The Spiritual Yatra
The Spiritual Yatra
The Spiritual Yatra
Knots / Point – 05
Point – 06
Fifth circle
Sixth circle
Granthis Point – 07 Second Ego Seventh circle
and Circles Point – 08 Third Ego Eighth circle
Point – 09 Fourth Ego Ninth circle
Point – 10 Fifth Ego Tenth circle
Point – 11 Sixth Ego Eleventh circle
Point – 12 Seventh to Eleventh Ego Twelfth to Sixteenth
Point – 13 First to Seventh Splendour Seventeenth to Twenty Third
5 Koshas
The 5 Koshas;
23 Rings of
Heartfulness Yoga
The Yatra Garden Layout
Just as astronomers down the ages have mapped the skies and identified
constellations, galaxies and nebulae, so too have sages, saints, and mystics
mapped the human energy bodies and defined spiritual anatomy. This is
superimposed on human physiology and comprises the life-force running
through energy pathways throughout the system. In yogic science these
pathways are said to intersect at various places within the physical body
creating energy vortices called chakras or knots. Traditionally, seven major
chakras have been accepted. These fall in vast regions, or energy spaces,
such as that of the heart and of the mind. It has been believed that the
spiritual journey or expansion of consciousness comprises a movement
along these seven knots. But, just as in astronomy, new discoveries are
sometimes made that significantly change our perception, so too is the case
with new discoveries in the spiritual realm.
The Yatra In the 20th century, Shri Ram Chandra, or Babuji, of Shajahanpur,
redefined the Spiritual Yatra or journey as one that proceeds
Garden Layout … along 13 major knots beginning with the heart. He also described
the hitherto undiscovered Central Region beyond the Mind
Region which was thought to be the pinnacle of the expansion of
consciousness. He not only redefined the yatra but also offered a
simple method to embark on it and see it through to its ultimate
end. He called this method Sahaj Marg and it is more popularly
known today as Heartfulness. The Yatra Garden at Kanha Shanti
Vanam, the international center of Heartfulness, is a physical
representation of the spiritual journey as defined by Babuji. Here
one has the opportunity to walk through a representation of the
13 knots of the Heart, Mind, and Central Regions. An effort has
been made to represent the qualities of each knot as accurately
as possible. This is reflected in the architecture, colours of the
plants and pathways, and the statues on display. One can
meditate and contemplate at various points along this garden
walk. It represents the ultimate spiritual potential of humanity.
Spiritual Journey Through 13 Points
o Point 1 o Point 4
o Point 2 o Point 5
o Point 3
o Point 6 o Point 10
o Point 7 o Point 11
Mind o Point 8 o Point 12
Region o Point 9
Region o Point 13
Maxim - 6
• This world is in fact a reflection of the other world. When this one is moulded
properly, its effect extends on to the other world whose reflection it is, and
that too will begin to get purified. This will greatly smoothen our task and help
us further in the attainment of the Ideal. Our success here will lead to our
success there.
• By the world that casts the reflection I mean the brahmand or the astral world
where everything happens in an astral form prior to its coming to this world in
material shape. In brahmand it comes down similarly from the next higher
region, and there from the still higher, and so on. Thus by proper modification
of this last layer the effect is carried to each of the higher layers successively
up to the very highest one which begins to get purified in the easiest and most
natural way.
Locating Points in Heart Region - The Other Method
Spiritual Anatomy - The Chakras of the Heart Region
The Five Elements - The Realm of Opposites
Spiritual Anatomy –
The Chakras of Heart Region : The Realm of Opposites
Overcoming the Opposites and Generosity of the Heart :
A chakra tips from one end to another when samskaras create imbalance.
Regular practice helps clean the samskaras over time. In addition, constant
remembrance shields you from the effect of likes and dislikes. As a result, for
the most part, chakras operate in harmony.
Be alert to the signals from within and distinguish between nonjudgmental
feedback of the heart versus noise that comes because one is emotionally
entangled in a situation that clouds judgment. A good way to alleviate
confusion in decision-making is to listen to the heart’s guidance.
The more we interiorize ourselves and give the heart a central role in our
lives, the more we can learn to trust its wisdom and follow its guidance.
Conditions at every Point / Knot - Ref. Towards Infinity
Cause for formation of Granthi or Knot :
• The central part, the origin, came to our lot in the form of a granthi or
knot. (Ref. Third Knot)
• The very Root-Element now by itself turned into a knot and owing to the
multiplicity of actions and counter actions, assumed such denseness as
to transform it into matter. (Ref. Third Knot)
• On entering into every knot, there is a slight feeling of heaviness in the mind.
