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CHAPTER 4 The New Farmers’ Movement in Maharashtra’ D.N. DHANAGARE ne new fer movement Ina seed momen | the 19-0. Ha reverbeations weve fst fl in Tamil Nady ve here hens Sangam (Farmer? me hanes te of agains demanding fr price for agin) produce hs leader Ramaswamy Naidu. mobilized impressive spe Prod cor for Toa-blacing. and tna yee £02, es The Kian Union n Pa was equal vse ica sesso Trae pce for whet 1973 tse! and ad wen ci pene er pecat mands (rash yard) and not sl whet et Se taney Tesh Sanghalanavemergencen Mahar EspD cha big ban fst agitated for emunente pc relonen ns porshable proce whose pets dropped damaay Baie rg7e.9consciveharest"The rae of the Kamala ap URE Sogn rn) under Profesor Nanlndsowany eon salmon smuaneoas" “hevspute of farmer? mobilization fa diferent pars of ne apne asst ava wel-onsesrted acon, though is alt SPP Sany of ploblems te farmers faced ip Nahai un Rewaka aod Tamil Nadu was very siklog, ough. Apion + oxalypublhed as Te New Farmer!’ Movement in Mabie unto Caen (el) South Ass ur the Ezonomic Rf, Os pa Japan Gere for Aes tiie, 1999, pp. 247-81 penetra an we saa by spontaneity 3d Simian he forme hed OF eteponte to them, As cheer the sin. aed peated pe spin Maa G01) followed By hose on tobacco (near re es rnaaka border. milk, wheat and coon iyesaharashir 5 oF so. Numbers of those joining these 3) fron 1 aka Sanghatana wereswelling constant 2 eT ober oe keg yea och dade es tit a emand a wh ea ent conceded © emt widened in the countryside, specially in fret ae ey 10s as new ens Support joined rat incre eel inna was SW the farmers’ movernent italy. te i ng team Ne 1970 and seh ot aft of tw cote 2 ee iy succetal mpeenaon ng avces Trreltoral productivity had been substantially a ana new ee cic that eee 2 lpr id ot ee pea a amert movements al ov Ind = sie uci fue was and continued t0 be losing proposition ve orward to offer suppor price fr farm produce tes the Sake ces at east covered the cost of production.* The i ese et eion was better portrayed by the growing proportion oes se eee ine tele pa pi bow a ee in eh sed ie Ret in What sigoficant is that productivity and genera vary brought about by the Green Revolution ad ot resulted in ‘Min of poverty, specially in rural India. “fheaminachievement ofthe fakmers’ movement in Maharashra has tee tat it brought the farm issues to the centestage ofthe politial tnteslogcal discourse in india, The movement principal ideologue Std ow eznslated the technical jargon of the ‘Terms of trade’ beoweenindusty and agricalture into acomprehensibleidiom of ‘India ‘that, Anchored in Rosa Luxemberg’s theoretical contributions 10 eral colonialism’ Joshi argued that the unevenness in the seelopment of the industry and underdevelopment of agriculture ‘ail be removed only by a single panacea, that is, remunerauve ics for farm produce. This would generate some profits to farmers ‘nd aygment the process of capital accumulation in the Cancens of Equity and Seeiy ‘of the Shetkari Sanghatana as it believed that all secrete 0 ‘ust unite under its banner? The industy-agrculture eee *S. Bharat) consaicons mete projets pinay ht ‘movement tended 10 relegate ‘rich farmersandlesslaboue the contradiction in rural India (Bharat) to a minor position ern the iceopeal merpclion y Shand one hy movement inthe 198081 ban oper ose ot ae (IC) was set up with membership from all the states, Key cote CC belonged fo the Bharaya Kisn Union (BK) ted by ne ‘Soh aka at cn ee tm weer Gea Sah Puma. te Sheta Sungtana fom Mahara age fe Khedut Sangh. The KRRS led by Professor Nanjundaswamy