Conventions in UK
Conventions in UK
Conventions in UK
With all hese salient features, the British Constitution is a unique constit
Constitution of uy
ways. Its study involves the study of the working of a successful
ful and
and devin
devel Se tution in severa
democratic political system with an unwritten, evolved, flexible,
the tradition of having anand
constitution. The British political tradition has been nixe
working an unwritten, unitary, flexible
and a convention-based liberal demUcces
characterized by a constitutional-hereditary monarchy working within the
the frame
ily Successf
democratic uly
parliamentary form of government.
the British Political Tradis.
constitute a large and important part of
British Constitution has been a convention-ridden constitution. All political instifa Tradition. In fact
out their activities with help of
the conventioneons
several of
England are carying
unwritten and evolutionary constitution, a large number of conventions continue to Being an
ion can
govern its working. A real understanding of the British_Constitution can be
be achi guide and
achieved only by
understanding the nature and scope of the
Ogg and Zink have well observed: "Englandis the classic Jand of conventions, and no
much attention to ce
hope to understand the country's government without paying quite as Jstoms
and usages as to rules of law.
Conventions have been such unwritten rules of behaviour which have naturally grown
and developed in the British constitution. These have been described by Mill as t he
"unwritten maxims of the constitution'". Anson calls them "customs of the constituion.
However, the most celebrated name has come from A.V. Dicey who describes them as
"Conventions of the Constitution
as the best
bes available method of accomplishing their tasks. The successful
of thepractice makes possible its adoption by others. When it continues to be followed by
an informal
informal recognition as the way to do the task, it takes the form of a
describe the
features of a Convention as follows:
We can
Tt is an unwritten informal practice or rule ofconduct
not made
and enacted, it gradually grow
A tis
t toriginates as a mode of doing a thing smoothly and efficiently.
Long usage and the acceptance that it is bound to be used in future leads to the
recognition of a practice as a
A Convention is of the nature of a rule of political morality or expediency or
6 A practice becomes a convention when it satisfies three tests.
(a) It has been followed in the past
(b) It is being followed at present.
4Statutes are backed by legal sanctions. Their violations are always punished.
Conventions have no legal status. These are neither backed by force nor are their
violations punishable.
hus, there is a clear difference between Conventions and Statutes.
Conventions and Common Law. In words of Munro, "Common Law means that
body of legadirules which grew up in England apart altogether from any action of the
liament and eventually gained recognition throughout the realmFA. Ogg describes
Common Law as "the vast body of legal precepts and usages which through the
centuries has acquired
binding and almost immutable characte
In other words, Common Law is the product of growth. It consists of
usages which have been
those c
recognised by Thesecustoms
asa and
the courts as the common customs.
and enforced by the Courts in the
adjudication of cases. When a custom gets are
gets recnonpled
court, it becomes a common law. recognised by a
The difference between Conventions and Common Law is
that of status o
Conventions are such political customs as have been not atus or degree.
yet recognised by a couts
Common Law consists of the body of customs and
usages which stands recogniced
enforced by the courts. Both conventions and Common Law are
customary rules and boh
unwritten. Both are the results of evolution and are not enacted oth are
by the legislature
difference between them is that while Common Law is a law The
Conventions are rules which have been not yet
recognised by the c
recognised. Common Law is enforced bycourts #the
courts but conventions are not. When a
convention gets recognition by the courts aas
common custom of Britain, it becomes a part of the Common Law. a
Conventions govern
the actual working of the Constitution. The actual working of
conventions. Conventions determine the actual operation
depends largely upon
a co stitution
s of the constitution. A student of politics is interested not only in understanding the
laws of
of the
oftheand constitutional framework of the state but also in analysing the actual working of the
legal he has to study both the laws and the conventions.
stitutional system Fortothis purpOse,
and explain the gap between the legal framework and the
This alone can hetphim
that framework.
actual working
coalition government ---Conservative- Liberal Democratic coalition
Since May 2010, a
Political System has been witnessing the
overnment - -
in the House of Commons
(e) The King appoints only the leader of the majority party
as the Prime Minister.
invites the leader of the Opposition
)Upon the resignation ofthe Cabinet, the King
form the Cabinet.
2. Conventions relating to the British Cabinet System.
in House of commons becomes the Prime Minister
The leader of majority
Prime Minister presides over the meetings of the Cabinet.
the confiden of
TO) Cabinet remains in office only so long as it enjoys majority in
House of Commons.
collectively responsible efore the Ho
betore House
For all its policies, the Cabinet is
its policies or D I s or axation propoea
(8) The Cabinet resigns in case any of
rejected by the House of Commons.
moment the House of Commons passes a vote of
(9) The Cabinet resigns the
confidence against it.
a caretaker government
after the dissolution
(10) The Cabinet keeps on working
of a new Cabinet.
the Parliament and continues
in office till the organisation
elected, the Speak remains in office as long as he
QO Once
always a Speaker."
desires. "Once a
The Parliament must hold at least one meeting during a year.
(8) Th party always iormulates policies only in respect of the matters for
8) eeured the mandate of the people. The winning of majority of seats which in the
s e of Commons by a poiical party is taken to mean that its election manifesto
the mandate of the people.
has received
ding orders of either House can
Legally, the standin be amended or abolished by a
9) Le
iority vote but in actual practice, the ruling
majority vote
party, always takes the opposition
into confidence before undertaking such an exercise.
a The system of holding consultations between the government and the concerned
interest groups in respect of measures for law- making and policy-making also rests
upon conventions.
Commonwealth of Nations.
British King/Queen is the ex-officio head of the
2The laws of the British Parliament
do not apply to the Dominions.
Monarch depends upon
undertaking functions relating to the Dominions, the
While and not on the advice of the
Cabinet of the concerned dominion
the advice of the
British Cabinet.
of all the institutions of the
Conventions regulate the organisation and working
As such,
British Constitution.
worked on the basis of
Democratic Coalition
During 2010-2015 the several democratic
agreements as well
mutually agreed power sharing
He advocates
However, scholars like Lowell do not accept Dicey's view. They hold that Dicew
because violation of many conventions do not lead to a violation of a
is incorrect
example, if the convention regarding the three readings of a bill by each House of Rri British
Parliament is broken, it does not lead to any breach of law. Further, the British Parliamen
is a
sovereign parliament. It can pass the Army Act for a decade, Budget for five consec
or a
by the
backed wisdom of experience. These
Conventions are
rules of political behaviour, and hence are always
Descriptive Questions
1. ItthereaConstitution of
British Constitution.
2. Explain the Sources of of Accidents
and Design?
is a Child
British Constitution
. Why is t said that Constitution.
Features of Bitish Constitution.
4, Discuss the Salient role in British
nature and obeyed?
Conventions? Discuss their Conventions
England the
vlew "In ()
advocated the (b) De Tocqueville
(a) Thomas Paine
(c) Edmund Burke
2. Constitution means Constitutional
the rules of of government.
a) The book organization
down the
which lay
A Set of rules
law of the Constitution.
C)The constitutional a r r a t
çharters of B r i t i s h