Intelligence score as your
own for up to 1 minute.
Spell List: Sorcerer, Druid, Warlock

Osteonum | Plagarise 19
Planetary Rings Quantum Familiar
4th level Transmutation Conjuration Cantrip
Casting Time 1 Action Range 10 feet
Range Self Casting Time 1 hour
Duration 10 minutes Duration Instantaneous
Components V, S, M (A ring) Components V,S,M (A ball of string)
Target Self Target An unoccupied space within range

You create three rings of assorted debris that start You summon a familiar to an unoccupied space within
orbiting around you like those that surround some 10ft, with the same rules as Find Familiar. However,
planets. On each of your turns, you may use a bonus when you lose sight of your familiar you must flip a coin.
action to launch one of these rings towards a creature on a heads (2) nothing will happen, on a tails (1) the
you can see within 30 feet of you, losing it permanently. familiar drops to 0HP.
Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target takes Spells Lists: Wizard
3d6 force damage. The spell ends early once all three Quantum Tunnelling
rings have been used in this way. While at least one ring
orbits around you, any creature that ends its turn within 2nd level conjuration
5 feet of you must make a Strength saving throw or take Casting Time 1 Bonus Action
2d6 force damage, half as much on a successful save, as
it is buffeted by the spinning debris Range 30 feet
At Higher Levels When casting this spell using a spell Duration Instantaneous
slot of 5th or higher you may add an aditional ring Components V, S
around you for every level above 4th. Target An object within range
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer
You choose an object which isn’t being held or carried
Predict Projectiles in range, no larger than a medium sized creature, with a
2nd level Divination known location (seen or unseen) and conceil it in a dark
cloud. Similarly you also choose a target area within 15
Range Touch feet of the object which will similarly be conceiled in a
Casting Time 1 Action dak cloud. You then make a spell casting ability check
Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute with a DC of 10 + the distance between the object and
Components S,M (A ruler or other distance measuring
the target in feet. On a success the object will be in your
aparatus) chosen location when the dark cloud vanishes, on a fail
Target A willing creature
the object will not have moved.
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock
You touch a willing creature, imbuing them with
preternatural knowledge of physics. For the next
minute, they can predict the path of all projectiles they
can see, giving projectile-based attack rolls against them
disadvantage. This spell does not affect Magic Missile.
Spell List: Wizard, Sorcerer Note from the Artist
The cat on the right is sleeping.

20 Planetary Rings | Quantum Tunneling

Radar Radiation Poisoning
2nd level Divination Evocation Cantrip
Casting Time 1 Action Range 30 feet
Range 30 feet Casting Time 1 Action
Duration Instantaneous Duration 1 minute
Components V, S, M (a parabolic surface) Components V, S, M (any object made of rare metal
Target A point within range
worth at least 50GP)
Target A creature within range
You send a pulse of unseen divination magic waves You make a spell attack against a creature in range
from a point of your choosing which you can see within which you can see. They must make a constitution
range. This light bounces against walls and reflects of saving throw taking 2d6 poison damage on a fail and
objects, structures, and creatures until eventually half as much on a success. At the beginning of their next
returning to the point of origin. This allows you to see turn they will then take 1d6 damage, and at the
all creatures within 120 feet of the origin provided there beginning of their subsequent turn they will take 1d4.
is an opening. This location does not update with time When you reach level 5 the initial damage roll will be
and is instead a single instance or “snap shot” in time of 2d8, followed by 2d6, 1d4, 1d4 at the beginning of
creatures location. You don’t gain any information about subsequent turns. At 11th level the same process
other elements of their appearance such as colour or follows as Initial damage: 2d12 followed by 2d10, 2d8,
texture nor about their movement and direction if they 2d6, 1d6, 1d4 each at the beginning of the target’s turn.
are moving At 17th level the initial damage is 3d12 followed by
At Higher Levels When casting this spell using a spell
slot of 3rd level or higher you may add an additional 30 2d12, 2d10, 2d8, 2d6, 1d6, 1d4 each at the beginning of
feet of range to the detection for every level above 2nd. the target’s turn.
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Bard Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer

Raman Scattering
4th level Abjuration
Casting Time 1 reaction, which you take when you see a
creature within 60 feet target you with a spell they cast.
Range 60 feet
Duration Instantaneous
Components V, S
Target A spell targeting you

