4.1 Soil Compaction 1

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Soil Compaction

•Compaction is the densification of soils by the application

of mechanical energy.
•Compaction is the process of increasing the density of a
soil by packing the particles closer together with a
reduction in the volume of air; there is no significant
change in the volume of water in the soil.
•The soil solids and water are virtually incompressible, so
compaction produces a reduction in the volume of air, as
shown in Figure
The overall objective of compaction is the
improvement of the engineering properties of the soil
mass. By compaction:
• Detrimental settlements can be reduced or prevented.
• Soil strength can be increased and slope stability
• Bearing capacity of pavement sub-grades can be
• Hydraulic conductivity can be decreased.
• Erosion resistance can be increased.
• Void ratio decreases, which reduces the amount of water
that can be held in the soil. Thus, undesirable volume
changes - caused, for example, by frost action, swelling,
and shrinkage of fine grained soils - may be controlled.
Difference between Compaction and Consolidation:
Compaction—General Principles

• Compaction, in general, is the densification of soil by removal

of air, which requires mechanical energy.
• The degree of compaction of a soil is measured in terms of its
dry unit weight (γd), i.e. the weight of solids only per unit
volume of soil.
• Water plays an important role in the soil compaction process.
At low values of water content (or dry state) most soils tend
to be stiff and are difficult to compact.
• When water is added to the soil during compaction, it
lubricates the soil particles, so that the soil particles slip over
each other and move into a densely packed arrangement.
• The dry unit weight after compaction first increases as the
moisture content increases. (See Figure)

Note that at a moisture content w=0, the moist

unit weight (γ) is equal to the dry unit weight (γd),
γ = γd(w=0) = γ1
When the moisture content is gradually increased and the
same compactive effort is used for compaction, the weight of
the soil solids in a unit volume gradually increases.
For example, at w = w1, γ = γ2

However, the dry unit weight at this moisture content is given

by γd(w=w1) = γd(w=0) + Δγd

Beyond a certain moisture content w = w2 (Figure), any

increase in the moisture content tends to reduce the dry unit
weight. This phenomenon occurs because the water takes up
the spaces that would have been occupied by the solid
particles (and γw < γs ).
The moisture content at which the maximum dry unit weight is
attained is generally referred to as the optimum moisture
Laboratory Compaction Test

The laboratory test generally used to obtain the maximum dry

unit weight of compaction and the optimum moisture content
is called the Proctor compaction test.

The Proctor compaction test is an impact compaction. A

hammer is dropped several times on a soil sample in a mold.
The mass of the hammer, height of drop, number of drops,
number of layers of soil, and the volume of the mold are

- Standard Proctor Test

- Modified Proctor Test
• Several samples of the same soil, but at different water contents,
are compacted according to the compaction test specifications.

• The bulk unit weight and the actual water content of each
compacted sample are measured, and the dry unit weight is
• The values of γd can be
plotted against the
corresponding moisture
contents to obtain the
maximum dry unit weight
and the optimum moisture
content for the soil. The
curve is called compaction

Line of optimums (LOO): This is the line or curve drawn through the
peak points of the compaction curves determined at different
compactive efforts; but on the same soil. The LOO line will be almost
parallel to the 100% S curve. ·
Table: Summary of Standard and Modified Proctor Compaction Test Specifications (ASTM D-698 and D-1557)
Degree of Saturation & Zero Air Void Unit Weight
Factors Affecting Compaction

The degree of compaction depends on various factors

• Soil type (that is, grain-size distribution, shape of the soil
grains, specific gravity of soil solids, and amount and type
of clay minerals present ),
• moisture content,
• compaction effort (energy per unit volume),
• method of compaction (pressure, vibration, impact,
Compaction curve for sands,
explanation is given in the next slide.

This bell-shaped
compaction curve is
typical for most
clayey soils.

Figure: Various types of compaction curves encountered in soils

• For sands, the dry unit weight has a general tendency first to decrease as
moisture content increases and then to increase to a maximum value with
further increase of moisture. The initial decrease of dry unit weight with
increase of moisture content can be attributed to the capillary tension effect.
At lower moisture contents, the capillary tension in the pore water inhibits the
tendency of the soil particles to move around and be compacted densely. This
phenomenon is known as bulking of sand. The maximum bulking occurs at a
water content of about 4 to 5 percent. With the increase in water content, the
dry unit weight begins to increase as the capillary tension effect diminishes
and the particles are able to move and adopt a closer packing. The maximum
dry unit weight results when the soil is fully saturated. When the water content
is increased further, there is a fall in dry unit weight again.
o The difference in dry unit weight at different states is so small that compaction
water content is not very significant factor in sandy soils. Maximum dry unit
weight results when the sand is either dry or completely saturated.
o Therefore, sands are usually compacted either in dry state or in a saturated
state by flooding with water.
o In fact, the compaction curve is of little practical importance to coarse grained
soils (sands or gravels).
• As the compaction effort is increased, the maximum dry
unit weight of compaction is also increased.
• As the compaction effort is increased, the optimum
moisture content is decreased to some extent.
- These two statements are true for all soils. Note,
however, that the degree of compaction is not directly
proportional to the compaction effort.
PROBLEM: Soil has been compacted in an embankment at a bulk
density of 2150 kg/m3 and a water content of 12%. The value of Gs is
2.65. Calculate the dry density, void ratio, degree of saturation and
air content. Would it be possible to compact the above soil at a
water content of 13.5% to a dry density of 2000 kg/m3?

Solution of this part

The maximum possible value of dry density is obtained by compaction
at zero-air-void condition.

Thus, zero-air-void (S=100%) dry density at 13.5% water content is -

w 1000
 d ( zero )    1951.76kg / m 3  2000kg / m 3
1 13.5 1
 
Gs 100 2.65
(Not possible to compact)

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