CoP Soe ng, Thatariaec nseap ene eany on touiion Some pres obviosy found Sharad ei en tm the OC repulse n fac. despite some detail in Tesh. Profesor Nanjundaswamy’s KRRS joined the IC pins’ contain Joshi and restore balance-of power both within the fant, tronememand'in the changing pl power cyan mt ina evel" In apc meres MofeorNanundanesyit tohmead the fr, Sharad Joshi does nt Belen in ideology We dif with his one pin re ‘gmme. He sans atthe pres ae nt acenialyealealated ne py {Ero en all the problem willbe automaticaly solved, doesnot happen ulupronged soliton has tobe formulated tose ight the ul econo, ithe bane deoogia erence wih Shara sh? ‘Such simmering differences within ICC surfaced openly around 1950, ‘The reasons are not fart Seek. Inthe formative years ofthe Shed Senghatana, Sharad Joshi repeatedly used ‘one-point progamme (he demand for suppor price, or eostlnked agricultural pies) and harped on ‘india vs, Bharat’ catchwords to captivate the rural masses He was recent oer several polemic iss such as sate pol = agneultural exports and impors, debureaucratization of measures ‘withdrawal of state subsidy to farmers using igation elect ant Fertlizer a8 well as loans lowever ist under India Gandhi and att during Raj Gandhi's regime the process of economic liberalization Set in and had been accelerated Air Indra Gandhi’ return 9 pore in 1960, a conscious policy was adopted to gradually open fof Indian economy for multinational corporations to i pene furs Morera Maca m spotcy and les. The rigid ofthe icens permi lit B82 DO one substantial to factitat investment by 1 Oe oul in fune-Tuly 1991 when the Narasimha sree pani ger that India took strides towards rane Ge pent 0 Pong favoured aligning thee polices anim secon ads on the one hand and contemporary scp gon india om the other” Fe ead alos he win he etn! Pra wae geting ready 10 sign the draft a9 well as sino Gganiaation, farther liberalization of the Phe Won Ta ofthe Nehruvian era was ineviable. During on canor polit o of nen debate srs rnnkng of rps pein policy planning has resulted in deregulation of ‘an com tacts an expanded role fr private sector and se esate theo uch pampered public secon Fn ovement Of 4 pam of goverment ey I a aking, Increased investment in apiculture and ingle "ach as health and education so as to ensure minimum salen Sal security to the more wunerable sections." session omic refs ad the policy of liberalization, entailed ener Dine wat bound 10 sharpen the internal ferences ee pce iment movement all over India especially in xis and would have set a Kind of proces of polarzation owt gnaaions which were hel together nthe ICC. for oi eime Any pachologism attempting to reduce the explanation ‘Whe ions win the movement to personalities of leaders like Shad lah, Tikit or Nanjundaswamy would nat lead us anywhere irlestanding divergent responses of the new farmers monement bgbaizaion Te political economy of globalization and reforms {ato e looked into if an understanding has to emerge a8 to why ‘ilzaion led to polazation within the farmes' movement. Aik mpse atthe Dunkel proposals on agriculture and as they wer sent be affecting Indian agriculture whether favourably of they wuld not be out of place this conte. DOUNKEL-GATT PRESCRIPTIONS ON AGRICULTURE {ly seking the Dunkel Draft provided fortwo sets of mesures— {RE gmeming general applications the draft expected (2) that Mt ppor io agricultural production be reduced by 20 percent Caz) hat export thats iret subsidies shal be subject to eat for reduction by 36 percent and 24 percent in 1993 andci oe m Concensf Fquity and Secuity 