You attempt to absorb and return a spell which targets

you to its original caster. You must make a spellcasting
check where the DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a
fail the spell continues uninterupted, on a success you
will be able to absorb the spell’s power and return it to
the original caster. If the spell deals damage you may
use your own spell attack modifier but damage will be
halved. If the spell has an associated saving throw the
DC will be halved for the original caster who is now
being targeted. The spell is otherwise equivalent to the
original as you return it and it has no effect on you.
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer

Radar | Raman Scattering 21

Reduce Relative Velocity Reflection
1st level Transmutation 3rd level Abjuration
Range 30ft Range 60 feet
Casting Time 1 reaction, which you take when you see Casting Time 1 Reaction
an object within 30 feet of you moves or when you move Duration Instantaneous
or are within 30 feet of an object Target A spell cast within 60 feet of you targeting you or
Duration 1 round a point within 10 feet of you
Components V, S Components V,S,M (A hand mirror)
Target A medium or smaller object
When you see a first level or lower spell being cast
Choose a Medium or smaller object not being worn or within 60 feet which targets you or a point within 10
carried that is moving within 30 feet of you or that you feet of you, you may attempt to use your knowledge of
are moving or being moved within 30 feet of. You cause magic theory to attempt to reflect the spell back to the
your relative velocities to become zero until the caster. The spell will be cast using your spell attack
beginning of your next turn. Thus, you can choose to modifier or spell save DC instead of the original casters.
either be moved with the same speed and in the same
direction that the object is moving, or for it to move in At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell
the same direction and with the same speed that you slot of 5th level or higher, the highest spell level you can
are moving or being moved. If either you or the object reflect increases by 1 for every two slot levels above 3rd.
are standing still relative to the ground, the still Spell Lists: Wizard, Warlock, Sorcerer, Druid.
element’s speed is considered to be zero. The spell ends Reflective Coating
early if either you or the object are forced to stop
moving relative to the ground, including if you use this Transmutation Cantrip
spell to halt your movement or the object’s. When this
spell ends, both you and the object stop moving Range 15ft
completely, and start falling if you are not standing on a Casting Time 1 Bonus Action
surface or in a liquid that can support you. Duration 1 hour
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a Components V, S
spell slot of 4th level or higher, the size category of Target An object within range
objects you can target increases by 1 every two levels
above 2nd. When cast at 4th level, you can target Large Choose an object you can see within range that is no
objects. When cast at 6th level or higher, you can target larger than 5 feet in any dimension. For the next hour,
Huge objects. When cast at 8th level or higher, you can its surface will become perfectly reflective while
target Gargantuan objects maintaining all other properties.
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Bard, Druid Spell List: Wizard, Warlock, Sorcerer, Bard

Reduce Relative Velocity | Reflective

22 Coating
Refraction Reverb
1st level Abjuration 1st level Illusion
Range 10 feet Range touch
Casting Time 1 Reaction Casting Time 1 Action
Duration Instantaneous Duration 10 minutes
Components V,S,M (A block or prism of glass) Components V, S, M (a hollow shell)
Target A spell cast within 30 feet of you targeting you or Target Any creature which can speak
a point within 10 feet of you
Upon casting this spell the target’s voice will echo
You attempt to deflect a spell you can see being cast throughout the entirety of an indoor space or to
within 30ft of you away from its intended target. If the everyone within 120ft in an outdoor space. Doing so
targeted spell is 1st level or lower, then the spell will means that every creature will be able to hear the
target a point or creature of your choice within 5ft of the creature perfectly.
intended target instead. Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Bard