(Ref. Second Knot)
• The tone of spiritual experiences is further changed. Relieved of previous
denser effect. (Ref. Second Knot)
• The real state of enlightenment comes when we get into full consciousness
of the condition of enlivenment and after imbibing its effect secure our
merging in it. (Ref. First Knot)
Conditions at every Point / Knot - Ref. Towards Infinity …
• Layavastha – the feeling of restlessness is no doubt there, but if our will is
strong and our efforts sincere, the next condition, which is superior to the
previous one, shall dawn without doubt. (Ref. First Knot)
• The feeling of aham brahmasmi is experienced at every knot on the point of
contact of the body and soul. (Ref. Seventh Knot)
• At every point the process of merging and identicality repeats itself, the latter
being the final stage of the knowledge or jnaana of the point. (Ref. First Knot)
• This state of identicality too merges again into another finer state known as
‘sayujyata’ (i.e., close to conformity). (Ref. Fourth Knot)
• Mergence (fanaeeyat); Condition of mergence (halat-e-fana). CWRC, Vol.4, The
Journey Back to the Source, Pgs.25-26
Conditions at every Point / Knot - Ref. Towards Infinity …
• The state that comes after firmness is connection with God or Guru is called
the condition of Baqa (Turiya Avastha), and this also is not the end. Normally,
after every stage of mergence, the condition of Baqa comes. CWRC Vol.6, Practical
Wisdom, Pg.170
• A capable Guru will ensure that a disciple does not stay in a point for long. (Ref.
Fifth Knot)
• Our craving brings us to the knot which is decidedly superior to previous
• Our Generosity – Leads to Next Region from Points 1 to 5
• Our Humility – Leads to Next Region from Point 6 to 12
First Knot – The Heart, The Element of Earth
The starting point of a walk through the Yatra Garden is the first knot. This
represents the heart. This is also the starting point of the spiritual journey as
described by Babuji. The dominant element here is earth and the dominant
colour is yellow. The earth element represents solidity, support and acceptance
as the earth supports everyone and everything without judgment.
A wide spectrum of emotions are experienced at this knot. When we are
pulled by desires for worldly possessions, for sensuality, or when we are limited
by prejudice, guilt, jealousy, or resentment, this knot is clouded and becomes
heavy. However, when purified, this knot is the seat of contentment,
settledness and light. The knot is diagonally divided into 2 halves, the upper
and the lower. The lower half is largely associated with the material world and
its encumbrances but it also has the seed of the spiritual journey. When this
seed is allowed to germinate through spiritual practice one can arrive in the
upper half of the first knot. Here the journey onward begins as a clockwise
movement. This is where saints and sages of the past started their journeys.
Discontentment Outburst of Emotional Feelings – likes and dislikes, including
Point 1
worldly worries, greed and jealousy, resentment and self-pity, sensuality and
lust, guilt and shame to Contentment and Lightness.
Spiritual Anatomy - The First Chakra : Acceptance
Names Heart Chakra, Earth Chakra, First Chakra
Prominent Element Earth
Colour Yellow (sometimes also shades of red)
Location Lower left side of the chest
Defining Quality Acceptance
Main feelings Contentment, forbearance, balance,
Discontentment, selfishness, jealousy
Points Nearby A, B, C, D
Similar Vibrations 6, 11, and Root Chakra (Mooladhar)
Direction Clockwise
Region Heart
Conditions Experienced : When we meditate on the Heart Chakra, we enliven that bracketed energy
and are open to the gifts of a variety of conditions. The most prominent include Feeling of the
Presence of Divine, Poise, Kindred Feelings, Discernment (discrimination) and Renunciation, and
Increase of Restlessness.
Second Knot – The Element of Ether, The Soul
From the first knot, you then move across to the second knot in the Yatra
Garden. The dominant element here is ether, or space, and the dominant colour
is red. The atmosphere at this knot is very different from that of the first knot.
The space element represents great peace, bliss and stillness.
The emotions felt at this knot are dependent on the degree of purity of the first
knot. If the purity of the first knot is not maintained one can feel restlessness
and even anxiety. But if the first knot is purified then one feels a deep peace
and compassion.
This knot is also divided into upper and lower halves and the movement is
counter-clockwise. The peace experienced at this knot can be so deep that one
could happily think it to be the final destination. But with spiritual practice one
gets a glimpse of the distance yet to be travelled and realises that it is yet but
the beginning of the spiritual adventure.