1999, especie anc) hat rifaton or ordinary Taney fem an average Basis) by 36 pet cen y 195% dy be mie tonne te Mae ‘anit ine” Uo a Tear the developing countses—such a8 Indla—the Dy sipelucl (2) sha counties whee ageeBate suppor (5 oe SrPMhety of eubuiies) is up 40 10 percent for inividay em aval shal ot be required 1 rc subsidy. (Fr inne seaman farmer aves Oe nea future) (Qo P senate provided to poor and marginal farmers would be wath, Senapltey stom the parsew ofthe eduction commitments = PU hel te, “ple 4.1: Agrcltural Subsidy a Percentage ofthe Price ty Trolucers rom Dieent Countries (1985-6) " oa Suh (pera — egenina zfs China 4 Pakistan ca Fert “6 Inia 2 rail + Meso “3 svsvalia 10 Now Zealand “9 United States 126 wee a7 apa. m ‘Table 42: Increase in Agricultural Subsidy in Developed Counties a= (in per ce in perc Ted Same 16 38 Canada 4 46 wee 37 9 i 37 5 “sue § Bre Dur Pasa Bhar Shsiar Halla (Dunkel Pops deer REIN greulare) nara, Pune shankar Bede rand, 1° 9 18 (both ube). sen sp er cet ofthe anol el es han ate galerie mara 5a ote anf ancl ind shan ip AI ace a he cath ul > er yb eon cones ec ro oon hon sie bt ey ns ane of pomens rata te a ped om the pune ofan of non Pe" cea show that for many ears now some ofthe sat pec slicing her agricultural production feng ew te conol 8 eal ring out the high eels of subsidy Tes gan bes nso he tee 4.2 ell us that over the 1979-88 decade, ab nthe United sates Canad, open se and pan Oa te conan, counnes em am Gna oer mines aude ugesing hat an a qt (ble 4) Apt eu at bes are ROPE Rs wll have to reduce their export subsidy on Sewn! um inl ad 2 percent vel by Ems eapondingycourieshike India ought ofcreste Sr eg of Dunkel pepsin nda ae se edad evap OUR, pe tal produce wil se by abou 10 per cent in the wor sarc Py nda ames woul geome Dents Dut inc cn ae rane hier ape e acne chen idan fares. One apprehension, va ao ave mpat on oot cunts which soc por oo, east in thes un. pon in subiy concerned, nan alte its 2 nef to wor asthe maximum subsiy pemisible se sm Tl gross eRe 3,000 cores wheres presen i wa rs crores for Indian agua Hence. the near Sel dutierGarr proposals wee nt ikl to reduce subsides fete senor in inl ‘smcine nan famershaibour fas that once the Dunkel sjrsars hey wil no be allowed to use Ot own seds forthe ‘Styrtsowing operons In eat thoug, te Dunkel proposals Sine ha toe fares who cult land fr cereal a oto ‘loci ers wuld be allowed heep a par of he seeds bseen Concise ec 1 be used next year Such seeds could be Sessa a par of exchange ation 2 ey stipulaion here is that a farmer must not ons eevee he ‘onnovaves new seeds, he has to abide by the Dent eM: Ian tt ior ankel ale 2 ‘ger them duly patent "les ang 8 Patented. Ma Mor enim nppotes of CAT forge 4 fos opm predcton ay £2 Dotechnologial application and gene revolution nt: en so beople: Similarly, under GATTs mandatory prowantt Ped bys ‘rom outside’ an opportunity for export of Indian eg 2 De “ore apa, South Kors, ete sems pee Se es a least tncian farmers can make the best use of ag Ey The Sica Stnghaana elapse Sharad joy opimsmeer what nec woul sets ae a ‘inswow and gobloaon ough orange other partners in ioe laa ‘Coordination Committee ofthe fan organizations. Joshi highlighted four major features of GATT is ben ‘avourable to Indian farmers. They are: CATT ober ted antares ie BE Of ono 1 epropesed to removeall ev and compulsory procurement fon ‘amers ithe government wanted to regulae Desoprna ee ‘rough a public distribution system, it must Buy gains fos oe ‘open matket and not impose alevy to procute them fom fnes 2 cheaper rates, 2 Te wanted such a restructuring of farm economy whereby te Pressure of poor surplus labour power on agriculture would reduced eventually: Agicalture must not be labour intense ait had been inthe traditional agricultural economy that uted ie induseal India. 