Unit 2 - Cells
Unit 2 - Cells
Unit 2 - Cells
● H
igh resolution (due to shorter ● Must be in a vacuum
wavelength of electrons)
Total magnification = magnification of the objective lens * the magnification of the eyepiece
eal size = Image size / Total MagnifactionElectorn microscopes uses an electron beam
instead of light, the electron beam has a very short wavelength compared to light so it has a
higher resolving power
27/9/2024 - Cell fractionation
1. Before fractionation place cells in a cold, buffered isotonic solution
a. Cold - reduces enzyme activity that could damage the organelles
b. Buffered - to maintain constant pH and prevent protein damage
c. Isotonic - to prevent cell organelles bursting or shrinking by osmosis
2. Homogenisation
a. Cells are broken up by a homogeniser (blender) to release the organelles
3. Filtration
a. The blended tissue is filtered through a sieve to remove insoluble material e.g.
cell walls, large pieces of unhomogenised tissue, connective tissue
4. Ultracentrifugation
a. The filtrate is placed in a centrifuge and spun at 1000*g for 10 min
b. This pellets nuclei, which can be resuspended
c. The fluid at the top (supernatant) is removed and spun at 10,000*g for 30 mins
d. This pellets mitochondria and chloroplasts, which can be resuspended
e. The supernatant is removed and spun at 100,000*g for 1 hour
f. This pellet ER, golgi and other membrane fragments which can be resuspended
g. The supernatant is removed and spun at 300,000*g for 3 hours
h. This pellets ribosomes, which can be resuspended
i. The supernatant is now organelle free
Eukaryotic cell
● You must be made up of cells to be living
● Most genetic material is contained within the nucleus
● he remaining portion of the cell interior is filled with cytoplasm
● The cell is enveloped in a plasma membrane
Plasma Membrane
● phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins
● selective transport and cell-to-cell recognition (due to the specific proteins embedded)
● Separates the cell form the external environment
General Structure
● Usually spherical
● Contains genetic material of the cell
Nuclear envelope
● Double membrane surrounding the nucleus
● Outer membrane is continuous with the rough endoplasmic reticulum of cells
● If perforated with nuclear pores
○ Controls entry/exit of materials in/out of the nucleus
Nuclear pores
● Allows large molecules to leave the nucleus
● Typically around 3000 pores in each nucleus
● DNA is too large to fit through the pores so it must transcribed as RNA
● Granular, jelly like material
○ Makes up bulk of nucleus
○ Where chemical reactions occur
● Consists of protein-bound linear DNA
● It is composed of chromatin (a complex of DNA and proteins)
● Small dark staining spherical region within the nucleoplasm (as stains dye the DNA)
● Specialised function: produces and assembles the cell's ribosome
● Where ribosomal RNA genes are transcribed
● Does not contain chromosome and is able to shuttle ribosome and ribosomal RNAs
○ Contains the genetic material of the cell in the form of DNA and chromosomes
○ Controls protein synthesis for the ribosomes
● Folds and packages proteins and sends them to the golgi apparatus, it also produces
membrane proteins and synthesises phospholipids for its own membrane
● It is responsible for lipid synthesis creatine g molecules like cholesterol and steroids
and hormones
● Carbohydrate metabolism
● Completes Detoxification of drugs and poisons
● They can hydrolyse material in vacuoles (entering via endocytosis), e.g in phagocytosis
● They can transfer enzymes outside of the cell via exocytosis
● They recycle useful chemicals by breaking down worn out or damaged cell organelles
● Autolysis is the complete breakdown of cells after they have died
● Membrane-bound organelles that transfer hydrogen and produce hydrogen peroxide as
a by-product
● May detoxify alcohol in the liver
● Or break down fatty acids to be used as fuel for the mitochondria
● Can be found within the cytoplasm or on the rER
● Composed of 2 sub-units called large and small ribosomal subunit
● Ribosomes can account for up to 25% of the dry mass of a cell
● There are Two different types of ribosomes:
○ 70s - found in prokaryotic cells
○ 80s - found in eukaryotic cells
● Synthesise proteins
● Small ribosomal sub-units read the mRNA
● Large ribosomal sub-units form polypeptide chains of amino acids
● Both of these contain ribosomal RNA and proteins.