Disturbance to Cleanliness and Simplicity, Moderation; feelings of peace, Point 2
lightness, stillness, and the bliss of the soul. Compassion reaches its zenith Soul /
here. Atman / Sky
Spiritual Anatomy - The Second Chakra : Peace
Names Soul Chakra, Second Chakra
Prominent Element Space
Colour Red (Pinkish Blue)
Location Lower right side of the chest
Defining Quality Peace
Main feelings Calm, kindness, peace disturbance,
aversion, restlessness
Points Nearby
Similar Vibrations 7, and 12
Direction Counterclockwise
Region Heart
Conditions Experienced : Various flavours of peace tinged with restlessness; The idea of the
peace giver starts taking root; The restlessness to meet the peace giver grows; Feeling of
Nothingness and Slowing Down; Ethereal Feelings and Experiences; The Taste of Liberation;
Compassion Begins.
Third Knot – The Element of Fire
Now we move up to the third knot of the Yatra Garden. This is associated with
the element of fire and the dominant colour is white. This is very different
from the peace of the second knot. Fire is uplifting, energetic, and dynamic.
The emotions at this knot range from anger to love. On can experience anger
to such an extent that it can lead to hatred of others and oneself. But with
practice this anger can be used for continuous evolution and can be
transformed into love. The fire of anger can be transformed into the fire of
This knot is also divided into two halves, representing love and anger. The
movement through this knot is clockwise. Fire also represents melting and
purification. As we purify this knot we continue our journey onward.
Point 3
Displeasure Anger, Hatred, Vibrant or Frozen to Compassion and Love
Spiritual Anatomy - The Third Chakra : Love
Names Fire Chakra, Third Chakra
Prominent Element Fire
Colour White
Location Upper Left side of the chest
Defining Quality Love
Main feelings Compassion, poise, love, anger, volatility,
Points Nearby
Similar Vibrations 8
Direction Clockwise
Region Heart
Conditions Experienced : Volatility of emotions, softness of the heart, and ascension of love; From
solidity to suppleness; See the beauty in others imperfections and embrace them fully; Start
directing energy towards working on our own flaws; Heart transforms into a pure and loving space;
Ascend towards the Goal (Love ascends like a flame).
Fourth Knot – The Element of Water
Now we move across to the fourth knot in the Yatra Garden. The dominant
element here is water and the colour is black. Water can be tranquil or
turbulent, shallow or deep.
The emotions at this knot range from fear to courage. Fear is a deep running
emotion that is often thought of as negative but is necessary to keep us
safe. Courage is a seemingly positive emotion that, however, needs to be
tempered to avoid recklessness. When these two extremes are balanced
one can experience ever deeper states at this knot. The love felt at the
previous knot also becomes more profound here.
This knot is also divided into two halves. The movement here is counter-
clockwise. As we purify this knot we move up towards the final knot of the
Heart Region.
Discouragement Fear, and Recklessness to Courage and Confidence and Point 4
Purity. Love becomes like a deep flowing river towards the Source. Water
Spiritual Anatomy - The Fourth Chakra : Courage
Names Water Chakra, Fourth Chakra
Prominent Element Water
Colour Black
Location Upper Right side of the chest
Defining Quality Courage
Main feelings Courage, humility, surrender, fear, worry,
Points Nearby
Similar Vibrations 9, Sacral Chakra
Direction Counterclockwise
Region Heart
Conditions Experienced : Growing courage; More loving, peaceful, and content; Flexibility and Flow like water;
Humility and Resoluteness; Less stressed and agitated; Discover deeper meaning in the writings; Thoughts of
kindness and care flow from heart towards guru; Deeper Connection with Guru; Letting Go with Love.
Fifth Knot – The Element of Air
We now move up to the fifth knot in the Yatra Garden. The fifth knot is
dominated by the air element, and its colour is green. Unlike knots 1 to 4,
the fifth knot is neither on the left or right side of the body but central.
The emotional spectrum here is from confusion and illusion to clarity and
discernment. Air is light and always in flux, but the quality of air here is quite
different from our worldly experience – it is calm and soothing without
gusts. At this knot, we develop two conditions: sometimes a feeling of
sadness such that tears well up, and sometimes there is laughter.
This knot is not divided into two halves and the movement here is both
clockwise and counter-clockwise. The stay at 5 is comparatively short-lived
and having purified the heart region, we are ready to move on to the next
Delusion Illusion, Confusion, Laughter and Weeping, Sadness and Tears to Point 5
Clarity, Lightness, and Intelligence. Air
Spiritual Anatomy - The Fifth Chakra : Clarity
Names Air Chakra, Visuddha, Fifth Chakra
Prominent Element Air
Colour Green
Location Throat
Defining Quality Clarity
Main feelings Clarity, discernment, certainty, confusion,
chaos, delusion
Points Nearby
Similar Vibrations 10
Direction Clockwise and Counterclockwise
Region Heart
Conditions Experienced : From the fourth chakra, our consciousness shifts to the periphery
of the seventh chakra; Clarity; Confusion; Instability; Sadness and Laughter; Dreamlike state
in meditation.