5. Ie expected member nation-states to remove all restriction en ‘pon of farm produce even when agricultural production cine ins parucular year due wo unfavourable season, &Althoughtwanted member states (ofGATI/WTO)topropesiiey reduce the subsidy to agricultural sector up to 10 per cet. hs ‘ouldaffect nations like Japan, France and the United Sates whee fverments offered very high farm subsiies ranging from 36-9 er cent. Hence, this proposal would not affect Indian fame rice the level of subsidy in India 25 per cent.” J Moverent a Maharasira i pe New Famers Mow csecual property sgh (TRIS) on which ” ‘Sharad Joshi argues that ert ese ae spt yal as a ol De twofold: (a) Patent rights will be peat medicines, biotechnology esearch etc and eso be 20 yer fori. Aceptng rere ahi has ridiculed Indian intligenisia— iui ptuonalls ho are opposing the extension of patent decane reac had al along been thvng by sae tee Mane igm. Those who have exploited farmer 30 os aot Pa jf that Indian farmers wil have to buy 9308 78 oon, alan exorbitant pie or at sr ed re Sich ci aren we ode, by foshl Final he ha expressed his robust eect ek nw wan nism in the oP the ‘free market access regime: i eae of GATT by an Keologue of the et weneat ‘needs to be subjected to closer scrutiny so that et ene eo fe bln an eco cue yon ion of Works Food Production and Population le: pert eoween the Developed and the Developing (Acorn Countries/Continents, 1990) comemind Wr Pood Population ante aa Production (i percent) (percent) aileea 0 202 81 Seamer, ro 144 D4 Fee SSR no 54 lowes) sis 47 m1 sa 439 ss Sah Amarin 35. 36 Ui Sater 156 ar ‘a 104 16.1 {$2 De, hia Shean Dunkel Nit (Indian Agate and Duel {7a Pa Savgyan Azad, Nove 1923, 9-6 Bes ve bee le ut in tabula pesentaon whey wee no "oan fr te dann hee “ ae USS16 Concer of faut ad Security could be brought out deal Fi of al needs tobe sharp conan otcen soll and economic reaiies ge tha aswel a inthe developing world have been overiooked ts Song fr Dunkel and GATT. Shard os and is Shean geyePPone rho exceptions. A simple comparison of the proporien® 28 aye food prediction in difven continents 36 agit heel ens the world’s total population that these continents help supe RE of RE Gure eng Te apres Tae 3a ag conta those itis quite evident that the proportion of food produce states as percentage of total fod production ofthe wor Ud cent while the population percentage i ust 4.7 per een 15 = Pet Inala has 161 percent of worl’s population but proshe oh per cent of worlds wal food output. Although Gary non 14 certain resricions and imposed some obligations and condi 8 ‘on both the developed and the developing countries entering ttade their proposed equalization through GATT measures 8 °4 a ree oa ecenresng eee tees ate ine ce lo fen ei ca acon. na between two unequals. The fact that the unequal relationship bere SeNSarand sah beeen eloped an econ maee been hstorcalydtcrmine, hasbeen more oles hosed one ffamers of GATT and is suppores (in developing countiey eye povteal sks are high What fs significant i that an ideoloper farmers movement lke Satad Josh, also chor oovetlook he ecg inequnlives among tacing panniers Grea s romanticized. toy picture palnted about the prospec of export and the oulet indian agrcltrl produce wll hae inthe Srord market. Economists sem to be divided in thelr astestet of Spon prospects fr Indian farmers Newing