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell Reverse Entropy
slot of 2nd level or higher, the highest spell level you
can reflect increases by 1 for every two slot levels above Transmutation Cantrip
1st. Range Self (5-foot radius)
Resonant Shatter Casting Time 1 Action
1st level evocation Duration 1 minute
Range 60ft
You temporarily reverse the effects of entropy around
you. Entropy is a measure of disorder, so similairly
Casting Time 1 Action reversing Entropy means you increase the order of your
Duration Instantaneous chosen space. This means broken objects may be
Components V, S, M (A drinking glass) reformed, mixed substances may be seperated to their
Target An inorganic object previous state, ice may reform from melted puddles,
wilting plants reconstituted, corpse’s wounds
You use your magic to probe an object comprised of superficially healed (while no return of life is permitted).
inorganic materials (such as stone, crystal, or metal) you When the spell ends these changes revert, as all things
can see within range and find its resonant mode and must do, into disordered states.
cause harsh vibrations in the object forcing it to loudly Spell Lists: Wizard, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock.
shatter. Each creature within a 10-foot-radius sphere Scattered path
centered on the object must make a Constitution saving
throw. A creature takes 2d8 piercing damage on a failed 2nd level Conjuration
save and half as much on a success as the shattered
glass explodes outward. Casting Time 1 Action
At Higher Levels: When casting this spell using a Range 30 feet
spell slot of 2nd level or higher the damage increases by Duration Instantaneous
1d8 for each level above 1st. Components V, S, M (A translucent piece of glass)
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Bard
Target A creature within range

You choose a willing creature you can see within range,

with the aim of teleporting to them as a mote of magical
light. Once you reach them you can then choose to
continue your teleportation path to another creature
within 15 feet. This cycle continues until you have
teleported between a number of creatures up to your
spellcasting modifier, you reach a creature with no
other creatures within 15 feet, or you choose to exit, in
any case you can then choose a point within 15 feet of
the final creature in which you will reappear.
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer

Refraction | Scattered path 23

Shannon’s Coding Theorem Sonic Boom
3rd level Divination 3rd level Evocation
Casting Time 1 Action Range self
Range Touch Casting Time 1 Action
Duration 8 hours Duration Instantaneous
Components V, S Components V, S, M (a small set of finger cymbals)
Target A willing creature you can touch Target A point within range

You touch a willing creature and grant them the ability You move the magic within yourself faster than the
to more efficiently encode information into the magic sound barrier causing a sudden compression and
used in magical communication allowing them to explosion of air. This compressed air explodes out from
double the number of words used should such a limit you and causes a thunder-like sound. Every creature
exist. The spell can only be used on one message, after within a 20ft radius of you must make a Dexterity saving
a communication spell has been augmented the spell throw taking 3d10 Force Damage, half as much on a
wears off. save. Creatures which fail will be pushed 5ft away from
Spell List Wizard you.
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer
Solve Olber’s Paradox
4th level Illusion
9th level Abjuration
Casting Time 1 Action
Range 120 feet Range 1 mile
Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute Casting Time 1 Action
Components V Duration Instantaneous
Target A point within range Components V, S, M (a small sweet food item)
Target 20 points within range
Olber’s Paradox can be simply put as “Why isn’t the
night sky dark?”. In a more precise way it can be Taking inspiration from the birth of galaxies and the
summarised as “If the universe is infinite, the same lighting up of the night sky you may choose 20 points
everywhere, and looks the same in every direction, why you can see within range. At each point a star-like
is the sky dark? Shouldn’t we eventually see a star in fireball errupts, each creature within a 20-foot-radius
every direction resulting in a bright sky?”. Cosmologists sphere centered on these points must make a Dexterity
have sugested solutions such as a finite universe, finite saving throw or take 9d6 Fire Damage on a failed save,
stellar lifetime, finite speed of light, expansion of the or half as much on a successful one. The fire ignites
universe (meaning distant light has not yet reached us), flamable objects and spreads around corners.
etc. Another, seldom explored, solution is to simply Spell List Wizard
make the sky bright. Study Ecology
Choose a point you can see within range. You create
an illusory sky of pure brightness that is only perceived 1st level Divination (Ritual)
by creatures within 30 feet of that point. An affected
creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a Range Self
failed save, a creature takes 3d8 radiant damage, and it Casting Time 10 minutes)
is blinded for 1 minute. On a successful save, it takes Duration Instantaneous
half as much damage and isn’t blinded. A blinded Components V, S, M (magnifying glass)
creature can make a Constitution saving throw at the Target The local environment
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
success. You reach into the natural magic around you to
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Bard determine the basic information about the environment
including some animals likely to exist in the area,
predators, plantlife, and any problems disrupting the
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid, Ranger

