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Accelerated Ray Tracing of Constructive

Solid Geometry

Otmane Sabir

Bachelor Thesis in Computer Science

Submission: May 16, 2021 Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sergey Kosov

Jacobs University Bremen | Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Family Name, Given/First Name Sabir Otmane
Matriculation number 30002035
What kind of thesis are you submitting: Bachelor-Thesis

English: Declaration of Authorship

I hereby declare that the thesis submitted was created and written solely by myself without
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German: Erklärung der Autorenschaft (Urheberschaft)

Ich erkläre hiermit, dass die vorliegende Arbeit ohne fremde Hilfe ausschließlich von
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Date, Signature
The journey towards this thesis has been circuitous. Its completion is thanks to the special
people who challenged, supported, directed, and drove me along the way.
I am tremendously fortunate for my supervisor, Professor Dr. Sergey Kosov, whose ex-
pertise was invaluable in the progress of this research. Your theoretical and practical
experience remains a central part in understanding the research, architecting the imple-
mentation, and analyzing the results. Your stellar feedback pushed me to sharpen my
thinking and opened up different perspectives concerning several matters. I am grateful
for the inspiration you have been able to instill in all steps of this study.
Additionally, I am deeply indebted to my parents, my sister, and my grandmother for
their wise guidance, thoughtful words, and tender care. You are always there for me.
Finally, I could not have completed this dissertation without the support of my friends,
who continuously taught me how to embrace change and strive for the best.

This thesis report presents constructive solid geometry using ray tracing as a way of cre-
ating complex geometries for solid modeling. Solid objects are modeled using different
implicit and explicit geometries (i.e., spheres, tori, boxes) with boolean set operators. By
virtue of its simplicity, ray tracing constructive solid geometry is reliable and expandable.
The most challenging issue is finding the visible geometry intersections in the fastest and
most efficient way. So issues of adequacy and efficiency are addressed here, and I pro-
pose solutions providing significantly faster rendering of CSG. I validate the performance
by comparing various implementations of the algorithm. The paper has two major parts.
In the first, I present the generic method of describing constructively generated geometry.
The second is devoted to a study of acceleration of ray tracing constructive solid geome-
try. I expose algorithms that are both comprehensive and efficient, and the results of the
performance are shared.

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Rendering Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.1 Rasterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.2 Ray Tracing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Geometric Representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.1 Boundary Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.2 Constructive Solid Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Related Work 4

3 Constructive Solid Geometry 5

3.1 Ray-Geometry Intersection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2 Mathematical Formulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2.1 Set Algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2.2 Topological Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2.3 Closed Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2.4 Neighborhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2.5 Interior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2.6 Boundary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2.7 Closure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.2.8 Regularity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.2.9 Membership Classification Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.2.10 Classification by constructive geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.3 Ray classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4 Optimization 15
4.1 Minimal hit CSG classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.1.1 Union Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.1.2 Intersection Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.1.3 Difference Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.2 Bounding Boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.3 Binary Space Partitioning Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.3.1 Building BSP trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.3.2 Traversing BSP trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.4 Optimized CSG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

5 Evaluation of the results 24

5.1 Geometry Complexity Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5.2 Nesting Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

6 Conclusion & Future Work 36

1 Introduction
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) is a method used in computer graphics, computer-
aided design, generic modeling languages, and numerous other applications to con-
struct complex geometries from simple primitives or polyhedral solids through the use
of boolean operators, namely union (∪), intersection (∩), and difference (−). Figure 1
respectively shows union, intersection, and difference operations. The approach grows
especially appealing when implemented in a ray tracing system as the core intricacy ren-
ders performing arithmetic logic on a pair of uni-dimensional rays. Nonetheless, most
current ray tracing systems generally suffer from the detriment of the expensive object
space intersection computation, and the generic CSG algorithms suffer immensely from
their computational complexity, making it very difficult to integrate into operating render-
ing engines. Therefore, this research concentrates on constructive solid geometry and
possible means of acceleration.

(a) Union. (b) Intersection. (c) Difference.

Figure 1: Examples of set operations on a mesh torus and box.

1.1 Rendering Algorithms

Rendering digital photorealistic or non-photorealistic images has been a topic of study
since the late 1960s [3]. Since then, various algorithms came forth that allow achieving
different results depending on the required conditions. Inherently all these algorithms
strive to solve the same underlying problem by trading off other features. This problem
is known as the hidden surface problem [16]. The hidden surface problem is determining
the visible objects in space from a certain point of view. There are two general methods,
object-space methods, which try to start from the object space and project the geometries
onto the 2D raster, or the image-space ones, which perform the opposite by tracing a ray
through each pixel and attempting to locate the closest intersection of that ray with the
geometries in the scene. The two methods then give birth to the most famous and widely
adopted rendering algorithms: rasterization and ray tracing.

1.1.1 Rasterization

Rasterization has very quickly become the predominant approach for interactive applica-
tions because of its initially low computational requirements, its massive adoption in most
hardware solutions, and later by the ever-increasing performance of dedicated graphics
hardware. The use of local, per-triangle computation makes it well suited for a feed-
forward pipeline. However, the rasterization algorithm has many trade-offs. To name a

few: handling of global effects such as reflections and realistic shading, and limitations to
scenes with meshed geometries [22].

1.1.2 Ray Tracing

Ray tracing simulates the photographic process in reverse. For each pixel on the screen,
a ray is shot and objects that intersect the ray are identified. A ray-tracing algorithm
utilizes four essential components: the camera, the geometry, the light sources, and the
shaders. These components can have different varieties, to state a few, orthographic and
perspective cameras, unidirectional and area light sources, and Phong and Blinn shaders.
Hence, it allows achieving several outcomes depending on the necessities. The main
downside has been computational time and the constraints of using such an algorithm in
interactive applications. However, ray tracing parallelizes efficiently and trivially. Thus it
takes advantage of the continuously rising computational power of the hardware. Many
applications have successfully produced real-time ray tracing algorithms and allow for
highly photorealistic results in interactive applications [1, 2].

