EXP-6 BJT Applications
EXP-6 BJT Applications
EXP-6 BJT Applications
Lab Experiment # 6
BJT Applications
Lab Experiment # 6
BJT Applications
Purpose: The purpose of this lab session s to explore the basic applications of the bipolar junction
transistor (BJT), Common Emitter Amplifier.
Common emitter amplifiers are the most widely used form of BJT in amplifier configurations. It is
mostly used to provide reasonably high voltage gain as well as some power gain. However, another
two amplifier configurations can also be used to provide some power gain, or to provide simple
interface between various circuits with different impedance levels. The common-base amplifier can
provide a reasonable level of voltage gain but suffers from low input impedance and a current gain
of less than one. However, this circuit is used in high-frequency applications because its terminal
characteristics at high frequencies are better than those of a common-emitter configuration using the
same transistor. The low input impedance of the common base amplifier will limit its use to
specialized RF applications. The common collector configuration, also typically known as emitter
follower, is used primarily as an impedance buffer stage to prevent a low impedance load from
loading a stage with relatively high output impedance. The emitter follower has a high input
impedance and low output impedance, which is almost equal to the emitter resistance. The voltage
gain of the emitter follower is less than one, but it has reasonably high current gain and therefore,
power gain. Unlike the common emitter amplifier, the output voltage of the common collector
amplifier is in phase with the input voltage.
Circuit 1 & 2 will be analyzed to discuss common base and common collector amplifier.
As a preliminary, all circuits should be analyzed analytically to calculate the output voltage and
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School of Engineering Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering
Further Electrical, Electronic and Digital Principles
Lab Experiment # 9
I. Transistor as A Switch:
CirCuit 1
Key = Space Vo
S1 Q1
Vin 10kΩ
Table 1
Q Expected
Vin Vo
(on or off) Vo
0 volt (connect Vin to ground)
5volt (connect Vin to
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School of Engineering Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering
Further Electrical, Electronic and Digital Principles
Lab Experiment # 9
CirCuit 2
9. Eliminate the AC source then measure the DC values: V BE, VCE, and IC using DMM.
10. Reconnect Ac power source, then insert Channel 1 of the Oscilloscope on the input and
Channel 2 of the Oscilloscope on the output.
11. Measure the 𝑉 ( ) of the input then measure the no-load output voltage 𝑉 ( ) (𝑛𝑜 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑)
and its angle.
12. Plot the input and output signals simultaneously.
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School of Engineering Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering
Further Electrical, Electronic and Digital Principles
Lab Experiment # 9
13. Connect a resistor 𝑅 = 2.2 𝐾Ω between the source 𝑉 and the input capacitor 𝐶 then
measure the (peak to peak) voltage 𝑉 using the oscilloscope as in the figure below.
𝑉 =𝑉 ∗
𝑅 +𝑅
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School of Engineering Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering
Further Electrical, Electronic and Digital Principles
Lab Experiment # 9
14. Connect a load resistor 𝑅 = 2.2 𝐾Ω between the output capacitor 𝐶 and the ground, then
measure the (peak to peak) output voltage 𝑉 (𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑑) using the oscilloscope as in the
figure below.
𝑉 ( ) (𝐿𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑑) =𝑉 ( ) (𝑛𝑜 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑) ∗
𝑅 +𝑅
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