Shannon’s Coding Theorem | Study

24 Ecology
Sublimation Supermassive Black Hole
3rd level Transmutation 10th level Conjuration (ritual)
Casting Time 1 Action Range 10 miles
Range Touch Casting Time 1 day (uninterupted)
Duration Instantaneous Duration Until Dispelled
Components V, S Components V, S, M (An Onyx orb at least 5 feet in
Target A solid object
radius, enscribed with the spell)
Target A point within range
You touch a solid object smaller than a 5-foot-cube and An orb of pure darkness 2 miles in diameter erupts into
cause it to erupt into harmless gas. being at a point of your choosing within range, no light,
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid, Warlock
sound, or objects will be capable of escaping the black
Summon Demon Core hole. All creatures and objects which enter the sphere
6th level Abjuration are instantly destroyed, creatures which begin their turn
within 3 miles of the new black hole must make a
Range 30ft
Strength saving throw or be moved double their
Casting Time 1 Action
movement towards the black hole. Creatures which end
Duration Until Dispelled
their turn within 300 feet of the black hole must make a
Components V, S, M (a screwdriver)
dexterity saving throw to avoid debris being brought
towards the black hole. On a failure they take 40d6
Target Any point within range bludgeoning damage, taking half as much on a success
At Higher Levels When casting this spell with an 11th
You summon a small orb (approximately 1 foot in spell slot or above you may increase the damage from
diameter) that appears to be made of a slightly glowing debris by 1d6 for every spell slot above 10th.
material, any creature which enters or begins their turn Spell List Wizard, Gods
in the region within a 10ft radius of the sphere must
make a constitution saving throw. They take 1d10 Author’s Note
radiant damage on a fail and half as much on a save.
When dispelled the creature dispelling the magic Of all the approximations in this book, this is the most
must make a slight of hand check. If successful the egregious. A black hole this size is actually very small
demon core stops glowing and becomes an inert sphere (slightly more massive than the sun and a third of the mass

of iron. If they fail the save, all creatures within a 60- of the smallest blackhole found as of writing this). Not to
mention a real black hole would likely destroy your fantasy
foot-sphere must make a constitution saving throw. solar system too. For the sake of fun, we will interpret this as
Those within 10ft will take 30d8 Radiation Damage on a “magic approximation” of a black hole.
a fail, those within 30ft will take 20d8 Radiation
Damage on a fail, and those within 60ft will take 10d8
Radiation Damage on a fail. All take half as much on a
successful saving throw.
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock

Sublimation | Supermassive Black Hole 25

Supernova Suspend Motion
8th level Evocation 4th level Transmutation
Range 150ft Range 30 feet
Casting Time 1 Action Casting Time 1 Action
Duration 1 minute Duration Instantaneous
Components V,S,M (A small platinum model of a star or Components V, S
artistic representation of a star worth over 500GP) Target A creature within range
Target A point within range
You attempt to remove all motion from a creature you
An explosion of bright colour, light, and hot gas grows can see within range. The target must make a
from a point of your choice to fill a 60ft radius Constitution/Wisdom saving throw or be restrained for
illuminating the room in the equivalent of daylight. the duration. Additionally, the creatures weapon attacks
Creatures wihtin this space must make a Dexterity and projectile spells and effects deal half damage.
Saving throw. On a failed save creatures will take At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a
10d10 Fire damage, after the initial explosion the area spell slot of 5th level or higher the number of targets
will be filled with colourful gas. All creatures within the can be increased by one for every spell slot above 4th.
gas must make a Constitution saving throw becoming Spell Lists: Wizard, Sorcerer
blinded on a fail until the start of your next turn. Synchrotron Spell
Spell Lists: Wizard, Sorcerer

Supersonic Omnidirectional Jet 3rd level Evocation

5th level Conjuration Casting Time 1 reaction, which you take immediately
after you cast a spell that requires a spell attack or a
Range 60ft saving throw on your turn
Casting Time 1 Action Range Self
Duration Instantaneous Duration Concentration, 1 round
Components V, S, M (Water) Components V, S, M (a circular tube)
Target Self Target Self

