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Daily News

Animals World News 24th June 2024

Happy Animal News

Here at Twinkl NewsRoom we love animal Photo: Water vole.

stories. So we have chosen three recent news
stories about animals to share with you It has made it easier for water voles to create
that are sure to put a smile on your face. burrows and hide from predators.
Elephants Call Each Other by Name
Hairy Hogs Helping Rare Butterflies Researchers in the US have made an
People trying to save the UK’s most astonishing discovery. Using AI, they studied
endangered butterfly are getting a little help the calls
from some hairy Hungarian hogs. from two herds of African elephants in Kenya.
High Brown Fritillary butterflies are so They found that the elephants used individual
rare they can only be found in three locations names when calling to each other!
in England. Humans are the only other animals on
One of those places is Heddon Valley near Earth that are known to use unique names for
Barnstaple. It’s an ideal habitat for the pretty each other.
minibeasts, except trees and shrubs are trying to Dr Joyce Poole worked on the study. She
take over. thinks elephants might even have names for
That’s where the shaggy swine come in. other things too. She told Sky News: “They call
Along with some English longhorn cattle, the back and forth and I have often wondered, are
Mangalitsa pigs act like lawnmowers and chomp they talking about, ‘Well, I don’t want to go to
down the unwanted plants. This makes space for the swamp’.
common dog violets to grow which are the sole “I would not be surprised if we found
food that the caterpillars will eat. they have place names for the places they go
Beavers Benefit Threatened Voles regularly.”
In another story of animals helping
animals, beavers reintroduced in Scotland have Glossary
accidentally aided one of the country’s most habitat The environment where an
threatened mammals. animal or plant typically lives.
Water voles were once common across the
sole The only one.
UK. However, since the 1950s, their numbers
have fallen by more than 90%. reintroduced Put something, such as an
In 2008, beavers were reintroduced in animal, back where it once lived.
Knapdale. Their dam building has created new
habitats along the watercourses there. watercourses Streams or rivers.
1. In which country were the elephants being studied?

2. Look at the sentence beginning: People trying to save… Find and copy a word which is
similar in meaning to ‘at risk of dying out in the wild’.

3. Apart from Mangalitsa pigs, what other animal has been acting like a lawnmower at
Heddon Valley?

4. Tick to show whether the statement is a fact or an opinion.

Fact Opinion
Water voles are cute.
Water vole numbers have dropped by 90% in the last 70 years.
Elephants are beautiful animals.
The caterpillars that turn into High Brown Fritillary butterflies
only eat one type of plant.

5. Give the meaning of the word ‘unique’ as it is used in this sentence: Humans are the only
other animals on Earth that are known to use unique names for each other.

6. Using information from the article, fill in the missing words to complete the sentence.
Beavers reintroduced in , Scotland, have helped to create the
right conditions for to thrive.

1. In which country were the elephants being studied?


2. Look at the sentence beginning: People trying to save… Find and copy a word which is
similar in meaning to ‘at risk of dying out in the wild’.

3. Apart from Mangalitsa pigs, what other animal has been acting like a lawnmower at
Heddon Valley?
English longhorn cattle

4. Tick to show whether the statement is a fact or an opinion.

Fact Opinion
Water voles are cute. 
Water vole numbers have dropped by 90% in the last 70 years. 
Elephants are beautiful animals. 
The caterpillars that turn into High Brown Fritillary butterflies
only eat one type of plant.

5. Give the meaning of the word ‘unique’ as it is used in this sentence: Humans are the only
other animals on Earth that are known to use unique names for each other.
Accept any reasonable answer which gives a correct definition of the term in that
context, e.g. It means one-of-a-kind.

6. Using information from the article, fill in the missing words to complete the sentence.
Beavers reintroduced in Knapdale , Scotland, have helped to
create the right conditions for water voles to thrive.

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