1.2 Geometric Representations

When it comes to computer graphics, there are numerous types of geometry descrip-
tions [6, 9, 12, 17, 20, 26]. Many solutions exist that enable the simple conversion
between these geometric formats [27]. However, there are predominantly two different
representations in most geometric modeling systems [20]: boundary representations -
commonly known as B-Rep or BREP - and constructive solid geometry - CSG. Each one
of these representations brings forward different advantages, disadvantages, and limita-

1.2.1 Boundary Representation

Boundary representations are indirect definitions of solids in space using their boundary
or limit. This representation is usually a hierarchical composition of different dimensionally
complex parts. On the very top, we have definitions of two-dimensional faces, which
build on uni-dimensional edges that are subsequently built on dimensionless vertices
(Figure 2). A BREP with non-curvilinear edges and planar faces is called a polygon mesh.
A triangle is the simplest polygon and has the excellent property of always being co-
planar. Polygons of any complexity are representable by a set of triangles. These qualities
make triangular meshes a fundamental component in BREPs. The representations built
on triangles are also highly optimized for fast operations. Therefore, I will mainly deal with
triangular meshes, though similar logic applies to descriptions for tetragon (quadrilateral)

1.2.2 Constructive Solid Geometry

Constructive solid geometry takes basis on the fundamental premise that any complex
physical object is obtainable from primitive geometries and boolean operations. CSG is
radically different from BREPs as it does not collect any topological information but in-
stead evaluates the geometries as needed by the case scenario. In other words, there is
no explicit description of the boundary of the solid. Contrary to BREPs, CSG represen-
tations are quickly modified and manipulated since incremental changes do not trigger

Figure 2: Sample BREP of a 3D hyper-rectangle [30]

re-computation and evaluation of the boundary of a geometry. Therefore, no topological

changes occur when adjusting the geometries. The latter makes it an attractive solution
as it provides a high-level specification of the objects in space and permits significantly
more straightforward modification and manipulation. In the general constructive solid
geometry description, the solids are put in a binary tree, referred to as the CSG tree
(Figure 3). The root node is the complete composite geometry. The leaf nodes depict
the base geometries (cubes, spheres, cylinders, tori, cones, and polygon meshes1 ) used
in the composition. Every node in the tree, besides the leaf nodes, expresses another
complete solid and contains information of the set operation of that node.

Figure 3: Sample representation of a CSG tree.

Polygon meshes are usually not considered in CSG algorithms; however, the implementation discussed
here allows such flexibility.

1.3 Overview
I present this CSG implementation in six sections. 1. Introduction; 2. Related Works; 3.
Constructive Solid Geometry; 4. Optimization; 5. Evaluation of the results; 6. Conclu-
sions & Future Works.
The first section was the previous introduction laying a foundation for a few topics I will be
The second section presents works already done, the limitations of the proposed imple-
mentations, and solutions to problems related to CSG.
Section 3 defines the algorithm that performs the logic in the ray-tracing framework. I
first introduce the ideas behind ray intersection. I then lay a mathematical foundation for
boolean algebra and membership classification. Additionally, I dive into the detail of ray
classification for constructively generated geometries.
Section 4 discusses efficiency and optimization. The visible surface problem in ray tracing
requires a lot of CPU time, and without any optimization, the CSG algorithm significantly
increases the payload. Therefore, improvement is much needed to make this method
usable and suitable for real-life applications. The speed is a function of the screen reso-
lution and the geometry complexity (the number of primitives (e.g., triangles) in the solid,
and the number of nested geometries).
Section 5 describes the different implementations of the CSG algorithm with the various
optimization techniques. The first is the naive implementation which I refer to as N aiCSG.
The second uses a binary space partitioning tree to solve the visible surface problem but
still naively finds intersections inside the combinatorial geometry, which I will refer to as
BinCSG. Lastly, I will introduce our optimized algorithm, which uses a binary space
partition tree on the outside (solving the visible surface problem) and also inside each
composite geometry to direct the rays towards the correct geometries, which I will refer to
as OptimCSG. I conduct three types of tests. The primary one is a function of time and
complexity of the geometry, as I monitor the rendering time following gradual increases
in the detail level of two sphere meshes. The second computes the time taken to render
a scene after covering different amounts of the viewport. Additionally, I conduct a test to
check the number of ray tests conducted per pixel per variant. The final test computes the
time variations after increasing the number of nested geometries present in the composite
solid while crucially maintaining a consistent viewport fill rate.

2 Related Work
I discuss below the techniques most related to ours. However, there is a tremendous body
of work in this area, and I cannot possibly provide a full overview. The goal is instead to
outline similarities and differences with some of the widely adopted approaches for CSG
Constructive solid geometry has been a subject of study since the late 1970s. It was
initially introduced in [31] as a digital solution to help in the design and production activities
in the discrete goods industry, this marked the basis for formalizing the method.
A rigorous mathematical foundation of constructive solid geometry was later laid out
in [19]. The membership classification function, a generalization of the ray clipping

method, is also thoroughly discussed, and various formal properties are introduced.
A few years later, it was revisited in [21] where Roth et al. (1982) introduced ray casting
as a basis for CAD solid modeling systems. Challenges of adequacy and efficiency of ray
casting are addressed, and fast picture methods for interactive modeling are introduced
to meet the challenges.
The focus then turned towards different optimizations of CSG algorithms in the setting
of ray tracing. A simplistic single hit intersection algorithm is introduced in [10]. This
suggested mechanism reduces memory load and the number of computations performed
for ray classification. Though limitations have to be respected since sub-objects must
closed, non-self-intersecting, and have consistently oriented normals. However, this later
proved to be a solution that does not gracefully handle edge cases, especially for the
difference and intersection operations [33].
A "slicing" approach is also proposed in [14]. Similar to our proposed solution com-
binations of meshes and analytical primitives through CSG operations are permissible.
Nevertheless, this approach requires one boolean per primitive and a complete evalua-
tion of the CSG expression in each step; therefore, making it simple but limited, and much
better approaches are imaginable.
Bound definitions are also a popular way of significantly reducing the time required by
CSG algorithms. If the ray and the geometric entities are bound, I first perform a test to
see if the ray and the bounding volume around a geometric entity overlap. Only when the
boxes overlap does one continue to test whether the ray and the entity do so as well. A
submitted S-bounds algorithm is brought forth in [5] as a means of acceleration in solid
modeling and CSG.
Techniques that optimize various CSG rendering algorithms, namely the Goldfeather and
the layered Goldfeather algorithm, and the Sequenced-Convex- Subtraction (SCS) al-
gorithm are advanced in [11]. Although the work represents a significant improvement
towards real-time image-based CSG rendering for complex models, the main focus is on
hardware acceleration.

3 Constructive Solid Geometry

OpenRT is used to perform our investigations. OpenRT is a C++ free open-source ray
tracing library [23]. OpenRT has a fast ray-tracing engine and all of the functionality I
need to describe the geometry, shaders, lights, cameras, and samplers. OpenRT also
has elegant binary space portioning algorithm definitions, which I will discuss in Sec-
tion 4.3.