You conjure a 5ft sphere of water in an unoccupied Whenever you cast a spell that requires a spell attack or
space you can see within range. The sphere then a saving throw on your turn, you can use your reaction
explodes outwards to a distance of 30 feet in all to cast this spell with it to enhance it gradually. The
directions, dowsing any flames it touches. Creatures in spell is held until the beginning of your next turn, its
the area that aren’t behind total cover must make a effects paused as it orbits around you or your arcane
Constitution saving throw or take 3d8 bludgeoning focus, charging up. At the beginning of your next turn, it
damage and 3d8 cold damage on a failed save, half as is released. If the spell requires an attack roll, you make
much on a successful one it with advantage. If the spell requires a save, the target
At Higher Levels: When casting this spell using a or targets make it with disadvantage. If you lose
spell slot of 6th level or higher the damage increases by concentration before the spell is released, it still has
1d8 Bludgeoning and 1d8 Cold damage for each level effect, but you have disadvantage on the attack roll, or
above 5th. the targets have advantage on their saving throw,
Spell List Wizard whichever applies.
Spell List Wizard

26 Supernova | Synchrotron Spell

Temporary Magic Prism Thomson’s Plum Pudding
2nd level Conjuration 2nd level Transmutation
Casting Time 1 Bonus Action Casting Time 1 Action
Range self Range Touch
Duration Until the end of your turn or a spell is cast Duration Instantaneous
through the prism Components V, S
Components V, S, M (a small glass prism) Target Self
Target Self
You create 1d6 + 1 Plum Puddings in your hand. Each
You conjure a small triangular prism that appears to be pudding contains some amount of Goodberries, A
made of glass. While you hold the prism, you can cast a creature can use its action to eat one pudding. Eating a
damaging spell that can only target one creature at the pudding restores 1d4 hit points, and the pudding
level you cast it and doesn’t have a range of self. The provides enough nourishment to sustain a creature for
spell is then transformed into a spell that affects all one day.
creatures in a 15-foot cone originating from you. If the The puddings lose their potency if they have not been
original spell required a saving throw, all affected consumed within 24 hours of the casting of this spell
creatures must make it, but the spell’s effects are Spell List Druid
otherwise the same. If it required an attack roll, all Tidal Force
affected creatures must make a Dexterity saving throw
instead, taking half damage on a successful save if it is a 4th level Transmutation
damaging spell. Once a spell has been cast through it, 150ft
the prism disintegrates. Range
Spell List Wizard Casting Time 1 Action
Thermonuclear Fireball
Duration Instantaneous
Components V,S,M (A black pearl )
9th level Evocation Target A creature or object within range
Range 300ft You apply a differential force (where the force is much
Casting Time 1 Action stronger in one location than another) to a target which
Duration 1 hour must make a Strength saving throw. A target takes 6d6
Components V, S, M (Two containers of light gas like force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
Hydrogen or helium, which are consumed by the spell) on a successful one. You can target Large or smaller
Target A point within range
objects and structures, or up to 10-foot sections of
larger objects and structures.
Light erupts from a point of your choosing, shortly At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell at 5th level
followed by an earth shattering shockwave in a 150ft or higher the damage increases by 1d6 for each spell
radius sphere, creatures within this shockwave must slot above 4th.
make a Dexterity saving throw or take 6d6 Force Spell Lists: Wizard, Sorcerer
damage. The shockwave is then followed by an erupting
fireball in a 50ft radius sphere, creatures within this
sphere must make a Dexterity saving throw or take
3d10 Fire Damage. For the next hour a soft glow will
emit in a 50-foot radius circle centered oon the original
point. Creatures which end their turn within 50ft of the
original point must make a Constitution saving throw or
take 8d6 Radiant damage.
Spell Lists: Wizard, Warlock, Sorcerer.