from the GATT meats Suppor of GATT and Dunkel highlight the advantages eich nda ‘would desve in agicuutl expors, fuer arguing that his wl more than make op for the negative consequences ofthe new intellect propery regine under the Woild Trade Organization. Howee, ote Meson has argued that such an export optimism not eal warranted bythe GATT proposals. “Auhough GATT rules stipulate that developed counties mstredue aggealual subsidies te dsred ress of such a measure ate ot etn way te subsdy system actually operates, For instance the EEG which has adopted the Common Agricultural Policy. has guaranteed igh prce to farmers by protecting them ftom external competion EEC Goes this by means of variable dues, which newwalized se sf Movernent in Maharashra ne New Fa Ww sprernational and igh domestic prices. tn addition, cc MT port subsidies’ (not debarred by GATT) to ensure ren ould be ld at chee Pies prevaling inthe 1p et Inna AMET epime would ental reduction commitments on realy ames which wuld pave thew fo making ine gevlOPceosible 10 more enterprising, and competiive ie ab counts Uk nda, However, thee hopes i a UT ssurntions that ew GATT relations would sr oP eon of subse olered inthe devon oc oly 1H gras refer t0 direct subsidies only. They leave ss TN pe destoped counties could contin to supp oul He fort that wOUIK not be counted a ‘subsidies, ares Xe payments 10 farmers, not necessarily related or 0) Aeegucion called ‘decoupled income support pe les Ot tlated subsidies, and (€) subsidies for backward + tena CT sts Paen mes cn toned or tered a subside o ape To qute " sb oar ra goes (in EC) wile (teeing) paid Ec 2995 6 Unit) 207 a hectare (about Rs 6.000 hectare) and cles anna Cue peng) paid ECU 359 a hectare (RS15,000 a hecare). wil ber psidy European farmers will be able to compete efecively Pe aie ae hanes re ce a coon eb fbn cece ne nn” she rtecion promised to developing counties lke India under the Tante of payment crisis’ clause in GATT is again not everlasting oc this cover is lified, Indian farmers would have to face stif (ampeiton with cheap, subsidized foodgrain impors (since a certain peerage of domestic food requirements as per GATT, will have to be ‘by imports). Moreover, India will be constrained from imposing ‘oumeraling duties to prevent food imports because according 0 Inide 13 of GAT, indirect subsidies (offered in developed countries haeben considered as ‘non-actionable'* ‘ial, although Sharad Joshi and other protagonists of the GATT ‘xgme eel thatthe right of farmers to save seeds will not be assailed.* 'tssaquarded only inthe immediate future (that i, say upto 1999) ‘ho posible thereafter cannot be ruled out: (2) the Indian farmers "bo sve seeds can be taken away after the review of the relevantPee 18 Concerns of Fit and Security {clause atthe end ofthe fist five yeas Of the GATT rei aus atthe end ofthe frst fi he CATE regime, (1 theinndicon a plaster mes) erga by he oil Datel propo) macy a ean ffm th ae in Pas my ng secs Tn ta se nin lamers would end up pee ae ‘sean he am seeds indy nn would neg ey ‘An eae resume ofthe cies of GATT and ye has Ben gen aoe 16 provide a balanced ewe of el Don, and counerumentsInrcaces of uch a ecg eB Indan sgn we mae ment eee wading ree i all NOL a rosy and atactive a fa ene Wd ‘would ie wo paint it On the oer side the pals ot os nay not be as devastating for Indian agriculture a its ete oe tout tobe The eal uexon is, onceinegrated fly with wee He Indian pate hae he becom once ar ital tom be CATT als ie el hey at eolage e Sharad ho farmers movement ate unaware ofthe dangers inherent in gyno regime