3.1 Ray-Geometry Intersection

Ray intersection is the essence of all ray tracing systems. The system is supplied a ray as
input and obtains knowledge on how the ray intersects geometry in the scene as an out-
put. In ray tracing engines, one only necessitates computing the nearest intersection to
assess the given scene. However, when evaluating CSG models, all of the intersections
with geometry are needed for correct classification. With knowledge of all the informa-
tion in the scene - essentially the camera model and the solids - an evaluation of these
intersections is executed with each returning the latter information:

~o = the origin of the ray (e.g., camera position).
d = the direction of the ray (e.g., direction from camera origin to pixel in raster).
t = the distance to the intersection.
prim = a pointer holding surface information of the intersected primitive.

One can distinguish two types of ray intersection tests [22]. First, ray-primitive intersection
tests on convex geometries such as blocks, cylinders, cones, and spheres. Because the
primitives are analytically defined, the solution is solving the analytic intersection equa-
tion. Consequently, this means that the intersection solution is primitive-specific. Many
resources providing the analytical solutions are available [18]. Second, we encounter
the more generic solid-ray intersection. As I have previously defined in the introduction,
a solid is often a boundary representation composed of several triangles. Hence, the
main intricacy in ray-solid intersection renders iterating over all primitives and reducing
the problem to n ray-primitive intersection tests with n being the number of primitives
(e.g., triangles) in the solid. We can consider the ray-solid intersection as a more gen-
eral form of ray-primitive intersection since a primitive is always representable as a solid
bearing a single surface. The interesting consequence of such an abstraction is that if a
ray is shot in the scene, the computation for determining ray-geometry intersection can
be generalized to:

Algorithm 1: Ray-solid intersection checks.

Result: arr array of intersections
i = 0;
for every primitive in the solid do
solve the ray-primitive equations;
if intersection exists then
arr[i] = current intersection;
i = i + 1;

The ray-solid intersection test has four possible outcomes:

1. The ray misses the solid (Figure 4a).
2. The ray is tangent to the solid (Figure 4b).
3. The ray enters and exists the solid (Figure 4c).
4. The ray origin is inside/on the face of a solid and has one intersection. (Figure 4d)
The first case is trivial. In case 3, one can compute both the entering and exiting points
normally. The second and fourth cases are more intricate to determine as one needs
to understand whether the intersection is entering or exiting the solid. I resolve this by
checking the orientation of the surface normal, N ~ · d~ < 0,
~ , at the intersected point. If N
then the intersection point is outside. Otherwise, it is inside of the solid.

3.2 Mathematical Formulations

Constructive solid geometry is largely grounded in modern Euclidean geometry and the
general topology of subsets of three-dimensional Euclidean space E 3 [19]. As one cannot
design a reliable geometric algorithm in the absence of a clear mathematical statement of
the problem to be solved, I will be treating a few mathematical formulations. Topology and

(a) Miss intersection. (b) Tangent intersection.

(c) Complete intersection. (d) Inside intersection.

Figure 4: Different ray intersection cases on a disk.

set theory have been intensively discussed previously in [19], [29],[13], and many other
resources. Hence, I will be mainly focusing on definitions and properties that interest
us. Formal proofs of the introduced properties are also available in the before-mentioned

3.2.1 Set Algebra

Definition 3.1 (Set Operations). Assume that X and Y are subsets of a universe W . We
can use the following standard notations:

X ∪Y (1)
X ∩Y (2)
X−Y (3)

Where (1), (2), and (3) respectively denote the union, intersection, and difference of the
subsets X and Y .

Property 3.1. Union and intersection operations are commutative [15].

X ∪Y =Y ∪X

X ∩Y =Y ∩X

Property 3.2. Union and intersection operations are distributive over themselves and
each other [15].
X ∪ (Y ∩ Z) = (X ∪ Y ) ∩ (X ∪ Z)
X ∩ (Y ∪ Z) = (X ∩ Y ) ∪ (X ∩ Z)

Property 3.3. The empty set ∅ and the universe W are identity elements for the union
and intersection operators [15].
X ∪∅=X
X ∩W =X

Property 3.4. The complement, denoted c, satisfies [15]:

X ∪ cX = W

X ∩ cX = ∅

Definition 3.2 (Boolean Algebra). Conducting the three operations ∪, ∩, and − on a set
of elements from the universe W while satisfying the properties (3.1) to (3.4) is called
boolean algebra [19].

3.2.2 Topological Spaces

Topological spaces are a generalization of metric spaces in which the notion of "near-
ness" is introduced but not in any quantifiable way that requires a direct distance defini-
tion [15].
Definition 3.3. A topological space is a pair (W, T ) where W is a set and T is a class of
subsets of W called the open sets and satisfying the three properties 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7.
(Figure 5)
Property 3.5. The empty set ∅ and the universe W are open [15].
Property 3.6. The intersection of a finite number of open sets is an open set [15].
Property 3.7. The union of any collection of open sets is an open set [15].

(a) Open interval. (b) Open disk. (c) Open "sphere".

Figure 5: Representation of different open sets varying in dimensional order.

3.2.3 Closed Sets

Definition 3.4. A subset X of a topological space (W, T ) is closed if its complement

is open2 . Closed sets hold the properties (3.8), (3.9), and (3.10) which are duals of
properties (3.5) to (3.7). (Figure 6)
Property 3.8. The empty set ∅ and the universe W are closed [15].
Property 3.9. The intersection of a finite number of closed sets is a closed set [15].
Property 3.10. The union of any collection of closed sets is a closed set [15].

(a) Closed interval. (b) Closed disk. (c) Closed sphere.

Figure 6: Representation of different closed sets varying in dimensional order.

3.2.4 Neighborhood

Definition 3.5. The neighborhood, denoted N (y), of a point y in a topological space

(W, T ) is any subset of W which contains an open set which contains y. If N (y) is an
open set, it is called an open neighborhood [19]. (Figure 7)

3.2.5 Interior

Definition 3.6. A point of y of W is an interior point of a subset X of W if X is a neigh-

borhood of y. The interior of a subset X of W , denoted iX, is the set of all the interior
points of X [19]. (Figure 7)

Figure 7: Interior point y on a subset X. The disc around y is the neighbor-

hood of y.

3.2.6 Boundary

Definition 3.7. A point y of W is a boundary point of a subset X of W if each neighbor-

hood of y intersects both X and cX. The boundary of X, denoted bX, is the set of all
This don’t mean that closed sets are the opposite of open sets (e.g. the universe W and the null set ∅
are both open and closed) [15].

boundary points of X [19]. (Figure 8)

Figure 8: Boundary point y on a subset X.

3.2.7 Closure

Definition 3.8. The closure of a subset X, denoted kX, is the union of X with the set of
all its limit points. A point is a limit point of a subset X of a topological space (W, T ) if
each neighborhood of y contains at least a point of X different from y [19]. (Figure 9)

Figure 9: Closure kX of a subset X.