Temporary Magic Prism | Tidal Force 27

Time Dilation Uncertainty Principle
5th level Illusion 3rd level Illusion

Range 30ft Range Self

Casting Time 1 Action Casting Time 1 Action
Duration Concentration, up to 1 hour Duration Conecntration, up to 1 minute
Target A single creature within range Components V, S, M (A single coin)
Materials V,S,M (A sandtimer or timepiece) Target Self
Target any creature you can see within 30ft, they must A duplicate of yourself appears somewhere within a 10ft
make an Intelligence saving throw or else they will radius of yourself and in your original location and
begin to experience time slower than those unaffected. assign them numbers 1 and 2. They both have your AC
The creature will then experience the next 1d4+1 hours and use your saving throw bonuses. Until either of them
as a single hour. This spell ends early if the target is is hit by an attack roll or forced to make a saving throw,
affected by another spell, receives damage, drops to 0 you are both and neither. You can have either or both of
hit points or dies. While the spell lasts, the target has them move on your turn up to a combined distance
disadvantage on all ability checks that require sight or equal to your speed, and you can act from any of their
hearing, as well as on all Dexterity saving throws, attack positions. When one of those conditions is met, you are
rolls targeting the creature are made with advantage observed, and thus collapse into only one of the
and its attack rolls have disadvantage. If the target is duplicates, the other disappearing. Flip a coin or roll a
resting or initiates a short or long rest while affected by die, assigning half the possible results to each duplicate.
this spell, it only gains as much resting time as it would If you collapse into the duplicate that was hit or made
perceive if it was conscious, regardless of how much the saving throw, you suffer all the effects of the trigger,
time has actually passed. and you suffer none of them if you collapse into the
Spell Lists: Wizard unaffected duplicate. If both duplicates are affected by
Turbulent Gas
the same triggering effect, you only take half the
damage (if it is a damaging effect) and make any
3rd level Abjuration required save with advantage.
Spell Lists: Wizard
Range 150ft
Casting Time 1 Action
Universal Expansion
Duration Instantaneous 2nd level Evocation
Components V, S
Target Self
Range 150ft
Casting Time 1 Bonus Action
From your finger a stream of turbulent air explodes out, Duration Instantaneous
the random and violent fluctuations spread in a 30ft Materials V,M (A star-speckled marble)
cone ahead of you. All creatures within this cone must
make a Strength saving throw or take 2d10 Force You select a point in space, every creature and object
damage on a fail as well as being knocked prone, on a within a 30ft radius must make a Strength saving throw.
save they take half as much damage. On a fail save they will be moved 1d4 x 5ft away from
At Higher Levels: When casting this spell using a this point and half as much on a successful save.
spell slot of 4th level or higher the damage increases by Objects that are not being worn or carried will similary
1d10 for each level above 3rd. be moved, no save required. Structures in the area may
Spell List Wizard also be moved at the GMs discretion.This movement
causes no direct damage, the object’s size does not
change simply their relative position in space.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell at 3rd level
or higher the distance moved increases by 1d4 x 5ft for
each spell slot above 2nd.
Spell Lists: Wizard

28 Time Dilation | Universal Expansion

Vapour Deposition Voltaic Arc
1st level Transmutation 5th level Evocation
Casting Time 1 Action Range 60ft
Range Touch Casting Time 1 Action
Duration Instantaneous Duration Concentraion, up to 1 minute
Components V, S Components V, S, M (two materials capable of creating
Target A Gas which isn’t normally present in air.
static electricity when rubbed together)
Target Two metal objects within range
You put your hand to a gas which would not normally be Choose two metal objects that aren’t being worn or
found in standard breathable air and force a volume of carried within 60 feet of you that you can see. You alter
said gas, no larger than 10 feet in any dimension, to their electric charges to create a great potential
become solid (i.e. Steam to Ice, poison clouds to frozen difference between them, that manifests as a 5ft wide
cubes of solid poison, Gaseous forms to their original electrical arc that connects both objects in a straight
shape). line. Any creature within 5 feet of the arc when it first
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid, Warlock
appears must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature
Volcanum wearing metal armour makes this saving throw with
1st level Divination disadvantage. On a failed save, a creature takes 6d6
lightning damage, half on a success. A creature must
Range Touch also make this saving throw whenever it ends its turn
Casting Time 1 Action
within 5 feet of the arc.
At Higher Levels: When casting this spell using a
Duration Instantaneous spell slot of 6th level or higher the damage increases by
Components V, S, M (A piece of volcanic rock) 1d6 for each level above 5th.
Target A volcanic mountain you can touch Spell List: Wizard, Sorcerer

You place your hand on the slopes of a volcanic

mountain and can immedietly learn its likelihood of
erupting, a rough estimate of time of next eruption
(within months, years, or decades), or if the volcano is
dormant. If erruption is imminent you will get an exact
time until eruption.
Spell List Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid, Ranger