Delusion Illusion, Confusion, Laughter and Weeping, Sadness Point 5
and Tears to Clarity, Lightness, and Intelligence. Air
Confidence and Purity.
Love becomes like a deep flowing river towards the Source.
Displeasure Anger, Hatred, Vibrant or Frozen to Compassion and Point 3
Love Fire
Desire to Contentment Total points included : 5+2=7 Restlessness to Peace Total Points included : 5
Tinge of Divine Current felt The First Ring towards Goal of Spiritual Heart The Second Ring towards Goal
23 Rings of 23 Rings
Anger to Love Total Points included : 5 Fear to Courage Total Points included : 5
Anger used to change Third Circle of Maya of 5 Rings Refreshes Mind; Soothes Fourth Circle of Maya of 5
tendencies Heart Rings
Real Life Experience The Third Ring towards Goal of Courage and Confidence The Fourth Ring towards Goal
23 Rings develops of 23 Rings
Generousity leads to
7 1
Earth "L" B
2 Centre
next region
5 2 point of
5 3
Fire Heart region
5 4
5 5
The Gift of Heart – Freedom from Freedom
• What is Liberation?
After crossing the Heart Region, your consciousness is mostly free from the weight
of samskaras, which is liberation. You have lightened the load to a level where you
attain the freedom to choose your next life. Liberation implies that you learned
what was needed, and now you can move to a higher level of consciousness, the
next dimension. It transforms the experience from a mandatory cycle into a
voluntary journey. In the journey, at the second chakra, you start feeling the
pleasant effects of liberation, and you attain liberation only after you cross the
fifth chakra. Once liberated, you have the opportunity to keep going and complete
the journey of other higher chakras.
• What does it feel like to be Liberated?
You are beyond even the idea of freedom. You are aware real home lies
elsewhere. It is free from the sways of opposites. You arrive at a state called the
undifferentiated state (avyakta gati). Generosity is the hallmark of liberation. You
are kinder, more generous, more compassionate, more connected with others,
and happier. You are grateful that world enabled your journey onward.
The Gift of Heart – Freedom from Freedom
(Liberation) …
• Liberation and Detachment.
The heart of the person is ennobled with generosity. They live an authentic
life guided by the wisdom of the heart. Feelings of love, care, and
attachment are natural to a human being – liberated or not. Our journey is
moving from human to humane to divine and beyond. You do not
transcend the innate realities of creation – you become one with them.
• Don’t Seek Liberation as an Escape.
Liberation is not an escape. You get much deeper understanding of life.
Liberation confers on you the freedom to choose when and how. It also
gives you the wisdom that we all rise and grow together. With lightness and
purity, the soul now readies itself for the journey onward to becoming one
with the Center.
Spiritual Anatomy - Chakras in Mind Region – Chakras 6 to 12
The Trap of Egoism
Spiritual Anatomy –
The Mind Region : A Journey to Humility
The Spectrum of Ego and Its Role:
During meditation, you enter into deeper and deeper levels of Samadhi, or the
original state, becoming absorbed in its depts. Each time you surface, your
consciousness returns with an incremental awareness of your higher self. Over time
your awareness can reach a level of soul consciousness, where only the barest
identities of the Source and the soul remain. This state represents a threshold that
can never be crossed as long as the soul retains its ego-awareness. When ego-
awareness is lost, the differences between the Source and the individual soul are
also resolved. At this most refined state, the ego constitutes your basic identity. In
this state, ego is humility personified. Humility is the noblest form of ego expression.
It’s a state of total confidence in something far greater than oneself.
If properly used, the ego becomes an alchemic ingredient in evolution. The ego falls
into its right place when you experience something higher and when you have the
discernment to recognize it as such. Then the power of ego works to uplift you
towards the higher.
Sixth Knot –The Distribution of Energy
We now cross a road that divides the Yatra Garden into two. This mirrors the
spiritual journey where, having traversed the knots of the Heart Region or pind
pradesh, we now leave the region of dualities and emotions. The knots we
encounter now are not associated with the elements as we are moving from the
material into the more abstract Mind Region. The Mind Region is a vast realm
that is divided into 5 sub-regions. This first sub-region we enter here is the
Cosmic Region or Brahmanda Mandal. Here we arrive at the sixth knot.
The sixth knot is from where power is distributed. It distributes the power
drawn from the upper regions for use in the regions below. This knot is where
we derive strength and energy. In Indian tradition it is said that when Arjuna’s
resolve wavered before the battle of the Mahabharata, Lord Krishna told him to
meditate on the sixth knot.
The movement here (and in the entire mind region) is one of expansion and
contraction in a 360 degree manner. There is light at the sixth knot but it is hazy.