3.2.8 Regularity

Definition 3.9 (Regularity). The regularity of a subset X of W , denoted rX, is the set of
rX = kiX with k the closure and i the interior [15].
Definition 3.10 (Regular Set). A set X is regular if X = rX, i.e. if X = kiX [15].
(Figure 10)
Definition 3.11 (Regularized Set Operators). The regularized union, intersection, differ-
ence and complement are defined per:

X∪∗ Y = r(X ∪ Y )
X∩∗ Y = r(X ∩ Y )
X−∗ Y = r(X−Y )
c∗ X = rcX

3.2.9 Membership Classification Function

The membership classification function allows to segment a candidate set into three sub-
sets which are the "inside", "outside", and "on the" of the reference set [29]. Here, I will

(b) Typical intersection with
(a) Initial polygons. dangling edge. (c) Regularized intersection.

Figure 10: Typical polygon intersection versus regularized intersection.

Table 1: Notation

En Euclidean n-space
∅ Empty Set
W Reference Set Universe
W0 Candidate Set Universe
∪, ∩, −, c Set Operators
∪∗ , ∩∗ , −∗ , c∗ Regularized Set Operators in W
0 0 0 0
∪∗ , ∩∗ , −∗ , c∗ Regularized Set Operators in W 0
i, b, k, r Interior, boundary, closure, and regularity in W
i0 , b0 , k 0 , r0 Interior, boundary, closure, and regularity in W 0

abstractly define membership classification before moving to the practical implementa-

tions of the more specific ray classification. This theory depends heavily on the previously
defined notions of interior, closure, boundary, and regularity. For a brief recapitulation, a
point y is an element of the interior of a set X, denoted iX, if there exists a neighborhood
of y that is contained in X; y is an element of the closure of X, kX, if every neighborhood
of y contains a point of X; y is an element of the boundary of X, bX, if y is an element
of both kX and k(cX), where c denotes the complement. A set is said to be regular if
X = kiX.
The membership classification function works on a pair of point sets:

S = The regular reference set in a subspace W .

X = The candidate regular set X, classified with respect to S, in a subspace W 0 of W .

Primed symbols will be used in order to denote operations on the subspace W 0 while
normal symbols will be used to denote the subspace W (Table 1).
Definition 3.12. The membership classification function, M is defined as follows:

M [X, S] = (XinS, XonS, XoutS). (4)

XinS = X ∩∗ iS
XonS = X ∩∗ bS
XoutS = X ∩∗ cS

The results obtained from this classification (XinS, XonS, XoutS) are the regular por-
tions of the candidate set, X, in the interior, boundary, and the exterior of the reference
set W (Figure 11). The produced results are a quasi-disjoint decomposition of the candi-
date; therefore:
X = XinS ∪ XonS ∪ XoutS (5)
and for "almost" all points in the subset:
XinS ∩ XonS = ∅
XonS ∩ XoutS = ∅
XinS ∩ XoutS = ∅

I say almost since the subsets are generally not disjoint in the conventional sense. (e.g.
in Figure 11, XinS and XonS share a boundary point) [15].

Figure 11: Membership classification function.

3.2.10 Classification by constructive geometry

Constructive geometry representations are binary trees whose nonterminal nodes desig-
nate regularized set operators and whose terminal nodes designate primitives. We refer
to the specific case of constructive geometry in E 3 where regularized compositions are
constructed of solid primitives as constructive solid geometry. Regular sets are closed
under the regularized set operators. Thus, a class of regular sets can be represented
constructively as a combination of other more simple (regular) sets [19].
For example, as illustrated in Figure 12, if the universe W is in E 2 and I select the class
of closed half-planes as our primitives, I could construct any regular set in E 2 given that
it is bounded by a finite number of straight line segments.
We choose to define the constructively represented regular sets using the divide-and-
conquer paradigm as it is a natural approach to compute the value of such a function.
Therefore, when a regular set S is not a primitive, a nonterminal node, we convert the
problem of evaluating the function f (S) into two instances of f followed by a combine, g,
step. When S is a primitive, terminal node, the problem can no longer be divided, and an
evaluator, ef , is used. We can now consider the general function for evaluation M when
the reference set S is represented constructively.

eM (X, S), if S ⊂ A
M [X, S] = (6)
g(M [X, l-subtree(S)], M [X, r-subtree(S)], root(S)), otherwise

Figure 12: A constructive representation of a polygon P using half-planes.
The tree on the right is the constructive geometry representation.


S = The regular reference set.

X = The candidate regular set.
eM = The primitive evaluation function.
A = The set of all allowed primitives.
g = The combine function.
l-subtree = The left subtree.
r-subtree = The right subtree.
root = The operation type.

To customize this general definition to be used in a specific domain, one must design the
classification procedure, eM , and the combine procedure. The next section discusses
both these procedures.

3.3 Ray classification

Given a ray and a solid composition tree, our procedure needs to classify the ray to the
solid and return the classification to the caller. As previously defined in Section 3.1, the
classification of a ray to a solid is the information describing all ray-solid intersections.
The procedure starts at the top of the solid composition tree, recursively descends to
the terminal nodes, classifies the ray to the primitives, then returns the array combining
the classifications of the left and right subtrees. On the node level, this results in an
array containing all possible intersections of a ray with the geometries in its left and right
children. We must then sort each of these ray intersections by the distance to the ray
origin and label them as entering or exiting. We finally scan through this array and apply
the boolean algebra rules in Table 2. (Figure 13).

Figure 13: Example of combining ray classifications.

Table 2: Boolean operations table

Set Operator Left Solid Right Solid Composite

∪ in in in
in out in
out in in
out out out

∩ in in in
in out out
out in out
out out out

− in in out
in out in
out in out
out out out

4 Optimization
In this section, I will introduce the state-of-the-art CSG algorithm that is implemented in
the OpenRT. Here I expose all the adjustments and changes I have made to the algorithm
in order to maximize its performance and results. I will discuss a minimal hit classification
algorithm, box enclosures, and how simple techniques such as "early-outs" can increase
performance. Additionally, I discuss the binary space partitioning indexing structure for
faster traversal of complex scenes and geometry. Finally, I will put it all together in our
version of the CSG algorithm.