iniqyaion with the werd met and inne Se “orm in pie of hat topos een tse Sn {Spon ansdunanounpen fan cum can ee Sih Besponaety af her ot momen an ge eae Thetis of be mew movement Inne et ee rast Peles Nanundrany otha) aes att Cierety to CAT and the new economt lose eee io came ou whan unui usb ase tine whee te rapt o Tain Wer Pace therevee ashe opposed te Dunkel propos Actes ns ne Ninkndanany te famaaia whet the ERS eo et tind again an econ penegeion of eg eon Ee mlinaonas~uc aso he ag baue™ In ashe Cory fears within BRU a one our led by Erupts Sogh he ‘ippored he lberalzaton and GATT hee fees el aay opposed Int conten tw inponant to nae ha Bsns Nan was nominate oh ay aba (Upper hour nse Parliament) by the V.P. Singh-led Janata Government which had also ‘ppoiied Saad Jost aan avr to te iy of Agee wToh the sats of sein ankle The ata met ita was stem fons ann os 8 Boup led by An Cote dese the Seat Senghana an the Samaj anata Pry new nalona ee poll mo hand deat Famer’ Moverent in Maharasira the Now postion on GATT hat since then become more his Pie new political party—called Swatanta Bhone colon a Orie astembl Election in Mahara up 0 avo contested Sats in parliamentary elect ian 1996, Met wih I Wao One ey aa 9 pat the new farmers! movement, specially ne Sie a a Dunkel and GATT rh fom the bg + ad olen ta Ineviable ngmentate a sete We esorably wel cootinated il 1965 oo sh eS a advance het I tha the dierent ese of movement 1 Rew economic fon ay on a gnbly be understood purty In tee at ic aR GATT by the leaders of the farmers’ movement ar, Ser ccnicaien sre Tn tee we eee bos be shifted to power politics, changing political equations and. oon of politcal processes at the national and state levels atin of Pafoed © the undewanleg aes a can ies nha ae ee ha we al rmcicome s0UTICS OF POWERS: SHETKAR! SANGHATANA’S ESPONSETO GATT snepizion le the Shei Sanghatana that ced to hive tied per cect of farmers and peoarta euld pose Iori pola leading acivaof i movement aes Inn timer resident he neste Caornaon Con, ‘men’ Oriana ha along been» Snowmass ot Setighaansinvelvementn clea pels sie 580 sek Sl ws sill undecde tat sage about the Sangha ‘yan acc vist vis malnsveam party pols in inde tena Oath Saghatana workers ering held in Manas conicteg oe ceed by partipante abou te ale t Penoet 2s A Sable poup of tem wee in favout of ete pone ‘ln nthe form of Snghatan avin conesing Heese {stays indo coopernivesoceics bance npr eerens [igen 1984 and 1968 Sanghatana workers id coche Inerogagns hares of ther stronghold." 98s Shara Joss Sanghatana peered polis faliance, ee shifting pares inthe aliance ofen mse dubsshouthceme pola sala ance ten had declared the ruling Congress (Indira) a8 its ‘enemy An any is int elector alliance was with the Scialist Congrew ney Pawar who was then ouside the Congres as arebel spams had culture prevalent in the pay AL farmers rally eld in Rah Mc She dueng he rl ema ae Haro ak Chthay Chan Sigh eg a en Ba Bavesomar((avedeonn ae ae Senate 1 S80 ewer (elena Dal had end de ht ale af be portage eed sional pur of he ce ote a a mot poo heVPSghctay Candace ne 2 halle elomerioneydom eee sh Cina ad ont anaa fy seen et chanel amu asl Soa neon SSIS feumenny Cheon and bongs 32% Be cessor nl fe inghann men en ety fap unis iomere tans comamicontean ei crm selene ans Hence ae Sines int patamenay Seesos pone enor Stroma stag td Sone ea eee nel fen letra The atone of Seghstat Reminded pote in 19-4 wasonyuobe pd hepatoma ae Cael evo ts, Sargoane dena ah, gn nebo nd fea tt ahr coocaon ere me Republican Pry and Feuun and Neice Fan eee Snes Shand fonts suse wa inconperene ee at