Vapour Deposition | Voltaic Arc 29

9th level Conjuration
Range Unlimited
Casting Time 1 day
Duration Instantaneous
Components V,S,M (A piece of paper and a writing
You bend space-time in two locations you know in the
attempt to create a permanent 10ft diameter wormhole.
Though spherical the wormhole will appear circular
from any viewing angle in both locations. Creatures and
objects can pass through unharmed, objects will always
appear at the opposite end of the other wormhole as
depicted below. To create the gateway you must make
an Arcana check, on a success the wormhole is created
while on a failure a blackhole appears briefly in both
locations and will deal 9d8 force damage to everyone
within 60ft of the centre of the black hole, all objects
within 10ft of the black hole are lost entirely.
The DC for the Arcana check is determined by how
well known the location of the second wormhole is to
Familiarity DC
Very Familiar 15
Seen Casually 20
Viewed once 25
Description 30
Spell Lists : Wizard, Sorcerer

30 Wormhole
Spell Creation
n early 2023 I hosted a spell creation

competition based on the the philosophy and
maths associated with the Theory of magic. There
were many many submissions but these were my
personally favourites for their creativity, their
balance, and generally how fun I thought they
would be to use.
The guidelines used for damage and balance come
from the Spell Creation Guidelines as quoted in the
Theory of Magic. In brackets are the names of the
spell’s creators as they appear in the theory of magic
discord. I’ve kept the editing light on my end but mostly
just rewording to make things fit better with the Theory
of Magic as it stands at time of writing.

1st Place: Weave Warp

9th level transmutation
Range Self
Casting Time: 1 Action
Duration 1 Hour
Components V, S, M (A piece of thread)
Target self

You exert as much of your arcane energy as you can,

back into the fields from which you draw it. The amount
of sheer force pushed back into the fields causes them
to superficially disrupt for a short period. Any creature
with access to Spellcasting or the Pact Magic feature
within a 300 foot radius, including yourself, must make
a Constitution saving throw. A creature that fails is
temporarily disconnected from its source of magic,
being unable to cast any spell for the duration. On a
success, a creature’s connection to magic is fluctuating
and unstable. Every time it tries to cast a spell, it must
flip a coin. Heads, it gains a +5 bonus to its spell attack
rolls or spell save DC for that casting of the spell. Tails,
it instead sees its spell attack rolls or spell save DC
reduced by 5 for that casting of the spell.
Spell list: Wizard

Spell Creation Competition | Weave Warp 31

2nd Place: Create Chimera creatures (the sum divided by 2). For example an
Owlbear has AC of 13, a Tarrasque has an AC of 25. If
the two were to be combined the new creature would
6th-level Transmutation (Ritual) have an AC of (13+25)/2 = (38)/2 = 19 (rounding up on
half values). This applies for all stats.
Casting Time 3 Hours The new chimera may take any actions, bonus
Range Touch actions, legendary actions, skills, senses, resitances and
Components S, V, M (At least two Beasts/Monstrosities immunities from either creature provided that the new
to be combined, Silver Thread, Corundum Powder amount of each taken does not exceed half of the total
worth 500GP, Drying Oil) number between each creature with at least one from
Duration Instantaneous each where possible. For example an owlbear has two
possible actions (beak and claws) and the tarrasque has
The Caster uses the Silver Thread to create a series of six so you may take up to 4 actions from either.
Ritual Circles. Within these circle the Caster uses a Creatures with Hit points above 0 may make a
Paint made using the Drying Oil and the Corundum constitution saving throw to resist the combination. The
Powder to paint a series of sigils, runes and/or caster must make a DC 10 arcana check +5 for every
pictograms. These symbols all coming together to living creature being combined. Should the caster fail
carefully combine the two creatures used in this ritual. they cannot attempt the ritual again until they have
The ritual takes place when the first two monstrosities taken a short rest.
enter the circle. The amount of silver thread required At Higher Levels you may combine one additional
per creature must be worth 25GP for small creature for every level above 6th. Stats will be decided
creatures,50GP for medium, 100GP for large, 250GP again by their average (sum of individual stats divided
for huge, 500GP for gargantuan. by the number of creatures).
The created chimera will be totally loyal to the caster Spell list: Druid, Warlock, Wizard
with stats equal to the average of the component