4.1 Minimal hit CSG classification

What I have introduced in Section 3.3 is the typical approach to rendering CSG. However,
this method could be very costly as I nest more geometries in the tree and require lots
of memory to store, classify, and combine a long chain of operations and primitives.
Additionally, the algorithm could also perform additional checks when used in combination
with BREPs. Therefore, I introduce a different approach which I refer to as minimal hit
CSG classification. The method described here computes intersections with CSG objects
using the single nearest intersections whenever possible. Though a relatively similar
algorithm has been introduced in [10], it was proven in [33] to not be functional for the
intersection and difference operations. The following implementation addresses those
issues and adds a few optimizations to the classification code. The general idea can be
conceived as a simple finite state machine. First, I investigate the closest intersections
with both solids A and B. I later classify those evaluations into three potential states:
enter, exit, or miss. The enter and exit cases are checked using the surface normal
computation from before. The "miss" case is when the intersection distance remains to
be the default value. Then depending on the operation, I evaluate the states and decide
if I can return one of them. If so, then I am satisfied with the procedure. If not, I move
the origin of the ray to the current viable intersection point and try the same over again.
There are a few sub-functions that I must also define in this case before introducing the
general algorithm (Table 3).

Table 3: Sub-procedures

ReturnClosest Returns the closest of both.

ReturnFurthest Returns the furthest of both.
IfXCloserReturn Returns X if closer.
IfXFurtherReturn Returns X if further.
IfXCloserReturnFlip Returns X if closer and flips its normal.
AdvanceToXLoop Sets the ray origin to intersection at X then loops.
AdvanceToClosestLoop Sets the ray origin to the closest of both intersection then

4.1.1 Union Classification

Consider the case of the spheres shown in Figure 14. The union of these two solids is
the boundary of each of the spheres without their interior. Therefore, to find the correct
classification results I must find the closest intersection from our ray origin such that it
does not belong to the interior of the sphere.

(a) Ray goes through both (b) Ray misses one of the (c) Ray is inside one of the
spheres. spheres. spheres.

Figure 14: Union ray classification cases.

For the case where the ray enters both spheres (Figure 14a), the procedure would first
get the closest intersections with A and B. Both these intersections would be classified
as enter states; therefore, it must only find M IN (A, B) to conclude which one of the
boundaries of the sphere is closest.
Let us now examine the case where no intersection is found with one or all of the solids
as shown in Figure 14b. If both A and B’s states are a miss, return a miss. Otherwise, if
only one of them is a miss, return the other regardless if it’s an enter or exit.
The last set of cases arise when the ray is shot from the interior of the spheres (Figure
Figure 14c). This is more intricate since our procedure must learn to neglect the inner
sides and only get the outer sides. If the first evaluation returns enter for B and exit for
A, then one must check which one of them is closer. If A < B, then return A. Otherwise,
move our origin to B and start the procedure again. If it is the opposite, then perform the
previous logic but permute A and B. The final case is when the ray exits both A and B.
Here, return M AX(A, B). Algorithm 2 shows the pseudocode for the union logic.

4.1.2 Intersection Classification

I will stick to the same general example; however, I will be performing the intersection of
two spheres. (Figure 15)

(a) Ray goes through both (b) Ray misses one of the (c) Ray is inside one or both
spheres. spheres. spheres.

Figure 15: Intersection ray classification cases.

The intersection of two spheres is their interior without the boundaries. I will apply the
same previously defined notations shown in Table 3. First, I will begin with the obvious
case where A or B classify as misses (Figure 15a). By definition, the intersection is the
shared area; therefore, if the ray misses one of the solids, one can already evaluate this
as a miss.

Algorithm 2: Minimal hit classification for union.
Result: Intersection Point
while true do
minA = intersectMin(A);
minB = intersectMin(B);
stateA = classify(minA );
stateB = classify(minB );
if stateA == miss && stateB == miss then
return miss;
if stateA == miss then
return minB ;
if stateB == miss then
return minA ;
if stateA == stateB then
if stateA == enter then
ReturnClosest(minA , minB );
if stateA == exit then
ReturnFurthest(minA , minB );
if stateA == enter && stateB == exit then
IfXCloserReturn(minB );
AdvanceToXLoop(minA );
if stateA == exit && stateB == enter then
IfXCloserReturn(minA );
AdvanceToXLoop(minB );

The second case is when they both have the same classification. If both return an exit
state, then take the closest of both. However, if they both return an enter, either advance
to A or B depending on which one is closest (Figure 15b).
The final case is when the states are not a miss and also different from each other. If A
is an enter state while B is an exit state, then return A if it’s closer or move the ray origin
to B and advance. Perform the opposite if A is exit and B is entered. Algorithm 3 shows
the pseudocode for the intersection logic.

4.1.3 Difference Classification

The difference operation is not commutative; therefore, the direction of the ray renders
completely different results. I will stick to the same example as the previous two cases
and with similar notations (Figure 16).

Algorithm 3: Minimal hit classification for the intersection.
Result: Intersection Point
while true do
minA = intersectMin(A);
minB = intersectMin(B);
stateA = classify(minA );
stateB = classify(minB );
if stateA == miss || stateB == miss then
return miss;
if stateA == stateB then
if stateA == enter then
AdvanceToClosestLoop(minA , minB );
if stateA == exit then
ReturnClosest(minA , minB );
if stateA == enter && stateB == exit then
IfXCloserReturn(minA );
AdvanceToXLoop(minB );
if stateA == exit && stateB == enter then
IfXCloserReturn(minB );
AdvanceToXLoop(minA );

(a) Ray misses one of the (b) Ray goes through both (c) Ray is inside one or both
spheres. spheres. spheres.

Figure 16: Difference ray classification cases.

I will first consider the case where a ray misses one of the two spheres, as shown in
Figure 16a. If the ray only misses A or both, then consider this a miss. If the ray only
misses B, return A regardless of entering or exit.
The second case is when they both have the same classification. If both return an exit
state then return B if closer and flip it’s normal, otherwise, advance the ray origin to B.
However, if they both return an entry then return A if it’s closer or advances to the hit point
of B.
The last case is when the classifications are different from each other. If the ray enters
A and exits B, return B if it’s closer or advances to A. However, if the classifications
are the opposite, advance to whichever is closer and continue. Algorithm 4 shows the
pseudocode for the different logic.