fanglauanqpuredandisa reteset issereh ey dition in NahuehinAfer 08 deal pooner the Sunpmans lender oe hock be palleal una ee ies posi oni ough tsclhaor tet ascent Yinsinghewhothen edhe leua Covemoenesteeeen ae ‘apport af he Bhaye ana Puy (By bo ee ih ihe Ui Singh Corment Bh be Chong Des Ll ma tives tne pow of epuy Pie Mir (tna onion ae foremmen) adeno he hare of hay of Ape Det Epo was himself ping ob te olor ald meet Bharat ion 2). and at anghatana activists thee 28d pen Motesve Democratic Hom sy 8 ow going 86-7 on ors iss : se Tht fromthe tina on bonding Paths vocal bacipound and Sabet sty which otherwise is both a demanding and an f 7 jd. The Janata Dal's electoral manifesto had peng pOTUON operand farmers a rosy dream—the promises of not al produce ul alo susan sua flo to bo es 2 fat Dale ane nthe shar of agree ie nenioNs er cent.” In order to redeem these pledges made. etn FS Govesnment needed 2 Sar pero nea ee hard Jos was therefore ued a tg cata ge an advisor (with the rank ofa cabinet minister. in eg for VP, Singh. Fles, the task of preparing » Moved fy, as well as of deciding such technical mates ra Potad cox of production, which had suddeny iacagacslct nee. This work could be handled by Sharad Joshi in, rod be hand by Sha oh sb ines and oa vgant check over Devi Lal who might have eanete’ bed to populist pressures and taken all the liberty evans we fam sean Sh nee stem erates alight ut for any government the Randal see te wey was unaffordable ee coe ceaple| poll pues and| wien of tn ving with eachother 10 woo the Famers Wang i tor owt avout popli measure te 1906, Eee Src pe em ee aio anaes since the Bip govemmens inte ses of fad Madiye Pradesh and Wasihan had wed Os mesore ‘Sst ature power by offering fabulous concestons othe iowa" ne pols of state power Sharad Joshi was seen in 1990 asa sor of VP Singh athe ad been Inguceé by te late a he ipa mins wi a dette purpose VP Sighs Goverment Steet on of tre worst ess of foreign cureny ese and tetace of payments, Toal was thereto Ie wi a0 open ‘siospose De Las populism a an unprindiped and expensive Se Therfore lsh subsequent swingin frou of he werd Bet competive vente or enerpss Oy lamers, ne expe stad ming and xo on, has te be undestood 1s pian 4 fal cmpulion His pro Dunkel(WTO pales since 1990 could sen sta pstiacto therzation fan ese an fame?m2 Concerns of Equity and Security stand he was compelled t tke Being Government By the time the Sanghatna leader could any his ove ney ile pl We Mg Singh Govemment had collapsed in November 1996 qe Vp tussles and faconalam within she Janata Parey Devt tay hun wah Chana a ane al a ministerial post for about simon (November 1990-4 Ne Png the suppon of the Congres. Following Rav Gandhi 222. in 1991, the Narasimha Rao Government took office i2nntaton The new government adopted the policy of globalizatign S194 ions ae ace alanens waa ene So acieutoNehnuvan policies and to socialism, The proces of? ofthe nian economy in the global market va multinations aton Shmuchi os Rok ashame ena Government only cried forward that proces without any in 38 inhibisions or hangovers of socaisn. Quintessentaly yee ei Teshis avocaey for fee word marke and unbndiey ta eam i ous Cope anne ‘the post Rajiv Congress had found in him a Congress cama ‘under the Janata mask."