● Approximately the size of bacteria cells (large)
● And so can be seen by a light microscope
● They all have smooth outer membranes and folded inner membranes
● Contains its own DNA and ribosomes, which codes for its own proteins
● Consists of a double membrane separated by an intermembrane space
● The inner membrane is folded and called cristae, more dense and numerous cristae
indicate a higher metabolic rate
● Uses oxygen to release energy in the form of ATP from sugars, fats and other materials
(Aerobic respiration)
Fun facts
● Mitochondria where most likely originally a prokaryotic cell that was engulfed and not
ingested by another cell forming a symbiotic relationship with that cell (mitochondria
has its own ribosomes and DNA)
● Is composed only of DNA from the mother (can be used to trace ancestry and human
migration patterns)
● Fluid-like substance
● Mainly composed of water, enzymes, salts and various organelles, as well as other
organic and inorganic substances
● C ytoplasm contains a network of threads and microtubules that help the cell maintain its
shape and form
● The cytoplasm also contains organelles (non-membranous organelles)
● Where most of the cells metabolism occurs
● Microtubules diverge from the centrosome which is located near the nucleus
● Are associated with “motor” proteins, actin filaments associate with myosin and
microtubules associate with kinesins, or dynein
○ Maintain cell shape
○ Move chromosomes and organelles
● Maintain cell shape
● Help Changes in cell shape
● Help with cell motility
● Help with muscle contractions
Intermediate filaments
● Very small 8 to 10 nm in diameter
● They are more stable than microtubules or actin filaments and only (de-)polymerise
relatively slowly in interphase cells
● They have no associated motor protons
○ Act as the cellular scaffold of the cells
○ Help maintain cell-cell connectivity, as well as the structural integrity of the cell
○ Can help transmit forces between cells, such as in smooth muscle
○ Anchor nucleus
Extracellular Matrix (ECM) in Animal Cells
● Consists of collagen, fibronectin and proteoglycan complexes
● Communicates through mechanical and chemical signalling
● Regulates cell behaviour
● Finger-like projections of cytoplasm to maximise surface area for absorption
Fun Fact
● Antibiotics only affect bacteria as human cells don't have peptidoglycan
General Structure
● onsists of many polysaccharides
● Contain cellulose microfibrils (fine fibre-like strands that strengthen the cell wall)
● Contains three layers
○ The middle lamella (LM), the primary cell wall (PCW), and the secondary cell wall
● The LM marks the boundary between adjacent cell walls and holds adjacent cells
● Channels that connect adjacent plant cells
● Allows cell to cell movement of cytoplasm
● Tiny green organelles found in plants and some algae
● Very big for organelles
● They have a double membrane
● Inside they have sacs called thylakoids
● Chloroplasts are where photosynthesis occurs (which absorbs solar energy and converts
it into chemical energy which can be used by the cell and transported)
Fun fact
● Like Mitochondria, chloroplast where also most likely originally a prokaryotic cell that
was engulfed and not ingested by another cell forming a symbiotic relationship with that
cell (chloroplast has its own ribosomes and DNA)
● Fluid filled sac surrounded by single membrane called a tonoplast
● A plant vacuole contains a solution of mineral salts,sugars, amino acids, wastes and
● Vacuole helps support plants by making the cells turgid.
● acuoles contain sugars and amino acids which serve as temporary food stores.
● Vacualose also contain pigments which colour petals and help attract pollinating insects
● Increases cell size without increasing cytoplasm
Virus structure
● VIruses are acellular, non-living particles.
● They are smaller than bacteria from 20-300 nm. They contain nucleic acids, either
Function of mitosis
● Tissue and organism growth
● eplacement of lost cells
● Repair of damaged tissues
● Asexual reproduction
● Formation of clones of T and B lymphocytes
● Cells abnormally divide uncontrollably to form tumours
DNA Structure
DNA when it is not wound up tightly as a chromosome
compact X or L-shaped form of chromatin formed during cell division that consist of 2 sister
chromatids that are joined at the centromere (Sister chromatids code for the same trait but they
code for it differently)
the two identical arms of an x-shaped chromosome, if the chromosomes are x shaped, the
chromatids will contain a𝑝 and a𝑞 arms, the𝑞 arm is at the bottom and longer than the𝑝 arm,
because p stand for petit
point at which chromatids are joined, the kinetochore wraps around the centromere
omologous chromosomes
two chromosomes originating from each parent containing the same genes but different alleles
Consist of 2 centrioles, form spindle fibres
ister chromatids are on the same chromosome, they code for the same trait but they code for it
Nonsister chromatids are on different chromatids they do not code for the same trait
● It is the division of the cytoplasm of the cell
● It starts during anaphase and ends at the same time as telophase
● The development of a cancer typically requires a substantial number of independent,
rare genetic and epigenetic (impact of the environment on your genes) accidents to
occur in the lineage that emanates from a single cell
● A single mutation will therefore not cause a cancer
● Radiation damages the DNA of cells in the tumour
● Chemicals will block enzymes involved in DNA synthesis
○ Which will Prevent DNA unwinding
● The chemical also Inhibit synthesis of new nucleotides
○ Which will Prevent the development of the spindle (inhibition of metaphase in
Binary fission
● Replication of circular DNA
● Replication of plasmids
● Division of cytoplasm to produce daughter cells
lasma membrane are partially permeable, this means that some substances can pass through
and others cannot
Alveoli are optimised for by having extremely thin walls but with a larger surface area
Fick’s law:
𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑥𝑐 𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑑
𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑓𝑑 𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑝𝑎𝑡ℎ
acilitated diffusion
Substances that are not soluble in the membrane can diffuse through the membrane switch
transport mechanisms
● olecules move down the concentration gradient
● No ATP - so passive process
● Uses passive channel proteins within the plasma membranes to transport large
molecules or ions in/out of the cell
● Protein channels act as “ports” shielding the molecules from the cell membrane
● Specific for substance being transported
Trnaposrt mechanisms
● Protein channels
● Transport proteins
Protein channels
● Allows polar compound passage through the non-polar lipid portion of the membrane
● Selective - channel only open for a specific molecule
● Move very fast, as always open
Carrier proteins
● Specific molecule binds to carrier protein, protein shape changes and moves molecule
in/out of cell
● Carriers can only move finite amounts of molecules (1 at a time) once all in use no
increase in transport rate
○ Example: glucose not being able to leave urine in kidneys
smosis is the net movement of water molecules from a region of higher water potential
(dilute solution) to a region of lower water potential (concentrated solution), through a partially
permeable membrane.
ater always moves from a high water potential to low water potential
100% pure water has 𝛙 = 0, so all solutions have 𝛙<0, you cannot get 𝛙>0
The addition of solutes reduces water potential
It is measured in units of pressure
Net movement of water In to cell No net movement Out of cell