Dersnot - 4638 - 1727775824 2
Dersnot - 4638 - 1727775824 2
Dersnot - 4638 - 1727775824 2
Gyro Compass
Speed log
Satellite navigator
HDOP values
High HDOP value - Poor accuracy Low HDOP value - good accuracy
Error sources
Reduction of errors
• Signal delay
• Ionosphere
• Troposphere
• Multipath (bouncing)
• Receiver calculation
• Receiver error
• Degradations
• Selective availability (SA)
• Interference
• Jamming
Position accuracy
DGPS ± 10 m 5-10 m
GLONASS ± 45 m
Radar 1
Radar 2
Radar 3
Since the ship may have multiple radar and GPS antennas in different locations there is
a risk of errors in bearing – range for objects that are presented by multiple sensors.
For example an ARPA target may also be visible as an AIS target. It is then important
that the two targets are on the same position on the screen, and that the bearing to
the target is the same visually from the conning position.
IMO has therefore decided that all incoming information from sensors such as radar
and GPS should be converted to a indicate the same place onboard, the Consistent
Common Reference Point (CCRP).
The place is normally the wheelhouse conning position.
To allow for this, the location of each sensor antenna is measured, and incoming data
(e.g. range rings, target range and bearing, cursor, target data) is converted using
antenna locations and the gyro heading.
It is strongly recommended that same source is used in all navigation Systems. This is
particularly true for:
• Primary EPFS
• Gyrocompass
• Speed Log
The same is also true for routes. The route shall preferable be created and verified in
ECDIS, then uploaded to other systems such as radar or GPS.
It is potentially dangerous to have two routes with small differences displayed at the
same time. Situations have occurred where the officer is told by one route that he is to
the starboard of his route, but by another system he is to the port!
Heading sensors
• Gyrocompass
• THD single axis gyro and-or
attitude measuring GPS
• TMHD magnetic compass
Echo sounder
Error sources:
Sloping bottom False bottom
Uneven bottom Echograph error
Multiple echoes Variations in temperature and salinity
Radar accuracy
Radar overlay
Position errors
• EPFS error
• Chart datum error
• Sensor set-up error
Azimuth errors
• Gyro error
• Gyro alignment error
• Radar alignment error
• Sensor set-up error
COLREGS require the use of “all available means” for lookout and to determine the risk
of collision.
This includes the use of AIS, but at the same time it does not allow AIS as sole means.
Systematic observation of detected objects are required, and observations of the
compass bearing of an approaching vessel.
The information received from an AIS is by definition not an observation but more of a
statement made by the other ship. That ship may suffer from sensor error, including
chart datum error.
In comparison systematic observation by visual means or radar use equipment in you
own control.
Check heading
Using Speed Over Ground (SOG) not recommended. Using Speed Trough Water (STW) recommended
ECDIS will always assume that ARPA targets are calculated from own ship COG and SOG regardless
what input you have in ARPA. This must be taken in to consideration when displaying ARPA-targets in
ECDIS, especially when sailing in waters with strong currents. ARPA information in ECDIS should not
be used for collision avoidance, but is a very good tool for indentification.
Keep in mind