* Sime canal ing an insider t0 the yp Singh hen Shad ‘The lem poon shen by Sharad Josh onthe Dunkel, Gar ana economic reforms unde he global mate regime as lara 2nd tegmenttion in the fren’ movement nt only Ma uta all oven This delopmenstobeseen a nkere 2 inegal part of he faction formations ina fogmemnel sees Poliel space Ind, of even inthe consuent sain ens ominated bya single pay. The onepary domination doce et 13¢0shad gen waylongag dha been placed by poll aie through consandyshitingaiances So longer Sharad ets snot suyedaway rom party an per poll operted wih tape Ci society an sender almost chara yon te met movement. Fom the mid 1960s when spores sited fom cel Socio these and power poli, te movement founds toy any stand iss poli sh unaoldable though etenpbed unde Cxpheiis of pola pragmatism: We nally ange at the dept pone offamers movement oglbalzation and economic eons haveto be undentod slop eersion of that pragma. Roh GATT regulations were in fat prceved diferentely ty enecal & rer’ Movement in Maharashira tne New Fae Mi a in elas interests nthe Tndian countywide, these aul 0.6002. cin the farmers’ movernent in themselves do eg ile es fragmented, often incoherent, responses to yea eco Hbalaton. They med wo be sn me onal wel rei ‘ling political alignments, tf power and DDN Dhanapie. Shela Sanghatna: The Famen’ som ecko and Ido, Sc et to rem (1990) ph. 347-9. xy ae De uta as been well documented and th Nadas Farmen’ Movement in nda (New Deh: Aled en fist) the Shar (Peasant war) (in Maa) (Pune + an, 98). Isa Pa tt Arhanawatevar Nava Pakih (A New Ligh on shed orn Economic Stem) in Marathi, no2(Albaph: Shear nD 8 ra conadicions have been discused elaborately in D.N 5 Te ‘Gren felon in Seca iegule nual a, Dane ital Wee 22 (19-21) May (1987) pp. 1374 Er neem Th ator Cptal odo ee Fe Fl 1963) 30-38, SE Shaad TOOL rt Spe (Bombay BUD ‘Documentation Centre, n.d). Dae. os Aro 1 Ki, 190-3 (2 Shp sen 89) pp 170 Ce ec pat tment ee 4, be tamnohan Singh, ‘nda: The Unfinished Agenda of Economic ome aah ower New Menotal tea Sw Deh 3 il se Dit Df Tendon Ae (New Dei SP, vn ier cme (ina) (198) 1 Thode ee en en ora alia -Dunk opr and Inn 8 () 15 ober (980 pp. 30-1 3 Bip Init ee Fas Ph and KS, Park, Would Dowoing Saat ent om Aga! Trade Uibeaeaion te OFCB Gh pat! bo: inpatins aepng ‘Comiries (Pari: OBCD and World Bank, 1990).124 17, 18. 19. 20. a 22. 23, 24. 25. 26. 27 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Concerns of Equity and Security y Shetkaryanchaya Iitacha’ (Dunkel el Pr Sharad Joshi, ‘Dunkel Prasta athi, Kirloskar (a Marathi magaz, zin Beneficial to Farmers) in Mar 1993), pp. 3-9: Ibid., pp. 8-9 ‘See, U. Menon, ‘False Hopes: Where are the Farm Exports?’, Fro, 6 May (1994), P: 130: mtline, 11 (9) Ibid., p. 130. . Ibid. Ibid Ibid., p. 132. Seo, for example, Joshi, ‘Dunkel Proposals Beneficial to Farmers’ seers Dave, Dunkel Proposals and India’, pp. 20-4. For details, see Klaus, Fischer, and Parikh, ‘Would Developin, Benefit from Agricultural Trade Liberalisation in OECD on eee Peasant Movement in Karnataka, pp. 275-6. intra teen peckground of the Bharatiya Kisan Union in Punj Farmers’ Movement in India. jab, See Nadkami DUN. Dhanagare, Shetkari Sanghatana ani Pakshiya Raj uke Songhatana and Party Politics) in Marathi, Semudilasra Siegen Patrika, (1986). samshodhan For a perceptive critique of Sharad Joshi’s shifting politi Pf tical alli V. Javandhia, ‘Shetkari Sanghatanecha Bolka Rajakeeya lances, ee Siplanatory Political Journey of Shetkari Sanghatana) in M as (A Sel Loksatta (Pune edn), 5 August (1996), p. 6. arathi, Daily See, Gail Omvedt, Reinventing Revolution—New Social See se Tradition in India (New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1993), al Javandhia, ‘A Self-Explanatory Political kari Sang i ry Political Journey of Shetkari Sanghatana, Ibid, p. 6. Ibid. OPosal s ©) (uly PP. 3-9, tries
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