Algorithm 4: Minimal hit classification for the difference.
Result: Intersection Point
while true do
minA = intersectMin(A);
minB = intersectMin(B);
stateA = classify(minA );
stateB = classify(minB );
if stateA == miss then
return miss;
if stateB == miss then
return minA ;
if stateA == enter && stateB == enter then
IfXCloserReturn(minA );
AdvanceToXLoop(minB );
if stateA == exit && stateB == exit then
IfXCloserReturnFlip(minB );
AdvanceToXLoop(minA );
if stateA == enter && stateB == exit then
AdvanceToClosestLoop(minA , minB );
if stateA == exit && stateB == enter then
IfXCloserReturnFlip(minA );
return minB

4.2 Bounding Boxes

Bounding boxes are the easiest way to cut down on the number of ray intersection oper-
ations and reduce overall rendering time [24]. Let us imagine the situation where a union
of two spheres composed of 100 triangles lies in the middle of a 500 × 500px view of
which the composite covers 100 × 100 pixels. In the former approach, one would exam-
ine every single ray with the complete composite. Resulting in a staggering 25.000.000
intersection checks; though, one solely necessitate a fifth of that. Box enclosures are in-
troduced to do a preliminary examination before testing the rest of the composite. Hence,
with a tight enough box (covering 110 × 110), the ray tracer would only need to check
for 1.460.000 intersections such that 250.000 tests are box enclosure ones and the rest
1.210.000 are ray-solid tests - a lessening of roughly 80%. In the worst case, when an en-
closure stretches across the entire view, the box enclosure will add additional operations
of ray-box intersections on top of completing all the ray-intersection checks. However,
ray-box tests are fast, and one could clear the additional costs of those operations. When
this method is used in the context of CSG, this solution essentially turns into an efficient
binary tree traversal [21].
One can also use many other types of enclosures; however, I choose box enclosures
for their numerous benefits. First, one can define an abstract box by only two points (a
minimum and maximum point). Because the enclosure definition lies inside every node in
the CSG tree, I must ensure that I do not excessively increase the required memory per
node. Second, boxes are arguably the tightest types of bounding volumes. Implying that if
a ray-box intersection test is positive, there is a high likelihood the ray will too intersect the
geometry inside of the bounding box. Lastly, applying boolean operations on bounding

boxes is straightforward [21]. Therefore, in the case of operations with less voluminous
geometry, parts of the initial primitives piercing outside of the composite’s bounds are
also neglected.
A bounding box is a rectangular parallelepiped defined by exactly two points (Figure 17).
Each primitive, solid, and composite must be able to define its bounding box. For primitive
cases, the bounding box is case-specific. For example, the bounding box of a primitive
sphere of radius r = 1 located at center point ~o = (0, 0, 0) has a bounding box whose
maximum and minimum points are (r, r, r) and (−r, −r, −r). Solids are more complicated
as they are composed of many primitives. Hence, one has to create a collapsed bounding
box (a bounding box whose min and max coordinates are respectively + inf and − inf)
and gradually start inflating using the primitive’s predefined boxes. The inflation step is
as simple as checking if the value of a coordinate of the current bounding box is smaller
or bigger than that of the primitive’s bounding box and either picking the smallest or
the greatest value depending on the point being checked. For instance, if our current
bounding box has min1 (0, 0, 0) and max1 (1, 1, 3) and the current primitives bounding box
has min2 (−1, −1, 1) and max2 (2, 2, 2) then the current values of the points of the inflated
bounding box become min(−1, −1, 0) and max(2, 2, 3).

Figure 17: Bounding box.

Combining the boxes on the composite level is also very important to realize. One
can achieve this trivially with the usual rules of algebra defined in the previous section.
Though that doesn’t hold for the difference operation as its results are not easily fore-
seeable, and the cost of analyzing the entire composition is counter-productive in this
case [21]. When dealing with the union operation, select the smallest value from both
boxes per coordinate for the minimum and vice-versa. For the intersection operation,
pick the highest value from both boxes per coordinate for the minimum - opposite to the
union. The dual for the maximum. For the difference, I have previously mentioned that
it’s not possible to generalize using boolean algebra; therefore, keep the minimum and
maximum of the left box as one can be sure that the result of the subtraction opera-
tion will never be bigger than the left geometry - if A and B are closed sets in E n then
A−B ≤ A. Figure 18 shows the different operations on rectangles. The same logic holds
for the three-dimensional solids as only a check for an additional coordinate is needed.
Algorithm 5 defines the procedure for composite boxes [21].

(a) Initial bounding boxes. (b) Union of bounding boxes.

(c) Intersection of bounding boxes. (d) Difference of bounding boxes.

Figure 18: Composite bounding boxes.

Algorithm 5: Composite solid box enclosure estimation algorithm.

Result: Composite bounding box
for i = 1, 2, 3 do
if Operator is ∪ then
min[i] = MIN(leftMin[i], rightMin[i]);
max[i] = MAX(leftMax[i], rightMax[i]);
if Operator is ∩ then
min[i] = MAX(leftMin[i], rightMin[i]);
max[i] = MIN(leftMax[i], rightMax[i]);
if Operator is − then
min[i] = leftMin[i];
max[i] = leftMax[i];

4.3 Binary Space Partitioning Trees

One of the most fundamental concepts in ray tracing is spatial or hierarchical data struc-
tures built using binary space subdivision to efficiently search for objects in the scene [28].
A predominant concept in these data structures is binary space partitioning which refers
to the successive subdivision of a scene’s bounding box with planes until it reaches ter-
mination criteria. The resulting data structure is called a binary space partition tree or a
BSP tree. BSP trees offer the flexibility of using arbitrarily oriented planes to accommo-
date complex scenes and uneven spatial distributions. Therefore, in theory, BSP trees
are a simple, elegant, and efficient solution to our visible-surface problems. In our imple-
mentation, I use a variant called KD-trees - which I refer to as BSP here. These are a

more "restricted" type of BSP trees in which only axis-aligned splitting planes are allowed.
These trees conform much better with computational advantages and memory needs but
do not adapt very well to scene complexities. It is relatively easy to generate an inef-
ficient binary tree with non-axis-aligned geometry (e.g., a long skinny cylinder oriented
diagonally) [7]. All variations of the algorithms are generally composed of two fundamen-
tal parts, building and traversing the tree. How one chooses these two core procedures
tremendously affects the amount of acceleration achievable. Because the main focus of
the work doesn’t align with the improvement of building or traversal procedures, the BSP
algorithm remains as is. However, many algorithms such as surface area heuristic, local
greedy SAH, automatic termination criteria, and many more have proved to optimize KD
trees [32, 25].

4.3.1 Building BSP trees

The tree is constructed recursively in a top-down manner, making a local greedy deci-
sion about the splitting planes. OpenRT uses axis-aligned bounding boxes to wrap the
nodes. It chooses the split dimension using the current largest dimension (i.e., if the box
is biggest in its x axis then it will pick that as our splitting plane). It then positions the
plane at the spatial median of the dimension. The subdivision is performed until either
the number of primitives in a single node falls below a predefined threshold or the tree
depth exceeds a maximum value. The user provides these stopping criteria. To better
illustrate the algorithm, I will utilize the simple two-dimensional KD-tree and the triangles
in Figure 19. Each node in the tree represents a triangle, and each internal node rep-
resents an axis-aligned rectangular region with an axis-aligned plane that separates the
regions of its two children.

Figure 19: Simple scene with a few triangles and a corresponding tree.
Leaves are boxes and inner nodes are circles.