Spell Creation Competition | Create

32 Chimera
3rd Place: Stress coin or break wood with a thickness of one inch.
At Level 11 you can put stress on stone walls with a
(Toviel) thickness of one foot and objects of similar strength and
thickness. When stressing brittle objects, you can now
Stress (Battle) decide to not break them and force them to deform in
Transmutation Cantrip the way you wish.
At Level 17 you can put stress on hardened metal,
Range 15 ft
adamantine or mithral which is not worn.
Spell list: Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Casting time 1 Action
Duration instantaneous
*Components S, V, M (a copy of “Theory of Magic”)
You apply mechanical stress on a target, allowing to
bend, shear, twist, compress or tense an object in a
chosen direction. If used on a creature, the target must
make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, it takes
1d6 force damage, and it has disadvantage on an ability
check or attack of your choice for the duration of the
spell. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the
end of its turn, ending the effects on a successful roll.
Additional consequences like permanent damage,
internal damage or other usages in battle are at the
GM’s discretion.
At Level 1, you can close or avert eyes, break potion
bottles, pinch and create similar annoyances which
impair the targets ability to perform Wisdom checks or
to attack enemies.
At Level 5, you deal 2d6 force damage and disrupt
joint movements, impairing the ability to perform
Dexterity checks or attacks.
At Level 11 you deal 3d6 force damage and influence
bones, breaking or disfiguring them, impairing the
ability to perform strength checks.
At Level 17, you deal 4d6 force damage and influence
nonmagical weapons, armor or shields. Effects on the
whole body of the enemy, possible saving throws and
disadvantages are at your GM’s discretion.
Spell list: Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

Stress (non-battle)
Transmutation Cantrip
Range 15 ft
Casting time 1 Action
Duration Instantaneous
Components S, V, M (a copy of “Theory of Magic”)

You apply an instantaneous mechanical stress on an

object you can see no larger than 5 feet in any
dimension, forcing it to bend, shear, twist, compress or
tense the in a chosen direction. This may cause brittle
objects to break or permanently change shape under the
new tension.
At Level 1 you can bend or twist thin sheets of metal
or break windows.
This spell’s strength increases when reaching 5th
Level, allowing you to stress metal the thickness of a
Spell Creation Competition | Stress 33
hile funny I was advised by various editors,

Aquire Funding
friends, and magi to remove these spells for
being too useless for serious consideration. Conjuration Cantrip (ritual)
Imagine the types of spells deemed unfit for Range Self
a spell book such as the ones above. While Casting Time 1 Day
you may choose to laugh at these spells and
not use them in a serious manner I implore Duration Instantaneous
you to recognise what I would consider a collection of Components M (Paper, quill, and ink for writing
my greatest works. application)
Target Your own mental health
Conjuiration Cantrip You write an amount of money and a justification for
why you deserve it on a piece of paper and offer it to the
Range Self source of your magic. Make a spellcasting check with
Casting Time 1 Action the DC set by your GM, on a success you gain your final
Duration 1 hour roll multiplied by your desired amount, divided by 30
Components M (One brass telescope set for
rounded to the nearest Gold Piece
Spell List: Wizard, Warlock
approximatley 1000 feet)
Target The Editor Arcane Die
You create an unmoving arcane telescope which Conjuration Cantrip
amplifies light entering the far end and focusses it to an Range Self
eyepiece on the other end. The telescope appears as a
brass telescope of normal proportions atop a wooden Casting Time 1 Action
tripod such that the telescope can be rotated in any Duration Instantaneous
direction. Peering through the telescope allows the user Components M (A Dice Set)
to see significantly further and gives them advantage on Target Self
any perception checks for objects and creatures more
than 1000ft away (provided there are no barriers that You conjure a magic 20-sided die that, instead of rolling
would block their light). The telescope can also be used normally, displays a number determined by your arcane
to peer into the night sky and see what secrets might be magicks. At any point while the spell lasts, you may roll
held there. a d20 and add your spellcasting ability modifier. The
Spell List: Wizard, Sorcerer, Ranger, Druid, Warlock magical die you conjured will then display that number
the next time you roll it before the spell ends. Once you
From editor’s notes: roll the magical die and it displays the number you
rolled, the spell ends.
Spell List: Wizard, Warlock, Bard, Sorcerer
HUH??? I don’t get the point of this spell. Just BUY A
******* TELESCOPE, MAN. That, or make the spell simply
enhance your vision and call it telescopic vision or
something. 0/10

34 Outtakes

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