At this stage it would be impossible for a purified soul to stay in a body that was
not suitably purified. A capable spiritual guide can advise us on how to maintain
the purity of the body is needed to proceed further along the journey.
Brahmand Mandal : Distributer of power coming from
above. Supra-Mental sphere begins from here. No re-
Cosmic Region Point 6
birth. It is charming and not feel like going up. Master
elevates from this point at the earliest.
Spiritual Anatomy - The Sixth Chakra : Selflessness
Names - Ajna Chakra, Sixth Chakra
Prominent Element Earth
Colour Mild Yellow
Location Between the Eyebrows
Defining Quality Responsiveness of the Heart
Main feelings Expansion, relief, empathy, confidence.
Points Nearby
Similar Vibrations 1 and 11
Region Cosmic, Brahmand
Conditions Experienced : The grip of the ego loosens. As a result, the reactiveness in one’s natures
subsides, and the responsiveness of the heart increases. Your humane nature leads you to portals of
angelic realm, and your soul begins to amplify in potency in a variety of ways. Generosity transforms
to selflessness; The feeling of Divine brings real relief; Feeling of loving detachment.
Seventh Knot –The Storehouse of Energy
Moving on, we come to the seventh knot, the storehouse of inexhaustible energy,
which supplies power to everything in the Heart Region. Here everything is
present in the microcosmic state. All events occur here in astral form before they
manifest on Earth. It is said that the Sudarshan Chakra of Lord Krishna possessed
the power of this knot.
The story of Durvasa is a cautionary symbol for the enormous power of this region.
He was a character from the Mahabharata who was enormously powerful and
prone to fits of rage during which he would curse people. When we reach this
region, because we have power at our command, we may also become careless at
times and lash out. We need to be alert to the way we treat others.
Here the feeling of holiness and piety is predominant, but still a tinge of matter
remains. We may experience the presence of those great powers that govern
various parts of the universe. But such powers are not for enjoyment, they are
made available for universal good and universal peace. We feel a very pleasant
feeling of ecstasy and often even the sincerest seekers will want to stop here.
However, with a capable spiritual guide we are ushered further into our journey.
Bahmanand Mandal ; Also called Virat Desh. Supplies
Cosmic and Para- power to pind desh. Predominant of Holiness and piety,
Point 7
Cosmic Regions but still the effect of matter breathes. Yogi must have
full power over power of this area.
Spiritual Anatomy - The Seventh Chakra : Stillness
Names - Seventh Chakra
Prominent Element Space
Colour Mild red / pink
Location Above the sixth chakra, behind it
Defining Quality Stillness
Main feelings Power, ecstasy
Points Nearby
Similar Vibrations 2 and 12
Region Paracosmic, Parabrahmand
Conditions Experienced : It is limitless expanse of stillness, power and beauty. In Heartfulness, the
journey is such that one gets a rich experience of this region, especially its stillness and immensity. The
stillness of the soul resonates with the stillness of the mind. You realize the existence of the higher
entity within. It is a storehouse of inexhaustible energy, and power descends from here to sixth chakra
which continues to support the expansion of lower chakras.
• Brahmanda begins from ajna chakra, to which one comes after crossing over the
pind pradesh. Thus the chit-lake lies in brahmanda and so also the point of
saraswati. CWRC Vo.II, Part VI-Ambrosial Shower, Para 25, Pg.348
• The current which descended for bringing the Creation into being was in its
absolute state. Our individual mind has been the lowest end of it. Now, if we are
able to develop synonymity between both the ends, we reach a state beyond
which there is but Absolute. The current which descended in the being of man
had traveled through space, on account of its propensity, and went on changing
because it had come down affecting actions. It formed a centre as every action
normally does. This centre is known as the chit-lake. It came down creating
everything necessary for its purpose. Thus the causes that helped the process of
creation began to gather. Chitlake is a place where everything remains inclined
downwards, with no tendency to rise upwards unless his own or the Master's
power becomes instrumental in this respect. When that is got over it resumes
an upward tendency. CWRC Vol.II, Part V-The Beggar’s Bowl, Our Real Nature, Pg.253
Points near the Eighth Chakra:
Chit Lake, Points of Passion, and Knowledge
There are three other points near the eighth
chakra: Chit Lake, Points of Passion, and
Knowledge. These points play a vital role in
contributing to inner peace. The essential
practices of Heartfulness meditation and sittings
facilitate the work at these points – the
flowering of which contributes to inner peace.
If you were to draw one-inch lines from the
seventh and eighth chakras towards the inside
of your head, forming a triangle, the meeting
point of those lines is where you’ll find there
three points: Chit Lake, Knowledge Point, and
Passion Point, bunched together like grapes.
Eighth Knot–Renunciation and Lake of
The Eight Knot is a transition between two subdivisions of the Mind Region.