4.3.2 Traversing BSP trees

A ray traverses a BSP tree by intersecting the ray with the split plane; therefore, giving
a ray distance to the plane, allowing us to divide it into segments. The ray segment is
analyzed by clipping the current ray with the bounding box of the current node. OpenRT
traverses a node if the ray segment overlays the node. Since the two-child nodes do not
overlap, it can trivially classify which node is closer to the ray direction and traverse that
node first. For the traversal algorithm, the children should be labeled as near and far

child nodes, giving us three possible cases of traversal:
1. Ray goes through near child only. (Figure 20a)
2. Ray goes through far child only. (Figure 20b)
3. Ray goes through the near child first followed by the far child. (Figure 20c)
The near and far classification uses the direction of the ray and the position of the splitting
plane. Therefore, it classifies the left node as near and the right node as far if the sign of
the ray direction in the splitting axis is positive and vice versa if negative. Once it reaches
the terminal nodes, it can then search for the intersection of all the primitives in the node,
if any.

(a) Ray goes through near (b) Ray goes through far child (c) Ray goes through both
child only. only. children.

Figure 20: Ray traversal cases.

4.4 Optimized CSG

With all three optimizations from Sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, I now have the building blocks for
the optimized CSG algorithm. I can deconstruct this algorithm to a hierarchical pipeline
composed of three steps. On the very top, I have our entire scene enclosed in a BSP
tree. I then have constructively constructed geometries inside of this scene represented
using two other BSP trees for their respective left and right geometries3 . The trees can
efficiently retrieve the closest intersections of their respective nodes and have bounding
boxes that allow quick tests of ray-solid intersections. Finally, upon retrieval of the ray in-
tersections, the minimal hit algorithm allows for efficient and robust classification of these
intersections. Even when nesting constructively generated geometries, one can hold def-
initions of each sub-tree for each sub-object. Hence, allowing for efficient evaluation of
complex and nested geometries. Such definition intrinsically means that each solid is re-
sponsible for its evaluation and can constantly feed the correct and classified intersection
information to its parent nodes. Therefore, skipping the step of culling all evaluations and
solely processing them on the root nodes.
In case the constructive solid only contains a single primitive element, then the result is a simple tree of
depth 1.

5 Evaluation of the results
There are three variants of the CSG method implemented in OpenRT. The first is the
naive implementation which I refer to as N aiCSG. The second uses a binary space
partition tree to solve the visible surface problem but still naively finds intersections inside
the combinatorial geometry, which I will refer to as BinCSG. Finally, I will introduce
our optimized algorithm, which uses a binary space partition tree on the outside (solving
the visible surface problem) and also inside each composite geometry to direct the rays
towards the correct geometries, which I will refer to as OptimCSG. All these variants are
tested using the minimal hit CSG algorithm. I consider each algorithm for all operations
and a low, medium, and high viewport fill rate. I conduct three main tests. First, I assess
how the rendering time develops to the complexity of the geometry. In this case, the
complexity of the geometry is the number of polygons in the sphere meshes. The second
test demonstrates how the spatial distribution of the scene affects the times for each of
the algorithms. Therefore, helping us grasp how significant the viewport fill percentage
changes each of these algorithms individually. I also run tests to count the number of
intersection tests performed by each variant at each pixel. The last test is based on
the effect of a different number of nested geometries on the various algorithms while
maintaining a relevantly similar viewport fill rate. These tests are all run on the following
configuration with CPU parallel processing:
• Model: 2020 Macbook Pro A2289
• Graphics Card: Integrated Intel Iris Plus Graphics 645 1536 MB
• RAM: 16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3
• CPU: 1,7 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7

5.1 Geometry Complexity Tests

As previously mentioned, I conduct each of these tests on varying viewport fill rates.
Figure 21 shows the three main viewport ranges. Different operations give different rates
(e.g., difference and intersection will generally produce a less voluminous geometry);
therefore, I account for this by determining the range in which the viewport fill wavers. I
will refer to low, mid, and high viewport tests respectively as LVP, MVP, and HVP. These
viewport fill rates are a way of understanding what percentage of the rays is not being
shot at empty space but on actual geometry in the scene.
First, I will start by examining the different operations for the N aiCSG implementation.
Figures 22 to 24 show the performance of each operation in relation to the other. We
discern a difference between these operations because ray-solid checks are repeated
more often in the intersection and difference operations than the union operation. The
difference between these operations remains constant throughout all the other variants
as well. N aiCSG variant is also sensitive to changing the viewport fill rate (Figure 25).
This is mainly due to the intersection and different operations since more rays have to
enter deeper states of the evaluation before exiting. This is highly dependent on the
spatial distribution and is the reason why the union time remains the same in all of the
viewport ranges.

Figure 21: Range of view port rates on which the tests are conducted as the
complexity of the geomtery increases. The area around the curve signifies
the error by which the rate fluctuates.

Figure 22: N aiCSG rendering time of different operations with respect to

gradual increases in geometry complexity in a scene filling a small rate of the
view port.

Figure 23: N aiCSG rendering time of different operations with respect to
gradual increases in geometry complexity in a scene filling a medium rate of
the view port.

Figure 24: N aiCSG rendering time of different operations with respect to

gradual increases in geometry complexity in a scene filling a high rate of the
view port.

Figure 25: The N aiCSG mean rendering time of the operations for the differ-
ent view port fill rates.

Second, I compare the rendering time of the BinCSG variant. Figure 26 to 28 show the
performance of each operation in relation to the other. In Figure 26, one notices the same
discrepancy between the union operation and the two others. A simple check proves that
the factor by which the time increases per operation is indeed a constant. Figure 33
demonstrates how the computational time of BinCSG worsens depending on the spatial
distribution in the scene as the time gained from the ray-box tests performed in BinCSG
become less useful.

Figure 26: BinCSG rendering time of different operations with respect to

gradual increases in geometry complexity in a scene filling a small rate of the
view port.

Figure 27: BinCSG rendering time of different operations with respect to
gradual increases in geometry complexity in a scene filling a medium rate of
the view port.

Figure 28: BinCSG rendering time of different operations with respect to

gradual increases in geometry complexity in a scene filling a high rate of the
view port.

Figure 29: The BinCSG mean rendering time of the operations for the differ-
ent view port fill rates.

I must also analyze the performance of OptimCSG with the different operations. As seen
in Figures 30 to 32, OptimCSG shows different performance in terms of the operations.
The general curve is also not linear but follows a rather logarithmic trend. This can be
closely tied to the cost of traversing a binary tree. The procedure also increases in time
after an increase in the fill rate.

Figure 30: OptimCSG rendering time of different operations with respect to

gradual increases in geometry complexity in a scene filling a small rate of the
view port.