Here we transcend the Cosmic Region, or Brahmand Mandal, and enter Supra-
Cosmic Region, also known as the Para-Brahmand Mandal. The entire scene is
now changed. We feel a freshness like that of a person when taking a cool
bath in a hot summer.
We are no longer enarmoured of the power associated with the seventh knot,
because we realize the worthlessness of power. We become enarmoured of
humility and surrender to what is higher than ourselves.
We begin now to see the world as an illusion and we start to lose interest in
unnecessary attachments. This sense of renunciation or vairagya is often
associated with Lord Buddha. The world feels like a dream and thoughts lose
their weight.
Behind this knot is the chit lake, or lake of consciousness, from where
thoughts descend into the heart. Within the peace of the eight knot, through
spiritual practice, we are able to experience a restlessness which tells us that
the final goal lies still further ahead.
Prapanna : Peace, sort of freshness. Sense of
Para-Cosmic and unattachment - vairagya - becomes strong. Enjoys Point 8
Surrender Regions blissful state that transforms into Reality.
Spiritual Anatomy - The Eighth Chakra : Surrender
Names - Eighth Chakra
Prominent Element Fire
Colour White
Location Three finger-widths above sixth chakra
Defining Quality Peace
Main feelings Wonder, peace, surrender
Points Nearby Chit Lake, Passion, and Saraswati
Similar Vibrations Third Chakra
Region Surrender, Prapanna
Point-7 contd…
A little higher above, we come across another thing which Babuji termed as
Maha-kal-chakra – the Wheel of the Supreme. It is far more strong and effective
than the Krishna-Chakra. This force exists at the end point where the seventh
knot ends. Our vision turns upwards and promotes a tendency to the feeling of
“It is what it is.” we are now present in the vast sphere of divinity – Ishwari
Mandal. We have then no other experience than “All from Him.”
One peculiar feature of this region is that after sufficient progress when an
aspirant views a thing outside, he does not actually feel its presence though its
physical form is before his eyes. That means his heart remains free from the
impression of its existence.
Condition at Points (Knots) 8 & 9 - Towards Infinity
• Point-8 : The abhyasi feels that the world is like a dream or the playground of
Nature. Sense of vairagya (detachment) becomes strong. Thought loses its weight
and the abhyasi begins enjoying peace and settledness. This blissful state of
peace is in due course transformed into Reality. It is an inner condition which
blooms automatically by the effect of the right practice when one reaches up to
to it. It is far, far away from Reality. We feel a sort of freshness after a cool bath in
the river in the hot summers.
• Point-9 : The experiences changes further and we now come to the point
wherefrom the real contact with Bhuma – the Absolute – starts. We enter a state
in which we feel like born anew into another world. Worldly activities get almost
exhausted before coming into this state and the bare relationship between
Master and the servant remains to view. “He is the Master and we are his slaves.”
will be the predominant feeling. Condition of self at this stage is like Hanuman,
whose inner powers were awakened only when he was reminded of their
presence in him, otherwise, he remained quite forgetful of them.
Tenth Knot – A Taste of Identicality
On our journey between the 9th and 10th knot is a sub-region of the Mind
Region called the Prapanna-Prabhu. This is where we oscillate between feeling
of being surrendered to the Source and being the Source.
The tenth knot is the beginning of the final sub-region of the Mind Region
known as Prabhu. We feel an intimacy and identically with the Source that is
beyond anything we have experienced so far. This instinct to merge totally in
the Source is something that sits deep within the psyche of all human beings,
whether we know it or not. It is the most basic, natural instinct of human life,
to return to our Original Home.
At the tenth knot we become vehicles of the Source. We unknowingly spread
the fragrance of yearning for the Source all around us.
This is the last point where the Source assumes a creative role. From here on,
it manifests as the Absolute; devoid of attributes and activity.
Prabhu : A sense of Masterhood. Feeling of close
Region of proximity with the Lord. Master also senses the slave
Point 10
Nearness to God waiting for him. Function of Ishwar ceases. Contact
with Bhuma – freedom from bondage
Spiritual Anatomy - The Tenth Chakra : Belongingness
Names - Tenth Chakra
Prominent Element Air
Colour Medium green
Location Two finger-widths from the crown chakra
(Sahasradal Kamal) toward the forehead
Defining Quality Belongingness
Main feelings Onenesss with the Absolute
Points Nearby
Similar Vibrations 5
Region Absolute, Prabhu
Conditions Experienced : The game of the seeker and the sought that started at the ninth chakra is
now in full swing at the tenth chakra. By the time your journey through this region ends, only one
entity remains: the Absolute. You have succeeded in sublimating your ego by the time your journey in
the Mind Region ends. The intimacy with which the Absolute becomes everything and one’s ego
sublimates totally is something to behold. A feel that there is no difference between I and the Absolute
are now one. The belongingness matures into sameness.
Sahashradal Kamal
• This is located between Points 10 and 11 i.e., two fingers from point 10 and it is in
line with the top of our earlobes. Lotus of a thousand petals situated at the crown
of the head. This is the point through which Grace flows down to an individual.
• Regarding sahasra dal kamal (lotus of a thousand petals), there may be a
difference of opinion over my views. I feel for certain that sahasra dal kamal lies
within the frontal lobe of the brain. CWRC Vol.IV, Pearls of Wisdom, Pg.232
• When we reach the last or the fifth point, our passage towards ajna chakra
(cavernous plexus) becomes straight. The condition at this point is peculiar. From
this point the energy which we consume is diverted towards the lower region.
During our journey to the point the major condition which one experiences is the
feeling of something like shadowy darkness. This is only a clue to show that we
have finally to go beyond light. Its ral nature pertains neither to light nor to
darkness, but to a dawn-like colour. Thenceforth we proceed straight to sahasra-
dal-kamal, the lotus of a thousand petals. This is the virat region. It was from this
point that the virat rup was brought to Arjuna's vision at the time of the battle of
Mahabharat. It is the Macrocosm (Universe). We proceed on towards the occipital
prominence, after we have completed the journey through the sahasrara. CWRC
Vol.2, Part II-Guidance of the Master, Stages of Progress, Pg.100
Escaping the trap of Bliss :
The Crown Chakra (Sahasra Dal Kamal)
Located between the tenth and the eleventh
chakras, SDK is the chakra for bliss. It is commonly
regarded as the ultimate state. The curvatures can
appear in various forms. At the second chakra, it
was peace. At the seventh chakra, it was power
and ecstasy, and between the tenth and eleventh
chakras, the SDK can trap you with bliss.
Sat-chit-anand is a mantra to map our trajectory
from human, to humane, to divine and beyond. It
is a sacred formula: “Our existence (sat) can
become worthwhile, enjoyable, successful, and
purposeful (anand) only if our consciousness (chit)
is allowed to evolve. It is a powerhouse of bliss.
Eleventh Knot – Restlessness for the Goal
Between the tenth and eleventh knots is the thousand-petalled lotus, known
as Sahasrara Dal Kamal (SDK). This is the place of reality, consciousness and
bliss or sat-chit-anand, and because of the bliss experienced here seekers
often feel that the destination has been reached. We want to stay put. Even
the desire for spiritual progress is now lost. Here, the role of a capable
spiritual guide is important. The guide assists us in moving forward and
completing the yatra.
At the eleventh knot the vision of reality comes to light. Peace disappears and
is replaced by a constant craving and restlessness for the Absolute. In the
Indian tradition Saint Meera, the 16th century poet and devotee of Lord
Krishna, is said to have been intensely restless to merge with her Beloved. This
is akin to the condition at knot 11.
At this point, everything is lost except the pang, which persists, and which is
the only thing that helps our onward approach. This is an extraordinary
restlessness. Relief only comes when we arrive at the twelfth knot
Region of Prabhu : Reality comes to light. Constant craving,
Nearness to God pangs for HIM. Ends when moved in the state of Point 11
Spiritual Anatomy - The Eleventh Chakra : Restlessness
Names - Eleventh Chakra
Prominent Element Earth
Colour Pale Yellow
Location Two finger-widths from the crown chakra
(Sahasradal Kamal) toward the Back
Defining Quality Vision of reality
Main feelings Helplessness, restlessness
Points Nearby
Similar Vibrations 1 and 6
Region Absolute, Prabhu
Conditions Experienced : You feel the universal existence and feel its flow from the Center. When the
feeling of eternity matures at tenth chakra, you are ready to plunge into the eleventh chakra. You are
so close, you can taste the home. You become restless with yearning with the anticipation of the final
step. At tenth chakra, the restlessness and pain trigger a condition that be described as “nonpeace
peace”. Something similar happens with peace at the eleventh chakra. It feels like peace, but there is
no peace, only the agitation to move.
Twelfth Knot – Refined Identicality
The twelfth knot is the merging point of all things acquired at the different stages of the
yatra. It is the state of refined identicality, where the panorama is so pure that even the
state of simplicity appears to be a hundred times heavier. This is a new form of existence.
To reach the twelfth knot is very rare; to go beyond it is even rarer.
At this point, a challenge is also created by a point called Brahmarandra, which is almost
superimposed on the twelfth knot. This is the point where the soul enters the physical
body at the time of conception and where highly evolved souls leave the physical body
at the moment of death. At this point, a soul’s natural inclination is to leave through the
Brahmarandra knot. It needs a potent force to overcome this inclination.