Figure 31: OptimCSG rendering time of different operations with respect to
gradual increases in geometry complexity in a scene filling a medium rate of
the view port.

Figure 32: OptimCSG rendering time of different operations with respect to

gradual increases in geometry complexity in a scene filling a high rate of the
view port.

Figure 33: The OptimCSG mean rendering time of the operations for the
different view port fill rates.

Lastly, I compare the performance of these variants to each other. Figures 34 to 36 show
the comparison of the different implementations with low, mid, and high viewport fills.
OptimCSG outperforms both variants in all cases. BinCSG does outperform N aiCSG
in smaller scenes; however, it scales to the same computational time in more complex

Figure 34: Rendering time of different operations with respect to gradual in-
creases in geometry complexity in a scene filling a small rate of the view port.

Figure 35: Rendering time of different operations with respect to gradual in-
creases in geometry complexity in a scene filling a medium rate of the view

Figure 36: Rendering time of different operations with respect to gradual in-
creases in geometry complexity in a scene filling a high rate of the view port.

I can explain these variations by the number of ray-primitive intersection tests performed
by each variant. In the naive implementation, I check for all primitives for all the rays in
the scene, which explains why it is not so case-dependent. In BinCSG, if the ray-box
test is positive, it naively makes the ray-primitive intersections. OptimCSG has a more
directed approach as both the left and right geometries in the composite are also split
up into smaller boxes and traversed efficiently. Figures 38 to 40 represent the number
of intersections performed in a 1000 × 1000 pixel image with two spheres in the scene
(Figure 37). In Figure 38 one can see that the procedure continually makes the same
number of ray-primitive tests for each pixel. However, Figure 39 reveals how BinCSG is
capable of avoiding intersections toward the areas where the bounding box is not defined

but still performs all tests in pixels overlapping it. Ultimately, OptimCSG (Figure 40)
exhibits a much more efficient approach where the number of ray primitive intersections
solely grows in areas dense with primitives or overlapping bounding boxes.

Figure 37: The scene on which the number of intersections is counted.

Figure 38: Surface plot showing the number of ray-primitive tests on each
pixel on a 1000 × 1000px render with N aiCSG.

Figure 39: Surface plot showing the number of ray-primitive tests on each
pixel on a 1000 × 1000px render with BinCSG.

Figure 40: Surface plot showing the number of ray-primitive tests on each
pixel on a 1000 × 1000px render with OptimCSG.

Figure 41 demonstrates the achieved speedup between all three variants in the various
viewport fill rates with 6048 triangles. OptimCSG can achieve up to 49x faster times in a
small scene and up to 26x faster on a dense scene. Additionally, since both N aiCSG and
BinCSG grow linearly and OptimCSG grows logarithmically, then the speedup should
increase as the spatial distributions gets more complex.

(a) LVP speedup. (b) MVP speedup.

(c) HVP speedup.

Figure 41: Achieved speedup across variants.

5.2 Nesting Tests

Figure 42: Range of view port rates on which the tests are conducted as the
number of nests increases.

Figure 43 portrays the different performances of each variant. As expected, the naive
time grows linearly as more geometries are used. BinCSG is also somewhat linear but
is expected to scale to the same time as the naive if the viewport fill rate is increased. On
the other hand, OptimCSG still follows a logarithmic trend when nesting.

Figure 43: Performance of the different variants in comparison to each other
when nesting more geometries together.

Similar to the geomtric complexity tests, OptimCSG provides a much higher speedup.
(Figure 44)

Figure 44: Achieved speedup for nested geometries.

6 Conclusion & Future Work

The observed results in the previous section lay a foundation for accelerating the perfor-
mance of complex geometrical modeling using CSG in real applications. I have briefly
covered the general mathematical foundation of constructively generated geometry. I
then introduced the generic idea behind constructive solid geometry and the algebraic
rules applied to it. Later, I introduced different optimizations used to push the performance
of each operation. Last, I compared each variant and understood its time complexity.
There are still various means of possibly improving the performance of the proposed so-
lution while still maintaining a balance of generality and robustness. I outline a few issues
with the proposed algorithm and possible future research directions in accelerated ray
tracing of constructive solid geometry in this section.

The first encountered issue is artifacts created by the numeric stability issues in classi-
fication. When classifying using the surface normals, I ran into the issue where the dot
product of the ray direction and the normal is near zero (vectors are orthogonal). Hence,
leading to certain artifacts emerging near the boundaries of the geometries. The de-
scribed issue can be solved using a sampler which would increase the number of rays
shot in the neighborhood of a pixel and estimate a better shading result. This solution is
already plausible in OpenRT.
The second limitation is that the geometries must have consistently oriented normals
to understand intersections. While all primitives and solids constructed inside OpenRT
guarantee this property, meshes imported from the outside could potentially lead to is-
sues. However, one can solve this by implementing an extra scan when constructing
solids or passing them to a composite to verify and modify the surface normals when
needed. Algorithms that allow for fast checks of consistent normal orientation are readily
available [4].
Many improvements are also possible in alignment with the work established in this pa-
per. The first is extending the binary space partitioning tree algorithm to be more efficient
in building and traversing. Such a change can bring drastic improvements to the perfor-
mance and handle much more complex scenes. Automated stopping criteria are a way
to let each solid deterministically choose which stopping criteria work best, particularly in
Second, this research heavily focused on acceleration with CPU-based ray tracing. Many
solutions to extend the system to a GPU exist, and such benefits could make the algo-
rithm gain from the ever-increasing performance of the graphics hardware.
Conversion algorithms from constructively defined solids to BREPs are detrimental as
well. Conversion allows for faster computations and ease of use. If we can translate a
constructively generated geometry to a BREP, we can increase performance, and final
geometries would no longer rely on a recursive evaluation. One can then also use the
optimized triangle operations for faster computations and rendering. The solution is es-
pecially appealing since we can divide complex geometries into smaller models to unify
Applying textures to constructive solid geometry is also an area of interest. One could
achieve the latter with a few different flavors. Automatic texture mapping is one of them.
The goal is of automatic texture mapping is to produce texture coordinates for geometries
that don’t possess any. One could use a sphere, cube, or any other map to generate
these texture coordinates. Therefore, enabling the use of different textures on each of
the constructively generated geometries. The texture coordinate generation function can
also be specified separately for each geometry from the user.
Topics such as the reconstruction of constructive solid geometry trees using unsuper-
vised neural networks are also interesting. Kania, Zieba,
˛ and Kajdanowicz produced
models that allow for fast and accurate reconstruction of CSG trees from images in [8].
Such an advancement would make the possibility of combining a multitude of geomet-
rical resources simpler. Additionally, combining this with the conversion to a boundary
representation makes such a possibility more appealing.

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