To do this a capable spiritual guide takes us, once again, through all the knots and sub-
knots in just a few days, rekindling our devotion, craving, and restlessness at each one.
The restlessness amassed by journeying through all the points in such a short period
creates a potent force that propels us out of the 12th knot. We leave the region of
Prabhu and so ends our journey in the Mind Region. We have now traversed the realm of
desires in the Heart Region and the realm of ego in the Mind Region. We are now
moving beyond both.
Region of Prabhhu : Automatic entrance into the state of
Point 12
Nearness to God refined identicality or sayujyata.
Spiritual Anatomy - The Twelfth Chakra : Settledness
Names - Twelfth Chakra
Prominent Element Space
Colour Pale Pink
Location Four finger-widths from the eleventh
chakra, toward the Back
Marquee Quality Total Settledness
Main feelings Complete humility and settledness
Points Nearby Satyapad, Brahmarandhra
Similar Vibrations 2 and 7
Region Absolute, Prabhu
Conditions Experienced : The idea starts taking shape that there is something higher, a greater
presence towards which one is progressing. The feeling becomes stronger as the ego sublimates, and
one feels proximity to the Source. This is the second stage: nearness. Consciousness is now akin to the
new level one arrives. Lightness in the heart makes the weight of all mental activity lighter. One is akin
to the Source, the pinnacle of purity. A natural urge for the soul will be to leave the body, but the Guru
takes over. The ego is entirely sublimited into humility.
Prabhhu : Automatic entrance into the state of refined
Point 12
identicality or sayujyata.
Can only reach if the ego is truly subdued Entry into Brahmarandra through Satya pad
Purity – even simplicity seems 100 times heavier Seventh to Eleventh Rings of Ego
Within a period of two to three days, the Guru takes Twelfth to Sixteenth Rings of Goal of 23 Rings
our wayfarer through 64 pints or chakras
Region -
5 8 Prapanna
Summary 5 9
10 "L" A2
6 10
Air "U" B
5 11
Earth Centre
12 Prabhu point of
13 Godly
3 14 12 Region
15 Space
Thirteenth Knot – Eternal Existence
We now move into the Central Region. The pre-requisites for entering this
region are insignificance and humility, as the ‘being’ of individual existence
has dissolved in the ‘non-beingness’. The Central Region was undescribed and
uncharted territory until the early 20th century, when Shri Ram Chandra, or
Babuji, added it to the map of human consciousness in his book The Efficacy of
Raja Yoga in the Light of Sahaj Marg. Within this region is the 13th knot. This is
represented in the final part of the Yatra Garden, with an amph theatre at the
centre of which is a larger than life statue of Babuji.
At the thirteenth knot we feel eternal existence throughout. The function of
knowledge ends here and the seeker becomes like a baby who knows nothing.
We have reached the realm of the Absolute, the state that existed before the
creation of the universe.
As human beings we have this opportunity to experience the journey or yatra
to the centre of all existence! We have been blessed with the possibility of
expanding our consciousness to encompass the universe and beyond as we
move towards Infinity.
Onward march is only possible when a capable
guide or Master is available. Condition like an
Central Region innocent child. Sphere of knowledge-less-ness. Point 13
This alone is the actual condition of the real
knowledge and final stage of it.
Onward march is only possible when a capable guide or
Central Region Master is available. Condition like an innocent child. Point 13
Sphere of knowledge-less-ness. This alone is the actual
condition of the real knowledge and final stage of it.
Conditions Experienced : All complexities and emotional baggage have been purged from the system,
and one is at the highest pitsch of purity. Eternal Existence; Transcended beyond consciousness to
the potentiality that creates consciousness; All pervasive; Not limited to physical form but
encompasses everything in the Universe; No separation from the self and the Universe.
Condition at Point (Knot) 13 - Towards Infinity
leads to last
18 "U"
1 20 13 Central region Super
finest state
21 of Super
22 Conscious-
Consolidated Summary
Name of Type No. of No. of No. of No of No. of No. of Super
Region Points Circles Knots Regions Sub- Consciousness
Heart Heart 27 5 5 1 2 0
Brahmananda Mandal
(Cosmic Region) 7 1 1 1 2 1
Mandal (Super-Cosmic 5 1 1 1 0 0
Prapanna 5 1 1 1 0 0
Prapanna-Prabhu 5 1 1 1 0 0
Prabhu 14 7 3 1 2 1
Total 64 23 13 7 6 3
For further reading on the Spiritual
Yatra please refer to The Efficacy of
Raja Yoga in the Light of Sahaj Marg
and Towards Infinity.
Shri Ram Chandra (Babuji)
Shri Kamlesh D Patel (Daaji)